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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #21321
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    You ever try straightjacket stretches, Nach? Wrap your arms around yourself and kind of grab your lats. Bend forward slowly at the waist until you get a good stretch @ your upper middle back.
    Just go for a good stretch, not see how far you can bend forward. Maybe it will give you a tad of relief?
    Will do that - I could see how it would be beneficial!

    lol at first glance I thought you were gonna say wear one
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  2. #21322
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Will do that - I could see how it would be beneficial!

    lol at first glance I thought you were gonna say wear one
    Very nice stretch AG - just a slight bend forward...

    Maybe not being able to really reach my lats is not good lol - time to start stretching up top more - grabbed the back of triceps and pulled a lil it really opened the area up!
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  3. #21323
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    Yes sir, sounds like you have the gist of it. I've found that with time I can gradually go further with the stretch. I'll often throw that stretch in a couple of places in my back sessions. Usually somewhere after I've worked the upper back, sometimes after working upper and middle back.
    Hope it proves useful to you!
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  4. #21324
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Wrap your arms around yourself and kind of grab your lats. ?
    How on earth do you touch your own lats? Can't come close to the damn things...
    Last edited by kelkel; 06-02-2015 at 12:34 PM.
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  5. #21325
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Starting a little pull back this week to try to spark some new growth. Will be hitting working set to failure at around 10-12 reps no drops. Probably using around what my feel set would be.

    Question for today is....looking to pre exhaust my back. Any tips on this? All the other groups I got pre exhaust down....back need a little help with.
    I know ive talked about this before but if you concentrate on your thickness your width will follow, trust me!
    I had to build a very thick back due to my injuries and I mean I destroyed my back but I hit thickness from all the way from the top to the bottom and what happened my back exploded and the width just dropped out from the sides. The more thickness the more width seems to just pop.

    And who wants to disappear when you turn sideways anyway.

    Mind muscle connection is very important with back, get this first then start building the weight and always stretch those lats out.
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  6. #21326
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    How on earth do you touch your own lats? Can't come close to the damn things...
    I got to tris that's about it lol -but worked well had to pull em so my back opened up lats I actually tried to grab em and almost locked up trying to get to em haha

    Shoulders pre-exhaust Pull back

    Warm up stretching SMR leg stuff back stuff etc RCs

    Cables side and front raises to get blood flowing

    Failing in 9-12 rep range throughout if too light I usedif as a warm up...
    1. Stayed w/behind back side laterals - 2w
    Suppersetted w/reverse grip front raises 2w

    2. Rope pulls rear delts - 3w

    3. Reverse pec dec(high for traps and rear delts - palms down) 2w

    4. Reverse Cables(Isolating traps) 2w

    Smith MP - I was dead when I got here - 2w w/a real slow last set

    Reverse presses(facing incline on shoulder machine) 2w and had nothing left - really liked these hit the caps well at end) 2w

    Abs body weight - weights 33min - done!
    Couldn't do 45 degree DB laterals - really hit that spot and instant pain - walked right away
    Last edited by NACH3; 06-02-2015 at 02:11 PM.
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  7. #21327
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Hi guys how yous all doing ??. I've not been on for a wee bit i'll catch up at some point. I managed to get a chest session in today.

    Stretching and high rep db press for a warm up

    Flat db press 1 working DD **new weight**

    Flat db flys 1 working 1 drop

    Incline db press 1 working DD **new weight**

    Incline db fly 2 working

    Pec dec 2 working

    Was a fast session the day never had time i had things to do but it was fast and heavy.
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  8. #21328
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    Hope all is well, clarky.... Nice session - in & out - no fvkin around! Like to see **new weight** - well done, mate!
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  9. #21329
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    Back n tri's today.....

    Absolutely killed my back. I've been at this gym for about 5-6 weeks now and I think the "big guy clique" is starting to accept me haha. A few are bringing up trt to me....

    I'm all natural tho :-p
    Last edited by Hazard; 06-02-2015 at 02:36 PM.
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  10. #21330
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Back n tri's today.....

    Absolutely killed my back. I've been at this gym for about 5-6 weeks now and I think the "buy guy clique" is starting to accept me haha. A few are bringing up trt to me....

    I'm all natural tho :-p
    Aren't we all?! LOL

    It's funny how you start in a newer gym at a low(for u/us) but MM kicks in quick and soon they're saying wtf - where'd he come from - ?'s start etc

    Awesome stuff Haz!

  11. #21331
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    Have a couple questions, my buddy gave me a bottle of pharma cyp, his doctor tried him on it and he didn't like it, prefers gel. It has been sitting and started to crystallize but well within expiration. Is it still good? And how do I het it back to full liquid again? I swirled it around for a bit and devolved a good portion of it, can I heat it under runnimg water and swirl some more? It is 200mg/ml pharma grade so I would like to use it if possible. Let me know what you think, thanks.

  12. #21332
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    Quote Originally Posted by zempey
    Have a couple questions, my buddy gave me a bottle of pharma cyp, his doctor tried him on it and he didn't like it, prefers gel. It has been sitting and started to crystallize but well within expiration. Is it still good? And how do I het it back to full liquid again? I swirled it around for a bit and devolved a good portion of it, can I heat it under runnimg water and swirl some more? It is 200mg/ml pharma grade so I would like to use it if possible. Let me know what you think, thanks.
    Warm water and swirl.... Should be fine
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    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  13. #21333
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    Holy fck tonight was a crazy session blood was flowing sweat was pumping and swearing was quite common ha.

    Started with

    Yates close grip lat pull down.

    T bar rows

    Rack pulls and to finish supersetted hypers with single rows was insane.

    The T bars were so hard I got light headed with quite a violent reaction ha.
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  14. #21334
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    So felkas I've realized today's session caused my tweak to a possible pull - ugh I gotta let this thing rest - it's right where you go to get a deep breath in middle upper(even into my neck) but it's not right... I did that 45 degree side lateral heavyish and on the negative it just pulled and a sharp pain shot up my neck and down my back and almost in a circular pattern as well - weird. No doubt I walked away but it did its thing... I'm icing heating anything else - stretching SMR don't have rumble roller will get one... Thx guys

  15. #21335
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    How on earth do you touch your own lats? Can't come close to the damn things...
    LOL, it's actually tris and fingertips just touching my sides, but the idea is to get a good stretch across the width of your back and then slowly bend forward to stretch out the middle and upper back.
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  16. #21336
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    Think I'm taking 8 hrs. vacation tonight. Only a few hours sleep/day last couple of days and the continuous work week has taken a toll.
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  17. #21337
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    My delts weren't bothering me yesterday at all, but man, they feel like they've been sledge hammered today. I believe I got a little deeper into the last delt session.
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  18. #21338
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    My chest is sore as shit from yesterday..... What a workout. I'm very pleased..... It feels like I've caused some positive damage.
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  19. #21339
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    LOL, it's actually tris and fingertips just touching my sides, but the idea is to get a good stretch across the width of your back and then slowly bend forward to stretch out the middle and upper back.
    Exactly tris at best lol - and im not big I need to stretch - it's a good one - any thoughts AG in test w/this thing? Just listen to mt body right but can I train around it... I feel legs I might idk - I'd have to try - but it could put too much pressure on my upper back??

  20. #21340
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Exactly tris at best lol - and im not big I need to stretch - it's a good one - any thoughts AG in test w/this thing? Just listen to mt body right but can I train around it... I feel legs I might idk - I'd have to try - but it could put too much pressure on my upper back??
    I probably wouldn't squat if I did legs. Don't know how well you would be able to pull the bar in. But if it isn't causing you too much pain, give it a go and see how you feel, IMO.
    Of course always listen to your body.
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  21. #21341
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    Yeah Thx AG just need to be reminded sometimes it needs to be really stretched so I'll give it a day of that and re asses Thx!

    If it needs more time it needs more time it's that simple I just gotta keep telling myself this
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  22. #21342
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    So felkas I've realized today's session caused my tweak to a possible pull - ugh I gotta let this thing rest - it's right where you go to get a deep breath in middle upper(even into my neck) but it's not right... I did that 45 degree side lateral heavyish and on the negative it just pulled and a sharp pain shot up my neck and down my back and almost in a circular pattern as well - weird. No doubt I walked away but it did its thing... I'm icing heating anything else - stretching SMR don't have rumble roller will get one... Thx guys
    I bought a large blue rumble roller and they kick @ss. I'll sometimes position my arms like in the straightjacket stretch and roll on it. Painful but functional. Let me see if I can find a pic.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**-foam-roll-upper-back.jpg  
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  23. #21343
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I bought a large blue rumble roller and they kick @ss. I'll sometimes position my arms like in the straightjacket stretch and roll on it. Painful but functional. Let me see if I can find a pic.
    Very nice - im gonna make the sm investment it's necessary - especially as I'd always need it for RCs too so it's a no brainer man! Thx for taking the time to look that up - and it's really one of my new favorite stretches(when you get it right lol)!! I can't wait to use it while im not hurting
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  24. #21344
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    Yes sir after Marcus mentioned how much relief he got from using one, I grabbed one off of Amazon (I think it was Amazon). It is absolutely brutal on hips and hammies also, but probably the closest thing I've found to an actual deep tissue massage.
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  25. #21345
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    That's perfect - music to my ears lol

  26. #21346
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    Well, that did not go as planned. I took 8 hours vacation and I just got an email from my boss asking me to come in early the rest of the week. Already working this weekend again.
    Guess I can put back a few $ for a little run this fall.
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  27. #21347
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Well, that did not go as planned. I took 8 hours vacation and I just got an email from my boss asking me to come in early the rest of the week. Already working this weekend again.
    Guess I can put back a few $ for a little run this fall.
    Thsts a great way of looking at it I like it -

    Sorry thst Ya had to go back in though

  28. #21348
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Thsts a great way of looking at it I like it -

    Sorry thst Ya had to go back in though
    Ah, it ain't no thing. I'm off tonight but will be working 10-12 hrs the rest of the week and the weekend. Also working throught the 4th of July.
    As long as I get my lifts in and get to spend a little time with the wife and the beasts, I should be G2G.
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  29. #21349
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Yes sir after Marcus mentioned how much relief he got from using one, I grabbed one off of Amazon (I think it was Amazon). It is absolutely brutal on hips and hammies also, but probably the closest thing I've found to an actual deep tissue massage.
    This device made positive changes to many of my complaints. It's extremely painful if you have your full body weight on it but the relief and healing I get makes it worth it. I wish I had one of these years ago I'm sure I wouldn't be in the condition I am now
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  30. #21350
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    This device made positive changes to many of my complaints. It's extremely painful if you have your full body weight on it but the relief and healing I get makes it worth it. I wish I had one of these years ago I'm sure I wouldn't be in the condition I am now
    Yes sir, it is the ticket. The part I had to focus on was learning to relax and let the roller do its job. Kind of like with deep tissue when you have to force.yourself to relax so the cute massage lady can get deep into the muscles.
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  31. #21351
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    Hate ti hear that nach man hopefully it heals up quickly. I kust get one of those rollers too
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  32. #21352
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    Back in the gym for a back session today, went well and moved some decent weight. No forced reps today just hit my rep range heavy. Did a lot of eating and drinking in Cali this week, scale said 280 this morning, have some work to do to get my weight back down. Gym was packed today, fukers need to stay away until I'm done, hate waiting for equipment, that's why I go early.

    Chins: 3 sets of 10.

    Hammer row: 1 feel, 2 working maxed it out a 5 plates a side.

    Pull downs: 1 feel, 2 working hit the stack on this one too.

    DY row: 1 feel, 2 working 1 drop.

    Behind neck pull down ss with straight arm pull down: 3 working sets.

    Hypers: 2 sets.

    Wanted to ride the bike but they were all taken, might have to start going in for 430 instead of 5 if this keeps up.

    Chest tomorrow, looking forward to it.
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  33. #21353
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    Chest yesterday

    Pre exhaust

    Super sets DB incline flies straight into incline press, using same weight never putting weights down. 2 warms, 1 feel, 2 working.

    Super set same way on flat 2 working

    incline Hammer press, 2 working 10-12 reps

    Pecdec flies super set with one arm Db flies 2 working

    Chest was on fire. Hours later after showering, was cramping across the pec....was crazy.

    LEgs will be this morning...will report back
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  34. #21354
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    Chest yesterday

    Pre exhaust

    Super sets DB incline flies straight into incline press, using same weight never putting weights down. 2 warms, 1 feel, 2 working.

    Super set same way on flat 2 working

    incline Hammer press, 2 working 10-12 reps

    Pecdec flies super set with one arm Db flies 2 working

    Chest was on fire. Hours later after showering, was cramping across the pec....was crazy.

    LEgs will be this morning...will report back
    Wow, nice Sfla. After super setting flyes and presses on flat and incline, I barely had strength left for the leaning d'bell flyes.
    When I was super setting, I would do a couple of sets of flyes to warm up/feeler sets, and after a couple of times, I found a weight for my set of flyes that would put me @ failure around 8-10 reps, and then straight into presses. Usually only for 4-6 reps of presses and then had to rest pause usually to get more than 4-6 reps.
    Most of you guys are SO much stronger than I.
    I will say that when I went back to doing flyes and presses separately, my working weights started climbing.
    Also, been recently focusing on pinching my scapulae back just before lying on the bench and it really helped me lock into the bench. That helped me get a better feel for driving through my chest and allowed me to hit a better pec contraction @ top of rep.
    Last edited by almostgone; 06-03-2015 at 07:48 AM.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  35. #21355
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    Wide grip pull downs

    Seated rows with drop sets

    Bent over rows with drop sets

    Lower back extensions

    40 minutes low intensity cardio

  36. #21356
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post

    Wow, nice Sfla. After super setting flyes and presses on flat and incline, I barely had strength left for the leaning d'bell flyes.
    When I was super setting, I would do a couple of sets of flyes to warm up/feeler sets, and after a couple of times, I found a weight for my set of flyes that would put me @ failure around 8-10 reps, and then straight into presses. Usually only for 4-6 reps of presses and then had to rest pause usually to get more than 4-6 reps.
    Most of you guys are SO much stronger than I.
    I will say that when I went back to doing flyes and presses separately, my working weights started climbing.
    Also, been recently focusing on pinching my scapulae back just before lying on the bench and it really helped me lock into the bench. That helped me get a better feel for driving through my chest and allowed me to hit a better pec contraction @ top of rep.
    Lpl trust me AG was very difficult....after those first two super sets....the weight dropped dramatically on. The following then what I'm used to. But the burn felt amazing
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  37. #21357
    Brett N is offline Senior Member
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    Rest day - Back yesterday

    After 2 years of doing stronglifts 5x5 and weider's 5/3/1 I have never felt it like this a day or 2 after. Feels good to know I worked out that hard but holy crap...

    Every working set I am doing rest/pause or a dropset or a combination. I don't want to finish and feel like I could have done anything more. Decided to just join the local gym so I can do the exercises that I don't have the equipment for at home. Wish I would have read this thread when I first joined.

    I know it's in my head but I swear to god when I am at the grocery store my chest looks lke Marcus's under my shirt. I know it doesn't but it's sore like it should.

    This thread and the feeling I have has completely reignited my excitement about lifting again. Thanks guys. ( I thought about skipping deodorant today because it hurt to lift my arm from Monday)
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  38. #21358
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    Just resting/lots of stretching today.... It's locked up pretty bad.... Tight, hard to move around actually(head and trunk) but rest $ stretching -

    Nice sessions guys!
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  39. #21359
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brett N View Post
    Rest day - Back yesterday

    After 2 years of doing stronglifts 5x5 and weider's 5/3/1 I have never felt it like this a day or 2 after. Feels good to know I worked out that hard but holy crap...

    Every working set I am doing rest/pause or a dropset or a combination. I don't want to finish and feel like I could have done anything more. Decided to just join the local gym so I can do the exercises that I don't have the equipment for at home. Wish I would have read this thread when I first joined.

    I know it's in my head but I swear to god when I am at the grocery store my chest looks lke Marcus's under my shirt. I know it doesn't but it's sore like it should.

    This thread and the feeling I have has completely reignited my excitement about lifting again. Thanks guys. ( I thought about skipping deodorant today because it hurt to lift my arm from Monday)

    LMFAO nice to know and glad this thread is helping in some way.......
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  40. #21360
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    Deep Down South
    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone
    Yes sir, it is the ticket. The part I had to focus on was learning to relax and let the roller do its job. Kind of like with deep tissue when you have to force.yourself to relax so the cute massage lady can get deep into the muscles.
    I still need to get the rumble one!
    almostgone likes this.

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