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  1. #2841
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Hey Ron, I know you’re all about form with lifts.
    I have a Q’s about wrapping knees when squatting. Do you feel that it is safer? I normally don’t squat very heavy, but lately I have been gaining more strength and have felt like I could go higher. I went up to 405 this week for the first time and did 5 pretty clean reps. I didn’t want to get hurt so I stopped there. I prob won’t go that high in future, but was wondering once you start pushing more weight for that 8-10 reps range would it be safer for knees to wrap them. Not to get more weight, but safety. I have never wrapped before.
    Thanks Ron

  2. #2842
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    ronnie.... my forearms are lagging...want to stimulate to many sets??? what exercises???thanks bro!!

  3. #2843
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    ronnie...humulin-R best insulin to use..... because it's fast releasing ..but not too fast????

  4. #2844
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    ronnie...lots of questions today steroids increase the potency of each other???

  5. #2845
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ron as regards the above question posted by delta1111...... Growth hormone is the secret to combating bodyfat while being big, its obviously the best way but is it the only way , can u just use test aswel, e.g , if a person is gaining bodyfat now while bulking and wants less bodyfat, apart from cutn his diet down, wud using more test combat this if more test means more muscle/strength/less fat , then taking more test to utilize all the food hes taking in and wud make him bigger with less bodyfat ? Or wud he end up with huge amounts of water weight from the large doses of test.
    I bought the dynamite kids book last wk and in one chapter he states he used take at least 6ml a day,3 of test and 3 of liquid dbol and cycle that for 6 wks with one week off taking hgh and repeating until he got the size and strength that he wanted and when he got to where he wanted he used cruise on 1shot eod to maintain it. I know this prob falls into the abuse catagory but my question is if ur not looking to become mr.olympia and jus wanted to be big and followed this approach and then used a shot eod to maintain ,althought ud be using large amounts innitially ,when u then maintain at a shot eod ,wudnt that be better in the long run health wise if u only needed to use that maintanance dose of about 1gram a wk from there on for years, as oppossed to continually upping your dosage only when needed because u wud be using 2 to 3 grams for many years longer than you wud have been on the amount dynaite was taking ? Incase im gone off the plot here , to sum it up ---wud taking a large dose for a short time then maintaining on a low dose for a long time be healthier than always upping your dosages when needed because ud always be in the bracket of using a medium amount of gear for years.
    "]opinions are going to varybecause both ways have thier pros and cons. What some people don't understand is that you cannot reudce the dosage down for very long and expect to keep all that mass/strength! You will start losing when you cut the dosages way back. If you are concerned you could complete one 10 week reload/deload phase using low dosages and a second 10 week reload/deload phase using considerably higher dosages. I know what the pro-bodybuilders are doing and that's staying on high dosages most of the year but thats not healthy IMO. They have to do so in order to maintain that type of mass. Those who can afford to do this use high amounts of gh in the offseason as well. I know of one pro-bodybuilder in whose name i am not going to mention that uses around $60,000 worth of anabolics during a 9 month period. That's a lot of money and hes a genetic freak to boot. It takes both to get that huge. I personally think i could train with him, eat along side of him and take the same amount of anabolics and still not be nearly as big/strong as him overall but i do believe i would pass him fast in arm size because i have better genetics than he in that area. [/[/color]

  6. #2846
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    hey ron, i know you’re all about form with lifts.
    I have a q’s about wrapping knees when squatting. Do you feel that it is safer? absolutely safer! I prefer atp knee wraps (with velcro) and i wrap my knees starting from the outside and going towards the inside to provide the best knee support possible. I normally don’t squat very heavy, but lately i have been gaining more strength and have felt like i could go higher. I went up to 405 this week for the first time and did 5 pretty clean reps. I didn’t want to get hurt so i stopped there. I prob won’t go that high in future, but was wondering once you start pushing more weight for that 8-10 reps range would it be safer for knees to wrap them. Not to get more weight, but safety. I have never wrapped before.
    Thanks ron

  7. #2847
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie.... My forearms are lagging...want to stimulate to many sets??? What exercises???thanks bro!!
    the maximum amount i would do for those forearms is 2 sets of hammer curls at the end of your bicep routine. Next,train forearms at the end of that particular training session doing 6 sets of standing behind teh back wrist curls and 6 sets of reverse wrist curls (8-15 reps per set.)

  8. #2848
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie...humulin-r best insulin to use..... Because it's fast releasing ..but not too fast????
    i personally would not use insulin unless you have a chance of being a top level pro and if i was going to use it i would use humulin-r as you suggested. Be careful!

  9. #2849
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie...lots of questions today steroids increase the potency of each other???
    i can tell you there tends to be somewhat of a syngergistic effect when you stack various steroids even though they are basically supposed to stimulate the same receptor sites. I think the reason for this is that some steroids cause more strength gains (particulary orals like drol, d-bol, winnie, halo and var. While some binds shbg at a higher rate leaving more free test to create anabolism. Some produce more estrogen, some produce less estrogen, some are more androgenic, some are more anabolic, some reduce cotisol levels more so, while some steroids increase atp levels more. And there is certainly a synergisitc effect when you combine steroids, growth hormone and insulin. In fact, from what i have seen and heard, combining the 3 is far superior for muscle growth than using super high dosages of any single hormone alone. In other words taking 3 grams of test per week is not going to provide you with as many gains as 1.5 gram of test per week, 4 ius of gh daily and 10 ius of insulin daily.

  10. #2850
    Convinced. is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie,

    Was planning a 14 week test prop, winnie, var cycle till I came across your post. Now I came up with this:
    1-8 TestP 125mg eod
    2-8 Winstrol 50mg ed
    1-8 20mg Nolva eod
    1-8 250iu HCG 2x weekly
    9-10 40mg Nolva ed
    9-10 100mg clomid ed
    11-18 TestP 125mg eod
    11-18 Anvar 60-80mg ed (figured I'd start with 60 and move up to 80 depending on how I feel, nonetheless have it on hand just in case)
    11-12/11-14 Dbol 50 mg ed (wanted a kickstart with the var and to put a little initial size on, and figured I'd decide on how I'm feeling whether to run 2 or 4weeks). I will also be running arimidex 50mg ed with the dbol to prevent some of the bloat
    11-18 20mg Nolva eod
    11-18 250iu HCG 2x weekly
    19-20 100mg Clomid ED + 20mg Nolva ED
    21-22 50mg Clomid ED + 20mg Nolva ED
    23-24 20mg Nolva ED
    25-26 20mg Nolva EOD

    I am nearly finishing my LOAD and would like to tweak the reload a bit...

    Now, in hindsight I would have rather ran the var/dbol/testP and then testP/winnie but gear came in at different timing. Also I am debating running the Var for 10 weeks (have read a lot of input on this site about needing to run Var for longer to maximize) and starting it during my deload as a bridge, till still stay in the relm of the 8 week reload. Other options are continue the Var alone at the end of the cycle for 2 weeks before starting PCT. Would you please advise?

  11. #2851
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    ronnie...sharing your knowledge is more appreciated... than you likely realize...ive paid good money for on-line trainers...only to be be free.. and ..amazing!!! thanks a million bro you!!!!

    do you ever hit 12 sets per body part??? given your age???

  12. #2852
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    ronnie...when should deca ... be cut out... before a show???how many mgs should i run??? i have aching elbows....

  13. #2853
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    ronnie about using gh to stay lean while bulking, if i cant afford that yet any other suggestions? would keeping carb cycling help?

  14. #2854
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    Injecting into my chest worked gud cheers ron, i love waiting for your answers because there always top notch! ur the man ron! id love to know how everyone trying to become a pro gets the money for all of it !!! Have u any idea how much it costs an underground lab to produce one bottle of test ? wondering whats the cheapest i cud ever possible get it for. ronnie, diet is the most important piece of the puzzle, but im wondering how on earth the big boys in the wwe now and inda past get there meals in, when u take that there onda road all year round , travellling by car or plane every day, have to hit the gym everyday , practise wrestling, then actually wrestle every night,then on top of it drinking, drugs, etc, how on earth did they eat every few hours and when they did it cudnt have been exactly what they wanted or as clean as theyd like. does large doses give u a helping hand in this manner ?

  15. #2855
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by convinced. View Post
    hey ronnie,

    was planning a 14 week test prop, winnie, var cycle till i came across your post. Now i came up with this:
    1-8 testp 125mg eod
    2-8 winstrol 50mg ed start winstrol week 1 not week 2
    1-8 20mg nolva eod
    1-8 250iu hcg 2x weekly
    9-10 40mg nolva ed (keep using 50 mgs of test prop twice a week with deload -like monday nad thursday)
    9-10 100mg clomid ed (not neccesary here bt can you run clomid post cycle if desired)reload
    11-18 testp 125mg eod[b] (increase test prop to 250 mgs eod)[/b
    ]11-18 anvar 60-80mg ed (figured i'd start with 60 and move up to 80 depending on how i feel, nonetheless have it on hand just in case) try only 40 mgs of var per day inorder to save cash. Even 20 will work some.
    11-12/11-14 dbol 50 mg ed (wanted a kickstart with the var and to put a little initial size on, and figured i'd decide on how i'm feeling whether to run 2 or 4weeks). i would not mix var and d-bol. i will also be running arimidex 50mg ed with the dbol to prevent some of the bloat
    11-18 20mg nolva eod
    11-18 250iu hcg 2x weekly
    19-20 100mg clomid ed + 20mg nolva ed [b]run 1250 hcg every thir day day for 2 weeks[/b
    ]21-22 50mg clomid ed + 20mg nolva ed
    23-24 20mg nolva ed
    25-26 20mg nolva eod

    i am nearly finishing my load and would like to tweak the reload a bit...

    Now, in hindsight i would have rather ran the var/dbol/testp and then testp/winnie but gear came in at different timing. Also i am debating running the var for 10 weeks (have read a lot of input on this site about needing to run var for longer to maximize) you do not need to run var or any oral for that matter longer than 8 weeks to maximize the efects.! and starting it during my deload as a bridge, till still stay in the relm of the 8 week reload. Other options are continue the var alone at the end of the cycle for 2 weeks before starting pct. Would you please advise?

  16. #2856
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie...sharing your knowledge is more appreciated... Than you likely realize...ive paid good money for on-line trainers...only to be be free.. And ..amazing!!! Thanks a million bro you!!!! thank you!do you ever hit 12 sets per body part??? Given your age??? yes i do. I tend to mix things up and do periods of more and periods of less during reloads. It's all how my joints feel and my energy levels.

  17. #2857
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie...when should deca ... Be cut out... Before a show??? 4 weeks out is good. how many mgs should i run??? 1 cc i have aching elbows...try starting with cable tricep pressdowns for 12-15 reps per sets to warm up elbow tendons and they do leaning cable overhead rope extension using a hammer grip which forces you to use less weight. Also use elbows wraps..

  18. #2858
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    ronnie about using gh to stay lean while bulking, if i cant afford that yet any other suggestions? Would keeping carb cycling help? yes carb cycling helps! I realize not everyone can afford gh. These pros who take 20-30 ius daily can stay lean while gaining weight.thanks

  19. #2859
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    injecting into my chest worked gud cheers ron, i love waiting for your answers because there always top notch! Ur the man ron! Id love to know how everyone trying to become a pro gets the money for all of it !!! sponsors, selling steroids, and some just have the money. Have u any idea how much it costs an underground lab to produce one bottle of test ? i probably should not say but it's dirt cheap minus their start up cost.wondering whats the cheapest i cud ever possible get it for. Ronnie, diet is the most important piece of the puzzle, but im wondering how on earth the big boys in the wwe now and inda past get there meals in, when u take that there onda road all year round , travellling by car or plane every day, have to hit the gym everyday , practise wrestling, then actually wrestle every night,then on top of it drinking, drugs, etc, how on earth did they eat every few hours and when they did it cudnt have been exactly what they wanted or as clean as theyd like. Does large doses give u a helping hand in this manner ? some are drinking liquid egg whites or protein shakes between meals and some eat only a few meals per day but are able to do so and still get big and strong due to their genetics and/or high dosages of drugs. And I have even seen some guys who were all natural (did not use steroids) and eat 3 larger meals per day yet were still big.

  20. #2860
    kelevra is offline Member
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    ron if im jus sitn down watchin tv with my mouth closed im breathing very heavy im told, i dont notice it too much myself but is it linked again to the sleep apnea ? sleep apnea can cause it but so can tren and water retention from aromatizing steroids. I have also noticed that steroids made by under ground labs who use excessive alcohol content cause allergic reactions in some which severely affects their breathing to the point of causing athsma attacks!

    I have had this as well, but it has gotten worse over the last couple of weeks. To the point it is keeping me up at night. I get to where i feel claustrophobic (more like an anxiety of suffocation) and it is worse when i lay down or try to sleep. I have never been a claustrophobic person, but over the years as i have gotten bigger with restricted movement and reduced flexibility i do get the hebee's a bit sometimes. At night before bed I often use a nasal spray to open me up and that seems to help. But lucky me, I have caught a little head cold and now it seems twice as bad. The itchy eyes, runny stuffy, sneezey nose. That sort of thing. This combined with the breathing issue already, is driving me crazy. I feel like a basket case as at least half of it i think is mental. Im not on any anxiety meds nor have any issues (other than this developing thing). All other things are in check. I have never been diagnosed with asthma or any other breathing issues. If this is a side to gear, it is not one i am growing to like very quickly. Below is a write up i found somewhere.
    It is to the point i would even stop the cycle. It's driving me that nutts.Thanx Ron
    Please advise!!

    heavy androgens (like dbol) can cause airway restriction, which can drastically cut your aerobic output. you also sound like you have the beginnings of sleep apnea- or cessation of breath while you sleep. the tissues in your upper airway swell w/ the added androgens and water retention, causing your airway to narrow (and close at times) during sleep.

  21. #2861
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    Hi Ronnie,

    As advised I will drop my EQ on the 2nd reload and up my test to 1.5g/week for 8 weeks. As said earlier I did 750/week test and 600/week EQ for the 1st 3weeks of 2nd reload. So this will total 11weeks and a grand total 23week blast

    The Day my 2nd deload finishes we start Ramadan the very next day (1st Aug - Fasting from sunrise to sunset). During the 2 week wait after my last shot through finish of PCT, I will not be eating like I should be at all coupled with lack of anabolics and not so great genetics I am bound to lose all my work and effort.

    What are my options
    1. After the 2nd deload can I take a low dose cruising TEST only for 4 weeks?

    2. I would like this time to CUT while maintaining my lean mass I gained during the 23week blast. Can I do this?

    3. SHould I use TestE to cruise or Test Prop EOD? Any other compounds I can take during this time to aid in maintaining muscle, and cutting fat and giving harder look

    4. If I do cruise through 4 weeks past 2nd deload, should I lift heavy 12 sets or similar to deload 6 sets to failure with lighter weight and higher reps? Remember I will be aiming to cut while maintaining as much as I can

    5. With the cruise my total length would be 27 weeks! I have been taking HCG 500iu/week through out...Is this safe? OR should I not think about cruising past 2nd deload.

    I intend after the 4 week cruise to do a full blown PCT and wait some time before starting another blast. BTW I am 33 years of age

    Thanks again
    Last edited by ridedivefx; 05-22-2011 at 05:29 AM.

  22. #2862
    Convinced. is offline New Member
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    Thanks for the response Ronnie!!

  23. #2863
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    ronnie..thanks a million for tricep advice!!! what be your stance on legalization of anabolic steroids ???

  24. #2864
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    40 to 80mg of accutane for 2 to 3 months will permanently wipe out all acne breakouts according to dave palumbo, please say this is true?

  25. #2865
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    ron if im jus sitn down watchin tv with my mouth closed im breathing very heavy im told, i dont notice it too much myself but is it linked again to the sleep apnea ? sleep apnea can cause it but so can tren and water retention from aromatizing steroids. I have also noticed that steroids made by under ground labs who use excessive alcohol content cause allergic reactions in some which severely affects their breathing to the point of causing athsma attacks!

    I have had this as well, but it has gotten worse over the last couple of weeks. To the point it is keeping me up at night. I get to where i feel claustrophobic (more like an anxiety of suffocation) and it is worse when i lay down or try to sleep. I have never been a claustrophobic person, but over the years as i have gotten bigger with restricted movement and reduced flexibility i do get the hebee's a bit sometimes. At night before bed I often use a nasal spray to open me up and that seems to help. But lucky me, I have caught a little head cold and now it seems twice as bad. The itchy eyes, runny stuffy, sneezey nose. That sort of thing. This combined with the breathing issue already, is driving me crazy. I feel like a basket case as at least half of it i think is mental. Im not on any anxiety meds nor have any issues (other than this developing thing). All other things are in check. I have never been diagnosed with asthma or any other breathing issues. If this is a side to gear, it is not one i am growing to like very quickly. Below is a write up i found somewhere.
    It is to the point i would even stop the cycle. It's driving me that nutts.Thanx Ron
    Please advise!!

    heavy androgens (like dbol) can cause airway restriction, which can drastically cut your aerobic output. you also sound like you have the beginnings of sleep apnea- or cessation of breath while you sleep. the tissues in your upper airway swell w/ the added androgens and water retention, causing your airway to narrow (and close at times) during sleep.
    Losing weight, especially some water weight will help you. Your best bet is to lower carbs and get your body fat down. When people are lean they do not usually have these same kind of issues unless its asthma or an allergic reaction to the gear.

    Also, if you are taking tren you most certainly need to run clenbuterol to open up those pathways. And from the sounds of everything you just told me you have allergies and some asthma going on. I would run 40 mgs of clen for a few weeks (regardless of what gear you are using) along with dropping some body weight and I'll bet that will take care of it. If not you are allergic to the UG lab gear you have been using. You are either allergic to the high BA content, the oil or compounds itself they are using. My guess is the alcohol. Thats why pharm grade is always best! Please do not panick. Note: This is not that uncommon and it gets worse during the allergy season or when its humid making it more difficult to breathe. I keep an albuterol inhaler with me when training legs and one by my bed (i shouldnt have to explain that just in case I get an exercised induced asthma attack. I am now on allergy shots and I no longer have this problem but still keep the albuterol with me in case some feraky ever happened. You'll should probably try allergy shots as well.

  26. #2866
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    40 to 80mg of accutane for 2 to 3 months will permanently wipe out all acne breakouts according to dave palumbo, please say this is true?
    It's true but please beware that there are class action law suits against this drug (such as causing chrones disease). It's also been linked to making disc weak. It works and you should be okay but I just wanted you to know.

  27. #2867
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Hi Ronnie,

    As advised I will drop my EQ on the 2nd reload and up my test to 1.5g/week for 8 weeks. As said earlier I did 750/week test and 600/week EQ for the 1st 3weeks of 2nd reload. So this will total 11weeks and a grand total 23week blast

    The Day my 2nd deload finishes we start Ramadan the very next day (1st Aug - Fasting from sunrise to sunset). During the 2 week wait after my last shot through finish of PCT, I will not be eating like I should be at all coupled with lack of anabolics and not so great genetics I am bound to lose all my work and effort. Keep protein high and a reduction in calories is inorder to keep from getting fat. Clenbuterol can be good to take during this time. What are my options
    1. After the 2nd deload can I take a low dose cruising TEST only for 4 weeks? Most defintely. Run 1 cc of test-e once per week.
    2. I would like this time to CUT while maintaining my lean mass I gained during the 23week blast. Can I do this? Yes, but you will need to add clen and or winstrol to cut.3. SHould I use TestE to cruise or Test Prop EOD?test-e Any other compounds I can take during this time to aid in maintaining muscle, and cutting fat and giving harder look. clen and tren are hard to beat or clen and winnie. Also run 1 cc of test-e.4. If I do cruise through 4 weeks past 2nd deload, should I lift heavy 12 sets or similar to deload 6 sets to failure with lighter weight and higher reps? Do 10 -15 reps since you are cutting and yes do the higher volume to burn calories so less, if any, cardio is needed. Remember I will be aiming to cut while maintaining as much as I can

    5. With the cruise my total length would be 27 weeks! I have been taking HCG 500iu/week through out...Is this safe? OR should I not think about cruising past 2nd deload. I would cruise and go off hcg during cutting phase!I intend after the 4 week cruise to do a full blown PCT and wait some time before starting another blast. BTW I am 33 years of age

    Thanks again

  28. #2868
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie..thanks a million for tricep advice!!! what be your stance on legalization of anabolic steroids???
    I defintely think our govermnet should legalize steroids again. Alcohol and cigarettes are legal which makes no sense seeing steroids and marijuana are illegal. In the future, I think anabolics will be legalized again and pott will also be legalized and taxed to death. For the record, I do not smoke tobacco, drink alchohol, or use pott.

  29. #2869
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Thanx Ron,
    I think I'm going to schedule a visit to the doc to check for allergies. I have never really had probs before, but over time i seem to be developing a sensitivity to the allergy season. At random, i can go outside and get a bad tickle in my throat and hack and cough for a few mins then be fine. Although i never seem to have any workout related breath issue, i think i obviously am having some allergy ones.

    I think my current condition could be described with a little of all that you described.
    1. Im not on tren , but am to high BF%. That would be the start of heavy breathing even at rest. Along with the other things you described. And im working on that now.
    2. The allergy issue. Of course i feel better when my nose is open, but even breathing through my mouth seems some restricted. And we know it is that season.
    3. Additionally I have some cold related symptoms (stuffy itchy sneezy) that is magnifying everything at once.

    Even when folks have not been diagnosed with asthma, would it still be good to keep an inhaler around? If you can get the doc to give one.

    Thanx Again
    Your worth a million,
    And dont over use that bedside inhaler.LOL
    Last edited by kelevra; 05-22-2011 at 09:02 PM.

  30. #2870
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Here's a diet question for you Ron. I've been eating pinto beans as a carb source lately but I've realized they also have quite a lot of fat and protein as well. I love eating these beans but I was wondering what you thought in regards to nutrient partitioning? One cup of cooked dried pinto beans breaks down like this: Protein 11g, carbs 34g, Fat 15g for a total of 214 calories. I'm bulking right now. What do you think their value is as far as bulking and cutting?

    One more question while I'm at it. What do you think of NPP as opposed to Deca ? I would be running it with Test Prop.
    Last edited by The Titan99; 05-22-2011 at 11:39 PM.

  31. #2871
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ronnie, do you know of any t3 users who develop permanent thyroid problems, reason i ask is because since i stopped t3 ive been feeling a strain in the left side of my throat and suffered a fat rebound, happened so fast. and also normally i lose fat quite easy normally but this time im really struggling to shift some even with carb cycling.
    also when dieting how do you differentiate muscle flatness with possible muscle loss apart from strength? whenever i go low cals/carbs i flatten out badly. thanks ronnie

  32. #2872
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    thanx ron,
    i think i'm going to schedule a visit to the doc to check for allergies. I have never really had probs before, but over time i seem to be developing a sensitivity to the allergy season. At random, i can go outside and get a bad tickle in my throat and hack and cough for a few mins then be fine. Although i never seem to have any workout related breath issue, i think i obviously am having some allergy ones.

    I think my current condition could be described with a little of all that you described.
    1. Im not on tren , but am to high bf%. That would be the start of heavy breathing even at rest. Along with the other things you described. And im working on that now.
    2. The allergy issue. Of course i feel better when my nose is open, but even breathing through my mouth seems some restricted. And we know it is that season.
    3. Additionally i have some cold related symptoms (stuffy itchy sneezy) that is magnifying everything at once.

    Even when folks have not been diagnosed with asthma, would it still be good to keep an inhaler around? If you can get the doc to give one. [b]i would hurt since you are having breathing problems. Bring that body fat down by cleaning up your diet and adding in some cardio and it should leave for the most part if not entirely and stay off of milk products as well (mucous forming). Since you are not struggling to breathe during workouts its most likely not asthma. keep in mind that pregnant women have similar issues (laboured breathing due to excessive body fat and water retention)![/b] thanx again
    your worth a million,
    and dont over use that bedside luckily its only there in case but have not needed it yet..i do no cardio at the gym. I don't need it thanks to my

  33. #2873
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Finally took the time to read this whole thing Ronnie. I am mother fvckin SUBSCRIBED!!! Four weeks in, using for cutting. LOVE THE CARB CYCLING! Sanity and results, pretty rare for cutting. Wanted to run my volume past ya and see what you think. Cycle is very mild and is going to stay very mild 100mg Var ed, 100mg Prop eod, clen up to 160mcg ed.....Volume is as follows: Chest- 12 Biceps- 6 (with and additional 2 sets of hammer curls for Brachioradialis), Forearms- 4, Quads-12, Hams-7, Calves-8, Delts -12 (4 for rears on back day), Triceps- 10, Abs- 8, Back-14, Traps- 6.

  34. #2874
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    Dec 2010
    Hey Ronnie. I'm going to start slingshot training in the month of July, I just finished finished PCT from a Prop cycle. Here is what I was thinking:

    Weeks 1-8:
    500mg Test Prop
    50mg Dbol (for 4 weeks, thinking about maybe going with Winny instead of Dbol, thoughts on this?)

    Weeks 9-10:
    250mg Test Prop

    Weeks 11-18
    750mg Test Prop
    90mg Tren (PH, I need to use up the rest of my PH Tren, I respond well to Tren and do not get sides from it)
    75mg Proviron
    Dermatherm Target

    Weeks 19-20
    300mg Test Prop

    I will be running HCG at 250iu E4D starting at week 3 for the duration of the cycle (during reloads and deloads). I don't mind the frequent pinning. Scar tissue won't be an issue if I change sites frequently correct?

    PCT will be after the second deload and will consist of Torem, Sustain Alpha, Toco-8, EndoAmp Max, and TCF-1.

    My overall goal with this cycle is to put on as much lean mass as I can.

    How does this look? Thanks!
    Last edited by TestAce; 05-24-2011 at 10:48 AM.

  35. #2875
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Apr 2010
    Hi Ronnie,
    Think you may have missed my question 2797

  36. #2876
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Apr 2011
    Can anyone pls help me to bulk up fast. Give me the exact workout excercises that I should do per day. Pls help me thanks.

  37. #2877
    abbot138's Avatar
    abbot138 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    Can anyone pls help me to bulk up fast. Give me the exact workout excercises that I should do per day. Pls help me thanks.
    This gets my vote for most obnoxious, retarded, annoying post of the year.

  38. #2878
    TestAce is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    This gets my vote for most obnoxious, retarded, annoying post of the year.
    I was going to say the same, had to do my best to refrain.

  39. #2879
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    im back doin deadlifts ron but now my problem is the lower back pump, never stopped me before but this is extremely intense, i cud only work up to my heaviest for 8 reps and stop, cudnt do 3 more sets cause it feels like the muscles either side of my spine meet at the bottom of my back and are cramping together or soemthing , i can feel my lower back throbbing, i cudnt even bend over to take the plates off, if this continues il never get my deadlift up! how many sets for back ron? i do 5 exercies, at the moment , a lat pulldown and pullups, close grip seated pulley rows and close grip bent over rows using a barbell placed inda corner of the room. 4 working sets for each exercise. male olympic gymnasts that perform on those rings, sum of those guys are absolutley massive, im presuming they too need massive dosages ? seeming as supposedly they can walk into a gym without ever having been der in there life and bench press twice their own body weight easily!

  40. #2880
    abbot138's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TestAce View Post
    I was going to say the same, had to do my best to refrain.
    Sometimes you just gotta let it fly, lol.

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