11-04-2009, 11:34 AM #162Banned
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11-04-2009, 07:31 PM #164
thank you , i look up to guys like you who have thier shit together, it can get confusing at times till a dude comes by and clears out the garbage. i will pm you when i have a dire need. thanks bro!
11-07-2009, 05:39 AM #165New Member
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Well after reading alot about and making the final decision to start it, i have a few questions, that i have not been able to find thru the postings. And out of all the goods and bads it seems Ron has his knowledge and facts straight. So I'll wait for a response back from him on the correct info I'm looking for.
I'm having a friend who is capable of getting me what I need. After reading, it seems the best to start out with is Test and Deca . I understand the reload and deload process very well, but like i said, i'm new to this and need to find out a few things. i'm reading reports that i need to be doing 600mg of test a week and 400mg of deca a week, so what does that require me to do per week. Does that mean inject 100mg of test for 6 days and 100mg of deca for 4 days, or do i give myself the injection 2x a week equaling whats recommended. Also if i'm doing test and deca, so can i combine the two in one injection or does each require a different injection site, as i know some chemicals can't be mixed together. So if you can tell me the basics of what to take per week and how, i would be appreciate it. info like how many cc's of test per shot to be taken and how many times per week. Thanks
11-07-2009, 12:11 PM #166New Member
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i loved ur post, im going to try it out starting in january, but before i need some advice.....
ive been working out for 3 years now n i started using steroids when i saw i could not gain any more weight and i was stuck lifting the same weight for months....
i was 130lbs when i started working out n im now at 165lbs
i was only able to put 12lbs on protein shakes n creatine alone until i could not gain any more weight n kept 10lbs from my gains...
i have done a cycle of 8 wks using test e n deca n put on 15lbs, kept 10.
after a few months i tried 4wks of tren , prop, dbol n had pretty good gains, went from 150 to 171, lost 6lbs, after 5 months i started another cycle of test e n deca n went up to 184lbs but hurt my shoulder really bad in wk7, ive been off the gym n steroids for 5 months bcuz of my shoulder n personal financial problems i had, about 2 weeks ago i got a hernia at work, got surgery last week n lost 6lbs since then.... im at 165 now.
during every cycle i got extremely lean n strong, my body fat % was always between 12-14.5....
i want to do the next cycles using this program
reload - wk 1-8 test e + deca (how many mgs of each do u recommend for my weight?)
deload - wk 9-10 (need advice) i can only get comid n nova for pct if any is necessary
reload - wk 11-18 Tren n prop (mgs?)
deload - wk 19-20 (need advice)
now should i use the same compounds ive been using or should i try some other type of test....oh almost forgot, i want to run dbol during the 1st 4wks during reloads.... can u help me out? my goal is to get up to 195-205 n keep 190
Thanks!Last edited by bigg_86; 11-07-2009 at 01:20 PM. Reason: adding details...
11-07-2009, 02:21 PM #167Banned
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ronnie...how would you distinguish your training system from dave palumbos training system??? slingshot says do 6 to 12 sets...dave says 6-10..i know you guys are friends.........just wondering if you guys are on the same page in terms of training styes.....
11-07-2009, 02:31 PM #168Banned
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11-07-2009, 03:18 PM #169New Member
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first timer needs info please
hey ronnie
im a first time user...have been using stanazol for a couple of weeks now
i was originally just going to use that for around 8-10 weeks
Well this have somewhat changed now...i have gotten sone test enanthate
can these two be used together...can i start using the enanthate and continue using the stanazol...i have looked on the internet for days but there is no mention of the two being used together
I would love to get your opinion ...and how long long i should use these two knowing that i have already been taking stanazol for 2 weeks
11-07-2009, 08:52 PM #170Anabolic Member
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Check out the "Q & A" threads
Originally Posted by [email protected]
11-08-2009, 09:09 PM #175New Member
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thanks for your help ronnie...your a legend mate
god bless
11-09-2009, 12:10 AM #176Banned
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Ronnie your STS seems great I'm just trying to fifure out during the deload you say to decrease, bridge or stop all anabolics. so I'm planning on doing a cycle of test E and equipose at 500mg test/ew and EQ at 500mg/ew and planning on doing it for 12-14 weeks total, so after the first 8 weeks of reloading I then do a deload but since EQ and Test E are long esters is it still gonna work the same? If I were doing test prop it would be out of my system fast, but during the deload the eq and test E will still be working in my body. Sorry I just don't understand how it works with long acting esters?? Can you explain in pretty good detail how it works with the long esters would I just stop injecting for 2 weeks then start back up????
11-09-2009, 07:59 AM #178Banned
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Thank you for the fast reply, that answered my question just cut the dose in half, thanks. And you say to run the cycle for 20weeks, isn't that kinda long? What about my bodys ability to produce it's own test in the future? I don't want my balls to stop producing permenantly with the pretty much non stop use of AAS. You recommend doing many cycles throughout a long time period only ever taking a couple weeks off at a time? Isn't that a big strain on your body? I just don't wanna be on HRT by the time I'm 30.
11-09-2009, 12:13 PM #179Banned
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ronnie...you say the deload... allows the body to grow for a bit longe...r before leveling off... ..how does this relate to mike mentzer and dc training....low volume training?????
11-09-2009, 11:52 PM #181Banned
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Would a PCT during a deload do anything? Since the anabolics are still working and present in your body? What would taking clomid/nolva do?? I thought you had to get all the steroids out of your system before PCT would be effective. Would You suggest the use of HCG for doing a 20 week cycle, at like 250-500ui a week? I'm considering doing a 20 week cycle just I don't want all these steroids ruining my body just for a much better physique. And do you know of people who are on HRT from doing long cycles you have suggested? Are you still producing naturally?
11-11-2009, 06:00 AM #183New Member
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11-11-2009, 11:32 PM #184Banned
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Thank you again for the reply, I'll think about doing a 20 week cycle a bit, I'm trying to look around to see if people found it promising or to just stick with a cycle 10-14. I guess I'll either have to try it for myself to see really what is best for me... As long as HCG is used to keep my boys working? Is it just best to do it for the deloads? Instead of small amounts throughout the entire 20 weeks? And STS works just the same if you were doing it natural just alot less gains from the lack of gear.
I would wait and do the hcg after the 20 week cycle since you are going to do a full blown pct and go off steroids for a while.
Slingshot training is the same whether you are using steroids or whether you are 100% natural. It's designed to accomodate everyones needs. For example, I am training a 71 year old female who takes creatine ethyl ester during her 8 week reloads and then goes off the creatine during her 2 week deloads. You may want to follow this protocol for a while after your 20 week cycle of using steroids.
A lot of people who begin DC Training gain strength at a rapid rate at the beginning but the gains level off fast. The same thing happens to people using Slingshot Training during the 2 week deload-the gains are fast, but short lived.
Mentzer made some great gains when he reduced volume. Why? Because had been over-training! His mistake was reducing volume too much in his latter days. Mentzer was a genetic freak who gained most of his muscle mass doing 6-12 intense sets per body part once a week during his competitive years! Later in life he went with very low volume (1-2 sets per week) but he never gained anymore size with such little work. He was only able to maintain some of what he had built at that point.
NOTE: Mentzer sold a lot of books-hence made a ton of money by saying only 1-2 work sets per week was needed. Many who were looking for an easy way out bought into his 1-2 sets per week hogwash. Too bad it doesn't work because it would save us a lot of time in the gym.
11-13-2009, 12:43 AM #187Banned
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Okay so i'm either going to do a 16 week cycle or a 20 week cycle, and i'm gonna dose it as shown here. Test is dosed at 250mg/ml and EQ is 300mg/ml so planning on just doing 2ml each a week. That might change though when the time comes, I'd like to not go over 1000 but it's just easier dosing it at 2ml instead of trying to do 500 which is 1ml + 2/3rd's of a ml so 1.66ml
Week 1-6 (reload): Test Enanthate 500mgs/week
Week 1-6 (reload): Equipose 600mgs/week
Week 7-8 (deload): Test Enanthate 250mgs/week
Week 7-8 (deload): Equipose 600mgs/week
Week 9-14 (reload): Test Enanthate 500mgs/week
Week 9-14 (reload): Equipose 600mgs/week
Week 15-16 (deload): Test Enanthate 250mgs/week
Week 15-16 (deload): Equipose 300mgs/ml
Week 1-20 : Armidex 1mg/ed (Comes in 1mg caps so can't split it in half) Last cycle I did I definatly noticed Gyno coming on, So i'm taking Arimidex every time I cycle now.
Then PCT after with nolva/Clomid combo Nolva: 40/40/20/20 Clomid:150/150/100/50... or something similar to that, my other option of the 20 week cycle is the same just extend the reload another 2 weeks each time. Ronnie you said to just do HCG at the end of the cycle and then do a full blown PCT, what would my dosing be for HCG if I were to just do it at the end? And at which week would i start the HCG? I've only ever done HCG throughout a cycle never after so i'm kinda "hazy" on the protocol of HCG post cycle
11-13-2009, 09:14 AM #188Banned
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11-14-2009, 10:35 AM #189Banned
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Oh I just had another question, I have always just done one back workout for overall development and I want to split it up into Width one day Thickness another... and have other days of Chest,Legs,Arms as well. What would be the best way to do this? my current routine looks like this..
Monday : Chest
Tuesday : Back
Wednesday : Off (Maybe abs/cardio)
Thursday : Arms
Friday : Legs
Saturday : Off
Sunday : Off
I workout generally first thing when i wake up, I have a meal then go 1 1/2 - 2 hours later, But i don't wake up till 10-12 on a typical day Since i work nights. I tried doing my triceps at the end of Back and Biceps at the end of Chest but after doing that for 2-3 months i felt like i hadn't been progressing at all with my arms. So i gave them there own day and i'm noticing it's working alot better.
11-15-2009, 07:39 AM #190New Member
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2nd and final warning. next time you break our rules, your gone
11-15-2009, 04:01 PM #191
Look I would like to ask you this question:
I am about to end my oxandrolone cycle of 60/70 mg ed for 8 weeks.
From week 4 to 7 I added mesterolone 50/75 mg ed.
My last blood work shows test ttl, test free and SHBG down while LH and FSH within the normal ranges (they even started to raise back after the first weeks, perhaps due to proviron ?).
Anyway, my question is: may I just quit the anavar and start a 8 week cycle of test en 500 mg ew?
So, it would be a 8 week on oral and another 8 week on test, for a ttl of 16 weeks.
Then, since my values right now are not so bad and had no signs of estrogenic activity and testicular shrinkage, I should be able, with a proper pct, to recover completely.
What do you think?
Does make sense to jump from an anavar only cycle to a test en only cycle without any pct + time off in the middle?
This is the thread related to my cycle, in the post n.2 all the values:
Thank you very much
11-16-2009, 09:40 AM #192Banned
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alright to vary sets.... during relaod???
11-16-2009, 06:29 PM #193New Member
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I have found it best not to split up back workouts into lat width and lat thickness because there is too much overlapping and over-training comes about much easier. I have found the same to be true with leg work because you hit the hams pretty hard with squats, leg presses and lunges. Leg curls just finishes them off.
If you are dead set on splitting back into two separate workouts tell me how many sets you are planning on doing for both back width and thickness (include exercises) and I will make a suggestion.
Test enanthate (500 mgs per week)!
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