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  1. Vatican's 10 Commandments for drivers
  2. WANTED: Astronauts for Mars, please apply within
  3. Muslim world inflamed by Rushdie knighthood
  4. City Attorney's Wife Named In Arrest Warrant
  5. Beverly Hills Approves Outdoor Smoking Ban
  6. Now Prepare for "Dangerous Global Cooling"
  7. Ex-New Orleans School board president pleads guilty to accepting bribes
  8. Israeli Army to Let Sick Gazans Enter Israel
  9. Australia to ban alcohol for Aborigines
  10. Firstborn sons have higher IQs
  11. The Great Divide: Reporters Give Dems Money Over Republicans 9 To 1...
  12. The list: Journalists who wrote political checks
  13. Mind over matter???? Finally?
  14. IAEA and Iran agree to draw up action plan
  15. 175 Immigration Violators, Fugitives Arrested In Orange County
  16. Justices put new limit on student speech
  17. Dry cleaner wins in missing-pants case
  18. Court bars suit against faith-based plan
  19. rabid Wolverine Murders wife n child/suicide??
  20. Lugar Calls for Re***loyment Now
  21. Ann Coulter
  22. Former Leaders Of Ex-Gay Ministry Apologize
  23. Supreme Court limits schools on race
  24. Ireland gets its first black mayor
  25. "Putin's Arctic invasion: Russia lays claim to the North Pole - and all its gas, oil,
  26. "Scientisits find way to seperate HIV virus from cells"
  27. Media "Road Rage" a joke
  28. Solar energy station
  29. Second car bomb found in central London
  30. More than half of Americans won't vote for Clinton, poll shows
  31. Shots could help you lose that pot belly
  32. Clinic Sued Over Fatal Abortion Procedure
  33. How much $$$ did your favorite charity make last year?
  34. Gore: Son's Arrest Is 'A Private Family Matter'
  35. Please move over Bill Gates, there's a new richest man
  36. U.S. Unable to Deport Most Illegal Immigrants Who Commit Crimes
  37. The most f*ed up news story ever
  38. Girl gets intestine ripped out of her
  39. Republican Revolt: Some Discuss Defying President
  40. Broadcast from the Democrat's President Debate -- What do you think of this guy?
  41. Viewers don't warm up to 'Live Earth' coverage
  42. Pro-Family Anti-Gay Republican Senator admits patronizing Prostitutes
  43. Hetreosexual lawn chair pilot flies with 105 balloons
  44. Presidential Candidates In First Ever Gay Debate
  45. British juror arrested after listening to music under hijab
  46. Sprint Cuts 1,000+ Customers For Excessive Complaining
  47. Sheehan Launches Pelosi Challenge
  48. Women drawn to men with muscles
  49. ead of China's Food and Drug Administration executed for corruption
  50. White House Is Accused of Putting Politics Over Science
  51. Bush's Attorney General Lied to Congress
  52. Moore on Blitzer, CNN.
  53. Buenos Aires sees rare snowfall
  54. Move to cut methane emissions by changing cows' diet
  55. McGovern: Not sure anti-war Dem can win
  56. San Diego Public Elementary School Schedules Daily Muslim Prayer Breaks
  57. Fox News Channel Spinoff to Debut with 30M Subscribers
  58. Al Gore And NBC: Birds Of A Feather
  59. Scientists find signs of water beyond solar system
  60. If we leave Iraq, do we lose for good?
  61. Bogus company gets radioactives license
  62. Media Silence on Antiwar Violence
  63. 200 explosive belts captured in truck crossing from Syria to Iraq
  64. Algerian terrorist bombing kills 8
  65. Militants kill 14 Philippine marines, behead 10: military
  66. Al Qaeda No. 2 Makes More Threats Against the U.K.
  67. Overweight kids face widespread stigma
  68. Chinese food 'made from cardboard'
  69. Sexy" Smells Different for Gay, Straight Men, and Women
  70. Another married Republican Congressman arrested for gay solicitation
  71. Man ordered to pay child support for child that isn't his
  72. Transformer explosion rattles Manhattan
  73. Bill O'Reilly: Lesbian Gangs are taking over the US!
  74. Steroid Busts In Australia
  75. Check This Out! Cure For Cancer!!!
  76. Prepubertal Gynecomastia Linked to Lavender and Tea Tree Oils
  77. U.S. Seen in Iraq Until at Least ’09
  78. Australia's Stand
  79. Another Pro-Morality Republican Politician Busted!
  80. Study: Obesity is Socially Contagious
  81. Atlantic hurricane season still to come???
  82. Congress has done much to earn low approval ratings
  83. The anti-IRS people won in court -- what now?
  84. Pharmacists sue over morning-after pill
  85. Republicans May Pass On Cnn/youtube Debate...
  86. Scientists breed world’s first mentally ill mouse
  87. My hometown in the news!!!
  88. Is this going to far???
  89. Fatal end to Exorcism Attempt
  90. Lap Dance Video Shown To Strip Club Case Judge
  91. Preacher with a "colorful" vocabulary
  92. Sean Penn praised by Venezuela's Chavez
  93. Pakistan slams 'ignorant' Obama attack warning
  94. Soldier Censored at Kos Convention
  95. Iran detains scores at "satanic" rock gig: media
  96. Zogby poll: 3% approval of Congress, 9% approval of President on Immigration
  97. Zogby Poll: Pelosi's Congress Approval Sinks to 14 Percent
  98. Remember Global Cooling?
  99. Latest USA Today poll shows growing support for Iraq war policy
  100. How we are beating al-Qaeda
  101. Government defends plan on Aborigines
  102. Low-Cal Sweets Might Still Make Kids Obese
  103. Clinton: Bad roads, bridges harm economy
  104. Democratic candidates address gay rights
  105. Pakistani TVs say Musharraf to declare emergency
  106. yet another Republican Gay Sex Scandal
  107. Republican sex scandal -- Elected Republican admits Rape
  108. Iraq critics concede military progress
  109. European Central Bank scrambles to head off potential financial crisis...
  110. Govt. Stepping Up Immigration Efforts
  111. Nearly half US murder victims are black
  112. Leader of Brazil Homosexual Movement Under Investigation for Pedophilia
  113. Gutsy Mayor Exposes National 'Gay' Public Sex Scandal - Gets Support of Women's Group
  114. New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson says homosexuality ‘a choice’
  115. How about setting some reasonable qualifications for what's "In The News?"
  116. Church won't hold funeral for gay man
  117. Texas church cancels funeral for gay man
  118. hypocrites
  119. Italy Probe Unearths Huge Iraq Arms Deal
  120. Ala. city considers end to alcohol sales
  121. Imus settles with CBS, may make comeback
  122. Giuliani vows to stop illegal immigrants
  123. Hamas TV's child star says she's ready for martyrdom
  124. Van Halen is back!
  125. Flossie whips across Hawaii after small earthquake hits island
  126. Venezuela's Chavez seeks to eliminate presidential term limits
  127. MarineCorpsTimes -- It's time to allow gays to serve openly in the military
  128. Us Stock Market
  129. This cop is no hypocrite
  130. Michael Vick plead guilty...
  131. How much is too much coffee?
  132. Babtist Preacher: DEATH to my tax status critics
  133. Man arrested for having big muscles
  134. Why?
  135. Feds Deport Activist Who Sought Refuge In Church
  136. Student Faces Charges In Newborn's Death... Again
  137. Analysis: Iraq report may shift climate
  138. Rape spurs call to amend French law
  139. Court tries 18 for cross-dressing
  140. Poll: White youths happier than others
  141. One in four read no books last year
  142. 2008 candidates misspeak, fall over themselves to clarify, apologize
  143. Ugandans protest, call for deportation of American journalist covering gay issues
  144. Melee breaks out over queer Jesus
  145. Former Manhattan Beach cop indicted in Louisiana murder case
  146. Army's Fighting Force Nearly Exhausted
  147. Two teens marching across the country for peace
  148. Atlanta considers banning baggy pants
  149. Woman sets fire to ex-husband's penis
  150. dwarf's penis gets stuck to hoover
  151. NJ changes policy on illegal immigrants
  152. New poll puts Clinton further ahead of Edwards, Obama in Iowa
  153. Study refutes South African health minister's claims that garlic, lemons are AIDS rem
  154. NAACP head: Vick 'is not a victim'
  155. This is Bull!!!!
  156. AP Poll: God vital to young Amercians
  157. Study: Chick Magnets Today Look Like Cavemen
  158. Minister guilty for role in gay weddings
  159. Lunsford Killer to Die for His Crime
  160. Here we go again. Pitbull's seized at DMX home.
  161. Vick cards chewed by dogs are on eBay
  162. "Japan's Plan For World's Tallest Building"
  163. Mother Teresa was an unbeleiver? Wow . . .
  164. US Attorney General Gonzales resigns
  165. Obesity rates climb in most states
  166. Ex-Hooters Waitress Says Pregnancy Got Her Fired
  167. Scientists found life on Mars back in the 70s
  168. Gay Unions Sanctioned in Medieval Europe
  169. Another anti-gay Republican US Senator caught trolling in men's restrooms
  170. Arrest clouds Idaho senator's future
  171. Designer estrogen 'protects against brain degeneration': study
  172. L.A. in 1,000-year Earthquake Lull
  173. Healing Katrina's Racial Wounds
  174. School segregation on the rise: report
  175. Colo. school bans tag on its playground
  176. CBS: Female airman claims rape, ends up on trial herself"
  177. " Man faces execution for being in car with killer"
  178. update on Rev. Ted Haggard
  179. First gay couple legally married in Iowa
  180. WWE suspends 10 wrestlers for violating policy on steroids and other drugs
  181. Wwe -were Up To The 11th
  182. "Marine tells of order to execute Haditha women and children"
  183. Another nail in the creationist coffin
  184. Couric: 'Significant' improvements in Iraq...
  185. Richardson: God wants Iowa first
  186. Spain authorizes Straitjackets for illegals
  187. Scientology Faces Criminal Charges
  188. Iran seals its doors tighter against the West
  189. FAA: Adventurer Fossett's plane missing
  190. AP: Craig reconsiders decision to resign
  191. Quiet start for NYC Arabic school
  192. Swiss expulsion proposal draws criticism
  193. Rocky II, III, IV Decisions Overturned After Stallone Caught With Steroids
  194. Concussions Caused Benoit's Rage
  195. Scientists And Space Enthusiasts Share Vision For Mars
  196. Group sees more sex, violence in TV family hour
  197. Britain approves human-animal embryo research
  198. Council let gay foster parents abuse kids!
  199. Gran 'high' when pitbull attacked!
  200. Wow, thats pretty sad! Fashion police on airplanes?
  201. Germany considers increased spying on Muslims
  202. USM: 15,000 Total Insurgents; 15,000 Killed
  203. Missing girl's mother named suspect
  204. Millionaire U.S. Rep. wins lottery again
  205. California senate OK's same-sex marriage bill
  206. San Diego diocese to pay $198 million to settle 144 abuse claims
  207. A couple have been jailed for nine years over baby torture!
  208. Boys Cast Out by Polygamists Find Help
  209. Madeline McCann...
  210. Prisons Purging Books on Faith From Libraries
  211. Radio frequencies help burn salt water
  212. Isreali neo-nazis... no really!
  213. Ron Paul wins Fox News Presidential Debate!
  214. Zogby Poll-"Majority of American want new 9/11 investigation"
  215. Heads bow in memory of 9/11 victims
  216. "Dollar hits fresh 15-year low"
  217. "EU gives up on 'metric Britain'"
  218. "OPEC to raise crude oil output"
  219. Vladamir Putin dissolves the Russian Government!
  220. Hate Crime Virginia
  221. Life expectancy of Americans hits 78
  222. :( More evidence Bush had Iraq planned from Day 1 !
  223. Over 500 scientists published studies countering global warming fears...
  224. Report: Israel spots nuclear installations in Syria
  225. Pastor accused of rape by casting out demons
  226. "Hit and Myth: Poll Shows 1 in 3 Americans Still Believe Saddam Involved in 9/11 "
  227. 53 Percent Of LA Residents Speak Foreign Languages
  228. NFL fines Pats
  229. O.J. Simpson named suspect in casino break-in
  230. British jets intercept Russian bombers
  231. China order judges to use death penalty less
  232. Google offers reward to land robot on moon
  233. "Greenspan Book Criticizes Bush And Republicans"
  234. O.J. Simpson Ordered Held Without Bail for Robbery
  235. Israelis ‘blew apart Syrian nuclear cache’
  236. "World should brace for possible war over Iran": French Foreign Minister
  237. Cities Cracking Down on Saggy Pants
  238. Cheney Admits the chaos of Iraq!!!!
  239. Cartoonist shrugs at Islamic death threat: ‘It’s good to know how much one is worth’
  240. Judge Fines Iran $2.65B Over 1983 Beirut Marine Barracks Bombing
  241. Palestinian Rocket Lands in Israeli Day Care Center
  242. Police: Israeli Neo-Nazi Ring Busted
  243. Russian Scientist May Have Tried to Smuggle Out Biological Weapons Material
  244. May/December Couples Boost Human Lifespan
  245. Emmys flirt with record low in ratings
  246. Another Clinton Donor Jailed...
  247. '600 Iranian missiles pointed at Israel'
  248. Palestinian Authority celebrates 9-11 terror attacks
  249. Venezuela's Chavez may take over private schools
  250. Some things i find fascinating about O.J simpson (good stuff here) (unrelated to a. r
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