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  1. From Letterman's website . . .
  2. news flash about israel for pretty much everyone here
  3. How long wud he have got in your country?
  4. Decleration of war-North Korea
  5. I'd be surprised if this hasn't been posted already -- but if not....
  6. Web rage attack
  7. Iraq News?
  8. North Korean leader "sorry" for nuclear tests
  9. Russa getting worried
  10. The EU is ****ing stupid
  11. Russian Scientists Say Earth May Collide With Asteroid in 2035
  12. So whats going on with Georgia??
  13. Texas Republican Lt. Gov. Dewhurst calls for steroid testing of high school athletes
  14. Prison Ships
  15. Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 12,000
  16. what else do we need to know?
  17. Egyptian President Says Muslims Share Responsibility for Negative Image of Islam
  18. BBC NEWS -- Oslo gay animal show draws crowds
  19. more muslim problems in France
  20. Palestinian Forces Block Gaza Intersection in Protest Over Government's Inability to
  21. U.N. Agency: 30 Countries Could Soon Have Nuclear Weapons
  22. Nearly Complete 'Missing Link' Skeleton Found in Ethiopia
  23. Teen Plays 'Space Invaders' Using Only Brain Waves
  24. Study: Aging May Be Defense Mechanism Against Cancer
  25. 43 French Bag Handlers Denied Clearance("linked to terrorism")
  26. "The cost of obesity in the US"
  27. Like I said..
  28. Logan
  29. US to sell F/A22 Raptors to Japan
  30. Atomic Scientists Revealing Archimedes' Hidden Writings
  31. Man Dies in Conn. After Partygoer Throws Keg Into Burning Barrel, Causing Explosion
  32. Buried Village May Revise Jewish History
  33. Judge Sentences Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling to Just Over 24 Years
  34. Sen. Clinton Says It's Great Obama Is Weighing 2008 White House Run
  35. Poll: Lieberman Leads Lamont in Conn.
  36. Opponent says that H.Clinton was unattractive
  37. Interesting article about future US-EU relations
  38. NEWS: 42 Perecent of Americans say Republicans are manipulating gas prices
  39. NJ court grants gay couples equal marriage rights
  40. fat people waste gas!
  41. Sanctions against iran getting closer
  42. When could Iran get the bomb??
  43. Testosterone Tumbling in American Males
  44. And we wonder why Americans are getting fat.
  45. Great page with the best info on nuclear arsenals
  46. Olbermann's Special Comment on GOP Fearmongering
  47. Swedish environmental protection group is out of there minds.
  48. Obesity in Middle Age Could Lower IQ
  49. 'Cleansing' Diets May Be Worthless, Dangerous
  50. Study: No Scientific Basis for Vampires, Ghosts
  51. Cosmic Rays Linked to Global Warming
  52. Gene Responsible for Human Intelligence Possibly Found
  53. Men Growl, Whine Like Dogs to Determine Dominance
  54. German, American Scientists to Decode Neanderthal Genome
  55. The Biological Research on Homosexuality
  56. U.S. hails airborne laser as weapons milestone
  57. Nbc Refuses Ads For Dixie Chicks Movie
  58. Cards Top Tigers 4-2 to Win World Series
  59. Manchester Muslim cleric 'backs execution of gays'
  61. Earth capabel of supporting 2 billion
  62. Obesity on the rise among those with telekinetic powers
  63. New Bird Flu strain found in China
  64. Global warming => economic disaster
  65. Pakistan: U.S. Intelligence Used in Attack on Terror Training Facility
  66. John Kerry Trashes Our Troops -- Again
  67. U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties
  68. 1% a year......Scary.
  69. WTF? I think the end of civilization is near.
  70. U.S. Marshals Catch Nearly 11,000 Fugitives in 24-State Operation
  71. U.N. Official Expected in Court to Face Bribery Charges
  72. White House OK With Kerry Apology, But GOP Tire of 'Blame America' Outlook
  73. Iran Test Launches Several Missiles During War Games
  74. Proof the Mainstream Media Is Left Wing
  75. Should we allow this to happen
  76. My Country Needs Me
  77. Australian designer's underpants promise digital enhancement
  78. Man Escorted From Planet Fitness Gym For Grunting
  79. Mideast terror leaders to U.S.: "Vote Democrat"
  80. Muslim insurgents behead 14-year-old Christian boy
  81. Pa. Letter Carrier Attacked by Squirrel
  82. California Police File Arson, Murder Charges Against Wildfire Suspect
  83. an email that I received
  84. Talking about fish...
  85. Kanye West Sore Loser at MTV Europe Awards
  86. ACORN Workers Indicted For Alleged Voter Fraud
  87. 56 Bodies Found in Baghdad; 4 GIs Killed in Attacks
  88. Study: Political, Social Attitudes Could Be in the Genes
  89. G.W.Bush admitts explosives were used in 911 WTC demolitions
  90. Conservatives on why the republicans should lose
  91. Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear
  92. Haggard Accuser fails lie detector
  93. Radio Host Fired After calling Candidate a "Fat lesbian"
  94. Naked Man Arrested for Concealed Weapon
  95. Nude Couple's Feud Ends at Waffle House
  96. Japanese Researchers Find Dolphin With remnants of land dwelling "legs"
  97. New cars arrived
  98. Man ordered to wear "sex offender" T-shirt
  99. Swedish Study links steroid sue to fraud, crime
  100. Transgender men free to use ALL of MTA's loos
  101. Changing Transgender Birth Certificates
  102. Britney Spears Files for Divorce From Kevin Federline
  103. N.M. Cops Sue Burger King Over Marijuana-Laced Hamburgers
  104. San Francisco Values Versus a Time of Terror
  105. Saddam Appeals for Iraqis to Forgive Each Other
  106. Burger King dope burgers
  107. Lieberman wins Connecticut Senate seat as Independent
  108. Chelsea Clinton runs into voting problems
  109. Faith Hill is a PISSED!
  110. Stem cell cure for heart attacks
  111. Gay Marriage, Abortion Laws Top State Ballot Initiatives
  112. Voters set to reject gay marriage, ban on abortion
  113. Arizona | Proposition 103: English as Official Language Passes
  114. Minnesota sends first Muslim to Congress
  115. Australia Senate Lifts Ban on Cloning Human Embryos
  116. Schwarzenegger Wins 2nd, Final Gov. Term
  117. election results
  118. Weinberg on intelligent design of the universe
  119. GOP says Rumsfeld is stepping down
  120. How do you think
  121. Jackson to perform "Thriller" in comeback show
  122. Gaza Shelling Prompts Hamas to Call for Attacks Against U.S.
  123. Scientists Search for Ways Around Stem Cell Ethical Concerns
  124. Interesting ballot measures that passed in Arizona.
  125. Ed Bradley Dies
  126. Michigan Votes Down Affirmative Action
  127. Jews take root in Capitol Hill
  128. Pelosi aims to block Democratic hawks from key posts
  129. 'Borat' barred from Russian movie theaters
  130. New York doctor given go-ahead for world's first womb transplant
  131. 15 year old Scots lad murdered
  132. Houston Landscapers Condemned for Refusing Business With Gay Couple
  133. British Man Injured After Lighting Firecracker in Buttocks
  134. U.N. Ranks Norway Best Place to Live; U.S. Places 8th
  135. Mexico City approves gay civil unions
  136. Post Election Stress and Trauma Syndrome.
  137. Top Ten Most Polluted Places in the World, 2006
  138. Playstation 3 linux would serve as a fully functional home computer.
  139. U.S.Troops-Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006
  140. Bush eyes Democrats for help on amnesty
  141. A Good Night for Gun Control Advocates
  142. Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse
  143. Al Qaeda gloats over Rumsfeld
  144. Al-Qaida VOWS TO 'BLOW UP WHITE HOUSE'...
  145. Saddam's "hanging" sold out in Indian theater
  146. Israel Official: Strike on Iran Possible...
  147. Students at Calif. College ban Pledge of Allegiance
  148. NY congressman Rangel says no offense intended with Mississippi remark
  149. Chavez: Bush should get death penalty...
  150. Khamenei calls elections a victory for Iran
  151. Iraqi president says Democrats told him they will not pull out quickly
  152. RNC asks Steele to replace Mehlman
  153. Wal-Mart opts for ‘Christmas’ marketing
  154. British Intelligence Agency Tracking 1,600 Potential Terror Conspirators
  155. 'Foreign Terrorist Organization' Reaches Out to Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky
  156. McCain Begins Preliminary White House Run
  157. Oscar-Winning Actor Jack Palance Dies at 87
  158. Argentine Judge Implicates Iran Leaders in Bombing
  159. Dutch to ban Muslim veils
  160. Actor Neil Patrick Harris: 'I am a Very Content Gay Man'
  161. "Send books, not weapons, Clinton says"
  162. Jesus christ there is no way to make environmntalists happy
  163. New promising cancer treatment
  164. Turky need to clean this shit up
  165. If you americans have small nuts
  166. TRICKED: Now the villagers in Borat movie may sue...
  167. Thanks to all the military Vets
  168. Elton John: 'i Would Ban Religion Completely'
  169. U.S. Vetoes Condemnation of Gaza Strikes
  170. Hezbollah, Amal Cabinet Members Resign from Lebanon Gov't
  171. BNP chief claims acquittal is his victory for freedom
  172. Baldness Risk Increased By Gene Glitch
  173. Belly Fat Among Children Growing Fast
  174. Who will succeed putin?
  175. Breaking news, watch out for these terrorists
  176. Washington Statue Beheaded at NYC Church
  177. Ahmadinejad: Israel’s destruction near
  178. Martin Luther King Junior memorial ceremony under way in D.C.
  179. Iranians outraged as Google redraws map
  180. Outcry as clinic offers 'designer baby' embryo screening for 200 diseases
  181. Immigrant Protection Rules Draw Fire
  182. Texas town considers anti-illegals bill
  183. Report: Afghan, U.S. Forces Arrest Key Al Qaeda Member
  184. Merry Christmas...
  185. Egypt begins construction on nuclear power plant
  186. Al-Qaida threatens to topple Lebanon govt.
  187. Eyeing 2008 presidential run, Giuliani plays down Democrat wins
  188. Canada profs win right to smoke pot
  189. Photo shows Iran leader as '79 U.S. hostage taker
  190. Rosie O: Don't fear terrorists, they're just moms and dads
  191. Terrorists announce plans to attack U.S.
  192. Al Qaeda seeking nuclear kit for attacks: UK official
  193. Georgia Group Seeks Ban of Marijuana-Flavored Candy
  194. Supreme Court Refuses to Review Murder Conviction of Kennedy Cousin Michael Skakel
  195. james bond says watch out!
  196. Anti-evolution, tax-evading preacher sentenced to jail
  197. bill maher says republicans are gay
  198. Iran Says Nuke Program Is Near Complete
  199. Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust
  200. Iran plotting to groom bin Laden's successor
  201. Core Inflation Drops by Record Amount
  202. Former Clinton Treasury Sec. Rubin Tells Dems: Raise Taxes...
  203. Gunmen Stage Mass Kidnapping at Baghdad Research Center
  204. Calif. Couple Faces Federal Charges for Frisky Flight Behavior
  205. Automakers Seek Federal Help, But Not 'Bailout' in Meeting With Bush
  206. Faith Under Fire
  207. Tancredo warns America 'in mortal danger'
  208. Unindicted co-conspirator as House majority leader?
  209. Why 2008 will see GOP landslides
  210. Democrat win paves way for Mideast 'chaos'
  211. Plutonium found in Iran waste facility
  212. UCLA Study: Television, Filmmaking Industries Are Big Polluters
  213. New Mars Probe Joins Search for Old One
  214. CBS is up to their old tricks...
  215. Vaccine for kidney and bowel cancers 'within three years'
  216. No Al-Jazeera backing for US distribution
  217. Catholic bishops tell gays to remain celibate
  218. Maryland Council Passes English Only Measure
  219. Kerry can only watch as Senate majority leaders take their places.
  220. 2005 Census: Race Disparities in Income, Education, Home Ownership Persist in U.S.
  221. South Africa parliament OKs gay marriage
  222. Abramoff Reports to Prison Tomorrow; Offers Testimony on 6 - 8 Democratic Senators
  223. O.J. Simpson to Discuss Killings
  224. Massachusetts To Require Names Of Hiv Patients...
  225. Iran vows to pursue atomic plans "until the end"
  226. Abramoff Reports to Prison; Officials Focus on Reid, Others
  227. Trent Lott Wins Back Leadership Slot
  228. U.S. Commander Warns Against Iraq Cutoff
  229. In The Know: The Terrorists Hate Keith Ellison
  230. US deaths Vietnam vs. Iraq
  231. Maine Activist Cited for Bin Laden Stunt
  232. 401k
  233. Heart valves grown from womb fluid cells
  234. Democrats prepare to raise minimum wage
  235. Iraq murder rate higher than washington DC?? almost..
  236. Lawyer argues sex with dead deer not crime...
  237. Jordan's fab but Jacko a 'mess'
  238. Airport Arrest Turns Up Nuclear Info
  239. US town bars foreign flags in swipe at immigrants
  240. Democrats pick Hoyer over Murtha
  241. cat breeds with a dog?
  242. Reid: Not 'Brokeback' Close With Senator
  243. Iranian paper: Great war to wipe out Israel coming
  244. Awaiting the Iranian messiah?
  245. Ahmadinejad says Iran ready for 'final nuclear step'
  246. World Champion Barrel Race Horse Cloned
  247. PBS targets dangerous Muslim Brotherhood
  248. Suspect apologizes for beheading Christian girls
  249. Jefferson's survival vexes Democrats on ethics
  250. Leaders Reach Agreement for African Union and U.N. Peacekeeping Troops in Darfur
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