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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #7401
    Hazard's Avatar
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    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone . He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  2. #7402
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggle View Post
    That's a good plan, Cape. I didn't think about that. But then, you'd only be hitting each part only once.
    I'm trying for the intensity on both of the days - but it's not easy!
    Personally I split hams/quads. There is no way you can fully recover and hit those bodyparts twice a week if you are using this training style. Quads and hams need time as both actualy get worked involuntarily on each day. I wouldn't recommend it and don't know anyone that would. Train high intensity with less sets an a lesser frequency. Will save you gym time also.
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  3. #7403
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone. He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol

    That's nuts man. Damn how does he stay that big on dialysis?? That'd crazy man. Whay do u think shut him down?
    Last edited by Cuz; 11-21-2013 at 09:20 PM.

  4. #7404
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone . He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol
    I remember that pic. Those amounts are just crazy. I have a friend like that who's pushing close to 300lbs now. Insane amounts of gear. The more is better philosophy is rampant and guys end up paying the price for it. That price could be their life.
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  5. #7405
    thunderthor70's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone. He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol
    It's amazing to me when I hear these stories! Makes me wonder how guys like Dexter Jackson can do it for so many years. Is it just a game of Russian roulette with these guys or are some just more responsible?

  6. #7406
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    It may be a little bit of luck, but you're right, it is Russian roulette. There's only so much a liver detoxin can do..

    Hope your friend is okay Haz.

  7. #7407
    Hazard's Avatar
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    Here's the test result lol
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**-image-1577752302.jpg  
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  8. #7408
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    Quote Originally Posted by thunderthor70 View Post
    It's amazing to me when I hear these stories! Makes me wonder how guys like Dexter Jackson can do it for so many years. Is it just a game of Russian roulette with these guys or are some just more responsible?
    Your genetics play a big role. A lot of guys have to use more gear to keep up with the ones that do not need as mu ch gear to grow. And then end up paying the price unfortunately

  9. #7409
    kronik420's Avatar
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    just got back from gym

    4 warm-up sets
    1 working set + triple drop
    3 x 308
    3 x 264
    3 x 220
    4 x 176, failed 5th rep, collapsed on floor lol..

    hammer strength hack squats
    1 feel set, 1 working set + triple drop
    7 x 88
    3 x 66
    3 x 44
    4 x 22 (+ weight of machine), failed 5th rep.. legs are on fire..

    glute-ham raise machine thing
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 1 drop + 2 rest-pause
    8 x 137.5 (not sure if kg or lbs..)
    5 x 125
    5 x 125
    4 x 125

    calf raise's
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 3 rest-pause
    8 x 240
    can't remember how many reps i did after that....

    6 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.. lol..

    total gym time 36 minutes.

    took me 3x as long to walk out of the gym compared with when i walked into the gym...

    now im hungry.. cbf cooking.... thinking subway

  10. #7410
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Here's the test result lol
    A damn human grizzly bear

  11. #7411
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    It may be a little bit of luck, but you're right, it is Russian roulette. There's only so much a liver detoxin can do..

    Hope your friend is okay Haz.
    He's okay.... i suppose. Let me clarify.... he's a very close friend of my buddy and he was a friend of my fathers before my dad moved to florida. So thats how I know of him..... It's funny because I havn't heard anything on him since my father moved and then my friend starts talking about him and i was like "wtf you know him too!?" lol

    I'm trying to set up a training session :-)
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  12. #7412
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    just got back from gym

    4 warm-up sets
    1 working set + triple drop
    3 x 308
    3 x 264
    3 x 220
    4 x 176, failed 5th rep, collapsed on floor lol..

    hammer strength hack squats
    1 feel set, 1 working set + triple drop
    7 x 88
    3 x 66
    3 x 44
    4 x 22 (+ weight of machine), failed 5th rep.. legs are on fire..

    glute-ham raise machine thing
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 1 drop + 2 rest-pause
    8 x 137.5 (not sure if kg or lbs..)
    5 x 125
    5 x 125
    4 x 125

    calf raise's
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 3 rest-pause
    8 x 240
    can't remember how many reps i did after that....

    6 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.. lol..

    total gym time 36 minutes.

    took me 3x as long to walk out of the gym compared with when i walked into the gym...

    now im hungry.. cbf cooking.... thinking subway
    well done!

    normally i wouldn't even bother with cardio on a leg day. legs would be too soft and i might fall off and crack my head lol
    Last edited by AD; 11-21-2013 at 09:45 PM.

  13. #7413
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    just got back from gym

    4 warm-up sets
    1 working set + triple drop
    3 x 308
    3 x 264
    3 x 220
    4 x 176, failed 5th rep, collapsed on floor lol..
    total reps = 13
    hammer strength hack squats
    1 feel set, 1 working set + triple drop
    7 x 88
    3 x 66
    3 x 44
    4 x 22 (+ weight of machine), failed 5th rep.. legs are on fire..
    Total reps = 17
    glute-ham raise machine thing
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 1 drop + 2 rest-pause
    8 x 137.5 (not sure if kg or lbs..)
    5 x 125
    5 x 125
    4 x 125
    Total reps = 22
    calf raise's
    1 feel set, 1 working set + 3 rest-pause
    8 x 240
    can't remember how many reps i did after that....

    6 minutes of cardio on the elliptical.. lol..

    total gym time 36 minutes.

    took me 3x as long to walk out of the gym compared with when i walked into the gym...

    now im hungry.. cbf cooking.... thinking subway
    kronik way to kill it in there. Quick comment on the number of reps you're pushing out though. You'll want to keep your rep range (including drop sets) at 12 maximum. What you should do, is increase the weight and decrease the reps, you will therefore recriut new muscle, and force growth. Here is an excerpt on rep range from marcus:

    Rep range
    The ideal rep range for building size and stimulating hypertrophy is the 6 to 12 reps. Less than 6 reps will more or less increase strength and a degree of size, performing more than 12 reps will help build muscle endurance. Make sure that your reps fall within this range and your hitting true positive failure for the best chance of hypertrpohy. If your implementing one of the beyond failure methods such as forced & negs, rest pause or dropsetting you use a weight what is heavy enough to bring your positive failure at the low end of the rep range. An example for rest pause you use a weight what you will hit true positive failure at around the 4th rep then you would rest for around 10-15 seconds and do another couple of reps, then rest again for another 10-15 seconds and hit another 2 reps with the same weight. In total your doing 8 reps which is within range and your going to failure on each rest pause so you have a high chance of stimulating the right fibers to produce the best gains. As your rep range and strength increases towards a total of 12 reps you simple increase the weight being used so your constantly increasing intensity and overload, the two keys principles of any HIT programme. You use feeler sets to determine what weight you will be using on your working set, as you use different methods like dropsetting always makes sure you don't drop the weight to much so your not going over 12 reps in total. If you are you need to be using heavier weight on the drops so your rep range hits below the 12 reps in total. I always like to use around the 8 rep range in total and increase the reps upwards until I feel i can increase the weight so my rep range falls around the 8 rep range again. We are aiming for maximum muscle fiber recruitment hitting these rep ranges at failure will have the greatest potential for muscular growth. The above advice is for someone who is already advanced and is looking to build bigger thicker muscles, its not for someone who is building a base and foundation because these people can really benefit from using a lower rep range aswell as the above.
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  14. #7414
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    kronik way to kill it in there. Quick comment on the number of reps you're pushing out though. You'll want to keep your rep range (including drop sets) at 12 maximum. What you should do, is increase the weight and decrease the reps, you will therefore recriut new muscle, and force growth. Here is an excerpt on rep range from marcus:

    Rep range
    The ideal rep range for building size and stimulating hypertrophy is the 6 to 12 reps. Less than 6 reps will more or less increase strength and a degree of size, performing more than 12 reps will help build muscle endurance. Make sure that your reps fall within this range and your hitting true positive failure for the best chance of hypertrpohy. If your implementing one of the beyond failure methods such as forced & negs, rest pause or dropsetting you use a weight what is heavy enough to bring your positive failure at the low end of the rep range. An example for rest pause you use a weight what you will hit true positive failure at around the 4th rep then you would rest for around 10-15 seconds and do another couple of reps, then rest again for another 10-15 seconds and hit another 2 reps with the same weight. In total your doing 8 reps which is within range and your going to failure on each rest pause so you have a high chance of stimulating the right fibers to produce the best gains. As your rep range and strength increases towards a total of 12 reps you simple increase the weight being used so your constantly increasing intensity and overload, the two keys principles of any HIT programme. You use feeler sets to determine what weight you will be using on your working set, as you use different methods like dropsetting always makes sure you don't drop the weight to much so your not going over 12 reps in total. If you are you need to be using heavier weight on the drops so your rep range hits below the 12 reps in total. I always like to use around the 8 rep range in total and increase the reps upwards until I feel i can increase the weight so my rep range falls around the 8 rep range again. We are aiming for maximum muscle fiber recruitment hitting these rep ranges at failure will have the greatest potential for muscular growth. The above advice is for someone who is already advanced and is looking to build bigger thicker muscles, its not for someone who is building a base and foundation because these people can really benefit from using a lower rep range aswell as the above.

    i've skimmed over this before.. guess i misunderstood it, so total reps including drops or rest-pause should be in the 6-12 range, ok now i get it.. so more weight next time w00t..

    thanks Igi.. and Marcus..

  15. #7415
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    Quote Originally Posted by kronik420 View Post
    i've skimmed over this before.. guess i misunderstood it, so total reps including drops or rest-pause should be in the 6-12 range, ok now i get it.. so more weight next time w00t..

    thanks Igi.. and Marcus..
    Exactly! Its exciting when it 'clicks', isn't it?

  16. #7416
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    Exactly! Its exciting when it 'clicks', isn't it?
    yea lol...

    can't wait for Monday, chest/tri's, more weight less reps

  17. #7417
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    I think your avi would be well different.
    Ahhh but you have never seen my face....
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  18. #7418
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Here's the test result lol
    lol. "OUT OF RANGE". Ya think?

  19. #7419
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    Quote Originally Posted by Java Man

    lol. "OUT OF RANGE". Ya think?
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  20. #7420
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    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Personally I split hams/quads. There is no way you can fully recover and hit those bodyparts twice a week if you are using this training style. Quads and hams need time as both actualy get worked involuntarily on each day. I wouldn't recommend it and don't know anyone that would. Train high intensity with less sets an a lesser frequency. Will save you gym time also.
    I split hams and quads between two consecutive days this week. Sort of by accident/necessity but I'm really happy about it. I think I may incorporate this for the near future. I was able to work each area harder and more completely than I usually get since I was 'fresh' for each. Not twice per week though. Damn that! Nooo way. I can barely walk today.
    Last edited by Java Man; 11-22-2013 at 01:29 AM. Reason: Swype typos, of course

  21. #7421
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    Thank you Chad. I just need to work on my legs and hopefully I'll make some progress this year!
    It's very helpful to hear what you do.
    Quote Originally Posted by chadcuz1985 View Post
    Personally I split hams/quads. There is no way you can fully recover and hit those bodyparts twice a week if you are using this training style. Quads and hams need time as both actualy get worked involuntarily on each day. I wouldn't recommend it and don't know anyone that would. Train high intensity with less sets an a lesser frequency. Will save you gym time also.
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  22. #7422
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giggle View Post
    Just a question for you boys if you please: I'm in a growth phase and working really hard. Want to bring up my legs a bit. What do you think about doing legs (or any lagging body part) twice a week for a while?
    That's great your in a growth spurt. Why not try adding further movements to your leg routine and try some movements at different angles. Close stance hack squat, stiff leg dead lfts, lunges etc and try a different rep range and take yourself pure hell..
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  23. #7423
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    I can't keep up with the pace of this thread.

    My work schedule has changed so it's really cocked up my training. I'm always being tested lol. Well all I can do is when I do go make it count even more.
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  24. #7424
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I can't keep up with the pace of this thread.

    My work schedule has changed so it's really cocked up my training. I'm always being tested lol. Well all I can do is when I do go make it count even more.
    Right? I try to read every post in here but that's getting difficult.

  25. #7425
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone. He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol

    It's just not worth it when it effects your health in such a big way

  26. #7426
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    I really want to come over and train with one of you lot. A week of pure hell in fact we could film it that would be fun.
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  27. #7427
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Here's the test result lol
    Ha ha ha

  28. #7428
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    Dumbbell shoulders press 1 set 7 reps 1 rp+1rep 1 drop +3 reps.
    Cable lateral raises 1 set 6 reps with 2 drop
    Dumbbell lateral raises 4 sets 15/10/8/6 (same weight and rest 30 second between sets)
    Dumbbell rear delt raises 1 set 6 reps 1rp +3rep 1 drop +4 reps
    Barbell shrug 2 sets 8 reps with 4 partial reps.

    20 minutes.

  29. #7429
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doom44 View Post

    Dumbbell shoulders press 1 set 7 reps 1 rp+1rep 1 drop +3 reps.
    Cable lateral raises 1 set 6 reps with 2 drop
    Dumbbell lateral raises 4 sets 15/10/8/6 (same weight and rest 30 second between sets)
    Dumbbell rear delt raises 1 set 6 reps 1rp +3rep 1 drop +4 reps
    Barbell shrug 2 sets 8 reps with 4 partial reps.

    20 minutes.
    20 minutes!?

    You are remembering to breathe, right?

  30. #7430
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    I really want to come over and train with one of you lot. A week of pure hell in fact we could film it that would be fun.
    I'm only about 8700 km from you. BRT

  31. #7431
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    For those interested.....

    A little while ago I posted a pic of my friends brother and another friend.... the big dude that weighs 310lbs.

    Anyways.... my buddy sent me his blood work today and that got us talking about his history. He's a pro btw.... I didn't think he got it but he did and then ironically landed in the hospital with shot kidneys.

    Anyways.... with a reference range of 200-800 his test level came back at 6200. He's on 3 grams of test a week and 8iu's of american pharma hgh. He says he cycles on and off of the harsher things like deca and tren - when he drops other compounds he raises his testosterone. He has been on dialysis for years now.... I have no idea how the fvck he maintains all that size like that. He's an incredibly cool guy too.... just nuts lol

    This is my opinion and just my opinion. But the judges and fans are a big part of the blame here. In the 70's and 80's symmetry and conditioning was the governing factor of judging. When the judges started rewarding size everyone had to get bigger and bigger. That meant putting more and more into their bodies. Most only cycled once or twice a year. They weren't on year round. Zane Meintzer and even Arnold were and are obtainable sizes for people with the genetics. They guys have become cartoon characters with size and mass that is over the top. When Dexter won I thought wow here we go back to basics. That didn't last long. And we are all caught up in it. We want to be big no matter what. And that's my thought.

    Sorry about your friend Haz.
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  32. #7432
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I really want to come over and train with one of you lot. A week of pure hell in fact we could film it that would be fun.
    See..... Bring the gf to NYC. Well..... Nj and u could visit NYC and make a nice holiday of it. Then we could hit diamond gym one day, beb Francis' new gym another, strong and shapely another day, and my gym the last or even a gym called dumbells where Vic Martinez used to train. Hit 4 straight bodybuilding gyms in one week lol
    Igifuno, bikeral and Java Man like this.
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  33. #7433
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    Ez bar Curls
    90x6 drop x6
    100x4 drop x8

    Incline DB Curls
    50x5 drop x5
    55x4 drop x3

    Preacher Curls
    100x6 dropx4 dropx2

    Cable Press Down with Reverse Grip Pulldowns
    140x10/80x10. 180x5/100x6

    Incline DB

    Single Arm Rope Kick Back
    50x8 dropx4

    Enjoy last pics till after the new year.

    **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**-image.jpg**Marcus's HIT Dungeon**-image.jpg

    Couldn't wait anymore. Stepped on the scale today before the holidays kick off. Under 200 lbs. Wish I had not.
    Last edited by Capebuffalo; 11-22-2013 at 06:52 AM.
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  34. #7434
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    Couldn't wait anymore. Stepped on the scale today before the holidays kick off. Under 200 lbs. Wish I had not.
    That is proof of what your pics have been showing. You didn't put on any fat. I really hate the bulk and cut rubbish. Wish every lb I put on is simply pure muscle fibres.
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  35. #7435
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Couldn't wait anymore. Stepped on the scale today before the holidays kick off. Under 200 lbs. Wish I had not.
    You look like you're 215
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  36. #7436
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    See..... Bring the gf to NYC. Well..... Nj and u could visit NYC and make a nice holiday of it. Then we could hit diamond gym one day, beb Francis' new gym another, strong and shapely another day, and my gym the last or even a gym called dumbells where Vic Martinez used to train. Hit 4 straight bodybuilding gyms in one week lol
    that's a good idea; I'd come up for a couple day..

    Do it Marcus..

  37. #7437
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    It's just not worth it when it effects your health in such a big way
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post

    This is my opinion and just my opinion. But the judges and fans are a big part of the blame here. In the 70's and 80's symmetry and conditioning was the governing factor of judging. When the judges started rewarding size everyone had to get bigger and bigger. That meant putting more and more into their bodies. Most only cycled once or twice a year. They weren't on year round. Zane Meintzer and even Arnold were and are obtainable sizes for people with the genetics. They guys have become cartoon characters with size and mass that is over the top. When Dexter won I thought wow here we go back to basics. That didn't last long. And we are all caught up in it. We want to be big no matter what. And that's my thought.

    Sorry about your friend Haz.
    Great points. I want to be big but at what price. It seems like pros and the people that emulate them are putting themselves at huge risks. I don't believe ( and maybe I'm wrong) that there is a way to cycle safely and responsibly to get that big. We see the end results of years and years of cycles but we never go to the doctor to see those results. I also want to add I've gained a huge amount of respect for Igi who recently dropped a compound he knew was giving him health troubles. Hats off Igi. I love lifting and when I'm done I want to love the time after.
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  38. #7438
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fcastle357 View Post
    Great points. I want to be big but at what price. It seems like pros and the people that emulate them are putting themselves at huge risks. I don't believe ( and maybe I'm wrong) that there is a way to cycle safely and responsibly to get that big. We see the end results of years and years of cycles but we never go to the doctor to see those results. I also want to add I've gained a huge amount of respect for Igi who recently dropped a compound he knew was giving him health troubles. Hats off Igi. I love lifting and when I'm done I want to love the time after.
    Wow, thank you castle - really appreciate that. Definitely want to love the time after, whenever that may be.

  39. #7439
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    Just ain't what you weigh....its what you look like you way. Spoken from a true ecto haha. I know its been said in here before just reposting.

  40. #7440
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    Scoped out a gym in Charlotte that I will go to today. Should be able to wrap up work by 11a.. 3 hour drive to the gym lol.. And maybe even catch an early flight out.

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