- new smoking doll causes uproar
- Satellite Phone
- AIM and Multi-Player Games dont work on my comp...
- Lobsterman's Lobsterboat.....
- PRS or Gibson Les Paul ?
- Funny, yet stupid as hell, video
- Yay!!!. 4-way neck machine arrived!!
- New Diet Scheme is EVIL
- Relationship/Gear Scenerio!HaLP!
- Should i train tonite?
- no electricity at the gym
- Underwater City off Cuba's coast
- 1200 calorie 56g protein meal
- Anybody else have a gf that cant cook?
- heres one to get you thinking.......
- who built these pyramids of egypt? man or something else?
- Pre-Relationship Contract (JOKE)
- Computer Gender (JOKE)
- Why Santa Claus is a woman (JOKE)
- Car Accident (JOKE)
- Relationship Score Card (JOKE)
- Standard Relationship "Lingo" (JOKE)
- The Key to Every Woman's Heart (JOKE)
- Pumping Iron...
- My cat is trying to murder me.
- Have a Job Interview to be a Bouncer tonight!!
- Who do I look up to since BDTR is gone?
- Girls, would you let a few guys do this to you????
- Fred Durst's phone hacked now...Ha ha
- Yes, another 1000 post thread
- i bring you, 968lb deadlift
- The BDTR banning was Bull Sh!t
- Guess??
- thought this was kinda funny (may be a repost)
- I just watched Ong Bak...
- Shodan Dan
- I.P. Address
- HUng Over
- So whens the last time you made out with your twin sister??
- i know it's wrong but.. whos "been" with a married person
- I've lost my kitten..
- photoshop rules!
- "Will you help me move?"
- Gene Doping - Interesting article
- what would u do?
- Ps2
- Bdtr Is Officially Banned!!
- Another 3 yrs of my life .. signed away
- Serial Killer Caught- BTK
- Best protein on allsportsnutrtion?
- ghetto fight.
- Rap Fans: 50 Cent dissing The Game???
- Big Ron on myspace!
- Sharks on Steroids!
- Superr tired...gotta give props to....
- Coolest Toys when you were a kid!!!
- cant open hushmail....help
- Holy **** I have a drunck post....hey! I can still type
- Absinth....anybody?
- does anyone feel small sometimes?
- hey guys - i got this email and i think this guy is breaking your policy.Please LOOK!
- Girlfriend just left me...........
- Asking a favour guys!..
- Facking dogs!!!!!
- New Law Implementted..JustNow
- Girl wants more sex . . .
- got me a new avatar
- Great Vacation!
- Dont read if your easily offended. Warning!!!!
- Relationship/Honesty question for you guys
- Sorry in advance
- Arnold "No regrets about steroid use"
- WatDa Bloody Hell...
- Oh my French Football
- Whats in your freezer?
- who went to law school,any lawyers?
- If only I had a neck
- own bodies test?
- Sh*t!!!! Sh*t!!!!!!!!!!! ANGER!!!!!!!!!
- rejected by a slut..... BLEH
- Issues with women...again....
- Im a Bachelor
- Judas Priest:Angel Of Retribution
- hApPy BiRtHdAy BDTR
- 15
- Dbtr
- reached "member" status
- Getting my new truck tomorrow
- Arnold admits using juice;tonights interview
- A Boxer question
- How To Eat The Rainbow
- man there are som nutcases around
- uhhh ooooooooooo
- Remember This One?
- handguns
- Star Wars Kid revisited
- do these people piss u off
- The Aviator
- Who's a ninja, .... get pumped!
- Bar brawl!
- Thank you Cialis, M1T, and 4derm!
- some girl told me im suffering excersize bulimia WTF!?!?!?
- sex positions
- Privacy Alert !!!!
- good music 4 workin out
- Choose your condoms wisely!
- Anyone else been really lazy from the gym?
- monitor or harddrive
- AR Fantasy Baseball
- LordBlitz's gangsta movie
- seems like a scam- but i hear its real
- Shark Tale the movie
- Help me think of soemthin crafty to write on a girls birthday card.
- Help me!
- Good laugh waiting inside
- Ran into Ramon Dekker yesterday
- Militiaguy..
- ESPN (Arnold)
- Bouncer Gig
- too much drink =embrassment and ****tiness fact
- Walmart gynecology
- !!! Swole !!!
- bouncer, first its the cat in the old avatar and now this??
- Blown_SC, DevilsDeity, Monkeytown, Kato, and Butch
- KeptPrivate.com....Down?
- Marriage
- Giving thanks to Commando Barbi and Paris2005
- Happy Birthday to me!! kinda....
- cant wipe my butt
- Girlfriend Got a job at HOOTERS...give opinions
- BDTR caught punching fruit again on film
- bf% & shoulders,
- What do you drive?
- Why its a good idea to squat inside a cage
- TI's new urban legend cd
- how come americans suck in the worlds strongest?
- Could this be the ellusive BOUNCER...
- Krisitie Alley
- Interesting thing happened to me in the gym today!!
- video 925 raw squat
- Vh1?
- check out my text messages.....
- Fine Fine heres me
- What's the best thing about twenty-nine year olds?
- The Bachelorette
- 50 Cent kicks The Game out of G-Unit
- 2 X 4 wood
- mortal kombat fans...
- Had to put this up AGAIN.....FUNNY STUFF!!!
- 60 yrs for assaulting a police officer!.
- Vida Guerra
- Computer problems...slow boot up
- schwarzenegger being a bully LOL
- This kid messed up bad.....
- "Pimp" gets knocked the f--- out...
- About the "add 3 word thread"
- Need help with a vacation!
- funny website-sketches from BANGOR, NORTHERN IRELAND!
- HIlarious-guy staples his ass
- Avatars for Diesel and BDTR aren't the issue....How does CYC know where to find them?
- Need *FAST* advice
- Want to clear your computer of information?
- what i a problem i got
- Best Irish joke!!
- For the BDTR who has every gun...
- WOW... This chick has a huge chest!
- Favorite "Im Away" message
- What would you guys do??
- are men getting more feminin?
- Most hardcore cycle, in history (theoretitically)
- crappiest job
- Ughhhhhhhh!!!!!!
- have you guys...
- More rap drama: Shots fired outside 50 interview
- Callus?
- Gunner Palace trailer..
- toon of the week
- Wife Mart
- My Cyber rights account is down
- Flair Bartending Videos..
- Bus Stop
- swollen lymphnodes= HIV?
- Arnold soundboard
- Wow....what a ride....
- Bible Code and End Of Days, 2012?
- Chiropractor
- Any of you guys ever create a Blog?
- Any bikers here
- Do you wear your collar up or down?
- Do you fold, or crumple?
- Ultram (not a rec. drug discussion)
- Arimidex
- BDTR vs. Kimbo
- Number One Spot
- Cereal
- Feel like a chic
- The last week has been terrible...
- Is anyone in japan
- Anyone got the new 50cent?
- Glutamine~~!POWER~~!
- Where can i rent a midget near NJ?
- What you got unda there??
- Im pulling down their panties!
- Urgent
- Hiring Midgets
- Holy ****..LordBlitz made it on MTV cribs!
- Hey Vandoo
- If you tan, what kind of lotion do you use?
- Back by popular demand!!
- how do NFL players get
- Anyone else get the February Blues?
- Fmr/currentsoldiers Of The Crown?
- Guess whos back, back again ?
- Gourmet Herbs & Spices
- So excited i cried
- cheap hitches for cherokee
- Haha--Fat Joe said steroids were making 50-cent crazy
- 50 Cents Masacre
- Irritable body (muscle) aches...
- Mines BiGGeR Than Yers
- Fina Song?
- screwed and chopped music
- Its Time For The Motor Cycles Baby
- you might be a redneck if!
- just did my 666th post
- All you Kimbo fans
- Holy Krap i
- Anyone From Vancouver , Van Island?
- GAME's Outlash @ Message Board.
- Elitist Scum
- Do you really wanna mess with...
- Next European Idol??
- did i just dislocate my shoulder?
- 50 Cent is getting his own Video Game...
- Lozgods back!!!!! What gives????????
- Who's going to win The Arnold Classic?
- PrimeTime Live ABC now..
- Been a while guys!
- blondes or brunettes???
- Serious Helth Risk Q
- WoW
- Survivor anyone?
- Haha, this guy has too much time on his hands
- completely random but I can make them
- Costa Rica for spring break
- RoFL .. I just got owned :(
- What's your favorite cardio exercise?
- Anyone watch the show Tilt on ESPN?