- holiday question (3 replies)
- Swollen ankle after test/tren injection (1 replies)
- Sub Q shots with HCG question... (4 replies)
- hcg (1 replies)
- Steroids in Balkans (Serbia Bosnia,Montenegro & Albania) (9 replies)
- need to get a good AI ( In the states) USA (1 replies)
- Rookie (12 replies)
- Thinking of doing first cycle ... gyno prone + maybe mpb (5 replies)
- 2nd Cycle, 1st cycle story. Planning & Thoughts. (1 replies)
- Going out of country- middle of cycle for 10 days (1 replies)
- Does anyone live in japan or done a cycle there? (4 replies)
- Is the issue with underdosed gear from UGL intentional or an issue with their raws? (38 replies)
- Need advice (3 replies)
- hgh preference (0 replies)
- What is the density of hCG? (3 replies)
- Acne Cured (1 replies)
- Gram of cyp (19 replies)
- humtrope 12mg elli lilly please help (6 replies)
- First timer (0 replies)
- Would like some feedback on my first cycle (5 replies)
- Help my friend injected oral clomid (11 replies)
- Cytomel to cause erectile dysfunction (7 replies)
- First time cycle please give any suggestions... (58 replies)
- My 2nd Cycle: Advice and Suggestions NEEDED! (6 replies)
- I need help (0 replies)
- I Have Gyno - Help (41 replies)
- run test or save it for tren and epi cycle? (2 replies)
- T3 vs T3+T4 (3 replies)
- how did you feel after your first cycle? (4 replies)
- Pre workout on cycle? (22 replies)
- blast and cruise guys. how do you go from long ester to short esters? (3 replies)
- 6'2" 260lbs (42 replies)
- Aromasin with large test dose (5 replies)
- supervised release (14 replies)
- anyone tried.... (0 replies)
- Var & Birth Control (5 replies)
- A first cycle question (3 replies)
- Need experienced opinion on Var tabs (1 replies)
- What if I can't take the TEST-E every 3.5 days? (9 replies)
- Labmax results (8 replies)
- after cycle 4 month ago low testerone what should I do? (2 replies)
- Yet another first cycle question......... (6 replies)
- Long and Short Ester Mix (10 replies)
- Things you weren't ready for on your first cycle? (19 replies)
- 10 days and liver enzyme? (1 replies)
- Progressing and tapering first cycle (3 replies)
- Dianabol advice for a football athlete? (7 replies)
- How long for tren ace to kick (12 replies)
- NPP and cutting? (5 replies)
- 2nd Cycle, thoughts? (5 replies)
- male lactation and testosterone!? help (8 replies)
- First cycle, bumping up dose (not by choice)? (2 replies)
- Opinion on Marc Lobliner's "on for life" approach to steroids (not cycling off) (22 replies)
- My First Cycle (6 replies)
- How to mix hcg (1 replies)
- Test Levels @ 48.6 (33 replies)
- Questions and concerns for 1st cycle (6 replies)
- First cycle, need to know how much sustanon 250 (0 replies)
- Estrogen management Question- testicular injury (3 replies)
- First cycle, need to know how much sustanon 250 (10 replies)
- Tren flu. Help (2 replies)
- Nolvadex ON CYCLE (for gyno?) (6 replies)
- mid cycle help (6 replies)
- injection timing (6 replies)
- best online site for pins? (15 replies)
- Steroid "Gurus" /Coaches (7 replies)
- AR no syringes (1 replies)
- anavar and test e cycle results (22 replies)
- Almost a week in with first cycle Test/dbol (4 replies)
- Eq stack? (11 replies)
- stubborn gyno lump (0 replies)
- Help - abroad one week without AI (11 replies)
- Test Cycle with Anavar on weak point days (3 replies)
- Cycle Layout Questions (10 replies)
- Stacking small amount of deca for joint relief (3 replies)
- ugl dosing for hrt (10 replies)
- Please for the love of all things holy someone HELP me..... (2 replies)
- Intermediate bulking cycle & hgh (13 replies)
- Help on cycles (10 replies)
- First Time User - HELP (3 replies)
- Opinions? (4 replies)
- first cycle (7 replies)
- First Cycle (12 weeks) Need help! (5 replies)
- My 8 Week Cycle: Opinions (1 replies)
- Anavar/ test E cycle (9 replies)
- Test and eq second cycle (1 replies)
- Test E Solo Cycle? (1 replies)
- End of Cycle Advice (13 replies)
- Cycles (1 replies)
- Clarification needed on PCT dosages (1 replies)
- Orals on this site (2 replies)
- What led to your first cycle and how old were you when you started? (19 replies)
- Do you have to compete to take steroids? (14 replies)
- First tren injection (9 replies)
- Vasectomy (6 replies)
- To Frontload or to not Frontload, that is the question... (13 replies)
- Clenbuterol, no effects (6 replies)
- Happy Halloween! Trick or Treat! (29 replies)
- Lost 80 pounds still hate my body... (8 replies)
- pct after 3wks of test enanthate? (5 replies)
- Ed issues (11 replies)
- Men's Physique Life (9 replies)
- What values on a blood test will be elevated during an HCG blast? (1 replies)
- Tbol Vs. Dbol and 3rd Cycle Help! (12 replies)
- Mid-Cycle Bloodwork and Results (1 replies)
- 2nd PCT after 6 month cycle and one failed pct. *LOG* (1 replies)
- anavar only with little test cycle (12 replies)
- Help with first stacked cycle with Test cyp (9 replies)
- Test-E, D-bol cycle - need a 3rd compound (2 replies)
- Competeting and steroid use (3 replies)
- HELP, crystallized Test E (10 replies)
- Breaking up d-bol in cycle into two 3 week increments? (2 replies)
- hi all (0 replies)
- 215lb Monster (71 replies)
- 2nd Cycle:HCG help (2 replies)
- Tren alternatives? (12 replies)
- Anavar question. (4 replies)
- Clarification needed please (6 replies)
- Getting tested for E2 with a range of 11-44 for (Men) (11 replies)
- Need some serious finasteride advice (2 replies)
- Wanting to run my 1st cycle of halodrol PH -- simple questions. (6 replies)
- Please help thanks (2 replies)
- Got sick, lost 75 pounds, help me get this going again! (6 replies)
- pin gone wrong (5 replies)
- 5th cycle planned and ordered- Thoughts???? (9 replies)
- Acceptable level of PIP in shoulder? (2 replies)
- Concering explanation. (4 replies)
- Did you have teen acne? Do you get acne on cycle now? (13 replies)
- What happens if you lower your prolactin too much with caberg.? (2 replies)
- tren sides? (9 replies)
- What do you think of my cycle? (19 replies)
- Arimidex or Letro? (4 replies)
- ISIS Anavar legit? (9 replies)
- Albuterol (1 replies)
- Opinions on 3rd Cycle (18 replies)
- Post failed PCT Triptorelin shot **Update** (22 replies)
- testerone 2 days cycle (4 replies)
- Question about problems I am having after stanzolol cycle. (3 replies)
- Hgh advice asap (14 replies)
- Androgel (7 replies)
- Test 400 Only Cycle (Beginner) (25 replies)
- PIP like a mother! (8 replies)
- Omnadec (4 replies)
- Low Cortisol (4 replies)
- how much injected oil (steroid) can big muscels handle? (8 replies)
- Using Test Suspension to supplement a cycle for events and Key workouts (0 replies)
- Odd Test blend... bunk? (6 replies)
- Second Cycle Suggestions (3 replies)
- Overdue clen gel (3 replies)
- Can someone help me with post winstrol question please (6 replies)
- 23 years old 7 years training first cycle (8 replies)
- flu every single day! (7 replies)
- Stacking Questions- Female (11 replies)
- loss of drive (5 replies)
- First cycle, TEST E/Var 10wks, Advice please. (4 replies)
- Anavar and TEST E NEED help from some vets (36 replies)
- Cycle Advice Please (8 replies)
- 3 weeks after Test E 500mg PCT: No libido (7 replies)
- Cycle Advice (2 replies)
- First time TRT cycle - Can I please get some input on how legit this is? (0 replies)
- Anavar with Test-E (16 replies)
- Should Calories be Increased on Clen? (20 replies)
- 1st Cycle Blood Work question (12 replies)
- first test injection (12 replies)
- Steroids & Fertility (9 replies)
- Anxiety from deca (4 replies)
- Test Cyp + Var Cycle. PCT Questions and Dosage Questions! (7 replies)
- HCG Question (8 replies)
- Collagen synthesis and Injury (4 replies)
- Dosages?? (9 replies)
- half life vs terminal (1 replies)
- How many of us still smoke cigs?? (52 replies)
- Advice on this cycle please (15 replies)
- Not getting any strength gains on dbol (20 replies)
- under 25? (2 replies)
- Dbol and lower back pumps (2 replies)
- Will I ever feel strong again? Feeling depressed (37 replies)
- Mixed hCG in the fridge (2 replies)
- tren (8 replies)
- Half Lives of Nandrolone decanoate (Deca-D), Nandrolone phenylpropionate, & Test Prop (1 replies)
- Alflutop & HGH Help (1 replies)
- Anavar Female Lipid Profile (10 replies)
- Adex and heart rate... (8 replies)
- First cycle on its way (12 replies)
- Check me (9 replies)
- how would i know the prepp is safe? (22 replies)
- Frequent Muscle Pulls (6 replies)
- Steroids and Muscle memory comeback? (7 replies)
- Proviron and Restandol(Andriol) mini cycle (9 replies)
- Ipamorelin (6 replies)
- Stack and PCT advice for a beginner. (4 replies)
- Emotional Roller-coaster on Test-E cycle (15 replies)
- Advice? (3 replies)
- Steroids and the legal system (8 replies)
- Clen and other supplements (6 replies)
- Max Dosage per ML/cc (9 replies)
- injection sites (4 replies)
- What's better for Gains? Profina OR TNT? (14 replies)
- Advice needed (11 replies)
- Test Enanthate Tren Enanthate, anavar cycle (14 replies)
- Starting HCG a week after start if cycle (2 replies)
- Tren and anger (20 replies)
- Maintaining gains (5 replies)
- Weight on cycle? Is this... (12 replies)
- Started my first ever cycle and am taking Anavar. What can I expect? (8 replies)
- Planning first cycle of Test E (11 replies)
- Need help (8 replies)
- Cycled off and on from mid 20's to early 30's (10 replies)
- Ready to take plunge (17 replies)
- Reassessing Appropriate PCT Start Time for Test E Only Cycle: A Mathematical Approach (2 replies)
- Deca and proper cabergoline dosing? (5 replies)
- Ready to take the plunge (1 replies)
- How much Keflex/Sulfamethoxazl (11 replies)
- Advance Bulk Cycle From GP Any Good? (3 replies)
- Thinking of trying Tren for the 3rd time.... (29 replies)
- Cycle (1 replies)
- High E2 & High ALT Test Results (1 replies)
- Tbol only or test e for first cycle? (12 replies)
- Anavar and test (26 replies)
- test tren winn 19 yr old (16 replies)
- Blast and cruise (is it smart) (18 replies)
- Couple of Questions (10 replies)
- Problems faced when running high doses of T3? (4 replies)
- First Cycle (10 replies)
- First cycle.. Different story though (14 replies)
- first cycle strategy (16 replies)
- Necessary to inject at the same time of day? (3 replies)
- First Cycle (3 replies)
- Vacation and PCT (8 replies)
- Test/ deca/ dbol pct (10 replies)
- testosterone cypionate 2000mg 10ml new user (45 replies)
- Giving blood...Quick question (3 replies)
- Anadrol cycles (4 replies)
- First Cycle Guidance Please! (13 replies)
- How Shower Before Injection (11 replies)
- creatine and aakg on pct.......... (0 replies)
- How soon do you see vascularity gains on boldenone? (6 replies)
- First Cycle Test Cyp Injections (6 replies)
- Masterone (1 replies)
- Given the choice (8 replies)
- Just wondering??? (4 replies)
- Adding NPP mid cycle? (5 replies)
- Help me on my first cycle PLEASE (6 replies)
- Ba alcohol injection please help (11 replies)
- Quick Gyno Question (3 replies)
- Hgh info plz new to this (3 replies)
- Newbie looking for advice (8 replies)
- Winny heart racing (1 replies)
- EU sellers (2 replies)
- AI nescarry? (10 replies)

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