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- Mr And Mrs. Clueless! What's wrong with this picture?
- Paid your Fire Fee? No, then dont expect your house to be saved from burning down
- 9/11 Firemen Secondary Explosion Testimony
- Obama Administration Pressures ISPs To Censor Websites
- The Chilean Miners
- building 7 have fun
- W. Virginia Senate Candidate Questions “Foreknowledge” of WTC7 Collapse in Live TV De
- obama what a joke
- Muslim mob ruin remembrance day
- Tsa
- Senate Bill S 510 Food Safety Modernization Act vote imminent: Would outlaw gardening
- Web Censorship Bill Sails Through Senate Committee
- Pope approves condom use
- WTF is up with N. Korea?
- Mythbusters’ Adam Savage: TSA Scanner Missed my Foot-Long Razor Blades
- Big Sis Wants Behavior Scanners At Sports Events, Malls
- Harvard scientists reverse aging in mice
- “Police State” episode of hit Ventura show covering FEMA camps pulled from air
- Cablegate and FIFA, recent revelations opened the eyes of the world a little?
- UK student fees increase 300%
- Car bomb terrorist attack in Sweden
- Gunman opens fire on school board (VIDEO)
- For all those who still think it was a plane Have fun 9/11
- 31 cities’ tap water has cancer-causing hexavalent chromium, study says
- Jersey Police Under Steroid Fire!
- Canseco Keeps Coming Back!
- Seven Years for U.K. Smuggler
- Trenbolone Acetate: The King of Kings!
- Congress Screws the People: The Lifter Even More!
- A Bra Filled with Steroids Redefining Max Cleavage: Bad Idea, Interesting Outcome
- Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms
- Steroids in Baseball: Shoot Me Now I Can’t Take it Anymore!
- When naughty sex games go bad..
- One for the Good Guys:Pharmacy
- UGL lab Busted: Who Cares?
- New Year’s Eve: The HGH & Testosterone Destroyer
- Cops Using Steroids: Is it really a Big Problem?
- Signature Pharmacy: Justice does not Exist
- A remarkable story that gives hope.
- Netflix is taking over the world.
- Government Recommends Lowering Fluoride Levels in U.S. Drinking Water
- San Francisco police shoot wheelchair-bound man twice in the groin
- Verizon to get iPhone
- Arizona passes law that bans protestors at shooting victims funerals
- Netflix abandoning DVDs in 2 years.
- Woman attacked by her own hand
- Small Time Buyer Arrested
- Egypt protests
- Outrage at cull of post olympic sley dogs
- Now this outragous. Only in America.
- we are killing are own country,
- Globalists Push SDRs as World Reserve Currency
- Top UN Officials Have Public Meltdown over Call for New 9/11 Investigation
- Terrorist Who Trained London Bombers Was Working For US Government
- Quietly living American dream No laws broken as illegal immigrants obtain loans, buy
- Obama Pencils In $37 Billion Budget Increase For DHS, Naked Body Scanners
- A message to the 5,000 Saudi princes: Are you out of oil? Apply for a job down at McD
- [KR121] Keiser Report – Agnotology & the Shoe Throwing Index!
- Mexican Troops Conduct Vehicle Search On U.S. Soil
- KR121] Keiser Report – Agnotology & the Shoe Throwing Index!
- Fox News Caught In Shocking Dirty Tricks Stunt Against Ron Paul
- Keiser Report: Welcome to Fakeville (E122)
- Joe Rogan – The American War Machine (Warning Explicit Language)
- Vote, Iwould like to get a vote on how many ppl think this was or was not a demo
- Poor stacked in mass graves at Illinois cemetery
- 31 of the wildest conspiracy theories...
- Happy Revolution Baby! - FKN Newz 02/18/2011
- Hey White House, maybe its time to focus on Mexico violence?
- Governor Scott Walker called by journalist posing as David Koch;
- Here’s a good question – is there gold in Fort Knox? (David Morgan & Mike
- [KR124] Keiser Report – Fox News’ Boo Fail
- Gas prices.. wheres the panic an outrage now?
- Citizens - in 10 Minutes
- Whites only scholarships now available!!!
- The big nothing
- Hey everyone Welcome to America
- just want to get peoples input on this
- gold/ silver are going up dont miss out!
- You Tube Admits To Freezing View Count On Biden Impeachment Video
- HAARP Activity
- Cost of Libya Intervention $600 Million for First Week, Pentagon Says
- Even if you aren’t a sports fan this is very interesting! Make sure you read all the
- Rich get richer, losers become slaves
- Al-Qaeda 100% Pentagon Run
- Peter Schiff on jobs, rates and faux counterfeiters
- Inflation
- Former CIA Analyst schools CNN host
- northern ireland in darkness again
- Jesse Ventura Exposes 9/11 Stand Down Order
- Hey Australians, did you know you were eating, “meat glue.”
- New Earthquake Off Japanese Coast Accompanied By Strange Blue Light Show
- Zabster, how about posting some real news?
- 7 killed, 15 wounded in Dutch mall shooting.
- here is something interesting.
- This is getting out of hand.
- Manny ramirez and steroids in baseball.........
- [KR138] Keiser Report – For a Few Billion Dollars More
- Belarus Subway bombing kills 13
- The F**in News! This dude is pretty good.
- Replace the Zapster?
- Ireland
- Keiser Report Extra with Cory Doctorow: Losing gamble to rigged market capitalism
- [KR139] Keiser Report – Murderers & Martyrs!
- UK Sends In Troops As Ground Invasion Of Libya Accelerates
- geoengineering
- Waco. 18years ago today
- Im so sorry god
- POLICE BRUTALITY – Man Beaten & Arrested For Having An Unzipped Jacket
- Damning New Study: Eco Bulbs Cause Cancer
- One giant step closer to 3rd world chaos: Keiser Report Extra
- IMF bombshell: Age of America nears end
- Your Cellphone Has Been Tracking You For Nearly a Decade
- Heroes Villainized: FBI to investigate 9/11 first responders for terrorism
- Las Vegas Police break man's nose for video taping them from his own property
- Dharna for Bank of America
- Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson Bulks Up for 'Fast Five'
- Real Men Punch Women Full In The Face
- US vs. China: Winner Takes It All?
- Obama Working “Under The Radar” To Sneak Attack Second Amendment
- McDonalds Hires 62,000,
- wikileaks.war.lies.and.videotape
- Obama Birth Certificate Scam?
- Was Bin Laden Assault A Jessica Lynch-Style Fable?
- Osama bin Laden Murder Fable: A Work in Progress
- 'USD sinking like OBL to ocean bottom'
- 10 Facts That Prove The Bin Laden Fable Is a Contrived Hoax
- Arnold and Maria getting a divorce!
- Another idiot talks about roid rage....
- Obama Ready to Roll Out New Amnesty Carpet for Illegal
- Barack Obama Is Wrong: 18 Facts Which Prove That Illegal Immigration Is An Absolute
- here we go.
- video on steroids and are they safe
- Wow Americans, kiss your 4th Amendment rights goodbye.
- Cancer is finally cured in Canada but Big Pharma has no interest
- Man almost goes to jail for being in his yard! See what your TAX dollars pay for!
- ‘Gaddafi Least of Our Problems, Try Blair & Bush For War Crimes’
- 10 Indications The United States Is A Dictatorship
- Placer County is so corrupt this is discusting.
- Placer County is so corrupt.
- Obama Bombshell: New Birth Certificate a Forgery
- Randy "Macho Man" Savage dies of heart attack, car crash
- Feds to Mandate Black Box on all New Cars
- Take thats Robbie Williams and Testosterone!!
- Worlds economy
- MI6 hacks Al Qaeda website and replaces instructions on how to make bombs
- F!uck The Police!
- politicians get away with insider trading
- British Tabloid, News of the World, phone hacking shame
- Obama!!!
- Awful terrorist attack in Norway
- Peart on staying fit
- war crimes?
- American troops may remain in Afghanistan until 2024
- Big bust in Cinci area
- U.S. and U.K. plans to invade Iran.
- Joe Paterno fired!
- Occupy prostests
- Movie Premiere: Transcendent Man with Ray Kurzweil
- Life elsewhere?
- bit of a coincidence?
- Kim Jong Il died today.
- Illegal immigration
- Id for voting
- For all the cops outthere
- For all those who think doc's are super rich!
- Exercise Pill?
- my good friend arrested :(
- who is your vote for president?
- Suing for $900 trillion!
- US soldier kills 16 afghan civilians
- The islamic problem?
- So all are tax money goes to soldiers killing civillians awsome!!
- Panthers Call For Violent Revolution, Race War, Bloodshed Against ‘Honkies’ (Video)
- This just in
- Graphic video of teen being restrained, shocked played in court
- Ron Paul gets so down played its not even funny...
- US Government vs The Internet, Part 3
- suicide hides war's true cost.
- This is funny.
- girl can hear again
- Remember that reporter who was browsing these forms??
- Killing unarmed civilains again, Its the US way.....
- lance armstrong and doping claims by USADA- includes letter!
- Villagers mistake sex toy for mystical mushroom
- Skydiver Felix Baumgartner Completes 17-Mile Dive
- Anyone following Fukushima aftermath?
- Full Lance Armstrong statement
- Michael Clarke Duncan
- Two men shot by their own dogs, 'accidentally'
- UK and freedom of speech?
- New Muscular Dystrophy Drug
- People collecting unemployment after 10 weeks
- Banned Ingredients that Are Still Legal in the U.S.
- Time to kiss your 1st amendment rights goodbye
- are u.s. comedians told to say certain things
- ouch!!!!
- Australia Gun Law update.
- War
- Hanoi Jane
- CISPA Passes in Senate
- Attacked by Borat?
- Did anyone hear about the tornado in Moore, Oklahoma
- Aild
- Online pornography to be blocked in the UK, announces David Cameron
- Busted
- 80yr old bodybuilder busted for being on juice
- How to not do steroids!
- Pat Robertson Thinks Low-Carb Diets Violate God’s Principles
- 40lbs of muscle in 7 weeks
- 9 Fitspiration Posters Corrected
- are vitamins a waste of money ? according to yahoo it is!
- Fukushima: Global threat of mass extinction and meanwhile we're getting fallout.
- Facebook acquired Oculus Rift for 2 billion
- Banned substances and Customs
- Got to love Obamacare!
- flight mh370...?
- Stop taking NO supplements if you're having eye surgery
- L.E.O. busted
- AAS usage among soldiers
- FDA Calls for Warnings for Test Products
- Just going to get worse.
- 11 Arrested
- Richard Grey ..not so smart.
- Fukushima ,MH-17, MH-370 ,Gaza, Fracking Imigration What is going on!!
- Drugs and the Evolution of Bodybuilding
- Busted - ugl oz
- Americans held in Cabo San Lucas by Mexican Military
- Why Your Chair Is Killing You, and What You Can Do About It
- No Big Bang? No Black Holes?
- Top-secret space plane lands on California coast
- Differences between factual and religious beliefs.............
- Differences between Religious and Scientific Faith
- UFOs are real, aliens have federal jobs
- Campaigning for ISIS in the West
- Amazing clean & jerk world record 242kg!!
- The Ten (10) Non Commandments
- The Big Rip (Instead of the Big Bang)
- 10 Reasons Why Our Universe Is A Virtual Reality
- Quantum Realism FAQ
- BS Supplement Claims
- One scientific theory on how we came to be without a big bang..........
- Actress Stephanie Moseley Shot To Death By Husband
- The "BIG" California Storm!
- Cause and effect relationship between media and public perception.
- Greg Plitt - Dead Jan 18th 2015
- California declares electronic cigarettes a health threat!
- Anold cracks it over current HGH use
- low t in females...
- Six Minnesota men have been charged with plotting to go to Syria and help ISIS

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