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  1. #121
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    Thats what i was thinking, but i havt giving it a run so i cant comment on what dose is effective

  2. #122
    Myostatinus's Avatar
    Myostatinus is offline Junior Member
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    Nice work.

    The improvement is particularly evident in these two:

    I was thinking of running a cycle similar to yours, but with lesser tren dosages since I've never used it before.

  3. #123
    xraymind's Avatar
    xraymind is offline New Member
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    can definately see the muscles getting harder in that last pic

  4. #124
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    Yeah, cycle is going really well. I am continuing to get harder and vascularity is pretty sick right now. I'll post new pics next weekend (8 weeks out from my comp).

    I went to a local show over the weekend and feel pretty good about my upcoming comp. Branch Warren was the guest poser. I think his legs are bigger than mine.

    I went ahead and bumped up the winny to 60mg. Hitting the quad today and hopefully biceps in a few days if my pins get here. Update: pins are in so it looks like I'll be trying the bi's this week. I think I'm more nervous about it than giving myself the first injection.

    [L Quad]
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 06-10-2007 at 01:46 PM.

  5. #125
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    Workouts have been going good, strength is still slowly going up even as weight drops and calories are reduced. I got 100lbs dumbells on shoulder press for 8 reps and worked up to 140lbs dumbells for 10 reps on incline. I'm still staying light on my back workouts to avoid reinjuring it.

  6. #126
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    [61 days out]

    Just finished up morning cardio: 30mins/5% incline/lvl 3(20minute mile) on a treadmill. This is my standard cardio. I was doing it at a 10% incline but feel 5% is sufficient at this point. Keeping at 5% now will give me a little wiggle room to increase intensity later if needed.

    Today is day two of another short low carb period. Keeping carbs at around 150g for a few days. One cup oats right now, 1/2 cup pre workout and another 60g post workout via vitargo.

    I figured up that I'm 61 days out now, about 8 1/2 weeks and I feel like I'm right on schedule as far as bf goes. I'll try to keep posting the days out with each post.

  7. #127
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    Leg Pic

    For those of you thinking "but DangerDan, this is your first comp, I dont think you are really ahead," here is a leg pic from this morning. Keep in mind I'm 8 1/2 weeks out at this point.

    If anyone can put this pic in the thread, that would be great.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-quad.6.11.small.jpg  

  8. #128
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    you still got time, to serioully dial it in,, and you aint far off frm what i see,

  9. #129
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    Your quad is sick, looks good. Problem is those huge quads looked like they are attched to a girls calfs! haha, just joking bud, nice log!

  10. #130
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillshooter
    Your quad is sick, looks good. Problem is those huge quads looked like they are attched to a girls calfs! haha, just joking bud, nice log!
    Ouch, that was a low blow. I'll just do my free posing routine in knee deep water. (the angle of the photo makes them look small; thats what I tell myself anyway).

  11. #131
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    when do you finish the tren and test and start with the winny?

  12. #132
    taiboxa's Avatar
    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    LOL that angle on that leg pic is KILLING ME!
    took me a min to figure out wtf it was .. i was like HOW DOES HE HAVE SO MANY Striations in his bi!? then i was like OH!~
    Lookin good though

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    LOL that angle on that leg pic is KILLING ME!
    took me a min to figure out wtf it was .. i was like HOW DOES HE HAVE SO MANY Striations in his bi!? then i was like OH!~
    Lookin good though
    Glad you caught that Tai; actually that is my left bi, measures just over 27 inches.

    To answer Hillshooter's question, I'm currently taking:

    600mg test-e weekly (divided into two injections)
    400mg tren -e weekly (divided into two injections)
    Winny 60mg daily (oral liquid)

    I'm starting to lean more towards Tai's conservative approach to AAS. I'll switch to test-prop or suspension in two and a half weeks (6 weeks out) and either drop the tren at 4 weeks out or switch to tren-a. If I drop the tren completely, I may add in some mast.

  14. #134
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    taiboxa is offline "Vanity Redefined" ~VET~
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    lol im not telling :D
    i would never drop tren completely pre comp.. imo u need tren to win lol

  15. #135
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    i would never drop tren completely pre comp.. imo u need tren to win lol
    I'm just kind of afraid to run Tren -E up until the comp because I think it might keep me a little bloated. Maybe I'll pick up some tren-a for the last month or so.

  16. #136
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    Injected the Bi's last night for the fist time. Aspirated some blood on the first attempt but everything went smooth after that. I took it easy and just did .5cc per arm. This morning they feel a little sore, but nothing major. I'll probably move up to .75cc next week and then 1cc thereafter.

    I'm also looking at picking up either some test-p or suspension as well as either tren -a or primo; both ***ending on what's currently in stock so to speak. I'll drop the tren-e and test-e at 6 weeks out in favor of these two. Still considering mast as well, but its looking less likely at this point.

    Another 30mins of cardio this morning and I"m considering taking today off, we'll see.

  17. #137
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    New avatar is from today, a little over 8 weeks out. Have I mentioned how much I love Tren . If I could have sex with tren, I would. Tren and I would start a family and live happily ever after. Seriously, this shit is amazing. Any guesses on my bf% here?

    Note to self if I'm looking back on this log in the future: GET ON TREN!

  18. #138
    bpm1's Avatar
    bpm1 is offline Anabolic Member
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    bro ABSOLUTELY amazing, it seems like u respond very well to the juice to me( i know u work hard,diet is good,u've got ur panda mentor etc...) it seems like u really come 2 steps forward every cycle, awesome job bro! and id guess around 8% maybee hard to tell from pic but i see veins and striations everywhere!

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    bro ABSOLUTELY amazing, it seems like u respond very well to the juice to me( i know u work hard,diet is good,u've got ur panda mentor etc...) it seems like u really come 2 steps forward every cycle, awesome job bro! and id guess around 8% maybee hard to tell from pic but i see veins and striations everywhere!
    Hey Thanks BPM. I am really pleased and surprised at how well this cycle is going so far. On the other hand, My diet has been really strict since I started the cycle. I have eaten clean in the past but never close to the level that I"m at now. Knowing that I"m going to be on stage in 8 short weeks is a huge motivation and has really helped me from a mental standpoint.

    I'm also training smarter now than I ever have before and I think that everything, diet, training, (panda mentor) and the anabolics all play a role.

    Thanks again for posting. Hopefully I will continue to improve over the next 8 weeks.

  20. #140
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    I've been feeling tired and run down the past few days. I think this is due to lack of sleep. I've got sleeping pills that take care of any insomnia but I went from getting up every morning at 7:30 to getting up at 6:00 to do cardio and I have still be going to bed around 12:30. I'm going to try to start going to be earlier I guess.

    An IFBB pro figure model at my gym approached me yesterday and asked if I competed which made me feel pretty good. She's hot, unfortunately her husband would crush my head between his forearms.

  21. #141
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    Took off from cardio this morning; I feel like I need the extra sleep and I have been the past 5 mornings.

    Good leg workout last night, worked up to 405 for 4 reps. Wrapped my knees for the first time too. One of them normally aches a bit, but it felt great after keep it wrapped so I'll be wrapping in the future I guess.

  22. #142
    Rogue is offline New Member
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    You're looking good bud! Great accomplishment on the transformation.

  23. #143
    thetank's Avatar
    thetank is offline Anabolic Member
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    im source cheks
    gettin shredded man..definately starting to transform your physique into something completely different...keep it up bro.

  24. #144
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    Thanks guys. Headed to the gym now where I will be taking some new pics. I'll get them up today or tomorrow. Weight as of this morning is 203; I was 208 before bed. Cycle starting weight was about 215 at night, 210-212 mornings so I'm down about 8lbs I guess. Most of that dropped the first couple weeks into my strict diet when I cut out breads and dairy. I've dropped maybe two pounds over the past two weeks but bodyfat is still on the decline so I must be adding some muscle too.

    My goal since the start of this cycle has been to enter my first show; I'll be in the 177-198 weight class so I want to try to keep as much muscle as possible to try to come in as close to 198 as I can. Of course the main goal is to get as lean and shredded as possible so if I come in at 190, thats great too.

  25. #145
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    your realy starting to come together! Post those new pics up bro!

  26. #146
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    8 Weeks Out

    Here are some new pics; the lighting is pretty bad unfortunately, but its the best I have for this week. Still holding most of my bodyfat in lower abs/lower back. 8 Weeks out from comp as of today.

    I think my main weak point is going to be chest; just can't get it to look right in the front lat spread. I'm also hoping the bicep injections will stretch the muscle enough to spur a little growth as well. Hamstrings could use some extra love as well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-frontbi.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-frontlat.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-legsabs.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-rearbis.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-rearlat.jpg  

  27. #147
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    Last edited by Dangerdan; 07-17-2007 at 09:46 AM.

  28. #148
    bigjamie's Avatar
    bigjamie is offline Associate Member
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    hey man your cycle post is a great read. Im logging in every other day to check on your progess as Im sure others are as well. Good luck with your comp. PS The extra work on your legs is really starting to pay divedends and your back is looking good as well. Keep it up champ

  29. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjamie
    hey man your cycle post is a great read. Im logging in every other day to check on your progess as Im sure others are as well. Good luck with your comp. PS The extra work on your legs is really starting to pay divedends and your back is looking good as well. Keep it up champ
    Hey thanks man. Good to know some folks are following this one. It give me motivation to know that people are keeping tabs on me.

    Had a good Chest workout yesterday and I'm off to to shoulders now.

    Injected the shoulders today (about 1.12ml's per shoulder). I have been doing only quad injections, but I'm gonna try the site injection thing for a month or so to see if I experience any results off it. My quads have improved drastically and hell maybe it is from site injections. I have always been skeptical but I'm willing to give it a try. I'll hit the biceps again later on this week, probably with .75 or 1ml to each bi.

  30. #150
    Decoder's Avatar
    Decoder is offline Banned
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    how much weight are you up now, I havent dont Tren E before im going to try it in my next cycle in the winter, right now im on deca .teste dbol , hopefully i can make some good gains with sust/trenE when i try it for the frist time..

  31. #151
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    Quote Originally Posted by Decoder
    how much weight are you up now, I havent dont Tren E before im going to try it in my next cycle in the winter, right now im on deca.teste dbol, hopefully i can make some good gains with sust/trenE when i try it for the frist time..
    I'm down about ten pounds actually. This cycle is being run for an upcoming competition.

  32. #152
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    The shoulder workout post injection went really good yesterday. A little over 1cc in each side delt and they looked bigger than normal when I worked out. It's probably just the oil sitting in the muscle, but I'm gonna keep trying the site injection thing for shoulder/bi's and quads over the next couple weeks.

    Cardio seemed harder than usual this morning but I got it done. Headed to the gym to do back now. I'm also starting day one of three high carb days (about 600g's daily).

  33. #153
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    hit it hard Danger Dan

  34. #154
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    [53 Days out]

    Just finished up cardio; went much better than yesterday. I had a good back workout yesterday; went up to 495 on rack pulls for two sets of 10. My back is finally almost back to normal I think, but I"m still trying to be safe as I can't afford an injury at this point. I also did some biceps at the end of the workout. I'll be hitting bi's hard on thursday after injecting them Wednesday night.

    Got my 600carbs in yesterday and hoping to do the same today, mostly from dry oats with splenda brown sugar. I'm also still taking a vitargo/protein blend PWO drink and drinking carb powder during my workouts on high carb days.

  35. #155
    bigjamie's Avatar
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    Hey Danger can you tell us how your training works over a week. Which days are you doing what muscle group how may reps sets etc. Keep it up man

  36. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigjamie
    Hey Danger can you tell us how your training works over a week. Which days are you doing what muscle group how may reps sets etc. Keep it up man
    I'm a big fan of heavy compound movements normally and often go with a three day split. Day 1 - Legs. Day 2 - Upper body push (chest/shoulders/triceps). Day 3 - Upper body pull (back/traps/biceps). With this split, I work out two days on, on day off.

    Lately I have moved to a more common single bodypart scheme. A normal week for me would look like:

    Monday - Back
    Tuesday - Chest
    Wednesday - Legs
    Thursday - Shoulders
    Friday - Arms
    Repeat. . .

    Some days I'll work bi's after back or tri's after chest or shoulders. I also work in calves at least once or twice a week and try to do some extra forearm movements once a week too. I am not taking any off days currently at the advice of my trainer. Also, I'm still doing 30mins cardio 6x weekly in the am on an empty stomach (BCAA's beforehand).

    I alternate between going heavy and going lighter with more focus on muscular contraction.

    Standard workouts to follow:

  37. #157
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    Chest Workouts:

    I swith exercises pretty regularly, but here is what a standard workout would look like for chest. I'm currently doing a lot of incline movements to fill out my upper chest, a weak point at the moment.

    Heavy Day
    Incline Dbell presses: 60x12, 80x12, 100x10, 120x8, 140x6
    Incline Dbell Flyes: 40x12, 50x8, 60x6, 60x6
    Hammer Strength Chest Press: 4 sets 15, 12, 10, 8 reps (heavy)
    Basic Machine Chest press (not sure what the machine is called, but it's just a normal pressing movement): 3 sets 15, 12, 10
    Cable Flye: 3 sets 20, 15, 10
    2-3 sets pushups to failure

    Contraction day: On this day I go lighter and keep the weights very controlled and movments very slow. I try to really squeez at the top of every movement. Its alot more painful workout than the heavy day but I thinkg both types have their purpose

    Charles Glass Incline Flye: 30x20, 35x15, 40x12
    Superset w/ Incline dbell press:30x20, 35x15, 40x12
    Superset Cable Presses (Incline/Regular/Decline): 45lb for 8, 8, 8; 50lb for 7, 7, 7; 60lb for 5, 5, 5 (I rotate the order too, to its like 8 incline, 8 regular, 8 decline in set one, then 7 decline, 7 regular, 7 incline in set two. . .)
    Pec Dec Flye: 3 sets 15, 12, 10
    Incline Machine Chest Press: 3 sets 15, 12, 10
    Pushups 2-3 sets to failure (normally at ten per set at this point)

    Adding pushups at the end helps me gauge how hard I worked my chest. On a normal day, I can rep out somewhere between 80-100 pushups. After a workout, if I can do 30, I know I didn't hit it hard enough. If I can only do like 5, I know it was a good day.

    [I'll try to post my standard workouts for other bodyparts later in the week, but this should give you an idea of my general theory/scheme, etc.]

  38. #158
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    Injected 1.12 cc/ml in each side delt and worked out shoulders yesterday. I'm really starting to enjoy workout out the muscle I inject. Shoulders looked really good after the workout. I didn't get to inject bi's this week, but I'm still planning on giving that a second try next week. Headed to the gym later for an arm workout. I dont work out arms by themselves too often so it should be good.

  39. #159
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    Standard Shoulder Workouts

    Like chest, I have two basic shoulder workouts, one heavy and one concentrating on the contraction more with lighter weights.

    Heavy day
    Couple of warm-ups: standing shoulder presses w/45s or so
    Seated shoulder press (dbell): 70x12, 80x10, 90x8, 100x6
    Seated rear delt shoulder raises (dbell): 25x15, 35x12, 45x8
    Standing side delt raises (dbell): 25x15, 30x12, 40x8
    Standing front delt raises (dbell): 25x15, 30x12, 40x8
    Sometimes I giant set all three delt raises and drop the reps to like 10x10x10 and then 8x8x8. . .
    Cable side raises: 3 sets 15, 12, 10 reps
    Rear delt on pec dec: 3 sets 12, 10, 8
    Even on heavy day I focus mainly on raises instead of presses

    On lighter/contraction days, I do similar exercises, generally one press and the rest raises. I use more cables and less dbells and go pretty light.

  40. #160
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    Hit arms tonight; contraction day. Here's the workout.

    I normally alternate between a close and wide grip for each set on barbell exercises. My outer head tends to dominate so I start with wide grips to work the inner head.

    Two warmup sets with easy-curl bar: 40x15, 45x15
    One arm dbell hanging concentration curls: 30x15, 35x12, 40x10
    High cable curls with a bar (not crowd pleasers): 4 sets 15, 12, 10, 10 reps
    Barbell curls 45x15, 55x12, 65x10

    Cable pressdowns, single arm: starting with underhand grip/then moving to overhand grip halfway through. 4 sets, reps 12&12, 10&10, 8&8, 6&6
    Cable skullcrushers (laying french press): I do these instead of barbell because I have tendonitis and this doesn't hurt the elbows: 4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10
    Seated machine dips: 4 sets 20, 15, 12, last set is a 4 step drop set to failure

    I then finished up with three sets of hammer curls superset with wrist/forearm curls.

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