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  1. A nation at war, but kept clear of combat
  2. Texas Televangelist prospers from ministry
  3. Conservative shoots liberal churchgoers, kills 2
  4. US and War Crimes (lol)
  5. Passenger Stabbed, Beheaded on Bus
  6. kid with broken back tasered 19 times
  7. Has there been any big busts?
  8. Large Hadron Collider = The End For Earth???
  9. Russian tanks enter South Ossetia
  10. Be carefull when travelling with a laptop bros...
  11. Is Westboro code for Ridiculous?
  12. Steroids Blamed for Suicide
  13. Trace Arsenic in Water Linked to Diabetes
  14. Did Russia do the right thing, by entering Georgia?
  15. I give up...it's over
  16. Intel Demos Wireless Power
  17. Obama chooses Biden for VP
  18. Carlos, what do you think of Obama now?
  19. Charges dropped in Oakville police Tasering of elderly man
  20. Serbian student beats US student into a coma and flees back home
  21. Putin accuses U.S. of orchestrating Georgian war
  22. The world’s most powerful women
  23. Maliki picks a date with destiny
  24. McCain chooses Sarah Palin for VP
  25. Jury convicts mom in microwaved-baby case
  26. Russia remains a Black Sea power
  27. Obama is an idiot...
  28. McCain trying to get Ron Pauls support
  29. Russian police shoot dissident in the head.
  30. Canadian Federal Election call expected Sunday
  31. Good choice McCain...
  32. steroids harmful, study confirms
  33. Electoral Vote Prediction Thread
  34. Palins troopergate Issue
  35. Scientology faces French trial for fraud, prescribing drugs: source
  36. World wants Obama as next US president
  37. Palin makes first US TV Interview
  38. Palin not afraid of War with Russia
  39. Great News Everyone!
  40. Who thinks we should drill
  41. Sharia Law adopted in UK
  42. Hackers brake into Palins Email
  43. U.S. judge rules ban on saggy pants "unconstitutional"
  44. Dear Mr. Obama
  45. video game resembles georgian conflict
  46. Ive figured out a better IQ test!!!
  47. Won't be much longer
  48. Poll finds racial misgivings of whites on Obama issue
  49. I thought Palin was dumb
  50. McCain and Obama meeting Bush over Economy crisis talks
  51. CBS Sarah Palin interview
  52. Man goes in for circumcision, Doctor amputates penis.
  53. John McCain Says HORSESH*T During the 9/26 Debate
  54. America rescue plan rejected on a day of nationalisations and bail-outs
  55. People will NEVER learn
  56. Mccain is right
  57. Obama, Fannie Mae, and the US Financial Crisis
  58. VP Debate
  59. Call or Email your Congressman Today
  60. OJ's goin to jail
  61. Man kicked to death by feral teens
  62. border security - australia
  63. One Way Up: U.S. Space Plan Relies on Russia
  64. Knock Out: CNBC Confirms Lehman CEO Punched at Gym
  65. If your voting for Obama Please look here!!
  66. Florida Attorney General Contacting Signature Pharmacy Customers
  67. Matt Damon on Palin (vid) lol
  68. Biblical relics fraud . . .
  69. Comments anyone??
  70. This video has been removed 3 times by Youtube...
  71. Reverse racism?
  72. Powell endorses Obama
  73. Fannie Mae regulation article out today..
  74. Why the Republicans Must Be Defeated This Year
  75. Republican Party spends $150,000 on VP's wardrobe
  76. Shocking Ron Paul on CNN
  77. Cannibal in UK - former Mr. Gay UK
  78. Ben Weider died.
  79. Game over for McCain? Palin doing a runner?!
  80. America launches attack within Syria, killing 8 people
  81. Australian Law being pushed to stop porn and gambling on the internet
  82. Gay Marriage legal in Connecticut starting Nov. 10, 2008
  83. Presidents Ignoring the Constitution
  84. Death of the Internet as we know it?
  85. Wtf uk?
  86. Goodbye Freedom...Hello Communism
  87. Jose Canseco pleads guilty...
  88. Will Obama get assassinated
  89. Stock market took biggest plunge in history post election day
  90. Gay Marriage Banned
  91. McCain aides dish Palin dirt
  92. Ron Paul Interview 11/5/08 (vid)
  93. HIV in patient cured by accident
  94. Americans have become pathetic!
  95. American Auto Industry needs billions to survive
  96. Texas grand jury indicts Cheney, Gonzales of crime
  97. Pirates arrrrrr!!!!
  98. Obese have right to 2 airline seats: Canada court
  99. "British Fritzl" jailed for 27 years for sexual abuse towards his two daughters.
  100. Terrorist attack india.
  101. Vatican attacked for opposing gay decriminalisation
  102. Canadian leader vows to fight planned ouster
  103. Youthfulness a costly American obsession
  104. Gender-Benders: Pesticides & Foods
  105. Pro-family Anti-Gay GOP Congressman sentenced for drunk driving; Shuns lesbian sister
  106. Highest bidder becomes senator
  107. Senate bill s.2433 Sponsored by Sen Barack Obama The "Change" begins
  108. Shoes thrown at Bush
  109. Bush pays 35 grand for 10 dollar website.
  110. Police whoop a diabetics ass for going into insulin shock
  111. Kissinger calls for New World Government
  112. A trillion in new spending...sound like a good idea to anyone?
  113. Israel is a war criminal!!
  114. US, we have only got until 2010, enjoy while it lasts
  115. Economic intervention at work
  116. Ron Paul speaks on Israel attacking Gaza (vid)
  117. I hope we are proud of ourselves (graphic pics)
  118. Grape Seed Compound Kills Leukemia Cells
  119. Israel is using White Phosphorus, Chemical weapon
  120. 5 month old jewish boy stoned by Palestinian attack
  121. Great Commentary on Gaza situation and Israeli hypocrisy
  122. simply amazing, a much watch for every american.
  123. False bill of goods
  124. Texas to reconsider $6M steriod testing in schools
  125. Israel censoring media
  126. Former Captain in the Israeli Air Force declares Gaza offensive a "war crime"
  127. Israeli spokesman admits that Hamas honored ceasefire.
  128. The UK loves the NWO ideology
  129. Yes, Hamas rejects the right of Israel to exist; but did you know that...
  130. LMAO at Israeli Foreign Minister
  131. Oil Tycoon reportedly offers $300M for star soccer player
  132. 50k for an oil change?
  133. Hamas terrorist scum bomb UN facility
  134. Who REALLY uses human shields: Hamas or Israel?
  135. Is there hope for Europe?
  136. By Forgiving Traditionalists, the Pope Offends Jews
  137. israel and the white phosphorus use....guilty or not guilty
  138. obesity virus spreads through UK
  139. WWII Vet Freezes To Death In Own Home
  140. Why did Islam's Prophet, Muhammad, have sex with children?
  141. Toothy Racoon Bit Off Manhood
  142. Outrage as convicted paedophile sue's prison
  143. Naked rambling
  144. Washington Times: Jewish Professor on "stupid analogies that don't fit"
  145. I can't believe 60 Minutes actually was able to show this...
  146. Texas inmate loves his eyes
  147. Superbowl Porn
  148. muslim scientist been fired for speaking against the u.s foreign policy
  149. Hamas is at it again
  150. HaHa!
  151. Bill Introduced to License Firearms
  152. Gitmo going out of business
  153. A-Rod tested positive for AS!!!! Shocker.
  154. Sharpton calls for justice outside Madoff's home
  155. Eliminate domestic drilling, an Obama initiative
  156. This is why i hate the system
  157. the youngest boy to become a father in british!!!
  158. Man sets himself on fire on downtown Calgary street
  159. Sh1t i broke a nail!!
  160. Ah yes! Democracy at its finest!
  161. Where does it all come from?
  162. Chimpanzee kills woman
  163. A plan to tax motorist mileage!!!
  164. jesus {p.b.u.h} got abused by zionists...
  165. Nuclear power? Yes please...
  166. DON'T read anything on the internet!
  167. Spending our way to prosperity?
  168. Obama Administration to seek new Assault Weapons Ban
  169. Worthwhile Canadian Initiative
  170. World's cheapest car roughly $ 2,500
  171. Obama releases secret Bush anti-terror memos
  172. FEMA Camps
  173. French Government issues warning on the consumption of wine, even in small amounts
  174. Kid Beats Down Woman School Bus Driver
  175. Two soldiers killed, IRA claiming responsibility
  176. Stem cells legal
  177. Jon Stewart humiliates Jim Cramer LOL
  178. Economists fail Obama
  179. global warming worse than we thought?
  180. Politics as usual: another bad sign for world peace; Obama cowers to pro-Israelis
  181. Politics as usual: another bad sign for world peace; Obama cowers to pro-Israelis
  182. China unhappy with US Treasury investments - "Shape up, or else!"
  183. Huge battery breakthrough - recharge cell phone --> 10 seconds; car --> five minutes?
  184. Condoms not answer to AIDS, Pope says
  185. Webster's Official Definition of "Marriage" and "Gay Marriage"
  186. House to vote on 90 percent tax for AIG bonuses
  187. Army veterans reveal how they gunned down innocent Palestinian families
  188. "a heretic is punished in washington"
  189. Obama's Kenya Ghost
  190. The Upside down world we live in
  191. How to lose friends and alienate countries.
  192. Fox News mocking Canada
  194. What do you think of this opinion?
  195. Rise of sea levels is 'the greatest lie ever told'
  196. Stories like this justify murder, in my mind
  197. Frat boy dead after binge drinking
  198. so you obama people
  199. Obama to propose a world without nuclear weapons!
  200. If they need someone to spank 17 year old girls, I'll do it
  201. CIA report: Israel will fall in 20 years
  202. 3 cops killed in Pittsburgh...
  203. Obama Wants to Control the Banks
  204. obama on gun control
  205. As of yesterday, UK monitoring all internet traffic
  206. Barney Frank vs Harvard kid
  207. Americans take back hijacked ship
  208. Yay Patriot Act!
  209. Bailout absurdities
  210. Texas Secede?
  211. Rick Santelli: Why should US taxpayers pay for losers to keep their homes?
  212. CO2 kills people
  213. "Steroids fueled spectacular rise and fall"
  214. the rage that Israeli kids carry through adults
  215. young man dies due to steroids
  216. Alistar Darlings budget plan for the UK, Apr 21st 2009
  217. Waterboarding Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on LA
  218. South Africa elects New President but he needs one first lady
  219. Bad business...?
  220. Irish to overthrow Bolivia?
  221. Offering Slumdog Kid To Sheikh
  222. Stew-Roids
  223. People sure can complain
  224. A-Rod was juicing in High School
  225. Herded sheep...
  226. 8 Year Old Divorces 50 Year Old Husband
  227. Obama sure is keeping his promises, rriiiggghhht!
  228. Florida Man Shoots Robbery Suspect In head- No Charges Filed
  229. Swine flu may be less potent than first feared
  230. All of you Tapout Fans =)
  231. Interview w/the chick trying to Hate on A-ROD
  232. Testosterone injection used as male contraceptive
  233. Goodbye Europe and Sovereign Nations
  234. He got 7 years!
  235. Schwarzenegger welcomes debate over legalizing pot
  236. This is outrageous
  237. Republicans In The Wilderness...
  238. Supreme Court denies Demjanjuk's deportation plea
  239. What a wast off money
  240. They're still at it...
  241. A new mini Israel in Asia
  242. Pakistan will be taken over by Islamic Fundamentalism
  243. Last Mission to Hubble
  244. Pakistan Nuclear success of excess
  245. social security, medicare, the economy, and drunken spending binge
  246. Buy Black
  247. Forced to close
  248. Global warming pays out
  249. Judge to decide if family can refuse chemo for boy
  250. Will America effectively "go broke"
Buy Steroids