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  1. #81
    Random is offline RETIRED VET
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    CD, does your chiropractor charge you double because your back is as wide as two normal poeple?
    LOLOL na its not too bad, HP covers some, self insured its only like 25bucks a session well worth it


  2. #82
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    Quote Originally Posted by CaptainDominate
    LOLOL na its not too bad, HP covers some, self insured its only like 25bucks a session well worth it

    I currently only have a major-med policy since I just started a new job; normal insurance will kick in next month, but I would have to pay for any doctor's visits right now so I'm probably not going to see anyone soon.

  3. #83
    Ajc330's Avatar
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    hey dan can you give us another pic update? from your last pics it looks like your back has gotten much thicker, great work! i have followed this thread and i am enjoying it, keep working hard.

  4. #84
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    Thank Ajc. Glad to see some folks are following. I'm actually taking new pics tomorrow. I'll get them updated sometime over the weekend; 11 weeks out from the comp.

  5. #85
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    11 Weeks Out

    Here are some pics from 11 weeks out; current weight is around 209.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0185.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0187.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0193.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0194.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0195.jpg  

  6. #86
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    A few more.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0196.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0199.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0200.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0201.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0202.jpg  

  7. #87
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    Last one.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-img_0204.jpg  

  8. #88
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    I think chest is lagging and I'm really working to bring it up in the time I have; focus is on incline movements.

  9. #89
    SneakyMofo is offline Banned
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    Looking good mate, how tall are you? at that weight I'm guessing just under 6'1?

    Good luck with the comp, i'm sure you'll do well

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by SneakyMofo
    Looking good mate, how tall are you? at that weight I'm guessing just under 6'1?

    Good luck with the comp, i'm sure you'll do well
    Very sneaky guess; exactly correct. I'm about 6 foot and 3/4 inch; just under 6'1.

  11. #91
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    looking great dan..... hit the chest as hard as u can bro... the last few weeks it will take shape... for the record- just wait til u get up there buddy.. its a great feeling--you're gonna do great & love it!

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    looking great dan..... hit the chest as hard as u can bro... the last few weeks it will take shape... for the record- just wait til u get up there buddy.. its a great feeling--you're gonna do great & love it!
    Thanks Jakked. Now remember, no taunting me with what you are going to be eating over the next 11 weeks.

  13. #93
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Thanks Jakked. Now remember, no taunting me with what you are going to be eating over the next 11 weeks.

    no way buddy... I went a bit overboard the day after the show....I'm back on track already.... goin for # 2 in 2 weeks...I'm with ya on the stairs buddy!

  14. #94
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    Your progress is coming along very nicely!

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by juju
    Your progress is coming along very nicely!
    Thanks juju. I'm feeling pretty good at this point with 11 weeks left until my first show. The Tren finally seems to be doing its thing. My vascularity has really improved over the past week to ten days.

  16. #96
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    Modifying the diet a bit starting today for the next several days with lower carbs. I'm trying to stay under 150g carbs daily which means I'll have to up my protein substantially to get my calories. Anyone got a suggestion on how to get my 655g protein? I'm thinking I'll fall a bit short there but I'm shooting for at least 500g today.

  17. #97
    Rogue is offline New Member
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    Hey Dan,

    Been away for a couple weeks, but your progress is looking outstanding!

    655 grams is a lot! You might have to get up in the middle of the night an hit a protein drink to get all that in. Make sure your drinking plenty of water with that much protein.

  18. #98
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    Thansk Rogue. I'm feeling pretty good but I know I have a long way to go to be in competition shape. Getting that much protein is a struggle, but its only for a few days, then back to a normal carb lvl.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogue
    Hey Dan,

    Been away for a couple weeks, but your progress is looking outstanding!

    655 grams is a lot! You might have to get up in the middle of the night an hit a protein drink to get all that in. Make sure your drinking plenty of water with that much protein.
    [R Quad]
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 05-30-2007 at 06:53 AM.

  19. #99
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    Good workout today. I am feeling a little run down due to the lack of carbs the past two days, but I get to eat some carbs PWO and along with my NO-Explode, I had pretty good energy in the gym.

    BF is continuely going down and vascularity increasing dramaticaly. I actually caught a pro-figure girl from my gym and her little sister talking about me. Pretty sweet. I hit shoulders and triceps and went lower weight than normal, but really got a good pump.

    One more day at around 130 carbs, then back to a normal carb intake for a few days.

  20. #100
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    are u cycling ur carbs?if so what is the theory behind that?ive heard people talk about it but ive never heard the reason why.

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    are u cycling ur carbs?if so what is the theory behind that?ive heard people talk about it but ive never heard the reason why.
    Yeah, I am going to be carb cycleing at least for a couple weeks to see how my body reacts. My contest prep guy is handleing the diet and I"m relying on him completely. I have read a couple of articles on carb cycling, but I dont have any previous experience with it and I am probably not the best person to answer your question.

    That being said, my understanding is that the basic idea is to kind of keep your body guessing so it doesn't get used to a particular macro nutrient breakdown which can lead to stalls and plateaus in dieting. Some poeple run a high carb day (say 400carbs), followed by a medium carb day (around 150-200 carbs), then a low carb day (under 100 carbs). Other people will run several days in a row at low carbs then do high carbs for a day or two and repeat. There are several good articles on B o d y B u i l d i n g. C o m.

    Another reason that I will be carb cycling is just to see how my body reacts to the low carb days. Since this is my first prep its certainly going to be a learning experience and I may stop the carb cycling after a couple weeks ***ending on how things go.

  22. #102
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    TREN SIDES. . .

    TREN INSOMNIA? Well, for the past three nights in a row, I have had a pretty rough time sleeping; waking up every hour or so and then going back to sleep after about 15 minutes. I probably woke up 6-8 times last night between 11pm and 7am. It blows. I normally have no trouble sleeping and sleep great all night so I think this is probably caused by something I'm taking and tren is the likely canidate.

    IRRITABILITY? I have also noticed a increase in my irritability. Now, I'm not quite ready to call this a direct side of the Tren. As I mentioned yesterday, I have been on a low carb diet which sucks balls and I have little energy. This could lead to irratibility. Also, not getting any sleep will probably also cause me to be a little irritable so perhaps this is an indirect side. I'll let you guys know if I punch a hole through a wall or someone's face of anything, but I cant see it going that far. I'm normally pretty good about controlling myself.

    I am beginning to understand the love-hate relationship a lot of guys say they have with Tren. Personally I still love the shit.

  23. #103
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    Just noticed I"m exactly six weeks into the cycle today.

  24. #104
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    Leg workout today; went pretty heavy for the first time in a couple weeks and really killed hamstrings. Today was day three of low carbs, for the next three days I"ll be upping the carbs to around 500-600g. Woot.

  25. #105
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    I took an otc sleep aide last night and it helped a little but I still didn't sleep very well. I'm feeling better today than I have the past couple of days, no doubt due to the increased carbs. I've gotten in about 350 or my 600g of carbs for the day and I'll load up pre and post workout.

  26. #106
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    Still dealing with insomnia issues. I took a prescription sleeping pill last night and it really helped. I've got about three weeks of a prescription left so hopefully the insomina will have passed with my script runs out. BF is still dropping at a pretty consistant rate. I'm happy with the way things are progressing so far.

    I really wanna try the tren when I can take in some serious cals to see what kind of growth I can get, next cycle maybe.

    [L Quad]

  27. #107
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    Naired the upper and lower body today. After shaving 2x weekly for the past few weeks, I've gotten some razor burn (on my legs especially) that isn't going away so I'm switching to nair once a week and shaving once a week.

    Personally, I'm a big fan of nair but it takes a little practice to get it on even and leave it on long enough to burn the hair but not give you a nasty chemical burn. Acne is starting to really pop up on my shoulders and upper back as well. This happend at about the same time last time I ran test.

  28. #108
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    Back and Shoulders today. I had a good working; watching the Shawn Ray Classic last night got me fired up. I also got some new posing positions that I really like from watching the big guys.

  29. #109
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    I have been taking a prescription sleeping pill that has really helped me get a good nights sleep. The last couple of nights, I only woke up once or twice all night. I think the mild feeling of increased aggression or lack of patience I was experiencing was due more to lack of sleep than a direct effect of the tren as I'm feeling much better now.

    I have had some very vivid and strange dreams the last few nights. One dream about my ex-fiance and another one where I was being chased by John Rambo; weird stuff.

    My weight has stayed about the same the past week to ten days but bodyfat has dropped and vascularity has increased even more. Leg cuts are starting to come out a little as well but I'm still holding too much bodyfat in my lower back/lower abs. I guess thats going to be the last place to go for me. I'll update pics at the end of this week or the end of next week, either 9 or 8 weeks out. I'm 10 weeks out now.

  30. #110
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    lost in translation
    tren sounds so uumm crazy but i gotta try it someday for sure.makes u wonder why it would affect your dreams huh. but the gains u can make wow! lookin good dan, what would u guestimate ur bf @ right now?

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    tren sounds so uumm crazy but i gotta try it someday for sure.makes u wonder why it would affect your dreams huh. but the gains u can make wow! lookin good dan, what would u guestimate ur bf @ right now?
    The Tren sides haven't been all that bad except for the insomnia and that's taken care of with sleep pills.

    As far as bodyfat, its really hard for me to guess. I guess I could have someone use some calipers on me, but I'm not too concerned with the exact percentage. I'm getting decent cuts in my legs and have veins shooting out all across my arms and forearms. In the gym, I get veins popping out across shoulders/chest and even upper back. Abs are looking decenb but I'm still holding some bodyfat around my lower abs/lower back. If I had to guess I would say probably around 10%?

    I'm starting cardio again this week (my trainer advised me to wait until now) at 3-4 times per week, 30 mins in the morning on an empty stomach.

  32. #112
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    Good chest workout today, haven't logged one in a while:

    4 sets Incline DBell presses up to 130s for 8
    Incline DBell Flyes 3 sets 30s, 35, 45s (slow with squeezes at the top)
    Hammer strength Wide-Grip machine presses, 3 sets up to 8 plates
    Pec Dec Flye 3 sets

    I got a really good pump in my chest and Strength has pretty much stabalized which is goods since weight is down just a bit.

    Cardio in the morning which I'm not looking forward too, but its time I guess. 3x this week then 7x next week at 30mins each morning. Again, this is just to see how my body responds, I may increase or decrease the cardio after next week based on the results.

    The guy doing my prep is also trying to get me to inject into my arms/bi's primarily, but I'm kinda leary of it. Seems like there are an awul lot of veins there and my arms are more than a bit smaller than legs. We'll see. I'll probably pick up some 5/8 inch pins and give the bi's a try one day next week. I'm thinking of starting with .5cc per bi the first day.

    [R Quad]

  33. #113
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    getpaid is offline Associate Member
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    Do it!!I was a lil worried about the bi's too at first, but now I love it..First couple of times was a lil tight but now I love working them out after injecting, crazy ass pumps!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Good chest workout today, haven't logged one in a while:

    4 sets Incline DBell presses up to 130s for 8
    Incline DBell Flyes 3 sets 30s, 35, 45s (slow with squeezes at the top)
    Hammer strength Wide-Grip machine presses, 3 sets up to 8 plates
    Pec Dec Flye 3 sets

    I got a really good pump in my chest and Strength has pretty much stabalized which is goods since weight is down just a bit.

    Cardio in the morning which I'm not looking forward too, but its time I guess. 3x this week then 7x next week at 30mins each morning. Again, this is just to see how my body responds, I may increase or decrease the cardio after next week based on the results.

    The guy doing my prep is also trying to get me to inject into my arms/bi's primarily, but I'm kinda leary of it. Seems like there are an awul lot of veins there and my arms are more than a bit smaller than legs. We'll see. I'll probably pick up some 5/8 inch pins and give the bi's a try one day next week. I'm thinking of starting with .5cc per bi the first day.

    [R Quad]

  34. #114
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    Just got back from cardio. Woke up, popped some BCAA's and did 30mins on a treadmill walking-incline. Cardio sucks ass.

  35. #115
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    Starting the winny today at 30mg daily for a couple weeks, then will adjust as needed.

  36. #116
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    Cardio again this morning for 30mins 8% incline, lvl 3 on a treadmill. Cardio still sucks ass.

  37. #117
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    Starting the winny today at 30mg daily for a couple weeks, then will adjust as needed.
    Why did you choose to do 30 mgs?

  38. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris
    Why did you choose to do 30 mgs?
    I'm keeping the dosage pretty low to start out because I'm taking the two other compounds already. If I dont notice results in 10days-2weeks, I'll double the dose.

  39. #119
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    I'm keeping the dosage pretty low to start out because I'm taking the two other compounds already. If I dont notice results in 10days-2weeks, I'll double the dose.
    AH, got cha

  40. #120
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    I might bump it up to 60mg daily just for kicks anyway, thats still a fairly low dose for oral.

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