- Wanted to try a new compound – Dbol (15 replies)
- Running Test-E 500mg + Anavar Kickstart (7 replies)
- Strength boosting steroidds (8 replies)
- Badly damaged wrist (0 replies)
- Should I consider donating? (15 replies)
- Give me muscles!! (19 replies)
- Am I the only one? (9 replies)
- Is 3ml in one shot too much? (3 replies)
- TRT and HCG explained (0 replies)
- Thoughts (27 replies)
- Will be missing my injections for 8 days (23 replies)
- arimidex or nolvadex (6 replies)
- Possible Abcess? (4 replies)
- Just three weeks in cycle, bloods looking not so good. (9 replies)
- Increase my ai? (12 replies)
- Trt and cycle (11 replies)
- Second Cycle Review- Going to be a famous Fitness Blogger !! (7 replies)
- Advice on calculating accurate doses (5 replies)
- Going into week 5, no changes... (27 replies)
- Muscle Spasm while sleeping (2 replies)
- Testosterone with Ester - True Percentage (9 replies)
- Bulking cycle (46 replies)
- Tren and firefighting (3 replies)
- New Cycle Advice (1 replies)
- Best facial aesthetics for aas (4 replies)
- Deca Joint Help for my bow legged self (5 replies)
- Gyno Question (7 replies)
- Should I run nolva while on dbol (3 replies)
- Second cycle doesn’t compare to first (3 replies)
- Test/npp/mast vs test/tren/mast (9 replies)
- Any known interactions with Prozac and Clen? (6 replies)
- Ongoing Critique of Test E Future Use (68 replies)
- Did I buy fake gear? (8 replies)
- ED during and after first TRT cycle - Can anyone help? (10 replies)
- Using orals as pre-workout - muscle gain from this? (0 replies)
- ok newbie questions about rtr injections (9 replies)
- SARM w/ cycle (8 replies)
- Test E and NPP advice needed (24 replies)
- Winstrol Question (0 replies)
- Test / Tren / Var / Mass / Winny - cycle questions (5 replies)
- How long does it take for nip sensitivity to go away?? (38 replies)
- Considering First Cycle, (Questions) (25 replies)
- Low dose cycle. Worth it? Dosages inside (3 replies)
- High SHBG and Estradiol (4 replies)
- Heart rate of 200 bpm!? (7 replies)
- Anyone micro dosing TEST-C or SUS (4 replies)
- gyno from trt (27 replies)
- Anavar only cycle (6 replies)
- Finasteride during cycle? (3 replies)
- Mini "healthy" summer blast options!help (4 replies)
- High Progesterone. Advanced Responders only please (2 replies)
- Looking for some Female opinions (14 replies)
- Is using AI for the last weeks before a show standard practice? (7 replies)
- Upping the dose and training (4 replies)
- TRT Biote and Cycle (0 replies)
- Systolic blood pressure - anxiety? (9 replies)
- Have you ever had hypotension from using cialis? (3 replies)
- Blood pressure (138/84/80) (13 replies)
- erectile dysfunction (29 replies)
- ISO Suggestions for stacks to lose lbs, bf% and gain some lean muscle mass (3 replies)
- Revisiting HGH (4 replies)
- Help with measurements (4 replies)
- Proviron vs masteron (18 replies)
- Clean bulk cycle (0 replies)
- upcoming cycle thoughts (17 replies)
- 3rd cycle: Test E, Tren E, EQ (need help) (18 replies)
- FDA Import Inspection (9 replies)
- DIRTY bulk (6 replies)
- HCG question (2 replies)
- Bro Science Help Needed (18 replies)
- Tren cycle (15 replies)
- Needle length (8 replies)
- Came off cycle, having some ED issues despite trt (7 replies)
- Question about running 2 orals on a cycle of test e (8 replies)
- Post anavar burning pain! Help! (1 replies)
- Bloodwork Help (7 replies)
- Tamoxifen Questions? (4 replies)
- Question on Test E Cycle (10 replies)
- Cycle help (10 replies)
- Clen cycle (18 replies)
- Lowering test and increasing deca (3 replies)
- Anavar and TRT (4 replies)
- Hands cold! Help! Worried (3 replies)
- Finasteride and minoxidil spray? Hair loss? (5 replies)
- Low dose Test E and Tren E cycle question (23 replies)
- 100 mg of mast and hair loss (15 replies)
- Is my masteron e too old to use? (5 replies)
- Lab results (25 replies)
- Test/Tren/Mast Ester Question (10 replies)
- Clen for female guide (2 replies)
- Is it normal to get some ED from anadrol? (10 replies)
- Opinion on cycle (0 replies)
- Blood pressure constantly between 140-150-160 (49 replies)
- 32 Week Cycle - A lot of info (0 replies)
- Bulking cycle (2 replies)
- Mid Cycle Bloodwork (3 replies)
- Test E VS Sus 250?? Need help (3 replies)
- Does deca show on blood test? (1 replies)
- HCG sublingual (9 replies)
- Tesamorelin for fat loss (9 replies)
- EXAM READING / Davi (1 replies)
- Bones crack e2 help. (1 replies)
- Oral dhb! (4 replies)
- Face bloat out of no where!? (2 replies)
- First time on Cabergoline (4 replies)
- How far are we willing to go (health, performance, AAS! (31 replies)
- AAS and prednisone (0 replies)
- Test C, Deca, Var Powerlifter Cycle HELP (9 replies)
- June Cut Cycle Feedback (9 replies)
- I ran out of test and all I have to cut is EQ. Can I use the latter for cutting? (9 replies)
- Red face ? (17 replies)
- How much arimidex dosed at 1mg for Test C 500mg E/3 days? sex drive paramount! (11 replies)
- Cycle with alimentary prostatitis (13 replies)
- Proposed Cycle HGH, Testosterone Cyp, HGH Frag, Winstrol (3 replies)
- Masteron? (39 replies)
- Syringe loading question (17 replies)
- Have you had to stick it out before (7 replies)
- Please help me take a final decision regarding my current cycle (((serious matter))) (13 replies)
- Can someone link all the guides/information threads on BLOODWORK? (4 replies)
- Safe mast. dose to reduce risk of hair loss? (9 replies)
- Help find thread, tutorial on how to get bloodwork? (9 replies)
- Should I use chains hanging from the bar? (2 replies)
- Test prop/enanth dosing depending on size? Confusion? (0 replies)
- Test prop/enanth dosing depending on size? Confused? (4 replies)
- New to Forum hi guys :) (23 replies)
- I've been taking 100mg of dianabol per day bu accident (18 replies)
- Steroid ABUSE... are you willing to share about it? I am.. (7 replies)
- Ultra Bulk Shield Pharma (3 replies)
- 184pg/ml Estridol Should I be worried? (4 replies)
- Need contest prep cycle advice (13 replies)
- Noobish Question (3 replies)
- Second cycle advice (15 replies)
- Old man cycle, advice appreciated (20 replies)
- High Estradiol (5 replies)
- Blood work ? (2 replies)
- Testosterone and Thyroid (1 replies)
- Am I going to have to push the calories to keep growing? (2 replies)
- Off cycle test (2 replies)
- Clen (4 replies)
- Hitting nerve ventro glute (3 replies)
- Dbol causing nausea? (16 replies)
- Coming off Steroids and Body Pains (9 replies)
- Please give me advice for 2nd cycle (3 replies)
- First Test cycle Problems (24 replies)
- Single digit Estrogen...? (3 replies)
- Tren blast added to TRT with limited or no after-effects? (12 replies)
- Strength and endurance (0 replies)
- Adding dianabol in my last 4 weeks of EQ+ test c cycle (3 replies)
- Pec swollen. Day 4 post injection (12 replies)
- Can withdrawals cause body pain? (4 replies)
- Tren Ace daily vs eod (13 replies)
- Blackstone labs and other muscle building supplements? (4 replies)
- Stenblone Ace Crashed need help (5 replies)
- Test E vs Test C (11 replies)
- Shipment seized (19 replies)
- Help with Gentropin HGH Measurements (1 replies)
- Adding Dianabol to cycle..? (2 replies)
- testosterone 4130 ng/dl estrogen 80 (4 replies)
- Can someone please take a look at this tbol/test e cycle and give advice? (1 replies)
- Cardarine shelf life (2 replies)
- Is Deca considered as a weak/mild AAS? (15 replies)
- Is EQ really milder than other steroids? (17 replies)
- What’s your opinion on the best cutting cycle? (12 replies)
- Low on caber (10 replies)
- Chris Bumstead's Bulky Diet 5.000 kcal (3 replies)
- Bridging/crusing between bulking and cutting cycle (22 replies)
- Injectibles and liver (9 replies)
- Bostin loyd dead at 29. (1 replies)
- Finish with a month of Anavar (4 replies)
- Nicked a vein? (10 replies)
- Injectable SERMS? (1 replies)
- Antidepressants? (19 replies)
- How long have you gone without running a cycle? (8 replies)
- Bodybuilder dead at 35 from cancer from peptides (27 replies)
- New fast absorbing vitamins and minerals (1 replies)
- Need to calculate how much testosterone is in my body (7 replies)
- Proviron and T3 questions. (5 replies)
- Estrogen when do you know its time for an AI? (2 replies)
- Malaise on Test/Deca Cycle *Bloodwork (0 replies)
- Test mast tren ugl blend? (10 replies)
- Loss of strength on cycle? (15 replies)
- Hand pain after deca cycle (3 replies)
- Cycle design with Sust, Deca, EQ, Dbol (20 replies)
- ProHormones & total test (6 replies)
- Tolerance to Tren? (11 replies)
- Mid Cycle lab results (10 replies)
- Post PCT bloods look decent? (3 replies)
- First Cycle Planning [Requesting Feedback] (12 replies)
- My first beginner cycle (10 replies)
- Testostrone Cypriot (1 replies)
- How many cc is 200mg? (27 replies)
- Traveling Airlines (23 replies)
- 3ml syringes (11 replies)
- Different color (10 replies)
- Chemo, infertility, and turning into a woman (6 replies)
- high levels on 200 mg /ml each week (3 replies)
- Calling it quits (14 replies)
- Which AAS is heavier in your opinion, with more downsides? (12 replies)
- Probably a stupid question (3 replies)
- Proviron PCT & all that (28 replies)
- Metribolone (1 replies)
- Low test 2 years post cycle + no morning wood (14 replies)
- Muscle soreness/pain not at injection site (16 replies)
- Rate my bondenone + test c cycle (12 replies)
- Switching test during cycle? (3 replies)
- Testing gear (6 replies)
- Leftover oil (7 replies)
- Longer cycle on TRT dose? (5 replies)
- fertile on testo e (7 replies)
- Elevated bilirubin? (1 replies)
- Staggering compounds (11 replies)
- Primobolan and hairloss (0 replies)
- How often do you guys urniate? (9 replies)
- Cycles and swimmers (3 replies)
- First Mid-Cycle Bloods (26 replies)
- Anyone know how long Alpha Lab filtered and pressed Grape Seed Oil lasts? (6 replies)
- The use of boldenone and its ability to increase HCT faster! (6 replies)
- Clenbuterol side effects (12 replies)
- Right sided back pain??? (2 replies)
- 2 cycles to critique. Thx (5 replies)
- Take stuff if your not feeling well (3 replies)
- TRT Test E, EQ, Anavar, GH Cycle (8 replies)
- Prevent muscle loss while on T3? (1 replies)
- Deca and Poor Sleep (14 replies)
- Dangers of long term ai/aromasin use? (1 replies)
- HCG break mid cycle (2 replies)
- Competing while on TRT (11 replies)
- Summer Cutting Cycle (2 replies)
- BFR Training (2 replies)
- Hematocrit of 55 for years. (23 replies)
- AI dosage on high test (8 replies)
- HCG and Penile Growth in Adults? (25 replies)
- NPP verses Deca (8 replies)
- High Test blast sides? (3 replies)
- LONG cycle - Victor Black? (3 replies)
- itpp meldonium cardarine (0 replies)
- Nebido (13 replies)
- Post covid cycle to get back (12 replies)
- Does propecia and rogaine really not do squat to fend off baldness from AAS? (5 replies)
- Pain while injecting (7 replies)
- Guys who use AI weeks before PCT (8 replies)
- Test Cyp (8 replies)
- What are the least painful syringes for sreroids? (19 replies)
- DIY Blend (0 replies)
- Tested positive for covid. Any tips. (19 replies)
- Gyno - mixed answers! (6 replies)
- Added MENT and Primo to TRT dose - need some help .. (12 replies)
- Right sided back/flank pain (1 replies)
- Female Cutting Cycle (4 replies)
- Cut cycle completed. Massive water retention. (3 replies)

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