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  1. "Ex-Gay" Counselor Convicted of Sexual Assault on Man
  2. Oregon teacher heads to court over right to carry a gun at school
  3. Report: Parker adopts baby from Africa
  4. Maryland High Court Upholds Marriage As A Man-Woman Thing
  5. 'Dozens die in Syrian-Iranian chemical weapons experiment'
  6. Calif. suit on car greenhouse gases dismissed
  7. 'Dead' Venezuelan Man Wakes Up Under Autopsy Knife
  8. O.J. Simpson to face kidnapping, armed robbery charges
  9. Oil prices reach record highs for seventh straight day
  10. Iran Draws Up Plans to Bomb Israel
  11. North Korean Ship Prompted Israeli Airstrike In Syria
  12. Bush, Congress at record low ratings: Reuters poll
  13. Golf enacts anti-doping policy for 2008
  14. "Poverty in America"
  15. Iraqi National Police Break Up al-Qaeda Rape, Terror Cell in Samarra
  16. Paying dearly to hear Gore's climate story
  17. George Michael's bid to block interview in which he admits HIV fears
  18. Mexican Refugees pose 'potential crisis' for Canadien border town
  19. On climate change, US vies to come in from the cold
  20. Increase In Atmospheric Moisture Tied To Human Activities
  21. More US warheads to be used for power generation
  22. Another re-definition of marriage
  23. Iranian president denied access to WTC site
  24. Columbia University sponsors hate speech
  25. Canada Health Care is a failure, says new CMA president
  26. Epri: invest in low-carbon technology immediately
  27. Hillary Clinton: I'm not a lesbian
  28. "Iranian leader tells off CBS reporter: 'You don't represent 300 million people'"
  29. "Dan Rather : 'Somebody's got to take a stand and say democracy cannot survive...
  30. NASA predicted human caused coming 'ice age' in 1971...
  31. ESPN - GH China
  32. "Dead" man wakes up under autopsy knife
  33. Study: Lack of sleep doubles risk of heart disease
  34. Ahmadinejad declares: gay-free Iran
  35. TV presenter throws up during live broadcast
  36. Steroid busts everywhere!!
  37. EPA bucks criticism to give farmers new fumigant for fruits, vegetables
  38. Photo seized from Elton John's gallery 'may breach child porn laws'
  39. France says nuclear weapons in Iran's hands 'unacceptable'
  40. Iran Does Far Worse Than Ignore Gays, Critics Say
  41. Marines Barred From Filming Commercial on Streets of San Francisco
  42. Michael Vick, Co-Defendents Indicted on Virginia Local Charges Related to Dogfighting
  43. Illegal Immigrants Lose Out on Tax Refunds in Kansas, Missouri
  44. FBI: Violent Crime Up 30% in Las Vegas
  45. U.S. Homes Post Steepest Price Drop in 16 Years
  46. Polygamist Leader Convicted in Utah
  47. Kanye West is a stroke.
  48. Nuclear power looks for comeback in U.S.
  49. UK Police arrest Hero
  50. Special conditions placed on Vick after positive marijuana test
  51. 2 Patriot Act provisions ruled unlawful.
  52. US video shows hacker hit on power grid
  53. Phil Spector gets away with murder... for now.
  54. Report: Shane Mosley allegedly used BALCO drugs before 2003 fight against De La Hoya
  55. Bush vows to veto childrens insurance expansion
  56. Protecting AG nominee cost U.S. taxpayers over $28M
  57. World's first commercial nuclear plant demolished
  58. Duke Apologizes to Lacrosse Players
  59. HIV sufferer jailed for unprotected sex
  60. Iran Strengthens Ties With South America, Declares 'No One Can Defeat Us'
  61. Federal judge orders Murtha to testify in Haditha defamation case
  62. Bolton: Attack Iran, 'remove' its leader
  63. Illinois school district 'winter festival' instead of Christmas in order not to offen
  64. Lawmaker shows naked woman during school lecture
  65. Jones Admits Doping Before 2000 Games
  66. China threatens 'nuclear option' of dollar sales
  67. Carbon Dioxide Did Not End The Last Ice Age
  68. Scandal brewing at Oral Roberts U.
  69. 3 year old Boy found in Amazon; Lost 11 Days
  70. 'Let Jews move to Europe or Alaska'
  71. Duke Lacrosse Players File Federal Lawsuit Against Nifong, Durham, Police
  72. Another Republican caught -- lewd behavior in public restrooms
  73. Angry veteran cuts down Mexican flag
  74. Bush talks of compromise on childrens health bill
  75. Immigration sweep targets Valley gangs
  76. This is damn cool!
  77. Prominent Palestinian Christian Activist Found Dead on Gaza City Street
  78. General Petraeus Accuses Iran of Fueling Iraq Violence
  79. Utah Men Accused of Trying to Export Fighter Jet Parts for Plane Flown in Iran
  80. U.N. looks other way as tsunami aid pilfered
  81. Again! 10 Christians slaughtered over alleged Muhammad cartoon
  82. Is man tampering with evolution?
  83. New Heart Device Allows Cheney To Experience Love
  84. "Sarkozy fails to soften Russian backing for Iran"
  85. Online steroid culture reacts to recent drug bust
  86. School sends home obesity notices with students, parent upset
  87. Mastermind Of First Twin Towers Attack Claims He Has Converted To Christianity
  88. Iraq bomb in toy cart hits children in playground
  89. "Source: Gore thinks Clinton unstoppable"
  90. " Ex-general: Iraq `nightmare' for US"
  91. "Pelosi: Bush 'must come to Congress' before attacking Iran"
  92. " Felons helped Army meet recruitment goal "
  93. "Carter: 'No doubt' Gore is the best qualified person for president"
  94. Israel Struck Syrian Nuclear Project, Analysts Say
  95. Fox to launch business channel
  96. Gore gets a cold shoulder
  97. Gore's prize: A fraud on the people
  98. NASCAR Fans Don't Take Kindly to Immunization Alert
  99. Sanchez: Media's Reporting of Iraq War Endangered Soldiers' Lives
  100. Rush Limbaugh Earns Big Money From Senate Letter Chastising Him
  101. Venezuela Blocks Singer Alejandro Sanz From Stadium Performance for Chavez Criticism
  102. Mexican Agents Arrest 25 Federal Cops for Allegedly Guarding Drug Traffickers
  103. Yet another Republican Gay Sex Scandal -- Wisconsin
  104. Creationism to be banished from Swedish schools
  105. Recent Steroid Busts......this Sux...
  106. Fury at DNA pioneer's theory: Africans are less intelligent than Westerners
  107. Morgan Stanley Sells Entire New York Times Stake
  108. TB-tainted man crosses border 76 times
  109. Bush warns of World War III if Iran goes nuclear
  110. Turkish MPs back attacks in Iraq
  111. Panel to Consider Birth Control Prescriptions at Maine Middle School, age 11 to 13
  112. Pro-war Supporters Outnumber Peace Activist In Berkeley...
  113. US Sex Fugitive Returned From Hong Kong
  114. $2,100,100 Top Bid For Dem Letter Bashing Limbaugh..
  115. Abc News Credits Democrats For Raising Money...
  116. Nuclear powerplant on Mars by 2030
  117. 19 tons of explosives found in Iraq
  118. J.K. Rowling Reveals 'Harry Potter' Character Dumbledore Is Gay
  119. Lawmaker Questions $318K for Turtle Crossing Fence
  120. Iran's Top Nuclear Negotiator Ali Larijani Resigns
  121. Mimicking the Massively Muscular
  122. Cheney: US will not let Iran go nuclear
  123. Thailand nabs Canadian pedophile suspect
  124. NASA refuses to disclose Air Safety Survey
  125. Kucinich sees UFO, new book claims
  126. 7 year old suspended for stick figure w/gun
  127. " Putin warns against more Iran sanctions"
  128. "Attack Iran and you attack Russia "
  129. Myostatin blockers are already banned
  130. Human race will 'split into two different species'
  131. Scientists close to a cure for AIDS??
  132. FEMA Lies to US Public -- Agency employees sat in for reporters at press conference
  133. Scientists envision growing human eyeballs
  134. William Shatner won't be in the next Star Trek movie
  135. " UN nuclear chief attacks hostile US claims on Iran"
  136. Teen challenges moment-of-silence law
  137. Israel cuts fuel shipments to Gaza Strip
  138. Coal use grows despite warming worries
  139. Feds strike ID deal over NY licenses
  140. Egypt announces nuclear plant projects
  141. 1 in 10 schools are 'dropout factories'
  142. Rice Admits U.S. Erred in Deportation
  143. Schwarzenegger says Edited not a drug
  144. Giuliani: Dems Will Change Minds on Iraq
  145. '07 Hurricane season may rank as most 'inactive' in 30 years...
  146. AIDS virus invaded U.S. from Haiti: study
  147. Dem debate. KUCINICH: I DID SEE A UFO.
  148. Harvard Study Concludes Media Biased Towards Democrats, Fox news more neutral
  149. Sex Offenders Rounded Up For Halloween
  150. Campaign call reveals Clinton debate concern
  151. Steroid Sting Fallout: Identified 30,000 to 40,000 Alleged Users
  152. Soldier Pleads Guilty in HIV Case...
  153. Cable News Race
  154. Abc Announces Deal With Imus
  155. Alleged sex assault of boy shakes Dubai
  156. States turning up heat on illegal immigrants
  157. Minuteman group grows amid illegal immigration fight
  158. 'Big Brother South Africa' horror show
  159. Military funeral protestors must pay father $11M
  160. Another anti-gay Married Republican Transvestite exposed
  161. Council of Europe firmly opposes creationism in school
  162. UPS Pilot Allegedly Raped, Molested 20 Young Boys
  163. Saudi Marriage 'Expert' Advises Men in 'Right Way' to Beat Their Wives
  164. Teacher, Mayoral Candidate Among 9 Busted in Florida Mall Bathroom Sex Sting
  165. "CNN: Price of Iraq war 10 times pre-war predictions"
  166. High School Massacre in Finland
  167. Lieberman hits out at 'paranoid' Democrats
  168. 'The Weather Channel' Founder: Global Warming ‘Greatest Scam in History’
  169. Clinton Campaign Confirms Planting Town Hall Question, Says It Won't Happen Again
  170. Spanish King Tells Chavez to "Shut Up"
  171. US Senator Grassley Investigates TV Preachers
  172. Steroid bust!
  173. Man in India marries dog as atonement
  174. Branch Warrens former training partner is rolling on everybody!!
  175. Ex-Cop arrested for distribution of Steroids
  176. Barry Bonds indicted on perjury, obstruction charges
  177. Saudi punishes gang rape victim with 200 lashes
  178. "Top court refuses to hear cases of U.S. deserters"
  179. " Russia abandons key Cold War arms treaty"
  180. Al Gore...Wrong Again
  181. Record 1 Million Cases of Chlamydia Reported in the U.S. Last Year
  182. U.N. report: Urgent action needed on 'severe' climate change
  183. "Ahmadinejad: OPEC Members Interested in Converting Cash Reserves Into Non-Dollar Cu"
  184. Republican Florida state Rep. Bob Allen guilty in bathroom-sex case
  185. Sex scandal hits Atlanta-area megachurch
  186. Philidelphia to Boy Scouts: Renounce Ban on Gays, or No More Free Rent
  187. Police Arrest Suspects in Holloway Case
  188. Netherlands Not So Dutch Anymore
  189. San Francisco approves ID cards that exclude gender
  190. "Happy in their personal lives, Americans worry about country"
  191. Cop tasers man who refuses to sign speeding ticket
  192. Airport Taser Death....
  193. review of Nuclear Black Markets
  194. Some good news for a change....
  195. benefit details of 25 million people missing (uk)
  196. Glenn Beck and Guests on CNN say Ron Paul supporters are in bed with Islamofacists...
  197. US Comptroller: "US borrowing itself into a deep hole"
  198. Handcuffed suspect tasered in a holding cell...
  199. De Palma Iraq Flick Bombs
  200. Mankind 'shortening the universe's life'
  201. San Francisco: Should fireplace fires be banned?
  202. Poll says Chavez loses Venezuela referendum lead
  203. Riot police arrest 150 in new anti-Putin demo
  204. As Democrats See Security Gains in Iraq, Tone Shifts
  205. High testosterone cuts death risk for men: Study
  206. Iceland best place to live, Africa worst: UN
  207. English teacher to face 40 lashes in the Sudan over teddy bear
  208. Blackwater guards pumped on steroids, lawsuit alleges
  209. Redskins Sean Taylor Murdered
  210. Iran Developes New Modern Submarine
  211. Interesting artical about Sean Taylors death
  212. "Uranium could have made dirty bomb"
  213. "Gorbachev endorses Putin in election and says Russia is serious partner of West"
  214. Steroid.com news
  215. Hostage situation at Clinton office
  216. Why America's Currency Is the World's Problem
  217. Owner of Liberty Dollar company raided by FBI upon arrival of Ron Paul Coins..
  218. First MMA fighter passes away after a bout
  219. U.S. report: Iran stopped nuclear weapons work in 2003
  220. Savage sues Muslim group for copyright infrigement
  221. Chavez: Plan May Have Been Too Ambitious
  222. Democratic Senate Aide seeked gay sex with 13 yr old
  223. Rasmussen: Huckabee pulls within three points of the front-running Rudy Giuliani
  224. Iraq Insurgent's 'Regrouping'
  225. US jet intercepts ballistic missile for first time: officials
  226. Disgraced Democratic Donor Hsu Indicted In New York
  227. Losing virginity early or late tied to health risks
  228. Letter from a Soldier to Ron Paul (Very good read)
  229. Schoolteacher has sex with 14 year old boy
  230. The uncertainty in climate modeling
  231. The Thought Police have ARRIVED- H.R. 1955 and S.1959
  232. "Liberal" talk show host Ward charged with Internet kiddie porn
  233. NBC Rejects Ad From Conservative Group
  234. Just 18% Believe Iran has Stopped Nuclear Weapons Development Program
  235. Christians may start picketing US soldier's funerals again
  236. Record-size spitting cobra found in Kenya
  237. " Germany moves to ban Scientology"
  238. "Iran drops dollar from oil deals: report"
  239. "Young Chimps Top Adult Humans In Numerical Memory"
  240. " Canadaville a haven for Katrina survivors who can follow its strict rules"
  241. Iran students break campus gate in protest: reports
  242. PAPER: Dems knew about waterboarding in 2002...
  243. Al Gore is criticised for lining his own pockets after $6,000/minute green speech
  244. 'The Views' History Lesson
  245. Christian biologist fired for beliefs
  246. Anti-Gay Sea Scouts leader arrested on suspicion of molesting minors
  247. Baby tax needed to save planet, claims expert
  248. Gene makes fruit flies bisexual: study
  249. Iran to replace Dollar with the Euro -- (The beginning of the end for the US Dollar)
  250. NASA on target for return to the moon by 2020: officials
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