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- Hillarys campaign headquarters almost complete...
- Sooo...disturbing..
- We used to fight communism. We dont anymore and heres why...
- Global cooling
- Obama's Foreign trade agreements
- Research labs being cracked down on??????
- Bodybuilders Dying Young: Are Steroids to Blame?
- Who will be the next president of the USA
- yet another "study" on testosterone - anyone here in the finance industry?
- Texas Officials Release Dash-Cam Video of Sandra Bland's Arrest
- Guzman you Dog. Cartel leader escapes twice.
- DEA ramping it up
- My experience with my hungry team on halloween.
- Al Jazeera Investigation Points To Peyton Manning, Other Stars Involved In PED Use
- Who will win Super Bowl 50
- a massive snow storm in the United States- lily
- NapsGear Shipment Siezed and Warehouse Raided
- 9/11: Decade of Deception 2015
- World’s biggest cocaine dealer “El Loco” jailed for 35 years
- Looking for a experienced member to write articles
- E commerce Work From Home
- Wow! Just read about this huge bust!
- SEMPER FI!! Military Leaders denounce racism immediately after Chump's comments
- Musclehead/Onyx
- Weight. Penis. What could possibly go wrong?
- Hot Teacher Banging Students (warning may cause extreme jealousy)
- Porn star August Ames commits suicide
- ex-soldier who injects himself with homemade muscle-bulking brew
- Bitcoin $20k buy stuff
- Steroids shipment results in Wyoming charges
- NY Slimes: Experts Urge Caution on SARMs
- Mt. Everest season 2018
- DNP Banned in China
- Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy Announces He Will Retire
- Weightlifter attacked at Gym - Obs is that you?
- Sad day in US government- RIP Senator McCain
- Bump-Fire ban is signed
- New bump-fire stock that skirts ban already on the market
- Abortion... Consider
- Powerlifter heroically lifts vehicle pinned on top of man
- NASA: Earth greener now than 20 years ago thanks to 'human activity'
- Proposed bill would turn all semi-auto firearm owners into crims
- Data show increased gun control made Baltimore a more dangerous place
- SoCal distrcict court kicks Mexifornia's magazine restrictions in the nards
- Saw this headline and KNEW it had to be DARPA
- You won't believe who Glock USA replaced Gunny R Lee Ermey with
- Electric cars produce more CO2 than diesels
- Pipe Bomb Suspect Blames Steroids For Actions
- Why So Many Mass Shootings?
- D day vets kicking ass
- There Can Be No Argument: Anti-Gun Laws Kill
- Biden wants smart guns that require fingerprint AND DNA match!
- Legislation would outlaw the distribution of blueprints for 3D printed firearms
- Turkmenistan's president doing pistol target practice while riding a bicycle
- FBI warns of foreign actors trying to 'sow discord' in the wake of mass shootings
- Texting & driving kills 269x more than school shooters
- Needles wants to secede from anti-gun Mexifornia
- Europe: electric cars are TOO quiet ... must add noise ...
- Next 007 to be black woman
- How Rats Weight Train
- Man Who Had His Gun Rights Restored Shoots/Kills Criminal Trying to Beat Cop to Death
- Seventy-two killed resisting gun confiscation in Boston
- Walmart annouces support for more stringent gun laws and a new "assault weapons" ban
- CDC: Accidental firearm deaths declined 93% between 1993 and 2017
- Environmentalists Killed More Europeans Than Islamic Terrorists Did
- Why Everything They Say About The Amazon (Incl. 'Lungs Of The World') Is Wrong
- At last the trial date for the planners of the 9/11 attacks is set
- Gun sales surge 15%, driven by self-protection and Pelosi-Schumer demand for limits
- Now THIS is what I call "carpet bombing"
- Just when you thought the English couldn't get any stupider ...
- How AR-15s Became the Plastic Straws of the Gun World
- 145 companies made it official: Leftist claptrap more important than Constitution
- The demise of mainstream media in America
- PMSNBC's anti-gun poll blows up in their face
- Top 10 Take-Aways From the Sep. 25 House Hearing On ‘Assault Weapons’
- Research reveals how many calories different positions burn
- The dicks at Dick's destroyed $5 million in ARs ... just to prove a point
- Pffft.....
- Facebook And Google Indexing Your Firearm Serial Numbers
- Flex wheeler
- Pac-Nor barrel manufacturing plant burns
- News Flash! Men are funnier than women
- Schumer Proposes Huge Gas-for-Electric-Car Trade-In Program
- 84% of women fail Army's new combat fitness test (vs. 30% of men)
- Hell YES! every WORD!
- Landmark Bill Would Bar State From Enforcing Federal Red-Flag Gun Laws
- ‘He Picked the Wrong House’: Lady Bodybuilder, 82, Beats Up Break-In Intruder
- Tips Before Teeth Replacement
- " After scare, Flamengo avoids shame and is in the final of the World ."
- New federal budget creates first new military branch since 1947
- The One Statistic Climate Catastrophists Don’t Want You to Know
- Soviet-Born Chess Legend Brilliantly Educates Millennials Who Approve of Communism
- Monty Python's Terry Jones is dead
- How climate change alarmists are "cooking the books" on MMGW
- "Kobe Bryant dies in helicopter crash."
- Biologists in WSJ: Only Two Sexes, Male and Female, There is No Sex 'Spectrum'
- 1.8 BILLION barrels of oil found in Alaska
- Study Finds Homicide Victims Tend To Be Criminals Too
- Bogus Study Claims Guns Used In Suicide More Than Self-Defense
- Canadian fake policeman on killing spree
- The death of knowledge about self-sufficiency
- NJ man’s baseball card collection includes 6 Babe Ruth autographs
- SCOTUS unanimous: Electors MUST obey the will of their voters
- Study Reveals That Easily Offended People Are Less Productive, Bad Employees
- Children DO NOT pass on Coronavirus. Not ONE case ever.
- Red Bull fires two "Woke" executives for supporting BLM
- Google Has Been Purging Breitbart Content from Search Results Since the 2016 Election
- Norwegian BB dies when benching.
- Seeds
- Case Closed: No criminal prosecution against Officer Darren Wilson
- Virginia Military Institute will not remove Confederate statues, buildings
- Leaked Video Exposes George Floyd’s Death As Tragedy And Race Hoax Used To Divide Us
- 75 Years Later, It’s Clear Truman Was Right To Drop The Atomic Bomb
- The science is settled: Gun control CAUSES crime
- BREAKING: Antifa terrorists in Austin & Portland just received large cache of weapons
- FBI lawyer to plead guilty: lying to FISA court for warrant to spy on Trump campaign
- Hydroxychloroquine is why only 15 Ugandans have died from COVID-19
- Al Gore Imagines Scenario Where Military Removes Trump If He Refuses To Concede
- Only 9,210 Americans Died From COVID-19 Alone
- COVID-19 Lockdowns Over 10 Times More Deadly Than Pandemic Itself
- The Vast Majority of Positive COVID Results Should Have Been Negative
- Odds of 50-64 YO dying from COVID-19 are 1 in 19 MILLION !!!
- Serbia Recognizes Jerusalem As Israel’s Capital
- Another lab busted
- What
- Bahrain normalizes ties with Israel
- Interesting read if you have time...
- 2/3rds of Millennials & Gen-Zers don't know what the Holocaust was
- Texas grand jury takes no action against church security guard who killed shooter
- Arresting officer in Floyd George case makes bail
- Climate Change Is Here: It’s Going To Get Cooler, Says NASA
- Trump "cured" by fetal tissue
- Former vaccine chief quits
- California edd
- Scientists Confirm Nevada Man Was Infected Twice With Coronavirus
- Study Confirms Donald Trump Is Right – ‘Clean’ Energy Is the Worst
- Trump's deficit
- Barrett fails First Amendment Quiz
- Parents of 545 children can't be found
- FBI states Iran and Russia are influencing the elections
- Yet another stupid move by POTUS
- Trump Crime Family
- Armed men at polling station
- Trump says we are rounding a corner...
- Trump is doomed!!! Proof provided...
- Animals and their Alpha
- Trump admits to sucking but is too dumb to realize
- Donald trump Jr. is an asshole
- Study suggests NO MORE CO2 WARMING
- FBI investigating Trump supporters who swarmed Texas campaign bus
- election winner
- Trump suppressing Military votes
- Proof of Republican voter fraud
- Good Covid-19 vaccine news
- Post election Covid news
- Lockdown's DON'T WORK, Cause Too Much Harm, Do NOTHING To Stop The Spread of Coronavi
- In case you missed it...
- 2020 Wackiness Continues
- Iran’s Top Nuclear Scientist Killed in Attack
- Why we need the vaccine
- Rio "Tiny" Aka Debo
- The study of TEN MILLION the pro-COVID lobby won't talk about
- Dominion and Smartmatic Scandal
- Hundreds of voter fraud tips!!!
- Explosion in downtown Nashville on Christmas Day
- Tesla Model S erupts "like a flamethrower."
- Should we use words like “mother” “son”....Demonrats say no
- Tesla Model X conflagration kills its owner
- 10 Secretaries of Defense or Trump?
- GA senate race
- Ellon Musk is the richest man in the world
- anyone hearing anything?
- An absolute must see...
- Arnold speaks truth again...
- Biden Administration Tear-Gassed 'Peaceful Protesters' Just Hours After Inauguration
- Familiar faces,and familiar places. The Biden cabinet.
- Biden Admits His Biggest Campaign Promise Was a Lie
- Tucker summarizes the first week of the Biden administration
- Chinese plans for economic domination.
- Yesterday's Bill Maher (HBO tv personality) show...invites 2 scientists...Lab-generat
- Biden administration suppressing political dissenters as "domestic terrorists"
- Hashtag #BidenLied a spectacular embarrassment as angry left airs grievances
- Death threats surge, and FBI ‘more interested’ in those against Democrats
- NY Slimes encourages Chairman Xiden to create "Reality Czar"
- This will make your blood run cold
- Trump Was Right. There WAS A Conspiracy…
- John Stossel dispels five pro-socialism myths (part 1)
- Biden’s stimulus plan $1.9T
- Think first.....
- Oklahoma Governor Nullifies Biden’s Executive Order — With His Own
- I'm happy to see ....
- Long term mask use breeds microbes that contribute to advanced stage lung cancer
- It’s Time For Real Election Reform
- CDC Declares It Is 'Critical' for Schools to Reopen and Stay Open
- Australia fights being tech censorship
- Governor: All sources of power in Texas have been compromised
- border-mayor-begs-biden-to-stop-releasing-illegal-immigrants into city.
- Aussie news: Leader of the free world is cognitively compromised
- Covid Relief? Is this it?
- Arizona senator explains audit falsehoods
- Ammunition company refuses sales to Biden Voters.
- Hmm...chess anyone?
- Twitter put Steven Crowder "In Timeout" for publishing this
- Minneapolis to pay social media influencers to spread messages
- Dr. Suess books declared racist. Canceled
- Biden administration allows Russia to build sanctioned pipeline.
- I don't understand why....
- Just a reminder- PLEASE READ
- HR 1 would put the Washington swamp in charge of elections
- Communist Tactics to Force Self-Censorship Sweeping America
- Dozens Instances Of Vote Fraud In 2020 Presidential Election Yet To Be Debunked
- Joe Biden do you have a copy?
- George Floyds family set to receive 27 MILLION dollars
- FEMA to House Up to 3,000 Immigrant Teens at Dallas Site
- Georgia massage parlor shootings
- Formerly great Britain criminalizes misogyny
- What All Riots, Including America's Today, Have in Common
- Destruction is the left's defining characteristic
- Democrats Are Forever Slaves To Wretched Ideas
- What Most Didn't Get When a BLM Cofounder Said: "We are trained Marxists"
- Toyota Warns (Again) About Electrifying All Autos. Is Anyone Listening?
- Radical Left Enraged as Rumors About Future ‘President Harris’ Grow
- Man tackled 12-year-old, stabbed him in the neck at downtown McDonald’s
- Corporate Donors Dominate Push to Give Amnesty to 4.4M Illegal Aliens
- The ever so increasing cost of petroleum
- Truth of the Kraken...
- Illegal Alien Wanna-Bees lining up at border ... wearing Bite-Me T-Shirts
- Anyone else ever read/heard about Israel Keyes?
- Biden administration and transparency.
- The radical left did not steal the presidency — they eliminated it.
- China , Iran axis and Biden administration policies.
- A little Father and Son bonding time
- Financial institutions to punish those whose purchase history isn't 'woke' enough
- SCOTUS justice puts big tech on notice.
- Injectable micro chip for covid 19 alert.
- CNN Director Admits Active Campaign To Have Trump Voted Out Of Office
- Most still say Biden ‘cheating’ beat Trump
- Tears We Must Not Cry, Atrocities We Must Not Witness, Solutions We Must Not Grasp
- Big Tech Censorship Continues Unabated
- 70% of black victims of violent crime were attacked by fellow blacks
- Stanford study at proves face masks are absolutely worthless
- Mainstream media ‘deliberately engaging in propaganda’ to control ‘the way you think
- Likely the wisest, most sagacious piece Tucker has ever done ...
- Chauvin, Floyd, the media, and the Agents of Destabilization
- Driverless Tesla crashes; kills both occupants; burns for four hours
- 'My Pillow' guy & Alan Dershowitz suing Dominion for $1.6 BILLION
- Why does the left so passionately want to venerate criminals?
- 10% rise in murder accompanies Black Lives Matter protests
- Chauvin Juror Admits She Voted to Prevent Rioting, Not on the Facts

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