- first pct length
- 2nd cycle
- Sore injection sight
- First Cycle Questions
- heavy 50 mg dbol for 8 wks, Test depot starts week 4- week 8 (Interesting Stuff) help
- Tren flu? Help plz!!
- question for beginner
- Hgh
- Any users purchase their PCT from Ar-r?
- accutain doses needed??
- Beginner test/pct cycle
- sex problem on first cycle. need help please.
- Advice on cutting cycle for competition
- Anyone know this Brand?
- Looking for gains
- Thinking ahead for first cycle
- Not half life /Not active life / Need peak time after injection!
- Rx testosterone is easily obtained using this method
- Anadrol detection time/athlete
- First Cycle - Test + Dbol
- T3 question
- What am I doing wrong?
- erectile dysfunction after prohormone
- First Cycle Critique Please!!
- Question on Lab
- Questions About Tren
- Cycle for getting shredded
- Looking for a doctor on the gold coast Qld australia
- can AIs damage your HPTA?
- Critique my cutting cycle
- endurance
- Getting ready to start first cycle
- how am i this a good plan?....
- How much powder do you consume?
- will tren make this cycle much better ?
- Thoughts on this cycle - prop/npp
- 20 and AAS
- Cycle Review and Questions
- hcg on a first test e only cycle...
- Clen, winny, anavar
- Pct requirements - unsure of exactly how much clomid to use
- Help with prep for a photoshoot (training, not about diet)
- My plan... Sus250, Proviron, Nolvadex...
- Couhing
- what makes a whinny only cycle so bad?
- where to get
- 8 weeks in cycle need help thanks guys
- T3 dosage?
- pictures of hip injections since i cant reach my ass properly for aspirate etc
- Short Androderm Cycle?
- blasting hcg
- new to anabolics,etc was taking arimatest looking for something similar
- Tren is mind ****ing the shit out of me lately.
- Erection is back but....
- 8th week of Test E, tips of nipples sensitive. Up adex or low dose nolva?
- HMG vs HCG
- cant seem to control E2 with ldex, can I use nolva?
- First Cycle critique
- Starting from scratch, one compound/supplement at a time
- Tyroid and weight loss injections
- AAS Drug Testing
- Advice wanted.
- First cycle confusion
- T3 ? Again...
- Need help with new cycle..
- First Cycle
- Your experiences on PCT and loss/return of muscle fullness
- Stanozolol, how to take through out the day?
- T3 - Heart rate and blood pressure
- bloodwork normal bu still no libido
- half life of mast E ?
- Tired from HGH?
- Gyno with E2 in check?!
- second cycle suggestions please.
- new test cyp
- A Little Guidance/HELP! Please
- Opinions on my upcoming test cycle
- noooob to aas.
- A little advice please
- cycle advice please ??
- pin question
- Guidance Please
- Should I do my testosterone injections 1 or 2 times?
- what you think about next cycle then ?
- STILL having Gyno / Sex drive issues on cycle (help long time users)
- trt users
- Cramping
- How fast can you lose weight and retain muscle?
- Why only test for firsty cycle
- calculate the dosage of steroids
- equivalant Aromasin dosage of 0.25mg E3D Adex
- will deca read as high test in lab
- 1st cycle analysis/confirmation please
- First cycle Sustanon 250
- penny for your thoughts
- Tri Tren?
- hgh and hypoglycema
- concentrations of 300 and 400
- Huge problem . Can i be saved? Miracle?
- What can I expect? Advice Please, thanks
- need some advice
- B12 Injections - intramuscular or subcutaneous?
- HCG/AI/PCT please help
- What to take for my first real cycle?
- How long after cycle can i start cutting?
- how to have high doses of clen and T3???
- Test 400 dosage
- 1st timer needs tips.
- Cutting cycle help
- Jason Feruggia's Renagade Diet while on a cycle....thoughts?
- First Time Cycle Question. Great Genetics.
- Sus 250
- Just a question please help
- Help in relation to M1T's.
- Test Prop & Masteron Cycle
- 1st Cycle - Test-E - Help with getting everything I need
- shorty
- Can anyone review this product?
- Is BD still making products?
- need to cut weight
- New here and have some questions please help out.
- need to cut weight
- rubber floating in my test
- Doing a Test cycle at low test levels.
- Cardio/next cycle
- Buying Gear Overseas - India
- Clen and deca
- Protocol for various gear
- help please, bros! Workin w/ Ampules. Interesting Stuff FOR UR FUTURE EDUCATION ONLY
- Just turned 25, want to start my first cycle. Advise/feedback wanted??
- 2nd cycle
- First Cycle, Last Questions
- Where to get BAC water/pins for Melanotan II
- Help with extreme soreness from injections
- Test E, P, or C?
- sus 250,deca dura + nolvadex HEEELP!
- Can you skip a week of Test E?
- Bringing some Var to the US with me ?
- AI should I use?
- so from my understanding...
- Quick question regarding Winstrol
- Painful Injection?
- Equipoise weight gain
- Anavar + test e cycle advice
- Tamoxifin
- 2ND cycle question ..Would like suggestions
-'s Revised Forum RULES and GUIDELINES 7-25-12
- Any one bought from this site?
- Info on a new cycle
- More test or more Tren A?
- pin on same day as leg workout?
- anyone?
- my stats
- New cycle plan
- Test E question
- Quick question! Is it normal.....
- Ar-r
- Adepex ot t3
- 42 and ready to gain
- Clenbuterol
- need a little math help
- HCG Dosing question for long term 9 month cycle to wake up the boys
- Advice for 1st timer.
- curious if there is a detailed description of a full cycle online
- Trenbolone SUSPENSION!!!!
- how long after a delt injection can i train? (i.e., military press, arms, upper bod)
- Red spot after injecting Test E 400, but not around injection site.
- Help?!
- Helios
- Anavar vs. NO Explode
- Best steroid for beginner
- 3rd cycle, advice!
- is it ok to skip a week, lower my dose or quit mid cycle
- 33 years old. Want to give a start to my 1 st cycle.
- purple bruise on forearm--liver damage? taken lots of orals
- Steroids similar to anavar
- Loosing erection after a while on cycle
- Test E and D-bol cycle help
- i need help with getting rid of my man boobs
- After Injection Pain--Typhoid vs Test Prop
- Hcg?
- How did your test only cycle go?
- all oral cycle ... HELP PLEASE
- 6 weeks into sus250
- Question for those of you who have tried both
- On cycle but going dentist
- New Oral cycle question
- Leaking ass
- Olympics start tomorrow so I'm giving an EXTRA 12% discount!
- progestogel
- Stacking
- First Cycle Decision
- Hcg?
- mate of mine took some letro (eventhou i warned him)
- First cycle - Plan
- Muscle loss ?
- Been running tren and prop
- Liquidex Ruined?
- switching from test e to c
- Test E and D-bol cycle critique
- Tren messing with my Carrot- Cialis?
- virgin to pecs and glute
- Stanozolol/winny
- 1 Cycle Help
- any advice welcome :)
- need some help pain on cycle
- HCGNew
- Life sciences Nevada
- Xtendrol Atlantis brand Oxanderlone.
- Test-400 with Winstrol
- First Cycle
- Recreational Drugs and Gyno.
- Test E, Mast and Anavar stack for novice?
- New User Cycle
- First Timer Needing A Little Advice!
- How to take the doses??
- YO!!!! Who wants 60% off? Then get your A$$ in here!
- Tricep spot inj for facia stretching
- Test cycle
- Need Experinced Advice Please
- cycle help please.
- 600mg prop VS 600mg enanthate
- Recieved Seizure Letter from Canada Customs
- Stupid Question about TEST E?
- Clenbuteral
- Mid Cycle input needed
- Prolactin control
- Kane Pharm
- Which test should I do with tren cycle
- Melanotan II- Did I do it right?
- Gyno Onset From Superdrol Rebound Whilst On Anavar Cycle, Advice Needed.
- Masteron making me ill??
- Melonotan? Anyone ever use it? Experience?
- Slight pain...
- Swollen got questions
- No HCG = no cycle if you dont want to go on trt??
- Cunfused about HCG
- First cycle Attempt.
- Whats up bros im 8 weeks in my cycle need some help
- testosterone enanthate cycle
- Interesting. Has anyone every heard this before?
- All things anavar
- Gear freezing!!
- Need help with cycle
- Looking for an opinion
- Need advice on my cycle
- could you use tren as your base instead of test?
- First sus + Tren cycle
- Torem, Nolva or Clomid... Which do you prefer for pct?
- anadrol sustanon deca advice

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