Man you are thick. I made this thread to bully you, Einstein. HIT?, i dont know what that is, maybe i do it, maybe i dont. I follow Piana. Never do HIT.....destroys your CNS..........its all about ligth weigths, contraction/contact pump.
And i will show you with my dobbel biceps in december. You are too oldschool man...
We should leave him alone, silabolin and his behaviour expressed throughout the board and in most of his posts, replies and responses is a perfect example of indefiniteness of behaviour and personality, very likely some mental issues too, could be life long trauma or disability, dont know so cant judge. Only thing I know it would be a waste of time and effort to straighten him out and make him learn something new.
I leave it be, let him play with his sandcastle and hit it with something on and on, whatever that may be, seems thats what is going on here.
Whatever floats his boat, so long as he doesnt go spitting around in to everybodys face doing it here, contained.
This Castle. Its an alternative. Marcus' dungeon is kind of selective. They are. above us you see. But you know the funniest part? Well, ten K posts, cocky as hell, think they know about training....but really. They arent that big. Ive seen them. Doesnt impress me at all.
So let them grow slow wit hit and fuked up CNS, and i teach you RP. Yes, there u got hit. This Castle runs the 5% way of thinking. And their training approach. What ever it takes. Lift muscles, not weigths. Stop adaption. And much more.......
You are delusional, I told you to stay away, not that we made mutual agreement, but if you want it be so, so be it, I have no problem with that sillyboy.
So now all this was to disrespect an Elite HOFer who pours his passion into what we know is HIT(it's Heavy High Intensity Training)! Not cool... IMHO -
I know your not a bad guy Sil... But tbh - looking for attention and then implying RP knows everything(notice on the thread you started about his wife) he looked normal(Avg at best) until he got those collagen implants - that's not even real muscle tissue... You can see the soft tissue(implants) separate when he tightens up its NASTY... We all(most of us) have muscle dis morphia to a certain extent...
I know if you'd stop pedaling RPs ideas and pretty much horrible advice you'd be better off! Notice his arms never change shape(even when flexed)?!?! Plus a pump is not nearly the same thing as tearing muscle fibers...
^^^^^^^^i second this RP is disgusting to me, is he big?yes..not someone I wanna base my lifestyle or training goals rather look like Marcus
I second this too, I'm an average Joe but why on earth would anyone look like RP, he embody anything bad about BB. He both looks like a fake and it's actually a fake, I fail to understand how he can make a model worth of aspiration.
I dunno, he looked ok when I first come on the board. Marcus must have it right on the peptides.
From the sounds of it Sil doesn't have a clue what he is doing, all it seems is he is following RP which would question Sil's mental health IMHO. I think the best thing I can do is leave him be. Let him talk to himself because I think that's what he does inside his head all the time.
The fucking stupid Chinese peps have destroyed his last few brain cells.![]()
I will try to make it easy for you, how I see this whole situation you're spinning in
* this forum is not any RichPiano, Dylon SARM'ani, or any other fake life media-heads disconnected from the real life space, nor its their support forum, or lovers fest, fanboy club or anything else that condones most of what they preach, reach for and pitch for, and by "most" I mean 95%+ of what they say,show,do (why? seriously, if you still have questions on why dreamland stays dreamland, use some google search and try to find some logic there if your brain cant fathom this)
* there is no place for synthol or implant freak show here, I bet nobody will be here who will respect any fake-life anybody be it mindset, physical, or material person, however if you find that cool, feel free to ruin yourself so world can have some good laugh later, at your cost of course!
*nobody cares what your size is vs. somebody else was, is or ever will be. Its about our all personal goals. You vs. You. If it was BB Pro shows where you have to come in at certain weight, size and conditioned - that's where competition in all this stands, and this place is endless field of knowledge sharing and building knowledge place, and what you've been doing unconsciously was vomiting shit you heard people say, heard people do, and try to replicate with terrible results, cherry-picking facts that most times make no sense but were to your liking, going by the feeling of your gut, advising reckless things to people here and especially noobs just trying to gain some "STATUS" so you believe this will give you some more "fake respect"?... and thinking believing and expecting getting away lucky with stuff that nobody but labs can say how you do, because from the major perspective all that what's visible in what you do - is only a dirty mirror and 25+ % BF in the dark.
*becoming bigger than life and be bigger than somebody else competition? - wrong forum, told you already, go and earn it - get a pro card, go compete, be the biggest guy on the scene, do what it takes mf, smash RP out of the water with the knowledge you think you have, gain the size you dream of with intel that you carry in your brain, have all the girls and drive all the cars you dream of as a result, wouldn't that be cool? Sure would, but stop trash talk and do something about it till you actually accomplish something great or settle down, calm the fuck down and apologize publicly for cocksuckery you've been doing on all the random occasions.
Honest, I dont think you're complete waste of life and space yet, I still have grain of trust left in me thinking that one day you can and may change for the better, but its not up to anyone of us, its up to you.
If you build your life on fake foundation, fake bricks, fake walls, fake info, fake views, fake perspectives and wrong understanding about life, you will live your entire life as a fake-ass gangster behind keyboard and dirty mirror who talks shit and does nothing serious about it.
By the looks of things - You should ideally treat this forum like "mafia family" , you should know, so you call it "brotherhood of steel", disrespect any one from the family that shares principles based on common sense, education and experiences based on the mentioned, spends their time and efforts helping and educating young, naive and desperate ones who wants help, shares same principles with the majority of the family, and you will inevitably get heavy load of dumbbells barbells and plates raining on your face till you either disappear from "the family" or change your ways you think, behave and understand principles of this whole thing as most of "the family" members and followers do, follow logic and behaviours that will make you grow wiser not fatter and dumber.
now, if you dont agree with all above here^ , you just have sentenced yourself for never ending you vs. "the family" conflict, where the winner will be anybody but not you, that is, unless you log off from this forum and talk to yourself in the mirror repeatedly that "thats not the way it is, and youre the winner regardless of this".
so you chose, have a good think before you jump in to replying anything, anything at all.
Think well.
You are a guy of many words insane. Always has been. I guess your teachers really hated to work on your essays.
But i cant read u 100%. Something about me not respecting the brothers of steel? Well, i respected the brorhers of steel until 1000 post or so. Always put smileys in every comment. Tried to be constructive.
But. One day i logged in i put up my precycle dobbel bis. Bodyfat estimate. Then all of a sudden some hero from the 80s suggested 30%. I dont take shit, atleast not online, and kicked the mans ass hard but sorry for me he had a bunch of loyal asslickers who didnt like what they saw. The rest is history. I will not sit back and turn the other chin and soon it became second to nature for me to have a little attitude in all my answers.
All this thanks to a hasbeen and his stiff upper lipp.
And until he says he is sorry and was blind the war will continue.
I was 15-16 % goddamit. And if he cant see that, its a fact that his gh 15 years straigth has really messed up his senses.
You cant read that what I wrote?
How can you read info about AAS use and Peptides and other important stuff? not even talking about training techniques, dieting or recovery... you have never been or had what you thought you've had or been to. Thats why you keep on failing and going in to conflicts, delusional and believing in fairy tails, see only 5% of people are like you, and there not here.
Im done with you
you remind me of all the retarded kids from school years who laughed all the time and talked about this one thing when they heard one or two words from the sentences teachers spoke that seemed the most funniest
oh wait, I've seen it elsewhere too, my kids watched this cartoon called minions, that so much reflects you too, and RP in the mix, such a bad mix.
Well, whatever floats your boat sillyboy, Im sure we will see you no different years from now than we see you today.
so long
Anyway. Just came home from the city public pool with my stephdaugther. Not a very happy moment. We played and she was happy but im off roids know and the headturns and staring was much less than in june at Grand Canaria when i was well oiled. Fuk i need to get back on. Dont like this.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-03-2016 at 07:41 AM.
Morning HITers. Stil at work. Long nigth. Some girls yet need to be taken care of. Driven safely home by at steady driver.
But soon its time to go home. And train. Already started to pump my forarms in the car.
But i need my arginine i feel. And green tea. Maybe some caffein too. And watermelon. Fast creatin. A litr of water.
I will show u if i get a pump.
Chest and tris. Preexaust before tomorrows public gym workout.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-04-2016 at 01:53 AM.
Ok knigths. Finish. Was hard at the beginning. No pump, my preworkoutmixture was not enough to ligth the fire. Tired from tonigths work. So i dropped 1 litr fruitjuice. A total of 130 g of carbs after the first exercise. And then i felt better and managed to get a decent pump. After all thats ok cause im really cheating on the bodybuilding lifestyle for the moment, entering my last week of pct (week 6).
But, this tshirt front lat spread is ok i think and soon its time to grow again. Now im planning CJC 1295 1.october and run it along with mk through my november/december blast. Why cjc?..because one shot a week is enough. And since this wil be my first peptide run i think its ok to begin with cjc (w/dac).
Yo HITers.
Public gym training today. Calves tris back pulls chest and rear shoulders.
Feeling reel good. Looking great. Didnt tanktop but looked thick in a big tshirt.
Man this will be good. Adding cjc 1295 to mk next week or so. Restarting cardio. Got to be in shape and well when the tren a anadrol SCB begins 1.November.
How can one expect a quality thorough training session or breakdown and recovery , supply all them major muscle groups with the nutrition required. One major muscle group each day is best I believe. I couldn't imagine training all major muscle groups in one day weight training session and working out each muscle good enough. I'd rather focus on destroying one group at a time....I thought you were knowledgeable Smh you'll never turn red with this garbage lol jk. But seriously
Last edited by Marsoc; 09-05-2016 at 08:31 PM.
Actually it's what I was Saying... I'm on an 8-9day split EOD training w/ample rest and recovery... I'd much rather train one BP e7-8days bug w/my schedule and th way I burn through fuel I need an extra day resting to continue to grow... I tend to slightly overtrain BPs when I've already tore down the fibers... I've always worked my arms together but I'm splitting them for a change up and I'm really liking it...
Turn red - I'm red and a monitor - so whatch itlol
Just for shits and giggles what didn't you agree with lol![]()
I wasn't sure so I didn't want it to seem like I was pissed in any way / thx lol
Enjoy your day brother!
Aha, modifies your words now Nach when you see the big man welcomes me. I and marcus have been real good friends all the time. U just didnt see beetween the lines.
Yes, SBC, wanna see massive shit each week rather than super slow or no gains for a long time. As in summer 2016.
A have a weelproven source and i have already tried the shit for one week and it took me to heaven.
But as Marcus told me, dont do it if the bloods are not rigth. So i wont.
Marcus300: Opened the gym door just two hours before i left. Just me and another guy there. Two workingset, 30s-1 min rest beetween sets. Heavy just on the back pulls. Contact and pumping for the rest.
Remember that i always preexaust chest and tris an hour sundays at home.
It is at HIT for me if i can progress from the week before, and i did that for most of the exercises.
Ive been training with weigths for 30 years. I tried it all ofcourse, red it all, followed charles glass and the other O trainers.
Just my gearing which were totally off.
My last cycle before i joined the forum was 500 deca and 500 tren and thats it. No anch or pct.
There were no competing boybuilders around me ever and the knowhow amoung my gang was zero. And my onlinetime was for girls and porn online, not som nerdy ass forum talking to other guys. Fuk, im not gay, if you talk online it should ne with girls...jesus man.
But this one is ok, so many guys here with fuked up female hormones and talking to them is alomst girltalk and menstrual guys, u rock.
So this time, starting cjc-bridging soon and possible sus in a month or so im ready for dbol/tren a/anadrol/masteron blast 15 november to 30 december.
Last edited by AR's King Silabolin; 09-05-2016 at 07:36 PM.
Last edited by Marsoc; 09-05-2016 at 08:35 PM.
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