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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3441
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by depfife View Post
    hello ronnie..
    Thanks for all your posts and the great information you have given to everyone.. I followed you reload/deload program during my last cycle, and had wonderful results!! Thanks so much!! I am so anxious to start my next one. I did 6 weeks of normal pct, for a total of 15 weeks since my last dose of test prop. Since i did your 8 weeks on, two weeks small dose, then 8 weeks stronger dose, do i have to wait 18+6 weeks before i start new cycle? you don't have to but if you want kids in the future i would wait 4-6 weeks before starting another 20 week Slingshot cycle just to play it safe.please please advise..


  2. #3442
    sensaispike's Avatar
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    What’s up man? I will try to keep this somewhat short as I am sure you get massive amounts of questions every day. I have been a natural bodybuilder for some time now and just recently qualified to compete at NPC nationals next year. I decided that I am going use steroids in preparation for this show and I will do whatever it takes to leave there with my pro-card. Nationals is over a year away and I was going to do a 12 week Test E cycle with a 4 week D-bol kick start, then 2 weeks off and 4 weeks of PCT. This would allow me to then take 18 weeks off (the length of my cycle plus pct), then I would have enough time to do another cycle leading me right up to the show.

    However after reading your slingshot training post I am reconsidering this, but I wanted to ask you some questions first.

    1.) Would it be ok to use this system even though I have never cycled before?
    2.) Would it be ok to still use the 4 week D-bol kick start?
    3.) Should I still use my nolva and colmid for the 2 week deload?
    4.) Would it be ok to still follow the dosage I had planned for my 12 week cycle i.e. 500mg per week test E and 40mg per day D-bol?

    I don’t see the point in cycling only to lose all your gains in the standard time on = time off model. So I thought I would give this method a try over the next year.

    Thanks man.

  3. #3443
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5768606]hi ronnie,
    what are your thoughts on running gh 8ius year round and the benefits of it especially if reloading-deloading year round too? It works great but what you have to watch out for is becoming insulin resistant if you never take a break from GH. If diabetes runs in your family or you have had sugar issues ibn teh past, then you would need to keep a check on your sugar levels to make sure you don't become diabetic.This is why a lot of people who run GH year round use insulin as well. The insulin prevents you from becoming insulin resistant! Some gain even more muscle when they add IGF-1 into the mix but this will only compound the issue of having unstable blood sugar.
    ive now got back up to 110kg after 4 weeks back on a reload but leaner with abs, veins in quads etc
    but im not sure if its too soon for gh if im gaining from aas alone
    was just thinking how some athletes produced too much gh from their pituitary gland and it resulted in them maintaining and building mass much easier whilst rarely gaining fat aswell as incredible bone density - derek poundstone had something like 8000 cals without ever gaining fat.
    is it a case that some just respond better to it than others? Of course some respond better to GH than others. Also, studies have shown that people with a low baseline of myostain and a high baseline of igf-1 build muscle much easier. We have all seen these skinny guys who started lifting and all of a sudden just blew up in size. It has to do with genetics!
    i have a feeling i would respond well to it and i would love to start but if you think i should wait then i will - 22 y/o. It really depends on your goals and finances. If you are not competing I woul dwait until you plateau on steroids alone. It cost a lot to buy legit pharm grade GH. With UG stuff you never know what you are getting which coul dbe hazardous to your health in the long run.
    thanks ron

    edit - forgot to ask, what do you make of gh blasts - 4 week very high dose blasts of gh to mimmick growth spurts, i always thought gh had to be taken long term to see results in anything, maybe just water weight? You have to take it long term![/QUOTE]above

  4. #3444
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    ^^that was me, thanks ron. So, since i'm not going to take any insulin , (i know you don't) do you think it's still best to go 7 days a week with the gh?

    I hurt my arm doing heavy curls again!!!! Damn!! Felt a pop half way through the second rep. The physio said it's not too bad, but it hurts to rotate my wrist both ways. Tri pushdowns don't hurt, but bi anything, flies and pulling (back) do. 3 weeks from the end of my cut!! (i've been reloading for 16 weeks now) all i can really do is legs and incline presses (still have rotator problems with my right shoulder so i can't do decline or flat bench) and work my right arm on bi/tri day. I guess this is says a lot for slingshot training and periodization. I said earlier i really didn't want to prime after the 31st, but is this a good indicator of a need for it? Would you deload for 2 weeks, then prime or prime then reload (or deload)? God this is frustrating as hell!! Does this happen to a lot of guys in contest prep?
    you should not be lifting heavy after the age of 40 under any circumstances (especially pre-contest) if you you are prone to joint/tendon pain like you have been experiencing. You need to always pre-exhaust with cable curls for biceps before even thinking about doing a few sets of free weight work, if at all. Use slow reps and concentrate of getting a nice squeeze! Think bodybuilding not powerlifting!!! You are just going to keep hurting yourself because you apparently have thin tendons and they cannot keep up with your muscle growth.

    Regarding gh- if diabetes runs in your family then 5 days on/2 days off would be a good idea if you plan to use long term.

  5. #3445
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Hey Ron,

    Im in i think week 11-12 in my Cut. I started at 194 and I was 180.9 this morning. So Ive been making progress and dont have much more to go before Ill stop cutting.

    I started this cycle with 800mg of Primo, 300 Test and 50var.
    I am now at 600 Primo, 500 Test, 50 Var and 150-200 Deca a week as my arm joints are killing me.
    Ive only done the deca for 2 weeks and i may stop if you think that with the test will retain water on me. I am also going to up my Var to 75 for the last month.

    My issues are I have been around 180-183 for the last 4 weeks it seems. I cant seem to get much lower. I am at about 1750 Calories a day , 250 protein, 96 Carbs and 45 Fat. My carbs only take place in my first meal which is preworkout and my post workout. The carbs i get after are from green veggies.

    I was doing a clean refeed on Thursday where would drop fats and replace with carbs. I would get around 200 carbs and 250 protein and keep calories the same. I am thinking about dropping this refeed and just sticking to the cheat on Sunday.

    On sunday I would have a cheat day with carbs and Fats. Breakfast would be Pancakes and a protein shake.. Next few meals are clean, then for dinner I would eat pizza or a burger and fries and finish with some ice cream. Funny thing is I never gained more then a lb on this Sunday cheat.

    I have also been taking T3 before bed at 37.5mcg Pharma grade. "Can i take this in the morning? my sleep hasnt been that good not sure if its the t3. Should I up to 50mcg? I dont want to lose muscle, I am a little guy and dont have much to lose.

    ALso i carry all my fat in my gut, my upper body and arms are lean and by looking at me in a tank top at the gym I look to be way under 10% but im not.

    Here are 2 pics of me now.

    Oh and I also do cardio 5- 6 times a week for 30 minutes after training. I keep my heartrate at about 130-140.

    The pic you can barley see my abs is taken upon waking when Im dehydrated. The minutes i get up drink water and have my morning shake they are gone lol. I just want abs all day long, i can still grab the fat or skin there.
    Last edited by slimshady01; 10-07-2011 at 08:31 AM.

  6. #3446
    ThatAthlete82 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ronnie,

    I just got done reading your entire thread and I must say(while it was very long) that it is one of the most comprehensive guides on lifting and dieting I have ever read. Everything is explained in great detail and backed up with evidence, I loved it! I've been doing a lot of things wrong throughout my lifting career and I want to start a blast cycle immediately. I would love some advice on my upcoming cycle! I know you get a ton of messages a day but if you take the time to read this I would sincerely appreciate it. I bolded the questions.

    My bio and stats:

    6'1'', 200 lbs, about 10% BF(guess), Male, 24 years old. I am a division one football player, have been playing football for the last 9 years. I have been lifting for the past 6 years. For you to get a general sense of my strength, my maxes are: bench-295lbs, squat-355lbs, hang clean-275lbs. My season begins in March, so I want to get a solid blast cycle in before I report to training camp in February.

    My workout plans for next cycle:
    I want to exercise 5 days a week, train each body part once a week EXCEPT for chest, which I want to do twice a week. What would a good split for that? Is that feasible? I plan to do reverse pyramid for my first chest day(6 work sets) and straight sets for my second chest day(6 work sets). Would I not be able to do secondary chest exercises because my work sets would get too high? All other days the key exercises would be 6 work sets, and 3 work sets for two secondary exercises(total: 12 work sets for the week, each body part). The aforementioned would be for my 8 week "reload" cycle. Do I have the spacing of the "reload" and "deload" correct: 8 weeks of "reload" then 2 weeks of "deload" or is it 4 weeks "reload" then 1 week of "deload" and repeat?

    My diet plans for the next cycle:
    I project my BMR to be 3,000 calories, I want to gain weight, so I will shoot for 3,500 calories. 45% will be protein(so I get my 400grams of protein, 2 grams per lb of body weight), 40% will be carbohydrates, 15% will be from healthy fat sources. Since I have to train for my sport, I will have 2, sometimes 3 days of fairly intense cardio throughout the week, which I will perform on my off days(one cardio will have to overlap with one of my upper body lifting days). Is there anything I should be doing specifically in regards to this diet?

    My supplementation:
    I will be taking 80mg of anavar ed for 8 weeks, as well as 10g of creating mono, glutamine, and a vitamin. PCT will be nolvadex .

    Last edited by ThatAthlete82; 10-10-2011 at 06:55 PM.

  7. #3447
    djdizzy is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    ron, my left pec is starting to look fuller than my right. I though it would be opposite considering i'm right handed. What's the best course of action for something like this? what does your chest workout look like?
    4 day split, twice a week so:
    Tues: Decline Press (prep, 1x4-6, 2x8-10, 1x12-15)

    Sat: Incline DB Press (3x12-15)
    Pec Dec (3x12-15)

    Thanks for taking a look

  8. #3448
    sensaispike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sensaispike View Post
    What’s up man? I will try to keep this somewhat short as I am sure you get massive amounts of questions every day. I have been a natural bodybuilder for some time now and just recently qualified to compete at NPC nationals next year. I decided that I am going use steroids in preparation for this show and I will do whatever it takes to leave there with my pro-card. Nationals is over a year away and I was going to do a 12 week Test E cycle with a 4 week D-bol kick start, then 2 weeks off and 4 weeks of PCT. This would allow me to then take 18 weeks off (the length of my cycle plus pct), then I would have enough time to do another cycle leading me right up to the show.

    However after reading your slingshot training post I am reconsidering this, but I wanted to ask you some questions first.

    1.) Would it be ok to use this system even though I have never cycled before?
    2.) Would it be ok to still use the 4 week D-bol kick start?
    3.) Should I still use my nolva and colmid for the 2 week deload?
    4.) Would it be ok to still follow the dosage I had planned for my 12 week cycle i.e. 500mg per week test E and 40mg per day D-bol?

    I don’t see the point in cycling only to lose all your gains in the standard time on = time off model. So I thought I would give this method a try over the next year.

    Thanks man.

    This is what i am thinking for my 2 week prime, how dose it look??? I will post my proposed prime diet later when i get home.

    Wide natural grip pull downs (I do these over pull-ups due to tendonitis)
    Unilateral Machine rows

    Flat Barbell Bench Press
    Inclined Dumbbell Bench Press


    Biceps and Triceps:
    Camber Bar Curls
    Seated Concentration Curls
    Inclined Camber Bar Skull Crushers
    Triceps Press Downs

    Barbell Squats
    Straight Leg Calf Extensions
    Bent Leg Calf Extensions


    Dumbbell Shoulder Press
    Shoulder Fly’s
    Cable Crunches
    Oblique Crunches
    Last edited by sensaispike; 10-07-2011 at 01:06 PM.

  9. #3449
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5770010]
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie,
    what are your thoughts on running gh 8ius year round and the benefits of it especially if reloading-deloading year round too? It works great but what you have to watch out for is becoming insulin resistant if you never take a break from GH. If diabetes runs in your family or you have had sugar issues ibn teh past, then you would need to keep a check on your sugar levels to make sure you don't become diabetic.This is why a lot of people who run GH year round use insulin as well. The insulin prevents you from becoming insulin resistant! Some gain even more muscle when they add IGF-1 into the mix but this will only compound the issue of having unstable blood sugar.
    ive now got back up to 110kg after 4 weeks back on a reload but leaner with abs, veins in quads etc
    but im not sure if its too soon for gh if im gaining from aas alone
    was just thinking how some athletes produced too much gh from their pituitary gland and it resulted in them maintaining and building mass much easier whilst rarely gaining fat aswell as incredible bone density - derek poundstone had something like 8000 cals without ever gaining fat.
    is it a case that some just respond better to it than others? Of course some respond better to GH than others. Also, studies have shown that people with a low baseline of myostain and a high baseline of igf-1 build muscle much easier. We have all seen these skinny guys who started lifting and all of a sudden just blew up in size. It has to do with genetics!
    i have a feeling i would respond well to it and i would love to start but if you think i should wait then i will - 22 y/o. It really depends on your goals and finances. If you are not competing I woul dwait until you plateau on steroids alone. It cost a lot to buy legit pharm grade GH. With UG stuff you never know what you are getting which coul dbe hazardous to your health in the long run.
    thanks ron

    edit - forgot to ask, what do you make of gh blasts - 4 week very high dose blasts of gh to mimmick growth spurts, i always thought gh had to be taken long term to see results in anything, maybe just water weight? You have to take it long term![/QUOTE]above
    Last edited by ricky23; 10-09-2011 at 07:56 AM.

  10. #3450
    wannabelean210 is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie,
    First off i tried to pm you but i dont know how so ill just ask here and hope i dont get flamed, im not a bodybuilder but i want to go on to increase my strength for rugby. I have recently been injured and lost 14lbs and well im pissed of so here it is i want to do an 8 week cycle of
    Test prop 500mg/wk
    Var 700mg/wk
    I need to stay lean enough whilst just getting my strength back weight size gain are secondary
    clomid 100/40/40
    nolva 50/25/25

    Im completely new to all this and i would appreciate any advice thanks!
    Last edited by wannabelean210; 10-07-2011 at 02:20 PM. Reason: forgot cycle length

  11. #3451
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5770017][b]you should not be lifting heavy after the age of 40 under any circumstances (especially pre-contest) if you you are prone to joint/tendon pain like you have been experiencing. You need to always pre-exhaust with cable curls for biceps before even thinking about doing a few sets of free weight work, if at all. Use slow reps and concentrate of getting a nice squeeze! Think bodybuilding not powerlifting!!! You are just going to keep hurting yourself because you apparently have thin tendons and they cannot keep up with your muscle growth.

    Regarding gh- if diabetes runs in your family then 5 days on/2 days off would be a good idea if you plan to use long term.

    Thanks Ron. Yea,I'm sure your right as usual. There are a few lifts where it seems I get to a certain weight and then get injured, slowly work my way back, then it happens again. BB/EZ bar curls 52.5/55 kg is the wall. Decline/flat bench 145 kg. Skull crushers were another one but I quit doing those so I can't remember the weight. Then again there are exercises like squats/Deads (anything back work related) where it seems like the skys the limit.

    So how do you achieve progressive overload if you don't use more and more weight? Do you think pre-exhausting the muscle with cables like you suggested, slower reps, maybe more volume? Shorter intervals between sets? Maybe not move up in weight till I hit 12-15 reps? I've always tried to increase weight at 9-10 reps for my first set. I don't care about powerlifting (luckily!!) but I definitely want to get bigger. Getting old REALLY blows. People have been telling me that I was too old to be doing what I'm doing for 20 years now. Looks like its finally happening. Maybe the GH will help...

  12. #3452
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Hey Ron,

    Im in i think week 11-12 in my Cut. I started at 194 and I was 180.9 this morning. So Ive been making progress and dont have much more to go before Ill stop cutting.

    I started this cycle with 800mg of Primo, 300 Test and 50var.
    I am now at 600 Primo, 500 Test, 50 Var and 150-200 Deca a week as my arm joints are killing me.
    Ive only done the deca for 2 weeks and i may stop if you think that with the test will retain water on me. I am also going to up my Var to 75 for the last month.I would increase deca to 3-400 per week and decreasing test to 250-300 to try and get some some joint relief.

    My issues are I have been around 180-183 for the last 4 weeks it seems. I cant seem to get much lower. I am at about 1750 Calories a day , 250 protein, 96 Carbs and 45 Fat. My carbs only take place in my first meal which is preworkout and my post workout. The carbs i get after are from green veggies.

    I was doing a clean refeed on Thursday where would drop fats and replace with carbs. I would get around 200 carbs and 250 protein and keep calories the same. I am thinking about dropping this refeed and just sticking to the cheat on Sunday.

    On sunday I would have a cheat day with carbs and Fats. Breakfast would be Pancakes and a protein shake.. Next few meals are clean, then for dinner I would eat pizza or a burger and fries and finish with some ice cream. Funny thing is I never gained more then a lb on this Sunday cheat.

    I have also been taking T3 before bed at 37.5mcg Pharma grade. "Can i take this in the morning? my sleep hasnt been that good not sure if its the t3. Should I up to 50mcg? I dont want to lose muscle, I am a little guy and dont have much to lose. You can do 50mcgs max but keep in mind it's going to make you hungrier. If you add in another daily cardio session (20-30 minutes in the morning on an empty stomach) the belly fat should dissapear. Also, clen helps with stubborn belly fat.

    ALso i carry all my fat in my gut, my upper body and arms are lean and by looking at me in a tank top at the gym I look to be way under 10% but im not. I am the same way!

    Here are 2 pics of me now.

    Oh and I also do cardio 5- 6 times a week for 30 minutes after training. I keep my heartrate at about 130-140.

    The pic you can barley see my abs is taken upon waking when Im dehydrated. The minutes i get up drink water and have my morning shake they are gone lol. I just want abs all day long, i can still grab the fat or skin there.You are looking good. With your genetics you will have to lose some muscle in other places to get those abs to come in fully. I am in the same boat and it's a real pain. You also have the option of doing a keto diet to bring out those abs .

  13. #3453
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Thanks for answering the above question!

    After this cut I plan on take 6 weeks off at 200-250 test a week. After that I plan on a clean bulk of test only for the first 8.

    I want to go 750mg a week and was considering sus250. Should I do that or stick to test Enth? If Sus how would I dose?days?
    Last edited by slimshady01; 10-08-2011 at 06:12 PM.

  14. #3454
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hey Slim,
    You are looking good man!! Hang in there, your working at iy harder than me. It makes me up my game starting now...

  15. #3455
    The Trooper's Avatar
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    Hello Big Ronnie i have some questions:

    1-I a big reader from Mick Hart and already tried his low dosages cycles and got good results...But now i wanna try at least 400mg/w Testo-Cypionate , 400mg/w Deca , 100mg/d Stanozolol , and want to add Dbol to give the kick start. What would be a wise dosage? My aim is to bulk as much as i can for 8 or 10weeks...

    2-I usually have acne and follyculitis during a cycle , what can i do to minimize this? Finasteride? Cyproterone acetate? Clen the skin with sulfur and salicilic acid?

    3- What is the reccomended time for me to start again a course after the PCT ?

    4- Is there any problem to take Clenbuterol during PCT ?

    God bless you friend!

  16. #3456
    zena1234's Avatar
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    So here are my problems,
    I started keto about 4 weeks ago and my weight has been fluctuating between 123-125. I lost definition in my legs and they look bigger. but i suppose my upper body is looking a little more defined. I need to lose that last 10-15lbs. I am 19% body fat and would like to get down to 14%. I'm becoming discouraged at this point and don't know what to do! It would be awesome if you can help me out of what i should do. Here is a sample of my food log
    Food Name
    Fat (g)
    Carbs (g)
    Prot (g)
    Egg, white only, raw


    Egg, whole, raw


    Macadamia nuts, unroasted


    Chicken, breast, skin not eaten


    Macadamia nuts, unroasted


    Poultry food products, ground turkey, raw


    Chicken, breast, skin not eaten




    Broccoli, raw


    Olive oil


    1,232 Calorie
    80.1 Fats
    11.5 Carbs
    117.0 Protein

  17. #3457
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Slim,
    You are looking good man!! Hang in there, your working at iy harder than me. It makes me up my game starting now...
    haha ill take your abs anyday

  18. #3458
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    haha ill take your abs anyday
    I guess we all get one good card and then others not as good. With the abs I also got the arms of a f**king gibbon!!

  19. #3459
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;5770010]
    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie,
    what are your thoughts on running gh 8ius year round and the benefits of it especially if reloading-deloading year round too? It works great but what you have to watch out for is becoming insulin resistant if you never take a break from GH. If diabetes runs in your family or you have had sugar issues ibn teh past, then you would need to keep a check on your sugar levels to make sure you don't become diabetic.This is why a lot of people who run GH year round use insulin as well. The insulin prevents you from becoming insulin resistant! Some gain even more muscle when they add IGF-1 into the mix but this will only compound the issue of having unstable blood sugar.
    ive now got back up to 110kg after 4 weeks back on a reload but leaner with abs, veins in quads etc
    but im not sure if its too soon for gh if im gaining from aas alone
    was just thinking how some athletes produced too much gh from their pituitary gland and it resulted in them maintaining and building mass much easier whilst rarely gaining fat aswell as incredible bone density - derek poundstone had something like 8000 cals without ever gaining fat.
    is it a case that some just respond better to it than others? Of course some respond better to GH than others. Also, studies have shown that people with a low baseline of myostain and a high baseline of igf-1 build muscle much easier. We have all seen these skinny guys who started lifting and all of a sudden just blew up in size. It has to do with genetics!
    i have a feeling i would respond well to it and i would love to start but if you think i should wait then i will - 22 y/o. It really depends on your goals and finances. If you are not competing I woul dwait until you plateau on steroids alone. It cost a lot to buy legit pharm grade GH. With UG stuff you never know what you are getting which coul dbe hazardous to your health in the long run.
    thanks ron

    edit - forgot to ask, what do you make of gh blasts - 4 week very high dose blasts of gh to mimmick growth spurts, i always thought gh had to be taken long term to see results in anything, maybe just water weight? You have to take it long term![/QUOTE]above

    thanks for the advice ronnie.
    do you think using 8 week reloads as per normal (gh year round 8-10ius pharm grade) slin/igf-1/t3 on a 4 week on 6 week off basis is a good plan going forward?
    this is something im looking into for next year, right now i think saving up for pharm grade gh and getting my tendon surgery out the way is best.
    ive seen aas literally transform my physique in the past year even after my pec tear but in order for me to progress i think i will have to go very high doses. it is something im not against doing as i dont suffer serious sides only blood pressure increase which is genetic in my family.
    do you think i should exhaust the very high dose approach first before resorting to the above?
    ive just finished a short burst cycle for 4 weeks after my illness (not sure if you remember) as i was lean enough to start with full abs after losing muscle and fat from being sick (used it a prime)
    which was a shot of sustanon everyday for 4 weeks , 2 shots of tren blend everyday for first 2 weeks and 1 shot npp ed for remaining 2 weeks
    i responded really well gaining 7kg in total and actually lost some fat aswell (think it was the high dose tren) not much water retention as i normally get bad back and shin pumps when this happens but not this time and no moon face!.
    this is the max gear ive done.
    i was thinking for my next reload (in 4-6weeks time after clearing out recetprs with deload and prime) i would go for 2g test 1g tren and 50-100mg anadrol for usual 8 week reload.
    weight now is 245lbs around 10-12%
    let me know what you think ronnie, appreciate your advice.

  20. #3460
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    thanks for the advice ronnie.
    do you think using 8 week reloads as per normal (gh year round 8-10ius pharm grade) slin/igf-1/t3 on a 4 week on 6 week off basis is a good plan going forward?
    this is something im looking into for next year, right now i think saving up for pharm grade gh and getting my tendon surgery out the way is best.
    ive seen aas literally transform my physique in the past year even after my pec tear but in order for me to progress i think i will have to go very high doses. it is something im not against doing as i dont suffer serious sides only blood pressure increase which is genetic in my family.
    do you think i should exhaust the very high dose approach first before resorting to the above?
    ive just finished a short burst cycle for 4 weeks after my illness (not sure if you remember) as i was lean enough to start with full abs after losing muscle and fat from being sick (used it a prime)
    which was a shot of sustanon everyday for 4 weeks , 2 shots of tren blend everyday for first 2 weeks and 1 shot npp ed for remaining 2 weeks
    i responded really well gaining 7kg in total and actually lost some fat aswell (think it was the high dose tren) not much water retention as i normally get bad back and shin pumps when this happens but not this time and no moon face!.
    this is the max gear ive done.
    i was thinking for my next reload (in 4-6weeks time after clearing out recetprs with deload and prime) i would go for 2g test 1g tren and 50-100mg anadrol for usual 8 week reload.
    weight now is 245lbs around 10-12%
    let me know what you think ronnie, appreciate your advice.
    For what it's worth I'm in the same position, same doses and same timing as you. (Same great results and same weight, BF% etc. SPOOKY!! The only difference is about 20 years, lol, I'm 47) Already running the gh though and loving it BTW. I'm taking my 6 week break at the end of the month. I've been blasting for about 15-16 months and the doses are getting pretty big. No bad sides yet, but sooner or later I guess we'll see them. I'm going to go with MENT/Dbol in Dec though. Been rolling with Tren for quite a while and am looking forward to getting some descent sleep, lol. I'm interested in Ron's thoughts on this, kind of killing two bird's with one stone...

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    im pretty sure ive got gyno, im pretty rattled what do i do?

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    hey ron, as regards a deca /winstrol cycle for mma, why is it considered such a gud mix, cut hard look with strength from winstrol and strength and increased cardio ablility with deca have i this right ? what the detections times with deca 18 months ? theres a shorter ester version of deca available so it makes sense to use this, thus reducing the detection time of deca in your system to be about 3 months im told ? also without test will you loose ur sex drive or will the winstrol keep you good? last, wots the best/highest doses you recommend for both compounds with this cycle? thanks for the help ron

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    ronnie...pre-exhaustion.. good or not???

  24. #3464
    adamjames is offline Member
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    hi Ron im looking at starting a 1st cycle in january, im doing 20 weeks on test with the slingshot system, two 8 week cycles with two 2 week deloads going from 500 to 250 mgs on test then on to full pct at week 21 , my question is about pct, i can obtain nolvadex and hcg but cant get clomid, would you recommend using nolva/ hcg with no clomid for full 4 week pct here?

  25. #3465
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    Hi Ron.. What's up?
    I have finished 40 weeks slingshot cycle (4 times reloads+deloads). I finished 4 weeks of PCT last week. Now I am gonna take another 6-8 weeks OFF before jumping back ON.

    In my country, enanthate is more expensive than sustanon 250. I can get 2 ampoules of test enanthate at the same price as 3 ampoules of sustanon 250.
    Which one gives better result?
    500mg of Test Enanthate (Testoviron Depot) per week or 750mg of Sustanon 250 per week?
    What do you think I should go with?

    I always use test as a base of every cycles I have run.
    Other compound I usually use is deca as second injectable compound and another oral like dbol .

    Many Thanks Ron...
    God Bless You Always...

  26. #3466
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    Quote Originally Posted by thatathlete82 View Post
    hey ronnie,

    i just got done reading your entire thread and i must say(while it was very long) that it is one of the most comprehensive guides on lifting and dieting i have ever read. Everything is explained in great detail and backed up with evidence, i loved it! I've been doing a lot of things wrong throughout my lifting career and i want to start a blast cycle immediately. I would love some advice on my upcoming cycle! I know you get a ton of messages a day but if you take the time to read this i would sincerely appreciate it. I bolded the questions.

    my bio and stats:

    6'1'', 200 lbs, about 10% bf(guess), male, 24 years old. I am a division one football player, have been playing football for the last 9 years. I have been lifting for the past 6 years. For you to get a general sense of my strength, my maxes are: Bench-295lbs, squat-355lbs, hang clean-275lbs. My season begins in march, so i want to get a solid blast cycle in before i report to training camp in february.

    my workout plans for next cycle:
    i want to exercise 5 days a week, train each body part once a week except for chest, which i want to do twice a week. what would a good split for that? Is that feasible? day 1) chest, day 2 back, day 3 shoulders, day 4 chest/arms, day 5 legs off 2 days then repeat. . i plan to do reverse pyramid for my first chest day(6 work sets) and straight sets for my second chest day(6 work sets). would i not be able to do secondary chest exercises because my work sets would get too high? what 3 or 4 exercises for chest do you plan to use?? other days the key exercises would be 6 work sets, and 3 work sets for two secondary exercises(total: 12 work sets for the week, each body part). You should try 8-9 sets for arms and only 5-6 sets for body parts like traps, calves and hams.The aforementioned would be for my 8 week "reload" cycle. do i have the spacing of the "reload" and "deload" correct: 8 weeks of "reload" then 2 weeks of "deload" or is it 4 weeks "reload" then 1 week of "deload" and repeat?8 and 2 then repeat is correct.

    my diet plans for the next cycle:
    i project my bmr to be 3,000 calories, i want to gain weight, so i will shoot for 3,500 calories. 45% will be protein(so i get my 400grams of protein, 2 grams per lb of body weight), 40% will be carbohydrates, 15% will be from healthy fat sources. Since i have to train for my sport, i will have 2, sometimes 3 days of fairly intense cardio throughout the week, which i will perform on my off days(one cardio will have to overlap with one of my upper body lifting days). is there anything i should be doing specifically in regards to this diet?diet looks okay but you may find that 350 grams of protein daily are adequate and that you need more fats.

    my supplementation:
    i will be taking 80mg of anavar ed for 8 weeks, as well as 10g of creating mono, glutamine, and a vitamin. Pct will be nolvadex .

    Thanks so much!

  27. #3467
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    Quote Originally Posted by djdizzy View Post
    4 day split, twice a week so:
    Tues: Decline press (prep, 1x4-6, 2x8-10, 1x12-15)

    sat: Incline db press (3x12-15)
    pec dec (3x12-15)

    thanks for taking a look
    routine looks fine so i would not worry about it as it's just genetics you cannot change unless you are not keeping your left elbow out to the side as you are the right elbow during pressing movements.

  28. #3468
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    Quote Originally Posted by sensaispike View Post
    this is what i am thinking for my 2 week prime, how dose it look??? I will post my proposed prime diet later when i get home.

    Wide natural grip pull downs (i do these over pull-ups due to tendonitis) i would recommend using cables pulldowns on a dual pulley life fitness cable machine if you have access to one. Also do reps with no jerking whatsoever.
    Unilateral machine rows

    Flat barbell bench press decline press on smith is better for chst development
    inclined dumbbell bench press better off using smith machine as well for barbell incline press if you have bicep tendonitus as lifting the heavy dumbbells in positon will only aggravate this condition.


    Biceps and triceps:
    Camber bar curls
    seated concentration curls
    inclined camber bar skull crushers
    triceps press downs

    Barbell squats
    deadlifts (add leg curls in after deads)
    straight leg calf extensions
    bent leg calf extensions


    Dumbbell shoulder press
    shoulder fly’s
    cable crunches
    oblique crunchesyou do not need oblique crunches as cable crunches work that area enough.building the obliques too much causes a wider waist line.

  29. #3469
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    Quote Originally Posted by sensaispike View Post
    this is what i am thinking for my 2 week prime, how dose it look??? I will post my proposed prime diet later when i get home.

    Wide natural grip pull downs (i do these over pull-ups due to tendonitis) i would recommend using cables pulldowns on a dual pulley life fitness cable machine if you have access to one. Also do reps with no jerking whatsoever.
    Unilateral machine rows

    Flat barbell bench press decline press on smith is better for chst development
    inclined dumbbell bench press better off using smith machine as well for barbell incline press if you have bicep tendonitus as lifting the heavy dumbbells in positon will only aggravate this condition.


    Biceps and triceps:
    Camber bar curls
    seated concentration curls
    inclined camber bar skull crushers
    triceps press downs

    Barbell squats
    deadlifts (add leg curls in after deads)
    straight leg calf extensions
    bent leg calf extensions


    Dumbbell shoulder press
    shoulder fly’s
    cable crunches
    oblique crunchesyou do not need oblique crunches as cable crunches work that area enough.building the obliques too much causes a wider waist line.

  30. #3470
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    thanks for answering the above question!

    After this cut i plan on take 6 weeks off at 200-250 test a week. After that i plan on a clean bulk of test only for the first 8.

    I want to go 750mg a week and was considering sus250. Should i do that or stick to test enth? If sus how would i dose?days?you can do either. I do not think there is that much of a differnce between the two but if possible i would run both together! Some find they have less water bloat and more strength gains with sustanon while experiencing less libidio. If you run sustanon alone do 1 1/2 ccs every other day. If you do both test together use 1 cc of sustanon and 1/2 of test-e every other day or 3 times per week.

  31. #3471
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    Quote Originally Posted by wannabelean210 View Post
    hey ronnie,
    first off i tried to pm you but i dont know how so ill just ask here and hope i dont get flamed, im not a bodybuilder but i want to go on to increase my strength for rugby. I have recently been injured and lost 14lbs and well im pissed of so here it is i want to do an 8 week cycle of
    test prop 500mg/wk i would go with test-e inorder to avoid so many painful injections.
    var 700mg/wk (350 mgs of var weekly/50 mgs daily is plenty)
    i need to stay lean enough whilst just getting my strength back weight size gain are secondary
    clomid 100/40/40
    nolva 50/25/25 [b]you need hcg for best pct!/b]

    im completely new to all this and i would appreciate any advice thanks!

  32. #3472
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    [QUOTE=The Titan99;5770534]
    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    [b]you should not be lifting heavy after the age of 40 under any circumstances (especially pre-contest) if you you are prone to joint/tendon pain like you have been experiencing. You need to always pre-exhaust with cable curls for biceps before even thinking about doing a few sets of free weight work, if at all. Use slow reps and concentrate of getting a nice squeeze! Think bodybuilding not powerlifting!!! You are just going to keep hurting yourself because you apparently have thin tendons and they cannot keep up with your muscle growth.

    Regarding gh- if diabetes runs in your family then 5 days on/2 days off would be a good idea if you plan to use long term.

    Thanks Ron. Yea,I'm sure your right as usual. There are a few lifts where it seems I get to a certain weight and then get injured, slowly work my way back, then it happens again. BB/EZ bar curls 52.5/55 kg is the wall. Decline/flat bench 145 kg. Skull crushers were another one but I quit doing those so I can't remember the weight. Then again there are exercises like squats/Deads (anything back work related) where it seems like the skys the limit.

    So how do you achieve progressive overload if you don't use more and more weight? YOU ARE NOT GOING TO KEEP GETTING STRONGER AND STRONGER BUT YOU CAN CHANGE THINGS UP A BIT TO TRY AND CREATE MORE STRESS SUCH AS LESS REST BETWEEN SETS, MORE SETS, AND TRAINING EACH BODY PART TWICE A WEEK ON OCCASION. CONSISTENCY WITH DIET/TRAINING/ANABOLICS IS KEY. MOST OF US DO NOT HAVE THE MONEY IT TAKES OR THE GENETIC POTENTIAL TO LOOK LIKE THE PROS YOU SEE IN MAGAZINES. Do you think pre-exhausting the muscle with cables like you suggested, slower reps, maybe more volume? THATS ONE WAY! Shorter intervals between sets? YES BUT DONT GO TOO FAST OR THE MUSCLES WILL QUIT FIRING AND THE STRESS WILL RUN INTO THE TENDONS! Maybe not move up in weight till I hit 12-15 reps? YES! I've always tried to increase weight at 9-10 reps for my first set. I don't care about powerlifting (luckily!!) but I definitely want to get bigger. Getting old REALLY blows. I KNOW...LOL People have been telling me that I was too old to be doing what I'm doing for 20 years now. Looks like its finally happening. Maybe the GH will help...SOME IF ITS PHARM GRADE

  33. #3473
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    Quote Originally Posted by the trooper View Post
    hello big ronnie i have some questions:

    1-i a big reader from mick hart and already tried his low dosages cycles and got good results...but now i wanna try at least 400mg/w testo-cypionate , 400mg/w deca , 100mg/d stanozolol , and want to add dbol to give the kick start. What would be a wise dosage? My aim is to bulk as much as i can for 8 or 10weeks...750 mgs of test, 400 mgs of deca, 25 mgs of d-bol and no winstrol would be needed.

    2-i usually have acne and follyculitis during a cycle , what can i do to minimize this? Finasteride? Cyproterone acetate? Clen the skin with sulfur and salicilic acid? anti-biotics from a dermatologist can help. Accutane also helps but i would not take it unless it was horrific! A tanning bed also helps some as does frequent showering.

    3- what is the reccomended time for me to start again a course after the pct ? i would do a 20 week cycle then pct. Then it would depend on your goals and if you want children?

    4- is there any problem to take clenbuterol during pct ? no

    god bless you friend!

  34. #3474
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    Quote Originally Posted by zena1234 View Post
    So here are my problems,
    I started keto about 4 weeks ago and my weight has been fluctuating between 123-125. I lost definition in my legs and they look bigger. but i suppose my upper body is looking a little more defined. I need to lose that last 10-15lbs. I am 19% body fat and would like to get down to 14%. I'm becoming discouraged at this point and don't know what to do! It would be awesome if you can help me out of what i should do. Here is a sample of my food log
    Food Name
    Fat (g)
    Carbs (g)
    Prot (g)
    Egg, white only, raw


    Egg, whole, raw


    Macadamia nuts, unroasted


    Chicken, breast, skin not eaten


    Macadamia nuts, unroasted


    Poultry food products, ground turkey, raw


    Chicken, breast, skin not eaten




    Broccoli, raw


    Olive oil


    1,232 Calorie
    80.1 Fats
    11.5 Carbs
    117.0 Protein
    Are you taking any fat burners/muscle builders like clen or anavar ? What does your weight training and cardio look like? Do you plan on entering a figure or bikini contest? Provide me with details then I can tell you what you need to do!

  35. #3475
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    -I am taking clen . I can only tolerate about 40 mcg a day.
    -As for my weight training i lift 6 days a week and as of right now im doing 3X15 supersets. I am actually following the "Jamie Eason's Live 12 week trainer" program and i am on phase 3. Here is the link to the program ->
    -For my cardio i am walking fast on 15%-18% incline on the treadmill for 30 mins 3-4 times a week
    - and yes i am planning on entering a bikini contest!

    Thanks sooo much Ronnie!

  36. #3476
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    correction* I am actually not yet planning on entering a bikini contest i would like to sometime in the beginning of next year

  37. #3477
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    Yes i am taking clen but i can only tolerate about 40 mcg a day
    -As for my weight training i left 6 times a week. I am following the "Jamie Eason's live 12 week trainer" program at the moment. Which involves super-setting and hitting parts of my body twice a week. High reps, heavy weights
    - For my cardio i am walking on fast pace, on incline of the treadmill for 30 mins 3-4 times a week
    - and no I am actually not yet planning on entering a bikini contest i would like to sometime in the beginning of next year. I just would like my body to be quite similar to a bikini body.

    By the way i am 5'2, weight is 123. and i have 19% body fat

    Thank you so much Ronnie!
    Last edited by zena1234; 10-14-2011 at 02:36 PM.

  38. #3478
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    thanks for the advice ronnie.
    do you think using 8 week reloads as per normal (gh year round 8-10ius pharm grade) slin/igf-1/t3 on a 4 week on 6 week off basis is a good plan going forward? I would run it all for 8 weeks then stop slin, igf and t-3 during deloads. I would suggest decreasing GH to 2ius daily during deloads just to keep sides down.
    this is something im looking into for next year, right now i think saving up for pharm grade gh and getting my tendon surgery out the way is best.
    ive seen aas literally transform my physique in the past year even after my pec tear but in order for me to progress i think i will have to go very high doses. it is something im not against doing as i dont suffer serious sides only blood pressure increase which is genetic in my family.
    do you think i should exhaust the very high dose approach first before resorting to the above? If you have high blood pressure issues I would go with the new plan by adding slin, igf, t-3 and gh and forget the higher doses approach using more aramoatizing anabolics.
    ive just finished a short burst cycle for 4 weeks after my illness (not sure if you remember) as i was lean enough to start with full abs after losing muscle and fat from being sick (used it a prime)
    which was a shot of sustanon everyday for 4 weeks , 2 shots of tren blend everyday for first 2 weeks and 1 shot npp ed for remaining 2 weeks
    i responded really well gaining 7kg in total and actually lost some fat aswell (think it was the high dose tren) not much water retention as i normally get bad back and shin pumps when this happens but not this time and no moon face!.yes it was the tren and the fact you have been off for some time!
    this is the max gear ive done.
    i was thinking for my next reload (in 4-6weeks time after clearing out recetprs with deload and prime) i would go for 2g test 1g tren and 50-100mg anadrol for usual 8 week reload. That's the max I would go, if your blood pressure can handle it. Keep a check on blood perssure daily and if it gets out of control decrease everything!
    weight now is 245lbs around 10-12%
    let me know what you think ronnie, appreciate your advice.

  39. #3479
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    Hey Ronnie, my 4th week of my second Reload is about to end. Absolutely blown away with my results to date. Strength has gone through the roof! I am running Test E - 750mgs/wkly Tren E - 700mgs/wkly Masteron - 500mgs/wkly and Anavar - 80mgs/daily HGH 3 I.U.'s daily 5 on 2 off. The suggestion of adding 20mgs of Nolvadex to the AI has kept my gyno completely away this round. Any suggestions for the following cycle what it should look like? Not sure if I want to run the Masteron the next cycle, looking to put more size on. Although the weight im putting on is a lot of quality weight. The last cycle I ended up at 224 lbs., im right at 230 4 weeks in to date.
    Last edited by Gi812Many; 10-14-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  40. #3480
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    Hey Big Ronnie, thanks for the reply.
    I was worried about keeping the gear on the body all year round not because i want children right now, im only 27, i want children 10years later. My concern is about ball shrink and do not revert the inhibition of my axis pituitary-hipotalamus-gonads when stop the gear... Besides this can you send me a link that direct me to a thread about a good blast and cruise cycle as an example?

    Can you tell me what you think about this: people usually says that you need to stay away the steroids from time to time between cycles because we get used to it, like a down regulation that happens with the steroid ´s receptors. Do you believe in it? Is it bullshit? We have to increase the dosages form time to time because of it???

    Thank you, God bless you.

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