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11-01-2011, 04:44 AM #3521
Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
Ronnie, I have a question for you. I am nearing the end of a test suspension and tren a cycle . (150mgs test ed and 100mgs tren ed) with both of these being short esters and clearing quickly would I need to deload? If so how would I run the suspension for those 2 weeks? drop suspension/tren and run 1 cc of test-e only for two weeks as your deload. Next start higher dosages of test-e and add in deca for 8 week reload. If not can I go straight into test e and deca? Your help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you for replying so quickly. It's funny how one question breeds more questions. If I may ask a few more for clarification. My concern is that the suspension will be passed through in 2-3 days. It will take the test e 10-14 days to become active. Will this cause a shut down of my system? If I had been running a longer ester there would a countable amount in my blood level over the deload period. Maybe this isn't the case but need your thoughts on it. If that is the case would running 2500 ius of hcg e3d help? One more question please. Since I have been running 900mgs a week of test suspension , where would my starting point be for th first 4 weeks of test e? 1g ? Then 1.5g the next 4 weeks. Expecially since I will only be getting 72mgs per 100 mgs of the test e as compared to 100mgs per 100mg for suspension. Maybe I am over thinking this. If you can spare a little more time for me it will be greatly appreciated. I have been making some nice gains and would like to see if your method can get me a little closer to where I would like to be. Everyones feed back on your advise and help has been great. Thanks again.
11-01-2011, 12:39 PM #3524
Ronnie you are a scholar and a gentleman. Thank you for yor help. I will let you know how it goes.
11-01-2011, 01:59 PM #3525Associate Member
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I am into my second reload on a 20 week blast. I was considering running a second blast back to back but was wondering if it's OK to stop after a 3rd reload instead of running a full 4. Also my doses so far
1st reload 500 test/400 deca
1st deload 250 test
2nd reload 750 test/400 deca
2nd deload 250 test
for the 3rd reload I was thinking of keeping the test at 750 and bringing up the deca to 600. Would that be OK or is it just better to bring the test up again to say 1g test/ 400 deca? I also got some 50mg winny tabs that i was considering running the last 6 weeks of the blast. Would I need to finish those before the 3rd deload or can I run it right up to before I start PCT?
11-01-2011, 10:54 PM #3526New Member
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I can attest to this, i ran sus for 10 weeks. As soon as I came into my 9th week i felt terrible. This was a great read, i'll give this training method a go in a few weeks time
11-02-2011, 02:42 AM #3527New Member
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Posting in here what I posted in my own thread since it seems I can get lots of views but no replies. Would love some help Ronnie <3
Hey all I'm just getting all my cycle info together going to start a cycle of M1Test I just recently obtained.
So far I'm I'm trying to follow NSA's outline and basic cycle guide he posted.
Week 1-4 : Will be doing 5g creatine daily, saw it in PCT but I don't see why not put it here as well.
Week 1-4 : M1Test 15mg ED (Might bump up to 30mg we shall see, have 60 pills at 15mg/pill)
Week 1-4 : Hawthorn Berry Extract 1500mg ED
Week 1-4 : Can't find the 4-ad anywhere having crappy luck, looking for a replacement for it so need suggestions - Found a 4-AD RD product by advanced muscle science, would love any reviews on it or knowledge if anyone has used. Thanks again
Week 1-5 : Tribulus Terrestris, Maca Root, DAA 2,250mg ED (To counter act lethargy/beneficial herb)
Considering throwing in 1000mg Milk Thistle (Was curious if could do the milk thistle/estro blocker I have listed in PCT or if I need just Milk Thistle alone) to assist in liver protection figure better safe then sorry. Opinions would be loved, I don't drink and haven't drank more then few times in my life.
Week 5-8 Looking to pick up Nolvadex 40mg ED then down to 20mg ED after two weeks. Currently have a 2 in 1 PCT that contains 100mg Alpha Lipoic Acid, 300mg N-Acetyl Cysteine, 500mg Milk Thistle, 250mg Dandelion Root, 200mg SAM-e, 250mg Stinging Nettle. Curious as to the comparison of this with Nolvadex
Week 5-8 Milk Thistle 1000mg ED (Need to know if supplement listed above will be ok to take even with all the extras or if should just buy Milk thistle by itself)
Week 5-8 Clomid Therapy, I've found where to get some Clomi but I've heard this might not be necessary but once again I'd prefer to take all the proper precautions. Just would like your guy's opinions.
Would love any suggestions/ideas of what I can do to make this cycle more efficient or if possible for any good sites that can provide good PCTs (That are legal, not requesting illegal products so please no ban haha) Thanks again for the read I'll respond and check this thread promptly.
11-02-2011, 04:17 AM #3528
Ronnie you're very knowledgeable. I must give you major credit! My question happens to deal with Real Primobolan , Anavar , T-bol, Test E or Prop. 30 years old. 5/11 223. ex Pro athlete. My protocols were much different back then. In Your Opinion, Can Primobolan be helpful for men or strictly for women. Also what are the pro's and con's of Primobolan with your slingshot concept? I will await your answer. Thank you sir.
11-02-2011, 01:44 PM #3529Hey Ronnie, my 4th week of my second Reload is about to end. Absolutely blown away with my results to date. Strength has gone through the roof! I am running Test E - 750mgs/wkly Tren E - 700mgs/wkly Masteron - 500mgs/wkly and Anavar - 80mgs/daily HGH 3 I.U.'s daily 5 on 2 off. The suggestion of adding 20mgs of Nolvadex to the AI has kept my gyno completely away this round. Any suggestions for the following cycle what it should look like? If you could keep it the same (minus the masteron) and increase GH to 8 ius daily that would be idea.Not sure if I want to run the Masteron the next cycle, looking to put more size on. Although the weight im putting on is a lot of quality weight. The last cycle I ended up at 224 lbs., im right at 230 4 weeks in to date.
Last edited by Gi812Many; 11-02-2011 at 01:47 PM.
11-02-2011, 03:50 PM #3530New Member
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Ronnie..great post! One question, what is your take on IM versus Sub Q for Test C and other AS... Is it BS or potential??
11-03-2011, 05:13 PM #3531New Member
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Wow! Thanks for such an in depth look on this. I'm not even done reading it all yet but it's definitely worth the time.
11-05-2011, 02:10 PM #3532New Member
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edited and warned. please take the time to read over our rules
PTLast edited by PT; 11-06-2011 at 04:21 AM. Reason: fishing
11-06-2011, 12:45 AM #3533
Samspalace. No one is going to help you with a source. Sorry. We don't condone the use of illegal substances on this site. If you're of age, you may want to visit a HRT wherever you live.
This board and particularly this thread isn't it though.
Last edited by PT; 11-06-2011 at 04:21 AM.
11-06-2011, 11:22 AM #3535New Member
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tweaking my routine
Im 48 and just started working out in the last 1 1/2 years with my 19 year old son. I lost 25 lbs of fat and added muscle. I was 207lbs now 182lbs. I work out 6 days a week. Ive taken supplements such as protein powder, creatine, arganine, nitric stack, tribulus, dhea, glutamine, bcaas, flax oil fish oil multi vitamins. I just bought a stack of Primo 33. Androxybl, mesobolinand tridenosen from primal muscle. I just ordered milk thistle and chondrotin for mild joint pain. What do you know of Primal Muscle and what should you think I should be doing with training and supplemrents att my age
11-06-2011, 03:30 PM #3536Junior Member
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hi ronnie, what dou think is better with gh...t3 or t4?
just my had my pec tendon surgery and running 8ius eod. read an anthony roberts article about how t4 amplifies gh anabolism.
i ususally have 450g protein but reducing it to 300g as im in a sling for 8 weeks. is that ok for recovery?
also dropped carbs to 100g and fats to 70g as im literally just sitting on my ass not burning any cals lol cant even do cardio
thanksLast edited by ricky23; 11-07-2011 at 02:11 PM.
11-07-2011, 12:15 AM #3538Junior Member
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hey ron, you missed my question on top of page 88, here it is again. thank you in advice
hey ron, quick question about increasing steroid dosage after a bridge/8 week cycle . I know you said that after 8 weeks of a given steroid , your receptors become saturated and you need to either increase the dosage of the steroid or switch over to a different one in order to continue to make gains. MY question is that lets say I started at 500mg of test enth. and after a few 8 week cycles , I built up/increase my dosage to 1.25g of test enth. (about 250mg increase ever 8 weeks). And after my last 8 week cycle , 1.25g of test , I decide to come off steroids for 4 months and do a pct (pct lasting 1 month). Now when I decide to go back and start a new cycle (after the 4 month lay off), does my test enth dosage have to start at 1.25g?
11-07-2011, 01:10 AM #3539
Hey Ron. I never used any oral liver protection products at all. Actually I never use any oral products besides t-bol/anavar . IV therapies to me IMO are the best way to get vitamins and minerals in the body besides FOOD. I've used t-bol/anavar for 6 months without any liver damage due to IV Glutathione. For Cardiovascular supplements, it's IV EDTA Chelation. IM resveratrol IM curcumin and thymosin beta 4. I believe in healthy intelligent bodybuilding. Since I don't compete professionally any longer, It is all about life long health. I have great genetics but I don't want to compete so my goals are much more different. The reason why I asked you about primobolan is because I'm not looking to gain muscle quick rather over time. My next cycle consist of this. 20 week sling shot. 600mg Primo, 600mg Test E. 400mg Tren E 60mg of t-bol for the first 8 weeks. 2 week 300mg test E and 200mg primo. The last 8 weeks 1000mg primobolan 800mg test E 600mg Masteron E & 80mg Anavar. Then PCT. Now one thing I didn't mention. IGF r-3 keeps my balls in tact through out the cycle. I used it every 3rd day. All of my guys use it and never have issues with shutdown. I am not saying it takes the place of HCG but it does help tremendously. Last but not least I take 50Mg of Proviron every night before bed & sermorelin instead of hgh. Just in case you didn't see my other post on stats. 5'11 223 30 years old. What are you thoughts. Thanks in advance.
11-08-2011, 07:05 PM #3545
[QUOTE=yaston2003;5801217]hey ron, you missed my question on top of page 88, here it is again. thank you in advice
hey ron, quick question about increasing steroid dosage after a bridge/8 week cycle . I know you said that after 8 weeks of a given steroid , your receptors become saturated and you need to either increase the dosage of the steroid or switch over to a different one in order to continue to make gains. MY question is that lets say I started at 500mg of test enth. and after a few 8 week cycles , I built up/increase my dosage to 1.25g of test enth. (about 250mg increase ever 8 weeks). And after my last 8 week cycle , 1.25g of test , I decide to come off steroids for 4 months and do a pct (pct lasting 1 month). Now when I decide to go back and start a new cycle (after the 4 month lay off), does my test enth dosage have to start at 1.25g? In this case you could start back at 500 mgs per week and make good gains. No need in going as high as 1.25 grams per week when you take off that long.[/QUOTE]above
11-08-2011, 07:46 PM #3549
Thank you for the response. I'm very fortunate to get medicine for much cheaper than the norm. This is the reason why I'm excited about primobolan . In your opinion, What's the most iu's you can use with GH per day.
11-10-2011, 10:07 AM #3550New Member
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Hey Ronnie. Im a bit disappointed with my work ethic in my first blast. Put on 6lbs in 5 weeks. Can i extend this blast past 8 weeks to 12 weeks ? I know myostatin rises but what if i were to up my test doses & add an oral? Will i make any gains?
11-11-2011, 01:50 AM #3551Junior Member
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11-11-2011, 01:59 AM #3552Junior Member
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another quick question, this one workout related. After doing my 4th set of decline barbell presses I have a pretty nice pump in my chest to a point where I can barely flex it. Now after moving to incline dumbell presses, I notice after my second set on those my pump is no where near the way it was after decline presses and be the time I get too my flies my chest pump is pretty much gone. I remember reading where you wrote that you rather hear someone say that they had a pretty nice pump after a workout vs how much weight they put up. So should I end my chest workout once I feel the pump fading?
Hey Ron,
It\'s been a while. Had a run of bad luck.
I'm 47 years old and have been doing 8 week cycles, then dropping back to 250 mg of Sustanon for 2 weeks, then back on. I've been doing this for about 15 months. I was going to drop to 250 mg for 6 weeks to take a break, and get primed for another year, then I got sick. My cycles consist of Test and sometimes Deca /Tren / NPP/Masteron / Var/ Proviron /dbol /T3/Clen at various doses depending on what I'm trying to do. I never have ED and I've never needed to take an AI, even on large doses of test/whatever. Tren raises my BP but I take meds for that when taking Tren. I live on an island and am isolated from any hospital (I'm going next week) but usually have basic BW done by the Vet on the island. I Got a really bad fever 2 weeks from the end of my cut. Haven't been able to lift for almost 6 weeks. Just this week I've been doing cardio for about a week, diets back on point and today I started lifting at half volume. Still feel weak from the sickness, but I assume a lot of it has to do with the hormonal imbalance. I've been on 4 iu's of gh 5 days a week since right before I got sick. 2 weeks ago reduced all steroids (for the first time in 15 months except for deloads) to 250 mg Test per week. I had a throat infection, lung infection and still feel like I have the remnants of a bladder infection. Constant abrupt need for urination. It's painless except for lately which feels almost like a hernia. I mention this later. I lost almost 30 lbs at the worst, but I'm back to 106 kg, still down from117 at the beginning of my sickness. I had a lot of small, niggling injuries but with the break all my injuries are cleared up now but I was wondering about blood work. Here's a complete list. I thought I could give you so you could just highlight the ones you'd suggest, considering the sickness and all, as well as the fact that I'm always on cycle. I have to travel quite a way to get to the hospital. I need to go next week since I was hit on my motorcycle yesterday and have a lot of pain when I went to the gym today for the first time. It's in my groin area just to the right of my pubic bone. I'm not sure I didn't have this pain before the accident. Maybe from the bladder problems? The supposed "Doctor" here on the island thought maybe prostate problem of some sort? What test should I request regarding that (PSA)? Hoping like hell it's not a hernia. But how the hell could it be? I haven't lifted for ever. Anyway, should I give blood first, then get the test or the other way around? What I'm asking is what would you have tested if you were cycling/hrt like me (also like you - I think we're the same age), as well as what would you have tested because of the infections and the sickness and possible prostate/hernia/ whatever? Maybe you could highlight what you get tested on STS and highlighting green what you would test for the sickness? Just an idea. I'm assuming a lot here with the infections (antibiotics cured the throat and lung, but the bladder is lingering but about 85% better, (maybe not infection). That's what's making me think prostate.)
Here's the list.
Lipid Panel
HDL/LDL & Total cholseterol
WBC Total
RBC Hemogolbin
MC Hemoglobin
MCH concentration
ABS Differential Basophils
Carbon Dioxide
Total Protein
Alkaline Phosphatas
Test Free & Total
Luteinizing Hormone
T4 & Free T4
PSA - for prostate
God this is confusing, I hope you can help. Take your time, I don't go for about a week...
God this is confusing, I hope you can help....Thanks RonLast edited by The Titan99; 11-14-2011 at 05:30 AM.
11-12-2011, 06:09 PM #3554
11-13-2011, 02:38 AM #3555Originally Posted by zena1234
11-14-2011, 08:58 AM #3556New Member
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Just great pointers. I actually read the WHOLE thing. It is great to have access to someone's knowledge who has been there.
He's THE MAN, isn't he? All that advise, info, patience and time given away for free. He definitely qualifies for BB Sainthood!!!!!
11-18-2011, 07:47 AM #3558Junior Member
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hi ronnie, its been over 2 weeks now since pec op and im recovering very fast..think the 8ius gh eod is helping!
i have another 4 weeks in a sling before aother 4 weeks getting r.o.m back. do you think after that i should train the atrophied arm only for 4-8 weeks? the arm has shrunk quite bad and really need to bring up the entire area delt, trap etc
also do you think when im back i should go back up to high cals? riht now im on on prob 1500 a day doing 1-2 hours light cardio losing fat and recovering at same time. was thinking to get very lean before im ready to train again.
thanks for the advice mate
11-18-2011, 12:47 PM #3559
Hey Ronnie ,
Just gave blood yesterday for the first time. Ended my cycle 3 weeks ago , was on test 250, var 50 and primo 800. I'm just cruising on 200mg of test now until next month or jan.
My hemoglobin was 16.2 I think with a reference range of 12-19. Bp was 130/70. I think she was wrong I'm normally 120/60 but either way not bad.
I'm getting a vasectomy at the end of this month and may miss a week of training. Any tips on holding gains or diet ideas. Was thinking cutting back carbs the 3 days I'll be hanging at home taking vacation days then back to work for the weekend. Thinking I'll be off training Tuesday to monday. I may even do a full body Sunday and Monday to at least get something for the week.
Then in De***ber I want to get a full blood panel. Can u list a few specific things to ask on getting checked?Last edited by slimshady01; 11-20-2011 at 10:32 AM.
11-18-2011, 12:58 PM #3560
Oh one more thing ,
I've been running 250iu of hcg a week for months. Ive pretty much decided to stay on a trt dose year round as my quality of life is so much better then before. I've had low test long before gear.
I know hcg is good for fertility and I'm done having kids but I've seen trt protocols that keep you on 250iu 2x a week for good. Supposedly it keeps many other hormones in check.
What's your opinion on this? Should I continue or stop for a month or so then start etc?
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First Tren Cycle (blast)