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  1. #3481
    yaston2003 is offline Junior Member
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    hey ron, quick question about increasing steroid dosage after a bridge/8 week cycle. I know you said that after 8 weeks of a given steroid, your receptors become saturated and you need to either increase the dosage of the steroid or switch over to a different one in order to continue to make gains. MY question is that lets say I started at 500mg of test enth. and after a few 8 week cycles, I built up/increase my dosage to 1.25g of test enth. (about 250mg increase ever 8 weeks). And after my last 8 week cycle, 1.25g of test, I decide to come off steroids for 4 months and do a pct (pct lasting 1 month). Now when I decide to go back and start a new cycle(after the 4 month lay off), does my test enth dosage have to start at 1.25g?

  2. #3482
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5770534]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    [b]you should not be lifting heavy after the age of 40 under any circumstances (especially pre-contest) if you you are prone to joint/tendon pain like you have been experiencing. You need to always pre-exhaust with cable curls for biceps before even thinking about doing a few sets of free weight work, if at all. Use slow reps and concentrate of getting a nice squeeze! Think bodybuilding not powerlifting!!! You are just going to keep hurting yourself because you apparently have thin tendons and they cannot keep up with your muscle growth.

    Regarding gh- if diabetes runs in your family then 5 days on/2 days off would be a good idea if you plan to use long term.

    Thanks Ron. Yea,I'm sure your right as usual. There are a few lifts where it seems I get to a certain weight and then get injured, slowly work my way back, then it happens again. BB/EZ bar curls 52.5/55 kg is the wall. Decline/flat bench 145 kg. Skull crushers were another one but I quit doing those so I can't remember the weight. Then again there are exercises like squats/Deads (anything back work related) where it seems like the skys the limit.

    So how do you achieve progressive overload if you don't use more and more weight? Do you think pre-exhausting the muscle with cables like you suggested, slower reps, maybe more volume? Shorter intervals between sets? Maybe not move up in weight till I hit 12-15 reps? I've always tried to increase weight at 9-10 reps for my first set. I don't care about powerlifting (luckily!!) but I definitely want to get bigger. Getting old REALLY blows. People have been telling me that I was too old to be doing what I'm doing for 20 years now. Looks like its finally happening. Maybe the GH will help...

  3. #3483
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    Quote Originally Posted by skeletal pump View Post
    im pretty sure ive got gyno, im pretty rattled what do i do?
    start nolvadex at 40mgs ed then switch over to something like .05 mgs of arimidex eod for maintenance once its gone.

  4. #3484
    Strongarm5791's Avatar
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    Thanks for the advice Ronnie...Nice post!

  5. #3485
    rebel_soldier187 is offline Junior Member
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    Ok, now I am a beginner. Can beginners start with a program like this? This sounds like a solid system, but with me being a beginner I don't want to harm myself. It sounds very beneficial for an experienced bro, but I want to try this only if you would recommend to a beginner.

  6. #3486
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5771624]
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    For what it's worth I'm in the same position, same doses and same timing as you. (Same great results and same weight, BF% etc. SPOOKY!! The only difference is about 20 years, lol, I'm 47) Already running the gh though and loving it BTW. I'm taking my 6 week break at the end of the month. I've been blasting for about 15-16 months and the doses are getting pretty big. No bad sides yet, but sooner or later I guess we'll see them. I'm going to go with MENT/Dbol in Dec though. Been rolling with Tren for quite a while and am looking forward to getting some descent sleep, lol. I'm interested in Ron's thoughts on this, kind of killing two bird's with one stone...
    exactly same here, will start gh soon as i have pec tendon surgery coming up. after that will start slin etc
    any thoughts on competing maybe over 40's class?

  7. #3487
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland

    thanks for the advice ronnie.
    do you think using 8 week reloads as per normal (gh year round 8-10ius pharm grade) slin/igf -1/t3 on a 4 week on 6 week off basis is a good plan going forward? I would run it all for 8 weeks then stop slin, igf and t-3 during deloads. I would suggest decreasing GH to 2ius daily during deloads just to keep sides down.
    this is something im looking into for next year, right now i think saving up for pharm grade gh and getting my tendon surgery out the way is best.
    ive seen aas literally transform my physique in the past year even after my pec tear but in order for me to progress i think i will have to go very high doses. it is something im not against doing as i dont suffer serious sides only blood pressure increase which is genetic in my family.
    do you think i should exhaust the very high dose approach first before resorting to the above? If you have high blood pressure issues I would go with the new plan by adding slin, igf , t-3 and gh and forget the higher doses approach using more aramoatizing anabolics.
    ive just finished a short burst cycle for 4 weeks after my illness (not sure if you remember) as i was lean enough to start with full abs after losing muscle and fat from being sick (used it a prime)
    which was a shot of sustanon everyday for 4 weeks , 2 shots of tren blend everyday for first 2 weeks and 1 shot npp ed for remaining 2 weeks
    i responded really well gaining 7kg in total and actually lost some fat aswell (think it was the high dose tren ) not much water retention as i normally get bad back and shin pumps when this happens but not this time and no moon face!.yes it was the tren and the fact you have been off for some time!
    this is the max gear ive done.
    i was thinking for my next reload (in 4-6weeks time after clearing out recetprs with deload and prime) i would go for 2g test 1g tren and 50-100mg anadrol for usual 8 week reload. That's the max I would go, if your blood pressure can handle it. Keep a check on blood perssure daily and if it gets out of control decrease everything!
    weight now is 245lbs around 10-12%
    let me know what you think ronnie, appreciate your advice.


    thanks ronnie, will be doing this start of next year after pec surgery. what do you think of staying on a baseline of 25mcg t3 year round to make most of metabolism and protein synthesis? dont think muscle loss will be a problem because of test during deloads and gh year round but not sure how it would affect natty thyroid. was reading a study showing patients recovered natural thyroid in as little as 2 weeks after years of t3 use.
    Last edited by ricky23; 10-20-2011 at 05:36 AM.

  8. #3488
    ThatAthlete82 is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    hey ronnie,

    i just got done reading your entire thread and i must say(while it was very long) that it is one of the most comprehensive guides on lifting and dieting i have ever read. Everything is explained in great detail and backed up with evidence, i loved it! I've been doing a lot of things wrong throughout my lifting career and i want to start a blast cycle immediately. I would love some advice on my upcoming cycle ! I know you get a ton of messages a day but if you take the time to read this i would sincerely appreciate it. I bolded the questions.

    my bio and stats:
    6'1'', 200 lbs, about 10% bf(guess), male, 24 years old. I am a division one football player, have been playing football for the last 9 years. I have been lifting for the past 6 years. For you to get a general sense of my strength, my maxes are: Bench-295lbs, squat-355lbs, hang clean-275lbs. My season begins in march, so i want to get a solid blast cycle in before i report to training camp in february.

    my workout plans for next cycle:
    i want to exercise 5 days a week, train each body part once a week except for chest, which i want to do twice a week. what would a good split for that? Is that feasible? day 1) chest, day 2 back, day 3 shoulders, day 4 chest/arms, day 5 legs off 2 days then repeat. . i plan to do reverse pyramid for my first chest day(6 work sets) and straight sets for my second chest day(6 work sets). would i not be able to do secondary chest exercises because my work sets would get too high? what 3 or 4 exercises for chest do you plan to use?? other days the key exercises would be 6 work sets, and 3 work sets for two secondary exercises(total: 12 work sets for the week, each body part). You should try 8-9 sets for arms and only 5-6 sets for body parts like traps, calves and hams.The aforementioned would be for my 8 week "reload" cycle. do i have the spacing of the "reload" and "deload" correct: 8 weeks of "reload" then 2 weeks of "deload" or is it 4 weeks "reload" then 1 week of "deload" and repeat?8 and 2 then repeat is correct.

    my diet plans for the next cycle:
    i project my bmr to be 3,000 calories, i want to gain weight, so i will shoot for 3,500 calories. 45% will be protein (so i get my 400grams of protein , 2 grams per lb of body weight), 40% will be carbohydrates, 15% will be from healthy fat sources. Since i have to train for my sport, i will have 2, sometimes 3 days of fairly intense cardio throughout the week, which i will perform on my off days(one cardio will have to overlap with one of my upper body lifting days). is there anything i should be doing specifically in regards to this diet?diet looks okay but you may find that 350 grams of protein daily are adequate and that you need more fats.

    my supplementation:
    i will be taking 80mg of anavar ed for 8 weeks, as well as 10g of creating mono, glutamine, and a vitamin. Pct will be nolvadex .

    Thanks so much!
    What would you suggest my secondary chest exercises be? I was thinking flat bench DB flys and incline press.

  9. #3489
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    Quote Originally Posted by zena1234 View Post
    -I am taking clen . I can only tolerate about 40 mcg a day.
    -As for my weight training i lift 6 days a week and as of right now im doing 3X15 supersets. I am actually following the "Jamie Eason's Live 12 week trainer" program and i am on phase 3. Here is the link to the program ->
    -For my cardio i am walking fast on 15%-18% incline on the treadmill for 30 mins 3-4 times a week
    - and yes i am planning on entering a bikini contest!

    Thanks sooo much Ronnie!
    My recommendations for you are as follows:

    1) Train with weights only 3-4 days per week and stop the super sets! Jamie Eason looks the way she does due to her genetics not her weight training program per se. You need to stick with straight sets and just move faster between sets. 60 second rest between sets is about right and keep reps at 12-15 per set. Lift intense to help build muscle and burn fat. I would suggest doing around 6 sets per major body part once per week. For example quads- 3 sets of squats on smith machine and 3 sets of super lunges on smith machine. 4 sets of leg curls could suffice for hams.

    2) Increase cardio to 1 hour a day 6 times per week.No cardio on leg day!

    3) Stop clen until 8 weeks out from show because you will become immune. You will also want to add 50 mgs of t-3 to the 40 mcgs of clen 8 weeks out from show for further fat loss.

    4) Consider taking 5 mgs of anavar daily to increase lean muscle and overall body composition.

    5) A good training split for you would be:

    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-23-2011 at 05:42 PM.

  10. #3490
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    My recommendations for you are as follows:

    1) Train with weights only 3 days per week and stop the super sets! Jamie Eason looks the way she does due to her genetics not her weight training program per se. You need to stick with straight sets and just move faster between sets. 60 second rest between sets is about right and keep reps at 12-15 per set. Lift intense to help build muscle and burn fat. I would suggest doing around 6 sets per major body part once per week. For example quads- 3 sets of squats on smith machine and 3 sets of super lunges on smith machine. 4 sets of leg curls could suffice for hams.

    2) Increase cardio to 1 hour a day 6 times per week.No cardio on leg day!

    3) Stop clen until 8 weeks out from show because you will become immune. You will also want to add 50 mgs of t-3 to the 40 mcgs of clen 8 weeks out from show for further fat loss.

    4) Consider taking 5 mgs of anavar daily to increase lean muscle and overall body composition.

    5) A good training split for you would be:


    Thanks for the advice Ronnie! How about for nutrition? What do you recommend for me?
    and for Cardio, where should my heartbeat be around?
    Last edited by zena1234; 10-27-2011 at 09:15 AM.

  11. #3491
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    Exclamation Another newspaper article!

    Me and the people I work with and train!
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails You'll want to read this!-viewer.jpg  
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-23-2011 at 05:50 PM.

  12. #3492
    lefrancis is offline New Member
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    Nice guns!! Does real legit GEAR really exist?

  13. #3493
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    Hi ron, I think you missed my post in page 87

    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    Hi Ron.. What's up?
    I have finished 40 weeks slingshot cycle (4 times reloads+deloads). I finished 4 weeks of PCT last week. Now I am gonna take another 6-8 weeks OFF before jumping back ON.

    In my country, enanthate is more expensive than sustanon 250. I can get 2 ampoules of test enanthate at the same price as 3 ampoules of sustanon 250.
    Which one gives better result?
    500mg of Test Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) per week or 750mg of Sustanon 250 per week?
    What do you think I should go with?

    I always use test as a base of every cycles I have run.
    Other compound I usually use is deca as second injectable compound and another oral like dbol .

    Many Thanks Ron...
    God Bless You Always...

  14. #3494
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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  15. #3495
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    About 2 weeks left in my cut before i cruise on 250 for about 6 weeks or more.

    I want to give blood and get blood tested before next cycle.

    Ive been following your/DaveP Keto diet for the last few weeks and love it. Im under 30 carbs a day and have a massive cheat on Sunday. I eat so much i feel like death but I keep waking up the next morning weighing less or no more then a 1lb gain. I think that is the t3? I did DaveP keto before all natty and used to gain 5lbs or so after a cheat.

    Anyways, after my cut is over in 2 weeks I will continue the Keto style diet to maintain over the next 6 weeks before i Bulk.

    I have realized my body does so much better on low carbs. I also get fat bulking even on 150+ carbs a day.

    For this next bulk what do you think about only taking in about 30 grams of carbs pre and post workout and the rest of the meals are Protein fat and green veggies.

    Could I also do my refeed day on Sunday where I load up on clean carbs, then in the evening have a cheat meal "pizza burger etc" Or will i accumulate to much fat from taking in carbs during the week.

    I want to grow yet i dont want to get fat like I always do on a bulk.

    I train M-F and take off Sat and Sun. Sat would be a no carb day and Sunday would be a refeed/cheat last meal if you think i can get away with this.

  16. #3496
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    I'll try and get all these questions answered this weekend. Been slammed!

    Thank you,

  17. #3497
    Crazyltn187 is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie, I just read your article and i must say thanks for dedicating your time to helping others. Im 25, been training on and off since i was about 18 and decided to finally hit the gear to try get a bit bigger and lean up a bit for summer. I have started with test enanthate 250 (2x 0.75ml) + deca 200 (2x 0.5) per week. Im approximately 79kgs, probably around 15-20% body fat.

    So Mondays = 0.75mil of test e and 0.5mil of deca and again on Thursdays

    ps. i also started on prop for the first 3 weeks to kickstart the cycle every second day but just finished that now.

    First I was wondering if this amount is alright or if i should just be doing 1 mil of enanthate twice a week? I started on .75 so then i could later increase the ammount to 1mil enanthate twice a week after my first blast..

    So far this is my third week on it and im starting to feel the strength already (woot woot)... I was planing n cycling for 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off (reload/deload) and then back on for another 4 weeks? I didnt want to be on it for longer than 12 weeks so instead of going for another 8 weeks on it i was planning on stopping after the the 4. So basically... 8 weeks reload, 2 week deload (no injections ), followed by a further 4 weeks on. I wanted to know if this is okay or should i just continue for another 8 weeks?

    I also wanted to cut up a bit towards the end of my cycle and was thinking of hitting tren for the last few 4-8 weeks of my cycle (depending how long my cycle is). I wanted to know if this is a good idea? and if so how much would you recommend considering that ill probably be on 1mil of test E and 0.5 mil deca twice a week...

    Lastly... ive always had a gyno problem (or at least i think so), more evident on one side than the other and didnt want to make it worse so i was thiking of using letro/Arimadex/novaldex throughout my cycle ... I can get my hands on Letro (2.5mg x 30) or Arimadex (1mg x 30). However they both cost over $200 (pharmaceutical tablets) which is a bit expensive...

    Considering my gyno problem i was wondering what you all would recommend to be the best? I have read a lot of articles about it, and most recommend letro as it can reverse it sometimes. However i can also get liquid Arimidex (1mg/ml 30mls) for less than of what the other one costs (from the same place) so i was leaning towards this...

    However im trying to figure out if its worth forking out over 200 for the letro or should i just get the liquid arimadex, and if so whats the difference? ie. between liquid and tablets?

    Thanks in advance for the help, much appreciated!
    Last edited by Crazyltn187; 10-27-2011 at 03:28 AM.

  18. #3498
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    hey ron, as regards a deca /winstrol cycle for mma, why is it considered such a gud mix, cut hard look with strength from winstrol and strength and increased cardio ablility with deca have i this right ? yes what the detections times with deca 18 months ? around 12 months or longer theres a shorter ester version of deca available so it makes sense to use this, thus reducing the detection time of deca in your system to be about 3 months im told ? i'm not 100% sure but my my guess is that the short acting deca still stays in system for quite a while. also without test will you loose ur sex drive or will the winstrol keep you good? winstrol will generally decerase sex drive. You need some test. Clast, wots the best/highest doses you recommend for both compounds with this cycle? deca 400 mgs per week, winstrol 50 mgs daily and test 500 mgs weekly thanks for the help ron
    ab ove

  19. #3499
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie...pre-exhaustion.. good or not???PRE-EXHAUSTION TRAINING TECHNIQUES ARE NOT GOOD! Here's why-Lets pretend we are going to pre-exhaust with flyes before declines presses for chest. When you fatigue the chest with an isolation exercise such as flat flyes then move to a compound exercise such as decline presses, you will actually stimulate less muscle fibers of the chest. Why? Because once the pectoral fibers become fatigued the triceps come into play quicker during each sets of declines . So basically what you have done is created just the opposite effect of what you set out to do. The same principle applies to rest-pause training. After the first rest -paused set the triceps would come into play quicker during each following set-hence stimulating the fibers of the chest less and less even when only a compound exercise is being used. Pre-exhaustion, rest-pause, super sets, etc work to some degree but no where near the degree of straight sets. A lot of muscle magazines have been sold and will continue being sold by promoting such training methods to those who do not know any better.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-27-2011 at 01:29 PM.

  20. #3500
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    what about epo added onto this cycle of test/deca /win ? jus how good/strong is epo compared to the steroids mentioned? im also having trouble finding the pricing for epo and the only recommended dosages i can find is from this site saying 1000iu a day for 14 days ? thanks again ron !

  21. #3501
    Loges is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by MercuryEvo View Post
    So Below is the my game plan. But I can only get HCG in 10,000IU bottles and once you reconstitute with BS water, it only last 20-30 days. So My problem is I'd have to get like 5-6 bottles and waste alot of it. Anyone have any tips for making it last longer, or dividing it up when its a powder accurately? Or can I run it another way?

    Ok I decided to wait until soon to start this, so hopefully I can look nice for summer Here is my plan. Ronnie, please critique.
    I'm 5'9" 1/2 and 188 lbs with 12%-14% BF. I can drop down to 180lbs pretty easily though and probably will do so before beginning this.

    My only questions are:

    A. Should I do traps with shoulders or do them alone on the bi's/chest day?
    B. How bad is it if I drink alcohol here and there on the weekends? Lets say a few beers with friends or a few drinks, I'd keep it down to 1x a week at most?

    mon Chest/biceps + cardio
    tues Legs + cardio
    weds Off (maybe cardio)
    thurs Shoulders/triceps + cardio
    fri Back + cardio
    sat Off (maybe cardio)
    sun Off (maybe cardio)

    Reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    Week 1 500mg Test E
    week 2 500mg Test E
    week 3 500mg Test E
    week 4 500mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 5 500mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 6 500mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 7 500mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 8 500mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 9 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 10 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Reload: (12 hard sets per body part each week, 300g protein, 200g carbs, 80g fat)
    week 11 700mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 12 700mg Test E, HCG OFF, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 13 700mg Test E, HCG OFF, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 15 700mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 16 700mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 17 700mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 18 700mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    Deload: (6 sets per body part each week and change exercises, lower weights, higher reps. 150g protein, 100g carbs, <40g fat )
    week 19 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
    week 20 200mg Test E, HCG 500iu, Aromasin 12.5mg EOD

    PCT: (continue reload / deload workouts and exercises as well as diet)
    week 21 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD, HCG 500iu
    week 22 Nolvadex , 40mg ED, Clomid, 70mgED
    week 23 Nolvadex, 40mg ED, Clomid, 70mgED
    week 24 Nolvadex, 20mg ED, Clomid, 35mgED
    week 25 Nolvadex, 20mg ED, Clomid, 35mgED

    you didnt answer how his cycle for reload/deload and pct along with carb/protein/fat intake looked. whether it was good or not. could you please do so as im looking at doing a similar cycle.

  22. #3502
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    im looking at giving this a try but am curious as to whether my current macros are sufficient enough for such. im currently in my 5th week of test e @ 500mg a week, ran dbol for first 4 weeks as a kicker, and looking at running dbol as a bridge in the deload. my macros are: 370p/370c/80f give or take 5 grams of each. i eat very clean apart from the one reload meal a week. what im also wondering is should i run the 500mg for the next 3 weeks, then go to 250mg on the deload along with the dbol for 2 weeks, then back on to 500mg for another 8 weeks without dbol or what? then after 12 weeks in all has been completed, run 4 weeks of pct using nolva 40mg weeks 1&2, 30mg week 3 20mg week 4 (whilst still in my reload). not too sure if that makes sense or not....let me know if you want me to clear anyrthing up if its too confusing.

    oh im currently in a bulk.
    Last edited by Loges; 10-30-2011 at 06:16 AM. Reason: forgot to mention i was in a bulk phase atm

  23. #3503
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    hi Ron im looking at starting a 1st cycle in january, im doing 20 weeks on test with the slingshot system, two 8 week cycles with two 2 week deloads going from 500 to 250 mgs on test then on to full pct at week 21 , my question is about pct, i can obtain nolvadex and hcg but cant get clomid, would you recommend using nolva/ hcg with no clomid for full 4 week pct here? Clomid is not a neccesity. I would run the hcg and nolva for 21 days.

  24. #3504
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    Quote Originally Posted by zena1234 View Post
    Thanks for the advice Ronnie! How about for nutrition? What do you recommend for me?
    and for Cardio, where should my heartbeat be around?
    Keto should not be used for longer than 8 weeks IMO unless someone is extremely obese and you are not. I would carb cycle by keeping carbs at 100 per day 5 days per week and on wednesday have 150 and on saturday as many carbs as you desire to prevent staleness.

    With cardio don't get too meticulous with heart rate but the more intense it is the more calories you will burn. I would try for around 145. If you go too intense you will burn muscle and wont be able to hang in there for the duration of each session. You should be sweating a lot and breathing pretty hard but not HIT cardio.

    A recent report showed that taking carbs down to 100 per day burned away almost as much body fat as being in a state of ketosis (no carb diet). Carb cycling is the superior way to "lose body fat" during the beginning of a diet phase. You can do ketosis right before a show! Keeping carbs/calories in check 5 days per week is the best way for everyone! The body responds in a positive manner when 2 non-consecutive carb/calories up days are included each week. It does so by driving up anabolic hormones and increasing thyroid hormone output-hence speeding up the metabolism and increasing lean muscle mass. When carbs and calories are constantly kept low, your body adapts and the metabolism slows down. A great approach is to use a 3 low-1 high-2 low-1 high carb/calorie rotation).

    Monday-low carbs
    Tuesday-low carbs
    Wednesday-moderate in carbs (carbs should be clean on this day-lower protein intake in order to stay at a maintenance calorie level), Decrease protein intake to make up for extra calories coming from carbs!
    Saturday-high in carbs, calories and fats (cheat day eat some junk carbs and fats), Decrease protein on cheat day as well.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 10-30-2011 at 05:02 PM.

  25. #3505
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yellow View Post
    Hi Ron.. What's up?
    I have finished 40 weeks slingshot cycle (4 times reloads+deloads). I finished 4 weeks of PCT last week. Now I am gonna take another 6-8 weeks OFF before jumping back ON.

    In my country, enanthate is more expensive than sustanon 250. I can get 2 ampoules of test enanthate at the same price as 3 ampoules of sustanon 250.
    Which one gives better result? Opinions vary. I believe that mixing the enanthate and sustanon is the way to go. Adding in some cypionate is also a great idea. This way you are taking all the test-esters which provides the best synergetic effect possible.
    500mg of Test Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) per week or 750mg of Sustanon 250 per week? Why not 250 mgs of enan and 500 sust?What do you think I should go with?

    I always use test as a base of every cycles I have run.
    Other compound I usually use is deca as second injectable compound and another oral like dbol .

    Many Thanks Ron...
    God Bless You Always...

  26. #3506
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Hey Ronnie, my 4th week of my second Reload is about to end. Absolutely blown away with my results to date. Strength has gone through the roof! I am running Test E - 750mgs/wkly Tren E - 700mgs/wkly Masteron - 500mgs/wkly and Anavar - 80mgs/daily HGH 3 I.U.'s daily 5 on 2 off. The suggestion of adding 20mgs of Nolvadex to the AI has kept my gyno completely away this round. Any suggestions for the following cycle what it should look like? If you could keep it the same (minus the masteron) and increase GH to 8 ius daily that would be idea.Not sure if I want to run the Masteron the next cycle, looking to put more size on. Although the weight im putting on is a lot of quality weight. The last cycle I ended up at 224 lbs., im right at 230 4 weeks in to date.

  27. #3507
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    Nice guns!! Does real legit GEAR really exist?[/QUOTE]Of course it does..Some of the UG lab gear is stronger than pharm grade but that's not always a good thing.

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    Nice guns!! Does real legit GEAR really exist?[/QUOTE]Of course it does..Some of the UG lab gear is stronger than pharm grade but that's not always a good thing.

  29. #3509
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    what about epo added onto this cycle of test/deca/win ? jus how good/strong is epo compared to the steroids mentioned? im also having trouble finding the pricing for epo and the only recommended dosages i can find is from this site saying 1000iu a day for 14 days ? thanks again ron !
    Why are you running epo? That drug can be very dangerous!

  30. #3510
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    About 2 weeks left in my cut before i cruise on 250 for about 6 weeks or more.

    I want to give blood and get blood tested before next cycle.

    Ive been following your/DaveP Keto diet for the last few weeks and love it. Im under 30 carbs a day and have a massive cheat on Sunday. I eat so much i feel like death but I keep waking up the next morning weighing less or no more then a 1lb gain. I think that is the t3? I did DaveP keto before all natty and used to gain 5lbs or so after a cheat.

    Anyways, after my cut is over in 2 weeks I will continue the Keto style diet to maintain over the next 6 weeks before i Bulk.

    I have realized my body does so much better on low carbs. I also get fat bulking even on 150+ carbs a day.

    For this next bulk what do you think about only taking in about 30 grams of carbs pre and post workout and the rest of the meals are Protein fat and green veggies. I would not go lower than 125 carbs per day.

    Could I also do my refeed day on Sunday where I load up on clean carbs, then in the evening have a cheat meal "pizza burger etc" Or will i accumulate to much fat from taking in carbs during the week. go with the cheat meal and clean carb up on sat.
    I want to grow yet i dont want to get fat like I always do on a bulk. Carbs are not the only culprit, overall calories also matter. It could be that you do not have it in your genetics to weight a lot without getting fat. It's best you don't bulk but just eat normal and make slower/leaner gains
    I train M-F and take off Sat and Sun. Sat would be a no carb day and Sunday would be a refeed/cheat last meal if you think i can get away with this. I would not do a no carb day on sat before a sun carn load as your blood sugar will be all over the place. You will do better not bulking at all from what I am hearing.[/QUOTE]above

  31. #3511
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Why are you running epo? That drug can be very dangerous!
    im not running it at all ron, a friend who does mma came across articles about it being used in cylcing and that it wud be great for mma, i cudnt find much info about if for him myself apart from the profile on this site, it never said anything about it being very dangerous ,just to watch your blood pressure and stay hydrated, thats why i was asking you ron, from your reaction i can see to tel my mate stay well clear of it! thanks again ron

  32. #3512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crazyltn187 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, I just read your article and i must say thanks for dedicating your time to helping others. Im 25, been training on and off since i was about 18 and decided to finally hit the gear to try get a bit bigger and lean up a bit for summer. I have started with test enanthate 250 (2x 0.75ml) + deca 200 (2x 0.5) per week. Im approximately 79kgs, probably around 15-20% body fat.

    So Mondays = 0.75mil of test e and 0.5mil of deca and again on Thursdays

    ps. i also started on prop for the first 3 weeks to kickstart the cycle every second day but just finished that now.

    First I was wondering if this amount is alright or if i should just be doing 1 mil of enanthate twice a week? I started on .75 so then i could later increase the ammount to 1mil enanthate twice a week after my first blast..I would never use deca during a first cycle unless you had severe tendonitus. It woul dbe best to run 500 mgs of test-e alone each week. Prop is not needed!
    So far this is my third week on it and im starting to feel the strength already (woot woot)... I was planing n cycling for 8 weeks on, 2 weeks off (reload/deload) and then back on for another 4 weeks? I didnt want to be on it for longer than 12 weeks so instead of going for another 8 weeks on it i was planning on stopping after the the 4. So basically... 8 weeks reload, 2 week deload (no injections ), followed by a further 4 weeks on. I wanted to know if this is okay or should i just continue for another 8 weeks? continue with 8 weeks not 4!

    I also wanted to cut up a bit towards the end of my cycle and was thinking of hitting tren for the last few 4-8 weeks of my cycle (depending how long my cycle is). I wanted to know if this is a good idea? its a bad idea until you get at least 20 weeks of usage behind you and see how you feel. Tren is very powerful and not recommended for a beginner. and if so how much would you recommend considering that ill probably be on 1mil of test E and 0.5 mil deca twice a week...add deca during second reload but not first. see how well you do on test then proceed forward.
    Lastly... ive always had a gyno problem (or at least i think so), more evident on one side than the other and didnt want to make it worse so i was thiking of using letro/Arimadex/novaldex throughout my cycle ... I can get my hands on Letro (2.5mg x 30) or Arimadex (1mg x 30). However they both cost over $200 (pharmaceutical tablets) which is a bit expensive...use .025 mgs of armidex or 20 mgs of nolvadex daily. you do not need the letro as its too strong and 1 compound is enough.
    Considering my gyno problem i was wondering what you all would recommend to be the best? I have read a lot of articles about it, and most recommend letro as it can reverse it sometimes. letro should be used for pre-contest only imo as it destroys your sex drive and dries out the joints making them prone to injury. go with a-dex However i can also get liquid Arimidex (1mg/ml 30mls) for less than of what the other one costs (from the same place) so i was leaning towards this...

    However im trying to figure out if its worth forking out over 200 for the letro or should i just get the liquid arimadex, and if so whats the difference? ie. between liquid and tablets? no difference if its a reputable lab.Thanks in advance for the help, much appreciated!

  33. #3513
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    im not running it at all ron, a friend who does mma came across articles about it being used in cylcing and that it wud be great for mma, i cudnt find much info about if for him myself apart from the profile on this site, it never said anything about it being very dangerous ,just to watch your blood pressure and stay hydrated, thats why i was asking you ron, from your reaction i can see to tel my mate stay well clear of it! yes stay clear of epo as its not worth the risk.thanks again ron

  34. #3514
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loges View Post
    im looking at giving this a try but am curious as to whether my current macros are sufficient enough for such. im currently in my 5th week of test e @ 500mg a week, ran dbol for first 4 weeks as a kicker, and looking at running dbol as a bridge in the 250 mgs of test alone each week as your bridge instead of d-bol to give liver a break. my macros are: 370p/370c/80f give or take 5 grams of each. please dont take this wrong but you are over analyzing this whole thing when you are worried about 5 grams here and there. It won't make one bit of difference! No one but yourself will be able to tell which macronutrients work best for you. Your gonna have to experiment and find out if you are carb sensitive. If you are then reduce some of your carbs and replace them with fats until you hit a sweet spot for your body type. i eat very clean apart from the one reload meal a week. what im also wondering is should i run the 500mg for the next 3 weeks, then go to 250mg on the deload along with the dbol for 2 weeks, then back on to 500mg for another 8 weeks without dbol or what? I would run 500 mgs of test for entire 8 weeks along with 25 mgs of d-bol. Then do only 250 mgs of test for 2 week deload. Repeat another 8 weeks this time using 1000 mgs of test and 25 mgs of d-bol daily. Then pct after 2 week deload of 250 mgs of test per week. then after 12 weeks in all has been completed, run 4 weeks of pct using nolva 40mg weeks 1&2, 30mg week 3 20mg week 4 (whilst still in my reload). not too sure if that makes sense or not....let me know if you want me to clear anyrthing up if its too confusing.

    oh im currently in a bulk.

  35. #3515
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    Im taking Test enan 2cc a week with omedren 2cc a week mixed with 20mg of Anavar a day for the next 8 weeks, is this a good cycle or would you suggest any change.
    P.S. Great post.

  36. #3516
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    Cheers for the reply bro. Will give that a shot. Let you know how I go. Stoked to give it a shot for my next cycle as I don't have any dbol ATM.

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    Ronnie, I have a question for you. I am nearing the end of a test suspension and tren a cycle. (150mgs test ed and 100mgs tren ed) with both of these being short esters and clearing quickly would I need to deload? If so how would I run the suspension for those 2 weeks? If not can I go straight into test e and deca ? Your help is greatly appreciated.

  38. #3518
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    Quote Originally Posted by jrsyynk View Post
    Im taking Test enan 2cc a week with omedren 2cc a week mixed with 20mg of Anavar a day for the next 8 weeks, is this a good cycle or would you suggest any change. This is a good cycle if those are the 3 products you are going to use..
    P.S. Great post.

  39. #3519
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Ronnie, I have a question for you. I am nearing the end of a test suspension and tren a cycle. (150mgs test ed and 100mgs tren ed) with both of these being short esters and clearing quickly would I need to deload? If so how would I run the suspension for those 2 weeks? drop suspension/tren and run 1 cc of test-e only for two weeks as your deload. Next start higher dosages of test-e and add in deca for 8 week reload. If not can I go straight into test e and deca? Your help is greatly appreciated.

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    Volume is not the only variable when trying to induce hypertrophy.

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