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Thread: Things That Piss You Off At The Gym?

  1. #921
    Julz_W's Avatar
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    When the chick PT puts her stupid pump up music on too loud and leaves without turning it down to a volume that headphones can compete with.

  2. #922
    BUTTERYGOODNESS is offline Anabolic Member
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    Rat packs of young guys up each others ass jacking off hooting and hollering the entire time

  3. #923
    Animal Cracker's Avatar
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    "Tap Out" Turds, and the skinny white kid in a wife beater toting a gallon of water bobbing his backwards hat wearing head like a chicken , raping while wasting space at the Smith machine!

  4. #924
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    Man, I'm just getting tired of these clowns that sit there surfing their phone for 10-15 minutes, hogging up the bench or another piece of equipment that I'm anxious to get at. Then of course they're the same fuks that don't rack the weights. Why don't they just go sit their asses on their own couch and do that crap? When I go to the gym, I have a plan, and the phone stays in the bag.

  5. #925
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    Man, I'm just getting tired of these clowns that sit there surfing their phone for 10-15 minutes, hogging up the bench or another piece of equipment that I'm anxious to get at. Then of course they're the same fuks that don't rack the weights. Why don't they just go sit their asses on their own couch and do that crap? When I go to the gym, I have a plan, and the phone stays in the bag.
    OMG I could not agree with you more there. I think phones should be banned from the gym floor. Nothing pisses me off more than people hogging the bench/machine. I dont even stay on the machine/bench inbetween sets although I dont abandon it either. Change weights, get up and stretch, breath etc.

  6. #926
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OMG I could not agree with you more there. I think phones should be banned from the gym floor. Nothing pisses me off more than people hogging the bench/machine. I dont even stay on the machine/bench inbetween sets although I dont abandon it either. Change weights, get up and stretch, breath etc.
    You ever notice it's the same douches that do that every week? I almost want to beat them to the bench and hog it right in front of them doing the same BS they do just to teach them a lesson. But that would make me just as bad as them.

  7. #927
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    Quote Originally Posted by Honkey_Kong View Post
    You ever notice it's the same douches that do that every week? I almost want to beat them to the bench and hog it right in front of them doing the same BS they do just to teach them a lesson. But that would make me just as bad as them.

    Yeah I hear you. Sometimes I wish I could just flip on an asshole switch and say something like Obviously you aren't using the bench so PLEASE move out of the way so I can.
    Only time I have said something is when guy walked away from a bench, obviously done and left a HUGE ass wet/sweat are from his head 1/2 way down the bench just dripping. I ran after him and said; You are not planning on leaving the bench all wet with your sweat like that are you? Yeah I think I was on cycle. LOL Yes he also went back and wiped it up.

  8. #928
    Far from massive's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OMG I could not agree with you more there. I think phones should be banned from the gym floor. Nothing pisses me off more than people hogging the bench/machine. I dont even stay on the machine/bench inbetween sets although I dont abandon it either. Change weights, get up and stretch, breath etc.
    The Fitness First I work out at has that exact rule, no cell phones in workout area. Its posted all over the gym and they actually enforce it.

    They also have staff members who walk around and rerack the wieghts. In addition they got wipe and paper towel dispensors that are always well stocked all over the gym area, I gotta tell you these things were a major factor in my choosing them as my gym. The mens room having ceramic tile walls to ceiling as well as optical sensors on the paper towel dispensors and urinals that are clean and odor free sealed the deal. The last gym I was at had a great selection of free weights and machines but it was filthy, I guess I am becoming an elitest prick but there is no way in hell I am going to work out at a place where the entire mens room smells like piss.

  9. #929
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    Nice! It's great that they enforce the rule. Mine has paper towel machines everywhere also as well as spray bottles but it's amazing how many people wont take the time to wipe off the machine when they are done like they are above that? I make sure to wipe down the bench, machine and bar before and after I use the equipment as well as using hand sanitizer a few times while I am there.

  10. #930
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Nice! It's great that they enforce the rule. Mine has paper towel machines everywhere also as well as spray bottles but it's amazing how many people wont take the time to wipe off the machine when they are done like they are above that? I make sure to wipe down the bench, machine and bar before and after I use the equipment as well as using hand sanitizer a few times while I am there.
    I yelled at somebody not too long ago for tracking water from the shower over to the lockers. I didn't notice it until I stepped in a puddle with my socks. Ruined a couple hours of that day, I was pretty pissed. I guess they need to include instruction manuals for towels.

  11. #931
    Dr Pepper's Avatar
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    I hate wanna be tough guys with bad form... Damn I hate these retards that lift super heavy and do half reps.

  12. #932
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    I hate wanna be tough guys with bad form... Damn I hate these retards that lift super heavy and do half reps.
    I don't see the point in caring what those guys do. The only people they're cheating is themselves. Now if they try to brag then it's open season.

  13. #933
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Pepper View Post
    I hate wanna be tough guys with bad form... Damn I hate these retards that lift super heavy and do half reps.
    Ya WTF is with half reps? I notice guys doing it with shoulder movements especially. I even saw one guys cheating and doing 1/4 reps lol.

  14. #934
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    An ass hat wanted the bar and bench I was using, shit u not there were 3 benches with bars that no one was using. He comes up and is like are u still using that? I was like yes, you can use the bench next to it and he says no I need that bar! So I say alright I'm on my last set and got done let him use it. It didn't really sink in until I was on the incline bench. I got so pissed that it messed up my workout! I'm done being nice to assholes like that. I'm very friendly and I guess people mistake my kindness for weakness.

  15. #935
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    The old ballz that walk around the locker butt ass naked with the towel around their shoulders?????? I'm not uncomfortable with male nudity but wtf have some common respect you have the f--king towel. Same goes when your changing by the locker and i'm sitting on the bench putting on shoes, turn your self towards the wall and change so your balls arent in my peripheral. Ymca's are notoriously bad for this.

  16. #936
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    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    The old ballz that walk around the locker butt ass naked with the towel around their shoulders?????? I'm not uncomfortable with male nudity but wtf have some common respect you have the f--king towel. Same goes when your changing by the locker and i'm sitting on the bench putting on shoes, turn your self towards the wall and change so your balls arent in my peripheral. Ymca's are notoriously bad for this.
    Playing football through college, the male nudity in a locker room does not bother me at all. No one was watching each other and walking nude or changing facing others was no big deal. I will say it is frustrating with the sitting there and they are facing you. I am polite enough to turn the other way

  17. #937
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    Quote Originally Posted by Far from massive View Post
    The Fitness First I work out at has that exact rule, no cell phones in workout area. Its posted all over the gym and they actually enforce it.

    They also have staff members who walk around and rerack the wieghts. In addition they got wipe and paper towel dispensors that are always well stocked all over the gym area, I gotta tell you these things were a major factor in my choosing them as my gym. The mens room having ceramic tile walls to ceiling as well as optical sensors on the paper towel dispensors and urinals that are clean and odor free sealed the deal. The last gym I was at had a great selection of free weights and machines but it was filthy, I guess I am becoming an elitest prick but there is no way in hell I am going to work out at a place where the entire mens room smells like piss.
    How about people who use their iphone to listen to music?

    Quote Originally Posted by pikenat View Post
    The old ballz that walk around the locker butt ass naked with the towel around their shoulders?????? I'm not uncomfortable with male nudity but wtf have some common respect you have the f--king towel. Same goes when your changing by the locker and i'm sitting on the bench putting on shoes, turn your self towards the wall and change so your balls arent in my peripheral. Ymca's are notoriously bad for this.
    Serious. At least be hot if your going to do that.
    Realist: A person who sees things as they truly are. A practical person. The pessimist complains about the wind; The optimist expects it to change; The realist adjusts the sails. — William Arthur Ward

  18. #938
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    dancing while lifting!

  19. #939
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How about people who use their iphone to listen to music?
    Thats what i was thinking. I use my iphone for music only while lifting. I never text or talk on it but would be pretty mad if i was told i wasnt allowed to have it for music

  20. #940
    MjDub724 is offline Banned
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    I kid you not. In the gym yesterday. A grown
    Man about 40 years old stepped into the gym. Blue under armour hat. Blue under armour compression shirt. Black under armour shoes. Black under armour shorts. An ipod sleeve :x and some wristbands. He went straight to the dumbells. Grabbed the 70s! And was throwing them to get a couple reps. It almost blew my mind how much a human bein can stick their chest out and keep their arms from touching their sides. Whewee weeeee

  21. #941
    xelnaga is offline Banned
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    The other day I get to the gym all pumped to start my shoulder work out. My first movement is always the military shoulder press bench. The gym was pretty empty except for some 40-50yr dressed like a 20yr doing calf raises on the one and only shoulder press bench. There are a million other places for this women to do calf raises, she likes this location ( i think) because she can make a spectacle of herself. Fast forward 5 minutes ... I walk over and just stare at the bench until she asks if I needed it. Mission accomplished.

  22. #942
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xelnaga View Post
    Ya WTF is with half reps? I notice guys doing it with shoulder movements especially. I even saw one guys cheating and doing 1/4 reps lol.
    ill do them on a smith if i have sticking point im trying to work past
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  23. #943
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ill do them on a smith if i have sticking point im trying to work past
    Yeah half reps and cheat reps(swinging on standing curls, lateral raises) can be beneficial if done correctly and at the appropriate time. The negative reps of cheating can help push the muscle, and the half reps can help the CNS adapt for more strength. But people grabbing heavy weights that they cant do for 2 reps with good form, and slingin em around is just amusement. lol

  24. #944
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    People who sign up for new year resolution and . Go couple times, and take forever on one machine and put all there $hit on another work bench UUUUGGGGHHH I could go on and on one more that group of kids standing by one bench only one kid working out the rest just bull$ more people who stare in mirror more time than actually working out

  25. #945
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay420 View Post
    People who sign up for new year resolution and . Go couple times, and take forever on one machine and put all there $hit on another work bench UUUUGGGGHHH I could go on and on one more that group of kids standing by one bench only one kid working out the rest just bull$ more people who stare in mirror more time than actually working out
    its as if they met themselves for the first time and its love at first sight

  26. #946
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    I get angry when theres no hot chicks to show off in front of and when my mp3 player dies in the middle of my workout.

  27. #947
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    Quote Originally Posted by jay420 View Post
    People who sign up for new year resolution and . Go couple times, and take forever on one machine and put all there $hit on another work bench UUUUGGGGHHH I could go on and on one more that group of kids standing by one bench only one kid working out the rest just bull$ more people who stare in mirror more time than actually working out
    Heavy sets of mirrors are a vital part of my workout regimen.

  28. #948
    wmaousley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    OMG I could not agree with you more there. I think phones should be banned from the gym floor. Nothing pisses me off more than people hogging the bench/machine. I dont even stay on the machine/bench inbetween sets although I dont abandon it either. Change weights, get up and stretch, breath etc.
    I agree but I keep my phones in my Gym Bag thats with me throughout my workout.

  29. #949
    Honkey_Kong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wmaousley View Post
    I agree but I keep my phones in my Gym Bag thats with me throughout my workout.
    I keep my phone on me in the gym in case of an emergency at home. I think it's more of a maturity thing. Most of the people texting and using the phone in there are rather young.

  30. #950
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    Well i have my phone on me too, but i wait till im between sets to text someone back if i get a text. and like HK, i have it for emergencies as well. But when i do text someone back, its during my rest, and i get off the bench or machine and either walk to the water fountain or just move out of the way so someone else can have a turn. I think it all depends on how you use said devices. There is a respectful way and there is a douche way. i think i am pretty respectful in the gym.

  31. #951
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    Quote Originally Posted by androbolic_09 View Post
    Well i have my phone on me too, but i wait till im between sets to text someone back if i get a text. and like HK, i have it for emergencies as well. But when i do text someone back, its during my rest, and i get off the bench or machine and either walk to the water fountain or just move out of the way so someone else can have a turn. I think it all depends on how you use said devices. There is a respectful way and there is a douche way. i think i am pretty respectful in the gym.
    i do that also. But it may look like im texting to someone when i am going threw my playlist for different songs
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  32. #952
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    Well i have my ipod in my other pocket so i pull it out to switch songs too. but nonetheless, i get in there, lift like hell and stay courteous to others, and get out. i dont stay in there 3 hours talking to people or on the phone. I do check the time on my phone too just for a reference periodically.

  33. #953
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    Quote Originally Posted by androbolic_09 View Post
    Well i have my ipod in my other pocket so i pull it out to switch songs too. but nonetheless, i get in there, lift like hell and stay courteous to others, and get out. i dont stay in there 3 hours talking to people or on the phone. I do check the time on my phone too just for a reference periodically.
    im saying my phone is my "ipod" so if it looks like im playing or texting on my phone, im just looking for a song
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  34. #954
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    i know what you were saying gixx. i was just saying that im guilty of texting but not the stand around and not lift people

  35. #955
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    oh ok.
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  36. #956
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    all above is normal phone useage...if it isnt interfering with anyone like your on the phone and expecting to hold the equipment w/o working out is a totally different issue....u could be sitting there doing NOTHING and taking a fvcking nap or thinking of your problems..just keep it fvcking real...if you aint fvcking lifting then get the fvck off and let the ppl use it

  37. #957
    Razor is offline Banned
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    I'm on the cardio machine whoring right now...does that count?

  38. #958
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    I'm on the cardio machine whoring right now...does that count?
    Your gold in my book bro....hike up the incline...your not working hard enough if your texting

  39. #959
    Razor is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman
    Your gold in my book bro....hike up the incline...your not working hard enough if your texting
    Roger going from 7 to 14!!!

  40. #960
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razr. View Post
    Roger going from 7 to 14!!!
    Haha i was playing bubble shoot yesterday on my phone while doing cardio. boy does keeping your mind occupied help with the ABSOLUTE BORINGNESS OF CARIO!!!

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