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  1. Taco Bell the Latest Fast Food Restaurant to Cut Trans Fats from Cooking Oils
  2. Oil Sinks More Than $2 to Lowest Level This Year
  3. San Francisco Values Front and Center
  4. Emmitt Smith Wins 'Dancing With the Stars'
  5. UCLA Police Using Taser On Student
  6. Illegal immigration enforcement in the Midwest
  7. Edwards acknowledges staff asked Wal-Mart for Playstation 3
  8. Hospital Faces Skid Row Dumping Charges
  9. Sandra Day O'connor Tells Of Poisoned Baked Goods Sent To Justices...
  10. Wanted: man to land on killer asteroid and gently nudge it from path to Earth
  11. Brazil mourns as anorexia claims another model's life while on "tomato diet"
  12. China's Hu set to offer Pakistan nuclear plants
  13. Track Coach Trevor Graham Pleads Not Guilty to Charges in Doping Probe
  14. 5 Kentucky Contractors to Face Trial for Allegedly Employing Illegal Immigrants
  15. Immigrants in 10 U.S. Cities Will Soon See New Citizenship Test
  16. Robbers prey on PlayStation 3 buyers
  17. 3,000 posts. Any ideas for my "title"?
  18. Philanthropy Expert: Conservatives Are More Generous
  19. Blix: N. Korea Will Perfect Nuclear Bomb
  20. yawn......Dixie Chicks
  21. Dutch Government Proposes Ban on Wearing Burqas in Public Places
  22. American Culture Hits Its Lowest Point Ever
  23. Wal-Mart 'dyke' book
  24. Catholic bishops release 'gay'-ministry guidelines
  25. Illegal Immigrant's Poem
  26. Israel developing anti-militant "bionic hornet"
  27. Man jailed for Britain's first "web-rage" attack
  28. Little girl with a knife
  29. "WHITE POWER" teen jailed for savage party beating
  30. Rangel Calls for Reinstating Military Draft
  31. Gender-bending boy fruit flies fight like girls
  32. Leading Russian critic of Putin's regime is poisoned in London
  33. David Letterman's Angry Audience Guy
  34. exterminate white people
  35. Pentagon alters homosexuality guidelines
  36. A new slogan for the environmental pressure groups: Some Gain, No Pain
  37. What do you think of this view on iran and the future
  38. CIA says no evidence of Iran developing nuclear weapons
  39. Iranian Revolution and Solution ...
  40. Kyoto Protocol ... GW Bush
  41. Girls and lipstick . . .
  42. Anti-War Activists Plan 'Global Orgasm For Peace'
  43. The Media Reacts to the O.J. Simpson Debacle
  44. Hezbollah slowly taking out Lebanon
  45. Group alleges Israeli, Hezbollah crimes
  46. Students Dropping Out of High School Reaches Epidemic Levels
  47. UK Breast Cancer Sufferers to get Ai's
  48. Pelosi's Next Big Call
  49. NYPD Installs "Sky Watch" Watch Tower In Harlem Neighborhood
  50. Rage After Key Lebanese Politician( a Christian) Assassinated...
  51. The first remarkable close-up pictures of animals in the womb
  52. China sentences Web porn king to life in prison
  53. IAEA Set to Deny Iran Aid for Plutonium-Producing Reactor
  54. Antarctic Ice Sheet Mass Balance
  55. The George Washington 1789 Thanksgiving proclamation.
  56. Global Orgasm for Peace
  57. Police shoot 92 Year Old
  58. Israel orders gay marriage recognition
  59. Singapore mulls legalizing oral sex
  60. Iran's Jews learn to live with Ahmadinejad
  61. New Human Gene Map Shows Surprising Differences
  62. Whites Only Scholarship Creates Outrage
  63. Iran Is Suspended From World Soccer
  64. Report From Jews in Iran
  65. Poll on Israel
  66. Litvinenko poisoned with rare radioactive isotope
  67. Shiites Burn Six Sunni Worshippers Alive...
  68. Finaly ITER is to be built.
  69. Atheists discuss the benifits of religion
  70. Israel can’t dare attack Iran: Larijani
  71. Restoring Scientific Integrity in Policymaking
  72. Russia selling missiles to Iran
  73. Interview with jafar d jafar head of Iraq nuke program
  74. Sweden the worlds most democratic country
  75. Israel, Palestinians OK Gaza cease-fire
  76. BRITISH AIRWAYS reverses cross ban after storm of criticism..
  77. Baghdad still under curfew as president calls off Iran trip
  78. China is going to be the biggest emitter of carbon by 2010
  79. Australia joins US to bury carbon in soil
  80. Swedish Study: Steroid Use May Fuel Crime
  81. Forest Fires May Actually Cool Climate
  82. Pollution Could Fight Global Warming
  83. wall Street Journal: Keep tax rates low, keep tax revenues high
  84. Despite truce, Palestinian attacks go on
  85. UK scientists invent male 'pill' that can be taken hours before sex
  86. Give that vandal an Xbox!
  87. Hurricane Predictions Off Track As Tranquil Season Wafts Away
  88. Ahmadinejad Predicts Collapse of Israel, U.S., U.K.
  89. Sweden's "neutrality" in WW2
  90. Iran to host Holocaust conference
  91. How the imams terrorized an airliner
  92. income difference
  93. Illegal immigrants kill 12 Americans EVERY DAY!!
  94. Chuck Norris: Just say 'Merry Christmas!'
  95. Man killed by cops (PIGS) on wedding day......
  96. Sharia law is spreading through UK as authority wanes
  97. How long will nuclear energy last?
  98. If you guys think Im anti american
  99. Letter from Iran to American Public
  100. Oil, Iraq and Afghanistan Wars and Israel
  101. Britneys Pusy
  102. All I can say is DAMN!
  103. This is a good ide
  104. Allah aka God, told me to cut your head
  105. Interesting article on oil reserves in the world
  106. Politically correct?
  107. Obama Meets With Donors(George Soros) in New York
  108. Hating America Is an Old Tradition in Europe
  109. AIDS Will Kill Half of South Africa's Teens Before They Reach Age 60
  110. Safe Sex Made Easy With New Spray-On Condoms
  111. U.N. Agency Embroiled in International Controversy May Have Another Conflict of Inter
  112. North Korea Suspected of Collecting Millions in Reinsurance Fraud
  113. Frequent Sex Cures Women's Semen Allergy
  114. Africa Faces Growing Obesity Problem
  115. thank you captain obvious
  116. Flatulence forces plane landing in Nashville
  117. Andy Dick Drops the N-bomb onstage!
  118. Arab silence allowed Iran influence in Iraq: FM
  119. Ahmadinejad Issues Warning on Sanctions
  120. Iran Blocks Access to YouTube.com, internet censorship on the rise
  121. Somalia to Behead People Who Don't Pray
  122. Iran's parliament wants Ahmadinejad out
  123. Murderer teen thinks his sentence is too harsh...
  124. Son arrested for playing with gameboy.
  125. Probes dismiss imams' racism claim
  126. Follow God or vanish, Ahmadinejad tells West
  127. Ayatollah’s health fails as Iran power struggle grows
  128. Global warming 'over-hyped'?[/
  129. "What do we want? Freedom!"
  130. separation of church and state
  131. More Internet Journalists Jailed
  132. Pearl Harbor
  133. Iranian Ambassador Makes Inflammatory Remarks About Holocaust, FOX News at Columbia U
  134. Students Cry Out for Freedom in Large Demonstration at Tehran University
  135. Oversized condoms a headache for many Indian men
  136. House majority falls short on fetal pain bill
  137. Ayatollah's health fails as Iran power struggle grows
  138. Bubble Boy Bush
  139. Why was the fetal pain bill thread deleted?
  140. Russia and the states to cooperate in moon missions
  141. Only 6 out of 1000 employees at the US Embassy in Iraq speak the local language . . .
  142. Joe Darby is my hero . . .
  143. Children of Palestinian Officer Killed
  144. Iran students heckle Ahmadinejad
  145. Cow 'emissions' more damaging to planet than CO2 from cars
  146. Carlos
  147. Clinton Admin. spied on Princess Diana without permission from Brits...
  148. Incoming House intelligence chief botches easy intel quiz
  149. Iran students heckle Ahmadinejad
  150. UN downgrades man's impact on the climate
  151. Hamas confirms meeting with group of Democrats
  152. Asian Leaders Angered by Rosie O'Donnell's 'Ching Chong' Comments
  153. New Ripper here in the uk? In my town!
  154. Now this is exciting!!!!
  155. Taco Bell
  156. Looks like it is happening to the US too
  157. Another Colorado preacher resigns over homosexuality
  158. 8 year old kid talks about Bill O'Reilly
  159. Shell = pwnt
  160. David Duke attends Iran Holocaust conference, you guys should be so proud......
  161. Obama for President
  162. "Iran is your home and is the home of all freedom seekers of the world,"
  163. Man calls 911 to report stolen drugs
  164. One people said
  165. Largest workplace raid ever: Feds nab 1,282 illegals...
  166. Fed Appeals Court Rejects Slave Descendants Reparations Claims
  167. Key DNA Evidence in Duke Rape Case Withheld From Defense for Six Months, Lawyers Char
  168. Dying Dictators and Double Standards
  169. Palestinian Casualties At The Hands of The Israelis
  170. New Jersey votes to approve Gay Civil Unions
  171. Hamas in control of Gaza border crossing
  172. Grubach / Open Letter to Geo. Bush about Iran Conference
  173. Israel: A Jews Only State - Part I
  174. Israel: A Jews Only State - Part II
  175. What were the Jews doing at the Holocaust conference?
  176. Kerry, Dimplomat en chef
  177. "John McCain’s War On Blogs"
  178. Iran again, but this is fun
  179. Differences by Adonis
  180. "Administration to Drop Effort to Track if Visitors Leave "
  181. Israel Is A Terrorist State
  182. Why Close Threads That Include Religious Discussion?
  183. Oklahoma -- not too far from Nigeria, after all . . .
  184. "High IQ link to being vegetarian"
  185. "Kremlin Riddled with Former KGB Agents"
  186. Brigitte Gabriel
  187. This do-nothing Congress did all the wrong things
  188. David Duke on Wolf Blitzer
  189. Evangelist drowns in attempt to walk on water
  190. Iranian students hide in fear for lives after venting fury at Ahmadinejad
  191. For Jews Only: Racism Inside Israel
  192. i am stupid.....................
  193. Blow to Ahmadinejad
  194. 'Islamaphobia'
  195. Dr. Faurisson interviewed in Iran
  196. Nurses and doctor to die in Libya
  197. She is a He
  198. "French troops had bin Laden in sights: documentary"
  199. thank you captain obvious
  200. Gut reaction: Intestinal bugs linked to obesity risk
  201. Clomid gives gorilla baby
  202. The Messiah returns...
  203. Why is it ignorant?
  204. Iran Slapped With Sanctions
  205. Terrorist Takedown
  206. California Man Sets Himself, American Flag, Christmas Tree on Fire to Protest Religio
  207. "Religion does more harm than good - poll"
  208. Ethiopia 'Forced to Enter a War'
  209. "Dinosaur Fossils in Spain Are Thought to Be a New Giant"
  210. Big $$$ in the "War On Xmas"
  211. US Military considers hiring mercenaries
  212. Preacher Benny Hinn in Nigerian money complaint
  213. Goverment, Baseball and Steroids
  214. Year in review
  215. Saddam Hussein dies on Baghdad gallows
  216. Residents of Fjuckby demand new name
  217. Iran website heralding 'Mahdi' by springtime
  218. Can't believe Broncos' Darrent Williams was shot dead.
  219. Mannequin fetishist could get life
  220. Four in grueling 'couch-potato' contest
  221. Massachusetts lawmakers approve gay marriage vote
  222. Pat Robertson Predicts Horrific Terrorist Attack
  223. China to Tighten Adoption Rules, Ban Obese and Gay Parents
  224. Massachusetts ban on gay marriage moves closer to voter ballot
  225. Iran hangs two young homosexuals
  226. Sex with Fruit, what's next?? Marriage??
  227. "Oil giant 'paid groups to mislead public' on warming "
  228. Evil Santa Claus is scaring us!!!!
  229. Feds now allowed to open your mail without any warrants...
  230. Guardsmen overrun at the Border
  231. Olbermann on Bush's plan to "Sacrifice" more troops in Iraq
  232. If you pee your pants, you go to jail.
  233. Israel might use nukes against Iran
  234. Paper: 'Blood and oil; How the West the will make a killing on Iraqi oil riches'
  235. Big Easy Mulls Curfew After 8 Slayings
  236. Pakistan sees coldest day since 1935; India sees record low...
  237. It's Nice Out There, But Global Warming Dampens the Fun
  238. Iran reformists slam government's nuclear policy
  239. New Muslim congressman avoids loyalty questions
  240. Navajo on the war path over gay rights charter
  241. Researchers Report Alternative Stem-Cell Source in Amniotic Fluid
  242. Environmentalists Are Using Polar Bears for Political Gain
  243. Buried Feces Offer Clues About Authors of Dead Sea Scrolls
  244. FTC Fines Weight Loss Pill Marketers Millions for False Advertising
  245. Mystery odor permeates Manhattan
  246. Frei Porn Site!
  247. Al Qaeda Calls for Jihad in Somalia
  248. U.S. Attack on Al Qaeda in Somalia
  249. Saddam Discussed Killing Thousands
  250. World's Smallest 'Country' for Sale
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