Results 681 to 720 of 61341
02-02-2013, 01:13 AM #681
marcus where in the uk are you exactly?
02-02-2013, 01:34 AM #682
Originally Posted by calgarian
02-02-2013, 02:16 AM #683
02-03-2013, 03:54 AM #684
Marcus did I hear you talking about cruising onIGF at some point and if so is it worthit ?
02-03-2013, 08:26 AM #685
02-03-2013, 08:30 AM #686
Morning Marcus Beautiful day in the states Hows your day so far??
02-03-2013, 08:32 AM #687
02-03-2013, 08:38 AM #688
Does that outfit^^^^^ come in red?
02-03-2013, 08:39 AM #689
You can get any colour you like so long as its black
02-03-2013, 11:09 AM #690
Originally Posted by marcus300
02-03-2013, 12:45 PM #691
HGH is ideal for short burst cycling but with the increae number of ius you will be doing on the burst you need to have been running for sometime previously so you can ramp up slowly to the short burst cycle start. T4 is best used with hgh and no need for slin IMHO or to but it another way I will not advice on the forum about slin.
02-04-2013, 11:08 AM #692
Guys, when you training off cycle you must carry on the assault hard and intense just like when you was on cycle, the only thing what changes is when in pct things change then but once recovered you hit that gym like your going to war with yourself. Dont take this time jujst to go through the motions while you wait for another cycle. This is very important ive manitained and build muscle tissue off cycle by the way I train so please dont just think its all about being on cycle, maintaianing off cycle is vitaal for the progression of being a big mother fuker what turns heads.
02-04-2013, 11:12 AM #693
[QUOTE=marcus300;6375642]Guys, when you training off cycle you must carry on the assault hard and intense just like when you was on cycle, the only thing what changes is when in pct things change then but once recovered you hit that gym like your going to war with yourself. Dont take this time jujst to go through the motions while you wait for another cycle. This is very important ive manitained and build muscle tissue off cycle by the way I train so please dont just think its all about being on cycle, maintaianing off cycle is vitaal for the progression of being a big mother fuker what turns heads.[/QUOTE]
Think you've nailed that part....
02-04-2013, 11:24 AM #694
I'll second that lol
02-04-2013, 11:28 AM #695
Weak body parts - lets talk about them
what are your weak bodyparts and how do you train them??
02-04-2013, 11:33 AM #696
Originally Posted by marcus300
Help big man pls :-)
02-04-2013, 11:50 AM #697
I can't get definition in my quads, rear delts are lagging, I might train delts twice a week, reverse pec deck, bent over flyes, rear felt machine, forced negatives are almost impossible.
02-04-2013, 01:53 PM #698
Shoulders have always been a struggle for me. Mine dont look too bad, but there's not much of a cup/mass on me.
Even though my back looks good, there's no thickness to it.
F'ing traps won't grow..... I'm beginning to consider synthrol.... Yep I said it..... SYNTHROL!!!!!! Wooooooooo...... Honestly tho if in the next year I can't put some decent size on my traps I'm gonna look more into it... In the mean time... Any advice??
02-04-2013, 03:16 PM #700
Originally Posted by marcus300
02-04-2013, 04:29 PM #701
02-04-2013, 05:23 PM #702
Originally Posted by marcus300
Legs were also something I needed I bring up. Heavy deep squats, walking lunges, high volume leg curl/press.
02-04-2013, 09:54 PM #703
Biceps,biceps,biceps! I have been training HIT style over the past 9 weeks and have been employing more negatives, drop sets, rest-pause, timed rest periods and I can see other bodyparts starting to change a bit but biceps get to be a real sticking point with me!
02-05-2013, 12:28 AM #704
Agree with the biceps! !!!!
02-05-2013, 03:10 AM #705
Does your gym have a hammer strength flat bench machine were you can press each side separately? this machine is excellent for this!!!
Does your chest workout consist of just bar bells and no dumbell work? if so swap to dumbells on all movements
If you do dumbells then your going to have to target the weaker side, you may look odd doing one arm pressing but if your chest is uneven than thats what your going to have to do just make sure you hold the other bell in your hand to help for balance. Start off light and get use to pushing one handed and work the weight up slowly and at all times make sure you train hard and dont just go through the emotions. The weaker side of your chest will react you just need to target it on its own and overload it.
What are you doing for your traps? weights,sets and reps?
02-05-2013, 03:23 AM #706
Sounds like your over training your delts doing them twice a week, you have to remember your rear delts get hit during back aswell so they may never be resting with your routine. Train your delts once per week but again like I mention all the way thorugh this thread you have to train them until complete failure them go beyond using forced,negs,dropsets,rest pause.
Pick one movement for your rear delts either dumbell bent over fyles or rear pec deck. If your doing dumbells make sure your elbows on the movement up are not close to your sides otherwise your back gets to involved, your elbows need to be out and pushed forward check out this video for further explanation watch it from 5.20 you also need to train them first on your delt day and hit them hard and intense, full reps until you cant get anymore then hit half reps and even dropsets but work the rear delt till its exhausted. Rear delts are a movement what many neglect they just bend over and throw the bells up, but if you want serious development in that area you need to train them like every other bodypart you have and thats balls to the wall. Watch that video and get your arse back in the gym and attack your rears first with some force and correctly and let me know how it feels please.
02-05-2013, 04:03 AM #707
Thanks , will do. I'm doing back today and delts on Thursday with rest of shoulders
02-05-2013, 04:07 AM #708
Could do with seeing what routine you have for your delts reps,weights sets etc ?
For your back focus on thickness one week and width the next, I do this alot of the time because the back is a very large area and it takes alot out of me to train it correctly so I focus on either the thickness or width. The two movements what have made my back thick are bent over rowing and one arm dumbell rows, these two put slabs of tissue all over my back. For bent over rowing try doing them Yates style which is bent over around 45 degress this takes alot of strain off the lower back and will target the upper back thickness over the inner and outer lats area, keep your back ridged and flat at all times.
I'll give you a couple of ideas how to go to failure and beyond doing bent over rows what I do myself all the time. Once warmed up you want to be hitting a weight what you can only do around 5-6 reps lets say thats 3 plates a side for you, once you have hit total failure and your form is really struggling then drop the weight and take a plate a side off the bar and start over again, go to failure, which could mean another 6-8 reps or what ever you can do in strict form, then take another plate a side off and rep again keeping your back straight and pull right back with your elbows close to your side and squeeze every muscle in your back, by the end of this bent over dropset you should be gasping for breath and your back should be that pumped it feels like you turn into Quasimodo.
Another failure method on the bent over rows is rest pause, hit your heaviest set which should be around 5-6 reps and drop the bar and rest for 5-6 deep breaths then start rowing again, you may do another 3-4 reps then drop the bar and repeat 5 deep breaths and row again until you are doing around 1-2 reps then set it over, again your back should feel like a range of mountains after that, if not your not executing the movement correctly.
Once you have hit either one of those failure methods go straight over to the one arm dumbell movment and row again, back needs to be straight with your arse stuck out, make sure your back is flat or arched in because otherwise you can not contract your back at all and your arms will be doing all the work, this goes with bent over rowing aswell make sure your back is flat or arhced in otherwise if your back is bent out you arent working the back but lifting the weight with your arms, dont use to much weight so back falls into this positive just enough so you can keep good form but your hitting failure around the 5-6 reps mark. One one arm dumbell rows try and go to 6-10 rep range and feel the contratcion as you bring it up and the stretch as you bring it down. Once you hit those heavy big bells dropset again so you go beyond failure, yes this will make you gasp for breath and make you feel sick but if you want your back to explode you have to take yourself to hell and back, dont just train train and go through the motions train like someone as a gun to your head and your life depends on it. Think of something what angers you and lift that weight to failure and beyond.
Low pulley rows is good after the above two movements and also hyperexentions are very good for carving that canyon down your low back which looks freaky, use weighted hypers
Please let me know how you get on,
I love training shoulders Mmmmmm the blood what flows into them while I'm training makes them look freaky. Again I hit shoulders with the same intensity with all my bodyparts. Normnally its one bodypart per week but its hit so intense and with so much aggression it needs time off the repair from the assault ive given it so if your struiggling with delts do the same, go with once per week but when you hit them go to war with yourself and tear them apart.
send me your shoulder workout and I'll go through something diffferent for you to really make them explode in size and shape.
02-05-2013, 04:22 AM #709
Dont use synthol in your traps
go over to the bar bell on the squat saftey bars and load some weight on it and shrug, lift that bar as high as possible and try and bring your delts up towards your ears, hold for a second and lower and stretch at the bottom, squeeze at the top and stetch at the bottom. Increase the weight until you can only do around 4-6 reps, lets say thats 5 plates per side and once you hit 4-6 reps drop the weight and take a plate a side off the bar and repeat, squeeze at the top and stretch at the bottom, once you hit failure take another plate a side off and repeat to failure all over again until you have done 3-4 dropsets. Traps should be painful to touch the next couple of day, if not your not executing the movement correctly. You can also hit the traps with seated dumbells if you feel your using your legs to bring up the weight with standing
02-05-2013, 04:43 AM #710
Try starting your chest workout with upper dumbell or barbell press, I prefer dumbell pressing. Go with HIT method so first full warm up using two sets of ssomething like 20 reps and make sure your chest if fully warmed up and do some stretching, then pick a weight what you can only complete around 6 reps with and I mean the 6th rep is a real fuking struggle like your eye balls are going to explode, this is complete failure, then get your training partner to help you with 2 more forced reps which will take you beyond failure, you should be screaming inside once these have been completed, now your at total positive failure strength so now you need to get your partner to help you with 2 negative reps and slowly lower the weight once you have done 2 negs you have exhausted positive and negative strength and your upper chest should be done, move onto incline flyes and again repat the process of failure plus forced plus negs. If your upper chest doesnt grow your not doing them right or hard enough, hit this routine for your upper chest for 3 months and see what happens. Please let me know how you get on but please once your doing your working set make sure you go balls to the wall dont just go thorugh the motions like most int he gym, train like a god, train like you want to get bigger than anyone else, train like your not human and dont waste the time in the gym.
I train that hard sometimes when doing delts or chest my eye balls shake, my training partner's vision goes somethings when he is pushing that hard, my whole body shakes because I cant push any harder, thats the difference!! we all talk about steroids and these great cycles and these extreme bulking diets but most dont train right or hard enough. Many dont grow and many just blow up and return to the same old state before the cycle, you want to know why!!! because they dont train hard and intense enough. The body adapts very quickly so you hasve to increase the overload or the intensity to keep it growing, so next time you go in the gym go to war with yourself otherwise your wasting your time and effort....
02-05-2013, 05:40 AM #711
02-05-2013, 06:02 AM #712
02-05-2013, 08:08 AM #713
check out post 710 for upper chest workout
For legs keep hitting those squats and throw in some hack squats with the feet closer together, this will hit the out side of the quad which will give the appearance of huge quads once you start building the sweep, Ive hammered hack squats before while doing dropsets and it takes a heart of a lion to complete a set, Ive puked and collapsed many times doing drop sets hacks but once that sweeps comes out your legs look completely different and big. Also swap and change the reps around some weeks go with high reps and then go with low HIT style and see which one works best for you, once you start seeing them grow stick with the plan and hit them from every angel.
02-05-2013, 08:11 AM #714
02-05-2013, 08:12 AM #715
02-05-2013, 08:31 AM #716
02-05-2013, 06:59 PM #717
I usually do biceps following chest or shoulders. I have been using the HIT concepts and try to keep sets at 60/90 second rest periods.
Straight bar curls: 2 to 3 working sets using drop sets, rest pause, or straight sets with forced reps and negative at the end.
Preacher bar curls : same as above in terms of sets and techniques.
Incline dbl curls: same as above in terms of sets and techniques.
The problem is the next day, I never feel like the muscle really got fried like I do with all of the other muscle groups. I have only been following the HIT concept for the past 9 to 10 weeks and maybe need to give it much more time. For now, I am going to have to cut out your arms on your avi and tape them to mine : )
02-05-2013, 07:31 PM #718
Originally Posted by marcus300
02-06-2013, 02:37 AM #719
Originally Posted by Buster Brown;63***05
If your not feeling the pain you not training hard enough
02-06-2013, 02:40 AM #720
Originally Posted by bigZthedestroyer;63***68
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So far so good, they seem to be doing what they’re supposed to.
Expired dbol (blue hearts)