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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #841
    Coca Cola's Avatar
    Coca Cola is offline New Member
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    Awesome info Ronnie! Thank you so much!

  2. #842
    wigey15 is offline New Member
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    need help

    hi im 19 years old and have been tring to get big for years iv tried all the suppments out there and dieting to but it does not help i was thinking of taking steroids but need help with knowing what to take and how to take them ect.. could any one help thanks dan

  3. #843
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    149 this thread... Results of my trial shitload (pics included) you say loading earlier in the week is better? why do you think skiploading... is superior to shitload???thanks in advance big guy..

  4. #844
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    one more thing ron..should i do less sets or more sets...toward end of my contrest prep... using slingshot carb cycling-150 cabs each day with one load day on sat????

  5. #845
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wigey15 View Post
    hi im 19 years old and have been tring to get big for years iv tried all the suppments out there and dieting to but it does not help i was thinking of taking steroids but need help with knowing what to take and how to take them ect.. could any one help thanks dan
    read this thread-test e at 500 mgs per week is best for beginners!

  6. #846
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post this thread... Results of my trial shitload (pics included) you say loading earlier in the week is better? why do you think skiploading... is superior to shitload???thanks in advance big guy..
    Both ways can work. I like skiploading because there is less margin for error. If you wake up the morning of the show and look a bit flat you simply add in some junk carbs/fats/sodium while restricting water. If you look good simply eat your normal meal wihtout water which would be oats, ezekiel bread and eggs (with some salt added) for me.

    I do not like using diurectics as it's dangerous and more often than not can ruin one's peak by causing them to go flat. It can also kill you as many have ended up in the emergency room after a show and for what? A trophy that will one day gather dust?! Also, diurectics are known for causing cramping on stage.

    The muscles are 75% water so depleting water to the extreme causes your muscles to deflate. Diurectics also can cause sleepiness and who wants to be sleepy the day of the show? Not me! I want to be fired up and excited not feeling like death.

    NOTE: Most people look their best doing low to moderate carbs near the show, being fully hydrated and taking in some sodium. When you dehydrate too much, take out table salt and gorge on carbs, you are just asking for problems IMO.

  7. #847
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ronnie, could you please tell me the best way to dry up water retention and how to properly take anti-e's if gyno appears, i know that taking anti-estrogens could potentially hinder gains if not cycled right. im going to reduce my carb intake now, so it'll be 500g of protein a day with 200g of carbs and 50g of fats - what do you think? would the carb intake be sufficient enough for good gains or is too low. thanks again ronnie, you're advice is really helping me out.

  8. #848
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    one more thing ron..should i do less sets or more sets...toward end of my contrest prep... using slingshot carb cycling-150 cabs each day with one load day on sat???? Do fewer sets during last the 4-6 weeks of contest prep as there will be less fuel to keep pushing with great intensity for multiple sets. You also run the risk of over-training once you start adding cardio and becoming depleted of carbs. Also, there will be less water/fat between joints to prevent inflammation/injury so less is more as you progress.

  9. #849
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, could you please tell me the best way to dry up water retention and how to properly take anti-e's if gyno appears, i know that taking anti-estrogens could potentially hinder gains if not cycled right. im going to reduce my carb intake now, so it'll be 500g of protein a day with 200g of carbs and 50g of fats - what do you think? would the carb intake be sufficient enough for good gains or is too low. thanks again ronnie, you're advice is really helping me out.
    A few questions I need to ask!

    1) What do you feel your body fat levels are at this point?
    2) What are you running and please provide doses?
    3) How much do you weigh?
    4) Have you ever had gyno in past?
    5) Have you ever used anti-es in the past?

  10. #850
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    A few questions I need to ask!

    1) What do you feel your body fat levels are at this point?
    2) What are you running and please provide doses?
    3) How much do you weigh?
    4) Have you ever had gyno in past?
    5) Have you ever used anti-es in the past?
    thanks ronnie,
    - my bodyfat is between 13-15% so fairly lean but could be better, used to be around 7 or 8% a couple of years ago
    - im running 1200mg of tri-test and 450mg of tri-trenbolone
    - i weigh 240 pounds
    - no ive never had gyno before and ive never taking anti-es before
    - im 21 years old

    thanks ronnie. the only query i had with the carbs off-season is that kai greene keeps them relatively low off season whereas dorian yates used to have over
    700g a day supposedly. i guess it depends on the body type and metabolism. thanks again ronnie.

  11. #851
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Both ways can work. I like skiploading because there is less margin for error. If you wake up the morning of the show and look a bit flat you simply add in some junk carbs/fats/sodium while restricting water. If you look good simply eat your normal meal wihtout water which would be oats, ezekiel bread and eggs (with some salt added) for me.

    I do not like using diurectics as it's dangerous and more often than not can ruin one's peak by causing them to go flat. It can also kill you as many have ended up in the emergency room after a show and for what? A trophy that will one day gather dust?! Also, diurectics are known for causing cramping on stage.

    The muscles are 75% water so depleting water to the extreme causes your muscles to deflate. Diurectics also can cause sleepiness and who wants to be sleepy the day of the show? Not me! I want to be fired up and excited not feeling like death.

    NOTE: Most people look their best doing low to moderate carbs near the show, being fully hydrated and taking in some sodium. When you dehydrate too much, take out table salt and gorge on carbs, you are just asking for problems IMO.
    a big thank you...ronnie...your freaking brillant...should potassium be increased????

  12. #852
    Coca Cola's Avatar
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    I've read one of your post saying that its ok to jump back to another cycle straight after pct without any off time, is this correct?

    I have plan like this:

    After I finish my 20 weeks cycle, I will do a full pct for 4 weeks (from week 21-24), then on week 25 I will begin the next 20 weeks slingshot cycle. What do you think about this?

    In regards to the training:

    On week 19-20 = I will do deload phase of training

    On week 21-22 (while on pct still supported by hcg 2500iu eod) = I will go back to reload phase

    On week 23 (still on pct but without any hcg) = I will go back to deload phase

    On week 24 (still on pct also no hcg) = I will stop training for a week to prime for the next cycle

    On week 25 (jump back on cycle) = start reload phase again

    Is this good?

    Now in regards to the use HCG for the next cycle:

    I was thinking of doing 250iu twice a week, but since in week 21 and 22 I'll be using a fairly high dose of hcg, and I will start back another cycle on week 25, this only gives me 2 weeks break between HCG if I decided to use it from the beginning of the next cycle, now I'm not sure if 2 weeks break between hcg is enough time? If its not enough should I just do another Full PCT again instead of running HCG throughout?

    Thanks Ronnie!
    Last edited by Coca Cola; 05-10-2010 at 09:10 PM.

  13. #853
    youngrab is offline New Member
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    have you ever heard of ascorbol

  14. #854
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post

    I've read one of your post saying that its ok to jump back to another cycle straight after pct without any off time, is this correct?

    I have plan like this:

    After I finish my 20 weeks cycle, I will do a full pct for 4 weeks (from week 21-24), then on week 25 I will begin the next 20 weeks slingshot cycle. What do you think about this?

    In regards to the training:

    On week 19-20 = I will do deload phase of training

    On week 21-22 (while on pct still supported by hcg 2500iu eod) = I will go back to reload phase

    On week 23 (still on pct but without any hcg) = I will go back to deload phase

    On week 24 (still on pct also no hcg) = I will stop training for a week to prime for the next cycle

    On week 25 (jump back on cycle) = start reload phase again

    Is this good?

    Now in regards to the use HCG for the next cycle:

    I was thinking of doing 250iu twice a week, but since in week 21 and 22 I'll be using a fairly high dose of hcg, and I will start back another cycle on week 25, this only gives me 2 weeks break between HCG if I decided to use it from the beginning of the next cycle, now I'm not sure if 2 weeks break between hcg is enough time? If its not enough should I just do another Full PCT again instead of running HCG throughout?

    Thanks Ronnie!
    what was your cycle?

  15. #855
    creactiveprotein is offline New Member
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    Ronnie - what is your opinion on running HGH year round for years and years? Its expensive, but 4IU per day has shown great benefits in many people, I just wonder what long term effects there might be.

  16. #856
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    Quote Originally Posted by number twelve View Post
    what was your cycle?
    For current cycle I'm only running test at 500mg ew for first reload, and will be using test/dbol for second reload.
    Last edited by Coca Cola; 05-11-2010 at 12:40 AM.

  17. #857
    alpenguy is offline Junior Member
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    Ronnie great read...alot of it, whew. Question on bridging. You made a comment on a Nolva only which intrigued me Going to start a cycle now..thinking of 8 weeks Test/Deca - 2 weeks nolva 20mgs. day and then 8 weeks Test/Deca. PCT Nolva 40/20/20/20/20. HCG final 2 weeks of cycle @500iu ED. ??

  18. #858
    Indian Muscle is offline New Member
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    Hi Ron,

    How many sets of deadlift per week would you suggest for strengthening the lower back if i am using the slingshot training? I always develop this lower back pain and really need to strengthen my lower back.

  19. #859
    Maronn is offline New Member
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    Hi Ron,

    first of all many thanks for such a great Thread. I have gained a lot of knowledge.

    I've done a few circles before (mainly testo only but one Dianabol only circle as well in the beginning (stupid, i know...). I've been working out for 15y.

    12D ago I startet with my first slingshot circle. I'm taking 250mg Testo E E4D, with a 500mg Frontload, and 20mg Dianabol. I will take the Dianabol for just 4 weeks.

    After 12d my libido has almost "disappeared" and my "little" friend is almost dead. I know that this is normal with just Dianabol but with the Testo?? Could it be that I have to wait a bit longer for the Testo to equalise the effect of the Dianabol on my libidio or can it just be that my Testos are fakes? With the frontload I thought that my libido would be ok...

    Many thanks for ypur answer!


  20. #860
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    a big thank you...ronnie...your freaking brillant...should potassium be increased????
    Never! Sodium needs to be about 4x higher than potassium to keep electrolyes in balance. Do not take potassium supplements for your contest prep as it can mess you up.

  21. #861
    joe11 is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie,

    I ve started 2 weeks ago a cycle , for the first time, consists of :
    1-DEXXA 250 , 1ML each injection .
    2-Testo depot , 1ML each injection .
    3-Sustanon 250, 1ML each injection .

    Please note it s my first time in this field and in my town info about cycles are really limited and perhaps primitive .

    Could you please inform me how best I could use above 3 , is it Ok to use them together ( Dexxa first day, testo depot second day and sustanon 3 rd day without interruption) ?
    My aim is to add some muscle mass but not to become very bulcky.
    Thank you indeed for your time.

  22. #862
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    thanks ronnie,
    - my bodyfat is between 13-15% so fairly lean but could be better, used to be around 7 or 8% a couple of years ago
    - im running 1200mg of tri-test and 450mg of tri-trenbolone there's no way of keeping down water retention without using anti-es when running 1200 mgs of test per week but keeping carbs/salt lower and water intake high will help some. You might opt to reduce test to 300-500 mgs per week and use anabolics like tren, winstrol and masterone as main muscle builders- i weigh 240 pounds
    - no ive never had gyno before and ive never taking anti-es before them don't even worry about it! You could keep some aromasin on hand in case it ever appeared and use it at 12.5mgs eod)- im 21 years old

    thanks ronnie. The only query i had with the carbs off-season is that kai greene keeps them relatively low off season whereas dorian yates used to have over
    700g a day supposedly. I guess it depends on the body type and metabolism. it does depend on metabolism and dorian was probably using so much insulin he flet the need for extra carbs thanks again ronnie.

  23. #863
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, could you please tell me the best way to dry up water retention and how to properly take anti-e's if gyno appears, i know that taking anti-estrogens could potentially hinder gains if not cycled right. Im going to reduce my carb intake now, so it'll be 500g of protein a day with 200g of carbs and 50g of fats - what do you think? looks fine other than the 500 grams of protein! the carb intake be sufficient enough for good gains or is too low. many can build just fine on 200 gras of carbs. I know i can so unless your metabolism is on fire you should be fine. Your protein needs to be reduced to around 400 per day at your current body weight as 500 is a bit high. The extra protein will get convereted over to carbs through glucogenesis and this puts a strain on the body after a while! tthanks again ronnie, you're advice is really helping me out.

  24. #864
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post

    I've read one of your post saying that its ok to jump back to another cycle straight after pct without any off time, is this correct? yes!
    I have plan like this:

    After I finish my 20 weeks cycle, I will do a full pct for 4 weeks (from week 21-24), then on week 25 I will begin the next 20 weeks slingshot cycle. What do you think about this? good

    In regards to the training:

    On week 19-20 = I will do deload phase of training

    On week 21-22 (while on pct still supported by hcg 2500iu eod) = I will go back to reload phase that will work

    On week 23 (still on pct but without any hcg) = I will go back to deload phase okay

    On week 24 (still on pct also no hcg) = I will stop training for a week to prime for the next cycle yes

    On week 25 (jump back on cycle) = start reload phase again

    Is this good? yes
    Now in regards to the use HCG for the next cycle:

    I was thinking of doing 250iu twice a week, but since in week 21 and 22 I'll be using a fairly high dose of hcg, and I will start back another cycle on week 25, this only gives me 2 weeks break between HCG if I decided to use it from the beginning of the next cycle, now I'm not sure if 2 weeks break between hcg is enough time? If its not enough should I just do another Full PCT again instead of running HCG throughout? It would be a good plan to run HCG at 500 per week throughout entire first 20 week cycle as you plan to. It's also a good idea to wait unit the end of the second 20 week cycle and use it only after the cycle is over for 4 weeks. By alternating it every other 20 weeks it helps prevents adaptation.

    Thanks Ronnie!

  25. #865
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    Quote Originally Posted by youngrab View Post
    have you ever heard of ascorbol
    I think it might be a drug for hairloss but I know nothing about it.

  26. #866
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    Quote Originally Posted by creactiveprotein View Post
    Ronnie - what is your opinion on running HGH year round for years and years? Its expensive, but 4IU per day has shown great benefits in many people, I just wonder what long term effects there might be.
    My only concern would be if one was prone to being a diabetic. Even then, it could help cure their diabetes if they were over weight! Other than that, if everyone could afford to take 4 ius of GH per day, improved their diets and exercised regulary, I feel they would much healthier and have a beter appearance.

    It's the higher dosages of GH than might cause problems for some such as enlarged organs, bone growth and carpal tunnel syndrome. I think 2-4 ius ran year round improves one's health as we are at our best in our teen years when test/gh are raging!

  27. #867
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,
    My next reload will consist of 400mg of test blend eod and 100mg trenbolone actetate eod. Per week this will be 1400mg of test and 350mg of trenbolone. I was thinking about also taking some winstrol at 10mg per tablet. Would this be ok and what dosage should I use? Would it be safe to increase the dosage of test and trenbolone as this is also the dosage I used on my last reload? If I can safely increase dosages, what could I go up to?
    Many thanks Ronnie as always.

  28. #868
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    It would be a good plan to run HCG at 500 per week throughout entire first 20 week cycle as you plan to. It's also a good idea to wait unit the end of the second 20 week cycle and use it only after the cycle is over for 4 weeks. By alternating it every other 20 weeks it helps prevents adaptation.
    Ronnie just to clarify on that quote right there (to make sure i understand you properly), you're saying that if i use HCG during FULL PCT for this current cycle, then i should use HCG ON-CYCLE for the next one? And just keep switching back and forth between both protocol every 20 weeks cycle? correct?

  29. #869
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    Quote Originally Posted by alpenguy View Post
    Ronnie great read...alot of it, whew. Question on bridging. You made a comment on a Nolva only which intrigued me Going to start a cycle now..thinking of 8 weeks Test/Deca - 2 weeks nolva 20mgs. day and then 8 weeks Test/Deca. PCT Nolva 40/20/20/20/20. HCG final 2 weeks of cycle @500iu ED. ??
    You'll still need to run 250-300 mgs test or some kind of anabolic during 2 week deloads along with the nolva.

  30. #870
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe11 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,

    I ve started 2 weeks ago a cycle , for the first time, consists of :
    1-DEXXA 250 , 1ML each injection .
    2-Testo depot , 1ML each injection .
    3-Sustanon 250, 1ML each injection .

    Please note it s my first time in this field and in my town info about cycles are really limited and perhaps primitive .

    Could you please inform me how best I could use above 3 , is it Ok to use them together ( Dexxa first day, testo depot second day and sustanon 3 rd day without interruption) ? Sustanon needs to be injected 2-3 times weekly, test depot can be injected once and deca once. Inject 1cc of sustanon and 1 cc of deca in same syringe on monday and 1 cc of test depot and 1 cc of sustanon in same syringe on friday. Thats two shots a week with each syringe containing 2cc of anabolics. Run for 8 weeks then switch to only 1 cc of test depot per week for 2 week deload then repeat protocol (20 weeks total) then consider a full pct. Read through this thread from the beginning and it will tell you most everything you need to know.
    My aim is to add some muscle mass but not to become very bulcky. Diet mostly determines the outcome!Thank you indeed for your time.

  31. #871
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    Quote Originally Posted by joe11 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,

    I ve started 2 weeks ago a cycle , for the first time, consists of :
    1-DEXXA 250 , 1ML each injection .
    2-Testo depot , 1ML each injection .
    3-Sustanon 250, 1ML each injection .

    Please note it s my first time in this field and in my town info about cycles are really limited and perhaps primitive .

    Could you please inform me how best I could use above 3 , is it Ok to use them together ( Dexxa first day, testo depot second day and sustanon 3 rd day without interruption) ? Sustanon needs to be injected 2-3 times weekly, test depot can be injected once and deca once. Inject 1cc of sustanon and 1 cc of deca in same syringe on monday and 1 cc of test depot and 1 cc of sustanon in same syringe on friday. Thats two shots a week with each syringe containing 2cc of anabolics. Run for 8 weeks then switch to only 1 cc of test depot per week for 2 week deload then repeat protocol (20 weeks total) then consider a full pct. Read through this thread from the beginning and it will tell you most everything you need to know.
    My aim is to add some muscle mass but not to become very bulcky. Diet mostly determines the outcome!Thank you indeed for your time.

  32. #872
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    Quote Originally Posted by Indian Muscle View Post
    Hi Ron,

    How many sets of deadlift per week would you suggest for strengthening the lower back if i am using the slingshot training? I would perform 2-3 work sets using (6-10 reps) during 8 week reloads and 1 set during 2 week deloads using higher reps (12-15). I always develop this lower back pain and really need to strengthen my lower back.You are probably doing something wrong if your back is hurting and dead-lifts may not improve your pain. In fact, they may increase it. Let me know if your pain continues so I can tell you what to do to avoid it!

  33. #873
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coca Cola View Post
    Ronnie just to clarify on that quote right there (to make sure i understand you properly), you're saying that if i use HCG during FULL PCT for this current cycle, then i should use HCG ON-CYCLE for the next one? And just keep switching back and forth between both protocol every 20 weeks cycle? correct? I am saying that's one way of doing it!

  34. #874
    Coca Cola's Avatar
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    Thx Ron!

  35. #875
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    Quote Originally Posted by delta1111 View Post
    Hi Ronnie,
    My next reload will consist of 400mg of test blend eod and 100mg trenbolone actetate eod. Per week this will be 1400mg of test and 350mg of trenbolone. I was thinking about also taking some winstrol at 10mg per tablet. Would this be ok and what dosage should I use? Do not exceed over 50 mgs of winstrol per day as much more can dry your joints to the point of making you feel like an 80 year old man with arthritis. Upwards of 100 mgs of Winstrol works great during the last 1-2 weeks before a show as it pulls water from subcutaneous areas but it also pulls water from the joints which is bad when trying to gain size. Deca can help counteract the drying out effect but I would still keep it at no more than 50 mgs per day when trying to gaining size/strength. Would it be safe to increase the dosage of test and trenbolone as this is also the dosage I used on my last reload? If I can safely increase dosages, what could I go up to? I would keep the test where it is for now and take the tren up to 600 mgs per week and see if you can handle the side effects of the added tren. If not, try taking the test up to 2 grams per week and keep tren at 350 mgs per week.
    Many thanks Ronnie as always.

  36. #876
    creactiveprotein is offline New Member
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    Ronnie - im curious, what do your cycles look like? I know you're on TRT but surely you take more then just test?

  37. #877
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maronn View Post
    Hi Ron,

    first of all many thanks for such a great Thread. I have gained a lot of knowledge.

    I've done a few circles before (mainly testo only but one Dianabol only circle as well in the beginning (stupid, i know...). I've been working out for 15y.

    12D ago I startet with my first slingshot circle. I'm taking 250mg Testo E E4D, with a 500mg Frontload, and 20mg Dianabol. I will take the Dianabol for just 4 weeks.

    After 12d my libido has almost "disappeared" and my "little" friend is almost dead. I know that this is normal with just Dianabol but with the Testo?? Could it be that I have to wait a bit longer for the Testo to equalise the effect of the Dianabol on my libidio or can it just be that my Testos are fakes? With the frontload I thought that my libido would be ok...I won't touch d-bol because the same thing happened to me everytime I used it and my test was legit. I tried increasing test and lowering d-bol dosage to 25 mgs ed to see if it would help and it did not! Even the injectable d-bol at 25mgs eod shut me down!!! Anties can create the same problem if you are taking them.

    Many thanks for ypur answer!


  38. #878
    ylfcm is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks for previous advice, worked wonders.

    My next slingshot cycle.

    1-8 500mg sust
    1-8 400mg tren e
    1-4 30mg dbol ed

    9-10 250mg sust

    11-18 1000mg sust
    11-14 50mg dbol ed
    11-18 500mg tren e

    19-20 250mg sust

    3-20 500iu Hcg

    clomid 50/50/25/25
    Nolva 40/20/20/20

    What you think ? Will be first time using Tren.
    Do you think I should up the test in first reload or maybe less Tren so there is a significant differance.
    Is 250 mg test enough durin deload?


  39. #879
    Indian Muscle is offline New Member
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    Sep 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks for the reply Ron, I once met with a minor road accident and after that i developed the lower back pain which lasted for few weeks and had to take some time off the gym. Usually when i try to go heavy on Squats or Barbell rows i develop the pain which will last for 2-3 days and after some stretching i feel better. Please suggest how do i go about it.

  40. #880
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    thankyou ronnie for taking the time out to answer everyones questions, its very appreciated. sorry i made a mistake regarding the weight, ive lost bf so im down to about 8% but my bodyweight has actually increased to 266 pounds. i think youre right about the protein being high but at this weight it should be ok. im taking 3 50g protein shakes a day to help with protein intake but i really believe that food is better than any supplement so im going to add more beef to my diet in place of the shakes. im currently having a pound of beef a day but i want to double the amount, also what do you make of people having 800g or so of protein a day? i read that kai greene eats 8lbs of beef a day and some strongmen competitors have 1kg of protein a day!
    thanks ronnie for your input.

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