Results 4,601 to 4,640 of 6181
02-07-2018, 07:53 PM #4601
30 minutes of cardio. Wasn’t the best but done nonetheless
02-08-2018, 08:16 AM #4602
Set 1: 20 min
Notes: 5-30 sec Sprints mixed in
Ab Roller
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 25 reps
Notes: Ab machine
Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Russian Twist
Set 1: 25 reps
Set 2: 25 reps
Set 3: 25 reps
Set 4: 25 reps
Notes: With 12lb ball
Set 1: 1 min
Abs - Side Cable Pulls
Set 1: 20 lb × 10
Set 2: 30 lb × 10
Set 3: 30 lb × 10
02-08-2018, 07:21 PM #4603
30 more minutes of cardio, 7 minutes rowing and the rest on the bike
02-09-2018, 07:32 AM #4604
Set 1: 3 min
Set 1: 225 lb × 10
Set 2: 225 lb × 10
Set 3: 225 lb × 10
Notes: Used step in barbell thing
Incline Bench Press
Set 1: 50 lb × 8
Set 2: 50 lb × 8
Set 3: 50 lb × 8
Notes: Dumbbells , slow and controlled
Leg Extension
Set 1: 130 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 10
Set 3: 150 lb × 10
T Bar Row
Set 1: 140 lb × 8
Set 2: 140 lb × 8
Notes: Machine
Was completely dead afterwards. First time in a while doing dumbbells on incline, still felt weird in my left chest and right shoulder. Looking a little leaner/cut muscle wise, can start to see that I have muscles under this fat!
02-10-2018, 10:13 AM #4605
30 minutes on the bike, some rubber band work, and calves
02-11-2018, 10:29 AM #4606
45 minutes in the gym, 20 on the treadmill walking, 10 on the bike, and 5 on the rowing machine, then stretched for the rest of the time.
Was under 190 this morning but I’m pretty sure it’s water loss. Hope to be under 190 towards the end of this week!
02-12-2018, 08:23 AM #4607
Pissing excellence over here!
Set 1: 5 min
Notes: Warmup
Squat (Machine)
Set 1: 135 lb × 10
Set 2: 185 lb × 8
Set 3: 225 lb × 6
Set 4: 225 lb × 6
Notes: Smith machine
Shoulder Press (Machine)
Set 1: 85 lb × 10
Set 2: 85 lb × 10
Set 3: 85 lb × 10
Tricep Extension
Set 1: 80 lb × 12
Set 2: 90 lb × 10
Set 3: 90 lb × 10
Notes: Overhead
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Set 4: 60 lb × 10
Set 5: 60 lb × 10
Calf Press
Set 1: 80 lb × 20
Set 2: 80 lb × 20
Set 3: 80 lb × 20
Set 4: 80 lb × 20
Right shoulder was bothersome. Felt stronger, especially on legs and kettle swings. Wish they had a bigger kettle, only goes up to 60lbs.
02-12-2018, 07:58 PM #4608
30 minutes on the treadmill and some stretching. Eating like a madman!
02-13-2018, 11:46 AM #4609
45 minutes in the gym, 30 on the bike, some jump rope, some ab roll outs, and some rubberband work. First time in my life I have worked out on Mardi Gras day! Heading to a friends house now to boil up some mud bugs!
02-14-2018, 08:16 AM #4610
Felt a lil sluggish today, muscles felt fatigued.
Set 1: 3 min
Front Squat
Set 1: 70 lb × 10
Set 2: 90 lb × 8
Set 3: 90 lb × 8
Set 4: 100 lb × 6
Calf Press
Set 1: 90 lb × 20
Set 2: 90 lb × 20
Set 3: 90 lb × 20
hammer chest press
Set 1: 70 lb × 10
Set 2: 80 lb × 8
Set 3: 80 lb × 8
Leg Extension
Set 1: 130 lb × 10
Set 2: 130 lb × 10
Set 3: 130 lb × 10
Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 120 lb × 10
Set 2: 120 lb × 10
02-14-2018, 07:15 PM #4611
Workout No 2
Set 1: 10 min
Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 100 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 8
Set 3: 140 lb × 6
single leg glute press
Set 1: 60 lb × 8
Set 2: 60 lb × 8
Set 3: 60 lb × 8
Notes: Each leg
Front Raise
Set 1: 18 lb × 8
Lateral Raise
Set 1: 10 lb × 17
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 50 reps
Notes: Ab machine
02-15-2018, 11:17 AM #4612
30 minutes on my bike trainer
02-18-2018, 01:36 PM #4613
Went camping over the weekend. Hiked fasted for 2 hours straight, ended up with about 8 miles total yesterday. Today, did 3 miles fasted, give or take about an hour.
I think we have about 4-5 weeks left to the competition and I need to step it up! Diet will get tighter!
02-19-2018, 08:01 AM #4614
Pissed some excellence this AM!
Set 1: 3 min
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Leg Extension
Set 1: 140 lb × 10
Set 2: 150 lb × 10
Set 3: 160 lb × 10
Bench Press (Machine)
Set 1: 110 lb × 10
Set 2: 150 lb × 10
Set 3: 170 lb × 10
Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 100 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 8
Set 3: 140 lb × 8
Calf Press
Set 1: 90 lb × 20
Set 2: 90 lb × 20
Set 3: 90 lb × 20
Upright Barbell Row
Set 1: 115 lb × 12
Set 2: 135 lb × 10
Set 3: 135 lb × 8
Notes: smith machine
I’m definitely sore from the weekend hiking, especially my shin splints. I hiked in some old shoes so guessing that is the culprit in the shin splints. Will be doing some cardio later on!
02-20-2018, 08:32 AM #4615
65 minutes of cardio on the bike. Felt good this morning, could have went longer but had to go. Will get some more in later on cutting and weed eating the yard. High of 83 today, just a month ago it was 30!
02-20-2018, 05:47 PM #4616
I really pushed it today! Another hour and 40 minutes of cardio. Weedeated, push mowed the grass, and put out some weed and feed fertilizer. That’s 2 hours and 45 minutes today of cardio, I’m spent!
“If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein
"Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."
"In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."
Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.
No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.
Depressed? Healthy Way Out!
Tips For Young Lifters
MuscleScience Training Log
02-21-2018, 07:56 AM #4618
02-22-2018, 09:14 AM #4619
Got in 20 minutes of cardio, some stretching, and some rubber band work, about 45 minutes total. I am feeling yesterday’s workout, legs are fried.
02-22-2018, 07:14 PM #4620
Another 30 minutes of cardio in, bike and rowing machine
02-24-2018, 09:55 AM #4621
Played golf yesterday, definitely need to practice! Didn’t even keep score but did find my swing towards the end.
Today, hit the levee by the Mississippi River where the wind was kicking my ass!
02-26-2018, 06:59 AM #4622
Yesterday, chased some cows for cardio, it was nuts!
Set 1: 3 min
Set 1: 225 lb × 10
Set 2: 225 lb × 10
Set 3: 225 lb × 6
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 12
Set 2: 60 lb × 12
Set 3: 60 lb × 12
Leg Extension
Set 1: 150 lb × 10
Set 2: 170 lb × 10
Set 3: 190 lb × 6
hammer chest press
Set 1: 70 lb × 10
Set 2: 70 lb × 10
Set 3: 70 lb × 8
Tricep Extension
Set 1: 70 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
02-26-2018, 05:47 PM #4623
Workout number two
02-27-2018, 07:48 AM #4624
Set 1: 10 min
Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 20 reps
Set 2: 20 reps
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 50 reps
Set 3: 50 reps
Russian Twist
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 50 reps
Set 3: 50 reps
Notes: With 12 lb med ball
Some stretching
02-27-2018, 08:09 PM #4625
30 minutes on the bike at the gym. Wanted to do more but got there late and was starving!
02-28-2018, 07:41 AM #4626
Pissed some excellence!
Set 1: 3 min
Good Morning
Set 1: 70 lb × 10
Set 2: 70 lb × 10
Set 3: 70 lb × 10
Overhead Barbell Press
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Notes: Right shoulder bothersome so kept weight light
Squat (Machine)
Set 1: 155 lb × 10
Set 2: 185 lb × 8
Set 3: 205 lb × 6
Had pain in left hip when at the bottom of my squat, need to address this.
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Leg Extension
Set 1: 50 lb × 20
Set 2: 50 lb × 20
Set 3: 50 lb × 20
Notes: Single leg (10 reps each)
02-28-2018, 06:21 PM #4627
48 minutes of cardio, cut the grass in the 83 degree weather, had a nice sweat going. Need to get a new mower!
03-01-2018, 08:09 AM #4628
10 minutes of rowing
10 minutes on the treadmill on an incline
10 minutes jump rope (1 min jump 1 min rest)
10 minutes on bike
And some stretching
My hammies are sooooo tight from doing good mornings yesterday!
03-02-2018, 08:52 AM #4629
Had a shitty workout this morning, just felt dead. Lot on my mind and maybe need to carb up some. Freaking weight has not moved from 188-189 lbs in a while.
03-03-2018, 09:10 AM #4630
Need more rest but did manage a nice 1.5-2 hr slow stalk through the woods this morning. Was stalking for wild hogs, didn’t see any but did see about 30 deer.
03-04-2018, 11:20 AM #4631
Lil road bike ride!
03-05-2018, 08:04 AM #4632
Monday workout:
Set 1: 5 min
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Set 4: 60 lb × 10
hammer chest press
Set 1: 90 lb × 8
Set 2: 100 lb × 5
Set 3: 100 lb × 4
Notes: 90 lbs on each side
single leg glute press
Set 1: 50 lb × 10
Set 2: 55 lb × 8
Set 3: 55 lb × 8
Notes: Each leg
Lateral Raise
Set 1: 10 lb × 12
Set 2: 10 lb × 10
Notes: Side
Front Raise
Set 1: 10 lb × 10
Set 2: 10 lb × 10
Set 1: 75 reps
Set 2: 50 reps
03-05-2018, 05:54 PM #4633
Workout No 2
Set 1: 40 min
Bicep Curl (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 20 lb × 10
Set 2: 25 lb × 8
Notes: Each arm
Shrug (Dumbbell)
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Tricep Extension
Set 1: 70 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Set 3: 70 lb × 12
Bicep Cable Curl
Set 1: 50 lb × 10
Set 2: 50 lb × 10
Set 3: 50 lb × 10
03-06-2018, 08:38 AM #4634
Meh, 20 minutes on the treadmill on an incline, some stretching, and some Russian twists.
03-06-2018, 05:50 PM #4635
what's your BODY FAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????
03-06-2018, 07:25 PM #4636
03-06-2018, 07:39 PM #4637
Workout No 2
Treadmill 1
Set 1: 20 min
Notes: On various different inclines
Set 1: 10 min
Hanging Leg Raise
Set 1: 15 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Set 3: 10 reps
Set 1: 50 reps
Set 2: 50 reps
03-07-2018, 07:42 AM #4638
Set 1: 6 min
Kettle bell Swings
Set 1: 60 lb × 10
Set 2: 60 lb × 10
Set 3: 60 lb × 10
Set 4: 60 lb × 10
Set 5: 60 lb × 10
Leg Extension
Set 1: 150 lb × 10
Set 2: 170 lb × 10
Set 3: 200 lb × 8
T Bar Row
Set 1: 140 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 8
Set 3: 140 lb × 8
Calf Press
Set 1: 90 lb × 20
Set 2: 90 lb × 20
03-07-2018, 06:59 PM #4639
Workout number two
Set 1: 15 min
Overhead Barbell Press
Set 1: 90 lb × 6
Set 2: 90 lb × 6
Tricep Extension
Set 1: 70 lb × 12
Set 2: 70 lb × 12
Lat Pulldown
Set 1: 120 lb × 10
Set 2: 140 lb × 8
Back Extension
Set 1: 10 reps
Set 2: 10 reps
Upright Barbell Row
Set 1: 115 lb × 12
Set 2: 115 lb × 12
03-07-2018, 07:05 PM #4640
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First Tren Cycle (blast)