- Wife and maybe i was wrong?
- Physical Gold and Silver investment ?
- world-pharma
- Porking has a new meaning...
- Hey Stewardess, don't want to bring me a coke? I'm suing for 500,000 dollars!
- cant see my Profile Picture on my posts
- Flipping pissed
- i am getting mad now
- Is here anyone are asian?
- Motivation???
- terrible parenting
- Bro science, Just seen this on facebook
- Happy B-day Old Fart!
- Iron Man 3
- Mothers Day
- Hows my stack
- Do not eat peanuts if you're allergic! - No shit Einstein.
- Acne
- Jack3d + HIIT Cardio will i get a heart attack?
- Where's the little girl ???
- Best Post Apocalyptic Movies
- Ice cream fitness
- anyone know how to get out of jury duty???
- New name
- Preloaded syringes for my next cycle - lots of gear! have a look...
- A few tid bits
- Shortage of .22 caliber ammo....why???
- Justin Beiber Attacked In Dubai Onstage....Well Sorta
- Bp and cialis
- Binge leads to 15 lbs
- Pic of Andre the Giant and the Rock(as child)
- The best payment option
- Interview victor conte joe rogan AAS in pro sports
- 3 girls found alive after 10 years
- Smokers?
- Water Filter Advice Needed
- When you realise you're pretty big
- Got my first ed
- Dude cracks me up!
- Feeling the blues
- Joints and steroids
- Famished
- boyfriend has maybe steroids at his house??
- Tuff decision :(
- Hcg diet for women
- Trip to Florida air port security jacked me
- If you never woke up with morning wood in your life, even while on AAS
- What Are You READING right now?
- You need to see this !
- don't try this at home
- One bucket to wash your car
- How do I get my girl to...
- Movie on Netflix - "Teddy Bear"
- Can I sell bac water on eBay?
- This looks awfully too familiar.
- Ultrabook or Macbook Air
- This Dog I have
- Did you know?
- Does anyone belong to a private gun range?
- The Irony that is life
- Still Alive (I think)
- Sciatic Nerve Question?
- Did something stupid can`t deliver the ultimatum yet....
- Dhea and Tribulus
- Our future...
- My Dang Car Got Broken Into
- 1/3rd of US honeybee stocks die over the winter
- Our government at work
- Florida funny
- Skills-- Love guitar skills
- Belkin NetCam
- Vegas clubs
- Deep Wound help how do i treat it?
- Like a Russian...
- whats up
- Lasik done :D
- What do you drive? Post Photos of your car or truck or bike
- Sick veins
- Does anybody have a youtube channel & getting paid for it?
- Something is definitely wrong with this picture
- Ex girlfriend issues
- First music video from space
- Sorry guys
- What are your thoughts on chopsticks?
- Mom said I can! :D
- Looks like a promising movie
- Mixing Arimidex tabs with juice?
- Horny!!!!!
- Mickey's Fishing Trip
- Summer Vacation planned
- The future of steroids?
- People are funny
- Addicted to DBOL
- Constantly dreaming about having sex with busty girls...
- Under dosed UGL gear - video
- Yet another police brutality video....
- Optimum Nutrition Fish oil pills ??
- Heavy Metal 2000-2013
- Any members here stockbrokers or Financial Advisors?
- Runescape
- Calling on builders
- Incredible
- Movie: The Girl Next Door
- Found some old winstrol depot!
- XBOX LIVE GAMERS (and i guess playstation guys can chime in too ;))
- Who here sleeps during the day?
- .08 down to .05
- Women's Arm Wrestling Competition
- Strange Premonitions....
- Great night American Psycho is on
- Skin cancer check up!
- D bol
- Hgh
- **My Diary**
- Sad reality 80% of the threads started are guys under 25 or no age posted
- Sleep
- Very touching Video..............
- Rics Corner STEROID talk
- Elevation Training Mask 2.0
- T3, Cytomel and everything you need to know about it...
- Hostage rescue training.
- What's in your NetFlix Queue?
- Dancing Venezuelan Girl - for those of you who like some cushion...
- Is this possible?
- Really??
- Do you even lift?
- Mastrubation addicted
- ya dont see this all the time...
- iphone app
- Visible expolsion on the Moon
- Best digger
- Chiropractor is kind of creepy
- Great Info on Cholesterol You Need to Read
- Cholesterol
- Opening Day Walleye
- Anyone from texas?
- Calgary
- why is mickeyknox banned?
- Kelkel, you have a call on line 1. Kelkel, line 1...
- The SEXIEST Latin dancer you'll ever see....
- WHAT DRIVES U, why do you train??
- Work out playlists?
- Very Happy Day!
- Why are some smith machines angled and some vertical to the floor at 90 degrees
- Wife got a new car
- As I Lay Dying singer blames steroids for attempted murder of his wife
- A Sad Day, Today :(
- Vaccines for your pets
- Tip for all you Natty PB Lovers!
- News Coverage Of Twister Damage In Moore Oklahoma
- NASA Funding a 3d Food Printer
- Squat
- Ebay.
- Tornado survivor finds dog in rubble on live TV
- If you can gey waht you want
- Your first cycle
- If It Fits Your Macros
- Killer bees
- All members that are to be in the contest must have their picture turned in by schedu
- Act of terrorism in UK
- Eddie Hall - iPhone App
- Damn steroids
- Hidden camrea
- Profile status
- just stumbled across this ~
- Damn!!! Thailand
- please help me out,
- Worst day of my life!!!!!!!
- I Need Help From My UK Friends
- True or False
- DO NOT, under any Circumstances... return this call, ever. EVER.
- What's the most weight you've lost in the least amount of time....?
- The importance of Posture
- Bacne (back acne)
- great commercials
- Help Please look
- Help me please read
- need some advice. ASAP
- how do you cook your chicken
- Can someone help get my log moved?
- feeling ill lately? You may wanna try this....
- I have some trouble with my GF last night...
- What are your plans for this Memorial weekend?
- Latest Superhero trailers
- Dumbest man on earth. [video}
- Profile wont let me change my age?
- Do we see ourselves differently ?
- Miami dolphins cheerleader/us military thank you vids side by side :)
- What is your college major? Or wat do you do for a living?
- Fast and furious 6= amazing
- If It Fits Your Macros - Round 2 - the REALLY messed up version.
- Try not to laugh - Chain reaction of people laughing at each others' laughs
- Safe Memorial Weekend
- Cant get hard with new chicks!! WTF!
- Idiotic self proclaimed worlds strongest man??
- Reputation comment?
- Think you've got it tough at the gym? Think again...
- Any Web designers?
- We finally got caught!
- manly steak
- Memorial day food porn.
- Does anyone know aboute probate and wills?
- I wish to soon understand some day
- Gf trouble
- deployment care package ideas plz
- Soldiers coming home...
- Recreational Viagra Usage
- What is the difference between justice and revenge?
- Titles and colors
- Craving some beer?
- The dreaded FBI "virus"
- Testosterone levels
- You're on death row... What last meal would you like?
- Depression
- Your Victory Meal
- British & Irish Lions - Rugby 2013
- Scratching my head at this......................
- Anybody from the old AOL 3.0 'proggie' days?
- Making a business plan for potential investors (any experience)?
- Rr aaawwrrrrr
- what music do you listen to?
- Lets meet up!
- Been gone - saying "hey"
- what do you want?
- what's a manlet height??????
- SUMMER...Movies For Guys Who Like Movies!
- Need help!
- If it wasnt for the customers or employees...
- Thailand
- been awhile /pics
- my profile help.
- Forget everything about exercise, try the all new PRANCERCIZE
- Peole just dont get it....
- Muscle spasms??
- what do love to do in your city?
- The weather
- kicked out thread
- Books
- Funny video
- Mr. Douchebag
- Floyd vs Canelo!
- Guy flys a broom (legit)
- Tablet question
- It's NOT about the nail !
- Stress
- You better not touch my mother Friggin' pop tarts!! I will crush you!
- Dumbest shrug.....E V E R...900lbs of foolishness.
- Game of Thrones
- need your advice and opinions and answers and wtf ever else.
- If I got a dollar for every time??