12-22-2012, 04:25 PM #281Originally Posted by Capebuffalo
12-22-2012, 06:29 PM #282Originally Posted by MR-FQ320
Mongol General: Hao! Dai ye! We won again! This is good, but what is best in life?
Mongol: The open steppe, fleet horse, falcons at your wrist, and the wind in your hair.
Mongol General: Wrong! Conan! What is best in life?
Conan: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
Mongol General: That is good! That is good.
12-23-2012, 01:25 AM #283
When I dont have a spotter I do implement dropsets or other mthods what take me up and beyond failure, rest pause is another way to get you in the zone. Triploe drops are killers and you should see me on my last dropset with some light bells shaking and grunting trying to get them up lol
12-23-2012, 01:30 AM #284
Hit the upper chest with 2 working sets - complete failure and beyond
hit the mid or decline with 2 working sets again to failure and beyond
throw in some isolation and your done
The one min rest is a killer and personally just keep with it, watch what happens after a few weeks
12-23-2012, 01:33 AM #285
Where and when is the next vacation or do you like to keep the where on the low down until after the fact?
12-23-2012, 01:41 AM #286
Dropsets are my own modification to DY's style, for some reason I love the pain, the pump and the muscle damage what occurs from drops. I dont know if anyone know Ian Harrison from the UK but he was a huge dropset fan and I talked with him about it with Paul Borreson about this style of training and when I first did their calf workout I couldnt walk and I mean couldnt get out of bed. My calfs looked like they grew over night 2 inches and trust me they needed them lol...
What I am trying to say is I respond very well to drops, even when I am doing DY's failure,forced and negs sometimes I throw in a drop at the end, my body grows from this kind of training. I hit my training and body hard with extreme intense training, I go home and I eat extreme - eat big train intense and the end results is a bigger muscles
You find what works best for you guys, HIT is a great muscle builder what produces thick set muscle and IMHO its been the foundation what built my body up
12-23-2012, 01:46 AM #287
12-23-2012, 01:50 AM #288
12-23-2012, 01:53 AM #289
Thankyou but I am not, just a normal guy who likes to train hard and eat well. I'm not as big as I use to be and to be honest this is something I struggle with. One hand I want to grow bigger and start taking the courses/stacks I use to and really explode then on the other hand I am scared for my health - to be honest its a constant battle in my head
12-23-2012, 02:02 AM #290
A simple answer is yes you can use long esters in a short burst cycle. I'm not talking a normal short cycle here I'm talking the shorty heavier burst cycling ive used in the past. Because of the amount of mg being used daily you can use the long ester and cut the long ester off 2 weeks from the end of the cycle and introduced the short ester for the rest of the cycle so you can pct straight away instead of waiting 2 weeks for the long ester to clear. It deoends on ther amounts your using sometime long esters you can fit more in daily and with the amounts your using it kind of front loads instantly anyway. So your example of a 6 week cycle would be 4 weeks of long esters 2 weeks of short then pct, because your using a higher dose of aas daily the long ester just frontloads but I always liked to drop them off and run a short ester so I could start pct. Many of my short burst cycles didnt last 6 weeks or not many did anyway, mine would last anywhere from 30 days to 4 weeks normally but at all times these typs of cycle should be used with a pre cycle prime then the magic happens
12-23-2012, 02:06 AM #291
Because oif the way I train and how hard HIT is on the body you cant train this way for weeks on end so this way of training is idea if you couple it with a short burst cycle, ususally my body needs some kind of pullback around the 4-6 week mark and thats ideal if your using short burst cycles thats why they work great together and the size what can be built is amazing....train like a god for 6 weeks, eat like yoiur never going to eat again and use a short burst cycle and you will explode in size and muscle tissue
Last edited by marcus300; 12-23-2012 at 06:31 AM.
12-23-2012, 02:30 AM #292
There are many definition of HIT training but the basic foundations should be short and intense training what puts extreme overload on the body to stimulate muscle growth. IMHO is best for size and strength building, there is no secret to building muscle tissue its all about using techniques what progressively overload the muscle to grow bigger and using HIT methods which a short and intense stimulate this process. It also doesnt stop at the training its all about rest and recovery and to feed what your have stimulated, after a hard intense workout your body needs time to recover and have adequate nutrition to support this process of repair. Thats why I dont fuk around when I am training, I get in there do the job in hand and get home and eat and let my body try to repair and growe bigger to adapt what ive put it through.
Control your movements when training, keep strict form and push your body to its limit using such methods as forced, negs, rest pause, dropsets etc. Exhaust the muscle completely whats being worked otherwise what the point in being there just going through the motions!!!! go to war with yourself and stimulate growth by using these extreme methods
12-23-2012, 07:17 AM #293
12-23-2012, 08:47 AM #294
No more holiday for you. The Dear Marcus column is to popular at this point.
12-23-2012, 10:55 AM #295
Great reads Marcus!
Can you give me an example of drop set for decline bench.
No rest once the weight is lower you immediately pull bar off and continue?
12-23-2012, 11:05 AM #296
12-23-2012, 11:30 PM #297
ok Marcus I love / hate you. 3 days ago i have done back and bi......both body parts hurt like a bitch.
thank you
12-24-2012, 12:00 AM #298Productive Member
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Thank you!
Compounds- Because its a short period of time the normal way would to run short ester's, but you can use long ester's within a short cycle, i know what some of you are thinking but it can be done with great results, because of the androgen overload your simply frontloading long ester's to an amount were it is effective straight from the start, the only problem is you have to drop them out 14 days before the end and swap them with fast ester's so everything is clear for PCT, i know what some are saying sounds pointless but its not, to the BB's who prefer long ester and they respond better to them, remember its designed of your cycle history so if your better with long esters go with them until 14 days from the end and swap to fast ester's, the daily injection and the amount of tissue the body can produce in a short period is amazing, if anyone wants to discuss long ester's with this theory i will but at this moment in time i will stop before i complicate things more. Short ester's and fast acting compounds are used and the exact compounds depends on what your trying to achieve but normally its Test based or what you respond best to, 2 /3 compounds are ran at a time but no need to run loads, keep them limited less is better,Ive even known guys used 1 compound with stunning results. HGH is increased to a high amount when cycle starts just like all the compounds. I did a study once with some BB's and the dosages range alot with all different HGH protocol's which is interesting reading but i can go into that at a later date.
12-24-2012, 02:21 AM #299
Marcus, when you rest 1 min between sets of the same exercise, how long to you rest before going from one exercise to the next?
12-24-2012, 03:08 AM #300
There are many ways to carb cycling and its kind of learning process to see how your body responds best to how you attack your prime. I use carb cycling to reduce bodyfat and I also use it as a pre cycle prime, there isn't much difference between how I plan the CC only the length of the low carbs days and how much cardio I do. If I am priming for a cycle and not using any kind of anabolic support I will attack my prime very slowly. I am not saying my way is the best way but it works for me at creating a springboard into a cycle what makes a very anabolic environment were muscle tissue can be built easily if the right condition are in place. A pre-cycle prime should only be used after you have already established a base diet which established regularity to the metabolism, this will allow your body to respond to small changes in caloric reductions without setting off any starvation warning signs.
I normally start with a cut back in carbs for 3-5 days to reduce muscle glycogen stores, when glycogen stores are lower a metabolic shift occurs where additional fat is used for fuel promoting fat loss, the secret is to return to a higher carb day to refill muscles with glycogen after only a few days like ive said I usually start with 3 days low carbs then refill, this saves alot of muscle wastage and loss especially with how slowly I reduce my glycogen stores. I lower my carbs which is worked off my base diet whats been established for many weeks at 3-5 days 40% lower carbs, I know many guys use different degrees of reduction but for a pre cycle prime when your not in an anabolic environment 40% less carbs for a few days does do the trick but at a slower rate to help save precious muscle tissue what you have already built. This is were many go wrong IMHO, reducing carbs to much and losing muscle tissue whats been built, I hate that because ive done it and for the pain what I go through building muscle tissue I dont just want to waste it away by reducing calories to much so my body feeds off my tissue, so my sweet spot is 40% less carbs for 3-5 days. This will also lower blood sugar levels which in turn causes a drop in circulating insulin levels which again in turn causes the release of hormone sensitive lipase. Lower BS, lower insulin levels and higher lipase levels initiate a metabolic adjustment where more fatty acids are called upon as fuel so by around the 3rd day when glycogen reserves in the muscles drop further even more BF is liberated but by doing it for only around 3-5 days and only a reduction of 40% off base diet muscle tissue loss is kept to a minimum which is the MOST important thing while trying to creating this environment where tissue is going to grow when your go into a cycle and this go into a high anabolic state.
The common problem with reducing carbs over time the metabolic rate can begin to adapt, this is when carbs have been reduce too much for to long and muscle tissue is burnt away, this dangerous period is around the 7 day mark then things go into starvation mode and fat cells attempt to hold onto fatty tissue instead of releasing it. So by stopping falling into this trap which many do is to increase the carbs by around the 3rd day by 15% off base diet. I do this process for around 6-8 weeks and this gets me into this huge springboard were my body is ready to explode if the right calories and hormones are introduced IE short burst cycle. Use carbs what your body responds best to I use things like pasta, potatoes, sweet potatoes, brown rice and if I feel the need for quicker influx which sometimes means eating what ever my craving are sending me wild for I will on my higher carb day, especially after training but remember I am a big eater, hard trainer and old school when it comes to off and on season, I feel more tissue can be build and saved this way and thats the more or less the way I pre cycle prime.
If I am cutting up and wanting to really reduce my bf and its not a pre cycle prime, kets say I am on cycle already and its a cutting cycle I will use the same approach but lengthen the lower carb day to 5-7 then reefed. Dont get me wrong I have tried and still use Keto diets and sometimes a slow reduction of carbs over 12 -15 weeks depends on what I really want to happen and what i am after achieving but in a nut shell thats how I attack priming and cutting, the main process is the same just slight modification to it
12-24-2012, 03:10 AM #301
12-24-2012, 03:12 AM #302
12-24-2012, 03:18 AM #303
Are you up late or up early?
12-24-2012, 03:25 AM #304
12-24-2012, 03:36 AM #305
Doesnt matter if its incline,flat or decline the dropset is the same what I use.
This is just an example so just making the weight up you can do. So lets say your doing your working set and your using 3 plates per side which for you would mean the max you can do is around 6 reps max ( proper form, controlled and strict) and thats at total muscle failure, then after I rack the weight after the last rep I would get my spotter to take a plate a side off then immediately start repping again to total muscle failure and once you cant lift it anymore which lets say is 5-7 reps, you rack again and take another plate a side off and repeat to failure with the help of the spotter for the last couple of reps. There is no rest between dropsets after the weight has been dropped you start again, the only time you resst is tyhe time it takes to take the weights off each end or swap the dumb bells over fuking killer but very very productiveLast edited by marcus300; 12-24-2012 at 05:53 AM.
12-24-2012, 03:55 AM #306
You know Kelkel, its a struggle I deal with all the time. When I was younger I wanted to be the bigest most muscular human walking around this planet and I did everything under the sun to try and build the size I wanted, I took some serious drugs and some crazy dosages, I did some extreme eating and trained so hard the pain was immense but the drive is still there even though I have injuries which hold me back I want that freaky size. You know what I mean not the normal gym user size that super size where people turn around and say "fuk me look at that big fuker" and at certain times in my life ive had that but I had to take some serious drugs and compounds and do things what aren't really healthy. Now Ive pulled back because I worry about my health and I dont cycle like I use to or cycle as much but the struggle what goes around in my head drives me mad because I know I want to push those boundaries again and I know what I have or need to do if I want to push those levels again and it scares me to be honest. I have friends who say I'm abnormal anyway there isnt many walking around your size but in my eyes I dont see that and I want that extra few more ripped lbs more and more so I struggle and it drives me mad some days.
The thing is with me I respond well to things, I am very in tune with my body and I respond well to drugs, food and training but lets be honest with each other we both know if you want that freaky size and condition you know what you have to do and what boundaries you have to push, your normal life changes, you cant have a normal life if you do these things. I also have a serious job what takes up alot of my time and takes a lot of mental pressure to cope with and many times very intense so there is alot of stuff I have to consider if I want to start pushing those levels again..........from the sounds of it you understand
12-24-2012, 05:40 AM #307
Wow. Great post Marcus. I to have those thoughts but don't have the time to devote or extreme dedication like you and with a new son I had to prioritize.
You put 30 lbs of new muscle on and people may start to notice you. Ha. Kidding you big fvcker. Keep doing what your doing. It works.
12-24-2012, 05:56 AM #308
12-24-2012, 06:04 AM #309
I'm very sorry if I didnt explain myself correctly, ive had jet lag and still done feel so good so sometimes I do waffle on and on about things and go off on one lol....in simple terms you can use long esters in a short cycle if your using a high enough amount of mg per day, when planning a short burst cycle you look over your cycle history and this will determine what yiour future burst will look like and dosages, not to complicate things your better just using short esters because most wont be using high amounts of aas anyway but long ester can be used and dropped off 2 wks from the end of the cycle and short esters introduced, this is how I prefer to do it when using long esters in a short cycle....Majority of people who dont have a vast amount of cycle history will do great with short esters.
12-24-2012, 06:07 AM #310
I dont have a set amount of time planned for that, I just start gettitng a feel of what I am about to attack my body with, I take deep breaths and recover from my last working sets and then get ready and start over again. In your mind is easy to do because you know your going to be in serious pain but its only for 1 or 2 sets only
Last edited by marcus300; 12-24-2012 at 07:01 AM.
12-24-2012, 08:27 AM #311
planning on 8 weeks of test prop for my first, can't wait
been training HIT for about 4 weeks now, still going strong. just gotta work on getting my rest periods down, takes me alot longer than a minute to get my breathe back after a triple drop set, between the warm up set and working set i keep it to a minute tho..
notice this kid (few years younger than me lol) copying me today, lol i like to go to the gym in the mornings because im the biggest guy there.. in the afternoons all the 'juice head' teenagers come in, and it's depressing working out next to them lol (this one guy was doing reps with 180kg deadlifts, that's my 1rm lol..)
12-24-2012, 11:01 AM #312
MArcus, I'm totally with you on carb cycling and short burst cycles, but i cant fathom how they all fit in to a short spaced time frame and continually repeat the process for extended periods of time ( lets say a year).
For simplification and lets suppose we/I/you are on TRT could you it just be carb cycle for 6 weeks ( with no AAS) then AAS cycle 6 weeks and repeat? so on and so forth ? With a view to maximum growth, never mind 'healthy' or what ever.
Or lets put it another way, you talk of many different methods and cycles, but how did you know to go from one to the next? just instinct? I mean the widely held goal is to be bigger through being muscular and to be as lean as possible right? So bringing everything together how does it unfold into a year long plan ?
12-24-2012, 12:23 PM #313
I absolutely understand. Back when I competed it was a different world when it comes to amounts of aas used and available knowledge. The underground steroid handbook by Dan Duchain was about the only thing around back then to help, other than "bro-science" BS.
I would have loved to have had the opportunity to have explored a more aggressive approach to aas but had to stop everything in 89 due to my career. Meaning I would have lost it if I continued. So, I did nothing for 20 years or so but still continued to train like a nut and eat right. Always have, always will. The drive to improve never left and I hope it never does. I would have liked to see how far I could have pushed things physically if I could have continued. That is my only regret.
Retirement from that career came about and then I was hit with a tumor that shut down my T production. Ended up on a TRT journey and here at about the same time. Since then basically all I've done aas wise is what would be considered a high-end TRT dosage, but I still respond well to it. It's laughable compared to cycles of today though. But you can still maintain good size and great conditioning even with TRT dosages. It really is a lifestyle choice and one I am very proud of quite honestly. I could not imagine living any other way. Bodybuilding has opened so many doors in my life and I've made lifelong friendships due to it.
But with a 10 yr old son priorities change and health and longevity definitly are in the forefront of things. But the kid in me that's still a competitive bodybuilder wants to come out. I keep thinking of a masters contest someday but I'm very conflicted with it. I'll attend some shows now and then and see the masters guys and think, WTF, why are they even up there?
Anyway, sorry for the long diatribe. Just my random thoughts...
kelLast edited by kelkel; 12-24-2012 at 12:28 PM.
12-24-2012, 12:43 PM #314
Marcus I must say,HIT style training has definitely rekindled my passion for bodybuilding. After reading your log I started checking out those Dorian videos and copying down some of your routines. I decided that I would employ that style training in my up-coming cycle. I am now three weeks into said cycle and love HIT style training. Every bodypart gets absolutely destroyed and by switching up various techniques (drops/negatives/rest,pause) the body is always getting shocked. Yes, I had to leave my ego at the door but it has been well worth it!
12-24-2012, 12:48 PM #315
How to use the pre cycle priming and short burst cycles over a long period of time depends on if your on trt or your planing to go through PCT. When I was using heavier short burst cycles linked to a pre cycle prime I would first prime the body for around 6-8 weeks then hit a heavy short cycle for lets say anything between 30 days to 6 weeks, many times I would leave it open ended and come off when gains have stopped or slowed down which was usually within the time period ive quoted. I would then go into pct which would normally last around 4 weeks but recovery and the feeling good again was alot sooner than longer cycles. After PCT I would prime again for around 4-6 weeks then run another short cycle this could be another heavy one or just a moderate dose, it would depend on what I was trying to achieve what would dictate what dose I would use. I would also run blood work to make sure everything was within range and I wasn't doing anything dangerous what could cause me health issues. There isn't any magic secret its the same principles of any cycle but using the prime which would create this very anabolic environment and open the growth window for tissue to grow straight from the start of the cycle, thats the key to outstanding growth. Now some guys who are very carb sensitive shouldn't go from a prime to the cycle and increase the carbs/calories vastly because you would hold a ton of water weight these guys need to slowly introduce carbs slower for the first 2-3 weeks but for the guys who aren't that sensitive you increase straight away over maintenance to feed the growth window.
If your on TRT then you would simple prime - hit the SBC then go back to your TRT dose and prime again for around 4-6 weeks and repeat, alwasy get BW done to make sure everything is within range and not going to cause you any serious health issues going back on.
These types of cycles linked to a pre cycle prime really worked for me because I was one of those guys who responded when I went on cycle but gains stopped or slowed down around the 6-8 mark even if they were long esters so these really worked for me and once I mastered opening the growth window by using a priming method my gains were better than any other cycle ive ever done and also with less sides and most of all better recovery.
I tried many different cycles and stacks which cconsisted of many different lengths and dosages and by experimenting and listening to guys who were advising the pro's how to do this I learnt what worked for me and without doubt this work the best and I built some serious tissue. They also slot straight into HIT training because you couldn't do HIT and put your body tthrough that pain and torture for weeks on end so by using short cycles for under 6 weeks would fit nicely into when you need to slightly pull back on the training and let your fully recover and the your body repair and rest. So your correct the goal is to get bigger and leaner and by priming and using SBC's would achieve this goal.
If you are asking me have I use this for a full year then the answer is yes I have, Ive primed hit a SBC then gone into pct and then primed again and repeated the process
12-24-2012, 01:10 PM #316
Thanks for the answer Marcus.
It's your "prime before the cycle" thread that made me cycle carbs, and I've done it twice and jumped 20 lbs each time, granted I took too long off between cycles, now I'm looking to increase the frequency of cycles for max growth and negate losses, while staying lean, I think your answer provides the way forward for me.
Ps great thread keep it up.
12-24-2012, 01:11 PM #317Productive Member
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12-24-2012, 01:34 PM #318Originally Posted by marcus300
With me being sensitive to carbs. I bloat and hold a shyt ton of water. I'm planning on doing a fairly intense bf cut this next year around mid jan or first of feb. since I am on TRT can I more aggressively attack the low carb days and not sacrifice tissue?? Lets say 5 days low (20c) and then refeed on the weekend?
I think you have explained this here but I may not be understanding it completely. I have never carb cycled before but understand the science behind it. Also the HIT has me rocking along in the gym, except for the working by myself thing.
See if this is sufficient for HIT on decline bench. I used the smith machine for ease of failure. I did the warm up set then mid range set then went to 3 plates on each side. Did 7 to absolute snot blowing failure jumped up hurried and took it down to 2 plates on each side then did snot blowing failure again then I repeated down to 1 plate on each side. Is this ok for working alone? If it means anything my chest is still sore from Friday morning.
12-24-2012, 02:03 PM #319
12-24-2012, 02:08 PM #320
Thats is great news to hear and you sound like you have found a way forward and out of the rut. Well done and keep me informed of your progress as you go further into the cycle and training
Your on the right tracks all you got to do now is fine tune the priming and cycling along side the HIT training and adjust a couple of things and your going to be growing even bigger than you are at present. wooow great gains and i'm glad ive help to answer some of your questions to improve and move forward......keep it up and go to war in the gym
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