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Thread: xX Silabolin' s HIT Castle Xx

  1. #281
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    what do you care?

    if I get fat like you I be easy heavier than you are, lil boy in a fat-body , feel insecure? I wonder what would you be like if you drop your BF to single digit % getting fat is very easy, getting big - all you need to know is what rich piano does, getting shreded takes some balls, do you even sport a pair bruh?

  2. #282
    Join Date
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    Surrounded by wolves
    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    traps???...fine...great...just what i need......i fukking show you traps. Trust me dudes
    Your into traps??

  3. #283
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    Quote Originally Posted by bizzarro View Post

    Your into traps??
    Apparently i need to be

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    what do you care?

    if I get fat like you I be easy heavier than you are, lil boy in a fat-body , feel insecure? I wonder what would you be like if you drop your BF to single digit % getting fat is very easy, getting big - all you need to know is what rich piano does, getting shreded takes some balls, do you even sport a pair bruh?
    What ya know about fat. Thinking ur 10 but everybody can see your 15+ in your pics

  5. #285
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    Im not bragging about my fat % nor arguing, I have to take some measures and I have what I have and untill I get some superior way of testing thats how I measure myself at this point and that measure is for me, not for you or anyone else, little porkey dont get so but-hurt everytime you see someone thinner than you, Im not competing with your stupid ass (I mean head) for any reason, but hey here is a little one, show me your torso, show it to us all, lets estimate, tell me what your BF% is just for curiosity, and I will show you mine, pics taken just few hours ago.

    Cmon, duel is on, silly boy, lets measure photos and I dont care if you measure me @ 20% at least, I will be very pleased to know where you will land

  6. #286
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    Im not bragging about my fat % nor arguing, I have to take some measures and I have what I have and untill I get some superior way of testing thats how I measure myself at this point and that measure is for me, not for you or anyone else, little porkey dont get so but-hurt everytime you see someone thinner than you, Im not competing with your stupid ass (I mean head) for any reason, but hey here is a little one, show me your torso, show it to us all, lets estimate, tell me what your BF% is just for curiosity, and I will show you mine, pics taken just few hours ago.

    Cmon, duel is on, silly boy, lets measure photos and I dont care if you measure me @ 20% at least, I will be very pleased to know where you will land
    Ok...anyway....that new avatar of yours actually looks decent. Been googling a lookalike or is it u?

  7. #287
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    I dont live life like you do piano boy, why would I need to google something when I can just take a damn phone out of my pocket and take few pics in the mirror that is actually clean?

    besides, its easy, go save my avatar photo, go to google search and upload it to image search to find matching images then point me to where you will find it, moron

  8. #288
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    So, whats it gonna be? Posting your torso pic's or are you not with pich piano anymore?

  9. #289
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Dont make me and all of us wait for 3+ months so you can go on a SARM-Nazi diet and take some "decent 5% whatever-it-takes synthol pics"

    you fired the shots, now stand your ground boy!

  10. #290
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    So, whats it gonna be? Posting your torso pic's or are you not with pich piano anymore?
    I show u anything u wanna see in december, boy...well..almost

  11. #291
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    How do you imagine, understand a situation, similar like this one here, would end for you when you call out some other guy who you have no idea about and then you need to stand your ground for what you said yet you stay quiet and not move a finger about what you said?

    Oh, I see , you would then run back home and train real hard, use whatever-it-takes tactics to make sure you dont get ashamed?

    Dont you think its enough behaving like this sillyboy?

    Talking to you seeing your behaviour and responses feels like Im talking to my 7 year old

  12. #292
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    at least change your avater to this, so you match your clown personality to what you really represent:

  13. #293
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    No Im being 100% honest because thats the way he is with other members in members pic section saying they look OK. If those are good traps I feel sorry for you.
    Mid traps are visible all I'm sayin lol

  14. #294
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    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  15. #295
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    Aug 2016
    Upper traps non existent lol. Unless my knowledge of the human anatomy is off at this moment in life. The traps make up a huge percentage of the back, so that's all I see on the back pic around the mid center area cuz that's the muscle that is there. Anywhere else different story lol. Come on guys what's with all the testosterone in the room. Ooops my bad. Wrong place for that silly question lol. Agh jk everyone. Geeez guys lighten up. Silanolin is a monster !! Can't we all agree
    Last edited by Marsoc; 09-10-2016 at 06:22 PM.

  16. #296
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    I see no traps, but what I see is a coward facing backwards, a coward who is afraid of 170pound beast, a young child who fires the shots and goes: "... Anyways ..." when needs to respond

    That is:

  17. #297
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    Yah I take back all ,my criticism. Just not trying to talk shit about anyone wether I agree with their training ethic or not. Everyone has their own weak points. Silabolin is the traps. He wasn't born with any trap muscle. Their implants. JK it's synthol oil or whatever jk again. Ok I'm done

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Upper traps non existent lol. Unless my knowledge of the human anatomy is off at this moment in life. The traps make up a huge percentage of the back, so that's all I see on the back pic around the mid center area cuz that's the muscle that is there. Anywhere else different story lol. Come on guys what's with all the testosterone in the room. Ooops my bad. Wrong place for that silly question lol. Agh jk everyone. Geeez guys lighten up. Silanolin is a monster !! Can't we all agree
    Thanks man. No they cant cause they are skinny and jelaus as fuk. Marcus was big but not anymore, BG is narrow, insane, well he is just a boy ( to use his own words), Nach good shape and proportions but again, small, numbere always hides behind his numbers ( wonder why). Just examples but i guess u get the idea.
    Funny thing is they're all gonna cry in desember and beg me for my secrets...even my trapstraining
    Wait n see.

  19. #299
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    oh silla such big baby, show me youre not fat piece of farmer pig

  20. #300
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    you know , I would understand if you were actually a girl or a tranny, to behave like this, but you know what - even girls have more balls than this, you are a disrespect and a shame to this forum, shameles fat keyboard warrior, and Im sick and tired of your 5% promises

  21. #301
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    I wake up in the middle of the night to get ready to train and start my coffee turn on the news and put on sila's thread and iam entertained as always..thanks guys!!insane like the new avi looking good brother!sila your not as fat or small as anyone makes you out to be Marsoc good morning what's up..good morning all!piana looks terrible in that eating photo looks all implants and eye shadow..

  22. #302
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    hahaha oh wait thats right,eye shadows, thats the secrett of 5%ers???!!! damn silyboy go get it and take pics so we dont need to wait till december you fat drag queen

  23. #303
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Thanks man. No they cant cause they are skinny and jelaus as fuk. Marcus was big but not anymore, BG is narrow, insane, well he is just a boy ( to use his own words), Nach good shape and proportions but again, small, numbere always hides behind his numbers ( wonder why). Just examples but i guess u get the idea.
    Funny thing is they're all gonna cry in desember and beg me for my secrets...even my trapstraining
    Wait n see.
    Yeah send me them secrets lol. Dude I'm just busting your balls if I ever talk shit just so you know. Nothing personal. I not perfect and we all have to work for what we have. The point is that the effort is made. Just ain't relying on a cycle like that man above said. Though I'm some anxious to start my first it not even funny. I can only imagine the gains I'll receive. God willing. I'm already a monster as it is ..a polish monster

  24. #304
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    I wake up in the middle of the night to get ready to train and start my coffee turn on the news and put on sila's thread and iam entertained as always..thanks guys!!insane like the new avi looking good brother!sila your not as fat or small as anyone makes you out to be Marsoc good morning what's up..good morning all!piana looks terrible in that eating photo looks all implants and eye shadow..
    lol...hope u had a great workout brother. Yeah, insanes new pic is ok but he is stil on my shitlist, bullying Piana the way he is.
    Come on, the guy is soon 50. 300 pounds ripped without thighs (injury) and dwarfes phil heath in the streets. And entartaining as fuk and has a deep personality unlike most pro bodybuilders. Wheres the logic? RP is a harcore BB and this is a hardcore BB forum. Not å sundayclub for cardplaying teengirls. Wake up.....Yeah he is extreme XL but if you dont like extreme wtf are u doing here??

  25. #305
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    Morning. Got back from a Viking feast at my sister. Can't believe it's 3 am. Wtf. I'm going to bed. Dude you get up at this time to train. I thought i trained late. I mean sometimes I would be at the gym around 2 am but that's cuz I got there at midnight, I go late when nobody is there cuz I'm such an animal

  26. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Morning. Got back from a Viking feast at my sister. Can't believe it's 3 am. Wtf. I'm going to bed. Dude you get up at this time to train. I thought i trained late. I mean sometimes I would be at the gym around 2 am but that's cuz I got there at midnight, I go late when nobody is there cuz I'm such an animal

    Your forarms look good. Do you train them or are they just easy gainers?

  27. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    lol...hope u had a great workout brother. Yeah, insanes new pic is ok but he is stil on my shitlist, bullying Piana the way he is.
    Come on, the guy is soon 50. 300 pounds ripped without thighs (injury) and dwarfes phil heath in the streets. And entartaining as fuk and has a deep personality unlike most pro bodybuilders. Wheres the logic? RP is a harcore BB and this is a hardcore BB forum. Not å sundayclub for cardplaying teengirls. Wake up.....Yeah he is extreme XL but if you dont like extreme wtf are u doing here??
    Lollol I just thinks he's ugly not that he doesn't have a lot of muscle or isn't entertaining I can think of a lot of guys I'd rather look like..

  28. #308
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marsoc View Post
    Morning. Got back from a Viking feast at my sister. Can't believe it's 3 am. Wtf. I'm going to bed. Dude you get up at this time to train. I thought i trained late. I mean sometimes I would be at the gym around 2 am but that's cuz I got there at midnight, I go late when nobody is there cuz I'm such an animal
    I work third shift so on the weekends I train at the 24 version of my gym usually all by myself fvckin love it..just had to go tell the girl in my bed iam out and blend up a nice fruit and whey pre workout and get this Sh!'s chest day and iam feeling it..

  29. #309
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    cmon bully sila post photos of youre not beng 40%

    you are so girly, so insecure

  30. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by KINGKONG View Post
    Lollol I just thinks he's ugly not that he doesn't have a lot of muscle or isn't entertaining I can think of a lot of guys I'd rather look like..
    Ugly?..cant be that ugly. Did u see his icelandic ex? i would have cut off a finger if i could be in the same room with a girl like Rich exwife.

  31. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    cmon bully sila post photos of youre not beng 40%

    you are so girly, so insecure
    I show u 4% in december dude

  32. #312
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    fuck off, show me what you got now, coz i am 10%

  33. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Ugly?..cant be that ugly. Did u see his icelandic ex? i would have cut off a finger if i could be in the same room with a girl like Rich exwife.
    He's gotta a name and ppl prob think he's got money women flock to me he's not a handsome man..he's big and prob intimidating in person but def not pretty

  34. #314
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    You guys are hilarious..orite incline presses into flat bench into flys and then out got my warm up done worked my rotator cuff's now iam ready to get busy

  35. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    fuck off, show me what you got now, coz i am 10%
    Yes you are 10% alrigth. My wife s 11 years old daugther is also about 10% and 50 pounds lol .

    Ok so ur defending yourself by saing you are not living the life and have lots of other interrests. So how come you are at a steroidforum almost 24/7 then?

  36. #316
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Silabolin View Post
    Attachment 165341 Attachment 165342 Attachment 165343 Attachment 165344

    Yo Castle Knigths!!!

    Been a nonbodybuilding week for me. Havent trained since monday, dropped all proteinpowders, just eating 4 times with everydaylife food. Seriously.
    100% or nothing. I think i have stabilized my body after the sommertrip. Like 7 weeks since last susshot. And really taking it easy and saving bucks. It soon will begin. As a matter of fact it will begin when the cjc arrives in days.

    Trained two exercices for back at home today. Usuall arginine preworkout and 170 grams of carbs from "druer"..cant remember the english word for it now ...what you make redwine out of.

    Pump was not missing, i think that mk677 25 mgs aday keeps me natty decent. Pics from todays training.

    My traps are improving. I do like 40 reps shrugs before bedtime with just my arms, contract traps in the mirror. Squissing. Kind of Pianatip.
    One of the problems with many guys is they stop doing what they normally do on cycle. They are not consistent in their approach with everything they do regarding bodybuilding. That's why a lot are in a vicious circle of gaining and losing size/muscle and then going back on gear to look good then coming off dropping training to now and again not eating right and having zero motivation until they start taking something what they think will build muscle again.

    This is a huge mistake what many do not being consistent and demotivated.

    I train that hard all year round it would break normal men, yes I am that confident that's why I said it. I train that fucking hard it would make guys scream in pain who are on gear when I am taking nothing because I've been consistent over all the year.

    Forget your MK677's and other stupid gimmicks what are promoted to the newbie BB to suck them into their excellent marketing. Use what works plain old food, hard training and being consistent. Just imagine how muscle you lose when you stop doing what your doing!!!

  37. #317
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    because its a part of my interests, do you also have a problem with that?

    I dont care what your daughter is like, I wanna see your sorry ass flabs in the screen. you call me out now respond you fat bod

    what you are doing here you are showing to all the forum how weak is your mind is and how little o a man you are, how new members will see you as a runaway chicken who even behind his keyboard cant stand by his word and hold his ground. if you dont post your pics today I declare you as a mentally retarded insecure ill person who I should never speak or comment on but warn everyone where apropriate to watch out on what you say or advice against because of your unstable insecure mind and mental state and poor knowledge

  38. #318
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    One of the problems with many guys is they stop doing what they normally do on cycle. They are not consistent in their approach with everything they do regarding bodybuilding. That's why a lot are in a vicious circle of gaining and losing size/muscle and then going back on gear to look good then coming off dropping training to now and again not eating right and having zero motivation until they start taking something what they think will build muscle again.

    This is a huge mistake what many do not being consistent and demotivated.

    I train that hard all year round it would break normal men, yes I am that confident that's why I said it. I train that fucking hard it would make guys scream in pain who are on gear when I am taking nothing because I've been consistent over all the year.

    Forget your MK677's and other stupid gimmicks what are promoted to the newbie BB to suck them into their excellent marketing. Use what works plain old food, hard training and being consistent. Just imagine how muscle you lose when you stop doing what your doing!!!
    100% al year round, ey....why dont you tell that to Levrone when he wins his first Sandow mate?

    Have you tried mk? how come u are to tell the newbis about it and not me, who has tried it with sucess many times?

  39. #319
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneMuscle View Post
    because its a part of my interests, do you also have a problem with that?

    I dont care what your daughter is like, I wanna see your sorry ass flabs in the screen. you call me out now respond you fat bod

    what you are doing here you are showing to all the forum how weak is your mind is and how little o a man you are, how new members will see you as a runaway chicken who even behind his keyboard cant stand by his word and hold his ground. if you dont post your pics today I declare you as a mentally retarded insecure ill person who I should never speak or comment on but warn everyone where apropriate to watch out on what you say or advice against because of your unstable insecure mind and mental state and poor knowledge
    No need for it. Many newbis think im a pro from that backshot avatar of mine and they ask me a lot of questions. Ask me how i train rear shoulders and shit lol....Actually a couple of female members have also gone private with me!..didnt see that one comming..

    What the "Beast Of His Own Lowrank" (lol) feels about that doesnt take away my beautysleep.
    Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-11-2016 at 04:31 AM.

  40. #320
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    sila, you talk shit, look shit, and perform like shit because you use shit like mk

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