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  1. This just in
  2. "Temporal motivational theory" (Procrastination)
  3. Islamic terror, Chemical Attack Against U.S
  4. Israel names first Arab minister
  5. Swedish file-sharing website to buy its own island-nation
  6. Gore's 'Truth' restricted at schools
  7. Expert Admits "Big Error" In Duke Case
  8. Deficit Falls to Lowest Level in 4 Years, thanks to the continued surge in tax revenu
  9. Former President Ford Called Carter Presidency a 'Disaster', Reagan's Cold War Impact
  10. Dennis Miller has WMDs and Usama bin Laden on his mind
  11. GOP hits Pelosi's 'hypocrisy' on wage bill
  12. Obama's charm lost on America's black activists
  13. Prince Harry to serve in Iraq war zone
  14. Oldest Human Artifacts Ever Found in North America. 13,000-15,000 YO
  15. "Bush set for climate change U-turn"
  16. Next little thing 2007: Electricity from wave power -ATTN JOHAN
  17. Britain and France planned 'merger in 1950s'
  18. Hillary rips into '08 contender John Edwards.
  19. OPEC Ponders Emergency Meeting to Curtail Falling Oil Prices
  20. Former U.N. oil-for-food head charged with bribery
  21. Amazing pictures that show triplets bonding -- in the womb....
  22. Amsterdam to get statue to world's prostitutes
  23. Christians, Scientists Join Forces to Fight Global Warming
  24. British Christians Protest Gay Rights
  25. Cell Phone Catches Fire
  26. Insurgents Using Google Earth
  27. 14 Carter Center Advisers Resign Over Former President Jimmy Carter's Book
  28. Undercover Look Into Mainstream Brit Mosques...
  29. 34,452 Iraq civilians said killed in '06
  30. Canada Unveils $432 Million Border Plan
  31. The consensus on GW
  32. Wtf?!?!
  33. USAF officer reports odd night lights in sky
  34. "Cheap, safe drug kills most cancers"
  35. " Federal Workers Owe Billions in Unpaid Taxes"
  36. "Caffeine may ease post-workout muscle pain"
  37. Mullah Omar Living in Pakistan
  38. If this is true Im speachless
  39. 5 Minutes to Midnight
  40. Meatballs Cooked in Liposuctioned Fat
  41. Ams Certified Weatherman Strikes Back At Weather Channel Call For Decertification
  42. "Fox smears Sen. Obama, says he 'covered up' Muslim past"
  43. No-spank bill on way in California
  44. ABC-TV Meteorologist: I Don't Know A Single Weatherman Who Believes 'Man-Made Global
  45. Hit US television show '24' under fire from Muslim group
  46. Do you personally want the Iraq plan President Bush announced last week to succeed?
  47. Earth's climate over the last 65 million years
  48. U.S. State Department Reveals North Korea’s Misuse of U.N. Development Program Funds
  49. Michael Vick's Water Bottle Raises Suspicion
  50. Former VP Mondale Criticizes Cheney
  51. Israel freezes settlement, releases money to Abbas ahead of his talks with Hamas
  52. Republican Warns that Bush might Fake pretext to Iran Invasion
  53. China anti satelite test
  54. New planet finder sees light
  55. Clinton launches 2008 White House bid
  56. US Government bugs Windows software
  57. Fox's Hannity Draws 1.05 Mil. in Debut
  58. Nielsen Media Research
  59. Man Falls From 17th Floor at Minneapolis Hotel, Survives
  60. Male Fish With Female Organs Packed Full of Pesticides Found in Potomac
  61. Prehistoric Reptile Fossil Found With Two Heads
  62. Tough Duck Stays Alive for 2 Days in Refrigerator After Being Shot
  63. Tax Fugitive Barricaded in House: 'Show Us the Law, and We'll Pay'
  64. Carnivores Can't Get Much Bigger
  65. Dinosaur Fossil Found in Mammal's Stomach
  66. Chavez to U.S.: 'Go to hell, gringos!'
  67. Top Dissident Cleric Slams Ahmadinejad
  68. Documentary on beastiality premieres at Sundance Film Festival
  69. Get to Devon! Free BMWs!
  70. Climate scientists feeling the heat
  71. People recklessly passing on sexual diseases face jail
  72. Hot New Study: Earth's Heat Can Power Our Future(Geothermal)
  73. Rare Snow Storm Surprises Arizona
  74. "Motor City Madman" shocks guests at governor's inaugural ball
  75. Iran bars 38 U.N. IAEA nuclear inspectors
  76. Masturbation Set to Music on Broadway Rubs Some Wrong Way...
  77. Abcnews: Docs Seized In Iraq Reveal Insurgent Plan For Attack In Usa...
  78. Gay lumberjacks wanted in Scotland
  79. Hezbollah Lights Lebanon Ablaze
  80. Isreali President to be charged with rape
  81. "Hill Pensions for the Convicted May End"
  82. Australians pick "muffin top" for hip word
  83. White Atlanta suburbs push for secession
  84. Iran receives Russian defense missiles
  85. Interesting article
  86. Russia offers India 4 nuclear reactors
  87. N. Korea helping Iran get nukes
  88. Islam converts change face of Europe
  89. Palestinian journalists impose blackout
  90. "INTERVIEW-U.N. climate report will shock the world -chairman"
  91. Pretty scary
  92. John Kerry says he won't be running for White House job again in 2008
  93. Delayed convict steals car to get back to jail
  94. Canada to apologize to Arar, pay compensation: CBC
  95. US woman fights off lion with pen
  96. Afghan govt. won't spray poppy crops
  97. UPDATED -- Iran Set to Try Space Launch
  98. Northern Sweden may host commercial space flight hub By Lennart Simonsson
  99. Supercomputer To Be 2-5 Times More Powerful Than World's Fastest
  100. Belgian police probe sky diver's death
  101. Thousands of Iranian agents in Iraq
  102. Hamas and Fatah, the war is on....
  103. Russian Ex-Spy Poisoned With Cup of Tea
  104. NATO Airstrike Kills Senior Taliban Leader
  105. Dead Females as Brides to Dead Bachelors
  106. Rare shark captured
  107. virgin Komodo birth
  108. Dismissal sought in reputed '64 KKK case
  109. Tens of thousands demand Iraq withdrawal
  110. Clinton defends war vote, touts security
  111. Election 2008 Poll: Richardson Enters Race Even with McCain
  112. Young Iranians warn pressure could strength Hardliners
  113. Tijuana police get weapons back
  114. Lieberman may back Republican in 2008
  115. U.S. to report on Israel cluster bombs
  116. Huge python makes a meal of 11 guard dogs
  117. Iran seeks to review nuke watchdog plan
  118. China's WEF envoy sees space weaponizing
  119. The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine
  120. IRAQ: Get The Hell Out
  121. Iranian Reveals Plan to Expand Role in Iraq
  122. Moscow Mayor Calls Gay Pride Parade Satanic
  123. Homicide Bomber Kills 3 at Bakery in Israeli Resort Town
  124. Jewish Influence In America
  125. Mars' Missing Atmosphere May Just Be Hiding
  126. Global Warming Not Only Reason for Wacky Winter, Scientists Say
  127. Hospice Helps Dying Man Lose His Virginity
  128. 12-year-old boy undergoes sex change...
  129. Bomb Grade Uranium Seized In Sting
  130. The Next Act
  131. Texas passes bill to TEST
  132. ASU student objects to sensitivity exercise
  133. Hobbit Declared a New Species as Debate Continues
  134. Russia wants Palestinian aid freeze lifted
  135. Saudi Arabia, Iran cooperating on crises
  136. Two New Books Confirm Global Warming is Natural; Not Caused By Human Activity
  137. Jesus Camp
  138. Emergency Shutdown at Rusian Nuke Plant
  139. Franken to leave Air America after network sale
  140. AIDS rising among S.Africa's rich, best-educated
  141. Airborne Laser to test-fire in flight
  142. Ray guns and plastic ice: Pentagon looks to sci-fi weaponry
  143. Republicans Block Congressional Pay Hike
  144. Agenda Set For Upcoming Planetary Defense Conference
  145. Canadien Prime Minister Harper's letter dismisses Kyoto as 'socialist scheme'
  146. Chavez to Get Unlimited Powers to Remake Venezuela
  147. Blair blackmail terror bid foiled
  148. New York Times Reports 4Q Loss of $648M
  149. Sen. Biden shock interview- Obama a "clean" black
  150. Israeli Company Working on Flying Car for Military, Rescue
  151. Logan13 is answering questions in the steroid forum
  152. Now this is ****ing stupid!!
  153. So much for the moon and mars plans
  154. Bush to request hefty Iraq war funds
  155. Pressure on China as president heads to Sudan
  156. Jewish Power: Paul Eisen
  157. STARBUCKS and Zionist Connection
  158. 29 year old sex offender poses as 7th grader
  159. Ohh god now Chirach is starting to kiss environmentalist ass
  160. Has the palace of King David or Solomon been found?
  161. Report: Human activity fuels global warming
  162. joint Israeli-Palestinian tree planting
  163. Bin Laden's Brother-in-Law Killed
  164. Conspiracy Theories
  165. Gym's 'naked Sunday'
  166. 14.5 lb Baby
  167. Itali to Suspend More Games
  168. Iran Two to Three Years A-Bomb
  169. The Religion of Peace
  170. Teacher fired for saying that most suicide bombers are Muslim
  171. Quran top selling book in Denmark
  172. 'Pigs' Banned From Chinese Television Ads
  173. Brainwashing children
  174. US ex-generals reject Iran strike
  175. Iranian Nuclear Scientist 'Assassinated'
  176. Problem-prone Swedish nuclear reactor shut down
  177. Al-Qaeda tells British cells to carry out wave of beheadings
  178. New Orleans Now Nation's Murder Capital; 2/3 Of Deaths Unsolved
  179. Iceland Bucks Global Warming Trend - Increasing Ice...
  180. Oils Linked to Breast Growth in Boys
  181. Racially-motivated attack gets guilty probation
  182. Iran Allows Rare Peek At Nuclear Site As More Centrifuges Installed
  183. Experts warn West against attacking Iran
  184. Record low temperature set at Kahului, Hawaii today
  185. Global Warming: The Cold, Hard Facts?
  186. Pelosi 49% Favorable, Other Congressional Leaders Panned by Voters
  187. Iran to unveil an "AIDS cure"
  188. second-hand smoke DOES NOT cause cancer?
  189. The Bible vs. science (USA Today)
  190. Prominent U.S. Physicists Ask Congress to Forbid Use of Nuclear Weapons Against...
  191. Global Warming is not due to human contribution of Carbon Dioxide
  192. Islamic calls for violence at Temple Mount
  193. Saudi Lashing Foreigners for Drinking, Dancing
  194. Washington State: Marriage for procreation only?
  195. Good News! Ted Haggard is completely heterosexual!
  196. British jounlaist threatened by israeli settler kid
  197. Iranian Cartoon
  198. global child porn ring
  199. Prehistoric lovers
  200. Fair & Balanced
  201. Largest defense spendings since ww2
  202. Pelosi
  203. Concocted intelligence for Iraq invasion
  204. Pentagon Does Not Accurately Account For Total Combat Injuries/Deaths
  205. Cheney Told Libby About Plame
  206. Hebron Settlers Attack Palestinians
  207. Israel Fires On Lebanese Army Across Border
  208. US pushing hard at India To Sell Arms
  209. Libby Brings Bush Connection Into The Trial
  210. Palestinian mother murdered by IDF
  211. Anna Nicole Smith Collapsed & Died
  212. Iran: 'US is within our firing range'
  213. ElBaradei Warns US and Iran against an Unstoppable Chain Reaction
  214. Good-Bye
  215. Edwards takes heat over lavish estate
  216. Increase in NYPD stops draws criticism
  217. Inspector general: Pentagon manipulated prewar intel
  218. Gay marriage, Taxes, and the IRS
  219. Mind reading technology
  220. How green are you?
  221. Ethanol payback time
  222. Really, Really Cheap Oil
  223. Putin blasts U.S. for its use of force
  224. Sen. Obama launches White House bid
  225. U.S. weighs divulging Iran-Iraq proof
  226. Man claims TV Evangelist Pat Robertson Threatened him
  227. Can Washington get smart about science?
  228. US deflates Putin 'unipolar' speech
  229. U.S. officer: Iran sends Iraq bomb parts
  230. New wage boost puts squeeze on teenage workers across Arizona
  231. An experiment that hints we are wrong on climate change
  232. Another hit for ID
  233. This is cool.
  234. President of Czech Republic Calls Man-Made Global Warming a 'Myth' - Questions Gore's
  235. Australian PM Defends Comments on Obama
  236. No human law can 'overturn that of Creator': pope
  237. Israel testfires anti-missile system in 'message' to Iran
  238. Global cooling, not global warming
  239. Iranian President Ducks Charges That Iran Is Arming Iraqi Insurgents
  240. Too late to halt Iran’s nuclear bomb, EU is told
  241. White House praises North Korea deal
  242. Iraq says to close borders with Syria, Iran
  243. Russian soldiers 'used for sex'
  244. Muqtada Al-Sadr Flees Iraq for Iran
  245. Hybrid cars dangerously quiet for pedestrians: US blind group
  246. Al Franken enters Minnesota Senate race
  247. A big "THANK YOU" from the Bush Administration to Iraqi War Vets
  248. Iran's Car bomb horror
  249. Netherlands Is the Latest Tax Shelter Hot Spot for US celebrities
  250. Tim Hardaway: 'I Hate Gay People'
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