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  1. #4401
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    You're the man ron! So what do you consider moderate fats for 180lb male, about 60-70g? That's in the ball park!

  2. #4402
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=totallyok3d;6130060][QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6130018]

    Thanks ron!

    So cardio 6x a week is ok? Is fasted am cardio low intensity good on some days? It's okay to do some fasted cardio if needed to get body fat levels down a bit further. I like using that as a last resort.[/QUOTE]above

  3. #4403
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    when eating caloric deficient the whole cycle making it a cutting cycle is it a lot smoother going into PCT and easily attainable to maintain gains as compared to somebody trying to gain weight all cycle in a calorie surplus? That is correct! I've seen people go off all anabolics after a show and actually gain some lean muscle mass but I do not advise that. I usually recommend staying on 3-500 mgs of test only after a show. Right now I have insane vascularity from the winstrol and look bigger and fuller even know i've been cutting. Can I expect to see ALL of this go away when going into PCT? It will slowly fade as time goes on.

  4. #4404
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=measuretwicecutonce;6130257]Ronnie, what is your recommendation to go from a prop blast to a enanthate cruise? i hear 1x or 2x a week either or is ok. but for starting enanthate would u start 10-14days before ending prop or wait till prop is done and front load for first week? I personally would start the test-e 2 weeks before going off the prop. I also want to state it's a good plan to reload with both test-p and test-e at the same time given prop does not give you flu like symptoms. It's always best to use just test-e or test-c when deloading. Some of the more advanced bodybuilders do well combining sustanon, test-e and test-p during reloads. 1cc of each 3 times per week will blow you up! [/QUOTE]above

  5. #4405
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfail View Post
    Hey Ron, think you missed me #4384. Thanks Sorry! I answered it in post 4400.

  6. #4406
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by foxgear View Post
    would i take that eod or twice a week like mon and thurs...i would inject sustanon on mwf (3 times per week) and also i am using clomid for pct
    would you recommend taking clomid for the 2 week deload no need! and if so how much a day or should i just lower the dose of sust (do 1 cc of sustanon weekly during 2 week deload)and then on the second reload hit it with sust and deca and what would you recommend for the deca dose 400 mgs of deca weekly given it does not cause you to have sexual problems ......thanks in advance!!

  7. #4407
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=totallyok3d;6131252]ron -

    about to go into PCT. My routine right now is

    Mon - Chest/Tris/Abs CHEST/BICEPS HERE
    Tuesday - Shoulders/Traps YOU NEED TO DO LEGS HERE
    Wednesday - Back/Bi's/Abs OFF
    Friday - Either Chest again or If I do Legs Monday I do legs again. These are my weak points. BACK HERE
    Sat/Sun - OFF GOOD HERE

    My question is how should my routine switch up when going into PCT? Should I only do 1 muscle group per day and include more rest days? Or does what I have stay the same for PCT? REDUCE SETS AND WORK OUT ONLY 3 DAYS PER WEEK. ON MONDAY DO CHEST/BICEPS, ABS WEDNESDAY SHOULDERS/LEGS, FRIDAY-BACK TRICEPS, TRAPS.[/QUOTE] ABOVE

  8. #4408
    measuretwicecutonce's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6135004]
    Quote Originally Posted by measuretwicecutonce View Post
    Ronnie, what is your recommendation to go from a prop blast to a enanthate cruise? i hear 1x or 2x a week either or is ok. but for starting enanthate would u start 10-14days before ending prop or wait till prop is done and front load for first week? I personally would start the test-e 2 weeks before going off the prop. I also want to state it's a good plan to reload with both test-p and test-e at the same time given prop does not give you flu like symptoms. It's always best to use just test-e or test-c when deloading. Some of the more advanced bodybuilders do well combining sustanon, test-e and test-p during reloads. 1cc of each 3 times per week will blow you up! [/QUOTE]above
    Sorry, your saying i should reload with prop AND test e for THE ENTIRE RELOAD? ...BOTH?

  9. #4409
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6135027]
    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    about to go into PCT. My routine right now is

    Mon - Chest/Tris/Abs CHEST/BICEPS HERE
    Tuesday - Shoulders/Traps YOU NEED TO DO LEGS HERE
    Wednesday - Back/Bi's/Abs OFF
    Friday - Either Chest again or If I do Legs Monday I do legs again. These are my weak points. BACK HERE
    Sat/Sun - OFF GOOD HERE

    My question is how should my routine switch up when going into PCT? Should I only do 1 muscle group per day and include more rest days? Or does what I have stay the same for PCT? REDUCE SETS AND WORK OUT ONLY 3 DAYS PER WEEK. ON MONDAY DO CHEST/BICEPS, ABS WEDNESDAY SHOULDERS/LEGS, FRIDAY-BACK TRICEPS, TRAPS.[/QUOTE] ABOVE
    Thanks ron!

    now for PCT when I switch to the routine you mentioned below.

    Right now I'm doing high volume intense training so when you say lower sets in PCT, I should keep the same heavy weight but reduce sets to 6-9 per muscle group. For example Chest would be 3 sets of 2/3 different exerises? Seems like not a lot of work?

    Even with smaller muscle group like biceps I would do 6 sets, correct? That would only be 2 different exercises for 3 sets, Do I have this correct?

  10. #4410
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    Right now you have me on a small carb cycle while I'm on cycle. My main goal is cutting this cycle so my question is when going into PCT should I just add carbs back in and have a basic diet eating at maintenance cals? I feel like If i've been eating a caloric deficient this whole 20 week slingshot then switch to maintenance i will actually gain some weight, this is still good for keeping my bodyfat low?

    for PCT i'm thinking maybe 200g P 300g C 50g F. Do I have this good? I'm 180lbs. This equals about 2500cals. I've been reading healthy fats were better to have high going into PCT?

  11. #4411
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    149 you prefer cables??? or.. free weights??? for maxing out triceps????

  12. #4412
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    ronnie...true or false..all prohormones... designer steroids ... being removed from market????

  13. #4413
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    ronnie..does masteron increase urge to urinate??? i think it is for me!!!!

  14. #4414
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    ron -

    right now im getting cardio about 5-6x a week through this whole cutting cycle. Going into PCT how could I incorporate cardio? I still want to maintain and possibly lower bodyfat percentages.

  15. #4415
    kisektah1 is offline Junior Member
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    Hi RR,

    How are you? I was thinking of preparing my next cycle This is what is should look like. Aim: loose bf, little bloat and harden up. My stats are; 235lbs at aprox 17%bf at 5'11 at 32y/o

    My next cycle is either looking like:

    Number 1:

    Wk 1-6: 200mg Test E/ 600 Tren A (per week) > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 6-8: 100mg Test E (per Week) > Deload 1g protein per pound/ Med Volume, Med Weights, High reps.
    Wk 8-13: 200mg Test E/ 600 Tren A (per week)/ Thinking of adding Winstrol @ 25mg ED, Proviron @ 25mg ED, add 400mg of EQ OR up the tren to 800mg per week > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set

    * Clen also added to cycle 2 weeks on 3 weeks off Protocol (ramp up to 100mcg ed) from week 1.

    OR Do a cycle with a lean bulk using anabolics with heavy androgens to help lean out to the end. Something like? Maybe even switching wk 8-13 to wk 1-8 and vice versa?

    Number 2:

    Wk 1-3: 400 Test E/ 650 Deca pw> Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 3-6: 400 Test E/ 650 Eq pw> Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 6-8: 100mg Test E (per Week) > Deload 1g protein per pound/ Med Volume, Med Weights, High reps.
    Wk 8-13: 150mg Test E pw/ 600 Tren A ew/ 25mg Winstrol Oral ED > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set

    * Clen also added to cycle 2 weeks on 3 weeks off Protocol (ramp UP to 100mcg ed) from week 1.

    PCT: (Deload for wk 14-16)

    WK 14-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20/10
    Wk 14-18: Tribulus
    Wk 14: 2x shots HCG 2500iux2
    Wk 14: 100mg Triptorelin

    Workout: (plus cardio 15 mins post workout, 4 times per week)

    Mon: Back
    Tues: Chest
    Wed: Legs (ham/quads/calves)
    Thurs: Shoulders/ Rear Delts/ Traps
    Fri: Bis/Tris/ abs
    Sat: - 30 mins cardio or Rest
    Sun: Rest

    - I cant get my hands on a progesterone inhibitor, will Vit b6 work or nolva?
    - Do you think i should stick to calorie maintenance or caloric surplus during this cycle (aim is to harden up, put on a little muscle, little bloat and reduce bf)?
    - In your opinion what AAS should i add to my second reload (wk 8-13)?
    - I am really trying to keep this cycle around 12-14 weeks, what would you prefer?
    - Is my tren dose high enough for my goals? (the most i have used of tren is 600mg of Tren E per week stacked with 700mg of test).
    - I tend to lose a fair bit of hair on high doses of Tren, is their anything i can use other than Nizorol 2%?
    - Is it true that Tren and Test both fight for the same receptor, but tren binds a lot harder to it and therefore 'overpowers' most of the test. Or is this a myth?
    - With Injectable Winstrol, have you ever recomended to drink the winstrol instead of jabing it? I have read a study (forgot where) that the winstrol is only ~65% as affective drinking than injection (since it has to pass the liver).
    - I have read a lot of forums and trainers recommend switching Anabolics and Androgens every 3-6 weeks for optimum results. Reasoning behind this is that our body's and receptors get used to the substance and it is good to switch the AAS with the same anabolic OR androgenic nature. What are your knowledgable thoughts?

    Thank You RR!
    Last edited by kisektah1; 09-01-2012 at 11:08 AM.

  16. #4416
    adamjames is offline Member
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    how severe can tren attack the lungs in an asthma sufferer?(mild asthma sufferer) because im really keen to do it for my next cycle alongside primo on the second reload after 10 weeks bulking on test because im really prone to test bloat and i hate taking arimidex to sort the problem out id rather do a non aramotizing cycle like tren and primo what do you think?


  17. #4417
    massbuilders is offline New Member
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    Hey ronnie, I think i kinda messed up my cycle. Because since week four i started doing masteron prop and anavar . But i thought my mast was Mast E and it turned out it was Mast prop. So i am thinking of doing 12 weeks of test e/mast p 300mg/anavar75 mg. Then 2 weeks cruise of test e at 250. Then 4 weeks of hcg like you told me?. Then i will run 3 weeks of nova/armi. Please let me know what you think, also please remember i did 50mg anavar / 500 test e for 15 weeks before and then i took of two weeks without pct and jumped on the current cycle like you told me. Results are showing great. i am at 237 around 13% body fat!

  18. #4418
    cfail is offline New Member
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    Hey Ron,

    Responding to post #4400. I am not currently on any anabolics nor have I ever used them. I want to learn how to use properly before I make that step, which is why I am on here. I don't know a lot about PCT and stacking in general. I have read a few things on here about using Test with an oral kickstart such as d-bol or anadrol . I just would like to get everthing planned before i just jump into something not really knowing what Im doing.

  19. #4419
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=measuretwicecutonce;6135185][QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6135004]

    Sorry, your saying i should reload with prop AND test e for THE ENTIRE RELOAD? ...BOTH? I'm saying you can run both test-e and test-p during reloads if you want but it's not neceesary..Just another option some like![/QUOTE]above

  20. #4420
    oak2429 is offline Associate Member
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    how would you reload and deload if you were doing a prohormone cycle? like with hdrol or superdrol or epidrol etc...

  21. #4421
    alex.mitev is offline Associate Member
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    Hey Ron, I read this entire thread and have a question for you;

    When steady fat lost is aimed at , you reccomend 150 carbs - 3 carb meals a day - breakfast , pre and post WO, given training session takes place between 4th and 5 th meal (6 pm).
    In 20 pages, you advised the same guy to have his carbs on his first 3 meals of the day, regardless of when he trains. This means only protein/fats before and post workout.
    Where is the truth to be found ? - when i decide to go carb cycling , when should i have my 3 carb meals? My BF is about 14 . 6.1 height, 200 weight.

  22. #4422
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    Ronnie, I'm going to start your method the first of the month. I've been cycling for years and pretty much at the age of 41 will be having to cruise the rest of my days. However, I'm helping a friend get started on his second cycle and want to suggest this method. Your method is a stay "on" long term system. Would you say that using this system for as short as a year would end up shutting down his (43 Y.O) Nat Sys. to very low levels requiring permanent TRT? I know that more than this length of time surely would. And If I'm wrong could you explain why? Thanking you in advance, KK.

  23. #4423
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post
    ron few more question.. You got my cycle all lines up now its time to get my training and diet!! On par.

    Im the endo ecto build "lose muscle fast hard to gain without fat" i think im going to take your advice and not really bulk but eat some what normal. this is what i have to do as well. I have the same type of build. It is what it is.

    i maintain at around 2500 calories but i also have been doing 45 min of medium cardio 5-6 days week. I also have a huge cheat sunday night but that all comes off in 2-3 days.

    I was thinking for my cycle to stay around 2700 calories and i may not do any cardio if so i think just once a week now. i think 15-20 minutes of cardio 3 times per week would be okay for you while trying to gain size but no more. And if you want to skip the cardio and put more time into training that would work well. Cardio is good for your heart but the more energy and time you expend doing it, the less time you have left to train when trying to add additional muscle mass. Diet, not cardio, is far more imporant for heart health and what your look like!
    as far as macros... Right now im pondering 300-350 carbs... 2x bodyweight " im 177 now but pretty lean". Protein 1 to 1.5 " i know you will say 1.5 lol" important note: Actually in your case 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight will work well because it's the ecto-meso and mesos that need more protein due to having more muscle mass and higher metabolisms. I have found that hard gainers get fat taking in too much protein along with the necessary carbs and fats requirements needed to function properly. Many people have it backwards thinking hard gainers need more protein but just the opposite is true! then fats will be whatever trace fats i get from my food. This is more in line with chris aceto style bulking, should end up being 15-20% fats. I just cant do carbs and fat very long without getting fat.

    Now i read through an old post of yours that said you like rotating high carb days followed by a lower carb higher fat and veggie day. You said this was keeping you very lean. it helps keep you stay lean because you are controlling both carbs and calories but it's not necessary to take that approach. It's just another way of doing things. Some prefer that method while others do not because the high carb day causes distres to their gi tract and throws off their sugar levels.

    do still feel the same about this style dieting? Or should i just eat the same everyday "minus off days where i would cut carbs in half". important note: Both ways work. The most simplistic and healthiest method IMO is to stay on the same diet 5 days a week then have a moderate carb up on wednesday (add in an additional 50 carbs that day) and then have a larger carb up on saturday. On saturday allow for one cheat meal such as a hamburger and fries which is a fat load as well.
    i like the first 3 meals carbs protein followed by last 3 protein fat and veggies. My only concern is eating 100 carbs each meal for my first 3 meals or even higher.. I think i would feel like a bloated pig not sure. you can have 5 carbs melas per day and just dont take any in at bedtime meal.if you still think the high carb followed by the low carb days are worth it how would i go about doing it.

    You see how my how carb day will be so would a low day be something like:

    175 carbs
    protein the same
    fats???? If i was 20% before what would i up to?...

    Im thinking i could go first 3 meals carbs protein then last 3 protein veggies and make it work.. I would lower calories by 200 to stay around 2500.. Upping my fats to make up for some of the carbs removed?

    And would i really rotate each day? I train monday through friday due to work. Saturdays i wouldnt want a high carb day falling on this day and sunday i normally have my cheat meal at night.

    Monday - chest low carbs
    tuesday - back low carbs
    wed - shoulders moderate carbs
    thurs - arms low carbs
    friday - legs low carbs
    sat - off high carbs plus 1 cheat meal
    sunday - off "cheat night" low carbs

    note: The above protocol works well because you will be your hungriest and most depleted folwling back and leg training sessions!
    seeing my training schedule how would you incorporate high and low days "thats only if you think this is still a good diet option"

    thanks ron,
    Hey Ron, ill be doing a show soon and just trying to sort out how i should do my diet. Will an approach like above in bold work well? Im looking at trying to get quite lean, around 4%

  24. #4424
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    Hello ron

    Curious about the second reload.

    now can you keep all compounds the same say 600 test and 600 mast that you ran in the first reload, into the second one. IF you were to add say 300mg a week of tren ace. and shot that EoD once your plasma and test levels were stable from the longer esters.

    Or would i have to still increase the test and mast

    lastly the interduction of tren "ace" is only if my Blood pressure takes off on me, i can come off easily enough in a few days.

  25. #4425
    totallyok3d is offline Junior Member
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    finished my last test e pin, waiting these 2 weeks before starting PCT. I have ephedrine on hand and want to run it through the 2 weeks. Should i use it in PCT as well? I have 25mg ephedrine, is this good ED for 2 weeks iwth 200mg caffeine?

  26. #4426
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ronnie Rowland View Post

    Thanks ron!

    now for PCT when I switch to the routine you mentioned below.

    Right now I'm doing high volume intense training so when you say lower sets in PCT, I should keep the same heavy weight but reduce sets to 6-9 per muscle group. For example Chest would be 3 sets of 2/3 different exerises? Seems like not a lot of work?

    Even with smaller muscle group like biceps I would do 6 sets, correct? That would only be 2 different exercises for 3 sets, Do I have this correct? That will work fine. Around 8-9 sets for larger muscle groups like chest for 2-3 exercises and only 6 sets for arms at 2 exercises a piece will suffice.
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 09-03-2012 at 07:44 PM.

  27. #4427
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    Right now you have me on a small carb cycle while I'm on cycle. My main goal is cutting this cycle so my question is when going into PCT should I just add carbs back in and have a basic diet eating at maintenance cals? I feel like If i've been eating a caloric deficient this whole 20 week slingshot then switch to maintenance i will actually gain some weight, this is still good for keeping my bodyfat low? yes, given you don't over do the calories!

    for PCT i'm thinking maybe 200g P 300g C 50g F. Do I have this good? I'm 180lbs. This equals about 2500cals. I've been reading healthy fats were better to have high going into PCT?

    Looks good and whether you do more fats or more carbs is very individualistic. Some do better with more fats while some do beter with extra carbs. I prefer the extra carbs when going for lean mass gains then adjusting fats as needed to keep body fat levels under control once carb and protein requirements are met. Remember, fats contain more calories than carbs.

    Adipose tissue is certainly affected by insulin levels produced from carbs. There are a lot of people with a condition known as “insulin resistance”. Once you develop high levels of body fat your body will no longer respond to insulin as it should. What happens next is it only takes a small amount of carbohydrates to really shoot those insulin levels through the roof-hence body fat will be stored at a fast rate of speed. When too much insulin is produced, you will be left with too little sugar in the blood stream and some will get stored in the fat cells. This puts you in a viscous cycle where the fatter you get, the easier it is to keep putting on the wrong kind of weight (body fat). All carbs turn to sugar but consuming slow burning carbs with a lower glycemic index level creates less insulin spikes, provides more energy and does not stimulate your appetite like fast burning carbs.

    Insulin is not the only regulator of fat storage. Adipose tissue is also composed of fats by a hormone called ASP (Acylation Stimulating Protein). This hormone doesn't need insulin to make you fatter because it's released from fat cells directly in response to blood chylomicrons (fats produced in the intestinal lumen following the absorption of digested fat) which are responsible for storing triglycerides in adipose cells. By controlling carb intake you indirectly reduce ASP levels-hence less body fat will be stored when dietary fats are consumed. By watching the kinds of fats you eat, along with the amounts, you can help control how many calories get stored as body fat. Basically, ASP works for dietary fat storage like insulin works for carbohydrate storage. Higher quantities of either macronutrient force the body to become less efficient at eliminating body fat. How well the body deals with insulin and ASP cannot always be equated to an individual’s body weight because thin people who have a hard time gaining muscle can also be considered clinically obese (for i.e. some marathon runners). This is due to their having a poor lean muscle mass to body fat ratio.

    Lean protein and green vegetables should make up the base of any healthy diet. Amino acids from protein based foods have a large impact on the release of leptin, a hormone secreted by fat ( and other cells in the body) in response to food digestion that acts as an appetite suppressant. Protein helps regulate blood- sugar levels and prevents muscle wasting.[/
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 09-03-2012 at 07:54 PM.

  28. #4428
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    Quote Originally Posted by vascular vince View Post you prefer cables??? Or.. Free weights??? For maxing out triceps???? I prefer cables because it allows you to keep more constant tension on the muscles throughout the entire range of motion and it's easier on the joints/tendons because it takes out the stabilizers

  29. #4429
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie...true or false..all prohormones... designer steroids ... being removed from market???? It most certainly appears to be the case!

    Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2012 Introduced; Would Bulk Up Federal Anabolic Steroid Controls

    By Larry K. Houck

    Senators Orrin Hatch (R-UT) and Sheldon Whitehorse (D-RI) introduced legislation on July 25, 2012, that would amend the definition of ?anabolic steroid? under the Federal Controlled Substances Act (?CSA?) and expressly add twenty-seven additional anabolic steroids to schedule III. The proposed ?Designer Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2012? (S. 3431) (?2012 Act?) would significantly increase Drug Enforcement Administration (?DEA?) control over drugs and substances that meet anabolic steroid criteria. If enacted, the 2012 Act would be the third major federal legislative action impacting anabolic steroids since 1990. Congress passed the Anabolic Steroid Control Acts of 1990 and 2004 that placed certain anabolic steroids into schedule III of the CSA, expanding DEA?s authority to regulate such substances.

    Passage of the 2012 Act would similarly add twenty-seven anabolic steroids, their salts and esters, to schedule III of the CSA. Placement of anabolic steroids in schedule III subjects manufacturers, distributors, dispensers such as pharmacies and physicians, importers, exporters, and anyone in possession of the scheduled anabolic steroids to the applicable provisions of the CSA and its implementing regulations that establish registration, recordkeeping/reporting and security requirements as well as administrative, civil and criminal sanctions.

    The 2012 Act would expand the definition of anabolic steroids to include a drug or hormonal substance (other than estrogens, progestins, corticosteroids and dehydroepiandrosterone) ?derived from, or has a chemical structure substantially similar to? anabolic steroids listed under the CSA if: the drug or substance has been created or manufactured with the intent of producing a drug or other substance that promotes muscle growth or causes a pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone ; or the drug or substance has been, or is intended to be marketed or otherwise promoted in a manner suggesting that consumption will promote muscle growth or any pharmacological effect similar to that of testosterone. The 2012 Act would exclude herbs and other botanicals, ?a concentrate, metabolite, or extract of, or a constituent isolated directly from? herbs or botanicals that are dietary ingredients for purposes of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act.

    The 2012 Act would also authorize DEA to issue a temporary order for up to two years (that could be extended six additional months) adding a drug or other substance to the list of anabolic steroids in schedule III if it finds that the drug or substance satisfies the Act?s criteria as an anabolic steroid. Adding the drug or substance to the list of anabolic steroids ?will assist in preventing the unlawful importation, manufacture, distribution, or dispensing of such drug or other substance.? The Act would also consider a drug or other substance not temporarily or permanently listed as an anabolic steroid in any criminal, civil or administrative proceeding arising under the CSA that satisfies the anabolic steroid criteria. This could occur if, for example, such product was promoted for muscle growth. The Act would also require anabolic steroids and products containing anabolic steroids to bear a label identifying such contents. Lastly, the Act would also subject violators to specific civil and/or criminal penalties including up to $500,000 per violation and imprisonment of up to ten years.

    DEA Deputy Assistant Administrator Joseph Rannazzisi, stated in testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs, ?[t]he use of anabolic steroids or dietary supplements that contain anabolic steroids or designer steroids, in high doses that boost, alter or derive from testosterone may trigger numerous adverse health effects in the human body including liver toxicity, baldness, uncontrolled rage and heart attacks.?

    The Council for Responsible Nutrition and American Herbal Products Association have issued statements endorsing the measure (here and here).

    The 2012 Act has been referred to the Senate Committee on the Judiciary.

    Compounds to be added to the banned list;


  30. #4430
    Ronnie Rowland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VASCULAR VINCE View Post
    ronnie..does masteron increase urge to urinate??? i think it is for me!!!! It tends to do this to some people since it has anti-estrogen properties.

  31. #4431
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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post
    ron -

    right now im getting cardio about 5-6x a week through this whole cutting cycle. Going into PCT how could I incorporate cardio? I still want to maintain and possibly lower bodyfat percentages.Too much cardio during pct is going to cause a loss in muscle mass,especially in the legs unless you are genetically gifted in that area.. I would reduce cardio to 20-30 minutes 3 times a week and focus more on a clean diet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by adamjames View Post
    how severe can tren attack the lungs in an asthma sufferer?(mild asthma sufferer) because im really keen to do it for my next cycle alongside primo on the second reload after 10 weeks bulking on test because im really prone to test bloat and i hate taking arimidex to sort the problem out id rather do a non aramotizing cycle like tren and primo what do you think? I am also a mild asthma sufferer and tren will certainly make it worse because it constricts your bronchial tubes. You should have two albuterol resuce inhalers on you at all times in case you go into an asthma attack if you decide to use tren. I've had asthma attacks usign tren while training legs and doing cardio and it's terrifying to say the least! Keep two inhalers on you in case one does not work due to malfunctioning! A safer choice for asthma sufferers is low dosages of test, masteron, anavar and GH if affordable. You could add primo in the mix as well. Tren is great but not if you have asthma because it's like your walking around breathing through a straw! Use tren in the colder months of the year not in the humid summer if you are going to use it. It can also bring on some nasty sinus infections, nasal congestion ( allergies in general if you are prone.) Allergies and asthma run hand in hand. cheers
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 09-06-2012 at 07:17 PM.

  33. #4433
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    Quote Originally Posted by cfail View Post
    Hey Ron,

    Responding to post #4400. I am not currently on any anabolics nor have I ever used them. I want to learn how to use properly before I make that step, which is why I am on here. I don't know a lot about PCT and stacking in general. I have read a few things on here about using Test with an oral kickstart such as d-bol or anadrol . I just would like to get everthing planned before i just jump into something not really knowing what Im doing. If you've never cycled before then 5-600 mgs of test-e or test-c weekly is all you need during your first 8 week reload. You could add 25 mgs of d-bol to that same test dosages for your second reload for making additional gains.

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    [QUOTE=mockery;6141870]Hello ron

    Curious about the second reload.

    now can you keep all compounds the same say 600 test and 600 mast that you ran in the first reload, into the second one. IF you were to add say 300mg a week of tren ace. and shot that EoD once your plasma and test levels were stable from the longer esters.

    Or would i have to still increase the test and mast You could keep test/masteron dosages the same and just add 300 mgs of tren weekly to that next reload.
    lastly the interduction of tren "ace" is only if my Blood pressure takes off on me, i can come off easily enough in a few days. Going with ten ace is a good idea to see how your going to react.[/QUOTE]above

  35. #4435
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    [QUOTE=Bulkn;6140024]Hey Ron, ill be doing a show soon and just trying to sort out how i should do my diet. Will an approach like above in bold work well? Im looking at trying to get quite lean, around 4% Yes, the diet above will work well but don't eat junk food high in fats such as pizza on the once a week high carb/cheatmeal, only carbs for the most part and of course protein. /QUOTE]above

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    Quote Originally Posted by totallyok3d View Post

    finished my last test e pin, waiting these 2 weeks before starting PCT. I have ephedrine on hand and want to run it through the 2 weeks. Should i use it in PCT as well? I have 25mg ephedrine, is this good ED for 2 weeks iwth 200mg caffeine? I would not use ephedrine during pct because it increases muscle eating cortisol levels and can kills ones appetite to the point of losing muscle mass, especially when off steroids. Use clen instead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by oak2429 View Post
    how would you reload and deload if you were doing a prohormone cycle? like with hdrol or superdrol or epidrol etc...I would switch over to a weaker pro-hormone during deloads and keep the dosages really low, then go back on a stronger one during reloads at higher dosages.

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    Hey im Chris!
    First of all thanks for your time

    I read your whole post a few times, really amazing info and as eeryone else, i wanna give it a try ahahah!

    So here i am on my 3rd cycle ! Witch is supposed to start in 2 weeks!
    Ill be doing
    1-12 Tren e 400mgs/week
    1-15 test e 500 mgs/week!
    1-6 T3/clen

    I might add var at week 8! So ive got everything planned, thabks to all the members here!

    I was just wondering when you say lower your test to TRT!
    How much is that? (my english is not too good, so i dont understand everythig as i should)
    And should i lower the tren also at week 8!?
    Im a bit confuses!

    If you could help me with the dosage for my deload phase thatd be amazing!

    On the other hand for trainnig diet, im all good!

    Thanks alot man!

  39. #4439
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    [QUOTE=Ronnie Rowland;6143643]
    Quote Originally Posted by mockery View Post
    Hello ron

    Curious about the second reload.

    now can you keep all compounds the same say 600 test and 600 mast that you ran in the first reload, into the second one. IF you were to add say 300mg a week of tren ace. and shot that EoD once your plasma and test levels were stable from the longer esters.

    Or would i have to still increase the test and mast You could keep test/masteron dosages the same and just add 300 mgs of tren weekly to that next reload.
    lastly the interduction of tren "ace" is only if my Blood pressure takes off on me, i can come off easily enough in a few days. Going with ten ace is a good idea to see how your going to react.[/QUOTE]above
    thanks ron, great speedy advice. hope all is well with you and your wife.


  40. #4440
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    Quote Originally Posted by kisektah1 View Post
    Hi RR,

    How are you? I was thinking of preparing my next cycle This is what is should look like. Aim: loose bf, little bloat and harden up. My stats are; 235lbs at aprox 17%bf at 5'11 at 32y/o

    My next cycle is either looking like:

    Number 1:

    Wk 1-6: 200mg Test E/ 600 Tren A (per week) > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 6-8: 100mg Test E (per Week) > Deload 1g protein per pound/ Med Volume, Med Weights, High reps.
    Wk 8-13: 200mg Test E/ 600 Tren A (per week)/ Thinking of adding Winstrol @ 25mg ED, Proviron @ 25mg ED, add 400mg of EQ OR up the tren to 800mg per week > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set

    * Clen also added to cycle 2 weeks on 3 weeks off Protocol (ramp up to 100mcg ed) from week 1.

    OR Do a cycle with a lean bulk using anabolics with heavy androgens to help lean out to the end. Something like? Maybe even switching wk 8-13 to wk 1-8 and vice versa?

    Number 2:

    Wk 1-3: 400 Test E/ 650 Deca pw> Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 3-6: 400 Test E/ 650 Eq pw> Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set
    Wk 6-8: 100mg Test E (per Week) > Deload 1g protein per pound/ Med Volume, Med Weights, High reps.
    Wk 8-13: 150mg Test E pw/ 600 Tren A ew/ 25mg Winstrol Oral ED > Reload 1.8g protein per pound/ High volume, Heavy Weights, ~8 reps per set

    * Clen also added to cycle 2 weeks on 3 weeks off Protocol (ramp UP to 100mcg ed) from week 1.

    PCT: (Deload for wk 14-16)

    WK 14-18: Nolva 40/40/20/20/10
    Wk 14-18: Tribulus
    Wk 14: 2x shots HCG 2500iux2
    Wk 14: 100mg Triptorelin

    Keep it simple and just run 1cc of test eod and 1 cc of tren eod for first 8 week reload. Keep test/tren the same and add 25 mgs of wintrol or 20-40 mgs of var during second 8 week reload.

    Workout: (plus cardio 15 mins post workout, 4 times per week)

    Mon: Back CHEST
    Tues: Chest BACK/REAR DELTS
    Wed: Legs (ham/quads/calves) SHOULDERS/TRAPS
    Thurs: Shoulders/ Rear Delts/ Traps ARMS/ABS
    Fri: Bis/Tris/ abs LEGS
    Sat: - 30 mins cardio or Rest OFF
    Sun: Rest OFF

    - I cant get my hands on a progesterone inhibitor, will Vit b6 work or nolva? Not a lot!
    - Do you think i should stick to calorie maintenance or caloric surplus during this cycle (aim is to harden up, put on a little muscle, little bloat and reduce bf)?
    stay with calorie maintenance and let anabolics harden you up-
    In your opinion what AAS should i add to my second reload (wk 8-13)? winstrol25 mgs daily or anavar 20-40 mgs daily. anavar is more user friendly on the joints
    - I am really trying to keep this cycle around 12-14 weeks, what would you prefer? 12
    - Is my tren dose high enough for my goals? (the most i have used of tren is 600mg of Tren E per week stacked with 700mg of test). yes
    - I tend to lose a fair bit of hair on high doses of Tren, is their anything i can use other than Nizorol 2%? no
    Is it true that Tren and Test both fight for the same receptor, but tren binds a lot harder to it and therefore 'overpowers' most of the test. Or is this a myth? It's somewhat of a myth. Let me explain: First, test is safer and more user friendly than tren long term so that must always be taken into consideration. And you will get results using higher dosages of test over tren and vise versa. Both ways work! I personally suggest using test at higher dossages for most because tren has more side effects such as insomina, severe headaches ,sexual dysfunction, night sweats, and breathing problems so bad that it can trigger asthma attacks. I do feel that tren binds to AR stronger than test and some people experience fewer side effects while keeping test lower than tren but some get some nasty sides using more tren and less test. For example, no libido at all and a lack of sleep which IMO will cause one to age and cause health issues over the long haul! Tren doesn't over power test in terms of androgen reception but it does over power test regarding it's anabolic and androgenic properties. Tren has a higher binding affinity than test, but what tren does not take up will be taken up by test and various orals. I feel most have a better overall experience using more test and less tren. Tren takes up more receptors but one can take large dosages of test with large dosages of tren before full saturation of receptor sites occurs. I know that some IFBB pros are taking 3 grams or more of test weekly, 2 grams of tren weekly, and various orals daily. Why? Because it works!
    - With Injectable Winstrol, have you ever recomended to drink the winstrol instead of jabing it? yes but I prefer orals instead
    I have read a study (forgot where) that the winstrol is only ~65% as affective drinking than injection (since it has to pass the liver).
    - I have read a lot of forums and trainers recommend switching Anabolics and Androgens every 3-6 weeks for optimum results. Reasoning behind this is that our body's and receptors get used to the substance and it is good to switch the AAS with the same anabolic OR androgenic nature. What are your knowledgable thoughts? All steroids hit the same receptors so theres no use in changing every 3 weeks. But what I can tell you is that adding orals along with injectables will cause a noticeable increase in strength-then comes size/bloat with d-bol and drol and leaner gains with winstrol, halo, and var.

    Thank You RR!
    Last edited by Ronnie Rowland; 09-05-2012 at 01:30 PM.

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