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  1. #3161
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    is aromasin considered to be liver toxic? is it considered to be Zero/low/mild/high liver toxic? the reason why am asking cause am having liver discomfort when i sit and checked my liver enzymes came back a bit whacked. is it from the medications am on for the surgery and pct compunds? this is what am on right now: aromasin,nolva,antiboitics, anti-inflamatory, steroid nasal spray, ursodeoxycholic acid month course for reduction of liver fat. i think that fast food, med drugs (antiboitic/ can elevate ALT liver value?

    would you say the aromasin i have is good or underosed by lookin at these value?

    *estrodiol: 69.14 (7.63-42.6)
    day1: 37.5mg aromasin, 100clomid
    day2: 37.5 aromasin, 100 clomid, 40 nolva
    day3: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day4: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day5: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    *estradiol: 38 (11-44)
    day6: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day7: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day8: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day9: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day10: 12.5 aromasin, 20 nolva
    *estradiol: 34 (11-44)

    am really confused! am off cycle and aromasin should knock down the estro way easier then on cycle. i guess its time to get pharm grade aromsin, cause all these research chemical companies make underdosed ancillaries i think...Ron would agree with me the aromasin am using is underdosed?
    Last edited by kml999; 07-15-2011 at 03:23 AM.

  2. #3162
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tom Bodo View Post
    Your wife looks great. All the best for her upcoming contest.

    Here you see some pictures off me after reloading and deloading:

    This reloading and deloading really kicks ass Thanks again for sharing your honest knowledge with us.
    You made one heck of a transformation. You could compete and do well if you keep up this pace!

  3. #3163
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    she looks better than half the pros out there! i'll be very surprised if she doesn't place 1st - best of luck!
    I'm thinking the same thing. Well see who shows up next friday. Wish her luck!

  4. #3164
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    Quote Originally Posted by paulzane View Post
    hi again ronnie i am nearly finished week 4 of my first reload and was wondering if i should add some deca for my aging joints for the next 4 weeks before my deload (i am 56). add one cc of deca per week for your joints! You might want to get some cabergoline and cialis.i did follow your recommendations from my previous post but have slight joint probs. What you quoted is below:

    Week 1-4 dbol 50mg/day or anadrol 50 50mg/day (go with d-bol because some find it hard to put on size with anadrol because it destroys their appetite. Drink more water while on d-bol to stay hydrated and keep kidney pain at bay.)

    week 1-8 deca 550mg/week (mixture is 275mg/ml) (drop the deca during first reload and use during second reload)

    week 1-8 test e 500mg/week or one 250mg inj every 3 days

    week 1 - 18 proviron 50mg/day

    my next nebido will be due on week 7 so will this be enough to see me through week 9 & 10 or should i do a test e one 250mg inj a week as well? add in 250 mls of test-e

    week 10 - 18 test e 750mg/week or 250mg every other day

    week 10 -18 deca 550mg/week

    week 19 nebido

  5. #3165
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hey ronnie, been reloading-deloading for 7 months and think it might be a good time for a prime (even though ive made strength and size gains every reload) just feel abit burned out
    was thinking of doing a 2 week deload followed by a 2 week prime with a pct in there (abit confused whether to do this aas free or would 300mg test be ok?) discontinue all steroids when doing a 2 week prime to achieve full receptor cleansing! Pct is optional.for the 7 months i haven't been using hcg but will do this time - will 2500ius eod 2 weeks be enough? yesif you dont mind could you please give an example of the 4 week deload/prime? 2 week deload in your case would be 300 mgs of sustanon once per week. 2 week prime that follows would be hcg 2500ius eod 2 weeks with no anabolics thanks very much ronnie

  6. #3166
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    leg help during cut plz..
    Squat 135 & 225 for a set of 10 each to warm up.
    Squat 3x 315 for 12 or so. (smart failure)
    lunges weighted 2 sets to failure
    ex 2 sets 14-16 reps (to low of reps hurt knees on this lift)
    ham curl 3 sets 8-10 reps (smart failure)
    10sets + 2 warm ups
    is this too much volume for cutting? no its not too much volume for cutting. I decreased the weight used on squat as i was doing 405 for sets of 8, but upper body is getting to weak to support it. Bothering mid back and traps. (no injuries wanted)

  7. #3167
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5692000]ronnie what do you think of running proviron to attach to SHBG and free up test? I think proviron is best used as an anti-es during both reloads and deloads. I do not buy into the theory it frees up enough test to make a noticeable difference. best to run during deload or reload or not at all?
    also good idea to swap adex for aromasin next reload? always stay with proviron unless its too weak to prevent gyno symptoms as proviron can actually increase sex drive where as adex can destroy it.[/QUOTE]above

  8. #3168
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    I am not doing this to compete, I am doing it for health and vanity. Before I started working out I was as high as 250lbs and about 25% BF. Before my first blast I was the lowest I've weighed in years, 195 and 13%BF. I went up to 225 on the blast and have leveled out at 212 and 15%BF after PCT and trying to drop the BF a little more before the next blast.

    I do morning workouts, up at 430 or 530am depending on the day. I am an assistant editor so I sit in front of a computer all day. I have 7 meals a day spread out every 2-3 hours. I get to bed between 930-10 nightly. I have noticed if I work late(which is often in my field) and have dinner later, I have to skip my pre-bed shake or make it very small as a full stomach has messed with my sleep.

    Currently eating:
    Meal 1
    40g protein(5 egg whites, protein powder), 1/2 cup oatmeal shake


    Meal 2a (post workout shake)
    50g protein(protein powder), 3/4 cup oatmeal shake

    Meal 2b (after getting ready for work)
    1 slice ezekial bread, 1 slice lowfat swiss cheese, 2 whole eggs, 2 egg whites, 1 serving low fat turkey sausage

    Meal 3
    Banana, protein shake, carbmaster yogurt

    Meal 4
    Varies, either chicken breast or ground turkey with brown rice or steamed veggies

    Meal 5
    Beef jerky, carbmaster yogurt, 12 almonds

    Meal 6
    Varies, chicken breast or steak with steamed veggies or sweet potato

    Meal 7 (right before bed)
    Cottage cheese and casein shake

    I usually add more carbs only on workout days (more fruits-bananas, grapefruit, apples) and when on cycle I eat bigger portions

    I usually do stair master or eliptical for cardio when on cycle (for some reason its hard for me to run on gear, not sure why) So I have only been running since a week or 2 after my blast ended.

    I have taken the past week off working out and have only been running every other day and have noticed improvements in my sleep. I still usually am awake before my alarm goes off. Should get my apnea results back next week.

    I start my deload tomorrow and head back to the gym.

    Hope this info might help and thanks for all your input!!!!
    Unless you are over-training with weights it could be sleep apnea or you may be one of these peoplewho needs meds at night to sleep well.

  9. #3169
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    [QUOTE=lynxeffect1;5692060]with regards to the 15 degree incline and decline you reccomended and i tried and it def took the shoulders out of the equation, how come no matter what in every video you see and even the big lads at my own gym , they all do at least 30 to 45 degrees? Well, just because someone is big does not mean they are doing things correctly. Also, if someone has good upper chest genetics their upper pec will actually take over the movement as opposed to the anterior delts even at a higher degree of angles. [/QUOTE]above

  10. #3170
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    [QUOTE=Willy D.;5692234]Ronnie,
    Starting my first deload Monday using your split 1 routine. I am currently doing 330Lb deadlifts so for the deload they should be what? 200? 250? Bascially what you do with a deload is cut work set by around half and keep rep higher (10-15). If you have sore joints after the 8 week reload you should not train to failure during the deload but you can train to failure with higher reps/lighter weights if your joints are not bothering you. and of course all other exercises will follow suite. Also plan on doing my second reload using your split 2 routine. My quetion here is...On chest day in addition to incline, flat, and decline benchpress can I also do incline, flat, and decline flys? Stick to just flat flyes. Inclines are too hard on the rotator cuff and you need more work for the lower-mid section of the pecs. The upper region is a very small area requiring few sets to stimulate! I always do decline before inclines so my shoulder is warmed up to the max and I cannot lift as much weight-hence sparing my rotator cuffs and making my chest larger. or will this be to much? Just trying to get a deaper center. As always Thanks for your input and time.
    Your advise to all is second to none. THANK YOU![/QUOTE]Ronnie

  11. #3171
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5692977]hey ron, i ran test at 1.5g last reload and i respond well to it with not many sides or feeling ill, can i run test only cycles and expect similar results to test/tren if test is increased? NO! TEST AND TREN COMBO IS STRONGER THAN LARGER DOSAGES OF TEST AND ADDING D-BOL OR ANADROL TO TEST/TREN IS EVEN BETTER. IF YOU USED GH/SLIN/TEST THEN YOU COULD GROW LIKE A WEED WITH JUST TEST AS YOUR ONLY ANABOLIC. just been reading this whole thread again from page 1 - i would be lost without this thread lol
    really appreciate the help mate

  12. #3172
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    i did further BW for just estro and total test on the 5th day of my estro used to be 69.14 (7.63-42.6) and now is 38 (11-44) and my total test was 1.67 (2.8-8.0) and now total test is 4.83 (3.0-10.6). i ran this when i started my 3rd pct 5 days ago:

    day1: 37.5mg aromasin , 100clomid
    day2: 37.5 aromasin, 100 clomid, 40 nolva
    day3: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day4: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day5: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva (havent taken the nolva on this day when i did the test and took it afterwards before sleep)

    i did the bw test on the 5th day of this pct and did estrodiol and total testosterone ONLY at a local lab and got the above results. i will keep aromasin at 12.5mg per day and 20 nolva until the 10th day

    should i stop on the 10th day? should i still do hcg ? I WOULD ALWAYS DO SOME HCG AND KEEP ANTI-ES IN FOR MINIMUM OF 3 WEEKS POST CYCLE.[/QUOTE]ABOVE

  13. #3173
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    [QUOTE=trainhard10;5692587]Alright so this is my first time on here and am hoping I'm in the area. I am going on my fourth cycle but my first three I did zero thinking, everything was done for me when it came to putting the cycle together by my former training partner. He had moved and sold me the last of what he had so I was wanting to know if anyone could help me set up a cycle with what I have. Yes I have been reading up and doing my homework but just want to be sure this is done correct. I did some research on the stuff and it both inject ables say to take once a week? I hope I'm typing this correct.
    Enanthate 200mg + Boldenone Undeclynate 50mg I have three 250mg x 10ml Vials
    250mg/ml x 10ml/vials x 2 = 5000 mgs testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60mg); and testosterone decanoate (100 mg)
    and thats two of those vials.
    250 10mg Danabol tabs
    As far as during and after I have all the proper antiestragens figured out as well as my HCG .
    Anyway I hope this is the correct area and I hope that I posted everything right and thanks for the help.
    I hoping to get a 12 week cycle out of the injectable.[/QUOTE]I SET UP 20 WEEK CYCLES (MINIMUM) SO PROBABLY BEST TO POST IN ANABOLIC STEROIDS Q n A SECTION.

  14. #3174
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    Thanks so much Ronnie,

    I pinned this morning for the 750mg and 400deca but still leary about the hair. My wife says im the same and nothing has changed "she cuts my hair". I just get worried because ive had thin fine hair my whole life and done a lot to hold onto it. "i would look horrible bald". I HAVE FINE HAIR AS WELL BUT LUCKILY IT HAS NOT RECEEDED MUCH AT AGE 45. THAT'S WHAT YOU HAVE TO WATCH OUT FOR!I may give it a shot and try the 750mg the last 8 week reload here and see how i do. I doubt i will go this high again but i guess ill try it this time.

    My goal is to cut right after. Should i just do 2 week deload and jump right into a 16 week cut after this 20 week run with no deloads. START 16 WEEK NON-STOP CUT AFTER 2 WEEK DELOAD (WEEKS 19-20). Or would you have me take a month PCT break then start the cutting cycle. I have 3 kids and another in the wifes belly now "that one was unexpcted" and absolutley do not want anymore, its hard enough on a single income as my wife doesnt work. Oh and im 35 years old. FORGET PCT FOREVER..LOL..JUMP STRAIGHT INTO CUTTING PHASE!For my cutting cycle I know you said run var staight through, but my question is, is it safe to run var 16 weeks at 75mg. I know its mild but its not that good on cholesterol. I WOULD RUN 50 MGS ED FOR 16 WEEKS. SINCE YOU ARE GOING TO BE EATING CLEAN AND DOING CARDIO-ANY SMALL CHOLESTEROL WON'T BE OF CONCERN AS EVERYTHING ELSE WILL COMBAT IT.
    So for the cutting cycle can you help me create one based on the compounds i run with my fine hair.

    IM thinking

    Test 300mg "can do 400 mb 500 depending how this 750 run goes"
    Anavar 75mg
    I have tons of deca but as you stated im thinking primo would be better?
    Ive never ran Primo so im not sure what dose, ive seen 200-400mg a week? Stuff is expensive but ill give it a go.

    On a side note

    Ive almost considered staying on a low dose test TRT because i actually feel like i have a better quality of life. I AGREE!My sex drive has been crap since my mid 20s for some reason even though blood tests have been on the low normal range. Ive been married almost 5 years and ive had almost a non existent sex drive that has made my wife insecure with herself. Ever since being on test we are having sex a good once a day and she and I are loving it. I told her i was going to come off completely in fear of losing my hair and she almost paniced. Bottom line is i think Test saved my marriage.YOU'D BE BETTER OFF WITH NO HAIR THAN NO SEX DRIVE! I WOULD CUT ALL MY HAIR OFF IT THATS WHAT IT TOOK TO GET A SEX DRIVE. THATS ABOUT THE MOST IMPORTANT THING IN LIFE. EVEN MORE SO THAN BIG MUSCLES IN MY BOOK!

  15. #3175
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    hi ron,

    i am on my 2nd week of pct after my 1st blast. Strength is up lost a bit at the top end but still very good. I have lost size but that cud be mostly water retention.

    Since my strength is up, does this mean i am maintaining the muscles mass i gained? its a good sign for sure!
    also since my blast is done do i continue to blast (reload/delaod) through pct and time off before my next blast? yes. You reload and deload whether training natural or drug enhanced.i now have some access to hgh, would it be wise to use it now between 3-4iu (5on2off) or should i wait and use it with my next blast and cycle? use it with cycle to create a synergistic muscle building effect!can i run hgh now to help burn some fat and to help maintain or even gain some muscle mass or is it not worth it? you wont gain without the steroids because it takes many months to put on new muscle with gh. Why not just start up another cycle now instead of waiting around. Summer is the time to look your best!
    will run hgh 5-6 months straight IS IT GENERIC OR PHARM GRADE GH?

  16. #3176
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5693411]
    Quote Originally Posted by trainhard10 View Post
    Alright so this is my first time on here and am hoping I'm in the area. I am going on my fourth cycle but my first three I did zero thinking, everything was done for me when it came to putting the cycle together by my former training partner. He had moved and sold me the last of what he had so I was wanting to know if anyone could help me set up a cycle with what I have. Yes I have been reading up and doing my homework but just want to be sure this is done correct. I did some research on the stuff and it both inject ables say to take once a week? I hope I'm typing this correct.
    Enanthate 200mg + Boldenone Undeclynate 50mg I have three 250mg x 10ml Vials
    250mg/ml x 10ml/vials x 2 = 5000 mgs testosterone propionate (30 mg); testosterone phenylpropionate (60 mg); testosterone isocaproate (60mg); and testosterone decanoate (100 mg)
    and thats two of those vials.
    250 10mg Danabol tabs
    As far as during and after I have all the proper antiestragens figured out as well as my HCG .
    Anyway I hope this is the correct area and I hope that I posted everything right and thanks for the help.
    I hoping to get a 12 week cycle out of the injectable.[/QUOTE]I SET UP 20 WEEK CYCLES (MINIMUM) SO PROBABLY BEST TO POST IN ANABOLIC STEROIDS Q n A SECTION.
    Thanks for the reply man.

  17. #3177
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    Hey Ron, quick workout question. I recently started a new reload and on leg night I do 3 working sets of squats on the Smith machine, 3 sets of hack squats (machine) and 3 sets of leg extensions for quads. I also do 6 sets of leg curls and 8 sets of calf raises(5 standing, 3 seated). I just tried switching leg presses for hack squats. I like the feel of it and it seems to hit the glutes more which is something I need to work on. It doesn't seem to hit the quads as hard though. If I wanted to leave the leg presses in, should I do more squats, leg extensions or leave it like it is? Thanks Buddy!!

  18. #3178
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Ron please check post #3164 (you replied twice for the same post)

  19. #3179
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, quick workout question. I recently started a new reload and on leg night I do 3 working sets of squats on the Smith machine, 3 sets of hack squats (machine) and 3 sets of leg extensions for quads. I also do 6 sets of leg curls and 8 sets of calf raises(5 standing, 3 seated). I just tried switching leg presses for hack squats. I like the feel of it and it seems to hit the glutes more which is something I need to work on. It doesn't seem to hit the quads as hard though. If I wanted to leave the leg presses in, should I do more squats, leg extensions or leave it like it is? Thanks Buddy!!
    LEAVE IT LIKE IT IS TO PREVENT OVER-TRAINING OF CNS AND JOINTS. Going with a wide stance with feet fairly high on leg presses really stimulates the glutes. Lunges on a smith machine using a step up are even better for glute development. May want to give those a try !

  20. #3180
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    Got it man, thanks a lot!!

  21. #3181
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5693406]
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hey ron, i ran test at 1.5g last reload and i respond well to it with not many sides or feeling ill, can i run test only cycles and expect similar results to test/tren if test is increased? NO! TEST AND TREN COMBO IS STRONGER THAN LARGER DOSAGES OF TEST AND ADDING D-BOL OR ANADROL TO TEST/TREN IS EVEN BETTER. IF YOU USED GH/SLIN/TEST THEN YOU COULD GROW LIKE A WEED WITH JUST TEST AS YOUR ONLY ANABOLIC. just been reading this whole thread again from page 1 - i would be lost without this thread lol
    really appreciate the help mate
    how much do you weigh in the offseason ron?
    best of luck to you and your wife for the upcoming shows! we all really appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions even in this busy time!!

  22. #3182
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    is aromasin considered to be liver toxic? is it considered to be Zero/low/mild/high liver toxic? the reason why am asking cause am having liver discomfort when i sit and checked my liver enzymes came back a bit whacked. is it from the medications am on for the surgery and pct compunds? this is what am on right now: aromasin,nolva,antiboitics, anti-inflamatory, steroid nasal spray, ursodeoxycholic acid month course for reduction of liver fat. i think that fast food, med drugs (antiboitic/ can elevate ALT liver value? A lot of medications can cause an increase in liver enzymes to those who are prone. I would say aromasin is low on liver toxic scale and how do you know the pain is coming from your liver? It would be rare to have pain from aromasin unless its joint or muscular. And this stuff you are taking to reduce liver fat would be the obvious culprit if indeed the pain is actually coming from the liver. I do know that some females have ovarian pain while taking strong anti-es like letro. I think you should contact your doctor and ask him what he thinks is causing the pain if it continues. would you say the aromasin i have is good or underosed by lookin at these value? imo underdosed.
    *estrodiol: 69.14 (7.63-42.6)
    day1: 37.5mg aromasin, 100clomid
    day2: 37.5 aromasin, 100 clomid, 40 nolva
    day3: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day4: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day5: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    *estradiol: 38 (11-44)
    day6: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day7: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day8: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day9: 12.5 aromasin, 40 nolva
    day10: 12.5 aromasin, 20 nolva
    *estradiol: 34 (11-44)

    am really confused! am off cycle and aromasin should knock down the estro way easier then on cycle. i guess its time to get pharm grade aromsin, cause all these research chemical companies make underdosed ancillaries i think...Ron would agree with me the aromasin am using is underdosed? It probably is underdosed and it may not even be aromasin.

  23. #3183
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    how much do you weigh in the offseason ron?
    best of luck to you and your wife for the upcoming shows! we all really appreciate you taking the time to answer our questions even in this busy time!!
    225 is where I like to stay. Been as high as 250 and arms got up to 22 inches pumped but I felt fat, lethargic, and began experiencing severe headaches from having high blood pressure..Never

  24. #3184
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    Thanks for your help Ronnie ..... you are tops!

  25. #3185
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    Hey Ron, for cutting do you prefer Masteron or oxandrolone? If you were going to incorporate Masteron into a Test prop 1000 mg/Tren E 800 mg cutting cycle, what would be a good dosage?
    Also, I've recently come across a steroid blend of Test Ace 50mg/ml Tren Ace 50 mg/ Drost Prop 50 mg/ml. Would 2.5 ml ed be a comparable cycle to the Test Prop 1000 mg/ Tren E 800 mg/75 mg Var ed? What is your opinion regarding this stuff?
    Last edited by The Titan99; 07-19-2011 at 09:08 PM.

  26. #3186
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    Hey Ron when i cut you mentioned Var, primo and low dose of test since im prone to hairloss. Im seeing a lot of people saying primo can be horrid on the hairline.

    Whats your opinion on that,.

  27. #3187
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5693621]
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    225 is where I like to stay. Been as high as 250 and arms got up to 22 inches pumped but I felt fat, lethargic, and began experiencing severe headaches from having high blood pressure..Never
    woah! no doubt you could have been pro especially with those arms and delts genetics!!
    how much do you weigh on stage?
    ronnie after a 2 week prime with no aas for receptor cleansing good idea to throw in anadrol with my usual test/tren combo to up total dosages. my last 3 mass gain reloads have had 1.5g test - reckon i should up to 2g (never felt bad sides from test like flu etc)?
    do you reckon running both as enanthates would be better than esther mixes?
    thanks mate
    Last edited by ricky23; 07-20-2011 at 07:43 AM.

  28. #3188
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Hey Ron
    I noticed you recommend accutane for acne somewhere in a thread. My wife has suffered for years with acne with very little help from the dermatologist. the antibiotics helped some, but not much. She has tried everything and is diligent about face cleaning and such. She is 30 and still having very bad issues at times with this. It seems to be worse when the monthly hormones hit. She can't take accutane as she still wants another child.

    Do you have any other ideas that might help?
    Thanx Ronnie.

  29. #3189
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    ronnie, for past deloads ive always just replaced protein cals with carb cals. this time was thinking of reducing carbs aswell as protein but upping fat cals to level out. for me that would be 250g protein 200g carbs 180g fats
    good idea???!!
    thanks man

  30. #3190
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    apart from bodyfat, does hgh keep the water weight from gear off your face? how much cardio can u really get away with without eating away at ur muscle when tryn to gain size, for eg ...all the big guys in wrestling have a hell of a lot of cardio to do or is it gona be dependant on how much gear u take and they tend to just up the dosage if losing muscle from all the cardio? im stil reading the dynamite kids book and wot he said happened to him from the large doses of steroids was he had a heart attack from having an enlarged heart which was caused because the heart is a muscle so that grew along with every other muscle, is this a freak rare incident the heart growing because ive never heard of any bodybuilders heart that grew, wud it not be happening to everyone then? because isnt anyone who wants to be pro size or near enough to it gonna have to take more or less the same high amount of gear. lastly ron regarding my last post about how pro's use gear when they have to do guest posing in all parts of the world , i understand u cant say on this thread but is it possible to answer this in a private mail to me? if not i understand , cheers again ron and best of luck to u and ur wife in yer shows!
    Last edited by lynxeffect1; 07-20-2011 at 03:14 PM.

  31. #3191
    amazinspiderman is offline Junior Member
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    First of all THANK YOU VERY MUCH for creating this and taking time to answer all the questions.
    I have to be honest i read up until page 21 but i gave up.
    So i don't know if you answered this already but whats your take on taking in less test than, lets say, tren per week?
    Also, If i'm already in a reload phase of 50mg Prop ED and 75mg TrenA ED and deload with only 50md Prop EOD in the next reload phase can i add Equi and keep goinf for 3 or more reload\load?

    If you answer this i will go into more detail about my plans

  32. #3192
    Milender is offline New Member
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    Hi there, this is a summer about me so maybe you can help me out. Started training about 11 years ago and my first cycle was 100 5mg dinabal and i made preety good difference no pct taken, 2nd cycle was 250mg sustanun,200mg deca and about 200 dinaball for 8weeks and took only 500mg HCG and felt my hair getting thinner since i stopped and some weeks after. Then had 200 Winsrol 5mg for 10 weeks and went preety good. A Cycle of Cypronaite 400mg a week for 8 weeks no PCT. 10 week Trenbolon no PCT, 5 weeks Boldenate & Trenbolone wHich I was looking very ripped at 95 kg no PCT. These cycles where taken in about 8 years with approximatley over 6 months clean in between. Than I stopped workout for a couple of years and also had a surgery which dissolved me in 75kg. Now I m heading back at the gym and taking it very seriously but obviously i feel bad seeing everyone bigger and my motivation goes a bit lack. Knowledge in my country wasnt that good concerning steroids and now a days the few people who can guide you by there experience are very few and hard to spend time helping you out. Now I am going trough thinning of hair and I am trying to at least keep whats left, using some Nioxin Treatments while I also wish to get back in the shape i was when i use to in my peak. But this time i want to do in the proper and safest way taking precautions and the least stuff that can effect DHT. Can you please suggest a cycle for me to gain some quality muscle. Water retention dont bother me much and I am a lean gainer with whatever I take, so my first concern is saftey. At the moment I have 14% fat 84kg 6.1ft tall. Please help me out because i m being very upset.

  33. #3193
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LTU View Post
    Ronnie, for how long after my gear ( test prop, deca , dbol ) expires can I still use it and could you please give me your opinion on stacking these compounds ? Also, a big thank you for all your hard work and info - you rock !!
    Edit : need a source conformation : http:// read it on some other site, seems legit. If all this is true, then I should be able to use everything up to 1.5-2 years after expiration ( don't want to drag it on too long ).
    lol dude you cant link sources on an open board. I would remove that fast so you dont lose your account on here.

  34. #3194
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Hey Ron when i cut you mentioned Var, primo and low dose of test since im prone to hairloss. Im seeing a lot of people saying primo can be horrid on the hairline.

    Whats your opinion on that,.
    Primobolan is a low androgenic steroid. The lower on the androgenic scale the better odds of having less hair loss. Drugs such as anavar, deca and primobolan are more anabolic than androgenic.

  35. #3195
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    woah! no doubt you could have been pro especially with those arms and delts genetics!!
    how much do you weigh on stage? I was 190 last year after cutting water. I could get alot bigger but I value my health too much and I do not have the money. A lot of guys tend to think there is something wrong with them because they don't have the genetics of a pro or weigh as much as they like after cutting down. What determines how your body looks like after years of training, and a proper diet is taking a lots of drugs such as anabolic steroids, insulin and GH. I like being big just as much as the other guy but I have drawn a line as to how far I am willing to go and its no where near that of a pro.

    ronnie after a 2 week prime with no aas for receptor cleansing good idea to throw in anadrol with my usual test/tren combo to up total dosages. yes my last 3 mass gain reloads have had 1.5g test - reckon i should up to 2g (never felt bad sides from test like flu etc)?
    do you reckon running both as enanthates would be better than esther mixes? The best is mixing test -e, test-c and sustanon.. thanks mate

  36. #3196
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    Hey Ron
    I noticed you recommend accutane for acne somewhere in a thread. My wife has suffered for years with acne with very little help from the dermatologist. the antibiotics helped some, but not much. She has tried everything and is diligent about face cleaning and such. She is 30 and still having very bad issues at times with this. It seems to be worse when the monthly hormones hit. She can't take accutane as she still wants another child.

    Do you have any other ideas that might help?what antibiotic did she take and did she apply the cream at night in addition to the pills.
    Thanx Ronnie.

  37. #3197
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    did another BW for HCG beta subunit and it came low! 1.2 (ND to 2.5) for male

    i guess i need to give HCG injections a try to get fully recovered? will my natural HCG production stabilize afterwards? or i have to live on hcg now? my lh/fsh are within range, but on the low end of the range

    hcg stimulates both LH/FSH? or only LH? i read to stimulate FSH in men you need inject FSH (Gonal F, Follistim)?
    Last edited by kml999; 07-25-2011 at 03:44 PM.

  38. #3198
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hey Ron,
    I've got an on going problem with my right elbow. It started last month when I had been hitting arms twice a week. I was over training and started to get a real dull ache in my elbow. I used to get the same from arm wrestling. Heavy BB curls, skull crushers, dips, cable crossovers really make it worse. For instance, it throbs when I inhale quickly or cough. I've dropped my bi/tri workout the last 2 weeks, but last night made it worse benching and really fvcked it up doing cable crossovers. Had to take a bunch of pain killers afterwards. The pain was probably 8/10. Today I can feel it, but it's maybe a 1/10 on the pain scale. Doesn't seem to bother me on pulling/back exercises. Also, funny enough, it seems to be exacerbated by heavy squats. I'm in the middle of a cycle right now (800 mg Test Prop/800 mg Tren E/ 50 mg Proviron ed) and don't want to come off. I added in 250 mg of Deca per week for joint lube, but it's not helping the injury, just the other joints. I also have Anavar which I've read might help this injury. I cruise and blast for a year. 47 years old, so I know joint issues come with the territory. I'm dinged up in several other places also (rotator cuff, bi tendon, top of the shoulder) but I don't do well taking off. That said, I'll do what's necessary. I've got about 10-14 days before I should start my 12 week cut. I'm also wondering if I take off could I still do my leg work out each week anyway? Any advice from you will be immediately implemented.
    P.S. I've had this before and don't remember what exactly resolved it...
    Last edited by The Titan99; 07-27-2011 at 12:44 AM.

  39. #3199
    ridedivefx's Avatar
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    Hi ron,

    I successfully finished a blast of testE 500/week and later 1.5g/week. I am at the end of my PCT now which was standard nolva/clomid.

    You advice to wait 6 weeks after PCT to start your next blast. I will get some blood work done to see where i stand today.

    Right After the last dose of PCT i have a month of fasting (Ramadan) and I dun want to lose my strength nor size but maybe use this time to get leaner and shreader.

    1. Can I start a bridge right after PCT for a month?

    2. If yes what would you recommend? I am thinking low dose of testE/C 250/week and maybe either low dose Tren or Anavar OR Primo any other androgenic + HCG + Proviron ? (I did 500iu through out the last blast?). I can also go with prop since it a short 4 week bridge and then switch to longer ester for the blast.

    3. After the bridge do I do PCT again and wait 6 weeks or can jump on the 2nd blast right of the bat?

    BTW I want kids in the future maybe in 2 years

    Last edited by ridedivefx; 07-26-2011 at 05:53 AM.

  40. #3200
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Hey Ron,

    I think I will be at the Johnny Stewart Fitness show September 10th in Myrtle Beach coming up. Johnny works out and is a personal trainer at my gym. I was talking to him the other day and I asked him about you. He said "Ronnie is one hell of a bodybuilder". I will be going with my Pregnant "again" wife and a buddy i train with who is a genetic freak running his first cycle following your slingshot method!!

    It would be great if I ran into you. Just look out for the smallest guy there and it will most likely be me

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