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  1. #3081
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie..would love your opinion on...... sponsor..
    IMO the best priced supplements on the net and they sponsor our board! Need I say more!?

  2. #3082
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie...please provide us your opinion of this post.........!!

    07-24-2010, 01:03 pm
    kilo klub member join date: Jun 2003
    posts: 1,867

    i absolutely love stuff like this! Absolutely love it!


    i cant stand people in life (bodybuilding and outside bodybuilding) who sit there and complain that they want to be something or do something but dont take the steps to get there or dont apply themselves....its my big pet peeve.
    i can relate!how many times do i tell people.....

    Eat your way up into the weight class you want to be in. well this sounds good on paper but it will not work for everyone because you've got to have the genetics to hold more weight without becoming overly fat and not everyone has the frame or muscle fibers to become a heavy weight bodybuilder. I understand where he's coming from but many end up getting overly fat unless they have the genetics to gain that much muscle and thats what bodybuilding is all about. Anyone can hold a lot of fat but not muscle! I have seen guys gain a ton of weight in the offseason and end up right back where they where on stage a year ago after having dieted away the body fat. It just does not work that way for everyone but some it does! Its the easy gaining mesomorphs that have the greatest ability to make jumps in weight gains without gaining more fat than muscle-hence avoiding becoming insulin resistant!

    want to be a light heavy? Better be weighing 238 offseason
    want to be a heavyweight? Better be weighing 265 offseason
    want to be a superheavyweight? Better be weighing 280 plus in the offseason!!!! pretty much agree with most of what he says here unless these guys are advanced bodybuilders who have already reached near their full-genetic-potential and would not require weighing more than 20 pounds or so past their contest weight because gains have pretty much ceased to exist and anything added on the scales much past that point would be mostly fat/water. .i love guys like t

    his who say "fu...i am just doing!

    How much shit does this guy below get daily from people? Probably alot, look they are allready giving him crap on that board.

    Offseaon 280lbs!! - muscular development forums

    that sure as hell aint freaking pretty...or comfortable but i'll tell you what....i admire a guy who decides to put 20 pounds on his contest stage bodyweight in a years time and make some major changes.
    That guy used food for his anabolic ....and yep he got big and doughy but he is going to be onstage even larger than these pics from last year show......the problem with doing anythig fast is that it puts a tremendous strain on your joints and organs like the heart. The body does not farewell carrying a lot of fat and add steroids/water retention into the equation and it gets even more dangerous.
    this sport is tremendously tough in deciding what you want to do with you want to be club guy who looks in shape year round but gains hardly anything from year to year? i agree here that you have to add some fat but going overboard is a huge mistake because you'll lose muscle getting that fat back off of you.or do you want to make major changes, throw caution of bodyfat to the wind, and suffer while coming down?

    (i think there is a middle ground and thats what i would prefer)

    but i like people who "get after it...and go for it"......this guy wants to look different to the judges than he did last time and is going to i would worry more about my health than what some judge thought of me.look how bad lee priest used to look offseason..nasty!could he do it in a more comfortable way and one thats a little bit prettier? Yea he could.....but this guy is awesome....he hits the accelerator hard and says "up jumping weight classes yearly while you guys toil 10 years to make your jumps!"

    did i say i love it? I love it.

    Know what i hate? Guys who try to do that and lose the big picture of why they tried to do that in the first place and get fat.....and then years later when they are lean again they forgot what put on that 20-30 pounds of muscle they now have....and tell everyone who will listen "i stay lean now in the offseason and find i can make quality gains that way.....i once got fat and i wont do that again" i agree that you need to gain some fat to gain as much muscle possible but throwing caution to the wind is a stupid thing to do.thats what put the freaking size on you!!!!!!! Try to make a 20-30 pound jump in muscle mass again at 8%!!!!! You wont! i agree here!

    ok thats enough of my rant today.

    Does it have to be done exactly like that guy? Nope....but i love people who got the balls to go after it with the eye on the prize....i hope that guy comes in looking like a monster again ..... Its just really fun for me to watch guys like that who dont have their ego wrapped up in a skintight slinky t-shirt year round.

    I'm all for what anyone likes to do in this want to be lean guy year round and look great pulling off your shirt at the beach? Go for have my respect....just dont put down someone else that has different goals than you do.

    You want to be big bloated powerbuilding guy who puts on alot of muscle from year to year? Go for it....just dont put down lean guy who has abs year round got your thing, he has his.

    But i personally love guys like this who take the bullet train to point b from point a and dont give a flying f&&k what anyone thinks about it.....i think thats awesome....more power to him. And there will be a slew of guys who say "oh thats unhealthy, oh i wouldnt do it that way, he looks like shit in the offseason, etc etc etc"......thats why i like it so much, he doesn't give a crap that he isnt a prettyboy offseason and has his eye on the prize..........have you gone from a small heavy to big heavyweight to superheavyweight in 3 years?

    His first year below as a small heavy (won that local show)

  3. #3083
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    For starters try this-
    1 gram of test-e weekly
    400 grams of tren -e weekly
    75 mgs of anadrol or 50 mgs of d-bol daily
    do I take it at the same time or week 1 test-e week 2 tren-e and week 3 50mgs d-bol? And sir can you give me an injectable steroid that has insane str gain cause I dont want orals. Thanks sir.

  4. #3084
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hi Ron,
    I'm currently on a deload after 5 VERY successful reloads. This last reload went great in some respects, not so well in others. I had great gains on legs, back and finally broke a plateau with my arms. However, I've had a real problem with my chest workout, particularly my right rotator cuff (super supinius I believe) As you can see from my workout I've been doing decline, incline and cable crossovers. Unfortunately my bench has dropped from 135 kg to 90 kg due to pain, usually starting around the 4-6 rep and getting progressively worse. I took a week off of pressing exercises and last week skipped working out all together. I felt guilty as hell, but I've been blasting for a year straight, so I guess I needed it. Anyway, I started my actual deload tonight with 75 kg for my first working set and only had slight pain on flat bench (I switched from decline) maybe 2/10 on the pain scale, and nothing on incline or crossovers. Do you think I should deload just this week then start my reload, or should I continue to deload for the the following week too?

    I gained some fat which I don't like, but that's all part of the game I guess. The next 4 months I plan on a slow cut/lean bulk to try and hit 5% body fat by the end of October. You already sorted me out on my anabolic doses 700 mg Test Prop/80 mg Tren E/ 50 mg Proviron ed and I was thinking 100 mg Var ed for the last 60 days. Would you dose the var like that or should I do 75 mg ed for the last 90 days? Also, I was toying with one more bulking reload with 1.5 grams test Prop/ 700-800 mg NPP followed by a 800 mg Test Prop/800 Tren E/ 100 Var ed cut...but would 8 weeks be enough time to cut from 12-13% down to 6% BF? Or would it be better to do a long slow cut for 4 months?

    Now to my real question. I've been hitting my arms twice a week to try to overcome a plateau as well as balance out my tri's. My right one lost a lot of strength/size due to some nerve damage or something when I had disk replacement surgery last October. They are almost balanced now. The thing is that the last 8 weeks I think I've been over training them (20 sets a week) and would like to get back to 12 sets per week if you think this is wise. Also, my workouts have been going 2-2.5 hours long and I REALLY need to get this time down. I've printed my workout below and highlighted in red my ideas of how to change it to achieve both of these things.

    Lastly cardio. I switched from 5 days a week of moderate intensity cardio for 35 minutes (fasted) to 3 days/30 minutes at your advise. I also was drinking a scoop of whey protein with water 30 minutes before the cardio. I found it hard to do and would like to go back to 5 days a week. I know how you feel about cardio, but it feels better/easier to do it more often. I'm also afraid vanity is rearing its ugly head as I believe I got fatter because of it. Up from 8% to 12%. I think the switch from 1.5 grams of sust to 800 mg prop will help here. What do you think? How should I deal with this cardio business with the goal of being 6% BF and as big as possible by the end of Oct? I wish I had or could afford HGH, but it's not an option.

    Here's my workout...

    Monday - Chest/Bi's - Chest Decline Bench - Warm up, Prep Set 1-4, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Cable Cross Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Spider Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Incline Bench Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 AM Cardio 35 min Maybe remove Biceps work from here and add in 6 sets of weighted incline situps?

    Tuesday - Back Back Width Palm Facing Medium Grip Pulldowns
    8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Wide Grip Pulldowns 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Yates Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Close Grip to Upper Stomach Cable Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 One Handed DB Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I,m doing a lot of sets for back thickness here. Was thinking either 4 sets underhand rows and 4 sets cable rows OR 3 sets underhand, 3 sets cable rows, 3 sets chest supported one hand machine rows? Dead lift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6 AM Cardio 35 min.
    Wendsday Off - AM Cardio 35 Min

    Thursday - Shoulders/Traps/Tri's/Abs Shoulders Overhead Seated Dumbbell Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 One Arm Leaning Lateral Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Reverse Flies 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Reverse Standing One Hand Cable Flies 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Rope Pushdowns 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Yates Tri DB Press 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets to failure AM Fasted Cardio 35 min This is one long-ass workout!! Thinking of dropping Tri's and moving abs to chest day (Mon.)

    Friday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4, 8-12, 8-12 Hack Squats 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Seated Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio I really made some nice gains on legs during this last reload. All I can think is adding another set of squats and another set to hack squats or possibly changing hack squats with leg press? Other than that I like this work out.

    Saturday - Arms Biceps Standing Wide Grip Barbell Curls 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Concentration Curls 6-10, 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Tri Extensions 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rope Cable Pushdowns 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Had some elbow joint problems this last reload (probably from over training arms, 20 sets!!) but I was kind of stuck on arms so I think it helped break the plateau, but in the long run I know your right, 12 sets a week for arms is plenty. I like these exercises (stopped weighted dips and I now do skull crushers on a slight incline to alleviate shoulder and elbow pain. I have here but I'm always willing to change if you have a suggestion. Also, what do you think about the 6-10 reps for the first working set? AM Fasted Cardio 35 min

    Sunday - No Cardio

    BTW, there's a few pics now and one from before you started helping me Ron. I suppose I don't even have to say it do I...Lol!!!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails You'll want to read this!-img_0392.jpg   You'll want to read this!-img_0395.jpg   You'll want to read this!-img_0290.jpg   You'll want to read this!-copy-cimg3972.jpg  

  5. #3085
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Ronnie I just started my first 2 week deload. First 8 weeks was test 500 and deca 400.

    Second reload will be test 750 and deca 400.

    I Have 4 old bottles of the pro hormone BOLD200 that was i think an EQ clone. Is it worth adding at 800mg a day for 8 weeks. If not ill prolly never use the stuff again. I know its mild and not hard on liver in any way.

    What you think?

  6. #3086
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    do I take it at the same time or week 1 test-e week 2 tren -e and week 3 50mgs d-bol? And sir can you give me an injectable steroid that has insane str gain cause I dont want orals. Thanks sir.
    Combine 1 cc of test-enanthate, 1 cc of sustanon and 1 cc of tren-e or tren-a. Shoot 1 cc of each drug Monday-Wednesday-Friday. Thats a 3cc shot 3 times per week.

  7. #3087
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    TSH,t3,t4 hemocrit values were all good pre,mid and post cycle
    BNP and PSA values after cycle were all good too

    my echocardiogram result summary:
    No regional wall motion abnormality
    normal LV function
    normal valves
    IAS/IVS intact, no clot/pericardial effusion

    you mentioned something about the ejection fraction and the value came 62.8%
    If its not your thyroid, then it could be the pituitary and adrenals
    as exogenous hormones such as aldosterone, pituitary, cortisol, etc, can cause issues for some.

  8. #3088
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post it possible to enter a show al shredded without doing cardio??? time restraints are a bitch!!!
    Dave Palumbo never did cardio to get show ready and he was one of the most vascular of all!

  9. #3089
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Sir Ronnie is it ok to take only 250mgs of sustanon only for 4 weeks cause I dont want a whole cycle on using steroids ? I am 23 yrs old and 126lbs would want to gain 30lbs only. I just want to use steroids for an increase str only. And is it safe to use sustanon without any other steroids? thanks a lot sir.

  10. #3090
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hi Ron,
    I'm currently on a deload after 5 VERY successful reloads. This last reload went great in some respects, not so well in others. I had great gains on legs, back and finally broke a plateau with my arms. However, I've had a real problem with my chest workout, particularly my right rotator cuff (super supinius I believe) As you can see from my workout I've been doing decline, incline and cable crossovers. Unfortunately my bench has dropped from 135 kg to 90 kg due to pain, usually starting around the 4-6 rep and getting progressively worse. I took a week off of pressing exercises and last week skipped working out all together. I felt guilty as hell, but I've been blasting for a year straight, so I guess I needed it. Anyway, I started my actual deload tonight with 75 kg for my first working set and only had slight pain on flat bench (I switched from decline) maybe 2/10 on the pain scale, and nothing on incline or crossovers. Do you think I should deload just this week then start my reload, or should I continue to deload for the the following week too? I would do a 2 week deload and ship heavy sets on all chest work with next reload until pain clears up. You must let that shoulder heal before it tears!I gained some fat which I don't like, but that's all part of the game I guess. The next 4 months I plan on a slow cut/lean bulk to try and hit 5% body fat by the end of October. You already sorted me out on my anabolic doses 700 mg Test Prop/80 mg Tren E/ 50 mg Proviron ed and I was thinking 100 mg Var ed for the last 60 days. Would you dose the var like that or should I do 75 mg ed for the last 90 days? i think 75 mgs of var is plenty and some tend to do fine using only 40 per day.Also, I was toying with one more bulking reload with 1.5 grams test Prop/ 700-800 mg NPP followed by a 800 mg Test Prop/800 Tren E/ 100 Var ed cut...but would 8 weeks be enough time to cut from 12-13% down to 6% BF? Or would it be better to do a long slow cut for 4 months? You can probably go from 12 down to around 6-8% in 8 weeks but dont lose over 2lbs per week.
    Now to my real question. I've been hitting my arms twice a week to try to overcome a plateau as well as balance out my tri's. My right one lost a lot of strength/size due to some nerve damage or something when I had disk replacement surgery last October. They are almost balanced now. The thing is that the last 8 weeks I think I've been over training them (20 sets a week) and would like to get back to 12 sets per week if you think this is wise. Also, my workouts have been going 2-2.5 hours long and I REALLY need to get this time down. I've printed my workout below and highlighted in red my ideas of how to change it to achieve both of these things. 12 sets once per week or 6 sets twice a week is the maximum amount of work sets you should ever do. Genetics determines how big your arms will get in the end. I am only doing 8 sets per week and it's working well for me.Lastly cardio. I switched from 5 days a week of moderate intensity cardio for 35 minutes (fasted) to 3 days/30 minutes at your advise. I also was drinking a scoop of whey protein with water 30 minutes before the cardio. I found it hard to do and would like to go back to 5 days a week. I know how you feel about cardio, but it feels better/easier to do it more often. I'm also afraid vanity is rearing its ugly head as I believe I got fatter because of it. You can do cardio 5 days per week but keep in mind that the more you do the less effective it becomes during a cutting phase. I'm 8 weeks out from a show and doing no cardio but I can stick to the diet and I am not an endomorph. Go back to 5 days per week of cardio. Up from 8% to 12%. I think the switch from 1.5 grams of sust to 800 mg prop will help here. Not a lot if you are eating low carbs but some. What do you think? How should I deal with this cardio business with the goal of being 6% BF and as big as possible by the end of Oct? I wish I had or could afford HGH, but it's not an option. Cardio is not the key its your diet and supplements! Are you carb sensitive?Here's my workout...

    Monday - Chest/Bi's - Chest Decline Bench - Warm up, Prep Set 1-4, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Incline Bench 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Cable Cross Overs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Biceps Spider Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 Incline Bench Curls 10-15, 10-15, 10-15, 10-15 AM Cardio 35 min Maybe remove Biceps work from here and add in 6 sets of weighted incline situps?

    Tuesday - Back Back Width Palm Facing Medium Grip Pulldowns
    8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Wide Grip Pulldowns 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Back Thickness Underhand Bent Over Yates Rows Warm Ups, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Close Grip to Upper Stomach Cable Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 One Handed DB Rows 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 I,m doing a lot of sets for back thickness here. Was thinking either 4 sets underhand rows and 4 sets cable rows OR 3 sets underhand, 3 sets cable rows, 3 sets chest supported one hand machine rows? Dead lift Warm up, Prep Set, 1-4, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6, 5-6 AM Cardio 35 min.
    Wendsday Off - AM Cardio 35 Min

    Thursday - Shoulders/Traps/Tri's/Abs Shoulders Overhead Seated Dumbbell Presses 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 One Arm Leaning Lateral Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Reverse Flies 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Reverse Standing One Hand Cable Flies 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Traps Seated Dumbbell Shrugs 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Rope Pushdowns 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Yates Tri DB Press 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Abs Weighted Decline Sit ups 6 Sets to failure AM Fasted Cardio 35 min This is one long-ass workout!! Thinking of dropping Tri's and moving abs to chest day (Mon.)

    Friday - Legs Squats Warm ups, Prep Set, 1-4, 8-12, 8-12 Hack Squats 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Extensions 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Leg Curls 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Standing Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Seated Calf Raises 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 No Cardio I really made some nice gains on legs during this last reload. All I can think is adding another set of squats and another set to hack squats or possibly changing hack squats with leg press? Other than that I like this work out.

    Saturday - Arms Biceps Standing Wide Grip Barbell Curls 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Spider Curls 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Concentration Curls 6-10, 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Triceps Skull Crushers Warm ups, 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Overhead Tri Extensions 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Rope Cable Pushdowns 6-10, 8-12, 8-12, 8-12 Had some elbow joint problems this last reload (probably from over training arms, 20 sets!!) but I was kind of stuck on arms so I think it helped break the plateau, but in the long run I know your right, 12 sets a week for arms is plenty. I like these exercises (stopped weighted dips and I now do skull crushers on a slight incline to alleviate shoulder and elbow pain. I have here but I'm always willing to change if you have a suggestion. Also, what do you think about the 6-10 reps for the first working set? AM Fasted Cardio 35 min

    Sunday - No Cardio

    BTW, there's a few pics now and one from before you started helping me Ron. I suppose I don't even have to say it do I...Lol!!!You look sooo much better! I feel you are over-training! For example: your chest is a small muscle group so try decreasing sets 3 sets per exercise giving you 9 sets total. Thats why your shoulder is probably aching! Keep leg workout where it is! Reduce back workout to 12 sets total 6 sets for width and 6 sets for thickness. Reduce bis and tris to 8 sets a piece. Shoulders do 9 sets for 3 exercises. This will harden you up more and get you out of the gym much faster. .

  11. #3091
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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  12. #3092
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    Excellent Ron, thanks a lot. I'll do it. Gonna feel lazy though. Just have to REALLY concentrate on intensity AND FORM I guess.
    One thing though. What do you think about the NPP/test reload then the test/tren /var 2 month cut as opposed to a 4 month slow cut as outlined in my previous post. Is 2 months enough to get to 6% bf and is it wise to try and cut that soon after a bulk? You can see where I'm at bf wise from the picture above. Whats your bf estimate?
    Also, based on your recommendation, how would you run the steroids (I have clen and t3 too btw).
    Thanks a million again and good luck with the up coming shows!

  13. #3093
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    Sir Ronnie is it ok to take only 250mgs of sustanon only for 4 weeks cause I dont want a whole cycle on using steroids ? I am 23 yrs old and 126lbs would want to gain 30lbs only. I just want to use steroids for an increase str only. And is it safe to use sustanon without any other steroids? thanks a lot sir.
    4 weeks is a waste of time and you cannot gain 30 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks.

  14. #3094
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=slimshady01;5680660]Ronnie I just started my first 2 week deload. First 8 weeks was test 500 and deca 400.

    Second reload will be test 750 and deca 400.

    I Have 4 old bottles of the pro hormone BOLD200 that was i think an EQ clone. Is it worth adding at 800mg a day for 8 weeks. If not ill prolly never use the stuff again. I know its mild and not hard on liver in any way.

    What you think? I don't think its going to help much at all, if any, but might as well go ahead and use it.[/QUOTE]above

  15. #3095
    frytlon is offline Junior Member
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    Thanks. Info helped tremendously. Clarified it for me quite well.

  16. #3096
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    the bigger im getn the bigger my waist is getn. is this the norm? or are all those slim waists bodybuilders say they have over exaggerated or do they just count the waist size when cut for competition

  17. #3097
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    the bigger im getn the bigger my waist is getn. is this the norm? or are all those slim waists bodybuilders say they have over exaggerated or do they just count the waist size when cut for competition
    When you gain body weight your waist line gets bigger according to your genetics. When you diet down it gets smaller. Due to having great genetics some do not gain much fat around their abs when bulking up but some of them will lose defiintion in legs or some other area. And some just claim their competitive waist size.

    One thing that always hurt me about dieting down is the need to lose some muscle mass to get all the fat off my abs and upper back region. This has to do with my genetics. Some people are just born with a small waist. I was not that fortunate and tend to bloat up in the abs when putting on size and I was born with a fairly wide waist.

  18. #3098
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ronnie, im about to finish t3 and abit concerned about the fat rebound while natural thyroid is getting back up. good idea to run clen ed low dose to prevent this? was recommended dnp low dose for a couple of weeks but want to stay away from that tbh. clen ok with maintenance cals?

  19. #3099
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5681953]Excellent Ron, thanks a lot. I'll do it. Gonna feel lazy though. Just have to REALLY concentrate on intensity AND FORM I guess.
    One thing though. What do you think about the NPP/test reload then the test/tren /var 2 month cut as opposed to a 4 month slow cut as outlined in my previous post. Is 2 months enough to get to 6% bf and is it wise to try and cut that soon after a bulk? You can see where I'm at bf wise from the picture above. Whats your bf estimate?
    Also, based on your recommendation, how would you run the steroids (I have clen and t3 too btw).
    Thanks a million again and good luck with the up coming shows![/QUOTE]PLEASE POST HOW YOU THINK YOU WANT TO RUN THIS CYCLE AND LET ME CRITIQUE IT. THAT WILL BE MUCH EASIER!

  20. #3100
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie, im about to finish t3 and abit concerned about the fat rebound while natural thyroid is getting back up. Good idea to run clen ed low dose to prevent this? taper down slowly on t-3 by reducing it by 12.5-every 3 days. Running clen at around 40-80 mcgs per is a good plan! was recommended dnp low dose for a couple of weeks but want to stay away from that tbh. not sure who recommended dnp but they gave you some terrible advice! clen ok with maintenance cals? yes and i would reduce cals by 500 per day once you go off and or add in more cardio to compensate for coming off dnp.

  21. #3101
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5683674]
    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Excellent Ron, thanks a lot. I'll do it. Gonna feel lazy though. Just have to REALLY concentrate on intensity AND FORM I guess.
    One thing though. What do you think about the NPP/test reload then the test/tren /var 2 month cut as opposed to a 4 month slow cut as outlined in my previous post. Is 2 months enough to get to 6% bf and is it wise to try and cut that soon after a bulk? You can see where I'm at bf wise from the picture above. Whats your bf estimate?
    Also, based on your recommendation, how would you run the steroids (I have clen and t3 too btw).
    Thanks a million again and good luck with the up coming shows![/QUOTE]PLEASE POST HOW YOU THINK YOU WANT TO RUN THIS CYCLE AND LET ME CRITIQUE IT. THAT WILL BE MUCH EASIER!
    OK your right. This will be easier. This was option 1 (previous cycle was 1750 mg Sust/700 mg Tren E/100 mg Proviron ed)
    Week 1-8 Test Prop 1.5-2 grams wk/NPP 800 mg/50 mg Proviron ed
    Week 9-10 Test Prop 500 mg wk
    (Cutting)Week 11-20 Test Prop 700 (maybe as high as a gram mg wk/Tren E 800 mg/50 mg Proviron ed/75-100 mg ed/Clen cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off/T3 mcg ed for the last 30 days-(not sure on this).

    What do you think about dropping the proviron dose? How about that T3?

    I've been blasting for 1 year straight. I really want to keep going.

    Thanks Man.

    Option 2 would be the same as week 11-20 but straight through to Oct. 31st.

    P.S. Absolutely love the workout!!!
    Last edited by The Titan99; 07-01-2011 at 05:39 AM.

  22. #3102
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    4 weeks is a waste of time and you cannot gain 30 lbs of muscle in 4 weeks.
    Sir Ronnie how many weeks should I use sustanon if I want to gain 30lbs? and is it ok to take only 1 kind of steroid only for example sustanon only? thanks sir Ronnie.

  23. #3103
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    Sir Ronnie how many weeks should I use sustanon if I want to gain 30lbs? It doesnt work that way. You might run it 2 years and only gain 10 lbs if you do not eat enough calories. I would run it 20 weeks then PCT and see where you are. and is it ok to take only 1 kind of steroid only for example sustanon only? yes thanks sir Ronnie.

  24. #3104
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5683680]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    OK your right. This will be easier. This was option 1 (previous cycle was 1750 mg Sust/700 mg Tren E/100 mg Proviron ed)
    Week 1-8 Test Prop 1.5-2 grams wk/NPP 800 mg/50 mg Proviron ed
    Week 9-10 Test Prop 500 mg wk
    (Cutting)Week 11-20 Test Prop 700 (maybe as high as a gram mg wk/Tren E 800 mg/50 mg Proviron ed/75-100 mg ed/Clen cycled 2 weeks on 2 weeks off/T3 mcg ed for the last 30 days-(not sure on this).

    What do you think about dropping the proviron dose? 50 mgs of proviron daily is fine. TEST/TREN CYCLE LOOKS GOOD! How about that T3? run t-3 at 25 mcgs daily for week 11. From weeks 12-20-run t-3 at 50 mcgs daily. Take full dose at night to have most stabile blood levels of t-3. run clen at 40mcgs daily starting week 11 and increase by 20 mcgs every 2-3 weeks until you finish at week 20. Week 21 begin tapering off t-3 and clen..

    I've been blasting for 1 year straight. I really want to keep going. Thanks Man.

    Option 2 would be the same as week 11-20 but straight through to Oct. 31st.

    P.S. Absolutely love the workout!!!
    [B]NOTE: There are multiple methods of using clen, steroids , etc but as with anything there is generally a best way! It seems the most common method of taking clen is two weeks on/ 2 weeks off. While this method will work to some degree it's more beneficial to stay on for longer periods of time. Sometimes the most popular methods of using steroids, clen, etc are not the best. Clenbuterol as with steroids, your body gets accustomed. As it becomes accustomed it slows down working. This is why som ehave chosen the two weeks on and two week off method using clen or 12 weeks on 6 weeks off method with steroids.. But, you can benefit from taking longer if you use a sling shot approach and ramp up! With the slingshot method method we create a scenario where drugs can be used much longer with more effectiveness. [/B]

  25. #3105
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    OK, here's the final script.

    Week 1-20 Test Prop 1.4 ml ed/Tren E 800 mg per week/Deca 125 mg per week (joints)/Anavar 75 mg ed for week 12-20/50 mg Proviron ed//Clen starting week 11 40 mcgs increasing 20 mcgs each week through week 20/T3 25 mcgs week 11 week 12-20 T3 at 50 mcgs ed.

    I will save the NPP for a big bulking cycle in November.

    I've made this macro chart based on 234 lbs at 11% BF which is where I think I'm at.

    Macro Break Down For 96 kg Lean Body Mass
    Cutting (-500) Maintenance Bulking (+500)
    Calories 2860 3288 3716 3360 3788 4216 3860 4288 4716
    Exercise Light Moderate Heavy Light Moderate Heavy Light Moderate Heavy
    Protein 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415
    Carb 150 204 266 212 266 320 275 329 382
    Fat 67 90 118 95 118 142 122 146 170

    The thing does not post correctly, but you get the idea. It's based on the Katch-Mcardle method using lean body mass.

    I use the light days for days off, the moderate for deloads and cardio only on reloads and heavy on weight training days on reloads (5 day split)
    While cutting I carb cycle and during reloads I continuously swap protein for carbs. I will adjust as I gain or lose weight or if needed.

    This along with my workout you helped me sort out should yield the best results yet.

    Sorry for all the posts, I won't hassle you till Oct 31st at which point I will post the results.

    Good luck with the up coming shows buddy, your going to killem all!!!!

  26. #3106
    bgvillones is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Sir that means I would run 250mgs of sustanon per week for 20 weeks then pct? What medicine should I take during pct and how long is the pct? Thanks.

  27. #3107
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    No d/c blast plan - finding the threshold for testosterone


    (Step 1)
    >RELOAD WEEK 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 500mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 1.25mL, mane 1.25mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    <DELOAD WEEK 9, 10
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 250mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 0.625mL, mane 0.625mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    (Step 2)
    >RELOAD WEEK 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 500mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 1.25mL, mane 1.25mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    <DELOAD WEEK 19, 20
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 250mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 0.625mL, mane 0.625mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    (Step 3)
    >RELOAD WEEK 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 700mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 1.75mL, mane 1.75mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    <DELOAD WEEK 29, 30
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 0.75mL, mane 0.75mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    (Step 4)
    >RELOAD WEEK 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 700mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 1.75mL, mane 1.75mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    <DELOAD WEEK 39, 40
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 300mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 0.75mL, mane 0.75mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    *PRIMER WEEK 41, 42
    comp. Testosterone Enanthate 200mg QWK, IJ IM, X2 div., noct. 0.5mL, mane 0.5mL, q3.5 days, 200mg/mL

    rept. d.t.d. ≥ Step 3

    Ancillaries included during NO D/C BLAST PLAN

    comp. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG ) 400IU t.i.w. IJ SQ, s.o.s., s.a.

    comp. Anastrozole (Arimidex ) 0.25mg p.o. q.d., s.o.s., s.a.

    comp. Isotretinoin (Accutane) 10-20mg p.o. q.d., s.o.s., s.a.


    I am taking the plunge into complete self-saturated synthetic hormone replacement therapy. My goal is to reach a maximum genetic muscle hypertrophy via testosterone manipulation. Minor subjective ancillaries are included adjunctly to suppress side-effects and maintain sexual reproduction organ function and aesthetic.

    Abbreviation glossary

    D/C | discontinue
    comp. | compound
    mg | milligram
    QWK | every week
    IJ | injection
    IM | intramuscular
    X | times
    div. | divide
    noct. | at night
    mane | in the morning
    q | every
    rept. | repeats
    d.t.d. | give of such doses
    IU | international unit
    t.i.w. | three times a week
    SQ | subcutaneous
    s.o.s. | if there is a need
    s.a. | use your judgement
    p.o. | by mouth or orally
    q.d. | every day

    Thanks for introducing the idea of SST Ronnie! I would be honored to receive advice on the integrity of this blast plan.
    Last edited by oscarjones; 07-04-2011 at 10:59 PM. Reason: Typos

  28. #3108
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    ^^May also include Finasteride for DHT.

  29. #3109
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    when you say use only a slight angle for decline bench, how much exactly , a rough estimate on how much of an angle? or most benches have notches on them now, i usually decline it to notch no.5 ?

  30. #3110
    jcjordan is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    8 Week cycles are what you want with test/deca . Both kick in hard during week 3 and continue to work until around week 8. After that point you would need to increase the dosage to keep making good gains. William Llewellyn speaks about this very thing in his book- "anabolics 9th edition". This means 12 week anabolic cycles with the same dosages are not optimal!
    im 39 11 stone trained on and off for years don't know if im posting in right plase sorry if not my queston is iv just started taking deca 300 with test enth 250 i have had 2 ml of beca in one gluet and 2ml of test enth in the other gluet on friday and i was going to do this every friday will this work and what sort of gains would i expect from this thanks in advance and again im sorry if im posting in the wrong place as im new to all this computer stuff thanks again

  31. #3111
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    OK, here's the final script.

    Week 1-20 Test Prop 1.4 ml ed/Tren E 800 mg per week/Deca 125 mg per week (joints)/Anavar 75 mg ed for week 12-20/50 mg Proviron ed//Clen starting week 11 40 mcgs increasing 20 mcgs each week through week 20/T3 25 mcgs week 11 week 12-20 T3 at 50 mcgs ed.

    I will save the NPP for a big bulking cycle in November.

    I've made this macro chart based on 234 lbs at 11% BF which is where I think I'm at.

    Macro Break Down For 96 kg Lean Body Mass
    Cutting (-500) Maintenance Bulking (+500)
    Calories 2860 3288 3716 3360 3788 4216 3860 4288 4716
    Exercise Light Moderate Heavy Light Moderate Heavy Light Moderate Heavy
    Protein 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 415
    Carb 150 204 266 212 266 320 275 329 382
    Fat 67 90 118 95 118 142 122 146 170

    The thing does not post correctly, but you get the idea. It's based on the Katch-Mcardle method using lean body mass.

    I use the light days for days off, the moderate for deloads and cardio only on reloads and heavy on weight training days on reloads (5 day split)
    While cutting I carb cycle and during reloads I continuously swap protein for carbs. I will adjust as I gain or lose weight or if needed.

    This along with my workout you helped me sort out should yield the best results yet.

    Sorry for all the posts, I won't hassle you till Oct 31st at which point I will post the results.

    Good luck with the up coming shows buddy, your going to killem all!!!!
    I don't see anything that stands out as being off so I think you are good to go!

  32. #3112
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    Quote Originally Posted by bgvillones View Post
    Sir that means I would run 250mgs of sustanon per week for 20 weeks then pct? What medicine should I take during pct and how long is the pct? Thanks.
    Weeks 1-8 750 mgs of sustanon weekly
    Weeks 9-10 250 mgs of sustanon weekly
    Weeks 11-18 1250 mgs of sustanon weekly
    Weeks 19-20 250 mgs of sustanon weekly
    Weeks 21-24 PCT

  33. #3113
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    no d/c blast plan - finding the threshold for testosterone

    (step 1)
    >reload week 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 500mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 1.25ml, mane 1.25ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    <deload week 9, 10
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 250mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 0.625ml, mane 0.625ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    (step 2)
    >reload week 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 500mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 1.25ml, mane 1.25ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml (increase test-e to 1 gram per week)<deload week 19, 20
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 250mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 0.625ml, mane 0.625ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    (step 3)
    >reload week 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 700mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 1.75ml, mane 1.75ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml increase test to 1500 weekly
    <deload week 29, 30
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 300mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 0.75ml, mane 0.75ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    (step 4)
    >reload week 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 700mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 1.75ml, mane 1.75ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml 2 grams of test-e weekly<deload week 39, 40
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 300mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 0.75ml, mane 0.75ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    *primer week 41, 42
    comp. Testosterone enanthate 200mg qwk, ij im, x2 div., noct. 0.5ml, mane 0.5ml, q3.5 days, 200mg/ml

    rept. D.t.d. ≥ step 3

    ancillaries included during no d/c blast plan

    comp. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hcg ) 400iu t.i.w. Ij sq, s.o.s., s.a.

    Comp. Anastrozole (arimidex ) 0.25mg p.o. Q.d., s.o.s., s.a.

    Comp. Isotretinoin (accutane) 10-20mg p.o. Q.d., s.o.s., s.a.


    i am taking the plunge into complete self-saturated synthetic hormone replacement therapy. My goal is to reach a maximum genetic muscle hypertrophy via testosterone manipulation. Minor subjective ancillaries are included adjunctly to suppress side-effects and maintain sexual reproduction organ function and aesthetic.

    abbreviation glossary

    d/c | discontinue
    comp. | compound
    mg | milligram
    qwk | every week
    ij | injection
    im | intramuscular
    x | times
    div. | divide
    noct. | at night
    mane | in the morning
    q | every
    rept. | repeats
    d.t.d. | give of such doses
    iu | international unit
    t.i.w. | three times a week
    sq | subcutaneous
    s.o.s. | if there is a need
    s.a. | use your judgement
    p.o. | by mouth or orally
    q.d. | every day

    thanks for introducing the idea of sst ronnie! I would be honored to receive advice on the integrity of this blast plan.

  34. #3114
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    [QUOTE=oscarjones;5686311]^^May also include Finasteride for DHT.[/QUOTE]I WOULDNT AS IT WILL KILL SEX DRIVE AND REDUCE EFFECTIVENESS OF CYCLE!

  35. #3115
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    when you say use only a slight angle for decline bench, how much exactly , a rough estimate on how much of an angle? Or most benches have notches on them now, i usually decline it to notch no.5 ?
    15 degrees for both declines and inclines.

  36. #3116
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    Quote Originally Posted by ltu View Post
    hello, english is not my mother language so there might be some mistakes. So just ignore them :d i have a question about aas - my gear is to expire in december, so i was wondering if it is safe to use it a month or two later after the expiration date ? yes! I won't have time to commit myself to training 100% as i may have to go abroad for a while. This is a question to anyone, not necesserely to ronnie.

  37. #3117
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    Quote Originally Posted by jcjordan View Post
    im 39 11 stone trained on and off for years don't know if im posting in right plase sorry if not my queston is iv just started taking deca 300 with test enth 250 i have had 2 ml of beca in one gluet and 2ml of test enth in the other gluet on friday and i was going to do this every friday will this work and what sort of gains would i expect from this thanks in advance and again im sorry if im posting in the wrong place as im new to all this computer stuff thanks again
    it will work but how much you gain is determined by your diet, training andf mostly genetics. No one knows so all you can do is find out for yourself.

  38. #3118
    oscarjones is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by oscarjones View Post
    ^^May also include Finasteride for DHT.
    Then would you recommend any type of beta blockers to keep DHT in check? Benign Prostate Hyperplasia is something I don't wish to develop!

  39. #3119
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    Ronnie i finally did bw and this is the comparison of my natural baseline, after cycle and after my 2nd pct:

    my baseline (natural)
    estradiol 1.7 pg/ml (men <62pg/ml)
    LH 4.81 mIU/ml (male 2-12)
    FSH 4.06 mIU/ml (1.0-8.0)
    Total test 3.51 (3.0-10.6)

    after cycle:
    estradiol 78.76 (7.63-42.6)
    LH 2.23 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH 1.56 (1.5-12.4)
    Total test 1.55 (2.8-8.0)

    after 2nd pct
    estradiol 69.14 (7.63-42.6)
    LH 2.51 (1.7-8.6)
    FSH 2.21 (1.5-12.4)
    Total test 1.67 (2.8-8.0)

    my last pct was 3wks of 20 nolva and 50 clomid. aromasin came late and only used it for 3 days (25mg, 12.5,12.5) and ONE time usage of letro of around 1-1.2mg. was aiming 4wks pct, but had to do a surgery if you remember. BW was done 1 month after last pct dose!

    it seems my estro went down a bit but shouldnt it go lower then that since i used one shot of letro? my lh/fsh slightly improved, but not much and i think i should give hcg a try? am dealing with a diff doc since the previous endo drove me crazy and thought i had a tumor either in my adernal gland or scrotum. already did a scrotum ultrasound and did a CT scan for the abdominal area to check liver,kidney,adernal gland, stomach, bladder, bancereas, prosate, lower part of the lungs...etc and all came good. except some fat deposits on the liver which i believe from lack of excersize (doc said thats no issue and its reversable once i start excersizing and following a proper diet).

    whats next? 2wks of aromasin 25mg/day and 1000iu/wk of hcg? shouldnt nolva/clomid have increased lh/fsh?
    Last edited by kml999; 07-07-2011 at 12:04 PM.

  40. #3120
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    our inclined barbell bench is not adjustable and prob 30 degrees, is this too much and be a waiste of time? u can feel it working very high onda chest. also i still wasnt given accutane but was given tetralysal. been taking them since saturday and since monday ive a permanent pain in my right hamstring out of no where , its like ive pulled or strained it and feels the same if ive my leg straight or bent, wudnt have anything to do with weakening the tendons or anything like uve mentioned to me or have i just strained it unknowns to myself ?

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