- Blood blister at injection site??
- Second Cycle Advice/Help
- First cycle issues
- Which is better for a first time cycle?
- PLEASE HELP!!! ASAP! (Injecting problems)
- Help me out here please! There are so many small problems and concerns
- 2 Different brands of Var - Take one after another or mix?
- Geared up for my first cycle. Please Advise!
- Help
- need source check before making internet purchase
- Front loading Test E ...
- First Cutting Cycle *Need FEEDBACK*
- First Cycle help.
- Need Help for Deca , test , Dianabol and Anavar Cycle
- Much needed advice
- aware me on my flaw of logic
- 1st cycle need help asap!!!
- Bac Water?
- Basic AAS Math
- Dont shoot.....
- Blast and Cruise (reload and delod) for a while now..
- empower pharmacy?
- I need advice
- Beginner cycles topic
- Gear HELP PLEASE / Everything Injectable??
- Finally ...MY awaited First cycle!
- Need Cycle Advice/Help: Deca, Test, HCG
- hi i need advice
- First Cycle Advise Please !!
- HGH injection question
- DNP - That scary fat burning stuff !
- Help with glute injections!
- Ar-r HGH dosage
- How long
- About to start using steroids
- Long overdue injury
- Alcohol & steroids/gains??
- Test and tren cycle lean bulk?
- Hcg and correct timing and doses. Opinion vs facts? You decide...
- Light cutting cycle
- dpn
- first cycle...thoughts?
- Blood work
- First cycle-TestC, EQ
- T3 cytomel lethargic
- Tren E vs Tren Ace
- Question about HCG
- measuring hgh dose
- first cycle after 6 years... please have a look
- blood work results
- decided two jump back in the ring (kickboxing) any juice
- Injection problems
- Adding more..
- Need help on 1st cycle.
- from androgel to test-cyp
- 6 weeks out from show, clen/kito cycle question
- Primo vs. Masteron
- anyone ever hear of "medistars"
- Cupid is Stupid! Everything on Sale EXCEPT...
- How is this dosage for first cycle? (Test prop)
- hows this stack look guys
- How do you go about getting blood work???
- Sub Q injection help me please.
- Skin Tags?
- Help with forum account!
- letro until stane comes in
- Getting swole on deca
- Natural gyno? Help
- please urgent advice
- Question about estradiol levels getting higher on cycle, but same arimidex dosage?
- Time for back acne to subside?
- Test cycle
- Questions - First cycle and use of Clen
- Need help!!!
- get fast ripped
- hard lump and pain at injection site after 3 days
- How do I know if I need to increase HCG dosage ?
- wrist injured with Clen.
- 2nd Cycle Advice Test/Deca
- Stagnation, plateau, receptor downregulate, body adapt
- arimidex dosage
- test x600
- best cycle to cut fat?
- Starting Early???
- Best UGL var
- 2nd Cycle Advice - Test E + Dbol
- Red particles in Sus250 bottle
- Bad pip during first cycle
- HCG Questions
- Trenavar Cycle. Is this like the real tren
- When do I start to feel the effect of my first cycle ?
- no sex drive during pct - reason for concern?
- cycle planning help
- vacationing mid cycle
- First DNP Cycle. Help.
- Is this a good first cycle for me???
- Advice reversing GYNO after 8 months since last cycle
- Any good reads???
- How does this cycle sound :OOO
- Immunosuppression Through AAS:Related to Rheumatic Disease
- Ostarine and albuterol cycle.
- Injectable Dianabol
- HCG resistance?
- New to steroids
- Did I miss or go through the muscle?
- Kind of concerned with clen and t3...... Help pls!!!
- Pct
- Is there a limit to how many times you can pierce a vial?
- Starting deca late?
- Steroid help
- Dose of test for a second cycle
- when using pharma grade do you not need as much compared to ugl ?
- HGH Genotropin Pfizer
- Prop only cycle, pinning questions
- Combating Lethargy
- Questions about my next cycle
- Hi all, Got myself into a bit of a pickle
- T3 Supplements and migraines?????
- How to clean glass ampules (For atoring HCG) ?
- Injection Frequency Question
- PIP when mixing Cyp and Tren A
- Does your receptors reset over time?
- Masteron and Hair Loss
- How long should you train before cycling?
- What steroid is this ?
- BEWARE of legend pharmaceutical!
- First Cycle in the States
- 18 week primo cycle, help with dosing etc
- First Cycle - Need help please
- 5th cycle help...test cyp, tren e, and eq
- How does this priming routine look like?
- First cycle - androgen receptors
- Dosing question?
- ar-r
- liquid v pill
- Back at it again
- Help
- Test e 500 and mast e painfull
- I think I'm locked I'm at 19in arms help...
- Getting caught buying roids
- Test only FIRST CYCLE
- Wanting to do a test prop cycle
- Anavar Jump Start Prop Cycle Results
- Clenbuterol Question & Taurine
- Experiences with CEM's Liquid CIA?
- week off weights during cycle
- Just wondering if this cycle is any good???
- CNS BURNOUT (Extreme overtraining) - Need yours HELP!!!!
- If injecteded fully into fat,,, problems?
- first cycle sustanon, week 5, no results!!!
- 2,4 Dinitrophenol (DNP) ************************
- boldenone,test prop & e cycle advice
- Test & Deca Cycle - Mixing Test e and Deca in same syringe
- Just some quick questions
- Tweak/Critique My 2nd Cycle!!!
- How to authenticate source?
- Attention
- androgenic or anabolic (which hormone increases appetite?)
- Test only cycles...
- tren & deca together ??
- Seeking advice asap please...
- Debating two approaches for my first cycle - Would LOVE input..
- For Beginners, My Experience After My 1st Cycle of Test.
- Steroids I got matrix pharma ? Help
- sterility and steroids... any info appreciated
- My first tren cycle need a little help
- How much mast to stay anabolic?
- Stats
- Explanation
- Alert
- Exogenous testosterone to natural testosterone progression chart
- hey all
- First Cycle and Eating - all advice appreciated
- Anyone?
- Testicular atrophy
- Macros/Caloric intake while on cycle
- bloodwork
- My First Cycle
- missed the muscle on injection
- Test TNE & Phlojel?
- What to expect
- Steroid questions and general lifting questions
- Mixing test e with tren ace in same syringe
- My natural test lvls?
- clenbuterol (only) liquid dosage help (insulin needele)
- pct timing
- Cycling / high blood pressure
- Stopped Cycle Cold Turkey, Wretching then Vomiting sometimes. Why?
- Testosterone blood test. Can anyone explain to me?
- 2nd cycle rip off or my fault
- My First cycle , need advise
- I need your help plzzzzz
- PLEASE HELP No libido for over a month now :(
- Travelling with gear
- Test Prop - Tren - Mast Cycle and PCT Layed Out....ALL Oppinions Appreciated
- Attention
- Can i?
- 'On Cycle' Workout Volume Increase
- My second cycle. Any advice?
- Thanks, guys! Looks like I recovered!
- 20+ weeks test e, hgh, insulin
- anavar
- Help With Planning My First Cycle?
- 1st Cycle
- Appropriate SUST250 + Dbol Stack Cycle
- Gyno after 1 week into first cycle
- abscess / sterile abscess
- Free Testosterne increased by Exemestane
- PCT on ramadan ?
- Can someone advise me on a cycle please.
- Who did NOT do a test only first cycle and what happened?
- Damn you love handles, pics
- Second blast/cycle critique
- LabMax steroid test kit
- Winnie Vs Anivar
- My first cylce!!!! Thought PLEASE!!!
- clomid and acne
- NEw cycle
- how many ml of sus 250 per week???
- Re-Thinking Dosage on First Cycle - Input
- Clen instead of coffee
- Peptides or HGH
- Loss of libido after HGH use
- Superdrol and Halodrol. This is my first post here!
- First cycle in 4 yrs
- Legit?
- Is this a good cycle plan?
- nandralone deconate
- Alternative pct to clomid for deca
- Test E and Deca
- can someone check this blood report pls
- AAS studies support Healing, Collagen Synthesis, and sometimes the opposite?
- How long after pct
- First Cycle Test C - when to start HCG?
- First-time cycle - Test+Deca
- In week 7 of cycle, deciding to stop early
- Need help! (Sleeping/recovery question)
- Anyone recommend a good cutting cycle?
- need advice please
- New to the forum and I have a few questions...
- sustanon 250 and deca cycle…… how much????
- Upcoming Tren/Test log
- Date stamped gear - how old is too old?
- Been Awhile
- Need some help from the experts out there
- Effects
- Letrozole while fighting
- Mardi Gras: SHOW US YOUR .........
- NPP or Tren.A .. Next cycle
- I'm pretty fat and have questions.

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