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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3681
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Ron, I have a ton of TestE 250 left over from a previous 12wk cycle. I was dissappointed with the gains, and experienced sides after the cycle was over. It has been 4 months and I've done a ton of research and ready to start again. Slingshot seems like the best route. If I do test e again, dosage should be what?
    Week1-8 250mg injections 2x/wk =500mg a week
    Week 9&10 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 11-18 500mg injections 2x/wk =1000mg
    Week 19&20 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 21-24 pCT

    What should my pct and dosage be?
    Should I take a cycle assist during the entire time?
    What should I have on hand in case sides occur?
    Is there anything I should add to increase results?

    Thanks in advance !!

  2. #3682
    kq21 is offline New Member
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    Hello. I have never used steroids before and have been training for a year and a half now. If I were to do 1 cycle of dbol stacked with tren or something and then do the pct after and then stop completely with supplements would I lose all my gains? I would continue with the same intensity and nutrition after I've stopped

  3. #3683
    KingEars is offline New Member
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    hey ronnie, i had a question about doing a test / winny stack wondering what you though about the two.. thanks

  4. #3684
    nekidchickens is offline New Member
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    Hey, glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am just curious as to your thoughts on my AAS cycle;

    PHASE 1
    8 week reload:

    weeks 1-4
    d-bol 30mgs per day
    Test Sust 250 at 450 mgs per week (150 EOD)
    Deca 200mg/ml at 300 mgs per week (Twice weekly at 150mg)
    Arimidex 1mg EOD

    Weeks 5-8
    Test Sust 250 at 450 mgs per week (150 EOD)
    Deca 200mg/ml at 300 mgs per week (Twice weekly at 150mg)
    Arimidex 1 mg EOD

    2 week deload:
    weeks 9-10 Test Sust 250 at 300 mgs per week

    PHASE 2
    8 week reload:

    weeks 11-18
    Test Sust 250 at 750 mgs per week (250 EOD)
    Deca 200mg/ml at 400 mgs per week (Twice weekly at 200mg)
    Arimidex 1 mg EOD

    PHASE 3
    4 week PCT :
    week 19-23

    Clomid 100/80/80/80

    What are your thoughts/critiques?

  5. #3685
    kml999 is offline Associate Member
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    great to have you back! i did further BW and now i would like you to comment/advise on further adjustmens i could make to improve my recent BW from these values below:

    Esradiol= 35 (11-44)
    CLIA e2= less than 20 (upto 56)
    total test= 8.05 (1.95-11.3)
    TSH= 0.63 (0.49-4.6)
    LH= 2.38 (2-12)
    FSH= 2.98 (1.13-12.51)
    DHT= 1042 (250-990)

    i get 1-2 arritating stings in my left nipple per day and the puffiness did go down allot now. should i lower e2 even more cause am still getting stings once in a while or just ignore it since am with in range? Am off cycle and would like a recommendation on how to dose HCG off cycle that i recently got. The tests above were done 3-4wks after my last aromasin dose and am sure my total test will drop a bit cause its a bit high compared to my base total test value i have in reference. I have 0.5mg Dutasteride pills and was wondering if i should lower that DHT down? If i go on Test E+Dbol cycle wouldnt DHT elevate more?
    Last edited by kml999; 02-12-2012 at 05:16 PM.

  6. #3686
    Chrome is offline New Member
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    I have a question... I'm a new user and current taking 200ML of depo cyn from my Dr every 2 weeks and I am thinking about adding T400 myself on the in between weeks. What say you?

  7. #3687
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by gi812many View Post
    hey ronnie, just wanted to wish you a quick recovery...looks like your feeling better from you last post. Wanted to let you know i have finished my 3rd 8 week cycle, starting my first week of my 3rd deload. I started at 196 lbs at 19.6 %bf at 6'3...currently holding steady at 231lbs at 12.2% bf at the end of this cycle (thats a morning weigh in). Took me a while to break 226 obviously due to the reduction in bf this next cycle ive decided to add deca to the cycle being i had a vial of it lying around and i used 250mgs/wkly with this last cycle. I was at a gram of test e, 800mgs of tren e, 250mgs deca and 100mgs anavar . So the next cycle i decided to do a gram of test e, gram of tren e, 500mgs of deca and do you think 120mgs of var will make that much of a deference? i do not think 100mgs of var will make that much difference but you could add 20 per day to increase cp levels... im also on my 5th month of gh as well. Whats your thoughts.

  8. #3688
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nekidchickens View Post
    every day in muay thai and boxing classes. It's not weight lifting but there is so much concentration on my legs that i would burn them out if i had a full legs day as well.
    u need to do some squats, leg curls and calve raises for around 4 work sets per exercise once a week.

  9. #3689
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [quote=aspen2cody;5868254]wishing you quick recovery ron, i too had a fusion (cervical) about 7 years ago. C5/c6. The first 3 months really was bad, but i came back strong, really strong. I was about 44 years old. I have never had any trouble with it since then with no restrictions. When you have time, i have a question for you. I am currently on trt. I will be on it the rest of my life. Currently they are only giving me 100mg/week. I would like to add something to that regime during the reload. What protocol would you add to that? Another dose of test or deca any oral such as anavar ? I would like to routinely add this booster every reload for the entire year. Since i will never be coming off the trt, is there good protocol just to stay on year round instead of cycling on and off? Your opinion would be greatly appreciated, thank you in advance. Being a 51 year old male looking to keep adding muscle and keeping a 6pack for the rest of my life.[/quote]these first 7 weeks post surgery have been extremely rough. Until you experience it for yourself one cannot imagine how painful fusion surgery is. i'll be glad when i am fully recovered. If i were you i would focus on testosterone since its the safest and most effective..deca and anavar can really lower ones libido so at age 51 so stay with test because it will increase your libido. 500-1500 mgs during reloads would be idea...200-300mgs during 2 week deloads...
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 02-06-2012 at 04:12 PM.

  10. #3690
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hey Ron, do you have any direct or indirect experience with hernia surgery? I had the mesh hernia surgery and had the stitches out about 15 days later. The Doctor told me I could start lifting again in 4 weeks but I'm in Thailand and I don't think he knew exactly what I was talking about, especially with him say "Fitness OK!" while making a rapid, sort of a flapping curling motion with one arm. He said my abdominal muscles were unusually developed and as a result it would probably hurt more and take longer to heal. I don't really understand the pathology of the thing, but I still get a stabbing pain when I sit down too hard. It's been about 19 days since the surgery and I was thinking of just waiting till the end of the month, since I have a trip to a wedding at the end of the month. I've been doing moderate cardio for 35 minutes about 5 times a day and am on a deload with 350 mg Sustanon /50 mg Anavar ed. When I had surgery last year you suggested anavar so I thought maybe it would help this time. Losing muscle really sux, lost 10 lbs in 4 weeks!!! How long would you guess before starting a reload? Wait for zero pain? 6 weeks?

  11. #3691
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Titan99 View Post
    Ha!! I feel like vI'm finally getting a hold on this thing!! That's exactly what I've been doing. Cut all AAS to 500 mg testp/400 mg Npp and 25 mg dbol and made HUGE gains. BP 138/85 all the way through. Switched to a 4 day split, cut sets, dropped weight and REALLY going for the squeeze and perfect form. I don't increase weight till I hit 15 perfect reps and with a 4 day split I take an extra day when I feel like I need it. Switched to 8 sets on Bi's and Tri's and gained an inch and a half on my arms in 8 weeks, 1 inch over all!! I think I was going for overload while cutting hard and that's why I was getting hurt.

    Great to see you back Ron!! I just had hernia surgery and am back to 250 sust/25 mg Anavar till it heals. The Doc says no lifting for a month. [B]What do you think? I think he's thinking of something else when he says lifting. I was thinking of doing 6 weeks off and doing a lot of cardio and dieting down, using the time as kind of a prime... What do you think? No lifting for 6 weeks then you can come back lifting medium weights first week and back to heavy the following week

  12. #3692
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bulkn View Post
    hey ron, hope you have a good speedy recovery!
    Now, i have developed a injury to my elbow. It started from doing seated overhead dumbell extensions (using both hands for one heavy dumbell) reps were kept between 10-14. I developed a slight pain just ontop of my elbow (i think it could be the tendon?) that exercise in particular is very hard on the elbow tendons which is why i feel it should be avoided. Its better to use cables when performing overhead exercises for the triceps as it will spare the tendons and provide continuous tension to the muscles-hence increasing results! . Thought it may have been a one off thing because i never usually get injuries but after a couple more weeks it was still there so i stopped doing this excercise. I could only feel it when i was training triceps but now i can feel it every time i use my tricep and even sometimes in the morning when i wake up its hard to fully extend my arm.
    It sucks because im 5 weeks into my cycle! What do you think is the best thing to do? Should i not train triceps for a week or 2? yes drop all tricep work and get an elbow brace to use such as futuro brand when training shoulder presses and chest presses. If it continues stop all pressing for 2 weeks as well. And keep pressing movements in high rep range 12-15 for now so you do not rupture that tendon and require surgery. Some deca and gh will also help aid those tendons in healing. btw i train bi's and tri's twice a week. reduce to once a week when you get back to training them for no moer than 9 sets a piece.also, when doing cable tricep movements, is it bad to fully extend (lock out) my tricep because i think i have been doing this when doing 1 arm cable pushdowns. never fully lock out the elbows!thanks!

  13. #3693
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Twolf20;5878617]Ron, do you have any experience with HGH, and if so, how would you include this into your slingshot program? I ran a basic test e slingshot last fall as follows:

    Weeks 1-8: 500mg
    9-10: 250mg
    11-18: 750mg
    19-20 250mg
    21-25 pct


  14. #3694
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post
    ronnie....why does anadrol ....deca ...tren ...decrease sex drive???????because all of these compounds has some progesterone conversion in which the male body is not accustomed to. Also, tren can actually increase some peoples sex drive but eventually the prolactin/progesterone effects can lower sex drive

  15. #3695
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mjl65 View Post
    Hey Ron, glad to see you're feeling better these days, and thankyou for responding. I'm currently on my second cycle of your load/deload system. I started the cycle with 250mg (one shot) of Test Cyp per week stacked with 150mg of Tren (two shots) per week. At four weeks I raised the dose up to 400mg of the Test and remained the same with the Tren, I start my 7 week Saturday. The only side affects I seem to be having are trouble sleeping at night, and a little acne, other than that I feel pretty good. From what I read on this thread I'm prob not using high enough dosages but I'm not looking to get on a stage at my age... just looking for self gratification. With that being said I train like I'm gonna get on a stage so I will do what it takes to reach my goal. I own my own company so I can devote my time in the gym (which I do faithfully). The fat I take in comes from fishoil/flaxseed (1,200mg) morning and night. 2 - 4 egg yolks per day with about a dozen whites per day, 1 tablespoon olive oil 2 times per day, and 1 tablespoon of peanut butter on a slice of wheat bread 2 - 3 times per week (prob too much fat). I stay away from fruit, and sugars and white anything. My carb sources are oatmeal, wheat bread, whole grain pasta, and sweet potatoes. I do take in some sugar in my yogurt snack, and skim milk 2 - 3 times per day. Thanks in advance for any suggestions you might have. Again, glad to see you're feeling better, wish you a strong recovery. Mike. I would take out the skim milk as it causes most to gain body fat.. at ezekeil bread as opposed to wheat bread to help lower insulin spike. Add liquid egg whites with yogurt twice a day and make sure yogurt is sugar free. CARB MASTERS from Krogers grocery store is best. Drop the olive oil! Take out carbs during the late evening and at night. Fats and protein at night is best for keeping lean because you will burn carbs off better during the day.

  16. #3696
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=ricky23;5882017]great to have you back Ronnie and hope you're feeling better. im going through a similar situation too! hard to take but we'll come back even better!
    was talking with an aspiring pro who used to blast and cruise similar to STS but now just stays on high blast doses of test and tren or deca and rotates orals! 2 months on orals 1 month off. same with slin. (bloodwork not bad too!)
    lots of studies showing receptors upregulate and turnover in the body contiuously but desensitization would have been my concern but no, said best gains hes made this way. A deload for a pro is around 1 gram of test weekly but I feel it's not wise to put ones body through such a harsh course unless you have the genetics and finances to make the top 10 in the olympia. Health should always come first IMO. . in the3 comes off when he feels the need for a break could be after 9 months of staying on blast dose! done this for last 3 years. ups doses every 3 months or so but no cruise or deload! (only with training and food to allow more junk food and rest lol) throws in a fat loss period inbetween if needed! It's not a healthy way to go IMO for the vast majority of us who do not have the genetics or finances to become a professional bodybuilder. For example, take a look at pro-bodybuilder Art Attwood who died of a massive heart attack last year and he was in his 30's. Obviously he was prone to heart disease but bulking up on junk food and over doing any meds such as steroids and fat burners is eventually going to harm your me interested and i found a study showing myostatin reaches baseline levels at the 20 week mark (correct!)after the initial peak at 8 weeks (yes-hence the need for a deload at this time!!!). maybe cell proliferation is more constant this way? There's still some things we do not know but what I do know is 8 week reloads coupled with 2 week deloads is the best route I have found. cant find any science to prove this method and doubt any studies would have similar considitions!
    suppose no homeostasis as orals and slin is rotated and increases doses every 3 or 4 months.
    what do you think? I agree with the orals and slin rotation when trying to gain as much as possible but I do not think it is wise to avoid deloading by using things such as test and GH only after having been on both injectable and oral anabolics and slin for 8 weeks. i dont think i would be able to stay on tren for 9 months lol That would be brutal for anyone![/QUOTE]above
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 02-07-2012 at 10:10 AM.

  17. #3697
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biker84 View Post
    This may have been answered some where and I misses it. But, does this training method apply for some one not using gear? YES! It is for both natural and drug enhanced athletes. Remember, steroids do nothing for CNS and joint recovery! should I just cut the reload in half. no! Instead of doing 8 weeks of reload just do 4 weeks before going into deload for 2 weeks.

    Thank u in advance

  18. #3698
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Ron, I have a ton of TestE 250 left over from a previous 12wk cycle . I was dissappointed with the gains, and experienced sides after the cycle was over. It has been 4 months and I've done a ton of research and ready to start again. Slingshot seems like the best route. If I do test e again, dosage should be what?
    Week1-8 250mg injections 2x/wk =500mg a week
    Week 9&10 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 11-18 500mg injections 2x/wk =1000mg
    Week 19&20 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 21-24 pCT

    I also want to throw in dbol and anadrol , I have plenty on hand as well as Exemestane.

    What should my pct and dosage be?
    Should I take a cycle assist during the entire time?
    What should I have on hand in case sides occur?
    Is there anything I should add to increase results?

    Please help put together a solid mass cycle.
    Thanks in advance !!

  19. #3699
    mjl65 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    Thanks Ron. I'll start the adjustments right away.

  20. #3700
    delta1111 is offline Associate Member
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    Hi Ronnie,
    Think you may have missed my earlier question:
    I have to take Lansoprozole every day for stomach acid reflux. Lansoprozole is a proton pump inhibitor which reduces stomach acid. My question is, could this drug effect nutrient uptake and absorbtion of protein
    ? therefore reducing gains. My thoughts are that due to lower acid levels, digestion of food could be affected. Would you agree?

  21. #3701
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    Hi Ron,
    I miss you brother...
    It's nice to see you getting better & better!

    I'm have finished deload phase with 1,5ml Sustanon 250 per week (375mg per week).
    I'm at 9-10% bodyfat at the present.

    Now I am doing 10 weeks contest-prep cycle (contest day is going to be at the last day of week 10 (Sunday morning until afternoon)).

    Week 1-4 (First 4 weeks) : 10mg M1T (as I still have enough leftover tabs of M1T)
    Week 1-10 : 500mg Sustanon per week for week 1-7, then reduce to 250mg per week for the last 3 weeks
    Week 1-10 : 300mg Trenbolone Enanthate per week
    Week 5-10 (Last 6 weeks) : 50mg oral winny for 3 weeks, then double dose to 100mg for the last 3 weeks
    What do you think of my contest-prep cycle plan?

    Regarding Trenbolone, I decided to use enanthate version rather than acetate (as you recommended in this thread).
    It shouldn't be different than acetate in term of its strength & effect, should it? Because so many people including dave palumbo prefer fast acting trenbolone (acetate) since it would yield better results, greater hardening effects & fat loss.

    The testosterone I use is sustanon 250, it should be no problem to use for contest-prep, shouldn't it?
    I wouldn't buy another test E since I have already had hundreds ampoules of original organon (pharma grade) sustanon 250 and it's definitely authentic & legit (not fake).
    Do I need to switch the sustanon to short ester test like test prop for the last 4-5 weeks? Since I have 3 vials of test prop at 100mg/ml.
    If yes, I wanna dose them 100mg EOD until the show day. What do you think of this? or stay on sustanon could do the good job in contest-prep cycle?

    What's your opinion on anti-estrogen (femara/letrozole ) for the last 2-3 weeks of contest-prep?
    How to dose them correctly without getting too much sides like zero sex drive, dry joints, crashed lipid profile, since I have already incorporated oral winny into last 6 weeks of cycle?
    I know that letrozole is very strong aromatase inhibitor and many people use low dose with great effects.
    I am planning 1/4 tab femara EOD for last 3 weeks, is this enough to enhace dryness without too much sides?

    For Fat Burner, as per you recommended, I would use 2 weeks ON / 1 week OFF.
    Here is my plan :
    80mcg clen per day for week 1 & 2 then OFF for 1 week.
    Then switch to ECA (25mg Ephedrine & 200mg Caffeine 2-3 times per day) for week 4 & 5 then OFF for 1 week.
    Then back to 80mcg clen per day for week 7 & 8 then OFF for 1 week.
    Then ECA again (25mg Ephedrine & 200mg Caffeine 2-3 times per day) for week 10
    (I alternate clen to ECA usage because to save my clen on my limited budget (only have 90tabs of 40mcg clen) since I still have many Ephedrine HCL tabs & Caffeine tabs)
    What do you think of this? it shouldn't be no problem, right?

    I am thinking of doing do low-dose of diuretic because I wanna stay on test until the show day. Since dropping test 2-3 weeks prior to show have always made me look flat on stage.
    On saturday (last day before the contest day), I'm gonna use 1/2 tab of 25mg Hydrochlorothiazide at noon then 1/2 tab at night.
    Another 1/2 tab is going to be taken after the first meal of the contest day. (The total is only one and a half tabs of 25mg Hydrochlorothiazide)
    What is your opinion about this?

    Regarding Water Intake, I would continue taking lots of water until thursday, then reduce water intake to half on friday, then no water after 1PM on saturday.
    Do I cut water too fast / to early? Because my contest is going to be on sunday morning (about 10AM).

    Same here for sodium intake, I don't do any sodium loading or depleting.
    I just take normal sodium until thursday, then restrict sodium (but not eliminate all) on friday & saturday.
    On contest day (sunday), I would take carb/fat/sodium meal for the first meal to get full & hard.

    As for carb intake,
    I am going to do low carb (0.5gram per pound of bodyweight) for sunday until thurday while keeping protein still high (1.5gram per pound of bodyweight) and keeping fat the same.
    My last legs training will be on saturday and my last cardio session will be on sunday (a week before show day).
    Glycogen depletion training will be done on monday-thursday with the split like this :
    monday : delts + traps + abs
    tuesday : backs
    wednesday : chest + forearms
    thursday : biceps + triceps + abs
    friday : OFF training / Carb-Loading
    saturday : OFF training / Carb-Loading
    sunday : contest day

    Need advice from pros like you, ron..
    I want to be looking full, hard, ripped & shredded on stage..

    I apologize for lots of questions, ron...
    Any advice & help would be greatly appreciated..
    Thanks a lot brother...
    God Bless You Always...
    Last edited by Yellow; 02-28-2012 at 08:33 PM. Reason: added info

  22. #3702
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    great to see you back ron ,hopefully you'll be better than ever when you hit training again! after some trials the doc recently switched the settings on my machine from cpap back to its original autopap mode because the results showed i was getn on better with this due to less episodes per night and see how i get on with that for 6 months, everythings perfect but i noticed the last 2 weeks that i seem to be having one sweating episode a night, a few times woken with this den go back to sleep,any ideas? i am tending to sleep a lot more on my side lately than my back but the mask is firmly on with no leaks as ive checked anytime ive woken due to my kids crying/waking in the night etc. also ive been off 6 months now due to various reasons and yet i still sweat extremely easily , as in if i walk into a heated room ill sweat underneat my arms immediatly and no matter what my feet are sweating everyday with socks on its ridiculous, tren enth was last thing i took with test and it was pretty shit god knows wot was in it
    Last edited by lynxeffect1; 02-16-2012 at 03:00 AM.

  23. #3703
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    i recently became aware of user gh15 on get b.ig forums , originally supposed to be dennis james and now 16 differant bodybuilders mostly from usa run use the account so ive been told! he basically tells the truth in regards to what it takes in bodybuilding and pro's and cycles etc. what he says about test tho is that taking massive doses isnt going to do shit for you unless you have all the hgh you need to utilze it, i think he reccommend 3 or 5 ius per 1gram of test., otherwise your gonna look like as he says balonie! due to all the fat and water weight you will carry. he also states else where that no one uses ai's tablets that they let masteron do the work for them as its the best ai you will ever use. so wud taking enough masteron cancel out the bloat from large doses of test., thus looking good again cause i thought test is number one important steroid , but he states that of coarse u need it there but for libido , thickness and energy and that without hgh the doses of test shud go down! and reccomends tren ace as the number one steroid , that tren ace, equipose, test and mast are 4 steroids that u shud have at all times and that those 4 shud always be your cycle!!! that tren ace shud be the main steroid taken for a quality physique , the more you take the more 3d look and speration and more shit u cant eat , then to look out of this world and huge u need hgh and then eventually insulin . what are your thought on this ron ? ive upped the dosage by 250 test every reload and always gained but have also gained fat and water and looked bloated with a my face bloated to shit,thus looking like balonie althought sleep apnea contributed to that a bit im sure

  24. #3704
    marrero_620 is offline New Member
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    Hi im 24yrs old/180 lbs/ 5'7"
    i just bought anavar .
    What would you suggest for perfect muscle building diet & var dosage for me.


  25. #3705
    nekidchickens is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    u need to do some squats, leg curls and calve raises for around 4 work sets per exercise once a week.

    I will add a day for that on an off day. Thanks!

  26. #3706
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Ron, I have a ton of TestE 250 left over from a previous 12wk cycle . I was dissappointed with the gains, and experienced sides after the cycle was over. It has been 4 months and I've done a ton of research and ready to start again. Slingshot seems like the best route. If I do test e again, dosage should be what?
    Week1-8 250mg injections 2x/wk =500mg a week
    Week 9&10 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 11-18 500mg injections 2x/wk =1000mg
    Week 19&20 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 21-24 pCT

    I also want to throw in dbol and anadrol , I have plenty on hand as well as Exemestane.

    What should my pct and dosage be?
    Should I take a cycle assist during the entire time?
    What should I have on hand in case sides occur?
    Is there anything I should add to increase results?

    Please help put together a solid mass cycle .
    Thanks in advance !!

  27. #3707
    TraPump is offline Junior Member
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    Exclamation Awesome, Ronnie Ty

    Seriously I am so new to this and all the guys on here have been so helpful this is awesome information. Thank you ronnie and everyone here. Can't wait to start my first cyc next week I feel much more Prepared and comfortable with it now. Got everything I'm going to need

  28. #3708
    TraPump is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Turbogenix View Post
    Ron, I have a ton of TestE 250 left over from a previous 12wk cycle . I was dissappointed with the gains, and experienced sides after the cycle was over. It has been 4 months and I've done a ton of research and ready to start again. Slingshot seems like the best route. If I do test e again, dosage should be what?
    Week1-8 250mg injections 2x/wk =500mg a week
    Week 9&10 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 11-18 500mg injections 2x/wk =1000mg
    Week 19&20 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 21-24 pCT

    I also want to throw in dbol and anadrol , I have plenty on hand as well as Exemestane.

    What should my pct and dosage be?
    Should I take a cycle assist during the entire time?
    What should I have on hand in case sides occur?
    Is there anything I should add to increase results?

    Please help put together a solid mass cycle .
    Thanks in advance !!
    You'll def want an ai and serm on hand before starting any aas cycle. There are plenty of recommendations throughout this forum I have hcg , arimidex /proviron and nolva/clomid in my med cabinet at all times.

  29. #3709
    Cronos's Avatar
    Cronos is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    You'll def want an ai and serm on hand before starting any aas cycle. There are plenty of recommendations throughout this forum I have hcg, arimidex/proviron and nolva/clomid in my med cabinet at all times.
    He has an ai on hand, it's called exemestane, i.e. aromasin

  30. #3710
    Scat40 is offline Junior Member
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    Great read will be trying this! Makes sense why I plateau, then get a little discouraged.

  31. #3711
    TraPump is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cronos View Post
    He has an ai on hand, it's called exemestane, i.e. aromasin
    I missed that. Just re read his post and saw it.

  32. #3712
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by TraPump View Post
    I missed that. Just re read his post and saw it.
    I also have hCg on hand, along with clomid.

    But still, no one has addressed my original post on my cycle...

  33. #3713
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Ron, I have a ton of TestE 250 left over from a previous 12wk cycle . I was dissappointed with the gains, and experienced sides after the cycle was over. It has been 4 months and I've done a ton of research and ready to start again. Slingshot seems like the best route. If I do test e again, dosage should be what?
    Week1-8 250mg injections 2x/wk =500mg a week
    Week 9&10 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 11-18 500mg injections 2x/wk =1000mg
    Week 19&20 125mg injections 2x/wk =250mg a week
    Week 21-24 pCT

    I also want to throw in dbol and anadrol , I have plenty on hand as well as Exemestane.

    What should my pct and dosage be?
    Should I take a cycle assist during the entire time?
    What should I have on hand in case sides occur?
    Is there anything I should add to increase results?

    Please help put together a solid mass cycle .
    Thanks in advance !!

  34. #3714
    adamjames is offline Member
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    starting my 1st cycle in the next couple of months, going for 3 reloads in all followed by full pct, just getting things in order atm and am about to start writing down my exact plan.
    Im going with propionate through the whole 7 months, ive read a lot on people experiences with test and most seem to say propionate is the best if your looking for minimal side effects which i am : )
    Starting 400 mg a week for the first reload to see how i take the test then for 2nd reload im gonna up it to 600 mgs and throw in some dianabol for the first few weeks, maybe some deca aswell but i might leave that until my 3rd reload although on my 3rd reload im looking to get as lean as possible so maybe decas not the best choice there?? I dont wanna do tren because i have mild asthma.
    ill put the prop up to 800 mgs a week for the last reload, also ive been reading a lot on HCG and im seeing so many differing opinions on wether or not to use it throughout the whole cycle, a lot of people say i should but im trying to keep the cycle as basic as possible and i dont wanna start throwing in HCG when its not needed, will i recover ok after 7 months on the gear with a strong pct? or should i throw in a 2 week pct say on the 2nd delaod at week 20?

    many regards for your great work Ron thanks

  35. #3715
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    starting my 1st cycle in the next couple of months, going for 3 reloads in all followed by full pct, just getting things in order atm and am about to start writing down my exact plan.
    Im going with propionate through the whole 7 months, ive read a lot on people experiences with test and most seem to say propionate is the best if your looking for minimal side effects which i am : )
    Starting 400 mg a week for the first reload to see how i take the test then for 2nd reload im gonna up it to 600 mgs and throw in some dianabol for the first few weeks, maybe some deca aswell but i might leave that until my 3rd reload although on my 3rd reload im looking to get as lean as possible so maybe decas not the best choice there?? I dont wanna do tren because i have mild asthma.
    ill put the prop up to 800 mgs a week for the last reload, also ive been reading a lot on HCG and im seeing so many differing opinions on wether or not to use it throughout the whole cycle, a lot of people say i should but im trying to keep the cycle as basic as possible and i dont wanna start throwing in HCG when its not needed, will i recover ok after 7 months on the gear with a strong pct? or should i throw in a 2 week pct say on the 2nd delaod at week 20?

    many regards for your great work Ron thanks
    Sounds intense, what types of cycles have you done before? What is your plan for a "good pct"?

  36. #3716
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    Here's a quick one for you. If your sedentary or doing minimal cardio, 30 min moderate intensity 3-5 times a week. What would you say the least amount of protein you would take in to slow muscle loss to a minimum? I've got 3 more weeks before I'm lifting again and 4 before going heavy (hernia operation). I thought this would be an appropriate question for you since your in the same boat but a lot longer. I want to prime but don't want to backslide too much I'm 6'2" 245 lbs 47 years old at about 11-12 % BF right now (diet's been slipping a little). Currently doing 350 Sust/50 mg Var ed/50 mg Proviron ed/ 4 i.u.'s GH 5 on/2 off. Thanks Ron.

  37. #3717
    adamjames is offline Member
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    turbogenex... if you read the first line of my post it will answer your first question : ) i dont think its that intense im just trying to do it properly instead of going on for 12 weeks then of for 12 and losing most of my gains, ive got mates who have been known to blow up then deflate in a matter of weeks, my pct plan will depend on wether or not i decide to use hcg throughout cycle,anyway ive got plenty of time to plan pct im more interested in getting my cycle right first, but if you need some help with pct id suggest checking out swiftos pct post hes the man

  38. #3718
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    turbogenex... if you read the first line of my post it will answer your first question : ) i dont think its that intense im just trying to do it properly instead of going on for 12 weeks then of for 12 and losing most of my gains, ive got mates who have been known to blow up then deflate in a matter of weeks, my pct plan will depend on wether or not i decide to use hcg throughout cycle,anyway ive got plenty of time to plan pct im more interested in getting my cycle right first, but if you need some help with pct id suggest checking out swiftos pct post hes the man
    Thanks, when you figure out your cycle, please post!

  39. #3719
    Turbogenix is offline New Member
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    Hey Ron perhaps you can steer me in the right direction. Though I'm new to this site, I've been a member on many others for a long time. Actually I only became a member here so I could PM you. I've herd great things. Ok here it goes...I've done past 10 and 12 wk cycles of test with a proper 4 wk pct. I've read and have not completely understood your idea behind slingshot training. I would like to put together a good long cycle for march-aug. I have on hand plenty of test e, dbol , a-bombs, Hcg , and exemestane.

    Please point me in the right direction.

  40. #3720
    ricky23 is offline Junior Member
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    hey ronnie, how are you getting on with the recovery?
    in your opinion do you think insulin combined with gh offers more in terms of growth than insulin alone dosed higher?
    in every study ive read on gh and anabolism it is seems a very poor choice but apparently theres is an influx of igf-1 when combined with slin, ive found that systemic/iver produced igf is also insignificant in terms of muscle growth but local igf produced in muscle is important. in your experience have you seen significantly better growth when gh is combined with slin? many ive talked to note leanness but nothing more in terms of growth hwen gh is used with their slin.
    much appreciated
    Last edited by ricky23; 02-15-2012 at 09:28 AM.

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