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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3201
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hey ronnie, how did your wife's contest go?
    was it july 22nd??
    all the best

  2. #3202
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Ronnie....I was reading over the training section of Slingshot Training and I missed something....You say during your 8 week reload, use shorter ester gear? What if one is using all enanthate esters...Test E, Tren E, EQ...Should the Reload last longer than 8 weeks?

  3. #3203
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5697351]ronnie, for past deloads ive always just replaced protein cals with carb cals. this time was thinking of reducing carbs aswell as protein but upping fat cals to level out. for me that would be 250g protein 200g carbs 180g fats
    good idea???!! I would do moderate protein, moderate fats and moderate carbs. Just eat normal-nothing exotic is required! You simply need to provide yourself with a break from high protein diet. /QUOTE]above

  4. #3204
    Marine2000's Avatar
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    I'm using your method and running 500 test c/200 deca . I'm coming up on my 8 week mark for deload and want to make sure I understand the bridge method. Can I run 100 test c HCG for two weeks with a regular diet and expect to maintain my gains? Also, when I start my next 8 week cycle do I HAVE to increase the test c amount and if so how much would you recommend? Thanks again for your time and posts!

  5. #3205
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1;569***5
    apart from bodyfat, does hgh keep the water weight from gear off your face? NO, just fat weight but t-3 can help some with water weight. Proviron would be your best bet. how much cardio can u really get away with without eating away at ur muscle when tryn to gain size, for eg ...all the big guys in wrestling have a hell of a lot of cardio to do or is it gona be dependant on how much gear u take and they tend to just up the dosage if losing muscle from all the cardio? First of all it depends on your metabolism. The slower your metabolic rate, the more cardio you can get by with before tappibng into muscle. And drugs also help prevent muscle loss, im stil reading the dynamite kids book and wot he said happened to him from the large doses of steroids was he had a heart attack from having an enlarged heart which was caused because the heart is a muscle so that grew along with every other muscle, is this a freak rare incident the heart growing because ive never heard of any bodybuilders heart that grew, wud it not be happening to everyone then? Not everyone! He was genetically prone to this side effect. because isnt anyone who wants to be pro size or near enough to it gonna have to take more or less the same high amount of gear. YES lastly ron regarding my last post about how pro's use gear when they have to do guest posing in all parts of the world , i understand u cant say on this thread but is it possible to answer this in a private mail to me? I can assure you they are not taking injectables on board a plane these days. They inject large amounts (front load) before they leave. They use to hide orals but too risky these days. of not i understand , cheers again ron and best of luck to u and ur wife in yer shows!

  6. #3206
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by amazinspiderman View Post
    First of all THANK YOU VERY MUCH for creating this and taking time to answer all the questions.
    I have to be honest i read up until page 21 but i gave up.
    So i don't know if you answered this already but whats your take on taking in less test than, lets say, tren per week? It's perfectly fine if you can breath, sleep and have sex!
    Also, If i'm already in a reload phase of 50mg Prop ED and 75mg TrenA ED and deload with only 50md Prop EOD in the next reload phase can i add Equi and keep goinf for 3 or more reload\load? Yes but EQ is very weak IMO and could be a waste of money.

    If you answer this i will go into more detail about my plans

  7. #3207
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LTU View Post
    Ronnie, for how long after my gear ( test prop, deca , dbol ) expires can I still use it and could you please give me your opinion on stacking these compounds ? Great stack for gaining size. Next time use sustanon instead of prop. The gear will still be fine a couple of years past exp date. Also, a big thank you for all your hard work and info - you rock !!
    Edit : need a source conformation : cant post this on open forum!!!.. [url]/url] read it on some other site, seems legit. If all this is true, then I should be able to use everything up to 1.5-2 years after expiration ( don't want to drag it on too long ).

  8. #3208
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    Quote Originally Posted by kml999 View Post
    did another BW for HCG beta subunit and it came low! 1.2 (ND to 2.5) for male

    i guess i need to give HCG injections a try to get fully recovered? will my natural HCG production stabilize afterwards? I hope so..No one should ever try to recover without HCG. or i have to live on hcg now? If you do not recover youll need to be on HRT the rest of your life but I think there's a good chance you can recover with aggressive HCG pct. lh/fsh are within range, but on the low end of the range

    hcg stimulates both LH/FSH? or only LH? i read to stimulate FSH in men you need inject FSH (Gonal F, Follistim)? Don't overanalyze, just use HCG, It swhte best you can do!

  9. #3209
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh2856 View Post
    DEFINETELY one of the best, most informative posts I have read so far.

    However I have a question. I am thinking of starting my first cycle consisiting of Test E, HCG, maybe Arimidex and Nolva. However I will only be doing one cycle and maaaaaybe another one 3 months later. Should I still follow this 8 week reload 2 week deload routine? Or should I extend my first cycle to 10 weeks since I will not be returning rght back to Test E after the deload phase?
    Just do 8 week cycle then deload then pct.

  10. #3210
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    Quote Originally Posted by the titan99 View Post
    hey ron,
    i've got an on going problem with my right elbow. It started last month when i had been hitting arms twice a week. I was over training and started to get a real dull ache in my elbow. I used to get the same from arm wrestling. Heavy bb curls, skull crushers, dips, cable crossovers really make it worse. i had to stop doing dips, skull crushers and cable cross overs for this very reason! for instance, it throbs when i inhale quickly or cough. I've dropped my bi/tri workout the last 2 weeks, but last night made it worse benching and really fvcked it up doing cable crossovers. Had to take a bunch of pain killers afterwards. The pain was probably 8/10. Today i can feel it, but it's maybe a 1/10 on the pain scale. Doesn't seem to bother me on pulling/back exercises. Also, funny enough, it seems to be exacerbated by heavy squats. I'm in the middle of a cycle right now (800 mg test prop/800 mg tren e/ 50 mg proviron ed) and don't want to come off. I added in 250 mg of deca per week for joint lube, but it's not helping the injury, just the other joints. I also have anavar which i've read might help this injury. I cruise and blast for a year. 47 years old, so i know joint issues come with the territory. I'm dinged up in several other places also (rotator cuff, bi tendon, top of the shoulder) but i don't do well taking off. That said, i'll do what's necessary. I've got about 10-14 days before i should start my 12 week cut. I'm also wondering if i take off could i still do my leg work out each week anyway? Any advice from you will be immediately implemented.
    P.s. I've had this before and don't remember what exactly resolved must let it heal and stop using those movements that cause you pain. Its your age. I am going through the same thing and it sux i know. I got some futuro braces for elbow tendonitus to wear when bench pressing, etc and that helps as well. Got mine at walgreens. For now just do high rep pushdowns for triceps and for chest do high rep pressing (no crossovers). You may need to stop training for 2 weeks to let it heal. Thats your best option because you have an irritated tendon than could easily rupture right now!

  11. #3211
    reloaded4444 is offline New Member
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    Hey Ronnie,

    I have searched all over this forum, site, and others and can not find a clear answer to this question. Can you take anavar with finasteride or will it actually make hairloss worse to take them together like with deca ? (so I've read)

    I have male pattern baldness in my crown area (front is fine) which I take finasteride (propecia) 1.5mg a day which has seemed to stop any more hair loss from the area and I have no noticeable side effects from.
    I am 35, my sex drive is great, and have never run any kind of cycle what so ever.
    I am interested in running anavar only (no test etc although I know you normally recommend it..) because my goals are mostly leaning out and hardening up, and I really don't want to mess with post cycle therapies and the possibility of messing up my natural test production.

    If I can run anavar with or without finasteride and not experience any extra hair loss I'm all for it. If not, it's not worth losing more hair. I've had one hair replacement surgery already. Can you help me the facts on this? And also if Human Growth Hormone would be a safe and possible good addition in the future.

    Any recommended cycle times and dosages would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for all you do on here. I've learned a ton from you.

  12. #3212
    slimshady01's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Primobolan is a low androgenic steroid. The lower on the androgenic scale the better odds of having less hair loss. Drugs such as anavar, deca and primobolan are more anabolic than androgenic.
    Here is my situation Ron,

    I quoted the above so you can hopefully remember whats taking place.

    im starting my 14th week of the 20 weeker bulk tomorrow Aug1st.

    I ran 500test and 400 deca first 8 weeks. I was scared to up test to 750 on the second reload because of my fine hair. I almost went straight into a cut as you mentioned but I gave the 750 a shot.

    My hair is started to shed a lot now so im a little scared and may just switch over to a cut and day to hell with getting big. I will just have to be happy with a lean beach body type figure.

    Here are my questions.

    1. Since im starting my 14th week which I will finish out to wait and hear from you. Do i need to do any deload "drop to 250test" or can i just go straight to a 16 week cut.

    2. I Know you said primo var and test for my cut. I just ordered and spent a crap ton on Primo, i have enough for 800mg for 16 weeks. I also have enough Var for 50mg 16 weeks.
    Primo is scaring me at 800 or any dose for hairloss. I know it looks good on paper as being more anabolic but I cant find anything good about this DHT derivitive. People are complaining all over the boards on it destroying their hair and they themselves thought it looked good on paper as. I think winnie looks good on paper to but that thins people out as well.

    I may try the primo down the road but i would like to stabalize my hairloss now so i would know which is causing it.

    I know deca is not recommended for cutting because of bloat but with a strict lower carb cycling diet would it not work?

    Weeks 1-16 Test at 300-500 "Depending on hair"
    Deca 1-14ish 300mg
    Var 1-16 50mg

    The above cycle is "hair safer" What do you think?

    Also is it safe for me to be running deca this long since ive already been on it during this phase.

  13. #3213
    kelevra is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Do you have any other ideas that might help?what antibiotic did she take and did she apply the cream at night in addition to the pills.
    Thanx Ronnie.

    benzoyl peroxide gel AM
    Differin gel PM
    solodyn (minocycline HCI, USP) 115mg once daily
    She just went back a week ago and this is what he put her on. Same as before, but a stronger antibiotic. (i think)

  14. #3214
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    Hi ron,

    I successfully finished a blast of testE 500/week and later 1.5g/week. I am at the end of my PCT now which was standard nolva/clomid.

    You advice to wait 6 weeks after PCT to start your next blast. I will get some blood work done to see where i stand today.

    Right After the last dose of PCT i have a month of fasting (Ramadan) and I dun want to lose my strength nor size but maybe use this time to get leaner and shreader.

    1. Can I start a bridge right after PCT for a month? I would bridge for a month after the deload then do full pct and you will lose some stregnth/size when coming off.proviron can help maintain strength post cycle!

    2. If yes what would you recommend? I am thinking low dose of testE/C 250/week and maybe either low dose Tren or Anavar OR Primo any other androgenic + HCG + Proviron? (I did 500iu through out the last blast?). I can also go with prop since it a short 4 week bridge and then switch to longer ester for the blast. You might as well just do a 4 week reload after the deload then pct..

    3. After the bridge do I do PCT again and wait 6 weeks or can jump on the 2nd blast right of the bat? You can do whatever you choose but since you want kids wait 6 weeks to play it safe.

    BTW I want kids in the future maybe in 2 years


  15. #3215
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    Quote Originally Posted by slimshady01 View Post
    Hey Ron,

    I think I will be at the Johnny Stewart Fitness show September 10th in Myrtle Beach coming up. Johnny works out and is a personal trainer at my gym. I was talking to him the other day and I asked him about you. He said "Ronnie is one hell of a bodybuilder". I will be going with my Pregnant "again" wife and a buddy i train with who is a genetic freak running his first cycle following your slingshot method!!

    It would be great if I ran into you. Just look out for the smallest guy there and it will most likely be me It's a small have heard johnny speak and he's a really nice guy. He is one thick guy as well! I won't be making it to the Johnny Stewart unless plans change but my good friends Shawn Jackson and Marcus Williams will be there. Shawn and Johnny are good friends. I look for my boys to compete in the Light Heavy. They both have very good genetics.

  16. #3216
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Ronnie....I was reading over the training section of Slingshot Training and I missed something....You say during your 8 week reload, use shorter ester gear? No, I think you misread. I prefer longer acting esters as a base with the option of adding short acting esters or orals. What if one is using all enanthate esters...Test E, Tren E, EQ...Should the Reload last longer than 8 weeks? No, short acting esters kick in no faster than longer acting esters, but they do peak higher. Your 8 week reload looks perfectly fine!

  17. #3217
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marine2000 View Post
    I'm using your method and running 500 test c/200 deca . I'm coming up on my 8 week mark for deload and want to make sure I understand the bridge method. Can I run 100 test c HCG for two weeks with a regular diet and expect to maintain my gains? I would keep test at 220 per week to maintain gains at your level. A pro bodybuilder would need 1 gram per week. Also, when I start my next 8 week cycle do I HAVE to increase the test c amount and if so how much would you recommend? Bump it by 250-500 weekly. Thanks again for your time and posts!

  18. #3218
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    [QUOTE=slimshady01;5706217]Here is my situation Ron,

    I quoted the above so you can hopefully remember whats taking place.

    im starting my 14th week of the 20 weeker bulk tomorrow Aug1st.

    I ran 500test and 400 deca first 8 weeks. I was scared to up test to 750 on the second reload because of my fine hair. I almost went straight into a cut as you mentioned but I gave the 750 a shot.

    My hair is started to shed a lot now so im a little scared and may just switch over to a cut and day to hell with getting big. I will just have to be happy with a lean beach body type figure. Nothing wrong with that..The girls love it!!!

    Here are my questions.

    1. Since im starting my 14th week which I will finish out to wait and hear from you. Do i need to do any deload "drop to 250test" or can i just go straight to a 16 week cut. GO STRAIGHT INTO CUTTING CYCLE.

    2. I Know you said primo var and test for my cut. I just ordered and spent a crap ton on Primo, i have enough for 800mg for 16 weeks. I also have enough Var for 50mg 16 weeks.
    Primo is scaring me at 800 or any dose for hairloss. I know it looks good on paper as being more anabolic but I cant find anything good about this DHT derivitive. People are complaining all over the boards on it destroying their hair and they themselves thought it looked good on paper as. I think winnie looks good on paper to but that thins people out as well. Start primo at 400 per week and see how well you do on it then increase if desired
    I may try the primo down the road but i would like to stabalize my hairloss now so i would know which is causing it.

    I know deca is not recommended for cutting because of bloat but with a strict lower carb cycling diet would it not work? of course you can cut on deca, especially if you run an anti-prolactin with it to keep down water bloat..

    Weeks 1-16 Test at 300-500 "Depending on hair"
    Deca 1-14ish 300mg
    Var 1-16 50mg

    The above cycle is "hair safer" What do you think? This will kill your sex drive-hence no reason to have hair if you catch my drift! I would run test at 200 mgs per week with the above cycle to maintain libido.

    Also is it safe for me to be running deca this long since ive already been on it during this phase.yes its safe but not good for sex drive and you may find that primo is easier on your hair than deca. everyone reacts differently.[/QUOTE]above

  19. #3219
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelevra View Post
    Do you have any other ideas that might help?what antibiotic did she take and did she apply the cream at night in addition to the pills.
    Thanx Ronnie.

    benzoyl peroxide gel AM
    Differin gel PM
    solodyn (minocycline HCI, USP) 115mg once daily
    She just went back a week ago and this is what he put her on. Same as before, but a stronger antibiotic. (i think)
    My recommendation for her is one 100mg tablet of DOXYCYCLINE HYCLATE every morning.

  20. #3220
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    Quote Originally Posted by reloaded4444 View Post
    Hey Ronnie,

    I have searched all over this forum, site, and others and can not find a clear answer to this question. Can you take anavar with finasteride or will it actually make hairloss worse to take them together like with deca ? Finasteride should have no effect with var or deca. (so I've read)

    I have male pattern baldness in my crown area (front is fine) which I take finasteride (propecia) 1.5mg a day which has seemed to stop any more hair loss from the area and I have no noticeable side effects from.
    I am 35, my sex drive is great, and have never run any kind of cycle what so ever.
    I am interested in running anavar only (no test etc although I know you normally recommend it..) because my goals are mostly leaning out and hardening up, and I really don't want to mess with post cycle therapies and the possibility of messing up my natural test production. You'll still need post cycle therapy with anavar and test will harden you a lot more than var! Go with test since you are taking meds to combat hairloss.

    If I can run anavar with or without finasteride and not experience any extra hair loss I'm all for it. If not, it's not worth losing more hair. I've had one hair replacement surgery already. Can you help me the facts on this? And also if Human Growth Hormone would be a safe and possible good addition in the future. GH would be great! Test and GH is your best bet!

    Any recommended cycle times and dosages would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for all you do on here. I've learned a ton from you.300-500 mgs of test weekly and 4ius of GH daily. If you add var go with 20-40 mgs daily. 20 week cycles are best!

  21. #3221
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    Hey Ron, I've taken a week off and am considering taking one more. I met a physio therapist on my island and she's fixed a lot of my problems in just one session. Bodybuilding is a tough sport with no access to chiropractic/physio help!!! Anyway, like you, I guess my days of weighted dips, skull crushers, cable crossovers, preacher curls are over. My question is what to replace some of these with. My current tri workout consists of 3 sets skull crushers, 3 sets of overhead one handed pulley/rope extensions and 3 sets of pulley/rope pushdowns. What should I replace the skull crushers with, or should I maybe just do 4 sets overhead and 4 sets of of pushdowns and after my rotator cuff is better maybe add in close grip bench? What do you recommend?

  22. #3222
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Hey Ron, I've taken a week off and am considering taking one more. I met a physio therapist on my island and she's fixed a lot of my problems in just one session. Bodybuilding is a tough sport with no access to chiropractic/physio help!!! Anyway, like you, I guess my days of weighted dips, skull crushers, cable crossovers, preacher curls are over. My question is what to replace some of these with. My current tri workout consists of 3 sets skull crushers, 3 sets of overhead one handed pulley/rope extensions and 3 sets of pulley/rope pushdowns. What should I replace the skull crushers with, or should I maybe just do 4 sets overhead and 4 sets of of pushdowns and after my rotator cuff is better maybe add in close grip bench? What do you recommend?
    Do 8 sets of tricep pushdowns once per week for 4 weeks and then get back with me and we will try on adding in 1 extra exercise for triceps. Let it heal!

  23. #3223
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Do 8 sets of tricep pushdowns once per week for 4 weeks and then get back with me and we will try on adding in 1 extra exercise for triceps. Let it heal!
    Will do it. Thanks Ron

  24. #3224
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    2 reloads ago i ran 1200 test and 300 tren ace and gained about 12 pounds, the next reload i did 900 test and 300 tren enth but didnt budge onda scales or my strength so this reload im on 1500 test and 450 tren enth and coming to the end of week 4 and no size or strength gained either so far and i dont think there will be either because im not feeling half as much of an increase on libido as i always wud or as much of a pump as usual, its the same brand gear the last 3 reloads , cud i be right in sayn the gear isnt as gud as at first ? da biggest lad at my gym seems to think the same as me and isnt goin using it again, wot u reckon ron?

  25. #3225
    ridedivefx's Avatar
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    Hi Ronnie,

    I am preparing to setup my 2nd blast, Here is the setup what do you think. The 1st reload is mostly for bulking and the 2nd reload is cutting and maintaining while gaining lbm

    Would Dbol run through 8 weeks cause severe liver toxicity or dangerously crappy lipid profile? This is why i have it at 30mg instead of the 40mg otherwise.

    Week 1 - 8 Dbol 30mg/day
    Week 1 - 8 Test E 500mg/week
    Week 1 - 8 Proviron 25mg/Day
    Week 1 - 8 HCG 500iu/week

    Week 9 - 10 Test E 250mg/week

    Week 11 -18 Test E 750mg/week
    Week 11 - 18 TrenHex 300mg/week
    --> HERE what would u recommend? I can take Tren /Masteron /Primobolan or VAR (and at what dossages). I have tried TrenE before and hated the hair loss but never masteron/primo or Anavar . What about 40mgVar/day for 8 weeks? Is it advisable having 2 orals for that long dbol and Var with their effect on liver and lipid profile?

    Week 11 - 18 Proviron 25mg/day
    Week 11 - 18 HCG 500iu/week

    Week 19 - 20 Test E 250mg/week

    Week 1 - 20 HGH 2iu ramping up to 4iu

    Week 21 - 24 Nolva 20/20/20/20
    Week 21 - 24 Clomid 100/100/100/100
    Week 25 - 30 OFF
    Week 31+ Blast 3
    Last edited by ridedivefx; 08-02-2011 at 07:35 AM.

  26. #3226
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron after a fighter weights in the day before his fight, wud taking a few shots of test suspension that day and the day of the fight help with putn weight back on and with strength and aggression during the fight ? and cud u inject anytime that day or is the closer to the fight time the better ?

  27. #3227
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    2 reloads ago i ran 1200 test and 300 tren ace and gained about 12 pounds, the next reload i did 900 test and 300 tren enth but didnt budge onda scales or my strength so this reload im on 1500 test and 450 tren enth and coming to the end of week 4 and no size or strength gained either so far and i dont think there will be either because im not feeling half as much of an increase on libido as i always wud or as much of a pump as usual, its the same brand gear the last 3 reloads , cud i be right in sayn the gear isnt as gud as at first ? da biggest lad at my gym seems to think the same as me and isnt goin using it again, wot u reckon ron? It could be they sold you good gear upfront to get you hooked then switched over to bad gear. It happens! Shoot me a pm and let me know which brand you are using and maybe I can find out something about that particular brand for you. It also be that your receptors are used to the steroids and you need to increase dosages by way of adding an oral like d-bol or anadrol.

  28. #3228
    kelevra is offline Member
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    I've seen you recommend before giving blood if on cycle for awhile due to high hematocrit levels.
    Are there noticeable side effects if your hematocrit levels are getting high or should you just give blood every couple of reloads?
    Thanx Ron

  29. #3229
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    Hi Ron,
    What's up?

    Now I am on week 35th of my second slingshot cycle (planned to do 40 weeks for this cycle).
    Everything goes well and the results are so great.
    Thank you very much for introducing me the slingshot cycle, slingshot training method, and slingshot diet.

    BTW I have some questions regarding cardio.
    I usually do moderate intensity cardio (about 65%-75% MHR) 3 times a week (@30minutes each session) first thing in the morning with 10 grams of BCAA, 20 grams of Amino Acids and 10 grams of Glutamine ingested pre-cardio & post-cardio to prevent muscle catabolism.
    But now, my schedule don't allow me to do cardio in the morning, so that I should do it in the evening (in OFF day).
    What do you think of it? Is it still as good as morning cardio for fat burning? Since my goals are for getting lean & ripped but for general health too...
    However, I still do cardio in the morning on weekends.

    FYI, I train 4 times a week.

    My current intake :
    250 grams of Carbohydrates (30%)
    350 grams of Protein (45%)
    90 grams of Fat (25%)
    Total 3210 calories

    Your input & help would be highly appreciated.
    Many thanks, ron...

  30. #3230
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hi ron, about to start dieting but should i wait for the gear to kick in (been priming
    so no gear for past 2 weeks) before i start the diet and if so how long? (usual test and tren combo)

  31. #3231
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Ron, reading through some of the stuff regarding chest workouts....I have cut out my flat bench routine, changed over to Incline, Decline and Flys. You truly feel you get more from your decline for overall muscle development than flat bench? I suppose im so used to doing flat bench, just need some reconfirmation.

  32. #3232
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Will do it. Thanks Ron
    Look for some futuro adjustable elbow wraps as well and stay off winstrol and all anti-es except proviron .

  33. #3233
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ridedivefx View Post
    hi ronnie,

    i am preparing to setup my 2nd blast, here is the setup what do you think. The 1st reload is mostly for bulking and the 2nd reload is cutting and maintaining while gaining lbm

    would dbol run through 8 weeks cause severe liver toxicity or dangerously crappy lipid profile? This is why i have it at 30mg instead of the 40mg otherwise.

    Week 1 - 8 dbol 30mg/day
    week 1 - 8 test e 500mg/week
    week 1 - 8 proviron 25mg/day
    week 1 - 8 hcg 500iu/week

    week 9 - 10 test e 250mg/week

    week 11 -18 test e 750mg/week
    week 11 - 18 trenhex 300mg/week
    --> here what would u recommend? I can take tren /masteron /primobolan or var (and at what dossages). I have tried trene before and hated the hair loss but never masteron/primo or anavar . What about 40mgvar/day for 8 weeks? Is it advisable having 2 orals for that long dbol and var with their effect on liver and lipid profile? honestly, tren is your best choice for gaining lean body mass. Var is weak so you could get by using it for another 8 weeks after the 8 week d-bol cycle. Masteron is not nearly as strong as tren but you could add 4-600 mgs weekly along with 40 mgs of var daily to avoid tren but tren is still much stronger.

    week 11 - 18 proviron 25mg/day
    week 11 - 18 hcg 500iu/week

    week 19 - 20 test e 250mg/week

    week 1 - 20 hgh 2iu ramping up to 4iu start at 4ius of gh daily. Not need in ramping up. And take 8ius daily if you can afford it.

    week 21 - 24 nolva 20/20/20/20
    week 21 - 24 clomid 100/100/100/100
    week 25 - 30 off
    week 31+ blast 3

  34. #3234
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ron after a fighter weights in the day before his fight, wud taking a few shots of test suspension that day and the day of the fight help with putn weight back on and with strength and aggression during the fight ? And cud u inject anytime that day or is the closer to the fight time the better ?
    start injecting immediately after weigh in and do a shot about every 12 hours. Last shot around 4 hours before fight. Its painful

  35. #3235
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=kelevra;5709735]I've seen you recommend before giving blood if on cycle for awhile due to high hematocrit levels.
    Are there noticeable side effects if your hematocrit levels are getting high or should you just give blood every couple of reloads?
    Thanx Ron[/QUOTESymptoms can be weakness,fatigue, headache, itching,bruising,joint pain,dizziness, or abdominal pain.

    Secondary symptoms can bey attributed to an underlying condition, like chronic lung disease-hence shortness of breath, chronic cough, sleep disturbance (sleep apnea), dizziness and fatigue.

    It's best to give blood to prevent ecessive build up of red blood cells.

  36. #3236
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    [QUOTE=Yellow;5709767]Hi Ron,
    What's up?

    Now I am on week 35th of my second slingshot cycle (planned to do 40 weeks for this cycle).
    Everything goes well and the results are so great.
    Thank you very much for introducing me the slingshot cycle, slingshot training method, and slingshot diet.

    BTW I have some questions regarding cardio.
    I usually do moderate intensity cardio (about 65%-75% MHR) 3 times a week (@30minutes each session) first thing in the morning with 10 grams of BCAA, 20 grams of Amino Acids and 10 grams of Glutamine ingested pre-cardio & post-cardio to prevent muscle catabolism.
    But now, my schedule don't allow me to do cardio in the morning, so that I should do it in the evening (in OFF day). yes!
    What do you think of it? Is it still as good as morning cardio for fat burning? youll tap into body fat quicker when done on an empty stomach or post workout but you also tap into muscle faster. i do not prefer cardio on empty stomach as it can cause excessive fatique and feel the overall results tend to even out in the end regardless when cardio is performed. Since my goals are for getting lean & ripped but for general health too...cardio 6 days per week is best for getting ripped at 30 minutes per session. never on leg day!
    However, I still do cardio in the morning on weekends.

    FYI, I train 4 times a week.

    My current intake :
    250 grams of Carbohydrates (30%)
    350 grams of Protein (45%)
    90 grams of Fat (25%)
    Total 3210 calories

    Your input & help would be highly appreciated.
    Many thanks, ron...[/QUOTE]if you want to get more ripped take carbs down to 100-150 on specific days to aid in burning fat.

  37. #3237
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hey ron, hows all the contest preps going? how was kathy's show?
    ronnie im going to diet down for the next 8-12 weeks and get into the low digits of bf but will 1.2g tri test 450mg tri tren be enough on a big cal deficit?
    will be going extremely high protein (600g) lowish carbs 200-300g very low fat only efa's and one carb up every sunday
    (hoping for rebound gains after this diet and after the deload!)
    trying my best to get stage ready even though i will have my pec tendon op late this year!
    thanks ron

    also do you think running proviron throughout will be enough for gyno control? (also caber)
    always used adex but its a joint killer - if so what dose do you think best?
    thanks again
    Last edited by ricky23; 08-05-2011 at 05:03 PM.

  38. #3238
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Look for some futuro adjustable elbow wraps as well and stay off winstrol and all anti-es except proviron .

    Alright!! I was hoping you'd recommend a brand of strap. I don't do winny and I've never needed anti-es even at 1750 mg Test. I'm starting a 12 week cut on Monday. 700 mg Test Prop/700 mg Tren E/ 500 mg masteron P/100 mg Var ed. Could I drop the Proviron due to the inclusion of the masteron?

  39. #3239
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    ronnie a quick question, do you think that running t3 with bulking cycles is wise?
    not for trying to stay lean but for increased protein synthesis and protein turn over rate?
    just reading up on it thinking that high aas doses with high protein intake might be well served with extra t3 making for a better metabolism.
    but i dont know if this theory would be effective in the real world and if it would make a high protein diet with high aas that much more effective.
    what do you think?
    thanks ronnie
    and sorry for all the questions!

  40. #3240
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    Quote Originally Posted by ricky23 View Post
    hey ron, hows all the contest preps going? How was kathy's show?our dog died as we were leaving for the show and due to stress kathy held water during pre-judging. She got 8th but should have had 4th or 5th. She will try again in 1 year under better circumstnaces. She also needs to be a little leaner for nationals as she found out. We both are doing excaliner in charleston s.c. 3 weeks from now. Kathy ie so ripped now she will be very hard to compete with.
    ronnie im going to diet down for the next 8-12 weeks and get into the low digits of bf but will 1.2g tri test 450mg tri tren be enough on a big cal deficit? probably but do not lose more than 2 pounds per week after first week of dropping excess water from carb reduction. 50 mgs of oral winstrol daily would help a great deal! Will be going extremely high protein (600g) lowish carbs 200-300g very low fat only efa's and one carb up every sunday you do not need to go overboard on protein. 600 per day is too much! I do not care how much protein you ingest, if you take carbs down low for too long or do not consume enough fats you will lose muscle!
    (hoping for rebound gains after this diet and after the deload!)
    trying my best to get stage ready even though i will have my pec tendon op late this year!
    Thanks ron

    also do you think running proviron throughout will be enough for gyno control? (also caber)
    always used adex but its a joint killer - if so what dose do you think best? .025mgs ed of adex and just use caber and proviron to try and combat gyno. Adex is indeed a joint killer and so is winstrol .
    Thanks again

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