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Thread: **Marcus's HIT Dungeon**

  1. #38081
    NACH3's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    No worries mate,

    yeah I watched it but Dick P is just a implanted balloon and now his face is morphing into something out of a shop window, strange cunt that guy
    Do a side by side of DP and Micky Rouke lmao
    krugerr and novastepp like this.

  2. #38082
    BG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    now his face is morphing into something out of a shop window, strange cunt that guy
    I dont know how he walks around, he's a freak.....but not in a good way.....more like "wow, look at that asshole"
    krugerr, almostgone and NACH3 like this.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  3. #38083
    krugerr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Do a side by side of DP and Micky Rouke lmao
    Ive often said this!

    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    I dont know how he walks around, he's a freak.....but not in a good way.....more like "wow, look at that asshole"
    Hes full of synthol, despite what he says. He doesnt get pumped, and he cant flex. Its all just solid and ugly.
    NACH3, BG and almostgone like this.

  4. #38084
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post

    Sometimes when we ask for strength, we receive the opportunity to be strong.
    One of my tatts on my forearm says "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    krugerr, NACH3, novastepp and 2 others like this.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  5. #38085
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    One of my tatts on my forearm says "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
    I like that - been reading lye of quotes lately myself
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  6. #38086
    novastepp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    One of my tatts on my forearm says "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one"
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  7. #38087
    Proximal is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post

    The past 2 days after my shoulder pressing - it's almost like it puts me out for a day or two if I press(real strict slow & controlled) I sure am not feeling it today... Shoulder feels like an ice pick is just being twisted in all different direction and shooters(spasms) up my neck into occipital and down arm into hand & fingertips... Ffs, I gotta find a better way...
    Hey Nach. You're likely doing all sorts of compensatory movements because of your RC issue.

    Let me get a little technical. There is a coordination between your shoulder (glenohumeral joint) and scapula that occurs when you elevate your arm, that once disrupted is going to create issues, some very much like you are experiencing.

    Because of the rotator cuff issue, the glenohumeral movement is affected and the scapula and all the muscles that move it must be utilized a lot more. One very likely culprit of these scapular muscles is your levator scapula. It attaches at the top of your scapula and starts at the first 3 or 4 (varies) cervical vertebra. Believe me, everyone here has massaged their levator scapula many times.

    So now because this muscle is so involved, it starts to irritate the first 3-4 cervical vertebra and you are going to get a variety of symptoms because of that. I think before addressing the nerves that branch off the spinal nerves from these cervical vertebra, you need to sort out what is happening in the cervical & scapular areas first.

    Are your arm & hand symptoms continual?

    Nach, got to level with you. You need to eliminate irritation to your shoulders, period, end of story. If you are talking shoulder replacement already, you want to delay this as long as possible. You are not going to be the same Nach, once you get them replaced, I'm sorry to say.

    I want to thank you, because you have motivated me into getting my MRI this Saturday. I'm presently eliminating all pressing movements and only do lateral & front raises & upright rows as long as they are pain free. Rear delt work doesn't bother me.

  8. #38088
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Also a question for ya... What did you tell BG to increase longevity... I am noticing now the more I rest the quicker I'm filling back out... I know less is more but it's so hard lol - any tips man?! I love this and do not want my body to give out which it won't if I take care of it properly - that's what I'm in need for.... Thx!

    Nothing you don't already know. Listen to your body and respect it. When it tells you something is wrong, listen to it! We all tend to think we're impervious to injuries and can just work through them, but they catch up to us and impact training. Less is more, rest is more, particularly as we age. You have to change your mind-set as well and learn to train not just harder but smarter. Easier said than done as we're all so damn stubborn.

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Have calves always been one the easier body parts for you?
    Not at all. Just when I started training as a kid I did not neglect them as so many do. If I trained legs calves got killed as well. I mostly trained them first on leg day as I read Arnold did that. We all know when you do them last so many are simply doing them to "get them over with." No one ever trains chest and arms just to "get them over with" do they!

    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Kel your a freak of nature mate, your condition is amazing and your very gifted to look like you do, your a beast mate

    Coming from you........
    almostgone and NACH3 like this.
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  9. #38089
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Also a question for ya... What did you tell BG to increase longevity... I am noticing now the more I rest the quicker I'm filling back out... I know less is more but it's so hard lol - any tips man?! I love this and do not want my body to give out which it won't if I take care of it properly - that's what I'm in need for.... Thx!
    Nach, I know we have chatted about this before but wanted to fill you and others in with what I'm dealing with.

    I never "injured" my knees. I ran track, and wrestled competitively for years. Also go into bodybuilding/strength training about 10 years ago, sort f focused on deadlifting for a while.

    My knees are toast. Grind, snap, name it, just walking up the stairs. If I even try body weight exercises they will ache the next day. Tendons are messed up and I'm not sure why. I'm not training legs currently, except for calves to give them lots of rest and time off. My leg workouts, if you can call them that are running and walking on the treadmill; hope it will keep some size, but we all know it wont do the job well.

    I'll get an MRI if I find myself effected in my daily life, but I have had to just come to grips with the fact that my knees are jacked up.

    What I'm getting at is, if you find yourself in pain (and not the good kind), just fucking stop doing that movement. 100% quit it. It isn't worth it. Being able to work that muscle in some other way will always be better than not being able to work it. Rest and recover and hit exercises that work for your particular body.

    You will continue to grow and gain size and strength because your body will reward your better efforts.
    Proximal and NACH3 like this.

  10. #38090
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    Ok so Im going to start personal training. I wasnt happy with my job, I kept praying about it, that all I wanted was a job I didnt hate and could live decently. So I started thinking about my situation and I believe God pushed me in a direction I needed to go for that change to loosing my job. Everyone I talk to keeps telling me I should PT, so Im going to go for it. Where I live there isnt a huge market, but a lot of people know me (Im almost famous) LOL so that should help and once I get moving I should be able to move east into the "real Hamptons" gym where I can make money. So Im training like crazy, I want to be in great shape, plus everyone see's what I put in and get out they will want me to train them. Anyways......

    Standing double arms show off curls
    Sitting shoulder chair ropes
    Compound knee single arm curls w/ v-machine plate curl super
    Overhead straight bar extensions (standing skull crushers)
    Standing cable curls again
    Single cable kickbacks

    Abs-full routine

    Cardio-1 mile elip/then 3 sets of abs, did this 3 times.

    Best arm workout in a long time, things are coming together. I think 2 months Ill be back to where I was post comp, before surgery.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  11. #38091
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    Mixing up a shake and trying to decide between Cooper and Testovis. Part of me says it's almost Friday, go with one of each, but not going to follow that line of thinking.
    Back coming up in a few and then hopefully a laid back night at work.
    Finished up making another 2 sets of gages and it should be stoning and polishing most of the night. These parts have been a challenge. Majority of the tolerances have been on the order of plus .005mm, minus 0., which is pretty close work.
    BG, marcus300, clarky. and 1 others like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  12. #38092
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    @ BG. You're a natural for this, buddy. Who knows where this change will take you? You may end up being a gym owner.
    NACH3, BG, marcus300 and 1 others like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  13. #38093
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post

    Ok so Im going to start personal training. I wasnt happy with my job, I kept praying about it, that all I wanted was a job I didnt hate and could live decently. So I started thinking about my situation and I believe God pushed me in a direction I needed to go for that change to loosing my job. Everyone I talk to keeps telling me I should PT, so Im going to go for it. Where I live there isnt a huge market, but a lot of people know me (Im almost famous) LOL so that should help and once I get moving I should be able to move east into the "real Hamptons" gym where I can make money. So Im training like crazy, I want to be in great shape, plus everyone see's what I put in and get out they will want me to train them. Anyways......

    Standing double arms show off curls
    Sitting shoulder chair ropes
    Compound knee single arm curls w/ v-machine plate curl super
    Overhead straight bar extensions (standing skull crushers)
    Standing cable curls again
    Single cable kickbacks

    Abs-full routine

    Cardio-1 mile elip/then 3 sets of abs, did this 3 times.

    Best arm workout in a long time, things are coming together. I think 2 months Ill be back to where I was post comp, before surgery.
    That's awesome bg I know I would sign up if I had the chance.

    Good luck...

    Just stay off the tren hahahha
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  14. #38094
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Ok so Im going to start personal training. So Im training like crazy, I want to be in great shape, plus everyone see's what I put in and get out they will want me to train them. Anyways......

    Outstanding BG! Best of luck with this. Should be an easy fit for you.
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  15. #38095
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    I see you guys talk about injuries every once in awhile. I've got one for you all, maybe you could help me out. My left shoulder in the front delt area gets very irratated during a shoulder day. Pain goes away within minutes of my workout ending. It almost feels like it has "play". I've gotten a cortisone shot and it helped, but there's still something going on. My orthopedic Dr says a possible cartilage tear... But he says very unlikely. I have tons of rotator cuff movement no pain. No numbness, no tingling. It only hurts during lifting and generally only triggered by shoulders. My right shoulder NEVER experiences this pain. Do you guys think I should get an MRI? What else could be going on with me?

    Thanks. Sorry if it doesn't belong here, but with a billion posts on here, it's gotta be the place ☺️

  16. #38096
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    My opinion would be yes to the MRI. How can getting a clear picture of what's going on inside be bad, right? Anyway, Prox is a former PT so lets wait to hear his opinion on it.
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  17. #38097
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    The only bad is the medical bill haha.

  18. #38098
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    Quote Originally Posted by Proximal View Post
    Hey Nach. You're likely doing all sorts of compensatory movements because of your RC issue.

    Let me get a little technical. There is a coordination between your shoulder (glenohumeral joint) and scapula that occurs when you elevate your arm, that once disrupted is going to create issues, some very much like you are experiencing.

    Because of the rotator cuff issue, the glenohumeral movement is affected and the scapula and all the muscles that move it must be utilized a lot more. One very likely culprit of these scapular muscles is your levator scapula. It attaches at the top of your scapula and starts at the first 3 or 4 (varies) cervical vertebra. Believe me, everyone here has massaged their levator scapula many times.

    So now because this muscle is so involved, it starts to irritate the first 3-4 cervical vertebra and you are going to get a variety of symptoms because of that. I think before addressing the nerves that branch off the spinal nerves from these cervical vertebra, you need to sort out what is happening in the cervical & scapular areas first.

    Are your arm & hand symptoms continual?

    Nach, got to level with you. You need to eliminate irritation to your shoulders, period, end of story. If you are talking shoulder replacement already, you want to delay this as long as possible. You are not going to be the same Nach, once you get them replaced, I'm sorry to say.

    I want to thank you, because you have motivated me into getting my MRI this Saturday. I'm presently eliminating all pressing movements and only do lateral & front raises & upright rows as long as they are pain free. Rear delt work doesn't bother me.
    Hey Prox, I really appreciate you to take the time to explain things further... I'm with you on not pressing at the moment - not worth being out 2 days after... and I am definitely going to bring up my rear delt(R) in hopes in strengthens again like b4(also going to start getting in the water for strengthening exercises) ... My rear/posterior delt has been chronic pain(daily for 16yrs now)...
    It's pretty much on a daily basis, yes! Glad I could motivate you to get your checked - shoulder is the most freely moving joint in our bodies and I've lost over 60% of my ROM - thx again Prox!

    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Listen to your body and respect it. When it tells you something is wrong, listen to it! We all tend to think we're impervious to injuries and can just work through them, but they catch up to us and impact training. Less is more, rest is more, particularly as we age. You have to change your mind-set as well and learn to train not just harder but smarter. Easier said than done as we're all so damn stubborn.
    Thx Kel... I know right... I can't stand questioning myself lol yet do it too often knowing what I need to do! Yes it's the mind fvks for sure... So I'll be training my brain to listen to my body(u know its hard to use my brain)

    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp View Post
    Nach, I know we have chatted about this before but wanted to fill you and others in with what I'm dealing with.

    I never "injured" my knees. I ran track, and wrestled competitively for years. Also go into bodybuilding/strength training about 10 years ago, sort f focused on deadlifting for a while.

    My knees are toast. Grind, snap, name it, just walking up the stairs. If I even try body weight exercises they will ache the next day. Tendons are messed up and I'm not sure why. I'm not training legs currently, except for calves to give them lots of rest and time off. My leg workouts, if you can call them that are running and walking on the treadmill; hope it will keep some size, but we all know it wont do the job well.

    I'll get an MRI if I find myself effected in my daily life, but I have had to just come to grips with the fact that my knees are jacked up.

    What I'm getting at is, if you find yourself in pain (and not the good kind), just fucking stop doing that movement. 100% quit it. It isn't worth it. Being able to work that muscle in some other way will always be better than not being able to work it. Rest and recover and hit exercises that work for your particular body.

    You will continue to grow and gain size and strength because your body will reward your better efforts.
    Always appreciate your guidance man... Your right as said b4 it's finally really catching up to me do no pressing ATM if my posterior delt strengthens back up it'll make me be able to go heavier & very intense was/no pressing and back in gym the next day - sure isn't worth the risk that could possibly happen(my bone just snapping)
    Thanks brother and also for sharing your story too puts things in perspective of what should be done.
    Right on!

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone;[B
    7197289]@ BG. You're a natural for this, buddy. Who knows where this change will take you? You may end up being a gym owner.

    I totally agree BG! If the above happens lmk lol we'll collaborate

    Thanks all! Very much appreciated...

    Proximal likes this.

  19. #38099
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I see you guys talk about injuries every once in awhile. I've got one for you all, maybe you could help me out. My left shoulder in the front delt area gets very irratated during a shoulder day. Pain goes away within minutes of my workout ending. It almost feels like it has "play". I've gotten a cortisone shot and it helped, but there's still something going on. My orthopedic Dr says a possible cartilage tear... But he says very unlikely. I have tons of rotator cuff movement no pain. No numbness, no tingling. It only hurts during lifting and generally only triggered by shoulders. My right shoulder NEVER experiences this pain. Do you guys think I should get an MRI? What else could be going on with me?

    Thanks. Sorry if it doesn't belong here, but with a billion posts on here, it's gotta be the place ☺️
    Make sure they give you the. Contrast dye!
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  20. #38100
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    Back today fellas - kept its short intense w/minimal rest(30-40sec Max)

    - heavy shrugs
    Wide grip Front shrugs - 2x 315 @ 25/30reps - 3x 405 @ 15-20 - 1x 495 8-10
    CG(well closer) behind back - 4x 315 for high reps last set was a struggle

    BB Bent over rows
    2warm ups concentrating on internally rotating shoulders/elbows but was hard due to the tightness but loosened up well)
    2x 185 @ 15+ still and first 10 reps were held for 3sec
    3x 225 @ 6-12 no hold

    T-Bar rows s/s'd w/rear delts rev peck deck
    4x 15(2wide grip 2CG) 4x 10-15

    Seated long bar rows
    4x 10-12 slow and holding squeeze

    Done and toasted - weights done in 43min
    almostgone, marcus300 and clarky. like this.

  21. #38101
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    @ BG. You're a natural for this, buddy. Who knows where this change will take you? You may end up being a gym owner.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    That's awesome bg I know I would sign up if I had the chance.

    Good luck...

    Just stay off the tren hahahha
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Outstanding BG! Best of luck with this. Should be an easy fit for you.
    You too Nach.

    Thanks guys Im real excited but nervous.
    almostgone and NACH3 like this.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  22. #38102
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    Quote Originally Posted by NACH3 View Post
    Make sure they give you the. Contrast dye!
    Si'. Much better imaging, IMO.
    NACH3 likes this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  23. #38103
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    Thanks guys Im real excited but nervous.
    Nervous can be a good thing. Helps you focus on an idea/project from many angles.
    NACH3, marcus300 and clarky. like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  24. #38104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I see you guys talk about injuries every once in awhile. I've got one for you all, maybe you could help me out. My left shoulder in the front delt area gets very irratated during a shoulder day. Pain goes away within minutes of my workout ending. It almost feels like it has "play". I've gotten a cortisone shot and it helped, but there's still something going on. My orthopedic Dr says a possible cartilage tear... But he says very unlikely. I have tons of rotator cuff movement no pain. No numbness, no tingling. It only hurts during lifting and generally only triggered by shoulders. My right shoulder NEVER experiences this pain. Do you guys think I should get an MRI? What else could be going on with me?

    Thanks. Sorry if it doesn't belong here, but with a billion posts on here, it's gotta be the place ☺️
    LOL, injuries are part of learning your body.
    Like the guys mentioned above, get the MRI to see what is really going on. Perhaps it is something as simple as an issue with your bursa, but without an actual image, it's kind of a guessing game. I would defo seek out Prox's input.
    Get squared away and if you like HIT, stick around and jump into the thread. Great group of people, lots of experience to draw from, it's superb motivation, and it's just plain fun.
    If you end up with some down time from your shoulder, I highly recommend going to page 1 and start reading.
    marcus300 and Kyle1337 like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  25. #38105
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    Nervous can be a good thing. Helps you focus on an idea/project from many angles.
    AG... I can't agree more with this! I know when starting I was so nervous... Yet confident but as said above it helps you really focus and you'll be able to program on the spot... (& BG you know your shit very well & you'll see how much fun it can be) and when your confident people can feel it see it and looking the part is half the battle(sure have that on your side ). Plus w/o there too when you can - as much as u can they'll see you ask stuff like how'd you get lats like that lol - seriously man lol... I'm assuming you've got no problem talking to people(I go for the women a lot b/c most trainers are scared to approach them to talk training) and the men who know that PT will get em to surpass their goals will approach you!

    GL my friend and keep us informed
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  26. #38106
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    Decent lift tonight, but I had to cut it a tad short. My belly gave me a warning rumble during crunches and once again right before I was starting deads. The second warning was enough to make me cut the time short.

    1 set of crunches and back/lat stretches

    WG pulldown w/ overhand grip- 2 w/u, Work-4+,drop,2+,drop,3+,drop,3+. 10 count hold.on all partials.
    Parallel grip pulldown- 1 w/u, Work-5,drop,4+,drop,5+.
    Straightjacket stretches
    Tbar rows- 1 w/u, Work- 5+,drop,3+,drop,5+.
    Low pulley rows w/ V handle- 7+ - 3+ - 1+ w/ 10 count neg. on all partials.

    Had to stop there, I didn't want to risk a third warning from my belly.

    35 minutes not including crunches.
    NACH3, clarky. and Proximal like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  27. #38107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle1337 View Post
    I see you guys talk about injuries every once in awhile. I've got one for you all, maybe you could help me out. My left shoulder in the front delt area gets very irratated during a shoulder day. Pain goes away within minutes of my workout ending. It almost feels like it has "play". I've gotten a cortisone shot and it helped, but there's still something going on. My orthopedic Dr says a possible cartilage tear... But he says very unlikely. I have tons of rotator cuff movement no pain. No numbness, no tingling. It only hurts during lifting and generally only triggered by shoulders. My right shoulder NEVER experiences this pain. Do you guys think I should get an MRI? What else could be going on with me?

    Thanks. Sorry if it doesn't belong here, but with a billion posts on here, it's gotta be the place ☺️
    Pain to the front of the deltoid and also into the top part of the biceps is normal referral pain for RC issues and/or it could be a bicep tendon issue (but most likely RC).

    I too have had a couple of injections to each shoulder and they've given me lots of relief and bought me plenty of time. The important thing with the injections is limiting the numbers of them & not working out for a couple of weeks after because of possible tendon rupture.

    Definitely get the MRI, eliminate the guess work.

    Good luck Kyle.

  28. #38108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sfla80 View Post
    That's awesome bg I know I would sign up if I had the chance.

    Good luck...

    Just stay on high dose tren and cheque drops
    Yes, I agree with Sfla.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  29. #38109
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    Damn man I've always heard about how wicked these Cheque drops are... Defo if ever can get em(r they around still?) I am!
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-29-2016 at 06:21 AM.

  30. #38110
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    Quote Originally Posted by BG View Post
    You too Nach.

    Thanks guys Im real excited but nervous.
    You'll smash it mate
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    Have you guys noticed we have a wide selection of what I class as experts in different fields of bodybuilding in the dungeon?

    From injuries to HRT to training to steroids to even life problems we have a whole bunch of top notch fucking experts who are willing to give time to answer peoples questions and also post their training and diets.

    We all also ask each other questions and toss ideas around its really becoming a serious thread with a mountain of knowledge in ALL areas. Its like a one shop for all

    I would like to thank everyone who contributes whether asking or answering questions everyone one of you make this dungeon a special place.

    953 pages of valuable content
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  32. #38112
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    morning HIT'ers! LEGZ today!

  33. #38113
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Have you guys noticed we have a wide selection of what I class as experts in different fields of bodybuilding in the dungeon?

    From injuries to HRT to training to steroids to even life problems we have a whole bunch of top notch fucking experts who are willing to give time to answer peoples questions and also post their training and diets.

    We all also ask each other questions and toss ideas around its really becoming a serious thread with a mountain of knowledge in ALL areas. Its like a one shop for all

    I would like to thank everyone who contributes whether asking or answering questions everyone one of you make this dungeon a special place.

    953 pages of valuable content
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    I can't think of any other group I would rather learn, live, and lift with! Being 1000% sincere when I post that. You've made a life changing thread here, boss!
    clarky., NACH3, krugerr and 5 others like this.
    There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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  34. #38114
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I can't think of any other group I would rather learn, live, and lift with! Being 1000% sincere when I post that. You've made a life changing thread here, boss!
    Right with you mate.

  35. #38115
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Morning guys,GGR.
    Shoulders and traps the day, just going out with ma wee girl and the weather is nice. My oldest is still in bed haha she's no fir getting up her mum said, Teenagers eh.
    Soo i'll report back later guys, hope every one has a great safe wk end.
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  36. #38116
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post

    Have you guys noticed we have a wide selection of what I class as experts in different fields of bodybuilding in the dungeon?

    From injuries to HRT to training to steroids to even life problems we have a whole bunch of top notch fucking experts who are willing to give time to answer peoples questions and also post their training and diets.

    We all also ask each other questions and toss ideas around its really becoming a serious thread with a mountain of knowledge in ALL areas. Its like a one shop for all

    I would like to thank everyone who contributes whether asking or answering questions everyone one of you make this dungeon a special place.

    953 pages of valuable content
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    Thank You, Big Man!

    I still go back and read from the beginning... It's always evolving(even from the damn start 4.5 yrs later)... I've been lucky enough to have been taken in, I remember, I starting posting around pg 350ish and the rest is history! It's an incredible privilege to be here alongside each of you... I call you and surely classify you all as friends, BBers, and a life long lesson in everything - it's called Life!!!
    Btw some of the newer guys, I thought I escaped this part, but fvk it... Who cares if we had to wear a gimp suit for your 'REAL INITIATION' and to be true team player... Hell, we have Kel who wears the heels now!

    Thanks for everything Marcus and EVERYONE in here for contributing! It's what separates this thread from any other!

    Quote Originally Posted by almostgone View Post
    I can't think of any other group I would rather learn, live, and lift with! Being 1000% sincere when I post that. You've made a life changing thread here, boss!
    Couldn't agree more!

    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Right with you mate.
    X2 fellas!

    MARCUS' HIT DUNGEON! Tune in to learn...
    Last edited by NACH3; 07-29-2016 at 05:04 AM.

  37. #38117
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    So I'm getting a great MMC with my recent w/o's it's unbelievable... Since adding heavy shrugs once a wk or every other wk(mostly wkly) I've grown to like doing them first... Gets the blood pumping in the shoulder and u can use it to pre-exhaust your direct trap work - great for thickness

    I'm sore... But the best feeling sore I've had this far being back... Not crippling and unable to walk haha but targeted and isolated like it ought to be!

    Legs today!

    Happy Friday and kick the day square in the nuts!
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  38. #38118
    InternalFire is offline Anabolic Member
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    Here's a tip of the day HIT'ers:

    Feel the presence of the barbell, the weight on it, of it all on your shoulders, sense your stance-your form, perfect it, then flex your quads hams and lower back fibers carefully yet with high intensity, constantly checking on them every few milliseconds in the back of your mind like a parent minding a child riding bicycle for the first time, going down with the weight of the gym on your shoulders sensing them fibers and your CNS doing exact precise contractions and firing all those neuro-pathways your mind commands it to do, dont just bomb-dive this shit, and explode your way up after slowly bottoming-out, at the end flexing whole lower body starting with glutes.

    This shit aint simple when you realize how it works, neither it delivers simple results, in turn complex and rewarding ones.

    Mind-Muscle connection is priceless experience
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    cutting down on pro because now my kidneys aren't filtering creatine anymore, further investigation is need.
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  40. #38120
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    cutting down on pro because now my kidneys aren't filtering creatine anymore, further investigation is need.
    Keep us updated, Marcus... It should help especially now that your giving your body some more time to recover, as well!
    BG likes this.

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