View Full Version : IN THE NEWS
Pages :
- From Letterman's website . . .
- news flash about israel for pretty much everyone here
- How long wud he have got in your country?
- Decleration of war-North Korea
- I'd be surprised if this hasn't been posted already -- but if not....
- Web rage attack
- Iraq News?
- North Korean leader "sorry" for nuclear tests
- Russa getting worried
- The EU is ****ing stupid
- Russian Scientists Say Earth May Collide With Asteroid in 2035
- So whats going on with Georgia??
- Texas Republican Lt. Gov. Dewhurst calls for steroid testing of high school athletes
- Prison Ships
- Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 12,000
- what else do we need to know?
- Egyptian President Says Muslims Share Responsibility for Negative Image of Islam
- BBC NEWS -- Oslo gay animal show draws crowds
- more muslim problems in France
- Palestinian Forces Block Gaza Intersection in Protest Over Government's Inability to
- U.N. Agency: 30 Countries Could Soon Have Nuclear Weapons
- Nearly Complete 'Missing Link' Skeleton Found in Ethiopia
- Teen Plays 'Space Invaders' Using Only Brain Waves
- Study: Aging May Be Defense Mechanism Against Cancer
- 43 French Bag Handlers Denied Clearance("linked to terrorism")
- "The cost of obesity in the US"
- Like I said..
- Logan
- US to sell F/A22 Raptors to Japan
- Atomic Scientists Revealing Archimedes' Hidden Writings
- Man Dies in Conn. After Partygoer Throws Keg Into Burning Barrel, Causing Explosion
- Buried Village May Revise Jewish History
- Judge Sentences Former Enron CEO Jeffrey Skilling to Just Over 24 Years
- Sen. Clinton Says It's Great Obama Is Weighing 2008 White House Run
- Poll: Lieberman Leads Lamont in Conn.
- Opponent says that H.Clinton was unattractive
- Interesting article about future US-EU relations
- NEWS: 42 Perecent of Americans say Republicans are manipulating gas prices
- NJ court grants gay couples equal marriage rights
- fat people waste gas!
- Sanctions against iran getting closer
- When could Iran get the bomb??
- Testosterone Tumbling in American Males
- And we wonder why Americans are getting fat.
- Great page with the best info on nuclear arsenals
- Olbermann's Special Comment on GOP Fearmongering
- Swedish environmental protection group is out of there minds.
- Obesity in Middle Age Could Lower IQ
- 'Cleansing' Diets May Be Worthless, Dangerous
- Study: No Scientific Basis for Vampires, Ghosts
- Cosmic Rays Linked to Global Warming
- Gene Responsible for Human Intelligence Possibly Found
- Men Growl, Whine Like Dogs to Determine Dominance
- German, American Scientists to Decode Neanderthal Genome
- The Biological Research on Homosexuality
- U.S. hails airborne laser as weapons milestone
- Nbc Refuses Ads For Dixie Chicks Movie
- Cards Top Tigers 4-2 to Win World Series
- Manchester Muslim cleric 'backs execution of gays'
- Earth capabel of supporting 2 billion
- Obesity on the rise among those with telekinetic powers
- New Bird Flu strain found in China
- Global warming => economic disaster
- Pakistan: U.S. Intelligence Used in Attack on Terror Training Facility
- John Kerry Trashes Our Troops -- Again
- U.S. Investigates Voting Machines’ Venezuela Ties
- 1% a year......Scary.
- WTF? I think the end of civilization is near.
- U.S. Marshals Catch Nearly 11,000 Fugitives in 24-State Operation
- U.N. Official Expected in Court to Face Bribery Charges
- White House OK With Kerry Apology, But GOP Tire of 'Blame America' Outlook
- Iran Test Launches Several Missiles During War Games
- Proof the Mainstream Media Is Left Wing
- Should we allow this to happen
- My Country Needs Me
- Australian designer's underpants promise digital enhancement
- Man Escorted From Planet Fitness Gym For Grunting
- Mideast terror leaders to U.S.: "Vote Democrat"
- Muslim insurgents behead 14-year-old Christian boy
- Pa. Letter Carrier Attacked by Squirrel
- California Police File Arson, Murder Charges Against Wildfire Suspect
- an email that I received
- Talking about fish...
- Kanye West Sore Loser at MTV Europe Awards
- ACORN Workers Indicted For Alleged Voter Fraud
- 56 Bodies Found in Baghdad; 4 GIs Killed in Attacks
- Study: Political, Social Attitudes Could Be in the Genes
- G.W.Bush admitts explosives were used in 911 WTC demolitions
- Conservatives on why the republicans should lose
- Six Arab states join rush to go nuclear
- Haggard Accuser fails lie detector
- Radio Host Fired After calling Candidate a "Fat lesbian"
- Naked Man Arrested for Concealed Weapon
- Nude Couple's Feud Ends at Waffle House
- Japanese Researchers Find Dolphin With remnants of land dwelling "legs"
- New cars arrived
- Man ordered to wear "sex offender" T-shirt
- Swedish Study links steroid sue to fraud, crime
- Transgender men free to use ALL of MTA's loos
- Changing Transgender Birth Certificates
- Britney Spears Files for Divorce From Kevin Federline
- N.M. Cops Sue Burger King Over Marijuana-Laced Hamburgers
- San Francisco Values Versus a Time of Terror
- Saddam Appeals for Iraqis to Forgive Each Other
- Burger King dope burgers
- Lieberman wins Connecticut Senate seat as Independent
- Chelsea Clinton runs into voting problems
- Faith Hill is a PISSED!
- Stem cell cure for heart attacks
- Gay Marriage, Abortion Laws Top State Ballot Initiatives
- Voters set to reject gay marriage, ban on abortion
- Arizona | Proposition 103: English as Official Language Passes
- Minnesota sends first Muslim to Congress
- Australia Senate Lifts Ban on Cloning Human Embryos
- Schwarzenegger Wins 2nd, Final Gov. Term
- election results
- Weinberg on intelligent design of the universe
- GOP says Rumsfeld is stepping down
- How do you think
- Jackson to perform "Thriller" in comeback show
- Gaza Shelling Prompts Hamas to Call for Attacks Against U.S.
- Scientists Search for Ways Around Stem Cell Ethical Concerns
- Interesting ballot measures that passed in Arizona.
- Ed Bradley Dies
- Michigan Votes Down Affirmative Action
- Jews take root in Capitol Hill
- Pelosi aims to block Democratic hawks from key posts
- 'Borat' barred from Russian movie theaters
- New York doctor given go-ahead for world's first womb transplant
- 15 year old Scots lad murdered
- Houston Landscapers Condemned for Refusing Business With Gay Couple
- British Man Injured After Lighting Firecracker in Buttocks
- U.N. Ranks Norway Best Place to Live; U.S. Places 8th
- Mexico City approves gay civil unions
- Post Election Stress and Trauma Syndrome.
- Top Ten Most Polluted Places in the World, 2006
- Playstation 3 linux would serve as a fully functional home computer.
- U.S.Troops-Iraq: 72% Say End War in 2006
- Bush eyes Democrats for help on amnesty
- A Good Night for Gun Control Advocates
- Exclusive: Charges Sought Against Rumsfeld Over Prison Abuse
- Al Qaeda gloats over Rumsfeld
- Saddam's "hanging" sold out in Indian theater
- Israel Official: Strike on Iran Possible...
- Students at Calif. College ban Pledge of Allegiance
- NY congressman Rangel says no offense intended with Mississippi remark
- Chavez: Bush should get death penalty...
- Khamenei calls elections a victory for Iran
- Iraqi president says Democrats told him they will not pull out quickly
- RNC asks Steele to replace Mehlman
- Wal-Mart opts for ‘Christmas’ marketing
- British Intelligence Agency Tracking 1,600 Potential Terror Conspirators
- 'Foreign Terrorist Organization' Reaches Out to Michael Moore, Noam Chomsky
- McCain Begins Preliminary White House Run
- Oscar-Winning Actor Jack Palance Dies at 87
- Argentine Judge Implicates Iran Leaders in Bombing
- Dutch to ban Muslim veils
- Actor Neil Patrick Harris: 'I am a Very Content Gay Man'
- "Send books, not weapons, Clinton says"
- Jesus christ there is no way to make environmntalists happy
- New promising cancer treatment
- Turky need to clean this shit up
- If you americans have small nuts
- TRICKED: Now the villagers in Borat movie may sue...
- Thanks to all the military Vets
- Elton John: 'i Would Ban Religion Completely'
- U.S. Vetoes Condemnation of Gaza Strikes
- Hezbollah, Amal Cabinet Members Resign from Lebanon Gov't
- BNP chief claims acquittal is his victory for freedom
- Baldness Risk Increased By Gene Glitch
- Belly Fat Among Children Growing Fast
- Who will succeed putin?
- Breaking news, watch out for these terrorists
- Washington Statue Beheaded at NYC Church
- Ahmadinejad: Israel’s destruction near
- Martin Luther King Junior memorial ceremony under way in D.C.
- Iranians outraged as Google redraws map
- Outcry as clinic offers 'designer baby' embryo screening for 200 diseases
- Immigrant Protection Rules Draw Fire
- Texas town considers anti-illegals bill
- Report: Afghan, U.S. Forces Arrest Key Al Qaeda Member
- Merry Christmas...
- Egypt begins construction on nuclear power plant
- Al-Qaida threatens to topple Lebanon govt.
- Eyeing 2008 presidential run, Giuliani plays down Democrat wins
- Canada profs win right to smoke pot
- Photo shows Iran leader as '79 U.S. hostage taker
- Rosie O: Don't fear terrorists, they're just moms and dads
- Terrorists announce plans to attack U.S.
- Al Qaeda seeking nuclear kit for attacks: UK official
- Georgia Group Seeks Ban of Marijuana-Flavored Candy
- Supreme Court Refuses to Review Murder Conviction of Kennedy Cousin Michael Skakel
- james bond says watch out!
- Anti-evolution, tax-evading preacher sentenced to jail
- bill maher says republicans are gay
- Iran Says Nuke Program Is Near Complete
- Netanyahu: It's 1938 and Iran is Germany; Ahmadinejad is preparing another Holocaust
- Iran plotting to groom bin Laden's successor
- Core Inflation Drops by Record Amount
- Former Clinton Treasury Sec. Rubin Tells Dems: Raise Taxes...
- Gunmen Stage Mass Kidnapping at Baghdad Research Center
- Calif. Couple Faces Federal Charges for Frisky Flight Behavior
- Automakers Seek Federal Help, But Not 'Bailout' in Meeting With Bush
- Faith Under Fire
- Tancredo warns America 'in mortal danger'
- Unindicted co-conspirator as House majority leader?
- Why 2008 will see GOP landslides
- Democrat win paves way for Mideast 'chaos'
- Plutonium found in Iran waste facility
- UCLA Study: Television, Filmmaking Industries Are Big Polluters
- New Mars Probe Joins Search for Old One
- CBS is up to their old tricks...
- Vaccine for kidney and bowel cancers 'within three years'
- No Al-Jazeera backing for US distribution
- Catholic bishops tell gays to remain celibate
- Maryland Council Passes English Only Measure
- Kerry can only watch as Senate majority leaders take their places.
- 2005 Census: Race Disparities in Income, Education, Home Ownership Persist in U.S.
- South Africa parliament OKs gay marriage
- Abramoff Reports to Prison Tomorrow; Offers Testimony on 6 - 8 Democratic Senators
- O.J. Simpson to Discuss Killings
- Massachusetts To Require Names Of Hiv Patients...
- Iran vows to pursue atomic plans "until the end"
- Abramoff Reports to Prison; Officials Focus on Reid, Others
- Trent Lott Wins Back Leadership Slot
- U.S. Commander Warns Against Iraq Cutoff
- In The Know: The Terrorists Hate Keith Ellison
- US deaths Vietnam vs. Iraq
- Maine Activist Cited for Bin Laden Stunt
- 401k
- Heart valves grown from womb fluid cells
- Democrats prepare to raise minimum wage
- Iraq murder rate higher than washington DC?? almost..
- Lawyer argues sex with dead deer not crime...
- Jordan's fab but Jacko a 'mess'
- Airport Arrest Turns Up Nuclear Info
- US town bars foreign flags in swipe at immigrants
- Democrats pick Hoyer over Murtha
- cat breeds with a dog?
- Reid: Not 'Brokeback' Close With Senator
- Iranian paper: Great war to wipe out Israel coming
- Awaiting the Iranian messiah?
- Ahmadinejad says Iran ready for 'final nuclear step'
- World Champion Barrel Race Horse Cloned
- PBS targets dangerous Muslim Brotherhood
- Suspect apologizes for beheading Christian girls
- Jefferson's survival vexes Democrats on ethics
- Leaders Reach Agreement for African Union and U.N. Peacekeeping Troops in Darfur

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