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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3361
    Corpsman's Avatar
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    I read that you are on HRT. I am also on HRT (200mg/wk Test Cyp) for the last 10 years (I am now 37). I have the ability to take more than 200mg/wk, also I have HcG that I generally take 500u for the three days leading up to my Test inj. I read your advice on people not taking AAS until they have reached their genetic potential. Would you suggest that I continue my current regimen (test/HcG) or to increase it while on the 8 week reload? Alternatively I could cut off the test during the deload or maybe only take HcG during the deload?

    I have not been working out for very long, only about 4 months so I am going to suspect you will suggest that I not increase my testosterone . If that is the case, what do you recommend I do for the reload/deload? And if so, how soon would it be to consider and increased cycling?

  2. #3362
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corpsman View Post
    That link doesn't take you to pictures of you guys. Do you have them posted anywhere else?
    It works! You have to click on the store tab at the top of the page as I have instructed then click on excaliber bodybuilding show for photos.

  3. #3363
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cacu View Post
    Lifting consistently for 2 years.
    37, 6'2", Male, 255 lbs. 20%bf
    Strength stats:
    Bench 315, Squat 405, Deadlift 475, Military Press 200 lbs.
    So i want to cut, but I don't want to stop my lifts due to access.,
    i have a home gym with only one dumbbell so I have to get creative when it gets to accessory work.
    When I'm not Oly lifting I do Wendler 5-3-1, how do I control volume when cutting. Keep it the same!
    And should I keep my protein at 1.5g/lean bodyweight lbs. while cutting? yes

    Pullup bar
    Squat rack
    Bench rack,
    Bumper weights,
    Row machine
    gymnastic rings,
    Med ball,
    Slam ball
    1-15 lbs. dumbell


  4. #3364
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    ronnie as you know im running primo at 800, test at 300 and var at 50mg.

    My joints in my arms are killing me for some reason, today curling it was horrible. you need to back off and let those bicep tendons heal. What exercises and how many sets are you doing for biceps and back? You are trying to use too much weight (probably unknowingly jerking the weight when starting the positive contraction or working at a faulty angle for your biomechanics. Do only cable curls for 8 sets of 12-15 reps once a week until they heal and make sure and warm up good. Some terumo tennis elbow supports also help support the bicep tendons and can be purchased at publix grocery store. Also use some advil and ice.

    could i add 100mg a deca a week to help? yes but go with 2-300 for first 2-3 weeks to help the tendons i dont want any bloat or deca sides on my cut but at that dose i think i would be ok.. But not sure if 100 would relieve the can help keep it under control

  5. #3365
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cronos View Post
    hello there. I have ran 2 previuous 20 week test only cycles, both were from 500-700 mg/week. I noticed after each one that i was slightly hairier, mostly in areas that i'm cool with, i.e. Stomach and chest. Like i said, slightly. My question is, will i continually keep getting hairier in successive cycles, or does your body reach a point where it only causes so much hair growth? you'll pretty much reach a point where it levels out. Use a razor and shave that mess new tria lasers for hair removals are also a good idea for permanent hair loss. And when, in your experience, did that point come when you got as hairy as you were gonna get? i shave so i cannot answer that question.

    i read an article somewhere (i can't remember), where the author stated a dht blocker should always be used with any cycle. What do you think ron? dht blockers hinder muscle growth and kill libido so they are out of the question!thanks

  6. #3366
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hi ronnie your opinions on winstrol - also dbol vs anadrol . Never use orals much but got a product thats a combination of all 3 at 20mg each!! it's a good combo for making strength gains. Not sure on the synergy may try it some time later!
    Looking forward to the olympia?

  7. #3367
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    Quote Originally Posted by pfmahan View Post
    hey ronnie, just found this thread, one of the best. Started reading from the beginning, will take awhile to read all, but i will. You might have already answered this before ,but i just started on trt, will get a supply of test cyp 3 months at a time, starting with 150mg a week, then moving up to 200mg a week. I will be on this for the rest of my life, since my natural is way low. Can this work for sling shot? And if so, how? By the way, this is the pure stuff. Any help or advice is appreciated.
    yes it will work. Slingshot is for both the natural and drug enhanced. Simply reduce protein intake and training volume for 2 weeks after every 8 week reload and you'll be set. Periodization with training is very important.

  8. #3368
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    Quote Originally Posted by kasper View Post
    hey ron,

    i saw this posted on another forum as a beginner cycle. Do you think this would be a good
    first cycle. Or would running to reloads of test e @500 be better?

    Wk 1-5 test e@600
    wk 6-8 test e@800
    wk 9-10 test e@1000
    doing a 20 week cycle as i have suggested will provide better gains because you are running it for twice as long.

  9. #3369
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    Quote Originally Posted by davrlaw View Post
    hi ronnie, thanks for that, question, do i wait until i finish the cycle before hcg or should i start using hcg before i finish the cycle?if you are staying on a long cycle i would use it during the cycle but if you are simply doing one 20 week slingshot cycle wait until aftter you finish


  10. #3370
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    hey ron,
    i've now determined that after my cut is finished on oct 31st i'll have been on straight (not counting deloads) for 15 months. I'm 47 so i won't be coming off completely or doing pct but was thinking of dropping to 250 mg per week of sustanon . Right now i'm doing test p/ tren e/masteron e/anavar /proviron . How long do you recommend staying at 250 mg afterwards before my next cycle 4-6 weeks and when would you start dropping the dose figuring oct 31st would be showtime? if you are doing a show i stop sustanon 4 weeks out, tect-c 3 weeks out, test-e 2 weeks out and prop 1 week out..maybe just drop the prop down on the 29th, then stop the tren/mast on the 31st? if you are doing a show keep in tren/mast until after the show. also, what things specifically should i have checked when i have blood work done and how long afterwards should i wait to do it? wait 4 weeks after being off and mainly check, cholesterol, liver, kidneys, thyroid, hemocrit levels,

    last thing. I asked about gh dosing and you said 4 iu's twice a day is best for growth. Would you want to ramp up to that or do you think you could just hit it high like that from the beginning? i would start out at 4ius once at night for first week then go to 8 ius daily. Also, why do some guy's take a day off or two off from hgh. The old school way of thinking is that if you took off the weekends it allowed your body to keep producing its own natural release of HGH Do you think taking 1 or two days off is advisable or just go everyday? Go everyday thanks ron.

    One more week and i'm ready to add a second triceps exercise. I'll let you know...

  11. #3371
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Corpsman;5746041]My wife and I started the SST program today with working out 5 days per week, working each body part once per week with a cardio/abs day on day 3. After the workout tonight I got a bit concerned that working out chest once every 7 days was not going to be enough. why your chest and not your legs or back? i see this all too common! chest size is determined by ones genetics not training it twice a week. the guys with the bigger chest in the world train their chest only once a week. its just like calves or arms-if you have the genetics they will grow training once a week and if you do not training them twice a week wont make any difference whatsover given you are working your chest properly once a week and not trying to life a ton of weight on the bench press. For the last 3 1/2 months we have been doing a workout 5 days a week with a cardio/abs day on day 3, but we were hitting each major muscle group twice per week. Can someone assure me that changing to hitting each major muscle group once every 7 days will be enough? It's the best way to train period! Use 10-15 degree declines as your main mass builder, not the flat bench unless your are built for that exercise (most are not)![/QUOTE]above

  12. #3372
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corpsman View Post
    i read that you are on hrt. I am also on hrt (200mg/wk test cyp) for the last 10 years (i am now 37). I have the ability to take more than 200mg/wk, also i have hcg that i generally take 500u for the three days leading up to my test inj. I read your advice on people not taking aas until they have reached their genetic potential. Would you suggest that i continue my current regimen (test/hcg) or to increase it while on the 8 week reload? you should definetely increase test dosages during reloads! alternatively i could cut off the test during the deload or maybe only take hcg during the deload? not advisable!

    i have not been working out for very long, only about 4 months so i am going to suspect you will suggest that i not increase my testosterone . no, in your case you are ready to increase test after 3 months! if that is the case, what do you recommend i do for the reload/deload? start with 500mgs of test first reload and 750 second reload. Keep test at 200 mgs weekly for deloads. and if so, how soon would it be to consider and increased cycling?

  13. #3373
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corpsman View Post
    that link doesn't take you to pictures of you guys. Do you have them posted anywhere else?
    the link works. You must follow the 5 steps i listed. click on store tab at top of patrick collards studio page then excaliber show.

  14. #3374
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    double post, sorry
    Last edited by kisektah1; 09-14-2011 at 09:38 AM.

  15. #3375
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ron,
    We meet again!
    Awesome thread! I Typed my cycle on excel i dont know how it would show up :S. Anyway This is my 3rd Cycle, ~14% bf, 32 y/o, 235lb. I would've been off a 20 week cycle for 3 months before i start this one in summer. I'm currently in the process of writing a diet (finally)....
    Btw, I know you dont prefer/ like Adex but with Prop i get sensitive to gyno. HCG im Starting 6 weeks out from pct because i can only get my hands on 1x5000iu bottle. Prop and Tren (E or A) would be taken together Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday. Weeks 8 and week 9 are my Deaload Weeks (increase reps and carbs).
    This is what my cutting/ lean bulk cycle looks like:

    Wk Test P Tren HCG Arimidex Vitamin B6
    1 660mg 200mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    2 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    3 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    4 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    5 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    6 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    7 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    8 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    9 360mg * * 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    10 360mg * 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    11 855mg 500mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    12 855mg 500mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    13 855mg 300mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    14 855mg * 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    15 300mg * 1250iu (625iu x2) 0.5mg E3D 200mg ED
    16 * * * 0.5mg E3D *

    Week Nolva Clomoid Tribulus
    16 40mg ED 50mg ED 20mg ED
    17 20mg ED 25mg ED 20mg ED
    18 20mg ED 25mg ED 20mg ED
    19 20mg ED 25mg ED 20mg ED
    20 20mg ED 25mg ED 20mg ED
    21 10mg ED * 20mg ED
    22 * * 20mg ED
    23 * * 20mg ED

    ps: i find tribulus helps my recovery and increases my sex drive, during pct.

    Workout Split: (cardio 20min x2 week)
    Monday - Back
    tuesday - Chest/ Abs
    wednesday - legs
    thursday - shoulders/rear delts/traps
    friday - biceps/triceps
    saturday- off
    sunday- off

    - I'm not sure which tren i want to use yet, Acetate or Enanthate ? What would you recommend?
    - I'm Taking the B6 to control Progesterone Sides from the Tren, i cant get my hands on caber. Thoughts?
    - I'm also taking throughout the cycle GHRP-2 150mcg Post Workout OR before bed (4 Days on 3 Days off)
    - I have some t3 i'm not sure if i would use it yet. If i end up using the t3 i wouldn't dose over 50mcg ED and ill taper up and taper down over 6 weeks.
    - Would you recommend the use of Clen also? (2 weeks on,off)
    - Does injectable B12 do anything in your opinion?

    Ron do you respond to private messages? if i have any questions towards my diet.

    Thank You!
    Last edited by kisektah1; 09-14-2011 at 09:51 AM.

  16. #3376
    Corpsman's Avatar
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    Thanks for the reply Ronnie. How should I use the HcG with the Testosterone you are suggesting? Also, I only mentioned chest in my other post because it happened to be what I had just finished working on. I workout all my muscle groups equally. But I am wondering what the purpose is for doing 45° incline dumbbell curls instead of just seated. I am straining my neck doing them like that. Is there a specific reason to do them inclined?
    Last edited by Corpsman; 09-14-2011 at 04:53 PM.

  17. #3377
    J_420 is offline New Member
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    hi ronnie,

    question for you ... im doing a 8 week cycle of super dmz followed by 4 weeks of decadrol.... now for my deload part do you suggest going for a pct or maybe just deload for another 2 weeks using decadrol again and then repeating the cycle( dmz and decadrol )again???

    any input would be greatly appreciated

    thks in advance

  18. #3378
    goodeggs84 is offline New Member
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    Hello, I was hoping I could get some advice from someone that is experienced. I am new to forums and I actually have just found this one. I tried to get some help on other forums but people don't seem to want to help with what my goals are. Thanks in advance for any advice given!

    I'm going to start with a little background about myself so I can get some good advice

    I am 27 years old I have been working out off and on for the last 3 years (but not serious at all until the last year and a half) In the last year and a half I have gone from 174lbs to my current weight around 194. I believe I have about 14% body fat (I had this checked about 3 months ago with a trainer). I eat very healthy now (I did not before) I'm 6' tall and I have done AAS a few times now.

    My goals:
    I wish to get to around 215-220 I have been having trouble gaining weight I think because I don't eat enough, but I am going to increase my cal intake a lot more. I range from 1700 - 2800 cals per day depending on time. I'm looking to gain a lot of strength and size. Other goals is I really want to be very lean too. I would like a good looking 6 pack, I kinda have a small one forming now but not really. I have been told it is hard to gain muscle and lose fat but I'm willing to put in the work

    What I was hoping for was a experienced person could tell me exactly what stack I should take for bulking and cutting when I should take each thing, for how long, a dosage amount and I will follow it to the tee. I would like to be safe and me knowing that I am inexperienced I feel it would be stupid not to talk to a person that has already gone though this and could give me sound advice. If you feel like it too you could tell me how long I should work out and such but its not important I'm thankful enough for good stack\cycle advice

  19. #3379
    goodeggs84 is offline New Member
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    Help I need some advice!

    Hello, I was hoping I could get some advice from someone that is experienced. I am new to forums and I actually have just found this one. I tried to get some help on other forums but people don't seem to want to help with what my goals are. Thanks in advance for any advice given!

    I'm going to start with a little background about myself so I can get some good advice

    I am 27 years old I have been working out off and on for the last 3 years (but not serious at all until the last year and a half) In the last year and a half I have gone from 174lbs to my current weight around 194. I believe I have about 14% body fat (I had this checked about 3 months ago with a trainer). I eat very healthy now (I did not before) I'm 6' tall and I have done AAS a few times now.

    My goals:
    I wish to get to around 215-220 I have been having trouble gaining weight I think because I don't eat enough, but I am going to increase my cal intake a lot more. I range from 1700 - 2800 cals per day depending on time. I'm looking to gain a lot of strength and size. Other goals is I really want to be very lean too. I would like a good looking 6 pack, I kinda have a small one forming now but not really. I have been told it is hard to gain muscle and lose fat but I'm willing to put in the work

    What I was hoping for was a experienced person could tell me exactly what stack I should take for bulking and cutting when I should take each thing, for how long, a dosage amount and I will follow it to the tee. I would like to be safe and me knowing that I am inexperienced I feel it would be stupid not to talk to a person that has already gone though this and could give me sound advice. If you feel like it too you could tell me how long I should work out and such but its not important I'm thankful enough for good stack\cycle advice

  20. #3380
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodeggs84 View Post
    Hello, I was hoping I could get some advice from someone that is experienced. I am new to forums and I actually have just found this one. I tried to get some help on other forums but people don't seem to want to help with what my goals are. Thanks in advance for any advice given!

    I'm going to start with a little background about myself so I can get some good advice

    I am 27 years old I have been working out off and on for the last 3 years (but not serious at all until the last year and a half) In the last year and a half I have gone from 174lbs to my current weight around 194. I believe I have about 14% body fat (I had this checked about 3 months ago with a trainer). I eat very healthy now (I did not before) I'm 6' tall and I have done AAS a few times now.

    My goals:
    I wish to get to around 215-220 I have been having trouble gaining weight I think because I don't eat enough, but I am going to increase my cal intake a lot more. I range from 1700 - 2800 cals per day depending on time. I'm looking to gain a lot of strength and size. Other goals is I really want to be very lean too. I would like a good looking 6 pack, I kinda have a small one forming now but not really. I have been told it is hard to gain muscle and lose fat but I'm willing to put in the work

    What I was hoping for was a experienced person could tell me exactly what stack I should take for bulking and cutting when I should take each thing, for how long, a dosage amount and I will follow it to the tee. I would like to be safe and me knowing that I am inexperienced I feel it would be stupid not to talk to a person that has already gone though this and could give me sound advice. If you feel like it too you could tell me how long I should work out and such but its not important I'm thankful enough for good stack\cycle advice
    Not to answer Ron's thread, but here's your problem/solution right here. DIET SECTION!! Need to take foodadrol...

  21. #3381
    goodeggs84 is offline New Member
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    Yes I now that was an issue, I have been doing some research. I just can't seem to get hungry enough I'm thinking about trying some meal replacments that I could force drink in the day. Right now I'm eating about 5-7 times a day I try to eat every 2 hrs. But I'm still interested on stacking and cycles. I want to go at this 150% now I'm motivated just need some guidance so I can do this right. How much cals would you suggest I eat per day? One issue I'm having is I seem to eat a lot but I eat chicken breast (baked) and other healthy food like tuna. It does not seem to pack a punch cal wise like McDonalds lol. When I'm on a bulking cycle should I be worried about the kind of food I eat? Or should I be most concerned with my cal intake?

  22. #3382
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodeggs84 View Post
    Yes I now that was an issue, I have been doing some research. I just can't seem to get hungry enough I'm thinking about trying some meal replacments that I could force drink in the day. Right now I'm eating about 5-7 times a day I try to eat every 2 hrs. But I'm still interested on stacking and cycles. I want to go at this 150% now I'm motivated just need some guidance so I can do this right. How much cals would you suggest I eat per day? One issue I'm having is I seem to eat a lot but I eat chicken breast (baked) and other healthy food like tuna. It does not seem to pack a punch cal wise like McDonalds lol. When I'm on a bulking cycle should I be worried about the kind of food I eat? Or should I be most concerned with my cal intake?
    In the DIET SECTION all will be revealed. Here's a couple of hints in the mean time. If your not eating enough all the juice in the world won't do anything. If you don't eat enough ALL your gains will evaporate immediately after cycle. LASTLY, don't eat at McDonald's under any circumstances, garbage in garbage out. I'm out, sorry Ron.

  23. #3383
    goodeggs84 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    In the DIET SECTION all will be revealed. Here's a couple of hints in the mean time. If your not eating enough all the juice in the world won't do anything. If you don't eat enough ALL your gains will evaporate immediately after cycle. LASTLY, don't eat at McDonald's under any circumstances, garbage in garbage out. I'm out, sorry Ron.
    Okay, I will start greatly increasing my food intake, I'll also take a look at the diet section

  24. #3384
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Hey Ronnie....I finished my first 8 weeks and really happy with results. Put on 22lbs and dropped over a little over 1% in bf. Im about to finish up my second week of deload and monday starting the first round of shots for the next 8 weeks. Your suggestion on the Nolva worked out great, in two weeks my gyno is nearly gone. 40mgs/daily 2 weeks and 20mgs/daily from there. I dropped about 6lbs in water weight over the course of these two weeks and sitting right at 218. Can not wait to hit the next 8 weeks, Test E 750mgs, Tren E 700mgs, Masteron 500mgs and Anavar at 80mgs/daily. Also starting growth at 2 iu's a.m. and 1 iu evening.

  25. #3385
    F4iGuy's Avatar
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    Big Ron, do you believe running test E or C solo has negative consequences on collagen/tendons? I've read that test can reduce collagen synthesis and other compounds such as deca , equipoise , or anavar need to be added to combat this? Which cycle would provide better results, test cyp at 600mg/wk or test cyp 300mg/wk combined with deca at 300mg/wk? Do you have a prefrence between Deca or Equipoise?

  26. #3386
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    Big Ron, do you believe running test E or C solo has negative consequences on collagen/tendons? No I do not! Tendon ruptures can occur with any steroid due to muscle strength increasing so rapidly that tendons and ligaments can't keep up! I've read that test can reduce collagen synthesis and other compounds such as deca , equipoise , or anavar need to be added to combat this? I do not buy into this but pharm grade GH does help increase collagen synthesis. Which cycle would provide better results, test cyp at 600mg/wk or test cyp 300mg/wk combined with deca at 300mg/wk? It depends. If you have joint problems the test/deca cycle would be best but if you do not then the test only cycle is more potent as test is more androgeni than deca. Do you have a prefrence between Deca or Equipoise? deca is far superior!

  27. #3387
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kisektah1 View Post
    hey ron,
    we meet again!
    Awesome thread! I typed my cycle on excel i dont know how it would show up :s. Anyway this is my 3rd cycle, ~14% bf, 32 y/o, 235lb. I would've been off a 20 week cycle for 3 months before i start this one in summer. I'm currently in the process of writing a diet (finally)....
    Btw, i know you dont prefer/ like adex but with prop i get sensitive to gyno. Hcg im starting 6 weeks out from pct because i can only get my hands on 1x5000iu bottle. Prop and tren (e or a) would be taken together tuesday, thursday, sunday. Weeks 8 and week 9 are my deaload weeks (increase reps and carbs).
    This is what my cutting/ lean bulk cycle looks like:

    Wk test p tren hcg arimidex vitamin b6
    1 660mg 200mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    2 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    3 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    4 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    5 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    6 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    7 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    8 660mg 500mg * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    9 360mg * * 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    10 360mg * 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    11 855mg 500mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    12 855mg 500mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    13 855mg 300mg 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    14 855mg * 750iu (375iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    15 300mg * 1250iu (625iu x2) 0.5mg e3d 200mg ed
    16 * * * 0.5mg e3d * your cycle is fine for what you have.

    Week nolva clomoid tribulus
    16 40mg ed 50mg ed 20mg ed
    17 20mg ed 25mg ed 20mg ed
    18 20mg ed 25mg ed 20mg ed
    19 20mg ed 25mg ed 20mg ed
    20 20mg ed 25mg ed 20mg ed
    21 10mg ed * 20mg ed
    22 * * 20mg ed
    23 * * 20mg ed

    ps: I find tribulus helps my recovery and increases my sex drive, during pct. 4 weeks of pct is plenty and you need hcg to get testis producing test.

    workout split: (cardio 20min x2 week)
    monday - back (add rear delts here)
    tuesday - chest/ (add biceps here)abs
    wednesday - legs (take this day off and put legs on friday)
    thursday - shoulders/rear delts (replace triceps with rear delts and do legs on friday. Its best to never train day after legs if at all posssible due to cns fatigue.),/traps
    friday - biceps/triceps
    saturday- off
    sunday- off

    - i'm not sure which tren i want to use yet, acetate or enanthate ? What would you recommend?
    tren-e- i'm taking the b6 to control progesterone sides from the tren, i cant get my hands on caber. Thoughts?
    b-6 wont work!- i'm also taking throughout the cycle ghrp-2 150mcg post workout or before bed (4 days on 3 days off)
    - i have some t3 i'm not sure if i would use it yet. If i end up using the t3 i wouldn't dose over 50mcg ed and ill taper up and taper down over 6 weeks.
    - would you recommend the use of clen also? (2 weeks on,off)yes, clen works great with t-3 when cutting, you can stay on clen up to 6-12 weeks straight without going off.
    - does injectable b12 do anything in your opinion? not really

    ron do you respond to private messages? i have asked everyone to please keep all questions regarding cycles, diet and training in this thread. If i have any questions towards my diet.

    Thank you!

  28. #3388
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Corpsman;5749370]Thanks for the reply Ronnie. How should I use the HcG with the Testosterone you are suggesting? PLEASE SCROLL BACK AND READ THROUGH THE FIRST PART OF THIS THREAD AS THIS PARTICULAR QUESTION HAS BEEN ANSWERED MANY TIMES ALREADY Also, I only mentioned chest in my other post because it happened to be what I had just finished working on. I workout all my muscle groups equally. But I am wondering what the purpose is for doing 45° incline dumbbell curls instead of just seated. I am straining my neck doing them like that. Is there a specific reason to do them inclined? IMO 45 DEGREE INCLINES ARE VERY DANGEROUS AND A GOOD WAY TO HERNIATE A DISK IN THE CERVICAL REGIONS. THERE ARE NO ADVANATGES WHATSOVER OVER SEATED DUMBELL CURLS BUT THERE ARE SOME DISADVANTAGES![/QUOTE]ABOVE

  29. #3389
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by corpsman View Post
    thanks for the reply ronnie. How should i use the hcg with the testosterone you are suggesting? please go back and read the earier post made in this thread as this questions has been answered many times. Also, i only mentioned chest in my other post because it happened to be what i had just finished working on. I workout all my muscle groups equally. But i am wondering what the purpose is for doing 45° incline dumbbell curls instead of just seated. I am straining my neck doing them like that. Is there a specific reason to do them inclined? no advanatages whatsover in performing 45 degree incline dumbbell curls and it can easily cause a herniated disc in the neck!

  30. #3390
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by goodeggs84 View Post
    hello, i was hoping i could get some advice from someone that is experienced. I am new to forums and i actually have just found this one. I tried to get some help on other forums but people don't seem to want to help with what my goals are. Thanks in advance for any advice given!

    I'm going to start with a little background about myself so i can get some good advice

    i am 27 years old i have been working out off and on for the last 3 years (but not serious at all until the last year and a half) in the last year and a half i have gone from 174lbs to my current weight around 194. I believe i have about 14% body fat (i had this checked about 3 months ago with a trainer). I eat very healthy now (i did not before) i'm 6' tall and i have done aas a few times now.

    My goals:
    I wish to get to around 215-220 i have been having trouble gaining weight i think because i don't eat enough, but i am going to increase my cal intake a lot more. I range from 1700 - 2800 cals per day depending on time. I'm looking to gain a lot of strength and size. Other goals is i really want to be very lean too. I would like a good looking 6 pack, i kinda have a small one forming now but not really. I have been told it is hard to gain muscle and lose fat but i'm willing to put in the work

    what i was hoping for was a experienced person could tell me exactly what stack i should take for bulking and cutting when i should take each thing, for how long, a dosage amount and i will follow it to the tee. I would like to be safe and me knowing that i am inexperienced i feel it would be stupid not to talk to a person that has already gone though this and could give me sound advice. If you feel like it too you could tell me how long i should work out and such but its not important i'm thankful enough for good stack\cycle advice
    these questions are just to vague to answer them all but like titan said you need to improve diet. You need more essential fats and lean proteins in your diet to gain weight and probably even more slow burning carbs. Good bulking drugs are test, tren , d-bol a-drol. Good cutting drugs are test, tren winstrol . 4 days per week in the gym are plenty to gain size and some can only recovery from 3 days of weight training due to work load outside of the gym.

  31. #3391
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    Hey Ronnie,
    Just wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on the blasting diet? on the blasting diet phase. Do you still recommend carb cycling for the blasting phase?
    I'm 194lb, currently bulking, I'm getting around 3800-3900 calories a day, 285g protein, 320g carbs and 160g of fat. Currently gaining 1-2lb a week.
    Typical day is:
    Meal 1: 2 Whole Free Range Cage Free Eggs, 6 Egg Whites, 1 Cup Oats and 50g Frozen Berries, with sometimes a small amount of honey.
    Meal 2: 170g Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Vegetables (Broccoli, Carrot etc) and 25g Almonds.
    Meal 3 (Pre workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 1 Large Apple.
    Meal 4 (Post workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 60g Dextrose.
    Meal 5: 160g Extra Lean Beef Mince, 1 Cup Wholemeal Pasta, 4 Leaf Salad with 6 Tblspn of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 1 Tblspn of Balsamic Vinegar.
    Meal 6: 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 60g Natural Peanut Butter.
    Calculated with CalorieKing software.
    Reason I outlined my diet is because if you still recommend carb cycling, would this be my low days, then on say Wednesday and Saturday I would add more cals/carbs?

  32. #3392
    billy_bronx is offline New Member
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    what A.I on cycle and S.E.R.M's do you use for pct

  33. #3393
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daniel20 View Post
    Hey Ronnie,
    Just wondering if you could elaborate a bit more on the blasting diet? on the blasting diet phase. Do you still recommend carb cycling for the blasting phase?
    I'm 194lb, currently bulking, I'm getting around 3800-3900 calories a day, 285g protein, 320g carbs and 160g of fat. Currently gaining 1-2lb a week.
    Typical day is:
    Meal 1: 2 Whole Free Range Cage Free Eggs, 6 Egg Whites, 1 Cup Oats and 50g Frozen Berries, with sometimes a small amount of honey.
    Meal 2: 170g Chicken Breast, 1 Cup Brown Rice, 1 Cup Vegetables (Broccoli, Carrot etc) and 25g Almonds.
    Meal 3 (Pre workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 1 Large Apple.
    Meal 4 (Post workout): 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 60g Dextrose.
    Meal 5: 160g Extra Lean Beef Mince, 1 Cup Wholemeal Pasta, 4 Leaf Salad with 6 Tblspn of Extra Virgin Olive Oil and 1 Tblspn of Balsamic Vinegar.
    Meal 6: 50g Whey Protein Isolate (water) and 60g Natural Peanut Butter.
    Calculated with CalorieKing software.
    Reason I outlined my diet is because if you still recommend carb cycling, would this be my low days, then on say Wednesday and Saturday I would add more cals/carbs? I would stay where you are at and just carb/calorie up some one day per week (it's always saturday for me). The one thing you should consider changing is substituting the isolate protein shakes for "carb master yogurt/egg white shakes".

  34. #3394
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    Quote Originally Posted by billy_bronx View Post
    what A.I on cycle and S.E.R.M's do you use for pct
    None whatsover if you do not get bad gyno symptoms as A.I. have unwanted side effects.

  35. #3395
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    Ron take a look at my cutting diet.

    please keep in mind I am a smaller and have a slower metabolism.

    Diet .

    730am Pre-workout Meal.

    1 Cup of Liquid Egg Whites
    Half scoop of Whey Protein
    1/4 cup of Oatmeal
    3/4 Cup Of Frozen Blueberries
    Cup of Spinach
    6 Almonds

    Calories 342 - Protein 40.3 - Carbs - 35 - Fat 6.6

    1030am Post Workout Meal

    1.75 Scoops of Whey Protein
    1.25 Cup Frozen Blueberries

    Calories 285 - Protein 42 - Carbs 28 - Fat 1

    1pm Meal

    6oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
    Handful of Frozen Organic Broccoli
    12 Almonds

    Calories 300 - Protein 36 - Carbs 10.5 - Fat 11.25

    4pm Meal

    6oz Boneless Skinless Chicken Breast
    Mixed Veggies "broccoli Cauliflower"
    6 Almonds

    Calories 240 - Protein 37 - Carbs - 9 - Fat 7.5

    7pm Meal

    3 cups of mixed salad greans
    6oz og chicken
    2 Tablespoons of Olive Oil
    2 Tablespoons of Feta Cheese

    Calories 475 - Protein 41 - Carbs 5 - Fat 33

    10pm Meal

    Cup of Liquid Egg Whites
    Half Scoop of Casein Protein "dont have a Kroger near me, i know what you want to say"
    1 Tablespoon of Smart Balance Peanut Butter

    Calories 276 - Protein 40 - Carbs 8 - Fats - 9

    Rough Totals - Calories - 1915 - Protein - 240 - Carbs 90 - Fat 72

    I follow this diet Monday - Wednesday. On Thursday "carb load" I have 6 meals that have the Macros of around 40 Protein and 40 Carbs and no fats. This is a mild clean refeed containing roughly the same amount of calories.

    On Friday and Saturday I follow the main meal plan listed then on Sunday I have another Carb refeed day but include 2 cheats with fats. Calories may hit 3k on Sunday or more.

    For example on Sunday for breakfast I have a huge stack of blueberry pancakes cooked in olive oil with Sugar free syrup and a protein shake. At night I had a massive Five Guys bacon cheeseburger with a crap ton of fries. All meals in between and after are clean carbs and healthy fats.

    On a side note,

    I started t3 on Thursday at 37mcg a night.
    Last edited by slimshady01; 09-23-2011 at 08:35 PM.

  36. #3396
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    big ron what are your thoughts on a 3 times a week split (cant train chest)
    mon - delts traps and light tris
    wed - legs
    fri - back arms

    been doing this lately and ive blown up like a tank!! just kidding! but im definitely looking fuller than when using my usual 5 day split.
    thought this would be good to bring up bodyparts like arms as i feel i was overtraining them before.

  37. #3397
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron i was talking to you before about sleep apnea, i was using tren and was told by someone i know that when he stopped using tren it went, so i tried this and as soon as i came off the tren i was no longer falling asleep a few times through out the day if i sat down or watched tv or drove the car for long and felt much better be im still not 100 percent and still snoring and stopping breathing at night and last week was diagnosed with sleep apnea, so from today im on a cpap trial for a week. now clearly im only able for very small doses of tren or that makes it worse so im prob better off stayn away from it altogether but does the cpap reduce the apnea at all or is it a permanent thing ? if u get it do u have it for good like? or is ur only option to get rid of it to stop lifting weights? or wud that even work once u have it? or cud i be just prone to it from taking tren alone and it mite go away slowly since ive stopped, what your overall view and advice ? thanks again ron

  38. #3398
    mikeybiggs is offline New Member
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    Hi guys I'm. New to this whole scene and I'm not sure if these post r up to date or not but I gotta say ronnie u give a new guy a whole lot of knowledge. Thanks man

  39. #3399
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    Ronnie I asked you about doing 45 degree incline dumbbell curls because I was following your sample 4 day split:

    "2 WEEK ANABOLIC PRIME" were each muscle is trained "once a week”


    Day 1 would be Monday and could consist of:

    Chest: 4 sets

    1st exercise is a key exercise-15 degree barbell decline press
    1st set- 12-15 reps
    2nd set-12-15 reps

    Incline barbell press is a secondary exercise
    1st set 12-15 reps

    2nd exercise is a secondary exercise-Flat dumbbell flyes using inward pinky twist while bringing hands to lower chest during contraction.
    1st set- 12-15 reps

    Biceps:4 sets

    1st exercise is a key exercise- seated Incline dumbbell curls on a 45 degree angle
    1st set- 12-15 reps

    2nd set-12-15 reps

    2nd exercise is uni-lateral inverted preacher curls.
    1st set- 12-15 reps
    2nd set 12-15 reps to failure


    3rd exercise is a secondary exercise- Seated dumbbell hammer curls.
    1st set- 12-15 reps

    Forearms:4 sets

    Wrist curls
    1 set of 12-15 reps
    2nd set 12-15 reps to failure

    Reverse wrist curls
    1 set of 12-15 reps
    2nd set 12-15 reps to failure

    Are you saying NOT to do these? If so, should I maybe replace them with cable crosses? I would have thought just seated DB curls but it sounds like you don't like those either.

  40. #3400
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    Ronnie... I also asked you about HcG specifically because I am on year round HRT at Testosterone Cyp 200mg/wk. I know the use of HcG has been discussed in previous threads earlier but I didn't see any that specifically spoke to those of us on HRT. I get what I should do while I am on the reload (250u every other day), but what about when I am on deload? I was planning to go back to 200mg/wk of Test Cyp while on deload, as you suggest, but should I maintain the 250u every other day of HcG while on deload, or cut it off completely?

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