- Injecting the BUTTOCKS???
- Whinnie advise
- Should I be worried? See results
- How much weight can i gain in 4-8 weeks with steroids?
- Dizzy
- Best STEROID(S) for 500 mile bicycle ride?????
- New cycle stack/PED's/PCT questions
- No Rigs/Pins... Would Boofing (supository) dosing work?
- Dosage question
- Ran out of Primo Depot
- Nolvadex question PCT
- Steroids
- E2 levels vs acne
- Nolvadex vs Aridimex while on DBOL kickstart
- Prami Reviews
- Problem with dosage measurement
- Testosterone and low energy
- Looking to get into First Cycle,
- Need for PCT when on lifelong hormonre replacement therapy?
- Current cycle
- T3 cytomel
- Post Winstrol Cycle
- Advice.
- anavar dosage?
- deca at 1g a week
- Bulking Cycle
- First Cycle Advice
- Noob on clen
- What is the percentage for a first time cycler to get legit gear?
- Anapolon and trouble sleeping?
- Armidex During a cycle?
- Sleeping disorder
- Building mass while training for speed and baseball
- Check my thyroid levels over time? (TSH)
- 1st time cycling EXPERT advice ONLY!!!!!
- First Cycle Critique
- 3rd cycle starting monday. Critique before i start.
- What do you guys pay $ for your cycles?
- Water weight gains vs muscle gains
- Liquid Anavar (quick question)
- Winstrol 50mg
- peeing a lot from winny?
- Emergency!! My friends 10 year old son almost injected test!!
- what happens if you had gyno from puberty?
- First Cycle Question
- Accutane question
- 50mg Anavar Legit?
- Cycle Questions: Prop/Cyp/Dianabol
- throw 500mg eq in aswell with test/deca or not ??????
- help deciding
- 27 and starting a first 8 week cycle
- To mix or not to mix
- coming off tri-test 400 cycle of 18 weeks
- coming off tri-test 400 cycle of 18 weeks
- not eating enough possibly?
- Is there a need to go off Tren cycle if on lifelong HRT?
- 500mg test +anadrol or 1000mg test alone?
- Does my 2nd cycle look ok? TestP/trenAce/SuperDMZ
- Best Fat Melting Steroid to Take with Testosterone?
- I need help PLEASE.
- Estrogen problem need some help!
- Insulin dosages & Info
- new and taking first supplements..please help
- Aromatase Excess Syndrome
- new and taking first supplements..please help
- Test E - Bold - primo - Libido question
- I got testosterone instead of Tren or Masteron???
- Best way to heat up Test before injecting?
- 1st cycle advice.
- Should I start another cycle?
- Deca 300 and test 600 for first cycle?
- Clean Bulk or possibly cutting cycle advice
- Does it matter what time of day you take your stuff?
- Test prop/masteron cycle
- Winnie
- are pec injections safe and easy ?
- Aspirating???
- Best LIVER Support???
- upped hcg doage weekly
- Does Nolvadex work the same after gyno surgery?
- prop/npp/var: storage time of mixed gear in syringe and arimidex dosage
- out of AI
- Does running an AI decrease D-Bol effectiveness?
- AR-R question
- 41 and time to get off my fat ass
- .25 mg arimidex EOD or ED ????????????? help please
- First Time doing a Cycle
- Newb here Asking for help and advice on a cycle.
- Sides on test cycle.
- Can your heart enlarge by taking a max of 3 cycles in a lifetime?
- 400 mg sust, 3 step?
- Puffy Nipples Anyone had luck with this?
- finasteride ever used this? Also how much?
- No arimidex for cycle only nolvadex!!! Help
- Libido on cycle?
- Faint lumps behind nipples... Question about Iron-Dragon, cabergoline and letrozole
- hello, I need advice...
- 1-2 months roids
- First stack questions
- High estrogen
- Starting Steroids NEED HELP! PLEASE
- Test, deca, and nolva?
- Ai dose and consuming
- Testosterone and anger!
- What week for blood test to see if Test is legit
- Masteron vs. winstrol
- Once or Twice a Week?
- Albuterol and ketotifen
- Mixing peptides.
- 2 year old gyno from Tren
- Libido left, then girlfriend left. Libido still not back, confused on liquidex dosag
- What makes someone have better genetics?
- This will teach them.
- T3 Cytomel and metabolism
- Ar-r clen?
- Thoughts & Opinions - Test/Tren
- Anyone have experience with this?
- M1-t
- Any information on Clen
- Can Winstrol be injected in the thigh?
- Are you suffering from puffy nipples? Temp Fix Read!!
- Primobolan + Trenbo Ace
- buying a AI online?!?!?!
- advise about dosage and pct
- Wintrol twice per week?
- Steroids after Jaundice?
- Test Enth with Tren Ace,
- Primo question!
- Shutdown BAD, What should i do?
- Few questions for first cycle.
- $hit Genes - How To Fix This??? Quit???
- Can u mix test cyp with testoprim-d (test prop and test ethanate?)
- Testosterone Injection Spacing
- Pct help.
- 3rd cycle- first test prop cycle. Need help with calculations (people good with math)
- I'm 18 and excited about my first cycle! Tell me why i shouldn't use steroids.
- Test levels, libido, erections
- First Cycle help
- Not feeling anything from Tren
- HCG Cost??? Cheapest but best brands recommended?
- Delt Pinning
- First time M-drol cycle - 3 week 10-20-20 or 10-10-20? Advice Needed
- blood work tips
- Test E / Gyno
- Anavar question..
- Starting my first true cut cycle
- I need help on what kind to use.
- Looking Towards The Future...
- Need help
- How much time between blood work and orgasim?
- Quality of gear= worse sides?
- first cycle critique
- Need Starting Advice
- Should I work out every day on cycle?
- Just started cycle and gyno symptoms already??
- blood pressure
- Another Reseach related question.
- Stopping Test-cyp after 2 weeks
- Test Cyp with Anadrol 50 Kick start! :)
- Ever used methyltrienolone???
- 1st cycle ever winstrol alone
- Why cant they?
- Nipples tender, test E or D-Bol
- After doing a test enanthate cycle. Will my natural test level increase ?
- First cycle
- [b]all u want to know about testosterone[/b]
- 1st cycle. 5kg in 1 week?
- Suggestion for my second cycle - Boxer
- Aromasin side effects
- 50 mgs of D-Bol is equivalent to how many shots of Patron?
- Testosterone & PCT
- Why did my winstrol change colors
- undecanoato testosterone
- Eat rigth with winstrol alone cycle
- Father's Day is coming! 'BIG' Sale on the 'FUN' stuff!
- Bodyfat
- Quick bloodwork question.
- Need something that helps but is not traceable
- How soon after a Test E cycle can I start taking Test booster pills.
- Steroids and Hairloss Question
- Armidex Dose Question
- Masteron Dosing
- Please help!! All advice is appreciated
- Should i take Arimidex?
- Taking Test Mass-3 after 2 months of a test E cycle safe?
- 12 week cycle ?
- First test cycle only
- New Member Here
- 3 week Halo cycle!
- IronMagLabs
- Need advice asap please
- Mast/Tren cycle
- When do you start feeling the "Oomph" after a cycle?
- ketotifen
- T3 Cytomel for Women
- Concentration while workout
- Shutdown
- FIRST TIMER, I need your advice!
- Newbie needs help with after-cycle shopping
- What went wrong?
- Newbie Time.Read Stickies Already.Feedbck plz
- Deca/ test cyp help
- Deca vol (need experience, not sure why i bought it), critque
- Need help with acne
- Adding HCG to cycle
- First cycleon dbol + test e
- First cycle check and BF% question
- 1st Cycle 5th week
- Protein found in urine
- Blood pressure concern
- After 4 weeks on sus only
- Western Union question
- Testicle pain 3 weeks in- should I increase hcg?
- AI question
- Gyno or Fat im sick of this
- How do you delete a thread you started?
- new to this need help
- New need help
- Nuts shrivel?
- How long is one cycle and how many mg should i take a day?
- cycle
- next cycle
- kappa Pharmaceuticals version of sust 350
- Do aas help with endurance?
- Beer and winstrol
- is any one seeing my post ?
- Need advice on Tren cycle
- Help with Prami Dosage
- nolvadex??? plzzz
- can ANYONE !! TELL ME ?
- Prop/Tren cycle...last minute help
- take your opinions
- Instead of Primobolan Depot (Methenolone enanthate)? Fast help much Appreciated
- Prami
- Icyplex 50
- Excess skin inbetween upper pecs?
- New cycle - please comment
- Need help on how much to take for my PCT
- Ideal age to start a cycle
- Bostin Loyd Untold Truth about bodybuilders with Gear, peptides and Synthol!
- How does my cycle look so far?
- Liver protection limited options!
- Please comment on this PCT
- Calculating Cycle Schedule
- M-drol
- Dont always trust the docs in the ER!
- First Cycle Questions...
- Took advice..good 1st cycle
- Attacking Gyno during a cycle
- plz help with this thanks!!!!

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