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  1. new smoking doll causes uproar
  2. Satellite Phone
  3. AIM and Multi-Player Games dont work on my comp...
  4. Lobsterman's Lobsterboat.....
  5. PRS or Gibson Les Paul ?
  6. Funny, yet stupid as hell, video
  7. Yay!!!. 4-way neck machine arrived!!
  8. New Diet Scheme is EVIL
  9. Relationship/Gear Scenerio!HaLP!
  10. Should i train tonite?
  11. no electricity at the gym
  12. Underwater City off Cuba's coast
  13. 1200 calorie 56g protein meal
  14. Anybody else have a gf that cant cook?
  15. heres one to get you thinking.......
  16. who built these pyramids of egypt? man or something else?
  17. Pre-Relationship Contract (JOKE)
  18. Computer Gender (JOKE)
  19. Why Santa Claus is a woman (JOKE)
  20. Car Accident (JOKE)
  21. Relationship Score Card (JOKE)
  22. Standard Relationship "Lingo" (JOKE)
  23. The Key to Every Woman's Heart (JOKE)
  24. Pumping Iron...
  25. My cat is trying to murder me.
  26. Have a Job Interview to be a Bouncer tonight!!
  27. Who do I look up to since BDTR is gone?
  28. Girls, would you let a few guys do this to you????
  29. Fred Durst's phone hacked now...Ha ha
  30. Yes, another 1000 post thread
  31. i bring you, 968lb deadlift
  32. The BDTR banning was Bull Sh!t
  33. Guess??
  34. thought this was kinda funny (may be a repost)
  35. I just watched Ong Bak...
  36. Shodan Dan
  37. I.P. Address
  38. HUng Over
  39. So whens the last time you made out with your twin sister??
  40. i know it's wrong but.. whos "been" with a married person
  41. I've lost my kitten..
  42. photoshop rules!
  43. "Will you help me move?"
  44. Gene Doping - Interesting article
  45. what would u do?
  46. Ps2
  47. Bdtr Is Officially Banned!!
  48. Another 3 yrs of my life .. signed away
  49. Serial Killer Caught- BTK
  50. Best protein on allsportsnutrtion?
  51. ghetto fight.
  52. Rap Fans: 50 Cent dissing The Game???
  53. Big Ron on myspace!
  54. Sharks on Steroids!
  55. Superr tired...gotta give props to....
  56. Coolest Toys when you were a kid!!!
  57. cant open hushmail....help
  58. Holy **** I have a drunck post....hey! I can still type
  59. Absinth....anybody?
  60. does anyone feel small sometimes?
  61. hey guys - i got this email and i think this guy is breaking your policy.Please LOOK!
  62. Girlfriend just left me...........
  63. Asking a favour guys!..
  64. Facking dogs!!!!!
  65. New Law Implementted..JustNow
  66. Girl wants more sex . . .
  67. got me a new avatar
  68. Great Vacation!
  69. Dont read if your easily offended. Warning!!!!
  70. Relationship/Honesty question for you guys
  71. Sorry in advance
  73. Arnold "No regrets about steroid use"
  74. WatDa Bloody Hell...
  75. Oh my French Football
  76. Whats in your freezer?
  77. who went to law school,any lawyers?
  78. If only I had a neck
  79. own bodies test?
  80. Sh*t!!!! Sh*t!!!!!!!!!!! ANGER!!!!!!!!!
  81. rejected by a slut..... BLEH
  82. Issues with women...again....
  83. Im a Bachelor
  84. Judas Priest:Angel Of Retribution
  85. hApPy BiRtHdAy BDTR
  86. 15
  87. Dbtr
  88. reached "member" status
  89. Getting my new truck tomorrow
  90. Arnold admits using juice;tonights interview
  91. A Boxer question
  92. How To Eat The Rainbow
  93. man there are som nutcases around
  94. uhhh ooooooooooo
  95. Remember This One?
  96. handguns
  97. Star Wars Kid revisited
  98. do these people piss u off
  99. The Aviator
  100. Who's a ninja, .... get pumped!
  101. Bar brawl!
  102. Thank you Cialis, M1T, and 4derm!
  103. some girl told me im suffering excersize bulimia WTF!?!?!?
  104. sex positions
  105. Privacy Alert !!!!
  106. good music 4 workin out
  108. Choose your condoms wisely!
  109. Anyone else been really lazy from the gym?
  110. monitor or harddrive
  111. AR Fantasy Baseball
  112. LordBlitz's gangsta movie
  113. seems like a scam- but i hear its real
  114. Shark Tale the movie
  115. Help me think of soemthin crafty to write on a girls birthday card.
  116. Help me!
  117. Good laugh waiting inside
  118. Ran into Ramon Dekker yesterday
  119. Militiaguy..
  120. ESPN (Arnold)
  121. Bouncer Gig
  122. too much drink =embrassment and ****tiness fact
  123. Walmart gynecology
  124. !!! Swole !!!
  125. bouncer, first its the cat in the old avatar and now this??
  126. Blown_SC, DevilsDeity, Monkeytown, Kato, and Butch
  127. KeptPrivate.com....Down?
  128. Marriage
  129. Giving thanks to Commando Barbi and Paris2005
  130. Happy Birthday to me!! kinda....
  131. cant wipe my butt
  132. Girlfriend Got a job at HOOTERS...give opinions
  133. BDTR caught punching fruit again on film
  134. bf% & shoulders,
  135. What do you drive?
  136. Why its a good idea to squat inside a cage
  137. TI's new urban legend cd
  138. how come americans suck in the worlds strongest?
  139. Could this be the ellusive BOUNCER...
  140. Krisitie Alley
  141. Interesting thing happened to me in the gym today!!
  142. video 925 raw squat
  143. Vh1?
  144. check out my text messages.....
  145. Fine Fine heres me
  146. What's the best thing about twenty-nine year olds?
  147. The Bachelorette
  148. 50 Cent kicks The Game out of G-Unit
  149. 2 X 4 wood
  150. mortal kombat fans...
  151. Had to put this up AGAIN.....FUNNY STUFF!!!
  152. 60 yrs for assaulting a police officer!.
  153. Vida Guerra
  154. Computer problems...slow boot up
  155. schwarzenegger being a bully LOL
  156. This kid messed up bad.....
  157. "Pimp" gets knocked the f--- out...
  158. About the "add 3 word thread"
  159. Need help with a vacation!
  160. funny website-sketches from BANGOR, NORTHERN IRELAND!
  161. HIlarious-guy staples his ass
  162. Avatars for Diesel and BDTR aren't the issue....How does CYC know where to find them?
  163. Need *FAST* advice
  164. Want to clear your computer of information?
  165. what i a problem i got
  166. Best Irish joke!!
  167. For the BDTR who has every gun...
  168. WOW... This chick has a huge chest!
  169. Favorite "Im Away" message
  170. What would you guys do??
  171. are men getting more feminin?
  172. Most hardcore cycle, in history (theoretitically)
  173. crappiest job
  174. Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!
  175. have you guys...
  176. More rap drama: Shots fired outside 50 interview
  177. Callus?
  178. Gunner Palace trailer..
  179. toon of the week
  180. Wife Mart
  181. My Cyber rights account is down
  182. Flair Bartending Videos..
  183. Bus Stop
  184. swollen lymphnodes= HIV?
  185. Arnold soundboard
  186. Wow....what a ride....
  187. Bible Code and End Of Days, 2012?
  188. Chiropractor
  189. Any of you guys ever create a Blog?
  190. Any bikers here
  191. Do you wear your collar up or down?
  192. Do you fold, or crumple?
  193. Ultram (not a rec. drug discussion)
  194. Arimidex
  195. BDTR vs. Kimbo
  196. Number One Spot
  197. Cereal
  198. Feel like a chic
  199. The last week has been terrible...
  200. Is anyone in japan
  201. Anyone got the new 50cent?
  202. Glutamine~~!POWER~~!
  203. Where can i rent a midget near NJ?
  204. What you got unda there??
  205. Im pulling down their panties!
  206. Urgent
  207. Hiring Midgets
  208. Holy ****..LordBlitz made it on MTV cribs!
  209. Hey Vandoo
  210. If you tan, what kind of lotion do you use?
  211. Back by popular demand!!
  212. how do NFL players get
  213. Anyone else get the February Blues?
  214. Fmr/currentsoldiers Of The Crown?
  215. Guess whos back, back again ?
  216. Gourmet Herbs & Spices
  217. So excited i cried
  218. cheap hitches for cherokee
  219. Haha--Fat Joe said steroids were making 50-cent crazy
  220. 50 Cents Masacre
  221. Irritable body (muscle) aches...
  222. Mines BiGGeR Than Yers
  223. Fina Song?
  224. screwed and chopped music
  225. Its Time For The Motor Cycles Baby
  226. you might be a redneck if!
  227. just did my 666th post
  228. All you Kimbo fans
  229. Holy Krap i
  230. Anyone From Vancouver , Van Island?
  231. GAME's Outlash @ Message Board.
  232. Elitist Scum
  233. Do you really wanna mess with...
  234. Next European Idol??
  235. did i just dislocate my shoulder?
  236. 50 Cent is getting his own Video Game...
  237. Lozgods back!!!!! What gives????????
  238. Who's going to win The Arnold Classic?
  239. PrimeTime Live ABC now..
  240. Been a while guys!
  241. blondes or brunettes???
  242. Serious Helth Risk Q
  243. WoW
  244. Survivor anyone?
  245. Haha, this guy has too much time on his hands
  246. completely random but I can make them
  247. Costa Rica for spring break
  248. RoFL .. I just got owned :(
  249. What's your favorite cardio exercise?
  250. Anyone watch the show Tilt on ESPN?
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