- Blood work questions
- First Test Cycle - Need Veteran Opinions/ Comments
- Considering doing cycle just hoping I could have some questions answered
- Tren and AI?
- transitioning from test prop to E
- anyone tried this?
- Finished my test Cycle / PCT question
- LGF 1 LR3 during PCT ?
- Deca for 19yo for injury and to get back to sporting
- My first cycle: goal 4 kg of lean body mass
- Help with third cycle
- Pct Question
- Bodybuilding comp in just over a years time
- In a foul mood 1 week post cycle. WTF
- First cycle - a couple of Qs?
- M-DROL questions
- No access to Arimidex/Aromasin
- hair loss on test,eq,and anavar cycle
- Making sure I have everything
- Clomid
- Starting A new cycle, Thoughts and opinions needed! :scratch:
- cycle
- my wife has taken a bottle of my anavar and said she's getting on it, few questions
- MY first cycle ever!! help!!!!!!
- Help me with my first cycle
- Teragon labs
- Cycle/ Nutrition advice
- How to use and need help on steriods
- t3 cytomel
- .25-.5CC test just wondering...
- Could I already of maxed out my "noob gains" and might I be ready ?
- prop/tren question (no pain)
- bac water
- Arimidex
- Test cycle
- Would Test Prop at 200mg/ML be brutal?
- exemestane and tamoxifen, should I take post or during
- PCT for a mild oral-only PH cycle?
- Recommended cycle from coach - What do you guys think?
- Help with deciding if I'm ready for a cycle
- First cycle
- what steriod is good for women?
- AAS and various other supplements
- HGH or Testosterone?
- Injection Videos - Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, and HCG Dosing and Injection
- *VIDEO* How To Inject - Instructional Video on Proper Injection and Dosing
- Signs of Gyno?
- Need Advice
- Test Cyp - Austinite's First Cycle - End of Week 7: The Sides Have Shown Up
- test cypionate??
- Advice for 2nd cycle
- Controlling BP & cholesterol
- hcg........
- Syringe Measurement Queries (Pic inside)
- How to test for allergic reaction?
- general rule of thumb keep test lower?
- next cycle planning
- First stack cycle
- Bloodwork done, levels are good, now what?
- Hgh only cycle .... Anyone take hgh and experience?
- Torn Rib muscle or ligament
- Winter Bulk AKA Hoodie Bulk
- Ar-r s4
- if i do one steroid cycle will it hurt me???
- Theraputic dose of Deca for lower back arthritis?
- HGH and diabetes
- RBC Question
- I'm a Steroid Beginner! Need advice on Test E and Dbol for my first cycle!
- Arimidex
- Masteron 100 or 200mg EOD?
- Help pin in thigh
- Arimidex
- Cycle questions (out of ordinary)
- T3 Temp
- Need Help
- Best "substance" for strictly gaining strength in a women???
- Test E or Sustanon
- Clen, ethedrine and T3 stack - FEMALE, please advise??
- Cholesterol results
- First cycle pin question ?
- How long do you 'stay off' after a cycle?
- Travel Advice
- Clen, T3, Test ....Question for Friend
- first pin of test + dbol
- what do you guys do when you have to pin large amounts of fluid frequently
- Hey I'm new to steroids and I'm thinking about test e and dbol for my first cycle!
- Alright ive planned my first cycle, Opinions welcome!
- Second cycle - please give advice!
- Libido boost
- Aspiration Blood Left Glute Multiple times
- Uh oh... Arimidex price.. Any alternatives or tips? please respond
- Second Cycle (Test E & Dbol)
- Question on dosage
- When to start AI?
- winny and its abbility to help free flowing test .
- Strong bulk, need advice.
- My expired Hdrol any good?
- No pain, did I miss the muscle?
- were you all nervous when first shooting TREN ! ???
- Any math heads? Come help!
- kalpa gear pics, legit? first cycle, opinions please
- im new to steroids
- Masteron
- Hey need a video link please
- tell me what i'm working with please
- This is an introdution to myself and also I have some questions about dbol and aas
- new here with just 1 question
- Is it important to bandaid injection sites?
- anavar has reversed/eliminated gyno on me on 2 occasions.
- Gyno concerns on a Test/Tren/Masteron cycle
- newbe test and deca user. please help
- steroid and alcohol
- Halloween Sale Starts Today!
- Appetite shot!
- Where to get labels made
- Steroids and birth control
- What caused haor to fall out, gear or PCT?
- Needle gauge??
- Legit
- Test and Tren lean bulk for 12 weeks at 5% body fat.
- Mixing steroids in same syringe okay when different preservatives/solvents involved?
- Deca vs NPP recovery time?!?
- Need advice
- What is a reasonable monthly steroid budget?
- Can steroids help me with my goals? (My stats)
- Newbie Needs Help!!!
- How much distilled water to mix with 5000ui HCG? (need 20 shots)
- Ai..........
- How long do injectables last in storage?
- safe dosage for HGH newbie for healing purposes
- My Husband and steroids
- first time cycle Test E
- Roids and aggression
- AI and hcG on cycle and PCT
- Test Prop or Test C with Tren?
- Planning first cycle
- cycle starting next week please have a quick butchers (first time tren)
- 90kg, 6'0, not looking good?
- how to cycle
- Blast & cruise
- Weird Post-Injection Pain
- RedBarons basics
- I think my test is underdosed, not sure if i should up dose? i start week 7 in 3 days
- good place to order pins?
- 2nd cycle advice and suggestions
- Adverse event -- testosterone cypionate
- Can I get some PCT insight?
- Long time ugl users answer this
- Winstrol --> test c
- Is clen just as good if you are high body fat %
- Possible Rebound? What should I do?
- Should I end my cycle with a hcg shot?
- Anavar for women and sex drive
- Lean gains Test C or Test Prop?
- Biggest cycle
- Adex 0.25 eod, should I up the dose?
- trenbolone and kidneys
- Help! Worried I have an infection!
- pin needle length
- First Cycle Plan
- First time use Need opinions and help
- Is 'Pharma Grade' HGH the same 'Human Grade' HGH?
- human growth hormone pct bad timing
- PCT lenght
- can't decide on second cycle
- Orals and test, is it possible my test is high enough or is test ALWAYS needed?
- a bit worried about these Amps
- Dbol
- liquid arimidex dosing
- Any regrets using?
- Simple first question
- Just did my first injection! question
- Short cycle 5 week Test Prop. How to deal with HcG ?
- Extending or cutting short Test E Cycle
- first ever cycle help
- Question from a old friend.
- Natty blood test results. Help!
- Possible Cruise, Advice needed :)
- low testosterone, upset with DR
- Sides tren E vs Tren A
- some advice on npp
- Looking to hear feedback pertaining to negative affects to running
- Arimidex -different situation
- Slin Pin Prop
- new cycle sustanon and tren ace!! how does it look
- Year since last cycle
- Planning first cycle.. would like feed back
- Prepping for my first stack "Help wanted from VETS"
- Setting it straight.. Mast with Tren
- running cycles back to back
- Some General Questions
- Test colour?
- First time Aas here and am looking for some tips and advice
- does having sex slow down my results while cycling?
- Clen and T3 (MY CYCLE) and questions.
- Can someone help me out with HCG IU conversions?
- 1st Cycle Advice
- Cycle and Dosage question
- About to start my first cycle.
- Nolvadex question
- Im 6FT5 300Pnds, Ready To Get JUICED...I need A STACK AND ROUTINE TO FOLLOW
- sustanon 500
- Frequent Urination
- Nandi
- 500mg week test vs 20mg daily dbol, blood test results
- Acne when on cycle
- Can exogenous thyroid hormone use cause...
- Come off wins pills ?
- Raloxifene and Arimidex together through cycle? Confused
- when to start ai on test prop cycle?
- HCG injection bruise
- Hcg - pregnyl 1500IU
- HGH Side Effects - Precautions
- Is a SERM really necessary for a mild PH?
- Are teenage elite weightlifters on steroids?
- How much difference do steroids make?
- Post workout shake
- First cycle
- Slin pin 27g 5/8" ed-eod injections
- MY CYCLE ( time to critique )
- Kick Start
- EQ & Cyp. dosing questions
- Unleashed and post cycle. worth it?
- Thinking about stopping test e cycle after 1 week?????
- Rapid weight gain during bulk.
- Hypothetically...
- after first cycle is it normal?
- Clen clen clen clen
- The best Test E cycle.
- NPP dosge
- gyno surgery
- Replacing UG Cyp for my TRT dose
- Arimidex vs Anastrozol
- just did my first Test E injection
- Testoxyl enanthate vs testosterone enanthate
- Mixing hcg with aas
- Prior Steroid User - Seeing massive gains naturally now?
- can Arimidex/Letrozone decrease sex drive and cause erectile dysfunction??
- Can i cycle with test prop whilst taking melanotan 2?
- ??
- liquid pct vs tabs
- if tren doesnt "shut you down" harder than deca why does everyone insist you use HCG
- GGS steroids, any good?
- Steroid Cycle!!! Any advice, + Nutrition advice!
- Injection help.
- First cycle advice. Noob needs suggestions
- How to Store???
- Vaction during cycle?
- what should i do now?
- Who wants to see my 1 year progress

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