- Tender, Itchy, Hard Nips On Cycle. How Much Anastrozole and Prami to Take???
- What's your best PCT tips in your experience?
- What was your highest hemoglobin?
- Anything new in the world of performance enhancing drugs in the last 5 years?
- Slight Numbness in Lower Front Quads During Bulking Cycle?
- Subq HCG Superior to IM???
- Low dose Deca blast - what to expect
- Nolvadex affect on fertility?
- How long for deca to reach max blood levels?
- Sent wrong gear. Need help
- Test Mast and Primo cutting cycle
- Advice for the wife, a women’s experience appreciated
- Question!!! AAS
- Test prop + tren ace —> test e + tren e
- Post COVID mid summer cycle
- questions about workout style while on gear
- Traveling/flying with testosterone
- Question!!! AAS
- Cruise And Blast
- LGD 4033 & AAS water retention
- New and need some help
- T3 Cytomel
- Best steroids for strength and power?
- How much NAC are you taking ON/OFF cycle?
- Edema in legs/feet from Dbol???
- Distended belly need help
- Too Late To Add Tren? Test E Cycle
- Acne!
- Competing for receptors?
- Primo and Accutane
- 6 weeks Kinda disappointed with results from 500mgs of test vs SARMs
- Mast e w/ test e cycle
- On deca and test e 250 can I add anavar on last 6 weeks ?
- Injection site infection/abscess?
- Strength levels not dropping 1 month off gear
- Course Deca low dosages one shot
- l-carnitine amp shelf life
- Back too cypinate for TRT
- Gyno help!
- New Cycle, Want good Libido and Inj DBOL?
- Tren replacement instead of anvar to cut
- I am new to gear my gear looks very basic
- How long before e2 drops after cycle?
- Endurance athlete - Test & Turinabol + PCT Help
- Can I extend my 500mg test c cycle 4 more weeks?
- Post cycle diet
- Can you refer me to an affordable Roid Testing facility?
- DIM for estrogen support
- Hypothetical test e, eq, npp, and tren cycle? (looking for input)
- First cycle
- How long can you leave/Keep Steroid inside a syringe?
- Anavar induced stomach pain
- Second cycle: cutting advice
- Questions about mild test cycles (200mg per week)
- Returning membrer, cycle questions
- Gain muscles on anavar?
- Syringe issue please help.
- Cloudy Deca???
- High Anabolic, Low Androgenic Cycle Question?
- Insulin and HGH only cycle?????
- Asprin
- Blood work
- Math problem for dosage
- Halotestin : Onset/Piek for strenght+aggression
- Sustanon 350 by Keplar and managing IBS
- Test e and deca cycles as opposed to sus250 and deca cycles
- Getting Pfizer/BioNtech Comirnaty while on cycle
- Help me. Anadrol fucked me
- Do you pin fast or slow?
- Mk677
- Tren E cycle
- NPP the same as deca
- AST, ALT, and PSA results
- Why not Tamox on cycle?
- Test 250/EQ cycle
- What is your optimum oestradiol levels?
- Is this an infection or not? (Please it's urgent)
- Indecisive between (test/eq or sust/deca) for 2nd cycle (help please)
- Requesting The Pros For Advice On My 2nd Cycle.... Please Help!
- Update and information on my 1st cycle
- Tren & Lethargy
- 9th week of my first test c cycle and my chest and biceps have lost hardness
- 9th week of test cycle with higher blood pressure (132/78)
- Lab results questions
- Sex drive
- help anyone
- Sleeping habits, test and gains
- Blood work results..... progesterone high?
- how to reduce progesterone?
- First timer...Prop only cycle
- Continue anavar cycle with testestoton?
- Stanoplex 100 Winny
- Expired Gear
- Cutting cycle
- More of a peptide question than AS question.
- Post Var fat burners?
- Who used UGL gear and who refuses?
- Not sure if i can get a reply to this
- initial weight gain on test cyp/npp
- Test took time to work it's magic, no longer disappointed with strength gains on test
- Second cycle diary (w/Tren)
- NPP and Flu Like Symptom
- Brainfrezze
- Research chems and peptides
- Antidepressants and gains
- Knee pain from var?
- TRT plus t3
- First AAS Cycle
- Daunabol with clen and t3
- T3 for bulking?
- First run with mast and anavar
- Longest time on Tren?
- Winstrol & LDL Cholestrol
- Feeling tired and beat?
- Gyno from first test cycle 10 years post gyno op
- B12 injection protocol
- Anyone tried a Test,Primo,Tren E Cycle?
- Insight into my first current cycle - Comments would be great
- What Have Been Some of Your Ideal Total Test Levels for Bulking
- Which DHT deriv to add?
- Does Hgh screw up thyroid?
- Growing Titties without any Sensation?
- Blast critique? HGH Recommendation?
- Can I get my wife already pregnant in 5th during cycle ?
- First cycle for endurance and strength + PCT help
- Could my anabolic steroid use have caused severe ulcerative colitis?
- Test e with tren a
- Fat burners and hypothyroidism
- Winstrol Pain & Swelling
- Newbie Natty questions. Permenant gains. Steroid holiday. Getting the ladies
- What compounds increase body hair the most?
- summer cycle test + aas vs test + sarms????
- What can I substitute anavar with
- Summer Cycle Advice
- Test E and oral Winnie cut
- How do you reduce sides from test?
- Will my covid-10 vaccine work during a cycle?
- Test Propionate
- Tren Ace Esperance
- cutting cycle advice
- My TREN ACE cycle-needs some suggestiong
- Any advice appreciated
- Inexperienced user but have used
- Nandrolone Decanoate & Test Cycle Advice
- high levels of testosterone and free testosterone
- Sustanon and Play Football (help)
- Npp for a cut???
- Having trouble staying asleep
- Injecting over “new†ink
- What's the best plateau breaking compound to stack with test?
- Tissue Selectivity AAS?
- Results of first test cycle
- Finasteride safe to maintain hair for my first Test E 500mg cycle? Bloodwork included
- What now.?
- Looking for fresh cycle ideas
- Same lab 2 different color test c?
- Second cycle. Test and anavar?
- Advice
- How long for cholesterol to normalize after cycle?
- What tf is going.
- Primo, Anavar, Proviron, Test
- 250 mast E + 250 test E
- Long bulking cycle
- Swollen injection site
- Being “on†in the summer
- Will 4 days on anavar mess up blood work?
- Is there a way to test steroids to confirm they are legit?
- Hucog 5000
- 3 weeks after my last shot and currently on pct. Where should I start my cutting?
- Summer cycle
- 2nd cycle. First was 15 YRS ago
- Scary blood work help
- Blood donation vs double red donation?
- What do you guys take for cycle support?
- First Cycle, let me know if this is good
- Omnadren and tren ace
- Higher doses of test
- Test E & HGH & protein intake
- Long Term Cycle for a Woman? Var? Winny? Deca? Test?
- Winstrol joint pain!
- Cutting cycle to gain mass and lose fat at the same time - OPINIONS
- Need Help - Estrogen Levels through the Roof Test Levels Super Low
- Shrinking clit after deca (women)
- Help with my 2nd cycle!
- L-Canitine Injections
- Return to normal TRT labs
- Nac
- Injection site for hcg ?
- Do steroids lower sperm count?
- No ester oils
- Cycle Opinion Needed
- Cycle opinions appreciated
- Cycle thoughts for 16 weeks
- Hasta la vista
- mixing hcg, i think i screwed up
- Taking pins through metal detectors
- PCT after Anavar
- New mini cycle
- HCG on cycle / aromasin
- High iron
- Estrogen on masterone??
- HCG Mixing Question
- Guaiacol
- Conflicting information
- Saying Farewell with Pink Hearts. Dbol only cycle(s) w/ anti Estrogen vit, Liv.52 &..
- drawing needle
- Sex in my mind
- covid vaccine mid cycle
- 2nd cycle Test E Deca Dbol.. A few questions
- Testosterone test
- Anavar cycle
- First proper cycle
- These Lipid Results Look OK to add Deca & Anavar to Test Cycle?
- Injectable primo Ace taken orally???
- Test to Mast Ratio? Little tren in mix too?
- 8 week cycle<Test p+ Tren A
- Have you taken viagra or cialis after donating blood?
- Is my bp too high to start cycle?
- Austinites's fat loss protocol with Synephrine
- Dosage recommendations for Anavar, test, and MK677
- Deca question
- What bp med are you guys on.
- predisposed to male pattern baldness is a meth?
- 12 weeks Test P
- Primobolan and birth control.
- 1st Cycle Plan - thinking of reducing Test?
- 2 weeks into my cycle
- Anyone run Primo low dose with TRT?
- P5p
- Minimum Tren dosage
- A Tren only cycle
- Second Cycle Help & Suggestions
- Assessment of cycle, bloodwork mistake, upcoming PCT question.
- Whats your egfr?
- First cycle on Deca
- AAS and AstraZeneca COVID vaccine
- Should I double up on the HCG dose end of cycle?
- Masterone and IBS / Crohns
- Bacteriostatic water cannot keep the HCG in check
- Tren - Pure Panic
- Help!
- Second Cycle Recommendations
- First Cycle - using a Coach
- Primo verses tren e
- Proviron Faked with Cialis?
- Help i am lactating
- Bloods Inaccurate?
- Lab Rec?
- Knee pain from var?
- 1st cycle help (sides)

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