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  1. #161
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    On a side note, my weight is up a couple pounds from last week. Hopefully because I've added muscle, since I'm only two weeks into cardio. I'm thinking of adding clen next week as well.

    Current weight: 206am-210pm.

  2. #162
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Standard Back Workouts


    Pullups w/ varying width grips: 5 sets of 10 (or 5 sets of 5 weighted)
    Rack Pulls (quater deads): 12x135, 12x225, 12x315, 8x405, 8x495, 6x545
    Single Arm Dbell Rows: 80x12, 100x12, 120x8, 140x6
    Barbell Rows: 135x12, 225x8, 225x8
    Hammer Strength Lat Pulldown: 3 sets 12, 10, 8
    Normaly I finish up with a couple sets of assisted pull-ups to failure

    Contraction/Light day
    Cable lat pulldowns superset; hard to explain this one. I use a lat pulldown machine (cables w/two handles) and stand a little bit away from it pulling back so its almost like a row for about 8 reps; then sit and do 8 reps with arms out wide, then swith to pulling it down with an underhand grip in front of my chest. 3 sets of like 8x8x8 with light weight.
    Assisted Pull-ups, very slow/controlled: 4 sets 10 rep range
    Hammer Strength lat pulldown: 3-4 sets 15, 12, 10, 10
    Hammer Strength Row: 3-4 sets 15, 12, 12, 10
    Straight arm lat pulldown: Keeping the arms straight and standing a couple feet away from the lat pulldown, you pull the bar down to your waist in an arc really contracting your lats at the bottom. 3 sets of 10 or so

    Sometimes I throw in shrugs on back days and sometimes with shoulders

  3. #163
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    I have to put up my scale, Last night my weight was at 210.6, this morning it was back down this morning to 202.5. I'll try not to weigh for a week or so.

  4. #164
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    8 pounds? jesus dude. Are you taking letro?

  5. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillshooter
    8 pounds? jesus dude. Are you taking letro?
    No. I normally fluctuate about 4-5lbs from am to pm. I imagine the weight change is mainly due to water loss over night. I'm having to take in quite a bit of water to keep myself hydrated so 8 hours or so of no water intake makes up a few extra lbs I guess.

  6. #166
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    dude, get some letro. Don't listen to the myths about sex drive, I have been fine. I guarantee you will drop 3-5 pounds off your AM weight and maintain daily. The stuff is meant for gyno and PCT or whatever, but holy shit it dries you out hard core.

  7. #167
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    how many cals r u taking in in a day now dan?i know ur cutting for the comp just curious where they r at.
    Last edited by bpm1; 06-23-2007 at 10:28 PM.

  8. #168
    Dangerdan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bpm1
    how many cals r u taking in in a day now dan?i know ur cutting for the comp just curious where they r at.
    I'm keeping the cal's pretty high in hopes of maintaining as much muscle as possible while cutting. At my weight and height, I can't afford to lose any muscle. Cals are at around 3400, which is normally just a bit below maintenance for me. With the tren however, I have been able to maintain my weight while dropping bodyfat.

  9. #169
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    Rough Weekend!

    Ok, I kinda fell off the wagon a bit this weekend so to speak. I was scheduled to have a cheat day on Saturday (eating anything I wanted). I kinda extended it into two cheat days over the weekend and didn't workout or do cardio for three days Saturday-Monday.

    Also, my gf of about a year and I broke up which hasn't helped matters. I think the stress on both of us in trying to get ready for this show played a role, but I think it will be for the best. Still, I'm not in a very good place mentally right now.

    I'm seven weeks out and I dont feel like it set me back too much. In fact, it may be good to give my body that kind of a break. It's back to cardio in the morning I guess.

  10. #170
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    Kinda down about the GF thing but it made for a good back workout. Did rack pulls and worked up to 14 plates, 675lbs for 5 reps. Then I broke a strap which pretty much made me feel like a badass. The rest of the workout went pretty well.

  11. #171
    hillshooter is offline Associate Member
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    Seems like people break up during cycles. I read that alot. I kind of woner if its attitude changing or if they feel neglected. However, I really wonder is its the physical change that makes women pre-emptively break up with you . Kind of like Man Dangerdan is getting hot, I better break up with him before he cheats on me with the girl that works the counter at the gym.

  12. #172
    bigjamie's Avatar
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    tuff in the lead up to your comp man. Had a similar break up in the lead up to my state title fight a few years back shits hard enough as it is with out anything extra added into the mix. Chin up and keep working hard in the gym man we are all behind you.

  13. #173
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    Quote Originally Posted by hillshooter
    Seems like people break up during cycles. I read that alot. I kind of woner if its attitude changing or if they feel neglected. However, I really wonder is its the physical change that makes women pre-emptively break up with you . Kind of like Man Dangerdan is getting hot, I better break up with him before he cheats on me with the girl that works the counter at the gym.
    I dont think the cycle has much to do with it. The stess of both of us getting ready for our first show certainly contributed however, but I think it's probably best in the long run. Glad I'm not just coming off a cycle or I would be all ***ressed and shit. As it is, I know that the Tren will always be there for me, lol. Plus, I got a girl lined up as a stress reliever so that helps.

    Now, no more talking about the ex-gf. 6.5 weeks to go.

  14. #174
    Fordfan01's Avatar
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    hey bro been tuned in to this for a while good luck with everything im planning on doin my first comp this coming did u go about finding a trainer?

  15. #175
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
    hey bro been tuned in to this for a while good luck with everything im planning on doin my first comp this coming did u go about finding a trainer?
    Thanks for following along. As far as finding a trainer, I think it really pays to do your research. I work out at three different facilities and they each employ probably 20 trainers. Out of these 60 people, there are probaby 2 that really know what they are doing when it comes to competing. I would ask around at your gym; ask the guys who compete if they know anyone and dont pay for a ton of sessions up front because you might get someone who really doesn't know what they are talking about.

    I think its more important to find someone who can work with you on diet and nutrition than someone who just knows about lifting, unless you are getting a nutritionist as well.

  16. #176
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    Had a killer leg workout last night. Warmed up with some light leg extensions (these things hurt like hell after a while); then moved to a hack squat machine. I did five sets of hacks, the last one being a five set drop set stripping 90lbs every five reps. My legs almost gave out while my trainer was stripping the plates a couple of times and it took me about 8 minutes to recover. Even then my legs were pretty much done. Did some machine squats, more leg exentsions and two exercises for the hammys.

  17. #177
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    you doin great dan.... looking good. dont let the girl thing get in your way've come far already. Stay focused on the prize... once you really cut back on food'll be even more stressed... looking good bro--keep poundin.. I think you will do well...

  18. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    once you really cut back on food'll be even more stressed...
    Gee thanks for the encouragement Jakked. Just kidding man. I'm sure things are only going to get harder but I'm looking forward to the challenge. I feel like I've already made a good transformation and I cant wait to see the final results in six and a half more weeks.

    Hopefully I wont have to cut back on my food intake too much for a couple more weeks. At the cals I'm taking in now, my bodyfat is dropping and weight is staying pretty much the same so I am swapping fat for muscle. I think the plan is to manipulate my carb/protein ratio for a few more weeks before lowering cals.

  19. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by getnjakked
    you doin great dan.... looking good. dont let the girl thing get in your way've come far already. Stay focused on the prize... looking good bro--keep poundin.. I think you will do well...
    Its funny, when I first started working with my contest prep guy, he basically told me my gf and I would break up before the show. OK, now for real, now more talking about the GF! Back to lifting heavy things.

  20. #180
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    Ok, this gf thing has me all F'ed up but I"m gonna push through it and I'm trying not to let it effect my workouts. I hit shoulders last night and had a good workout. I haven't been sleeping well due in part to the tren , in part to the gf thing and my cardio is suffering as a result. I only made it for cardio twice this week. Diet has suffered a little as well since I really dont have much appetite. I've been taking in around 2800-3000 cals the past few days as opposed to my normal 3400. I feel pretty good about how my prep is going in general. I'm weighed 210 last night and my bodyfat has dropped a bit more, although it is starting to slow. I'm hoping to add some clen very soon to speed up the process.

    I also picked up some Tren-A to replace the Tren-E. I have enough to run for 40 days at 100mg EOD so I'll start it in a week or two. I will drop the Test-E in a week or two and I still need to pick up some prop to replace it with.

    Overall, I'm pretty drained physically and emotionally right now but I know I can push through it and will be stronger on the other side. Thanks to everyone reading and supporting me here on AR. I'll try to get new pics up this weekend.

  21. #181
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    Chest workout today; went pretty well but my joints are F'n killing me. With Winny and Letro, there just isn't much lubrication in there I guess.

  22. #182
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    6 Week Out Pics

    Updated pics taken today: 6/30/07. Six weeks out from comp. Weight is fluctuating between about 203-210 am-pm.

    I will start regular posing practice next week. I need some help there.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-backbirsz.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-backrsz.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-frntdoublebi.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-mmresize.jpg   DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-sidetrirsz.jpg  

  23. #183
    Schmidty's Avatar
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    load up on glutamine. Ur brain will suck up like 80% of it if u get depressed. I dont remember who told me this but it made sence at the time.

  24. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    load up on glutamine. Ur brain will suck up like 80% of it if u get depressed. I dont remember who told me this but it made sence at the time.
    lol, where do you come up with this stuff?

  25. #185
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    Front Bi Progress April - June

    Here is a pic showing my progress since the start of the cycle. I dont look quite as cut in the last pic due to the lighting, the room where we normally take pics was taken but I'm pleased with my progress thus far.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-frontbi.progress.jpg  

  26. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    lol, where do you come up with this stuff?
    I didnt come up with it. for real look into it. Depression does some crazy shit to ur body and that is one of them.

  27. #187
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    One more pic from this week.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails DangerDan's PreComp Test/Tren/Winny-postedmm.jpg  

  28. #188
    bpm1's Avatar
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    lost in translation
    im really not trying to be a post-whore in ur thread but i gotta say uve made huge gains bro, everytime u post up pics its amazing!when u started this cycle we had a similar build but im not even in the same class as u now man im super impressed! im one wk into 300mg test cyp,600mg deca , finishing with 50-100mg winny hopefully i catch up a little, we'll see.anyway im interested to see how u do in ur comp should be real interesting to say the least, good job bro, keep at it!

  29. #189
    ironaddict69's Avatar
    ironaddict69 is offline Senior Member
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    looking amazing. forget about the girl, if you havent already, you dont need her and never did. Get back on track, eat boy EAT. your lookin studly keep it the FVCK up!

  30. #190
    thetank's Avatar
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    im source cheks
    Quote Originally Posted by Dangerdan
    One more pic from this week.
    holy f'n shit man...that is some serious gains. ****in rights brotha...keep it up

  31. #191
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    I appreciate the comments bpm, Ironaddict and tank. Now I just need to add about 3 inches to each arm to catch thetank, lol. As I said above, I look a little washed out in the most recent pics, but its pretty much due to the lighting. The cycle and precomp preparation is going very good and I feel like I"m on schedule.

    I've actually lost about 10lbs since the start of the cycle, but I definitely look bigger now than I ever have. My cycle has been modified from what I originally planned, but is fairly close to what I had planned on running.

    The gf thing kind threw a kink in things for a few days but I know its all going to work out for the best and I'm in a much better place mentally than I was a few days ago. I also kinda f'ed up the diet last weekend, but I was do for a cheat day anyways, it just got extended into two cheat days. I've decided to run an ECA stack instead of clen and will start it tomorrow for a couple weeks. I'm worried about holding too much bodyfat around my lower abs and lower back. Everywhere else is progressing nicely.

    Again, I appreciate the comment and hopefully I'll be able to impress you guys again in a couple weeks. 40 days out now, will be ending Tren -E and starting Tren-A tomorrow.

  32. #192
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    Hit shoulders yesterday and got a really good pump. A couple of the other guys who compete came up to me and told me I was looking really good, which was great. Swithing over to Tren -A now and hopefully to prop soon as well. I will continue the Winny at 50mg daily as it seems to be working great.

  33. #193
    bigjamie's Avatar
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    looking good dangerdan your abs are starting to really come out as well keep it up man

  34. #194
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    Last edited by Dangerdan; 07-17-2007 at 09:47 AM.

  35. #195
    ironaddict69's Avatar
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    bro talk to me about the tren E gains! i cant wait to try the stuff.

  36. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by ironaddict69
    bro talk to me about the tren E gains! i cant wait to try the stuff.
    I'm really happy with the Tren -E so far. I finished up my second bottle this week and switched over to Tren-A. Tren is great stuff; its not for everyone, but I'm a huge fan.

  37. #197
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    Finally started an ECA stack today. I took off Saturday and Sunday from lifting. The body was starting to get a little run down again. I feel pretty good today. I'm on day two of a three day low carb cycle so I feel a little tired but I'm pretty juiced from the ephedra.

  38. #198
    PROTEINSHAKE is offline Protein Power
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    looking great danny boy...... keep it up

  39. #199
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    Thanks Jakked. I'm really ready to turn it up these last five weeks. I'll be continueing to cycle carbs at a three day low (under 150), two-three day high (600), two-three day moderate (400ish). I'm also switching over to potatoes and sweet potatoes for a few days to see if I respond different than to plain oats.

    I'm into my second day of low carbs and am feeling worn down and have a headache. Normally my second day of low carbs is when I feel bad. Headed to work out Chest/Shoulders tonight. I'm also going to be adding an additional hamstring workout with some other upper body day for the last few weeks. As my bodyfat decreases, it becomes more evident that my quads are overpowering hammys.

  40. #200
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    Pretty good chest/shoulder workout last night. I'm in day two of my ECA Stack.

    I'm running 20mg ephedra, 200mg caffeine (16oz coffee), 325mg aspirin. I'll take this at around 9:00am and 3:00 pm for the next two weeks, then depending on where I"m at run clen the final two weeks. Any comments/suggestions on the ECA or Clen is appreciated.

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