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Thread: Free Diet advice by Narkissos & Novastepp: Intro to Performance Nutrition 101

  1. #241
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Hey nark, thanks in advanced for al the help here! Anyway I hope I don't get lost in the sea of posts here but anyway I am running a cutting diet. Long story short...slacked off over the winter due to bad times and gained some fat and lost some musle...went from 185 to 170 . I ran a bit of a clean bulk diet and dropped some fat and held onto the 170 so as of right now I am 170 and body fat calipers show me at 14.5% BF. I would like to get to the 8-9% to get visible abs before I go back to bulking as I find I gain size better if I start from a leaner point. I am training Monday thru Friday doing a body part a day with 30-40 minutes of weights followed by 30 minutes of cardio. I am also using some superdrol I have left over here and some 3-ad I got to help me along with this since I want to gain a bit of muscle while leaning up. Here is my current diet....I started just as clean but slightly higher carbs and fat and slowly tapered it down to this.

    Meal 1:
    250ml of egg whites - 125 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 25 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro
    1/2 cup of oatmeal - 150 cal, 3 fat, 27 carb, 5 pro

    Meal 2:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33 pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal, 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 3:
    PWO Shake
    2 scoops of whey - 240 cal, 2 fat, 6 carb, 48 pro
    1.5 scoop of waxy maize - 180 cal, 0 fat, 45 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 4:
    1/4 cup of brown rice - 170 cal, 1 fat, 35 carb, 5 pro
    4oz of steak strips - 187 cals, 8 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 5:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 6:
    4oz ground lean turkey - 160 cal, 8 fat, 0 carb, 22 pro
    Package of broccoli - 75 cal, 0 fat, 12 carb, 6 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 7:
    Fat free Cottage Cheese - 80 cal, 0 fat, 8 carb, 12 pro
    Scoop of casein protien - 120 cal, 1 fat, 4 carb, 24 pro

    Calories - 2447
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 308

  2. #242
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinnacle View Post
    Who the f*ck is Novastepp?

    Nice of you to have this thread C.

    (Marketing) :-)
    hello pinnacle. i think you should definitely add to this thread. i have been away for a while due to a few problems that needed solved in my life and i have been handling the majority of the PM's coming through this thread. i hope to add to this thread at a much more regular interval. i know everyone holds Nark in very high regard along with myself, but with his aid i have come to understand and utilize this form of dieting and hope to help all those who willingly seek help.

  3. #243
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Almost missed your questions:

    I'll try to answer this without going into too much detail

    Hell week is a the actual 'week' is actually 2 weeks.

    The days run into each other...and clients feel like death tru-out, so they really can't tell when one day ends and the other begins lol.

    Hell week is my peak-conditioning template.

    After a client goes tru the multiple phases of my contest preps, they're more or less shredded.

    Hell week is yet another (bi-phasic) stage which serves to bring out that stage-ready condition.

    Training borders on does cardio.

    The diet is as to facilitate glycogen supercompensation during the carb-loading phase.

    Training and cardio are changed in the second week as well...

    Sodium/potassium/carbs/fat/water as well.

    At the end of it, the client looks better than he/she has ever looked.

    They also hate me for a couple days/weeks after.

    Then they get over it...and we repeat the offseason phases.

    When I think Hell Week, I think of Navy SEALs and back when I played football. lol but I bet your Hell WeekS is nasty. but hey, it all pays off in the end. haha where do I sign to be a client?

    I'm not comfortable answering the underlined question.

    I'll tell you why:

    1. everyone's different.
    2. everyone starts at a different level of conditioning.
    3. goals differ across the board.

    That being said, I'm generally comfortable advising that people leave fruits out until they're at a manageable bodyfat level.

    That.. and until they cut out grain sources of carbohydrates as well as processed carbs in general.

    Leaving the latter concept alone, I'll address the former.

    Someone who is already lean is less likely to put on fat from these sources.

    Someone who isn't however, will get fat.

    Being fat isn't a 'natural' or 'healthy' state... A lot of our signals get crossed.

    Needless to say, this reiterates my point: if you're lean already, some things are acceptable... If you aren't, don't fool yourself.

    The health benefits of fruits you can derive from vegetables.

    So... I advise that most adhere to vegetable choices.

    It's a much simpler variable to manipulate when you aren't absolutely shredded.

    Okay, so I can cut the fruit, and just add in more veggies. Ill probably keep some fruit for PWO only...


    I wish you continued good luck


  4. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    hello pinnacle. i think you should definitely add to this thread. i have been away for a while due to a few problems that needed solved in my life and i have been handling the majority of the PM's coming through this thread. i hope to add to this thread at a much more regular interval. i know everyone holds Nark in very high regard along with myself, but with his aid i have come to understand and utilize this form of dieting and hope to help all those who willingly seek help.
    Ahh... looking at your screen name, I remember you now. Nice to see you again.

    Although my dieting philosophies are similar to C's, this thread is for you guys to explain your ideologies, and I also understand the reasoning as to why this thread is here too. :-)

    I do understand the responsibility of a thread like this for the fact I have a very popular Q & A elsewhere that requires a lot of time (that I don't always have). So props to both you guys for making time here to answer questions/help guys out.


  5. #245
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    Thanks for the good words Pinn.. Good to see you around again.

    Glad to see Nova's well and back posting.

    I think imma take a much-need asian porn break.

    Will hit you guys up a bit later.

    In the meantime.. Nova take over


  6. #246
    Hittman is offline New Member
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    Age: 20
    Weight: 190
    BF: 15%
    Lifted: 4 years

    This will be supplemented with Clen ... Starting with 60mcg x 3 (days) then 80mcg x 3 then 100 mcg x3 and finally 120 mcg until i get results I want (7-9%bf) --running benedryl every third week and taking 2-4 grams of taurine as needed... finally coming off clen at 20mcg less for 2 days at a time until 40mcg and then off...


    Meal 1: 7 Egg whites w/ one yoke 28/3/8

    Meal 2: Bag of straight deli turkey (6 oz) 50/0/8.5

    Run 2.5 miles (during lunch time at work so only an hour to run/shower/eat)

    Lunch: 2-3 Chicken Breasts (8-10oz) 54/0/12

    Meal 4: 3 egg whites and yogart 17/19/3


    Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, or turkey or some other lean protein with a salad and a banana 56/30/18

    Before Bed: more lean protein of some sort... thinking about a smoothie with whey isolate--unflavored say ~ 20/2/0


    Protein ~225 =1000 calories
    Carbs ~54 = 216 calories
    Fat ~50 = 450 calories


  7. #247
    Castradomus is offline Junior Member
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    How would you guys approach fat loss, without sacrificing performance, if you were working with an athlete that spends about 4 hours lifting weights (plyos accounting for about 1 of those hours.) and trains for 14 hours per week.

  8. #248
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castradomus View Post
    11 %

    How would you guys approach fat loss, without sacrificing performance, if you were working with an athlete that spends about 4 hours lifting weights (plyos accounting for about 1 of those hours.) and trains for 14 hours per week.
    4 hours lifting per day? That's over training.

  9. #249
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Bump for Nark incase you get a chance to check my diet out...I know you're busy with some guys in contest prep so no rush.

  10. #250
    MgpGator's Avatar
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    Newbie, needing some help

    I weigh 230lbs (sympathy's a boy), 6'2, 25 years old.

    I am currently trying to cut fat and gain LM mass.

    I am currently on jin, T-3 and clen . I have been eating like a rabbit and haven't seen significant weight loss. It has only been 2 weeks though.

    I work 2-10pm

    daily routine

    Wake up: Cardio pre workout

    1st meal: Special K w/ 2% milk

    2nd meal:Peanut butter on whole wheat
    banana and fresh fruit

    3rd meal: Tuna/turkey/ham sandwich
    Low calorie, sodium free traill mix

    4th meal (dinner): Salad w/ low fat dressing or big plate of broccoli and carrots.

    I am hungry most of the day. Is this diet counter-productive to my cycle? What nutrients am I missing? And what should my daily calorie/fat/carb intake be for the day? Also should I eat before my workout. (yes i have read the post, but will eating ceral and milk effect my morning inj of hgh?

  11. #251
    sam_sneed's Avatar
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    alrite nark appreciate all this work you put in here read some of your stuff. can i ask what u think of my diet give me some advice where i can (its a bulk diet...or supposed to be!) improve i did post this in a seperate thread and only got1 reply.

    im 20 years old > 5'6 > 185lbs > dont know exact bf about 18-20 i think (i think its lower)

    anyway here it is :

    Meal 1 > (Calories, Protein, Carbs, Fat)
    100g Oats (350, 11, 60, 8)
    200 ml skimmed milk (195, 6.8, 10, 2.5)
    4 Egg whites (52, 13, 0, 0)
    Whey protein (90, 20, 1, 1)
    > (685, 51, 71, 11.5)

    Meals 2,3 and 4
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    75g Pasta (270, 9, 55, 1)
    > (670, 105, 55, 7.5)

    Pre Workout + Post workout
    Whey + Banana

    Meals 5,6 (i read that your not supposed to have complex carbs after a certain time is this true?)
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    100g Salad (52, 3.2, 8, 0.8)
    > (500, 99, 8 , 7.3)

    > Total (3100, 566, 252, 49)

    Using the KM method i need 3251 calrories which seems alot since im only 185
    So Basically i need more calories any adivce on this? efa's / improving pre and post workout nutrition are probably weak areas.

  12. #252
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    alrite nark appreciate all this work you put in here read some of your stuff. can i ask what u think of my diet give me some advice where i can (its a bulk diet...or supposed to be!) improve i did post this in a seperate thread and only got1 reply.

    im 20 years old > 5'6 > 185lbs > dont know exact bf about 18-20 i think (i think its lower)

    anyway here it is :

    Meal 1 > (Calories, Protein, Carbs, Fat)
    100g Oats (350, 11, 60, 8)
    200 ml skimmed milk (195, 6.8, 10, 2.5)
    4 Egg whites (52, 13, 0, 0)
    Whey protein (90, 20, 1, 1)
    > (685, 51, 71, 11.5)

    Meals 2,3 and 4
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    75g Pasta (270, 9, 55, 1)
    > (670, 105, 55, 7.5)

    Pre Workout + Post workout
    Whey + Banana

    Meals 5,6 (i read that your not supposed to have complex carbs after a certain time is this true?)
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    100g Salad (52, 3.2, 8, 0.8)
    > (500, 99, 8 , 7.3)

    > Total (3100, 566, 252, 49)

    Using the KM method i need 3251 calrories which seems alot since im only 185
    So Basically i need more calories any adivce on this? efa's / improving pre and post workout nutrition are probably weak areas.
    Not having complex carbs after a certain time is a myth. What i read is that its better to take in carbs when you are going to be active (need energy) otherwise the "unused" carbs can be store as fat.

  13. #253
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Not having complex carbs after a certain time is a myth. What i read is that its better to take in carbs when you are going to be active (need energy) otherwise the "unused" carbs can be store as fat.
    >Yeah mate i just watched Milos Sarcev's seminar i understand a bit better now.
    >think what i should do is bring my protein down a bit (566g is way too much) to about 400g.
    >and bump the fat up since it was only 49g because may ratios were all out. what do u think?
    how much fat should i be taking in?

  14. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    >Yeah mate i just watched Milos Sarcev's seminar i understand a bit better now.
    >think what i should do is bring my protein down a bit (566g is way too much) to about 400g.
    >and bump the fat up since it was only 49g because may ratios were all out. what do u think?
    how much fat should i be taking in?
    Thats a good DVD, i watched it fully and learned a lot from it. My stats are close to yours and my fat intake is at about 60g per day.
    Taking in too much protein at one given time is in my eyes a waste. I read that the body can only absorbed so much at a time so if you take in a huge amount too much is "wasted." Nark could prob go into better details on this.

  15. #255
    Castradomus is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneGRMI View Post
    4 hours lifting per day? That's over training.
    thats per week

  16. #256
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    Hey Nark, tweaked it a little what do you think ?

    Cal / PRO / CARBS / FATS

    4 eggs (1 yoke) 118 / 16.8 / 1.6 / 4.8
    oatmeal (1/2 cup) 150 / 5 / 27 / 3
    Flaxseed oil sub
    Multi sub

    6oz ground beef 93/7 255 / 34.5 / 0 / 12
    carrots (2) 70 / 2 / 8 / 0

    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    brown rice half cup 150 / 5 / 27 / 3


    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    brown rice (1/4 cup) 170 / 4 / 35 / 1.5

    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    Olive oil 1 Tbsp 120 / 0 / 0 / 14
    celery (2) 38 / .16 / 7.2 / .4

    2 4oz tilapia fillet 186 / 42 / 0 / 2
    Peanut Butter 2 Tbsp. 210 / 8 / 6 / 16

    Shake (1 scoop ) 117 / 24 / 2 / 2
    Olive oil 1 Tbsp 120 / 0 / 0 / 14


    So then for a average day i have
    Cal pro / carbs /fats
    2216/ 240/ 111 / 97
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 06-01-2008 at 07:29 PM.

  17. #257
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    Ok.. I'm back

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Hey nark, thanks in advanced for al the help here! Anyway I hope I don't get lost in the sea of posts here but anyway I am running a cutting diet. Long story short...slacked off over the winter due to bad times and gained some fat and lost some musle...went from 185 to 170 . I ran a bit of a clean bulk diet and dropped some fat and held onto the 170 so as of right now I am 170 and body fat calipers show me at 14.5% BF. I would like to get to the 8-9% to get visible abs before I go back to bulking as I find I gain size better if I start from a leaner point. I am training Monday thru Friday doing a body part a day with 30-40 minutes of weights followed by 30 minutes of cardio. I am also using some superdrol I have left over here and some 3-ad I got to help me along with this since I want to gain a bit of muscle while leaning up. Here is my current diet....I started just as clean but slightly higher carbs and fat and slowly tapered it down to this.


    Current stats: 170 lbs @ 14.5% BF (LBM = 146 lbs)
    Desired stats: 9% BF (no stated weight)

    Seeing that you stated no weight or time frame, imma assume you'd like a recomposition approach... as opposed to a pure cutting diet.

    I know you stated 'cutting', so feel free to correct me if I'm incorrect.

    I'd go with:

    2640 kcals on training days
    2040 kcals on non-training days

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Meal 1:
    250ml of egg whites - 125 cal, 0 fat, 4 carb, 25 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro
    1/2 cup of oatmeal - 150 cal, 3 fat, 27 carb, 5 pro

    Meal 2:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33 pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal, 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 3:
    PWO Shake
    2 scoops of whey - 240 cal, 2 fat, 6 carb, 48 pro
    1.5 scoop of waxy maize - 180 cal, 0 fat, 45 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 4:
    1/4 cup of brown rice - 170 cal, 1 fat, 35 carb, 5 pro
    4oz of steak strips - 187 cals, 8 fat, 1 carb, 24 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 5:
    Can of tuna - 180 cal, 1 fat, 0 carb, 33pro
    Table spoon of olive oil with ***** 3s - 120 cal 14 fat, 0 carb, 0 pro

    Meal 6:
    4oz ground lean turkey - 160 cal, 8 fat, 0 carb, 22 pro
    Package of broccoli - 75 cal, 0 fat, 12 carb, 6 pro
    Scoop of whey - 120 cal, 1 fat, 3 carb, 24 pro

    Meal 7:
    Fat free Cottage Cheese - 80 cal, 0 fat, 8 carb, 12 pro
    Scoop of casein protien - 120 cal, 1 fat, 4 carb, 24 pro

    Calories - 2447
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 308
    Solid-looking diet.

    Your macros aren't the split I'd go with... and the protein isn't spread evenly tru-out the day, but it's solid all the same.

    Kcals are fairly close to where I'd place you personally.

    When you're leaner, I'd go with carb-cycling.

    w/ regard to the diet as it is at the moment... I don't like the over-dependence on protein powder... but I do like how you've worked it into some of the meals.

    I trust you're consuming the scoop of protein powder after you've chewed and swallowed the solid protein allotment of the meal at minimum.

    This would support better assimilation... as mastication initiates the digestive process.

    On a side note... re: lower kcals on non-training suggestion would be 400 less kcals on non-training days.

    Since your fat is moderate, and your carbs are in a similar vein... I'd suggest you lower protein on those non-training days...

    400 kcals = 100 gr protein.

    This'd lower your allotment on saturday and sunday to:

    Calories - 2047
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 208

    To meet that, drop 1 scoop of whey from meals 1, 3, 4, and 6.

    I'd suggest some low to moderate intensity (long-duration: 60 minutes) cardio on at least one of these two days... or some other form of 'active rest'.


  18. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman View Post
    Age: 20
    Weight: 190
    BF: 15%
    Lifted: 4 years

    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman View Post
    This will be supplemented with Clen ... Starting with 60mcg x 3 (days) then 80mcg x 3 then 100 mcg x3 and finally 120 mcg until i get results I want (7-9%bf) --running benedryl every third week and taking 2-4 grams of taurine as needed... finally coming off clen at 20mcg less for 2 days at a time until 40mcg and then off...

    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman View Post

    Meal 1: 7 Egg whites w/ one yoke 28/3/8

    Meal 2: Bag of straight deli turkey (6 oz) 50/0/8.5

    Run 2.5 miles (during lunch time at work so only an hour to run/shower/eat)
    What is the duration of the run?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hittman View Post

    Lunch: 2-3 Chicken Breasts (8-10oz) 54/0/12

    Meal 4: 3 egg whites and yogart 17/19/3


    Dinner: 2 chicken breasts, or turkey or some other lean protein with a salad and a banana 56/30/18

    Before Bed: more lean protein of some sort... thinking about a smoothie with whey isolate--unflavored say ~ 20/2/0


    Protein ~225 =1000 calories
    Carbs ~54 = 216 calories
    Fat ~50 = 450 calories

    Your calories are too low.

    Your diet lacks structure.

    Too much protein at some sittings... Not enough at others.

    My suggestion: You have 6 established meal times listed, so work backwards from that point.

    Your goal kcals: 2200 kcals

    Listed meal times: 6

    kcals/meal: <> 370 kcals

    Work backward from there.


  19. #259
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    Quote Originally Posted by Castradomus View Post
    11 %

    How would you guys approach fat loss, without sacrificing performance, if you were working with an athlete that spends about 4 hours lifting weights (plyos accounting for about 1 of those hours.) and trains for 14 hours per week.
    It'd require more information.

    Maintaining a high level of performance is individual-specific.

    Lay out your well as your average training week, day by day.


  20. #260
    Narkissos's Avatar
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    I do not believe that this is the thread for you.

    I will explain in detail:

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I weigh 230lbs (sympathy's a boy), 6'2, 25 years old.
    What is your current bodyfat percentage?

    Does it exceed 18%?

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I am currently trying to cut fat and gain LM mass.

    Also noted:
    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I am currently on jin, T-3 and clen.
    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I have been eating like a rabbit and haven't seen significant weight loss. It has only been 2 weeks though.
    ^^Does not sound like you have a solid (or even basic) grasp of dieting.

    No flame intended.

    At the end of my critique, I'll supply links you should check out.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I work 2-10pm

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    daily routine

    Wake up: Cardio pre workout

    Switch to pwo cardio.

    Cardio pre-workout will negatively affect your attempt to build LBM.

    It will negatively affect performance.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    1st meal: Special K w/ 2% milk
    This is not a meal...and no macros are listed.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    2nd meal:Peanut butter on whole wheat
    banana and fresh fruit
    See previous comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    3rd meal: Tuna/turkey/ham sandwich
    Low calorie, sodium free traill mix
    Not a 'cutting meal'.

    No macros listed.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    4th meal (dinner): Salad w/ low fat dressing or big plate of broccoli and carrots.
    Not a meal... No macros listed.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    I am hungry most of the day.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    Is this diet counter-productive to my cycle?
    Yes. Furthermore, you should not be cycling.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    What nutrients am I missing?
    Protein, healthy fats, carbohydrates.

    What nutrients have you succeeded in ingesting?

    Sugar...and some fiber.

    Quote Originally Posted by MgpGator View Post
    And what should my daily calorie/fat/carb intake be for the day? Also should I eat before my workout. (yes i have read the post, but will eating ceral and milk effect my morning inj of hgh?

    See these threads:

    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    Free diet help from beast.

    Feel free to follow the thread... and utilize any diets posted of individuals close to your LBM.


  21. #261
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    alrite nark appreciate all this work you put in here read some of your stuff. can i ask what u think of my diet give me some advice where i can (its a bulk diet...or supposed to be!) improve i did post this in a seperate thread and only got1 reply.
    np... Will attempt to assist.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    im 20 years old > 5'6 > 185lbs > dont know exact bf about 18-20 i think (i think its lower)
    Get it tested...Guesses aren't applicable.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    anyway here it is :

    Meal 1 > (Calories, Protein, Carbs, Fat)
    100g Oats (350, 11, 60, 8)
    200 ml skimmed milk (195, 6.8, 10, 2.5)
    4 Egg whites (52, 13, 0, 0)
    Whey protein (90, 20, 1, 1)
    > (685, 51, 71, 11.5)
    Too much carbs... Too much fat.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Meals 2,3 and 4
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    75g Pasta (270, 9, 55, 1)
    > (670, 105, 55, 7.5)
    Too much protein.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Pre Workout + Post workout
    Whey + Banana
    You're having this both pre and post workout?

    If so... these count as meals 5 and 6.

    What're the macros for each sitting?

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Meals 5,6
    See previous comment.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    (i read that your not supposed to have complex carbs after a certain time is this true?)

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    300g Chicken (450, 96, 0, 6.5)
    100g Salad (52, 3.2, 8, 0.8)
    > (500, 99, 8 , 7.3)
    Too much protein.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    > Total (3100, 566, 252, 49)
    Way... way... way.. too much protein.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Using the KM method i need 3251 calrories which seems alot since im only 185
    So Basically i need more calories any adivce on this? efa's / improving pre and post workout nutrition are probably weak areas.
    Based on what?

    Lay out your variables and activity multipliers.


  22. #262
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    There're discrepancies in your numbers:

    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    4 eggs (1 yoke) 118 / 16.8 / 1.6 / 4.8
    oatmeal (1/2 cup) 150 / 5 / 27 / 3
    Flaxseed oil sub
    Multi sub

    6oz ground beef 93/7 255 / 34.5 / 0 / 12
    carrots (2) 70 / 2 / 8 / 0

    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    brown rice half cup 150 / 5 / 27 / 3


    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    brown rice (1/4 cup) 170 / 4 / 35 / 1.5

    6oz chicken breast 180/ 33 / 1.5 / 3.75
    Olive oil 1 Tbsp 120 / 0 / 0 / 14
    celery (2) 38 / .16 / 7.2 / .4

    2 4oz tilapia fillet 186 / 42 / 0 / 2
    Peanut Butter 2 Tbsp. 210 / 8 / 6 / 16

    Shake (1 scoop ) 117 / 24 / 2 / 2
    Olive oil 1 Tbsp 120 / 0 / 0 / 14


    So then for a average day i have
    Cal pro / carbs /fats
    2216/ 240/ 111 / 97

    Otherwise, it looks good.


  23. #263
    T3/T4 GSR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Narkissos* View Post
    Ok.. I'm back



    Current stats: 170 lbs @ 14.5% BF (LBM = 146 lbs)
    Desired stats: 9% BF (no stated weight)

    Seeing that you stated no weight or time frame, imma assume you'd like a recomposition approach... as opposed to a pure cutting diet.

    I know you stated 'cutting', so feel free to correct me if I'm incorrect.

    I'd go with:

    2640 kcals on training days
    2040 kcals on non-training days

    Solid-looking diet.

    Your macros aren't the split I'd go with... and the protein isn't spread evenly tru-out the day, but it's solid all the same.

    Kcals are fairly close to where I'd place you personally.

    When you're leaner, I'd go with carb-cycling.

    w/ regard to the diet as it is at the moment... I don't like the over-dependence on protein powder... but I do like how you've worked it into some of the meals.

    I trust you're consuming the scoop of protein powder after you've chewed and swallowed the solid protein allotment of the meal at minimum.

    This would support better assimilation... as mastication initiates the digestive process.

    On a side note... re: lower kcals on non-training suggestion would be 400 less kcals on non-training days.

    Since your fat is moderate, and your carbs are in a similar vein... I'd suggest you lower protein on those non-training days...

    400 kcals = 100 gr protein.

    This'd lower your allotment on saturday and sunday to:

    Calories - 2047
    Fat - 56
    Carb - 152
    Pro - 208

    To meet that, drop 1 scoop of whey from meals 1, 3, 4, and 6.

    I'd suggest some low to moderate intensity (long-duration: 60 minutes) cardio on at least one of these two days... or some other form of 'active rest'.

    Thanks a lot man appreciate it. On sat and sunday what I suually do is actually drop the post work out shake and that takes out about 400 cals. I just spread the other 6 meals out more. I am def going to start doing cardio on some off days. As far as my "cutting" goals, yes I am going for more of a recomposition effect. I am looking to improve my base phsyique better to bulk upon since I found I was starting to look bigger but not really better. So I am hoping for a reasonable 9% or so body fat to improve my overall build.

  24. #264
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    Ok I think that should be all questions answered.

    3:51 a.m. here, and I've got some work to do right now.

    If i missed anything please let me know.


  25. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Thanks a lot man appreciate it. On sat and sunday what I suually do is actually drop the post work out shake and that takes out about 400 cals. I just spread the other 6 meals out more. I am def going to start doing cardio on some off days. As far as my "cutting" goals, yes I am going for more of a recomposition effect. I am looking to improve my base phsyique better to bulk upon since I found I was starting to look bigger but not really better. So I am hoping for a reasonable 9% or so body fat to improve my overall build.
    I figured.

    Looks like you have a well thought out plan it should be doable.

    Keep in touch...and feel free to supply regular update pics.


  26. #266
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    Will do...I will take some by this weekend and post em up. How much leaner do you think I should go before I do carb cycling and how would I go about it exactly? Never done that before.

  27. #267
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    Red face

    Cheers for your input, Nark ! (How do you rate threads btw?)
    Anyway changed things around a bit, here it is

    New Diet (Calories / Protein / Carbs / Fat)

    >100g Porridge (355 / 11 / 60 / 8)
    >200 ml Skimmed Milk (85 / 7 / 10 / 0.5)
    >4 Egg Whites (56 / 14 / 0 / 0)
    >Whey Protein (93 / 20 / 1 / 1)
    >Totals Breakfast (589 / 52 / 68 / 9.5)

    Meal 2

    > Tuna (168 / 40 / 0 / 0.5 )
    > Veggies ( Peppers + Cucumbers) Negligible Calories
    > 1 Tbsp Walnut Oil (125 / 0 / 0 / 14 )
    > Total (293 / 40 / 0 / 14.5)

    Meal 3
    > 200g Chicken (296 / 64 / 0 / 4.5)
    > 1 Tbsp Walnut oil (125 / 0 / 0 / 14)
    >Total (421 / 64 / 0 / 18.5)

    Meals 4 + 5
    >200g Chicken (296 / 64 / 0 / 4.5)
    >75g Brown Rice (260 / 7.5 / 53.5 / 1.5)
    >Total (556 / 71.5 / 53.5 / 6)

    Pre + Post Workout
    2 Protein Drinks (180 / 40 / 2 / 2)
    2 Bananas (220 / 2 / 58 / 0)
    200ml Skimmed Milk (85 / 7 / 10 / 0.5)
    > Total (500 / 49 / 70 / 2.5)

    Meal 6
    >200g Steak (316 / 52 / 0 / 8)
    >Small Potato (110 / 2 / 26 / 0)
    >Salad 100g (50 / 3 / 8 / 1)
    > Total (476 / 55 / 34 / 9)

    Meal 6
    >Salmon Fillet (358 / 40 / 0 / 22)
    >Salad (50 / 3 / 8 / 1)
    Total (408 / 43 / 8 / 23)

    >Daily Total : (3790/ 445 / 322 / 95.5)

  28. #268
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    Hey Nark, I've been at it for about 5 weeks, got BF down from 15.5% to 10.5%, is it time for me to start carb cycling. And could you give a quick overview of carb cycling....Am I basically just taking carb consumption down to 35% on non-lifting days? And should I make up these calories with more protein or fat? As always any help is greatly appreciated.

  29. #269
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    Nark, I like Abbott would like some specifics on carb cycling. I have researched some and saw a plan consisting of 2 high carb days, 3 low carb days, and 2 no carb days. What are your thoughts on this particular type of carb cycling?

  30. #270
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    I re-did my diet and have been following this for two days... Let me know what you think...

    Meal 1
    1 cup egg whites
    1 whole egg
    1/2 cup oatmeal
    1/2 cup skim milk in oatmeal
    15 blueberries in oatmeal
    360/6/37/36 (cal/fat/carb/pro)

    Meal 2
    Low carb tortilla
    4oz chicken breast (skinless)
    1/2 cup spinach leaves
    1/2 slice provolone cheese
    (microwaved for a hot wrap)


    Meal 3
    8oz Chicken Breast (skinless)
    1/2-1 cup Brocolli
    1/2 oz Almonds or 2 Fish Oil Capsules

    Pre Workout
    4 Oz chicken Breast or Turkey
    Small Banana
    4oz Yogurt


    Post Workout
    Small Banana
    Spinach Salad w/ low fat dressing
    8oz steak or 6oz Tilapia
    1/2-1 cup Brocolli

    Jump Rope for 20 minutes

    1/2 Cup eggwhites scrambled in 1/2tablespoon Coconut Oil
    2-4oz Chicken Breast skinless.



  31. #271
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    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    Will do...I will take some by this weekend and post em up.
    Haven't seen 'em as yet.

    Link me to the thread when they're up.

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    How much leaner do you think I should go before I do carb cycling
    That'd depend on you and your goals...

    At 14%+ you could choose to do it whenever you finally stagnate... (which could be anywhere from 6-12 weeks from now)

    You could do it pre-emptively, in anticipation of stagnation (to stay ahead of the progress curve)

    At any rate, I think you should stick to any changes you make to your diet or training for 6 weeks... and no less.

    Quote Originally Posted by T3/T4 GSR View Post
    and how would I go about it exactly? Never done that before.
    There're a number of ways to go about cycling...whether it be carb-cycling or calorie cycling.

    Do you want to carb-cycle specifically?


  32. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Cheers for your input, Nark !
    np mate.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    (How do you rate threads btw?)
    Look above the first post on each page of a thread.

    There are mod controls there.

    You should see 'rating'.

    Click on it.. It's a drop down tool.

    In threads where 'rating' isn't visible.. click on 'thread tools'.

    'Rate this thread' will be one of the options.

    Quote Originally Posted by sam_sneed View Post
    Anyway changed things around a bit, here it is

    New Diet (Calories / Protein / Carbs / Fat)

    >100g Porridge (355 / 11 / 60 / 8)
    >200 ml Skimmed Milk (85 / 7 / 10 / 0.5)
    >4 Egg Whites (56 / 14 / 0 / 0)
    >Whey Protein (93 / 20 / 1 / 1)
    >Totals Breakfast (589 / 52 / 68 / 9.5)

    Meal 2

    > Tuna (168 / 40 / 0 / 0.5 )
    > Veggies ( Peppers + Cucumbers) Negligible Calories
    > 1 Tbsp Walnut Oil (125 / 0 / 0 / 14 )
    > Total (293 / 40 / 0 / 14.5)

    Meal 3
    > 200g Chicken (296 / 64 / 0 / 4.5)
    > 1 Tbsp Walnut oil (125 / 0 / 0 / 14)
    >Total (421 / 64 / 0 / 18.5)

    Meals 4 + 5
    >200g Chicken (296 / 64 / 0 / 4.5)
    >75g Brown Rice (260 / 7.5 / 53.5 / 1.5)
    >Total (556 / 71.5 / 53.5 / 6)

    Pre + Post Workout
    2 Protein Drinks (180 / 40 / 2 / 2)
    2 Bananas (220 / 2 / 58 / 0)
    200ml Skimmed Milk (85 / 7 / 10 / 0.5)
    > Total (500 / 49 / 70 / 2.5)

    Meal 6
    >200g Steak (316 / 52 / 0 / 8)
    >Small Potato (110 / 2 / 26 / 0)
    >Salad 100g (50 / 3 / 8 / 1)
    > Total (476 / 55 / 34 / 9)

    Meal 6
    >Salmon Fillet (358 / 40 / 0 / 22)
    >Salad (50 / 3 / 8 / 1)
    Total (408 / 43 / 8 / 23)

    >Daily Total : (3790/ 445 / 322 / 95.5)
    You're still taking in way too much protein mate.

    But.. try it.

    If you start to get fat then you know you're piling in waaaaay too much.

    I suspect you WILL get fatter from this diet.


    p.s. what did your previous diet(s) look like? List them.

  33. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Hey Nark,
    Hey buddy

    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    I've been at it for about 5 weeks, got BF down from 15.5% to 10.5%

    How was your bodyfat percentage assessed?

    Any before pics and current pics?

    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    is it time for me to start carb cycling.
    Personally, I'd stick it out for another week or 3.

    Adjusting calories in is the last thing i do personally.

    I'd bump expenditure... and then cycle kcals when progress started to slow. (or, to stay ahead of the curve as alluded in the previous post)

    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    And could you give a quick overview of carb cycling....Am I basically just taking carb consumption down to 35% on non-lifting days?
    I see guys keep highlighting 'carb'-cycling.

    But there's more than one way to approach dieting.

    I've carb-cycled... but i prefer to calorie cycle.

    As opposed to adjusting one specific macronutrient alone.

    Ways i approach cycling:

    1. I keep my ratios about the same but consume staggered calories.

    i.e. kcals are higher on weight-training days... low on non-training (i.e. cardio-only) days.. + 1 re-feed at the end of the week.

    And should I make up these calories with more protein or fat? As always any help is greatly appreciated.[/quote]

    I swap the ratio of carbs to protein... depending on, again, whether it's a training day or non-training day (this is carb-cycling as opposed to calorie cycling). At the end of the week I add a refeed.

    i.e. on training days i may consume: 35% protein; 45 % carbs; 20% fat.

    On non-training days (i.e. cardio-only days) i may consume: 45% protein; 35% carbs; and 20% fat.

    3. 'High', 'medium', 'low', 'very low' carb days (pure carb-cycling)

    The high day would be refeed kcals
    The medium day would be 25% less carbs than the refeed.
    The low day would be 50% less carbs than the refeed.
    The very low day would be 75% less carbs than the refeed.

    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    And should I make up these calories with more protein or fat? As always any help is greatly appreciated.

    I see people doing that, but it makes no sense to me.

    I keep protein and fat at the same amount tru-out a 'pure' carb-cycle.


    Pinnacle posted a carb-cycling protocol here:

    Why am i doing wrong to see my abs???
    Why am i doing wrong to see my abs???
    Why am i doing wrong to see my abs???
    Why am i doing wrong to see my abs???

    The approach differs to mine, but you could check it out all the same if interested.

  34. #274
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    Nice, thanks Nark. Yeah I actually just got done reading Pinnacle's thread. Good stuff, I need a little time to digest his views and yours and decide what my next step should be. I actually just used a formula to get my beginning 15.5% starting point, but I think it was pretty accurate as I was just coming off a bulk. The 10.5% is based off same formula and also opinions of others on this board. My pics are posted in the member pics section. No before pics but I do have after pics. (I know I should be using a caliper test at the very least, however the trainers at my gym are idiots and insist on telling me that I am around 4%, lmao!)

  35. #275
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    ^^Find another gym... get it done.


  36. #276
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    Will do. My pics are in the member section, titled estimate bf. I would love to get your opinion on my bf if you get a second.

  37. #277
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    how do u do that

  38. #278
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    ok im 20 yrs old 190 lbs. 5'9 15ish% BF trying to cut down to 10%BF or lower losing very litttle muscle i work out 6 days a week and to cardio at 60-74% HR for 45-50 mins usually burn about 350 cals on the stationary bike it works for me , after weights everyday but i have me PWO shake 10 mins b4 i do the cardio heres my diet i finally got serious and did the Macro's i wanna get serious about this
    pro/carb/fat/ Cals dunno what k calls r?
    MEAL 1
    1/2 cup oats 5/27/2.5/150
    1 scoop of whey 23/3/2/100
    1 cup egg beaters 24/4/0/120


    MEAL 2
    1 tbsp Ex Vir Olive oil 0/0/14/120
    1 1/3 serv chicken 37/0/.5/160


    MEAL 3
    1 serving Broccoli 5/9/5/90
    1 1/3 serv chicken 37/0/.5/160


    MEAL 4
    3 oz. tuna 39/0/0/180
    1/4 oats 2.5/15/1.25/75


    WORK OUT PWO shake then CARDIO

    MEAL 5 the "shake" lol
    1/2 cup oats 5/27/2.5/150
    banana 0/17/0/67
    2 scoops whey 46/6/3.5/210


    MEAL 6
    1 1/2 chick 42/0/1/180
    tbsp Ex Vir Olive oil 0/0/14/120


    Right B4 bed
    Casein protein shake 23/4/1/120

    daily Total pro-288/carbs-110/fats-47.5/CALS-1902
    i think im doing it all wrong look like i need about 6 more cals should i go veggies or what i need help thanks all input is openly welcome plz forgive any spelling or grammer errors thanks, AJ

  39. #279
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    Quote Originally Posted by abbot138 View Post
    Will do. My pics are in the member section, titled estimate bf. I would love to get your opinion on my bf if you get a second.
    I'd put you at just over 10%

    A little hard to tell honestly... Shots of bodyparts don't make for a good gauge.


  40. #280
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    can u critique my diet

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