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Thread: You'll want to read this!

  1. #3881
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddyhoss1 View Post
    hey whats going on ronnie,i'm going to do your 20 week cycle with just cyp would it look like this

    1-8 600mgs cyp
    9-10-300mgs cyp

    11-18 750mgs cyp
    19-20 300mgs cyp

    week 21 start pct?Also my biggest concern is i got gyno from puberty should i run a ai? I would have an anti-e on hand in case the gyno flares up but dont use unless it does. iOR should i just run the cyp and see if anything happen's i was a chubby teen now im about 14% bf and about 220 6'1 i fight mma as well anything will help i see you have been around for a while i have letro on hand thanx letro is too strong imo (kills the sex drive and joints) and should be used as a last resort or for prepping during the last stages of a bodybuilding contest.

  2. #3882
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigdaddyhoss1 View Post
    hey whats going on ronnie,i'm going to do your 20 week cycle with just cyp would it look like this

    1-8 600mgs cyp
    9-10-300mgs cyp

    11-18 750mgs cyp
    19-20 300mgs cyp

    week 21 start pct?Also my biggest concern is i got gyno from puberty should i run a ai? I would have an anti-e on hand in case the gyno flares up but dont use unless it does. iOR should i just run the cyp and see if anything happen's i was a chubby teen now im about 14% bf and about 220 6'1 i fight mma as well anything will help i see you have been around for a while i have letro on hand thanx letro is too strong imo (kills the sex drive and joints) and should be used as a last resort or for prepping during the last stages of a bodybuilding contest.

  3. #3883
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    on the deload, when u take 2 weeks off AAS is pct drugs necessary? ,

    it seems there wouldnt even be enough time for clomid to start having the body produce natty test in that amount of time and then in two weeks you would be starting AAS anyway. last time i did my deload i bridged with 50mg test p eod, but i feel that the body needs a complete rest from AAS to take more of a possitive rebound. I just didnt really want to start the emoitional pct drugs for two weeks if not necessary.


  4. #3884
    Gi812Many's Avatar
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    Well, just came off my last cycle....1000mgs Test E, 500mgs Deca , 1000mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var. Went from roughly 230 and dropped to 215!!! Doesnt seem like I lost to much muscle mass, just lost alot of body fat. Just wasnt expecting that big of a drop in body weight? Im cutting the deca this next cycle, running 1500mgs Test E, 1200mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var/daily. My energy levels are horrible, you suggest I run some T3 with this one as well? Ive got just a little bit of stubborn fat towards the lower portion of my belly and love handles, nearly gone. Think the T3 may help.

  5. #3885
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    ron your reload / deloading method which works amazing but recently ive spoken to quite a few people who dont ever deload/lower the dose for 2 weeks and just switch the test ester and /or the anabolic they stacked with it or add an oral etc . when swapping esters and compounds like this does the total dosage have to be matched or beat for eg., if i done 500 enth and 400tren a week for 8 weeks then did 500enth and 200 deca for the next 8 weeks, my anabolics are differant but i still shud gain even tho the total dosage is less and i didnt deload?? i hear lots of advise sayn dont keep upping the dosage every 8-10 wks , only when need , to just pic a few compunds and use non stop until for months and months on end until i reach my gentic limit for that dosage ,pretend 500 test 400tren, so if i did this pretend after 6 months id have reached my genetic limit on the dosages of the compounds used , so id then have to up the dosage of the test or tren ...... does this sound right? i thought after 8 weeks due to myostatin levels u wudnt continue to gain unless u upped the dosage? what are the advantages and disadvantages on both methods
    Last edited by lynxeffect1; 04-21-2012 at 11:12 AM.

  6. #3886
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.O View Post
    Hey ronnie whats your view on running t4 with growth rather than t3. Theres some research on this board stating t4 is the way to go. Whats your opinion please? Cheers ron
    I've read the arguments and what I gather from all the studies is this: Taking GH aids in converting more T4 into T3 but after a while T4 levels become lower which in turn lowers t3 levels. Therefore, you can successfully use either T4, T3, or both combined when using GH. Some feel they do better on t-3 while others feel better using t-4. There are also those who swear by using both t-3 and t-4 at the same time. I've also spoken to a few who were sold on using t-2, t-3 and t-4 all at the same time! T-3 is the most popular of the 3 thyroid hormones and it's advantage over t-4 for weight loss appears to be that it lacks dependense upon the liver enzymes responsible for the t-4/t-3 conversion process to take place. T-3 is more potent than t-4 and I feel this in turn can cause more muscle loss when taken in excess. So, you have to be very careful and not take high dosages of t-3. Higher dosages of t-4 can be taken before the muscle loss manifestations occur because it's weaker than t-3. I feel this is the reason some bodybuilder's who have used t-3 while getting ready for a show felt they lost more muscle mass than while using t-4. But, others have claimed to have lost no muscle on t-3 while dieting down for a show. I think as with any drug everyones body responds differently and no set rules can apply to which drug should or should not be used. Some do well using upwards of 75 mgs of t-3 per day or 150 mgs of t-4 daily while others will lose muscle taking either approach regardless of the anabolic cycle used to support muscle retention. Therefore, I feel it's best to start out with small dosages regardless of which thyroid hormone you choose to use and see how you respond and this goes for all drugs! Also,GH helps aid in muscle loss while dieting down with thyroid hormones.

    The take home message is that IGF-1 converison from using GH is what stimulates the growth of new mucle cells and t-3 enhances many effects of GH but if t-4 or t-3 is taken in excess muscle loss occurs (faster for some than others). This is why I feel its best to use low supplemental dosages with t-3 and/or t-4 when combined with GH. And while taking large dosages of throid hormones causes more weight loss, it can also negate the anabolic effects of GH and anabolic steroids in general.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 04-26-2012 at 08:42 PM.

  7. #3887
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    hey ronnie...
    im coming into my deload, dont have clomid and trying not to use serms if i dont have to since im going to reload in two weeks, i do have hcg and proviron . Can i use my hcg 250 ius eod and prov for the deload? i want my AR receptors to clear completley, so thats why im not bridging wit low amount of TEST. will the proviron be not a good idea then for letting receptors get back to normal?

  8. #3888
    etenn48 is offline New Member
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    Wow that was VERY informative Ronnie, its got me rethinking everything ive read and been told to date. Im new and its going to be a while before I try what I was prepared to do. Thanks for your help!

  9. #3889
    Van-Selftest's Avatar
    Van-Selftest is offline New Member
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    Awesome post!

    Will my 2 week deload period be effected if I'm switching from shorter esters to longer esters?

    (I'm switching from 8 weeks of Tren Acetate & Test Propionate ... to... 8 weeks of Tren Enanthate & Test Enanthate)

    Should I perhaps start the longer esters immediately after completion of the shorter esters?

  10. #3890
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob segal View Post
    on the deload, when u take 2 weeks off AAS is pct drugs necessary? ,NO

    it seems there wouldnt even be enough time for clomid to start having the body produce natty test in that amount of time and then in two weeks you would be starting AAS anyway. last time i did my deload i bridged with 50mg test p eod, but i feel that the body needs a complete rest from AAS to take more of a possitive rebound. I agree I just didnt really want to start the emoitional pct drugs for two weeks if not necessary.You dont even need cloimd for pct just hcg and an anti-e if one was used during the cycle.

  11. #3891
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob segal View Post
    hey ronnie...
    im coming into my deload, dont have clomid and trying not to use serms if i dont have to since im going to reload in two weeks, i do have hcg and proviron . Can i use my hcg 250 ius eod and prov for the deload? you could i want my AR receptors to clear completley, so thats why im not bridging wit low amount of TEST. will the proviron be not a good idea then for letting receptors get back to normal? youll need proviron to keep sex drive in tact

  12. #3892
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Van-Selftest;5988604]Awesome post!

    Will my 2 week deload period be effected if I'm switching from shorter esters to longer esters?yes
    (I'm switching from 8 weeks of Tren Acetate & Test Propionate ... to... 8 weeks of Tren Enanthate & Test Enanthate)smart move IMO

    Should I perhaps start the longer esters immediately after completion of the shorter esters? ONLY 1 CC OF TEST-E PER WEEK FOR 2 WEEKS DURING THE DELOAD THEN HIT THE TEST-E AND TREN-E HARD FOR 8 WEEKS STRAIGHT DURING THE RELOAD[/QUOTE]ABOVE

  13. #3893
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    thanks Ronnnie, happy i could pick your brain on that.

    1 last question ill be coming up to 8 weeks next week and am using deca with test e, what will happen when i stop pinning it? over the deload and perhaps teh first 1-2 weeks of teh reload , am i gonna crash in terms of hormones, mood etc? i was gonna reload test only for teh second phase. You dont quit painning during the 2 week deload or you will crash! You want to keep using a small dose of test-e once a week during that phase.

  14. #3894
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    Quote Originally Posted by John Andrew View Post
    Thanks Ronnie,
    Takes a while to read so much data, Now I am 57 and amazing as it sounds have found myself currently doing almost exactly as you have suggested. Wish I had known this 30 years ago.
    My only gripe today is the young guys who do not even know me and ask what I use and how I am so strong! I just tell them 30 years hard work. Seems the whole world wants immediate results, I am happy to be stronger at 57 this year than I was at 46, 36, 26 etc.
    Now I just need a way to keep cars hitting my motorbike as I ride around Bangkok! They cause my injuries. Last injury in the gym was being dumb and not warming up!

    Good luck to you, I will read more and apply more as I progress. Kindest regards and thank you for the work. You are right John, nothing beats hard, consistent work, over time.

  15. #3895
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Well, just came off my last cycle....1000mgs Test E, 500mgs Deca , 1000mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var. Went from roughly 230 and dropped to 215!!! Doesnt seem like I lost to much muscle mass, just lost alot of body fat. Just wasnt expecting that big of a drop in body weight? Im cutting the deca this next cycle, running 1500mgs Test E, 1200mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var/daily. My energy levels are horrible, you suggest I run some T3 with this one as well? Ive got just a little bit of stubborn fat towards the lower portion of my belly and love handles, nearly gone. Think the T3 may help. Running those kind of higher dosages are going to make you feel tired as steroids are drugs which have side effects. Adding 35-50 mgs of t-3 every night will help aid in getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat given you are doing cardio and eating a diet low in carbs/fats and high in protein. You lost a lot of water weight when coming off thatlastr reload and at this point you could deload with 500 mgs of test-e weekly instead of 250.

  16. #3896
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland;598***5
    Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    thanks Ronnnie, happy i could pick your brain on that.

    1 last question ill be coming up to 8 weeks next week and am using deca with test e, what will happen when i stop pinning it? over the deload and perhaps teh first 1-2 weeks of teh reload , am i gonna crash in terms of hormones, mood etc? i was gonna reload test only for teh second phase. You dont quit painning during the 2 week deload or you will crash! You want to keep using a small dose of test-e once a week during that phase.
    Thanks, i think my grammar made that hard to read, i was curious what would happen cutting out the deca at the end of week 8 and then over deload and the reload just running test.
    but so far so good everthing went smooth. I did lose 1.7kgs over my deload wich i didnt expect.

    thanks again for all your help! great advice.

  17. #3897
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    ron your reload / deloading method which works amazing but recently ive spoken to quite a few people who dont ever deload/lower the dose for 2 weeks and just switch the test ester and /or the anabolic they stacked with it or add an oral etc .if you've read through all the post you'll notice where i say the more advanced bodybuilders can actually deload with upwards of 1 gram of test per week but orals should be dropped and training volume as well. 8 time mr.olympia "lee haney" recently spoke in muscular development i do believe how he finally came to the realization that he had to drastically reduce his volume for a couple of weeks after hitting it hard for 8 weeks. If you don't you'll over-train! There's no value in taking large dosages of anabolics steroids, especially orals during a 2 week deload where volume is cut in about half.when swapping esters and compounds like this does the total dosage have to be matched or beat for eg., if i done 500 enth and 400tren a week for 8 weeks then did 500enth and 200 deca for the next 8 weeks, my anabolics are differant but i still shud gain even tho the total dosage is less and i didnt deload?? you can still gain by not deloading but you'll gain more by doing so. I hear lots of advise sayn dont keep upping the dosage every 8-10 wks i agree. No need in keep adding more anabolics every 8 weeks but deloading makes previous dosages more effective and more importantly gives the joints/cns a needed break. , only when need , to just pic a few compunds and use non stop until for months and months on end until i reach my gentic limit for that dosage ,pretend 500 test 400tren, so if i did this pretend after 6 months id have reached my genetic limit on the dosages of the compounds used , so id then have to up the dosage of the test or tren ...... Does this sound right?yes but you have to deload or you'll over-train and if you deload you give the body a break from that dosage of anabolics which helps keep smaller dosages working better for longer i thought after 8 weeks due to myostatin levels u wudnt continue to gain unless u upped the dosage? not true! You can still make some gains but not as many if you uppped the dosages. For example: Pro bodybuilders who started out using only 500 mgs of test cannot stay at that dose long if they want to reach the pro level. It all boils down to how far you want to take it. It's an individualistic thing! What are the advantages and disadvantages on both methods

  18. #3898
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    Thanks, i think my grammar made that hard to read, i was curious what would happen cutting out the deca at the end of week 8 and then over deload and the reload just running test.It will work fine going back to a test only cycle after using a test/deca combo and you will lose some water weight when deloading but it comes back fast!but so far so good everthing went smooth. I did lose 1.7kgs over my deload wich i didnt expect.

    thanks again for all your help! great advice.

  19. #3899
    juice king is offline New Member
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    maybe im doin to much then lol... i take 2ml of sustabol 250 , 24 10mg diamond dianabol caps , 2ml of enthate and 2 ml of decca 100 a week?

  20. #3900
    juice king is offline New Member
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    have been for 2 weeks and feel great though!

  21. #3901
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    Quote Originally Posted by juice king View Post
    maybe im doin to much then lol... i take 2ml of sustabol 250 , 24 10mg diamond dianabol caps , 2ml of enthate and 2 ml of decca 100 a week? Looks fine too me as long as you can keep blood pressure under control!

  22. #3902
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    Quote Originally Posted by bob segal View Post
    on the deload, when u take 2 weeks off aas is pct drugs necessary? ,

    it seems there wouldnt even be enough time for clomid to start having the body produce natty test in that amount of time and then in two weeks you would be starting aas anyway. Last time i did my deload i bridged with 50mg test p eod, but i feel that the body needs a complete rest from aas to take more of a possitive rebound. I just didnt really want to start the emoitional pct drugs for two weeks if not necessary. forget the clomid (use hcg anytime you are trying to do any form of pct) and stay on some test during deload or you will crash and feel horrible. The deload is not a time to come off all anabolics nor is it as time to stop working out but rather a time to reduce both!coming off anabolics for 2 weeks is not healthy as it causes too much fluctuations with your hormones, etc.thanks

  23. #3903
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    then would 50mg test prop EOD be ok for 2 week deload? i just wanted everything to clear for when i started my reload. and what range should i keep my hcg during deload, i was thinking 500ius eod, then on reload i just hit hcg 500ius week( split 250ius twice a week)

  24. #3904
    Bob segal is offline Associate Member
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    im confused now, after looking back at page one, heres a quote of yours

    "When going for maximum mass you go off ALL steroids with Slingshot Training during a 2 week prime to allow receptors to clear and catabolic hormormone ( cortisol , myostatin levels, etc) to decline. You'll know when to prime because all progress will come to a grinding halt. Do not confuse the deload with the prime even though the deload also primes body for future gains!

    thats what i tht would be best is to have your body completley clear of all AAS then start reload and have a great rebound effect..

  25. #3905
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    Dear ronnie, for teh first time in my life im not squatting. I stopped squatting when i started your sling shot method. now in that time i have lost 5 cm off my hips and 2 cm off my waist.

    Do you reckon this was cause i was not squatting 3 days a week? If i start squatting again will i get thick through teh hips and waist again or do you "think" it was random i lost weight in that area with the estra cardio i was doing and nothing to do with not squatting?

    Thanks in advance.

  26. #3906
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob segal View Post
    then would 50mg test prop EOD be ok for 2 week deload? i just wanted everything to clear for when i started my reload. and what range should i keep my hcg during deload, i was thinking 500ius eod, then on reload i just hit hcg 500ius week( split 250ius twice a week) looks good for prop and no need in increasing dosage of hcg above 500 ius weekly until you go off and do a full PCT. So stay at 500 weekly for deload

  27. #3907
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    [QUOTE=Bob segal;5991897]im confused now, after looking back at page one, heres a quote of yours

    "When going for maximum mass you go off ALL steroids with Slingshot Training during a 2 week prime to allow receptors to clear and catabolic hormormone ( cortisol , myostatin levels, etc) to decline. You'll know when to prime because all progress will come to a grinding halt. Do not confuse the deload with the prime even though the deload also primes body for future gains!

    thats what i tht would be best is to have your body completley clear of all AAS then start reload and have a great rebound effect. A true prime can last as little as 2 weeks to as long as you desire with 6 weeks being the best route to take. For the majority of the year you want to reload and deload which requires never coming off anabolics entirely. A true prime is when you do a full PCT and give your body a full break from steroids and a deload is also considered a modified prime which should be your main focus because you'll lose some muscle during a true prime and your hormones will fluctuate-hence not a thing you want to do on a regular basis. QUOTE]ABOVE

  28. #3908
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodybycookiesandcake View Post
    Dear ronnie, for teh first time in my life im not squatting. I stopped squatting when i started your sling shot method. now in that time i have lost 5 cm off my hips and 2 cm off my waist.

    Do you reckon this was cause i was not squatting 3 days a week? If i start squatting again will i get thick through teh hips and waist again or do you "think" it was random i lost weight in that area with the estra cardio i was doing and nothing to do with not squatting? It mostly has to do with the extra cardio shrinking your wasitline but squats and deadlifts work the core very hard which is going to thicken the abdominal wall to some degree. This is why some bodybuilders don't need any ab training until they begin dieting down for a show. Thanks in advance.

  29. #3909
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    Well, just came off my last cycle ....1000mgs Test E, 500mgs Deca , 1000mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var . Went from roughly 230 and dropped to 215!!! Doesnt seem like I lost to much muscle mass, just lost alot of body fat. Just wasnt expecting that big of a drop in body weight? Im cutting the deca this next cycle , running 1500mgs Test E, 1200mgs Tren E and 125mgs Var /daily. My energy levels are horrible, you suggest I run some T3 with this one as well? Ive got just a little bit of stubborn fat towards the lower portion of my belly and love handles, nearly gone. Think the T3 may help. Running those kind of higher dosages are going to make you feel tired as steroids are drugs which have side effects. Adding 35-50 mgs of t-3 every night will help aid in getting rid of that stubborn lower belly fat given you are doing cardio and eating a diet low in carbs/fats and high in protein. You lost a lot of water weight when coming off thatlastr reload and at this point you could deload with 500 mgs of test-e weekly instead of 250.
    Suggested I run 35-50mgs nightly of T3, should I follow that pyramid protocol or just run it 8 weeks at the doses you suggested?

  30. #3910
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    do anabolics work best on type-1 ...or type-2 fibers???

  31. #3911
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gi812Many View Post
    Suggested I run 35-50mgs nightly of T3, should I follow that pyramid protocol or just run it 8 weeks at the doses you suggested. In your position I would start out at 25 nighlty for a week then ramp up to 35-50 and stay there for 8 weeks then cut it back to 25 for a week then go off .

  32. #3912
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    do anabolics work best on type-1 ...or type-2 fibers??? Type-2 fiber hypertrophy accounts for most muscle growth increases while using anabolic steroids . This explains why those who lack an abundance of type-2 fibers and have an abundane of type-1 endurance fibers gain very little using steroids. This also explains why those who are genetically gifted by being born with an abundance of type-2 fibers throughout their entire bodies (for example; pro- bodybuilder's) obtain the most gains while using anabolics.

    There's also a scenario in which someone has an abundance of type-2 fibers for a specific muscle group but the amount of type-2 fibers they were born with are small in number. A great example of this is someone who has big calves verses someone who has small calves. Usually both individuals will have an abundance of type-2 fibers in their gastrocnemius not type-1 fibers like many people believe yet the one who was born with fewer type-2 fibers in that region will never gain as much from training and/or steroid use as a person who has more type-2 fibers in their gastocnemius even though both have an abundance of type-2 fibers. Many people think their calves are mostly made up of type-1 endurance fibers and this is usually not the case.

  33. #3913
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    Lightbulb Proper exercise form video!

    Everyone interested in how to use proper exercise form please click on the link below and watch "Pro-Bodybuilder Mark Dugdale" performing incline dumbbell presses. That's the kind of form you are supposed to be doing as bodybuilder's to maximize muscle development without wreaking havoc on your joints and tendons. Most people who train their chest are throwing/bouncing weights to try and satisfy their ego as opposed to lifting weights smoothly like Mark is doing here in this video!

  34. #3914
    stephenschmidt1 is offline Junior Member
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    Hey Ronnie, thanks for sharing all this great knowledge with us!!

    Just some back ground on me. Im 23 and on week 6 of my first 12 week cycle. I have read all the articles about the health risk of taking steroids before 25 and have accepted them.
    My cycle consist of weeks 1-4: 600mg deca /week and 500mg test cyp/week. Weeks 5-8: 750mg test cyp/weeek.
    Im seeing great results, but I know I want to do another bulking cycle before going back to training naturally prob for a while.

    My question is if I decided to do a 20 week blast cycle in your opinion would it be more beneficial for me then two 8 week cycles with PCT at the end of both?
    Also my health is a very big concern of mine so would a 20 week blast cycle be more harmful then say two 8 week cycles?
    My goal is not to become a body builder or stay on aas for life....i only want to do two cycles and then train naturally for some time.


  35. #3915
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    Quote Originally Posted by stephenschmidt1 View Post
    Hey Ronnie, thanks for sharing all this great knowledge with us!!

    Just some back ground on me. Im 23 and on week 6 of my first 12 week cycle. I have read all the articles about the health risk of taking steroids before 25 and have accepted them.
    My cycle consist of weeks 1-4: 600mg deca /week and 500mg test cyp/week. Weeks 5-8: 750mg test cyp/weeek.
    Im seeing great results, but I know I want to do another bulking cycle before going back to training naturally prob for a while.

    My question is if I decided to do a 20 week blast cycle in your opinion would it be more beneficial for me then two 8 week cycles with PCT at the end of both? No, it would be more beneficial to do a full pct after a 20 week slingshot cycle!Also my health is a very big concern of mine so would a 20 week blast cycle be more harmful then say two 8 week cycles? It would actually be easier/safer on your system as a whole to run a long 20 week slingshot cycle as opposed to two separate 8 week cycles because there will be less hormonal fluctuations which in my opinion prevents some health concerns with anabolic usage. Severe hormonal fluctuations such as time on/equals time off are not as healthy because it places more demand of your bodies endocrine system. I am also of the belief that masteron is a great addition to every cycle because it helps prevent estrogen from becoming a dominant hormone while actually increasing libido, mood, and muscle size instead of just the opposite which can happen with anti-estrogens such as arimidex and aromasin.My goal is not to become a body builder or stay on aas for life....i only want to do two cycles and then train naturally for some time. Do a 20 week slingshot cycle then full pct for 4 weeks!

  36. #3916
    ScottP1992 is offline New Member
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    Hi Ronnie, firstly thanks so much for the post and for the help you've given to everyone. Post is in 09 and you're still helping today, great stuff. Anyway, this will be my first cycle. I've been training for 3 years and I'm looking to start a cycle in the next bulk phase. I see no reason starting them up now. I'm only about 12% but I think it'll be much better to start really lean and build up. I am currently cutting some fat for a holiday in July. My diet is spot on. Currently carb cycling. Diet and training is no problem to me (naturally). I need to ask a few extra questions as I've never been able to ask to people before. And I see no point in starting a new thread, especially when referring to your slingshot training. As you can see, I've just registered after reading your post. I need to clarify what I am doing and I read lots of contradicting things so I would really like your advice and would appreciate it so much.
    Obviously, this is my first cycle. I have read to just do a test base cycle and then stack test with other steroids elsewhere.
    I have decided I want to do a test e/c (again everyone says theyre so similar so undecided) cycle with dbol from week 1-4. Will this work? So week 1-4 I will do dbol and 1-8 test. Then cut the test down to what amount for the 2 week deload, or remove it completely?
    Obviously after that I wil reload again, but then I'm thinking I will not need the 1-4 weeks of dbol? What do you think?
    I was thinking 500mg of test done in 2 shots through the week, so mon/thur, this correct?
    20-30mg of dbol every day for the first 4 weeks.
    Now should I have Nolva or Clomid on hand? Or do I need extra things? What are the PCTs I should have on hand? And theyre done in the 2 weeks deload, correct? Or add them in incase of gyno. Thing is, I read that most people do like 2 weeks with no anabolics or a PCT, then introduce them 2 weeks later for 4 weeks?
    What I have read is that you completely cut anabolics in this 2 weeks and introduce PCTs. After that, if say I wanted to completely discontinue anabolics, would I be able to? So I do my 8 weeks, do my 2 weeks PCT and then would I be able to just forget it? Or would I need to do 4 weeks of PCT?
    What I was possibly thinking is just doing the 2 cycles for now. So I will do 500mg of test each week 1-8, then do what 250mg for the next 2 weeks, then 11-19 I would do the test again at 500mg then PCT after the reload for 4 weeks?? and then just go off everything?SS
    The part I'm most unaware about is PCT and Anti E's etc of what I will need on my cycle - what I have read about amidrex is awful. Still got like 4-5 months before I will start. At least, I guess. I may start training naturally for a few months to get back what I have lost from cutting first. Or are steroids better to give that kickstart? And still chewing over the decision as obviously I'm worried about sides, etc. so I really want to feel comfortable. If you can answer my questions this would help so much.
    Thank you so much for the help in advance, appreciate it very much.

    edit: Also waiting until after the summer will put me nearer to 21. I know you are going to say you need to wait until 25 but I think I have made my mind up and would really like help on how to do it more safely. Thank you.
    Last edited by ScottP1992; 05-01-2012 at 04:14 AM.

  37. #3917
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottP1992 View Post
    Hi Ronnie, firstly thanks so much for the post and for the help you've given to everyone. Post is in 09 and you're still helping today, great stuff. Anyway, this will be my first cycle. I've been training for 3 years and I'm looking to start a cycle in the next bulk phase. I see no reason starting them up now. I'm only about 12% but I think it'll be much better to start really lean and build up. Actually you can build and get leaner at the same time so no need to wait. Theres never a need in allowing yourself to gain sloppy weight from bulking in excesss. I once went up to 250 lbs and my arms measured 22 inched after a bicep/tricep workout but I was holding too much bodyfat and my blood presure went too high. When trying to gain size while using steroids you should eat clean and take in only enouigh calories to grow while not allowing yourself to get fat. It's not about how much weight you gain but rather how much lean muscle you gain and genetics play a large role. I am currently cutting some fat for a holiday in July. My diet is spot on. Currently carb cycling. Diet and training is no problem to me (naturally). I need to ask a few extra questions as I've never been able to ask to people before. And I see no point in starting a new thread, especially when referring to your slingshot training. As you can see, I've just registered after reading your post. I need to clarify what I am doing and I read lots of contradicting things so I would really like your advice and would appreciate it so much.
    Obviously, this is my first cycle. I have read to just do a test base cycle and then stack test with other steroids elsewhere.
    I have decided I want to do a test e/c (again everyone says theyre so similar so undecided) cycle with dbol from week 1-4. Will this work? So week 1-4 I will do dbol and 1-8 test. If you have to choose go with test-e for a first cycle because it does not stay in the system as long as test-c in case you have side effects and need to lower the dosage. I have never known of anyone personally to have issues with test-c so either is fine. Then cut the test down to what amount for the 2 week deload, or remove it completely? Reduce test to 1 cc per week during2 week deload. You will not need d-bol for a first reload(weeks 1-8) but you could add 25 mgs daily to your second reload beginning on week 11. Obviously after that I wil reload again, but then I'm thinking I will not need the 1-4 weeks of dbol? What do you think?
    I was thinking 500mg of test done in 2 shots through the week, so mon/thur, this correct?yes
    20-30mg of dbol every day for the first 4 weeks.
    Now should I have Nolva or Clomid on hand? nolvadex in case gyno appears not clomid! Or do I need extra things? What are the PCTs I should have on hand? hcg And theyre done in the 2 weeks deload, correct? no use it after 20 week cycle for 3 weeks Or add them in incase of gyno. Thing is, I read that most people do like 2 weeks with no anabolics or a PCT, then introduce them 2 weeks later for 4 weeks?
    What I have read is that you completely cut anabolics in this 2 weeks and introduce PCTs. After that, if say I wanted to completely discontinue anabolics, would I be able to? So I do my 8 weeks, do my 2 weeks PCT and then would I be able to just forget it? Or would I need to do 4 weeks of PCT?
    What I was possibly thinking is just doing the 2 cycles for now. So I will do 500mg of test each week 1-8, then do what 250mg for the next 2 weeks, then 11-19 I would do the test again at 500mg then PCT after the reload for 4 weeks?? and then just go off everything?SS
    The part I'm most unaware about is PCT and Anti E's etc of what I will need on my cycle - what I have read about amidrex is awful. Still got like 4-5 months before I will start. At least, I guess. I may start training naturally for a few months to get back what I have lost from cutting first. Or are steroids better to give that kickstart? And still chewing over the decision as obviously I'm worried about sides, etc. so I really want to feel comfortable. If you can answer my questions this would help so much.
    Thank you so much for the help in advance, appreciate it very much.

    edit: Also waiting until after the summer will put me nearer to 21. I know you are going to say you need to wait until 25 but I think I have made my mind up and would really like help on how to do it more safely. Thank you.

  38. #3918
    lynxeffect1 is offline Junior Member
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    when using high doses of steroids , eg, the doses member gi812many quoted a few posts back, he said his energy levels were terrible, how do u counter act this ? also ive never used hgh but ive read a few times about it making u very tired and can make u just fall asleep on the spot? is this true can u tell me about this ron and again how to counter act it ?

  39. #3919
    The Titan99's Avatar
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    Hey Ron,
    I'm starting a deload on Monday following a MENT/Masteron P/NPP/Proviron /GH cycle that's been nothing short of spectacular!! Don't mind saying I miss the Test though. Deloading on 400 mg Test E. Planning my next reload with 700 Test A/700 Tren A/700 Masteron P with 350 NPP for the joints and of course continuing on with the GH. I wanted to add an oral and was wondering what your opinion of Tbol might be? I've cut on this same cycle with Var at 50 mg ed before and really liked it, but from what I've read Tbol is like Var's bigger brother. More exactly like Dbol without all the amorization. What do you think about it and would 50 mg ed be a good dose considering the other compounds and their doses? Thanks.

  40. #3920
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
    Ronnie Rowland is offline Author of Functional Training with a Fork
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    Quote Originally Posted by lynxeffect1 View Post
    when using high doses of steroids , eg, the doses member gi812many quoted a few posts back, he said his energy levels were terrible, how do u counter act this ? You can't! Those who are born with the most type-2 muscle fibers/receptors sites tend to have less side effects with higher dosages because their body can absorb it eaiser. Pro-bodybuilder's fall into this category! Also, the longer you use the more tolerance you build and this allows one to use higher dosages as you progress but there is no way to avoid feeling sluggish using higher dosages if your body reacts to anabolics this way. I also ive never used hgh but ive read a few times about it making u very tired and can make u just fall asleep on the spot? GH can play with your sugar levels. You counteract this side effect by injecting it all at once right before you go to bed as opposed to morning time or post-workouts. I have always recommended to everyone that they should take their GH shots at night. It improves sleep, etc! is this true can u tell me about this n and again how to counter act it ?

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