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  1. the gay side of BDTR.. i have a ?
  2. Hey Messy?
  3. Britney Spears is pregnant
  4. mods...atten...nark is a ...
  5. nark im callin you out...
  6. HELP...Friends BROTHER is in the Way
  7. Scientists recover T. rex soft tissue
  8. the roid monkey!!!! Pics of saluu inside...
  9. heavyhitter....
  10. new rule for AR...
  11. Comin clean...
  12. Bullet Proof vest
  13. I demand answers!
  14. Time for me to come clean...
  15. this is NEAT!
  16. After A Meal Like That!!!!
  17. OOO SH!T just saw jordanfanatic23's title
  18. Which airsoft gun???
  19. In the current AR phenomenon welcome to post 180
  20. Cool Site
  21. my diet siffered yesterday
  22. will be deleted when answered no prob
  23. Anti Bush Video Game
  24. School Killer's Animated Terror
  25. Anyone know where to find rare books?
  26. A random pondering...dog / cat food
  27. I think BDTR may be sleeping more......
  28. Blown this is for you...06 Cobra
  29. aXe
  30. Nintendo DS, anyone got one?.
  31. Lizzie Grubman
  32. Anyone here australian?
  33. Awesome Commercial!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  34. Best bumper sticker ever, IMO
  35. **Should I confront my EX GF??
  36. Torrent sites?
  37. Autocross 2005
  38. 2002 WRX or 2001 Cobra
  39. WTF is wrong with women?
  40. cheerleader movie
  41. who HERE???????
  42. 11 G's......BDTR won't catch me!
  43. 1victors new avatar
  44. BDTR in hospital
  45. hovercrafts ARE the wave of the future
  46. DVD Recorder to PC
  47. Bouncer!!!
  48. 500 post count
  49. For all you TaiNewbs out there
  50. need a link , here you go
  51. me 'as a question 'bout north ireland
  52. Saints Coach Admits to Using AAS
  53. Playa in distress. Help fast.
  54. Hot 97 "bitch smack" contest
  55. Sick & pist as hell.
  56. MuscleTech DVD Review...
  57. Sparring with a submission fighter....
  58. If somthing happend to me ???
  59. 3Vandoo I'm pointing the finger of blaim..
  60. 17s today suppp!!!!
  61. It's official. Titus to fight Baroni
  62. i think i F'd up...
  63. i saw ring TWO last nite :(
  64. for all you petrol heads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  65. Bone structure
  66. Tomorrow at 9pm on TLC
  67. I got a chubby from....
  68. We were robbed
  69. Wheres Big KLG been?
  70. Thread closed.
  71. Donair...food for thought...
  72. Chris Tucker
  73. Pretty Cool Read......
  74. blown sc jumping rope
  75. where can i get calcium pillls??
  76. I will never learn.
  77. Sex Scent
  78. know why lordblitz is MIA..hes been busy training
  79. The Bug -- Good One...
  80. DB shrugs
  81. Happy Easter
  82. Can somebody plz help me find this old DOS Game!!!!
  83. Pimp these whores (BDTR, SwoleCat, Taiboxa)
  84. Sorry I haven't posted the last 2 days. I been surrounded by women.
  85. The Saluu thread.
  86. The smashing machine
  87. The Easter Bunny ????
  88. Sony PSP
  89. Irish Bulldog
  90. Fight Night Round 2
  91. Penis Enlargement
  92. fernando vargas
  93. House arrest and getting out to lift
  94. What can be the cause of this pain?(pic)
  95. Name Change....
  96. Newsflash
  97. Pick a ride Poll
  98. Clen (Ventipulmin) question
  99. BDTR's other site
  100. I mean seriously
  101. Offical Saluu "The Roid Monkey" Fan Club ( Click for Pics)
  102. More prestigious: Ninja or Samurai??
  103. Alright you all will get a kick out of this
  104. hobbit fans
  105. Cutest Sh!t Ever Haha....
  106. whos been drunk on AR
  107. god, jessica simpson is so hot
  108. Celebrity Body Fat percentages
  109. tip for cancun visit
  110. Stupid Question
  111. I'm in Looove !!!
  112. another one of those funny e-bay auctions....
  113. see-you-soon card
  114. More prestigious: Potato or Yam??
  115. easter eggs anyone?
  116. Bdtr!!
  117. Markus Ruhl shopping in a grocery store.
  118. Check out this loser!
  119. Ashlee Simpson?!?! WTF?!
  120. Im going all out for max gains
  121. Why Women Shouldn't Drive SUV's or drive while on Cell Phones
  122. corporate lessons
  123. Help Michael Jackson...
  124. christ bdtr
  125. Crazy Dream almost turned into bad nightmare!!!
  126. Waiting for my first noob PM based on my avitar...
  127. any1 still go to anabolic buddies?
  128. Goodbye guys
  129. Ok bros, Im leaving too.....
  130. I'm outta here
  131. hey guys Im staying...
  132. F*CK THIS, I'm outta here!!!!
  133. New Burger King Sandwich
  134. Lou Ferrigno??!
  135. im never leavin
  136. FVCK off everyone!
  137. When Your Dead & Gone?????????
  138. tippman paintball guns
  139. Picture of, um, part of me...
  140. I'm still here..
  141. Now That Maraxus is Gone
  142. My Blood Test Results
  143. If you could demote one mod who would it be?
  144. Most horned up Member goes to....
  145. Little Hercules
  146. Bread and Butter...
  147. 2 things I think should be illegal....
  148. Witness the spectacle....
  149. More prestigious: Parsley or Basil?
  150. Fingers Point to Male Aggression
  151. roid monkey turned gorilla??
  152. Tonight at 10pm on TLC, strongest boy
  153. Would ya hit it?
  154. Shut the hell up and lift!
  155. ummm - LORDBlitz, is their something you should tell us???!!!
  156. How Much You Willing To Pay For Some Rims????
  157. muff-chaser has his ego back!!!!!!
  158. where do the pros train
  159. watch this guy shoot
  160. change user name
  161. Hey... :(
  162. If you had to start a new career what would it be?
  163. Latest project...
  164. Picture of Sex criminal from America.
  165. What happened to PartyboyNYC???
  166. Would you pay $50 for a 1 GB stick of Kingston SDRAM???
  167. So, BDTR just called me...
  168. Diego Sanchez
  169. Don't bring a knife to a car fight
  170. If women ruled the world
  171. Hey aXe..Mr. leatherdaddy...
  172. ok i'm really ****ed up
  173. When People Ruin Your Diet...
  174. Time for my annual checkup next week
  175. Need financial help..Anyone know mortgages??
  176. Ronnie Coleman 'the cost of redemption'..
  177. 3 doors down live
  178. Female / Male Prayers
  179. Car Accident yEsterday
  180. Another ebay item
  181. Awwwwwwwww snap, happy 21st to me!
  182. JUDDMAN went on and did it!!!
  183. Dear god!
  184. Meet the Tuminator
  185. favourite web sites
  186. how come stallone is still a monster and arnold is
  187. how many girls are on your list?
  188. I just contacted The Army Reserves!
  189. How often do you drink or use whatever else happens to be around?
  190. yesterday's fight
  191. See...
  192. FONDUE aka Vandoo............
  193. Iced Earth
  194. Psychological Problem... please help!
  195. Quick.. Look which ones?
  196. What Really Happened at BDTR's Place
  197. Question for the Married Members on this Site
  198. 6000.........coming up!
  199. All time favorite noob question
  200. New Record!!
  201. Would u sue?
  202. the socializing element
  203. Quote
  204. Velvet Revolver
  205. Damit! .. YAY!
  206. her name is karen thats all i no guys lol!!!!
  207. Chris Leben's training tips...
  208. Anyone Else Watch SHOWTIME Softcore Porn?
  209. Term papers
  210. motivation shiat....
  211. free ring tones
  212. alternator for my civic..price?
  213. suddenly this qualifies you as gay?
  214. What's The Most
  215. bdtr vs. dog the bounty hunter
  216. If You Could Fight Any Celebrity, Who Would It Be???
  217. All this talk about waffles....
  218. If you were to pick 5 dreamcars what?
  219. Lol
  220. Bodybuilding Doc Torrent
  221. I may be psychic
  222. 2000 Posts.. Finally !!!
  223. What is your dream team?
  224. Will the SHEMALE that keeps messing w/my post count step up for an azz whoopin please
  225. BDTR vs. Jesus of Nazareth
  226. Canseco on next Surreal Life
  227. how old is grandma
  228. 10 Points...
  229. Whoa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  230. I'm Pimpin' MY Ride!
  231. Fat Albert
  232. im taking a girl out ideas.
  233. find my balls
  234. check out google.com today (3-30-05)
  235. Kids in Iraq
  236. Making a new CD
  237. I have the biggest cock on this board!!
  238. contreceptives & fluoxitine
  239. The official "world's largest idiot" thread...
  240. Word association game...
  241. The "make aXe feel comfortable thread"...
  242. grad school here I come......
  243. POS vet
  244. How many times a night do you wake up?
  245. What if...
  246. What makes a guy 'gay'...?
  247. Our Biggest Potwhore Hint(its Not Taiboxa)
  248. Red Sox Fans
  249. FVCK off and die list..........
  250. Narkissos: Ungrateful Samurai
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