- Redneck Wedding
- One of the best stunt videos
- landscapers/grass experts
- IOS 7: sucks! Just me?
- Walking Dead
- Kangaroo Cycle
- Rules on AI's
- What's your LATEST favorite song?
- Video Camera advice.
- Whats up everybody?!
- An Open Thank You For TR
- It's Official...Kansas City Has The Loudest Stadium In The NFL :)
- Bridge repair... Close call!
- Will Smith's $2.5 Million Dollar, 1200 sq ft., expanding double decker Motor Home
- Outstanding Halloween Costumes utilizing your smart phones!
- iPhone app not working
- Florida is just too
- POV Cam of One of The Greatest Achievements of Man
- Don't you dare play the trumpet in from of this man, ever!!!
- How's this for passion? NEWS ANCHOR COMPLETELY LOSES IT
- Text message history retrieval question
- Nobody messes with
- Another disgusting story of humans
- Eminem Rap God
- volunteer programs?
- Best Craigslist ad ever
- This dude is flippin SICK!!
- House of Snuggles or Prostitution?
- Does Anyone Know What the Fox Says?
- Austinite recommends British Airways for your travel needs - Find out why...
- Massive Asteroid Could Hit Earth In 2032, Say Ukrainian Scientists
- Boy Scouts Of America Vandalize Our National Park Treasures
- Anyone ever use semenax???
- House fire kills 2 kids, Aunt says: I need to make sure my food stamps arent burned
- Having Jigsaw as a roommate sucks!
- Experiments revival of organisms and dogs
- Dub Step
- Dad Lip Syncs Daughter's Temper Tantrum
- You think you know how to ride a bike?
- OBama Care
- Another 'sea monster' washes up on California beach
- Lion-Horse hybrid animal discovered
- Jodie Marsh On Steroids -TV Programme
- Please be careful!
- VIDEO: 1:10 - Why Arnold Schwarzenegger Will Be The Next President
- girlfriend won't let me move in???
- Guys who shave their heads.
- Video: 21:46 - Why do we sleep?
- What's your blood pressure
- Great News For Bald Men And Women......
- Injection Videos - Intramuscular, Subcutaneous, and HCG Dosing and Injection
- VIDEO: 4:23 - FFS! Google that shit!
- The most honest 3 mins in tv history!
- Fatty
- Mattress recomendations
- Week 7 - Test Cyp Beginner Cycle - The Sides Have Shown Up
- ObamaCare "Affordable care act"
- What do you guys here think of this 14 year old girl?
- Who is bigger mariusz or brock lesnar
- small or medium wrists yet big framed
- Couple Fined For Inflight Sex
- How to make infinite chocolate out of nothing
- Better than the hyundai
- Rabbababababraaa Rabbababababraaa!
- VIDEO: 2:04 - 72ft Backflip Over A Canyon with GoPro Point of View
- Words with Juicers
- Slain Teacher Colleen Ritzer Tweeted Her Students Tips, Jokes and Encouragement
- BBM for Android and IOS
- Gun Owners
- True Life steroid clowns
- Guns and Children
- Morgan Freeman Reads "What does the Fox Say" Lyrics.
- Don't like the iPhone? Well, Siri can get you a date...
- A video really worth watching!
- Divorce Finally Finished
- Japan Test-Fires Space Cannon Designed To Shoot Asteroid
- This is a pretty sweet tool. Quadrotor W/Machine gun
- Anyone ever used Bitcoins?
- VIDEO: 4:12 - Fastest Guitar Player in the World
- VIDEO: 0:53 - Broads better start making good coffee!
- Come get your Halloween AV
- VIDEO: 1:06 - Oh she's a Gold Digger!
- Acne During and Aftet PCT - How Long? Is My T Low?
- Fun things to do in London (for someone who's hopeless at romance)
- Sick of how difficult they are making it to buy Sudafed
- RIP Lou Reed
- Fitness Humor
- VIDEO: 1:10 - Just How Crazy Is Marriage?
- VIDEO: 1:18 - Sneaky Sea Lion Steals Monster Fish
- St. Jude storm - UK
- Am I being paranoid about being scammed?
- Headaches whilst training
- Today is a landmark
- Interesting article on Steroid Muscle Memory
- delt injection
- What do you guys think of BB.com Forums?
- Holy Big Bugs
- old timers.......
- Best of the new trailers...
- How do you like snakes??
- Reccommend TV
- Is it just me?
- VIDEO: 3:06 - Vampire in the city! - Funny Prank
- what's up with ppl with bad tempers at the gym.
- Cheat meal of the year
- Halloween tips for kids...
- Anyone ever tried a pheromone cologne?
- Happy Halloween Steroid.com Friends!
- Member of the Year?
- Men's Health: What is fit for your age?
- New song by Jason Newsted
- Come On - Show Us Yer Pumpkins
- explain Obama care
- disbelief work story
- Logic Of My Generation I Don't Even.... AAS Uni Discussion.
- Hexsomnia
- Nice!
- Old but still funny....
- Why are people putting these on their cars?
- well here comes the weight loss and depression
- Here's that dingdong irresponsible juicer kid...
- Austinite's "Caption This Image" series - Round # 1
- facebook=hookup site? xD
- Age in my account profile wont increase!
- Milk is dripping on my chest
- So ....
- Sure has been slow around here lately
- Watch As This Russian Bodybuilder Lets His Freak Flag Fly
- funny elevator prank
- Football betting
- The Power of Words
- Austinite's "Caption This Image" series - Round # 2
- man sets wife on fire
- 20 Things You Should Never Regret
- Where do these people come from???
- Mall shooting.....
- Do we have an iPhone app?
- Custom Search of the forums
- Failed robbery attempt at chuck norris bar
- Anyone Skydive?
- 6 dollar tshirts.
- Well that escalated quickly
- Testosterone Injections Causing Heart Attacks In Men????
- Ferrari Pick Up Prank (Not Vitaly)
- Cena's Gym
- encrypted email, still necessary
- Fitness quotes over pictures of drinking
- Interesting read
- If you had a choice between which one? The Ford or Dodge Truck 2014.
- Watersports With Construction Equipment
- Beware of UGL: Chemical Muscle - Worrisome Recent Events - Contaminated Gear
- I've wasted so much time trying to make her want me....Time to cut her loose
- 30 and 40 most powerful pictures ever taken
- Educational
- Fukushima
- Spider Drug Experiment
- Its been fun
- 51 year old male in Tampa- Looking to HIRE A CONSULTANT to help me ger bigger
- Hey Admin
- You won't believe this too
- Justice has a way!!!!!!!
- Oh crap......she's late....
- Post your workout music playlists
- Dirty dozen endocrine disrupters
- Need to vent
- how much do you guys chew?
- Happy 238th B-day Devil Dogs
- how much do you guys chew?
- Bizarre Borders: Canada and The United States
- how much do you guys chew?
- Are there any other bow hunters here?
- Are you guys watching the ceremonies?
- Austinite's "Caption This Image" series - Round # 3
- Happy Veterans Day!
- Close to home, Thyphoon Haiyan
- Where's Gixx?
- Wear your poppy proud today.
- Becoming a dad today
- Nizoral shampoo?
- 16 year old shoots for a jacket
- Macro App
- How much can you gain?
- White Supremacist Shocked by DNA Heritage - Laughter ensues
- Piece of bacon
- Harlem Globetrotter Dunk Fail
- This is a hero!
- What do you guys think about GH15 Bible?
- Anyone ever own a Cane Corso
- Gave blood today
- Marines battle....
- Tearing Up A Crazy Car Obstacle Course
- You're just too good to be true. Can't take my eyes off of you.
- Trick or treat
- Roman checking in..........
- Vegas this weekend
- Quantitaive Easing
- gsp vs hendricks
- Only
- Got to love nature. Can't even describe.
- Hellraiser: ORIGINS
- M.P's log (first)
- Better re rack your weights :)
- What happened to Crazy Mike?
- Austinite's "Caption This Image" series - Round # 4
- Air horn classics. Songs with Air horns
- Easy choice
- It's been too long
- A very inspirational short training video. Must see.
- What in the world is this game called "Soccer" all about??
- A very sad and difficult realization...
- creating a sig
- How to tell and old man to go away!
- PS4 or Xbox1
- Officially Single...wow
- Anybody else seen these masks?
- Uhmurica!
- North Korean Documentary about the West
- Member ranks?
- Van Damme is BACK!
- Night night GSP
- Dear Roman - I need someone to delete all my postings....
- Where should I do my injections? (can NOT do it at home)
- New girl coming over for dinner tomorrow
- Breaking Bad: Alternate Ending
- CFL Playoffs
- Austinite's "Caption This Image" series - Round # 5
- Most influential films
- The million dollar question.
- Best wallet ever?
- Just had lunch with Hazard
- For those interested...... Austinites before and after
- Retraction. Statement made in pct.
- How To Put Floyd Mayweather In His Place
- Well, gotta get your attention one way or another...
- How To Destroy A Boxer in a street fight
- Haircut prank gone wrong...
- Magic Pink Shirt gets you kisses from the ladies....
- Hello swifto
- Guy freaks people out by using location services of social media websites
- knock out game
- Late for Meeting - *Warning, this is a complete waste of time*
- Crazy mother, pulled over, runs away, shots fired, van full of kids.
- What have you done for your fellow man recently?
- Real Estate Folks. Zillow?
- Abridged Anime
- lol. Suit up, have a nice car, get any broad you want...
- I think I've seen every movie in categories I like... need more suggestions...
- what does a 25-30 lbs gain look like???
- 3rd shift