- Inshape freind wanting AAS
- Test prop subQ problem
- Finasteride/Dutasteride dosage while on
- Tonsils - Increase in size during cruise (possible?)
- Testo p vs e and c
- TB-500 2mg - 5mg per week?
- First cycle after 3 years.
- Old time user basically newbie now.
- Don't Try this At Home
- During cycle blood work
- Test and NPP
- Hard to put on weight?
- On-cycle exact name of lab panel (privateMDlabs)
- var/tbol?
- Clomid affecting eyesight
- Dhb reviews
- Masteron Dose on cruise
- 2 years straight test E
- Testo eq
- Dealing with some gyno. Here's my reversal protocol
- Help planning 2nd cycle
- breast cancer
- Random nipple ache on cruise
- How to get BW
- Nordmenn
- Very painful injection day after
- Win streak only or winstrol and Test(sustanon)
- Side effects of Tren
- help with this cycle?
- hcg or novladex combined with steroids.
- First run with tren
- Not sure if my tren is real. How can I tell?
- Planned Cycle Request for Feedback
- Testosterone Lab Results
- Blood Results in-cycle
- Building Cycle
- Winny and hypothyroidism
- How should I take 50 mg Winstrol orally?
- Cycling test
- 3rd cycle: First time using Superdrol!
- Back Pumps?
- Blood Pressure Controlled but small issue on Heart Rate
- Can Enclomiphene Permanently Damage a Healthy Young Guy's Body?
- Lab results look normal?
- Winny
- Pec Injection of Quality Test E. causes coughin 7 days after pin-need advice, worried
- Balkan pip
- Flying with Test?
- Struggling to ejaculate end of cycle
- Disolving oral raw's under tongue? (sublingual)
- Educational video on Steroids
- Cycle advice
- Michael’s blood pressure factors
- Need advice please!
- Cabaser
- Source for Cabergoline/Dostinex
- Safest gear stack
- Best Shampoo for hair loss on Cycle or TRT/HRT
- Test e eq cycle
- Hair loss
- Women Cycle Advice
- Testosterone cycle
- BW Results please help with review
- Cycle Advice
- Masterone not worth using??
- Not recommended deca with nolvadex (Tamoxifen)
- Low Test Levels After 8 Week Blast
- First shot of anything.
- Under the Knife - Gyno Removal
- Arimidex and Testosterone Cypionate
- cycle advice
- Bunk testosterone? Erectile dysfunction on test?
- Doing my 1st Delt INJ after 3 years of giving delts time off. Vids show that 2 Nerves
- Anybody hit a Nerve in their Deltoid via IM INJ? It's Rare? Frozen Shoulder?? Jeez
- B12 and oil gear in same syringe?
- Proscar
- Official tren cycle thread
- Help with testosterone cypionate & trenbolone acetate please
- Low HDL/Normal LDL
- First Cycle, is 16 weeks really too much?
- Looking for suggestions/advice
- new
- To Massage Post IM INJ or not to Massage; or maybe do not massage immediately after?.
- Question regarding high white blood cell count
- Looking for a mentor
- Pregnenolone, DHEA, neurosteroids
- How to increase muscle mass in a dog?
- Muscle twitch in delt
- Testosterone Cypionate | 500mg/wk
- Drawing from a multi-dose bottle
- Tren E turned clear.
- Cycle Advice
- Lethargy | Test C
- Consulting with your primary care physician
- Hello again
- Deca dosage and night sweats
- Cycle advice
- Body recomp and bulk cycle feedback
- clen and t3/t4 without/absolute minimum sides?
- Testo e
- Can Anyone Get Their Own Blood Work?
- Nat Geo. Documentary: Is this bodybuilder a super Unlucky rarity?
- Winstrol & Blood Work
- Help for a female friend
- Newbie question
- Oxandrolone for women
- Ingesting injectable orals?
- Favorite compounds to run anavar with...
- Is test e and sus250 a recommended stack
- Cardarine
- Cycle Advise please!!
- Hair Unfriendly Compounds
- Tren without Mast
- deca durabolin 250 mg ! 2 shots vs one weekly
- Cycling Deca and questions about recovering post cycle
- Nah, no more "no AI" for me
- How to Dispose of Pins?
- Suggestions For This Bulking Cycle?
- Feeling very ill, is it the tren?
- Aspirated puss, am I in trouble?
- Test E still lumping up after 3 weeks now.
- My Tren is like taking a sedative
- Elimination half life and duration of action.......regarding NPP
- Recomp Cycle Feedback
- Bacteriostatic Water or Sterile Water for HCG?
- Sleep
- Expired gear
- Bacteriostatic Water Shelf Life?
- New and looking for advice
- Help with this hairloss (pics) what do you guys do?
- Primobolan turned yellow
- Proper Dianabol cycle
- Help: Over worked Kidneys / digestive system from Hi Caloric diet? or kidney problem?
- Testing Your Gear
- Blood results 1 month after cycle.
- Roids work in 50% caloric deficit
- Allergy to Oil in Test
- Voice changes
- Estrogen phase of cycle
- How to Take Orals (Dbol) On An "Empty Stomach" When Bulking???
- Any of you guys use minoxidil for hair loss
- Unable to get blood labs
- Lab rat chronicles- estrogen phase of cycle.
- Cabergoline on cycle??
- Can you be allergic to a particular ester?
- 8-10 week cycle ideas
- My goal. How to get their?
- Winstrol
- liver pain from clenbuterol?
- Needles
- Thoughts on my cutting cycle?? :hello:
- First Cycle. Creatine?
- cycle opinion
- Affordable Peptides or SARMS for Cycles?
- steroids & anxiety?
- Proviron dosage on cycle
- New Cycle, Thoughts?
- Should I start, have started, my Arimidex regimen?
- Eq and endurance
- lost a ton of money because of customs
- IIFBB pro bikini girls going heavy with steroids and recreational drugs
- Cardarine and cancer
- Steroids and callisthenics only?
- You down with PIP? Ya, you know DHB!
- Difficulty pinning
- Current physique and my goal physique. How many cycles should it take to get there?
- Clen and preventing Heart hypertrophy
- Thoughts on second cycle and possible TRT
- Pain in fingers and toes
- Extreme pain in joints
- My blood panel
- Cycle Review and Advice
- What Happens When You Take Steroids?
- I started my 1st cycle today (test cypionate, aromasin cycle)
- Proviron with EQ, Test E and T’bol?
- Is tren ace very helpful in metabolizing sugars?
- Planned Cycle...Feedback Needed
- Cycle ideas
- Can gyno come back again
- When to Start Aromatase Inhibitor With Dbol Cycle?
- 7 months of Clomiphene, blood results and thoughts
- My aromasin caplets come in 15mg each
- Needing advice
- Normal or bad gear?
- test flu help!! First cycle!!
- No Pain At All From Test Cyp???
- Does Test Enlarged Clitoris Cause Increased Sensitivity?
- Test and Mast cycle. Feel like shit!
- Dianabol kickstart
- Danazol effects on female athletic performance?
- Gearheaded and Obs
- Test with Insulin Syringe into Delts
- donating blood
- Help! Bloods mid cycle! T levels seem way too high!
- Nolvadex reduces acne?
- Dianabol on TRT
- 4 yrs TRT, but need backup test and hCG supply. Few questions on this.
- full disclosure
- Authenticity check: new brand
- The cancer risk. NEED HELP!!!!
- Fake AI Mid Cycle: Need Advice
- 2nd true cycle. Recomp?
- 10 days on my first test cycle and haven't taken an anti-aromatase
- Injectable superdrol dosage
- How many pounds do you gain per week during a test c cycle?
- Depression help!!
- Cruising on trt (hrt) dose, endocrine study results.
- First test cycle, what to expect?
- Dianabol cycle with Testosterone
- Need some help. I’ve got an issue
- Options to Lower Estradiol?
- Cabergoline/ parlodel
- Holly hell, 30 years old and 238 test level
- Oxytocin Dosing/Frequency For Coming Off Opiods During Therapy?
- Adding Tren E to my TRT protocol
- Question about gyno prevention/treatment?
- How much is 1ml in a syringe?
- Getting the last bit out of a vial!?
- Oxandrolone + Stanozolol + Mesterolone! !!
- 2.5 weeks on test, INSANE sex drive
- Is elevated liver enzymes normal after a cycle and during PCT?
- How fast does your testicles start shrinking during a test c cycle?
- Can DHN fight baldness or make hair loss worse?
- Does mg/ml ratio for test matter?!
- New female member questions about Anavar vs SARMS
- Advantanges of a 200mg per week test cycle VS a 500mg one
- My testicles are significant smaller
- Steroid cycle and PCT for Cyclists & Ironmen
- Looking at DECA and Test
- Opinions on DHB and Test base (Not together)
- Dbol kickstart - How much does it contribute?
- When to start cycle after a cut!?
- I ran out of syringes and need to pin tonight
- Dianabol at the end of a test c cycle
- Short ether and long ether cycle together ??
- Hct level
- Cutting Cycle Feedback (Intermediate)
- Wspharma?
- Weight gain/bulking on test
- Hcg better during the cycle or after the cycle?
- HcG causing Hamstring Pain??
- Sub-Q vs IM Injections Differences???
- Cycle tune up!!
- BD Luer lock suck
- Albuterol + Ketotifen + T4 for cutting?
- Looking to run a spring/summer cycle..
- Cycle thoughts
- Deca and Finasteride
- 1" vs 1.5" needles

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