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  1. #761
    mass_iv is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks Ronnie much neater.
    What you think about the dosages of test e? shud i keep them steady at 500mg for both the 8 week reloads or up them to 750 after the 4 week mark each reload??

  2. #762
    Coca Cola's Avatar
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    Just wanna let you know, I'll be starting my slingshot cycling on the 2nd of May.
    I originally plan to use deca for my second reload, but due to kinda bad financial situation at the moment, I've decided not waste money buying deca instead i'll just use all the leftover in my stash which are testosterone and dbol .

    My 20 weeks cycle will be:

    - Week 1-8 = 500mg test ew
    - Week 9-10 = 250mg test ew
    - Week 11-18 = 500mg test ew + 35mg dbol ed
    - Week 19-20 = 250mg test ew

    PCT will be trying Dr Scally's PCT similar to the one you recommend in this thread, but I made some modification to the nolva dosing:

    - Day 1-15 = 2500iu eod for a total of 8 injections
    *The reason why i decided not to use hcg during the cycle is because i want to try the full pct as a comparison, but for the cycle after this one I will be using hcg throughout.

    - Day 1-30 = 100mg ed

    - Day 1-15 = 40mg ed <- The reason for this because I once read a research that says 20mg tamoxifen bi-daily completely abolish the desensitizing effect of hcg. So the first 15 days while taking HCG I decided to take a little more nolva, for precaution to protect my leydig cells.
    - Day 16-45 = 20mg ed <- Decided to go all the way to day 45 like the original Power PCT. Not too sure if its necessary to go all the way to day 45 or should I just stop on day 30?

    What do you think man? Should I modify anything?

    One more thing which one do u think is actually "healthier" or "less damaging" to the body, using hcg throughout the entire 20 weeks cycle, or leave the hcg for later and just do a full pct?
    and if someone decides to go for a 30-40 weeks cycle or even a 1-year cycle, is it safe to use hcg for that long period of time, or its better to leave it for later and just do a full restart once the cycle is done?
    Last edited by Coca Cola; 04-21-2010 at 06:42 PM.

  3. #763
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    so...i take it you agree with phil hernon "All in cant change your just cant.....unless you are not training correctly.......or carrying too much fat in those areas......but your shape is set in stone. You may try syntherol like everyone else uses to bring up lagging body parts for competition time. Pre exhaustion, one light, one heavy, drop sets, rest pause, pause rest, 5 times a week, no times a week, it will never change it, so focus on things you can change."

  4. #764
    Team Mentzer is offline New Member
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    over training?

    can any human have a true good workout with this routine? it sounds too demanding. kind of like Mentzer's 1st heavy duty routines,you had to be superman to really pull it off.

  5. #765
    Team Mentzer is offline New Member
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    from my own experience I can maybe do 6 good sets of failure,after that its mainly lagging the workout.

  6. #766
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    Quote Originally Posted by team mentzer View Post
    can any human have a true good workout with this routine? Yes, every human can get the best workout with slingshot training. It sounds too demanding. Kind of like mentzer's 1st heavy duty routines,you had to be superman to really pull it off. went past failure while slingshot is going to good failure

  7. #767
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    Quote Originally Posted by team mentzer View Post
    from my own experience i can maybe do 6 good sets of failure,after that its mainly lagging the workout. then you do 6 sets too good failure and be done with it. Now keep in mind that i am against mentzer's training styles as he went beyond failure-hence trained too hard within each set. Imo mentzer routines are lacking in volume and go overboard with intensity. I have not a clue as to why you think slingshot is comparable to mentzer but i can assure you they are not even close ! slingshot is how most pros train to obtain maximal muscle size. THEY TRAIN TOO GOOD FAILURE BUT NOT TO THE POINT OF INJURY OR TEARING UP THE JOINTS AS MENTZER TYPE TECHNIQUES ARE KNOW FOR DOING. I REALLY REALLY DISLIKE MENTZER'S TRAINING METHODOLOGIES

  8. #768
    creactiveprotein is offline New Member
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    Ronnie -

    I only have 6000mgs of test e, im going to run my first cycle, would this be ok:

    week 1-8 - test 500mg week - reload
    week 9-10 - test 250mg week - deload
    week 11-12 - test 750mg week - reload

    Also, I would start my PCT one week after my last injection? I will be taking hcg 250iu e3d during cycle, when should I stop the hcg? One more thing, I got gyno just from going through puberty, this more then likely means I will get gyno from a cycle correct? I didnt want to use an AI but I think i'll have too?

  9. #769
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    Thumbs up thank you ronnie!!

    everyone....should put out a big thank you ronnie rowland...the man is dieting down for the sc state bodybuilding show and is still answering everyones questions..a lot of folk would tell people to go f### off at this point..
    Last edited by VASCULAR VINCE; 04-25-2010 at 04:17 PM.

  10. #770
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by docbman View Post

    first off, great write up on the slingshot training. Slingshot really makes sense; and i look forward to getting your book when it comes out. I am planning on cycling anabolics for the first time, but first i am going to do severals blasts to see how my body reacts the best. Anyways, here is what i was thinking so far while on cycle.

    Here are my stats fyi....
    Age - 24
    weight - 225
    height - 6'2''
    bf - 14%
    training - 6yrs

    8 week reload
    500 test e weekly, 30mg dbol daily for first 4wks

    i'll do a 6 day split working out twice a day and working muscles groups twice weekly.

    First 3 days will be 3 primary movements ie: Bench press, squats etc... Here are the sets/reps
    1) 1/4-6, 2/8-10, 1/12-15
    2) 4/8-10
    3) 4/8-10

    the next three days will be secondary movement eg: Flyes, lateral raises etc...
    1) 4/10-12
    2) 4/10-12
    3) 4/10-12

    here is the split:
    Am pm
    day 1 - chest/calves back

    day 2 - shoulders/traps bi/tri/forearms

    day 3 - quads/abs hams

    repeat muscle groups for days 4-6 and rest on 7. do only 3-6 sets per muscle group each time you train them using the above protocol!
    after 8 weeks of reload i will drop test e to 250mg and begin a 2 week deload

    during the deload i will do a 5 day split working muscle groups once a week. I will also do 3 movements per muscle group consisting of 2 primary and 1 secondary lift here are the rep ranges

    1) 1/4-6, 2/8-10
    2) 2/8-10
    3) 1/10-12

    day 1 - chest/calves
    day 2 - back/forearms
    day 3 - shoulders/traps
    day 4 - quads/hams
    day 5 - bis/tris/abs

    upon completion of deload i will begin a 6 week reload with the same split as before, but with different movements. do 8 week reloads (not 6) and stick to 6-12 sets per major body part when training once a week.

    I will be off anabolics for the next 2 week deload with same split as before, but with different movements i would taper off during second deload by using 250 mgs of test per week for 2 week deload then start pct during next 8 wee reload!
    the next 6 week reload will be when i start pct and natural anabolic supps eg: Creatine, no xplode, hmb etc...

    It will be a different split not consisting of 2 a days, but working muscle groups twice a week with the same heavy/light concept of the previous reloads.

    This reload will be followed by a 2 week deload.

    From here i will do 2 more 8 week blast cycles followed by a 2 week prime which will look like this:

    I will do a 3 day split with 2 movements per bodypart for first week here are the reps/sets

    1) 2/12-15
    2) 2/12-15

    the second week will only consist of cardio at 2 days a week.

    Of course i will be dieting throughout this whole process. I just want some feedback as far as the splits, reps, and anabolic dosages.

    Thank you for your time i look forward to hearing back from you!
    take a look above and let me know if you have any further questions! REPS LOOK FINE!

  11. #771
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    Quote Originally Posted by coca cola View Post

    just wanna let you know, i'll be starting my slingshot cycling on the 2nd of may. great!
    i originally plan to use deca for my second reload, but due to kinda bad financial situation at the moment, i've decided not waste money buying deca instead i'll just use all the leftover in my stash which are testosterone and dbol . that will work!

    my 20 weeks cycle will be: looks fine to me

    - week 1-8 = 500mg test ew
    - week 9-10 = 250mg test ew
    - week 11-18 = 500mg test ew + 35mg dbol ed
    - week 19-20 = 250mg test ew

    pct will be trying dr scally's pct similar to the one you recommend in this thread, but i made some modification to the nolva dosing:

    - day 1-15 = 2500iu eod for a total of 8 injections
    *the reason why i decided not to use hcg during the cycle is because i want to try the full pct as a comparison, but for the cycle after this one i will be using hcg throughout. not a problem
    - day 1-30 = 100mg ed

    - day 1-15 = 40mg ed <- the reason for this because i once read a research that says 20mg tamoxifen bi-daily completely abolish the desensitizing effect of hcg. i doubt that but once a day is fine so the first 15 days while taking hcg i decided to take a little more nolva, for precaution to protect my leydig cells.
    - day 16-45 = 20mg ed <- decided to go all the way to day 45 like the original power pct. Not too sure if its necessary to go all the way to day 45 or should i just stop on day 30? 30 days will suffice

    what do you think man? Should i modify anything? i think you are okay

    one more thing which one do u think is actually "healthier" or "less damaging" to the body, using hcg throughout the entire 20 weeks cycle, or leave the hcg for later and just do a full pct? use hcg later after cycles
    and if someone decides to go for a 30-40 weeks cycle or even a 1-year cycle, is it safe to use hcg for that long period of time, or its better to leave it for later and just do a full restart once the cycle is done? i would not use hcg for one year straight. It's best to use it periodically imo

  12. #772
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    Quote Originally Posted by mass_iv View Post
    thanks ronnie much neater.
    What you think about the dosages of test e? Shud i keep them steady at 500mg for both the 8 week reloads or up them to 750 after the 4 week mark each reload??
    stay at 500 mgs for entire first 8 week reload and at 750 mgs for entire second 8 week reload. There's no value whatsover in increasing dosages at 4 week mark as that's just the opposite of front loading (which in fact does have value)!

  13. #773
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    Quote Originally Posted by ylfcm View Post

    just finished 20wk reload/deload now going on pct . This is my first cycle , great gains.

    So pct and then wait 10 weeks before i start again do you think? you can stay off for 10 weeks or you can start back after 4-6 weeks. It all depends on your goals. The more you are on, the more you will gain, but there's health to think about as thinking of adding 1 or 2 compounds next time , this cycle was 500mg sust up to 750mg sust to 1000mg sust last 3 weeks. Gains slowed dramaticlly in last couple of weeks.
    (i had no sides other than some very minor acne durin deload. I also didnt loose any weight in deload.)good!

    im thinking dbol or tbol to kickstart/ test/deca or dbol or tbol /test/ tren . why not test/tren/d-bol?

    when do you recommend starting pct after a sust cycle, have i read in this thread that u recommend starting pct sooner than 18 days. start the week after the deload
    your advice appreciated.



  14. #774
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    Exclamation Sorry for the delay everyone!

    Sorry for not being able to answer everyone's question this weekend. I am dieting down for the SC. STATE BODYBUILDING SHOW and I am extremely training others and self at Golds. I need to get some new pictures up of my wife and I. We have made some nice progress over the past year.

    Hang in there with me.I'll get to everyone's questions ASP.

    Thank you,

  15. #775
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Sorry for not being able to answer everyone's question this weekend. I am dieting down for the SC. STATE BODYBUILDING SHOW and I am extremely training others and self at Golds. I need to get some new pictures up of my wife and I. We have made some nice progress over the past year.

    Hang in there with me.I'll get to everyone's questions ASP.

    Thank you,
    No worries Ronnie!

    Thank you so much for giving us your time and knowledge in spite of your busy schedule, you are truly appreciated! I wish you all the best in your coming competition, I'm sure you're gonna kick ass!

    Looking forward in seeing pics and video from the show!


  16. #776
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    Quote Originally Posted by creactiveprotein View Post
    ronnie -

    i only have 6000mgs of test e, im going to run my first cycle, would this be ok:

    Week 1-8 - test 500mg week - reload
    week 9-10 - test 250mg week - deload
    week 11-12 - test 750mg week - reload (this 2nd reload should last 8 weeks to be effective-hence weeks 11-18)

    also, i would start my pct one week after my last injection? yes, on week 21. i will be taking hcg 250iu e3d during cycle, when should i stop the hcg? in that case stop as the cycle ends one more thing, i got gyno just from going through puberty, this more then likely means i will get gyno from a cycle correct? you never know. I didnt want to use an ai but i think i'll have too? you better hope not as it can destroy your libido but have some on hand just in case

  17. #777
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    so...i take it you agree with phil hernon "All in cant change your just cant.....unless you are not training correctly.......or carrying too much fat in those areas......but your shape is set in stone. You may try syntherol like everyone else uses to bring up lagging body parts for competition time. Pre exhaustion, one light, one heavy, drop sets, rest pause, pause rest, 5 times a week, no times a week, it will never change it, so focus on things you can change."
    Phil is 100% correct!

  18. #778
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    Quote Originally Posted by badyates View Post
    hi their i'm a 45 year old mane 280lb i was in good shape till 40 220lb all natural body builder till they took my ephedrine a way an 40 came iv let my self go i'm trying to get back in to shape iv ben steady in the gem 4 the last 6 months but i just don't have the piss and vinegar like i once did i'm eaten high protein lowe cards i'm doing aerobic every other day but not drooping fat ar getting much back from my eferts in the gem i'm ready fore some steroids iv never dun them and don't no where to start what would be a good cycle fore me i want to put on mass and get rid of fat licke to look as good as vincent mickman from the wwe wen i'm 50 that gives me 5 years pleas help
    phase 1:
    Reload 8 weeks (test enanthate 500 mgs per week)
    Deload 2 weeks (test enanthate 250 mgs per week)

    phase 2:
    2nd 8 week reload (test enanthate 750 mgs per week)
    2nd 2 week deload (test enanthate 250 mgs per week)

    NOTE: Week 21: You could start pct but at your age I would start another 8 week reload by adding deca to the test this time around and tren would be next in line for 4th reload.

  19. #779
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Ronnie, can you please answer my questions from page 19 when you have the time, thank you

  20. #780
    littledude is offline New Member
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    Hey Ron, I'm 18 and thinking about trying steroids on your slingshot routine. Ive worked out for 11 months now and have made some pretty big gains for myself. i'm 5"10 165lbs with about a 5% bodyfat, just wondering what would be the best for me, my friends have recommended tren acetate

  21. #781
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    [QUOTE=Archangel.;5154438]Ronnie, what do you think of this: This is off one of the main stickies over at

    This is an ideal first cycle for everyone or at least a base to build on:

    (NOTE - W X-Y means start of week X to end of week Y)

    Cycle Plan
    W 1-10 Test Enth 250mg E3D
    W 1-12 Adex 0.25mg EOD (reduce to 0.125mg EOD in last week)

    This would be an example of a camp number 2 keep it simple cycle. You don't really need to get more complicated than this but if you want to below are some typical inclusions for a first cycle...

    Optional secondary additions
    W 1-4 Dbol 10mg 3x/d if you want an oral kickstart or just a little something extra thrown in mid cycle when your test is kicking in (seems most lately are going with the latter)
    W 1-8 Deca 300mg/w if you want some additional bulking help
    W 1-8 Tren Enth 150mg E3D if you want additional strength help
    W 6-12 Proviron 25mg 2x/d if you want some help with libido

    Optional Ancilliaries
    W 1-12 Nolva 20mg/d if gyno symptoms (itchy/tender nipples) start to show
    W 1-10 Caber 0.5mg 2x/w if you are having prolactin issues (difficulty getting an erection when on tren or deca)
    W 3-10 HCG 250iu 3x/w if you want to prevent your nuts from shrinking and make recovery easier

    Post Cycle Therapy starts week 13

    It is the same with either just have to make sure that your gear is cleared from your system before you start PCT (or it won't work because you will still be getting suppressed from the gear).

    PCT Option 1 (SERM PCT)
    W 13 Nolva 20mg 2x/d or Clomid 50mg 2x/d
    W 14-16 Nolva 20mg/d or Clomid 25mg/d

    PCT Option 2 (Test Stasis and Taper)
    W 10-12 Off (if your cycle was enth 2 weeks is enough to drop down to normal levels)
    W 13-14 Test Enth 40mg E3D (stasis portion to mimic normal hormone levels)
    W 15-16 Test Enth 30mg E3D (taper portion)
    W 17-18 Test Enth 20mg E3D
    W 19-20 Test Enth 10mg E3D

    The taper gradually takes your body below normal androgen levels slowly enough that it is able to kick in and compensate. There is a much more detailed explaination of this in the "Test Taper Protocol" sticky thread so I suggest you read that if you are interested in this approach

    And this:

    hCG Dosing Guidelines

    - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin -

    For each cycle length the first one listed (1) is for low dose HCG throughout/on-cycle (Preferred method)

    The second line (2) is for hCG during last few weeks only of the cycle (only if hCG was NOT used during cycle)

    1-6 week cycle
    (1) No hCG needed
    (2) No hCG needed

    8 week cycle
    (1) 250iu every 4 days* from week 3-8
    (2) One 1000iu shot per week for 2 weeks with AI? taken daily

    12 week cycle
    (1) 250iu every 4 days* from week 3-12
    (2) One 1000iu shot per week for 3 weeks with AI? taken daily

    16 week cycle
    (1) 250iu every 4 days* from week 3-8
    Take a 2 week break
    250iu every 4 days* from week 11-16
    (2) One 1000iu shot per week for 3 weeks with AI? taken daily

    * Every 4 days = Shoot on Monday, then on Friday, then on Tuesday, ect.
    ? AI - Aromatase Inhibitor (While taking 1000iu shots, I recommend 10mg/ED of Aromasin or .5mg/ED Arimidex to keep estrogen in control. Discontinue 4 days after last hCG shot.)

    If you are doing the on-cycle hCG protocol it is important to discontinue hCG 2 weeks prior to AAS clearance. Therefore, when you officially start PCT you will be clean of all AAS's and will be 14 days from your last hCG shot. This allows your testes to become re-sensitized to the body's LH signal from the brain, making for a quick recovery of natural testosterone production as soon as the steroids and hCG clear the system. This is another reason why on-cycle hCG is superior, because it allows you to start recovering as soon as PCT begins.

    If you aren't doing hCG on-cycle, then use hCG according to the last few weeks guidelines, and start it 4-5 weeks before the AAS's are expected to clear the system (Or as soon as possible if you are already past this point).[/QUOTE]WAY WAY TOO MUCH CHAOS! JUST STICK TO WHAT I SUGGESTED AND YOU'LL BE ON THE RIGHT PATH. I THINK YOU ARE OVERANALYING THINGS. KEEP IT SIMPLE AND STICK TO WHAT HAS BEEN PROVEN TO WORK FOR THE MASSES!

  22. #782
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude View Post
    hey ron, i'm 18 and thinking about trying steroids on your slingshot routine. Ive worked out for 11 months now and have made some pretty big gains for myself. I'm 5"10 165lbs with about a 5% bodyfat, just wondering what would be the best for me, my friends have recommended tren acetate
    please read through this entire thread and you will see that beginners should use only around 500 mgs of test per week for a first time cycle. Tren is for the more advanced!

  23. #783
    littledude is offline New Member
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    alright thanks. so if i run 500mg test prop every other day should i use ancillaries as well or just a pct?

  24. #784
    littledude is offline New Member
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    or what about running test e 500mg a week with 25-50mg proviron ?

  25. #785
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude View Post
    alright thanks. so if i run 500mg test prop every other day should i use ancillaries as well or just a pct?
    You do not want prop, especially at 500mgs eod. You want 500 of test e per week.

  26. #786
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude View Post
    or what about running test e 500mg a week with 25-50mg proviron?
    That will work!

  27. #787
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    Thanks Ron. I don't mean to over analyze, I just want to make sure I do everything right, as aas is a serious commitment IMO. As for the arimidex I bumped up from .25 eod to .5 eod, the itchy nips went away the very next day, so I was wondering if it would be okay for me to lower it back down to .25 eod again and feel it out? Or is that a no no?

  28. #788
    littledude is offline New Member
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    thanks a lot ron. should i go injto another reload with test again or pct since its my first time using aas. if i pct what do you recommend?

  29. #789
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    Quote Originally Posted by littledude View Post
    thanks a lot ron. should i go injto another reload with test again or pct since its my first time using aas. if i pct what do you recommend?
    First I want to say that in no way do I mean to steal Ron's "thunder" here, because he is THE man regarding aas, but he has been asked these SAME questions about 20 times throughout the course of this thread so far, and I feel for the guy having to answer the SAME questions over and over again.

    Having said that, littledude:
    Go back and read this ENTIRE thread starting with page 1. You will find all of your answers to the above questions you asked there, as well as a multitude of other useful/important info.

    Again Ron, no disrespect. Tell me if I stepped out of line here. I just feel that your time is more valuable than having to answer a Q that you've already asnswered 20 times.

  30. #790
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    I am currently running a testosterone suspension cycle (60 mg ed, 2/3 pins) with the addition of oxandrolone (70 mg ed).
    Also, from the beginning I used mesterolone starting from 75 up to 150 mg ed.
    Last week, on the same day I reached 90 mg ed of test susp and 150 mg ed of mest, I started to feel a strong tiredness, a severe lethargy which forced me not to work-out for a week almost.
    I was waiting for my BW results and once I saw my estradiol was @ 150 (20-47) and my PRL @ 15 (2-13), I thought my lack of energy was due to the high amount of estrogens accumulated, even because I never took any AI or SERM till that day.
    So, on the same day I started to take exemestane @ 25 mg ed and cabergoline first @ 0.25 mg ed then up to 0.5 mg ed. I also reduced the test susp to 60 mg ed and the mest to 100 mg ed.
    The result after a week was nothing better than before.
    So, I thought about getting rid of mesterolone, completely. I felt better during the day and slept better the following night and the tiredness disappeared.

    So, since I am about to start week 8 of this cycle but have also put my hands on HGH, I am contemplating to keep going on with this cycle as per your suggestion on this thread with a deload and then a reload, adding of course somatropin to the aas.

    Before writing down a possible cycle continuation, I would like to know from your experience if it is normal what happened to me in regard of mesterolone or if it happened because I used a testosterone without an ester on my very first cycle.

    Thank you for your expertise, much appreciate it.

  31. #791
    Moosedog is offline Junior Member
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    what a cool post, thank you ronnie

    It make s a lot of sense, I like the ideo of 8 weeks to instead of dragging out the whole 12, as after all whats the point if you got to use so much gear for the final 4 weeks that you mess yourself up!

    And the 12 set per body part rules, its what I use atm

  32. #792
    bigron164 is offline New Member
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    Im doing 400 mg enhantate 600 mg eq 300 mg primo a week, how's that cycle sound

  33. #793
    onetobeat is offline New Member
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    Great post

    read your post and you seem like the perfect person to ask for a bit of guidance.

    about 5 years ago i tried this.
    my fisrt cycle was only Dbol , but had no clue really what i was doing, then i went on to sustanon and deca , without really having any clue to that either in hind sight so results didn't really turn out that well.

    Now i've decided to go on an oral only cycle and seems to me that anavar stacked with primobolan is the best cycle if you compare gains to side effects.

    i'm 23 years old 6ft 3" 202 pounds.

    looking to get ripped, build some size and strenght, any advise on an 8 week cycle including PCT?

    thank you.

  34. #794
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by onetobeat View Post
    read your post and you seem like the perfect person to ask for a bit of guidance.

    about 5 years ago i tried this.
    my fisrt cycle was only Dbol , but had no clue really what i was doing, then i went on to sustanon and deca , without really having any clue to that either in hind sight so results didn't really turn out that well.

    Now i've decided to go on an oral only cycle and seems to me that anavar stacked with primobolan is the best cycle if you compare gains to side effects.

    i'm 23 years old 6ft 3" 202 pounds.

    looking to get ripped, build some size and strenght, any advise on an 8 week cycle including PCT?

    thank you.
    Haha there's another one... Read The old posts on this thread

  35. #795
    Archangel. is offline Banned
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    Feb 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Juicedupmonkey View Post
    Haha there's another one... Read The old posts on this thread
    Bro, tell me about it lol. I feel bad for Ron sometimes. People just refuse to READ

  36. #796
    littledude is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    well you guys are nice. sorry if its bothering you ronnie i have one last question iof thats alright. could you tell me if this is an alright first cycle:
    week 1-8 500mg test enanthate ew
    week 9-10 250mg test enanthate
    week 11-18 750mg test enanthate ew
    all throughout i take 25mg proviron twice a day
    PCT week 19-22 would be my deload and primer with nolvadex
    is this a decent cycle for me?

  37. #797
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2010
    Why is it that people think that they can speak for Ronnie?
    I have read through every page of this post and get the feeling that Ronnie is a very patient man.
    Yes I agree that some of these questions have been answered before and that Ronnie may or may not find some of these questions a little bit irritating, however, I would never presume to know how Ronnie feels about this and I would never consider speaking on his behalf. I think that is desrespectful. I'm sure you think you are doing him a favour and you may indeed be, but, if it was me you were speaking for, I would rather you kept your opinions to yourself and allow me to speak for myself.

    A kind note to Ronnie:
    I addition to reading this post, I have read many others on this forum and I am pleased to say that this stands out from the rest for a few reasons: firstly, I have been using your slingshot system for a while now and i'm on my 3rd reload. I am seeing results I have never seen before when cycling. Secondly, You are always prompt and thorough with your replies. Thirdly, many of the other posts seem to be very condicending, particularly to first time ass users. I'm getting sick and tired of seeing "use the search" or "this question has been asked before". The lengthly replies some people get of somebody whining, they may as well of just answered their question in the first place. Fortunately, this post doesn't seem to have that kind of theme, which is great and is the main reason I check it daily.
    This is just my opinion Ronnie so if you think i'm out of order then please tell me, but I will only be taking note of your comments, only your opinion counts. I just don't want any bickering on this post, only good solid information.
    Many thanks as always.

  38. #798
    creactiveprotein is offline New Member
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    Feb 2010
    Ronnie your thoughts on this cycle before a show?

    Week #1: 4 iu's GH/day; 4 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 200 mg. Deca Durabolin ; 1 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day

    Week #2: 4 iu's GH/day; 5 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 200 mg. Deca Durabolin ; 1 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day

    Week #3: 4 iu's GH/day; 5 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 200 mg. Deca Durabolin; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; (pre a.m. workout) 2 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 200 mg. caffeine tab

    Week #4: 4 iu's GH/day; 6 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 400 mg. Deca Durabolin; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; (pre a.m. workout) 2 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 200 mg. caffeine tab

    Week #5: 6iu's GH/day; 6 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 400 mg. Deca Durabolin; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; (pre a.m. workout) 3 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 200 mg. caffeine tab

    Week #6: 6 iu's GH/day; 6 x Sostenon 250 mg.; 400 mg. Deca Durabolin; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; (pre a.m. workout) 3 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 200 mg. caffeine tab

    Week #7: off; 5000 iu HCG /day; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 4 clenbuterol /day (2 days on 1 day off); 300 mg. caffeine x 6 days/week (a.m. only)

    Week #8: off; 2 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 4 clenbuterol/day (2 days on 1 day off); 300 mg. caffeine x 6 days/week (a.m. only)

    Week #9: 6 iu's GH/day; 1200 mg. Test Cypionate ; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 150 mg. Winstrol -V (50 mg. each M-W-F); 4 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 4 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 300 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #10: 6 iu's GH/day; 1200 mg. Test Cypionate; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 150 mg. Winstrol-V (50 mg. each M-W-F); 4 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 4 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 300 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #11: 6 iu's GH/day; 1200 mg. Test Cypionate; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 150 mg. Winstrol-V (50 mg. each M-W-F); 4 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 5 x Clenbuterol tabs, 300 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #12: 6 iu's GH/day; 1200 mg. Test Cypionate; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 150 mg. Winstrol-V (50 mg. each M-W-F); 4 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 5 x Clenbuterol tabs, 400 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #13: 6 iu's GH/day; 1200 mg. Test Cypionate; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 300 mg. Winstrol-V (100 mg. each M-W-F); 6 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 2 x 20 mg. Nolvadex tabs/day; 5 x 25 mg. Ephedrine tab, 400 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #14: 6 iu's GH/day; 1500 mg. Test Cypionate; 600 mg. Deca Durabolin; 300 mg. Winstrol-V (100 mg. each M-W-F); 6 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 2 x 20 mg. Nolvadex tabs/day; 6 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 400 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    Week #15: off 6 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 2 x 20 mg. Nolvadex tabs/day; 6 x 25 mg. ephedrine tab, 400 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

    **Week #16: off; 6 x 50 mg. Teslac tabs/day; 2 x 20 mg. Nolvadex tabs/day; 10 x Clenbuterol tab (Sun, Mon, Tue only), 400 mg. caffeine tab (a.m. only)

  39. #799
    littledude is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    where is the best spot to inject test enanthate ?

  40. #800
    pike1237 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    so with the 8 wk reload would you have to take significantly high dosages? and would you keep your dosing the same throughout all the reload periods or would you need up doasages as you go along or switch to different compounds to keep getting gains? and my understanding is that that is nt neccessarily a good idea for cutting? thanks

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