- bumps under skin on glute injection sites
- If not penetrating deep enough into muscle during injections what will happen?
- Breaking out BAD!!!
- Deltiod injection
- caffeine & clen?
- equipoise fake or real
- needle size & area?
- equipoise fake or real
- equipoise fake or real
- progesterone gyno and lumps
- My First Cycle (Sust 250,D-Bol,Deca 300)
- 2nd Cycle Advice. Test-E, Eq, and Anavar.
- Couple Critiques/Over look please!!
- T-Bol Vs. Var
- Best ECA stack
- help please really need opinions and views on steroids
- Advice to Another Old Guy
- Starting out
- test enanthate or cyp?
- Thoughts On Cycle
- 5/8 25g for Quads
- don't read
- Gyno Question
- Would it do any harm?
- still gain while cruising from blast?
- continue ur cycle to reach ur goal
- Shedding fat
- 1st post... let the thrashing begin
- Stacking Anavar with Winstrol!?? Help pls.
- avoid nerves my expir...
- stanazol
- Best to stack with?
- Anti-biotics and hard training?
- short halflife steroids
- Help with my methanbol dosage
- First Clen Cycle Advice Please
- Cycles
- test e and deca
- insomnia?
- when take cytomel?
- letro and caber one week no change
- T3 and Anavar
- Itchy nips toward the end of my cycle
- My Winter Cycle
- Customs Letter Confirmation?
- Got my TEST E 30ml divide dose??
- 250mg/ml prop is hurting bad!!!
- Doing my reserch now - few questions
- safe to take nolva yet
- hgh and testex with tamoxifen
- How Much Cytomel should I take?
- 3cc injections everyday.... advice, tips and tricks...
- question about company please take alook
- have this company been taking over
- Shot 2cc of HUMAN Test E today into quad...OUCH!!!
- Leaking
- Shooting HCG today. Need mixing/shooting/ALL Advice!!!!
- keeping gear sterile
- Test E 400mg
- Bicep question
- Best/Worst time to buy online
- Mix 2 different brands of test in the syringe.. or alternate vials??
- how do you convert 500mg into ml/CC?
- does it matter whether injections are on work out days or not?
- mixing test e
- Letro usage
- New at Buying Online.
- Started cycle today
- winny tabs exp. 18 monts ago
- B6 and Deca
- First cycle for MMA fighter....
- longer cycles
- arimidex
- low testosterone and getting shorter?
- Trying for a clean cutter/ and some mass : )
- Tren and prop cycle
- a little problem...
- EQ vs Tren
- Virgin Muscle Tips
- what should i feel
- Dbol and sus250 question
- Dianabol and Anavar Stack ????
- d-bol kick in
- Acid Reflux ... Extreme Heartburn !
- First cycle test enth and prop.
- nolva
- New to Anabolic steroids???
- Dnp and t3
- Liquid Letrozole
- test-400
- my short burst cycle only test prop
- Clen.
- Eq, Test Cyp and Nolva
- anovar question
- Clen = I hate it!!
- transformation of the week...synthol?
- What the pros take?!?!
- 365 condition
- adventus - Ognyan Amelinov
- Test Prop ED Or EOD Difference
- My new gear ?'s
- test enathate first cycle
- best fast acting gear
- deca 300 is it any good or is there many fakes of it
- is it possible to stack sustnon 250 and cypionate
- First cicle for me
- Need help from experienced and educated bodybuilder!!!!
- get big and cut cycle
- Danabol Vs Winstrol
- Any advice please?
- crystals forming in my vile????
- cutting winny with b12??
- PCT and Gyno question
- One shot?
- Wondering is it good
- do test injections keep you awake?
- some advice for a beginner. thanks
- When is it ok for me to start?
- only 2 shots per week
- Drol mid cycle??
- I know where people are getting the D-bol only cycles are Ok from!!
- Anyone get Deca prescribed from Dr. 4 Joint pain? Docs prescribing it at all?
- when will the clen kick in?
- Fake gear?
- Lowest dosage / Shortest time Deca has been used and yielded any gains
- Where to buy b12
- pct help
- Test Prop Short Cycle vs Long?
- Dbol or drol to kickstart?
- hi please tell me if this deca 300 is real or fake
- Superior Tren E - New **** or GP?
- test cyp
- winny tabs ??
- is this deca 300 real or fake this is 2nd post because i didnt edit the lab name
- Whats best to run with hgh deca or sus
- Anavar Mass Stack
- Will being on nolva affect blood test results?
- Should I run DECA this winter or not?
- First timer advice
- Left hand grip problem
- after cycle advice?
- Gyno Reversal Log 2
- Effectiveness of oil based steroids
- Maintainance test dosage.
- Please help>>>> i cant grow anymore from steroids :(
- Please help>>>> i cant grow anymore from steroids :(
- weight gains ????
- Tren and winny advice
- tren 100 or tren 250
- deca & sus cycle advice?
- Prohormone ?
- help please swollen glands
- Trying to plan a new cycle
- How much longer can I run this?
- Test Prop, Winstrol
- My first cycle!
- Im sick, is this normal?!?!?!
- 2a-methyl-5a-androstan-3a-ol-17-one
- Deca not even sold in the USa at Pharmacies anymore??
- Availability of Pharmaceutical Nandrolone Decanoate Limited in United States
- few questions
- 2 weeks on sustanton 250! and unsure about my huge gains?
- Multi blended test 300 formula
- odd nipple question
- Not new this but could use advice...
- 3Rd week in Update
- finished cycle 5 weeks ago and now a question..
- Question concerning Test for my next cycle.... input appreciated!
- question for experts
- Will my vial expire quicker?
- What is 2a-methyl-5a-androstan-3a-ol-17-one?
- Is it just me or is everyone the same....???
- The efficiency of Turinabol
- story to tell...
- Anything I should have checked?
- stanazol
- what syringe?
- 2nd cycle
- my dnp caps have...melted?? are they still good?
- getting started
- libido on test
- Baking test? The how's and whys?
- Time to come off Sustanon? 10 weeks? 12 weeks? More. . . ?
- Ethyl Oleate dangerous?
- 1st cycle Test Prop or Test Enanthate?
- getting off cycle need pct advice
- Need your advice guys. Should i start this cycle?
- Common FAQ's
- how fast does nolva work
- question..
- Naltrexone mid cycle and HCG??
- test and deca cycle... advice?
- , EQstacking question? d-bol, SUST250, and para
- Is it safe to run sustanon250 for long periods of time
- is it possible
- Tren Enan and EQ injection question
- what is AAS
- Deca related Gyno?
- Is 125mg/wk of test enough to cruise on?
- Methods for Delt injection...???
- Never used d-bol like this but what will actually happen
- Gyno????
- Pct help???
- from 350-600mg a week How muc additional help is each 50mg dose going to help
- Current Cycle - Critique?
- Cytomel Cycle...Opinions Please.
- Deca doseage?
- any other test with EQ?
- Avavar Shut Down???
- Need advice on cutting/lean muscle building cycle please...
- Kickstart is over.
- dbol
- anesthesia
- afghanistan and customs
- Too anxious to wait!
- Help Needed on stacks
- Pulse Cycling.....Anyone done this??
- bridging?
- I've got pictures of the stuff I can buy (PCT)
- making babies on the juice.
- testosterone and collagen
- Is It Possible - Test En. Pining
- 400mg test/week vs 500mg test/week..... First Cycle Help
- EQ only?
- Oral ingestion of injectable winni
- Test Deca any advice?
- Longest cycle.
- Handed over to customs then handed back
- Dbol
- test prop and pain
- Anadrol 50 only cycle, a few serious questions.
- Cyle critique
- winny flakes left in my syringe....???
- better to take winny injection ED or EOD?
- Critique My Cycle
- slight problem
- Mcg to ml conversion question
- Noob status. Some help please.
- ******* Oils
- Just finished Test e/deca
- Quad shots
- What's the Difference...?
- air in syringe
- Is 500mg Deca in 1cc possible?
- Travel to Mexico City..thoughts
- Help with first cycle
- Back in the game New cycle starting soon need some input
- Help me plan out my next bulk
- Deca+Sus Cycle = numb fingers & some joint pain

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