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  1. #241
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Thanks Uber.

    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids
    Outstanding job man!
    Wow, I don't think I will be ever able to get ripped like that. I wouldn't even know where to start.

  2. #242
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    I appreciate the comment. I'm really happy with how my back has progressed. Deads/quaterdeads/pull-ups all the way.

    In the off season, I plan to work to bring up my chest, arms and hamstrings. Then come in next year with a much better physique, but I"m really pleased with everything so far.

    Quote Originally Posted by vegeetz
    DD keep up the great work!! Your back is definately your strong point its gotten much bigger, good luck on the competition I think you'll be ready bro!

  3. #243
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    inside 4 weeks out rite dan? now is the grueling /struggle part... stay focused, & dont let it wear ya down... the struggle is the glory my friend.. home stretch...b4 you know it you will be on stage...

  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    inside 4 weeks out rite dan? now is the grueling /struggle part... stay focused, & dont let it wear ya down... the struggle is the glory my friend.. home stretch...b4 you know it you will be on stage...
    Yeah, about 3.5 weeks out now. It's a struggle but being so close helps some too. I know I can make it another few weeks.

  5. #245
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    dan when you do deads, do you do them conventional or sumo? cuz i did rack deads yesterday but i cudnt put the pins quite low enough, so i couldnt get my ass under the weight (if that makes sense) and my lower back hurts today.

  6. #246
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    dan when you do deads, do you do them conventional or sumo? cuz i did rack deads yesterday but i cudnt put the pins quite low enough, so i couldnt get my ass under the weight (if that makes sense) and my lower back hurts today.
    I do then with a traditional stance. I have only done sumo deads a couple of times. I put the pins just below my knees, maybe a inch. I know what you mean about getting your ass under the weight. I basically start with my legs actually touching the bar and drag it up my body. It pretty much stays in constant contact with my legs so I always wear long pants when I do them, otherwise it kinda tears my skin up a bit. This keeps my ass under me as much as possible.

  7. #247
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    .75ml's Tren -A into each Bi last night. It was an off night from the gym and I even slept in a bit this morning to kind of recharge my body a bit. I'm off the Test now so it will just be Tren-A and Winny from here in. I'll head to the gym to do arms tonight.

  8. #248
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    how do you find it jabbin into Bis dan?

  9. #249
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    how do you find it jabbin into Bis dan?
    This is my third bi injection over a period of like 4 weeks. I'm using 25 gauged 5/8 inch pins so the needles are pretty tiny. The first couple injections made me pretty nervous but I"m getting used to it.

    First injection was .5ml into each bi. Second injection was about .8ml into each bi. My bi's got a little red and swollen after the second one. They also looked noticably bigger for a couple of days due to the swelling I guess. Third injection was .75ml yesterday and my bi's feel fine today. I normally try to work out bi's the day after the injection to hopefully maxamize any fascia expansion. It's hard to tell if injecting into them is helping to add size since I've been cutting and have lost a little weight, but I think they are looking a bit bigger.

    I'm starting to become a bit of a believer in site injections (for the reasons I have outlined earlier in the thread) and I think I'll probably inject bi's once a week the next couple weeks.
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 07-19-2007 at 02:37 PM.

  10. #250
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    very nice dan, thanks for the details.... something I was considering, but was aprehensive... not so much now... good stuff bro... lookin great...get some color on you my man!! its not far off!!!! before you know it, you'll be eatin pizza........

  11. #251
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    where and when is ur comp bro, if u dont mind telling?

  12. #252
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    where and when is ur comp bro, if u dont mind telling?
    Weigh in's are 21 days away! The show is 22 days away, so three weeks.

  13. #253
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    Increased night sweats the last couple nights and a bit of insomnia. I have had to actually get up a couple times each night to wipe off the sweat from around my neck/chest/back. This is likely due to the increased Tren .

  14. #254
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    either that or u have the heat on

    how u feelin?

  15. #255
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    either that or u have the heat on

    how u feelin?
    Physically speaking, I'm still feeling pretty tired most days, but mentally I'm doing well and feeling very determined. Progress has definately slowed the past couple of weeks, but I"m making some changes now (clen mainly) which I hope will give me a little boost.

    I'm also thinkin of upping my winny dose from 50mg to 100mg daily for the final three weeks. I never could get ahold of any prop but I should be fine without it. I kinda wish I had picked up some mast when it was availble but its too late to worry about that stuff at this point.

    I've got a cheat day scheduled for tomorrow with three cheat meals that I'm really excited about. I'm kinda worried about having a cheat day this close, but it's what my trainer is telling me to do and I'm following his advice for this first show.

    Next year, its a custom self-created DangerDan contest prep. Maybe you can bump up to the light heavies and whip my ass at a show next summer jakked?

  16. #256
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    never guna happen danny boy.......I'm not a the point where I want to be trying to put on 25lbs of muscle & goin up to that weight class...I have plenty of work to do to be a better middleweight on its own...never mind goin up in weight.
    CHEAT DAY?? hmmmm.... 3 meals of that nature doesnt sound rite at this point, but if your boy says it.. up the winny to 100 sounds good.

  17. #257
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    Well it would be easier for you to add 25lbs of muscle than for me to shrink like 4 inches but whatever Jakked. I see how it is.

    I feel the same way about the cheat meal at this point, but I'm sticking with what he tells me this go round. I'm pretty sure I"ll do the next prep myself or at least give more imput on it. I've learned alot this first time and dont think this will be my last comp.

    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    never guna happen danny boy.......I'm not a the point where I want to be trying to put on 25lbs of muscle & goin up to that weight class...I have plenty of work to do to be a better middleweight on its own...never mind goin up in weight.
    CHEAT DAY?? hmmmm.... 3 meals of that nature doesnt sound rite at this point, but if your boy says it.. up the winny to 100 sounds good.

  18. #258
    Rogue is offline New Member
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    Hey Dan,

    Great work on getting leaner. I don't get on much so seeing the results everytime I come back is awesome - fantastic job!

    Are you and the gf going to be doing couples along with your main entry?

  19. #259
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    The gf from earlier in the thread and I aren't dating anymore but we're cool and still train together. The show we're doing doesn't have a couples division. I think she has a very good shot at winning her class though and we'll see how I do.

    Thanks for the comment too.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rogue
    Hey Dan,

    Great work on getting leaner. I don't get on much so seeing the results everytime I come back is awesome - fantastic job!

    Are you and the gf going to be doing couples along with your main entry?

  20. #260
    bigjamie's Avatar
    bigjamie is offline Associate Member
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    your looking ripped bro your arm looks massive in that side pose good luck Dan
    also can you tell me are you putting tren and test in the same injection or on separate days
    Last edited by bigjamie; 07-20-2007 at 10:15 PM.

  21. #261
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    its better if you stay 4" taller & 20+ lbs heavier Dan...I wouldnt want to embarras myself next to you on stage...your looking good bro..stay on track. How did the cheat meals work out?? hopefully u did it in cant get fat in a day, but over doing it wouldnt be good either IMO...I agree it was time for a re-feed though...IMO, one-maybe 2 cheats would be suffiecient..

  22. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    its better if you stay 4" taller & 20+ lbs heavier Dan...I wouldnt want to embarras myself next to you on stage...your looking good bro..stay on track. How did the cheat meals work out?? hopefully u did it in cant get fat in a day, but over doing it wouldnt be good either IMO...I agree it was time for a re-feed though...IMO, one-maybe 2 cheats would be suffiecient..
    Cheat meals were good. I had a steak and loaded baked potato last night and IHOP for breakfast. Yum.

  23. #263
    sorel_C is offline Member
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    havt been following this for a while,, when i first saw the new pics, i didt think it was you man,, great progress

  24. #264
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Thanks man. The cycle and contest prep are going very good so far. We'll see how shredded I can get these last three weeks.

    Quote Originally Posted by cowboy-chris
    havt been following this for a while,, when i first saw the new pics, i didt think it was you man,, great progress

  25. #265
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Finally started clen today at 50mg (Lions). Dealing with the normal sides from that; a little bit of the shakes and dry mouth. I'm taking in extra water to compensate. I planned on moving up to 75mg and then 100mg but 50mg is plenty for now.

    Doing an hour of cardio daily these last few weeks. I got in 45 minutes this morning on a treadmill (lvl3, 10%incline).

  26. #266
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    Experienced headaches and somewhat shakey most of the day from the clen at 50mg. I'll keep it at 50mg for another day or too until i tolerate the sides a bit better then bump it up to 75 and then 100. I'll run clen up until the show or as needed.

    1.5cc Tren -A injection Right quad. Will shoot the bi's again in a couple days. I'm starting to dig the bi injections (do it Jakked!).

  27. #267
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    Im doin it tomorrow danny... I think im guna like it just like you do you crazy guy you

  28. #268
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    how did the bi injects go jakked? i would have to grow some serious balls to do still being a pu5sy about having to do quad injects on my next cycle...

  29. #269
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    Didn't get much sleep last night. I'm experiencing more night sweats now. I work up probably four times last night covered in sweat and had to wipe off with a towell and move to the other side of the bed. Sweats are worse than I experienced on Tren -E for sure, but this is only the second night I have experienced this so maybe it will be an issolated event.

    I dont feel like I have progressed much these past couple of weeks. I have upped my cardio and started clen so we'll see. I will up clen to around 80mg today

  30. #270
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    are you maintaining muscle off the test?

  31. #271
    PEWN's Avatar
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    i have been reading this thread since day one.... i can not wait to see what the outcome is ... you are doing a good job...

  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    are you maintaining muscle off the test?
    Wel I was running Test-E and only stopped about a week ago, so I should still have elevated lvls in my system. I'm actually pretty bloated right now for some reason. PM weight has been as high as 209 the last couple of days, up from 205 last week. Not sure what is causing this, probably the cheat day, but I've lowered my carbs a bit and am continueing to run letro to get rid of the bloat.

    I'm still on winny at 100mg daily and Tren -A at 100mg EOD so I think I should be able to maintain muslce pretty well. Even with the cardio I have been doing and the pretty substantial decrease in bodyfat, I'm only down about 5-10lbs from the start of my cycle so I'm really pleased. I thought I would be lighter at this point.

    The last week has been pretty rough mentally and I'm sure the next few will be as well. It's pretty much a struggle every day now and I've got a lot of respect for anyone who has ever competed.

  33. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by pewntang
    i have been reading this thread since day one.... i can not wait to see what the outcome is ... you are doing a good job...
    Hey thanks man. I'm pretty excited to see the final results on stage in a few weeks as well. Sometimes I feel like I'm limping to the finish line instead of sprinting, but I'm gonna make it one way or another.

  34. #274
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    Here's a quick update: . . . CARDIO SUCKS ASS!!!!!!

  35. #275
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    I thought I would post my diet and supps today to give you guys an idea of what I'm eating. I'll edit this post as the day goes on.

    6:00 - BCAA's, Ephedra, coffee
    6:00 - 7:00 45 min Cardio (incline treadmill)
    7:30 - 7 egg whites; 1 cup oats w/ splenda
    9:00 - 50mg clen , coffee, 2g glutamine, potassium supps
    10:00 - 1 cup oats /w splenda & 50g Isopure zero carb protein shake
    12:30 - 12 oz chicken breast w/ 1cup green beans
    2:00 - potassium, 2g glutamine, BCAAs
    4:30 - 15 min vigorous cardio
    5:00 - 8oz chicken breast w/ 1cup green beans, Animal Pak Multi
    7:00 - Isopure 50g protein
    9:00 - 8oz chicken breast
    11:00 - 6 egg whites
    . . .
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 07-27-2007 at 03:47 AM.

  36. #276
    timtim is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    I thought I would post my diet and supps today to give you guys an idea of what I'm eating. I'll edit this post as the day goes on.

    6:00 - BCAA's, Ephedra, coffee
    6:00 - 7:00 Cardio (incline treadmill)
    7:30 - 7 egg whites; 1 cup oats w/ splenda
    9:00 - 50mg clen , coffee, 2g glutamine, potassium supps
    10:00 - 1 cup oats /w splenda & 50g Isopure zero carb protein shake
    . . .

    you didnt dropt the protein supps yet? that could be a big reason your weight isnt moving and your sticking. i have been around a lot of competitors (2 currently) and they dropped all non-whole foods at week 8. most i know actually went from week 16 without any protein supps due to the bloating.

    great work. i wish you the best. the hard part is coming now. im watching a guy getting ready to go for his pro card and the last 2 weeks have been bad and he still has another few to go. he looks unbelievable though. good luck!

  37. #277
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    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    you didnt dropt the protein supps yet? that could be a big reason your weight isnt moving and your sticking. i have been around a lot of competitors (2 currently) and they dropped all non-whole foods at week 8. most i know actually went from week 16 without any protein supps due to the bloating.

    great work. i wish you the best. the hard part is coming now. im watching a guy getting ready to go for his pro card and the last 2 weeks have been bad and he still has another few to go. he looks unbelievable though. good luck!
    Thanks, and no I'm still taking in a couple shakes a day. I'll drop the protein shakes at two weeks out, on Saturday. Most of the guys who compete that I know drop them at 2-3 weeks out.

  38. #278
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    1.5cc Tren -A into the delts last night. Had pretty bad night sweats again and some insomnia. I got to sleep in a bit (until 7:30) becuase I'm not doing morning cardio on leg days. Headed ot the gym in a few.

  39. #279
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    Here is a quick pick from two weeks out. (also my avatar for the time being)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-kneesideback.jpg  
    Last edited by Dangerdan; 07-28-2007 at 09:31 PM.

  40. #280
    bigjamie's Avatar
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    Your back is looking awesome Dan I cant believe how much you have progressed. Good luck with your comp man

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