View Full Version : IN THE NEWS
Pages :
- Is there a Stock Market Mini Bubble?
- Again, only in America
- Pro wrestler Lashley destroys Cook in 24 seconds
- (GM) Government stop Tesla
- This guy is a tool
- The End of Free Speech?
- wanna see something amazing
- Our own stuff killing our troops
- Alcohol and soda tax to pay for healthcare?
- Texas Constructs U.S. Border Wall To Keep Out Unwanted Americans
- A racist dog and pony show, not progress imo
- Sotomayor named as Obama's pick
- CA Supreme Court upholds gay marriage ban
- People finally stand united (vid)
- Finally, sound border security
- Bust in central FL
- Fort Bend rounds up suspects in alleged steroid ring
- Toyota
- Japan happy with Obama
- Wind ($23.37) v. Gas (25 Cents)
- Obama to kill Yucca Mountain nuclear site
- Rove claims that Sotomayor’s judicial decisions are led by ‘emotion.’
- wife and two kids strangled
- China warns Federal Reserve
- Some nice pics
- More Cop action (vid)
- Who's in charge of the future of our auto industry?
- what kind of bailout is this: a hostile takeover
- Obama is right, because it's good for ratings
- GM filed bankruptcy and toss off DJIA
- Former VP Dick Cheney Backs Gay Marriage
- Dick Cheney, what an American patriot
- Judge Sotomayor
- Politics is too dirty to allow for an honest qualified leader
- Kill Bill star David Carradine found dead
- LMAO! Illegals wreck
- Here..go ahead and enjoy this video
- Watch this video I am in!!!!!!
- Praying for Obama's death?
- Prez Obama - FDA to regulate Cigarettes
- Here, have a good day (vid)
- Canseco to Sue MLB and Union for Steroids Backlash
- Does U.S. poll rule out fraud in Iran?
- bust down the street from my house..
- Church posts video of Gay Exorcism; Outrage ensues
- South Carolina governor with family as questions grow over absence
- Racist Door Policy
- Michael Jackson is dead
- US, SKorea hold defense talks amid NKorea threats
- Supreme court endources equallity
- Cap and Trade passed the House
- California, other states face tough budget choices
- Congress man explains all..
- Gun Confiscation Starting in Texas?
- Toddler strangled to death by pet Python
- Serial Killer In South Carolina
- Pravda -- Russian News Agency reports on bodybuilder's death
- ***** blades found in energy drinks
- My Suspicions of the French confirmed!
- Anti Steroids News
- Obama and the NAACP
- State Department and the CFR
- Naked Cowboy runs for NYC Mayor
- Tren by American Cellular Labs off Shelves
- Spitzer: Federal Reserve is ‘a Ponzi scheme, an inside job’
- THIS is what's wrong with Republicans:
- LMAO @ the UK
- This will be a setback for gun owners:
- !!! Important !!!
- Woman 'torched Briton's genitals'
- Guy exercises right to carry firearm (vid)
- They sure do represent the people huh?
- Unbelievable, FOX believes that the NHS is a breeding ground for terrorists.
- South Africa to test gender of 800-meter runner
- kill 270, do 8 years
- Americans: Serfs Ruled by Oligarchs
- Bill S.1317-More bull shit anti-gun agenda!
- IRS pinches Creationist Theme Park
- Israel or Palestine?
- Ted Kennedey is a Ded Kennedey
- Patriot Act:
- Fort Worth Police Raid Gay Bar
- Steroid Raid.. Melbourne, AUSTRALIA
- Finalists for State Fair's Big Tex Choice Awards include Deep Fried Butter
- Old Man Hits Stranger's Baby In Store
- Whispers of BSL in Texas
- ACORN at it again!!!
- Are we staying closer and closer to our comfort zones?
- British Gov't apologizes to Gay Codeb reaker Alan Turing
- Hopkins student kills intruder with samurai sword, police say
- Public really happy with Obama and universal health care?
- How Dems can gain favor with wealth car dealers
- Civil Right-"Freedom Of Assembly"
- Racially charged killing ignites Ill. community
- Racist babies
- China announce carbon cuts at Coppenhagen
- Gaddafi visits
- Iran to switch foreign currency reserve to Euros?
- Someone please explain this to me
- Jim Traficant talks about Jewish control of America
- Norway is the best country in the world to live...
- Oil may no longer be traded in us$
- Barrack Obama wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize
- British Hacker refused extradition appeal
- Obama to repeal 'don't ask, don't tell'...
- Those tricky iranians are now threatening to cooperate
- Dr ron paul has the right cure for america
- Apartment residents told to take down U.S. flags
- GOAL to File Amicus Brief in Storage Case
- heath care reform costs
- Afghanistan: A war of lies
- House Fire Leaves 1 Dead, 1 in Hospital
- Sealand: This is a Interesting subject
- a hotel and ?racism?
- cost per car sale of cash for clunkers = 24,000
- Check out the Zeitgeist Movement
- here is your reform...
- British soldiers betrayed then killed by Afghan police
- Deadly shooting at US Army base
- Gordon Browns radical plan to transform the World Banking System
- US Healthcare Bill passed
- John Allen Muhammad, does the name ring any bells?
- Free money for babies
- Florida man arrested for dealing steroids
- No more flavored cigs
- Radical Muslims
- State Militia's (vid)
- 2012 were all gona die!!!
- The U.N. Global Gun Ban Treaty
- Obama's Approval Slides:
- Bill O'Reilly interviews Scott Fenstermaker
- Tiger Woods in a car accident
- Iraq War legitimacy questioned
- Fears that Dubai debt could retrigger new Credit Crisis
- 112 unconstitutional agencies
- Another 30,000 troops to be deployed to Afghanistan
- Barack Obama is Osama bin Laden!
- I love DDR
- Kill your whites, don't worry, we'll feed you
- NYer cleared after woman says rape claim was lie
- Bernanke is TIME’s 2009 Person of the Year
- Business man jailed for attacking burglar, burglar goes free!
- Copenhagen closes with a weak deal that poor threaten to reject
- U.S. soldiers in Iraq could face courts-martial for getting pregnant
- list of banned import into Australia (steroids n such)
- 13 state AGs threaten suit over health care deal
- Nigerian Hijacker
- Northern Hemisphere gripped by cold weather
- Global Warming-What A Joke-Record Cold
- Russia Plan to stop Asteroid impact 2029
- Whale Wars
- A List Of Obama's Appointed Czars
- Haiti "Made deal with the devil"
- Video game success may be in the mind, study finds
- bad science=question global warming...good research=plagerizing popular science mag
- Bin Laden is BACK!
- Second Pregnant Man
- Are minorities effected as a result of 9/11
- $7,000 Talk sex robot
- Burglar gets in, can't find way out
- Staged Cyber Attack!!!
- UCSD condemns party mocking black history
- Man angry at IRS crashes plane into Texas building
- Only in America
- Rise in UK underground Dog Fighting
- What is This?
- Terrorism: The Most Meaningless and Manipulated Word
- the euro
- Jihad on Swiss
- Controlled delivery
- Cash for caulkers (6 billion)
- Obama advocates abuse of power to pass healthcare
- shooting at pentagon
- Police say cook put body hair in cop's sandwich
- Well armed man attack pentagon police officers
- Gvmt takeover of all student loans
- Assault with breast milk...WTF
- Iranian President claims 9/11 a lie...
- Couple nurtured virtual child while real baby starved
- Bibles for boobs and butts...
- Kill all the gays, Islam isn't alone in the 3rd world
- The success of Biden's middle east visit...getting the finger
- Who Gets U.S. Foreign Aid
- Insurance companies taking huge premium increases and profits?
- Spending putting US credit rating at risk
- Team 5 Investigates Fluoride Fears (But is disreguarding the real truth)
- Whats in the Health care bill?
- IRS is a growth industry thanks to Heath Care reform
- CBO : deficit up 10 trillion in next 10 years
- Haves And Have Nots:
- Is Israel getting ready to go it alone?
- Charles Rogers owes the Detroit Lions 6.1 million dollars
- An end to the Afghan war?
- Navy SEAL acquitted of giving terrorist a booboo
- Woman's Suicide
- At last...
- China: Diplomat beaten, injured by Houston police
- NY Attempted bombing by a Pakistani America
- Is it just me, or is this fvcked up??
- LOL this is funny shit!
- CBO: Healthcare bill will cost $115B more than previously assessed
- Google has been "accidently" collecting private data over the last 4 years
- Craig Titus and Kelly Ryan status?
- Conflict as Israeli soldiers storm Turkish ship with aid to Gaza. 10 people killed
- MMA Fighter Rips Out Friend's Heart And Eyes While High On Mushroom Tea
- Egypt Gasses 4 Smugglers To Death
- Israel and Palestine
- How to spread my website?
- Obama to lift ban on commercial whaling
- Swiss lawmakers reject deal with US
- To all my fellow Gulf Coast Brothers!
- Reagan and Thatcher, last of the great Political Giants?
- Video footage of Seattle Cop punching teeanage girl
- Utah firing squad executes convicted killer
- The Best Musical Jersey Boys
- Not sure if this is a repost...
- Connecticut Priest used church money on male escorts, lavish lifestyle
- Meet the Incredible Hulk of Hounds
- Big brother Andrew
- What the hells going off to drive somebody to this?
- One unhappy customer
- Everyone needs to know whats going on.
- Mosque approved at Ground Zero
- Damn :(
- Denver Cops Do It Again
- McMinnville Football Disaster
- Over the top coppers, how would you change the system?
- Lock up your cats lol, i think this has been taken way to far
- Police Shoot And Kill Spokane Preacher
- Did NIST Edit WTC 7 Footage To Hide Evidence Of Implosion?
- Long Island Man Arrested For Defending Home With AK-47 From Gang * The A
- TSA Plans to Use Homeboy in Ball Cap “Avatar” on Naked Body Scanners
- Google Gets Creepier And More Omnipresent With “Instant Search
- Muslim scholar DENOUNCES GZ Mosque
- Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling
- There Are No Words To Describe The Following
- $800,000 on genital washing?
- BP oil spill all over? 100,000 dead fish
- Cardinal likens the UK to a Third World Country
- 1 in 7 Americans living in poverty
- Commercial pilots suicide rate
- Building sandcastles now illegal
- Man abandons injured dog in car park
- Not much of an athlete
- hahahahahahahahahahaha Go Republicans!
- Great explanation of how the Treasury and Fed create debts (money) from nothing
- New Dinosaur species found in Utah
- What In The World Are They Spraying?
- 'Goldilocks' Planet Found. Just Right For Life?

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